canyon-tale · 1 year
Here’s some questions from @doyouknowdewae ! I had to answer them in a post instead of a reply because the answers grew too long uvu;
When nightmare and others found Horror where did they find him and was he hostile(feisty) and after was he very concerned when trying to eat food?
Horror was found in his au (the whole dragon au is its own multiverse), and he was first found by Dust who was escaping from his own universe. They did not get along at first, Horror very much tried to eat Dust and Dust very much tried to kill Horror (should also be noted that the skull Dust is wearing is that of his Papyrus and this justifiably freaked Horror the fuck out). They were however quite equally matched and ended up kind of avoiding each other after a few failed battles. Dust tried to fix the magic portal he had used to enter the au, but was unable to find the right materials. Horror’s au has been consumed by a water domain, rotting and rusting most supplies and useful items, and this is also the reason why Horror went from ice elemental to water.
After observing Dust for a while Horror does try to help him but there’s nothing he can really do. They’re both stuck in the au and stuck together.
At some point a bond forms between them but they don’t really acknowledge it at the time, but they do grow a kind of symbiotic partnership. Dust has an abundance of magic in his body, often growing too strong for him to physically handle, freezing his body and leaving him immobile. Horror has the opposite condition and due to starvation is suffering from what’s called “dull eyes” which is when a dragon lacks magic and their eyes almost return to their baby greys. There isn’t enough food for him to be able to use his magic and it’s really only the magic of the domain keeping him alive. To solve both their issues Horror starts drinking Dust’s blood, giving him a much needed magic boost while Dust’s magic stays at a reasonable level.
Eventually Nightmare finds them, looking for more dragons to join him. He had only been after Horror, but was delighted to find Dust as well. He gives them a deal, he will save them from Horror’s dying au if they will work for him and if they can defeat Killer. Horror and Dust were very weak and malnourished at this point and Killer, being void corrupted and not feeling any pain or fear, definitely had the advantage. Only after making use of their bond and working together do they manage to pin down their void corrupt alter, at which point Nightmare allows them to join his “flight”. 
Horror was very protective of his food a good while after, and for the longest time he only really trusted Dust around him when eating.
Did horror, killer and dust become friends fast and how did they bond?
Very slowly actually. Of course Dust and Horror bonded in Horror’s au, and they were the two that could be called friends first, but they were still very distant with each other for a long time. Like they relied on each other, they had each other’s backs, but they weren’t super close. Horror did start caring for Killer’s physical health early on, as being void corrupted made it so he didn’t really register his physical needs. Horror would just keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t too cold or overheated, etc.
Horror and Dust do become closer at some point after Cross joins, and eventually become talonmates. They don’t really become close friends with Killer until after the void corruption is broken, but when it does Dust is actually the first to bond with Killer, Horror and Cross soon thereafter.
Who is the sweetest of the gang?
Tie between Cross and Horror! They’re both really soft sweethearts inside :D 
Have the gang met lust and if they did/didn’t how would or did they act?
Yes, Lust is technically part of the Star flight so they have met him in battle at the very least. He’s kind of a dangerous enemy since he’s an arcane elemental, same as Epic, and arcane magic works in two ways. One being “power” which is what Epic uses, very strong magic energy blasts and constructs. The other is “precision” which is what Lust uses, it works on a much smaller level but can be used to block or redirect magic flow within elemental creatures, which either disable magic use or really fuck someone up.
First fight with Lust the gang didn’t really take him seriously, he’s a nurse on a battlefield (and sure Dream is a nurse too but also a demi-god), they underestimated him and lost the battle because of it. They were a lot more cautious in the future after that and they all quickly grew a kind of respect for him.
Horror also grew kind of curious about him, and two of them actually end up bonding and working together a few times even before Dream and Nightmare’s truce. Their relationship grew closer after the truce when they were free to spend more time together, and they do end up becoming heartmates eventually <3
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dragonsholygrail · 3 months
Little Hatchlings
Dragon x fem!human - breeding, pregnancy discussions, cream pie, cockwarming, multiple orgasms.
Dragon husband who has no idea how humans have children like you assumed he did. You thought he had given how often he talked about spilling himself inside of you, how he needed to keep his cock inside you so as to not waste a drop.
But reality comes crashing down as your husband plows into your sloppy and spent cunt while lost in the throes of passion.
Dragon husband angles your hips with his clawed hands, making him reach that much deeper in your walls. You cry out, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him down to your height.
Your body starts to shake as you feel his scales brush against you with every thrust, coming closer to your peak. Breath hot as the fire that leaves his lips rumbles dangerously in your ear.
“Yes, that’s it. Take it. Take my cum and lay my eggs, sweet mate,” he hisses with a ferocious need. “Now be a good girl and paint my cock with your essence.”
As if your body was waiting for his order, you immediately start coming, your pleasure only heightening as you feel his release shoot deep inside your pussy.
It’s only when your Dragon husband wraps his arms around you tightly, molding your form to his, with his deep purrs echoing in your shared den do you realize what he had said.
"Wait— what?" You ask, mind whirling as you come down from your orgasmic high. A rumble moves through your husband’s chest as he nuzzles into your neck.
"Our hatchlings, my mate. I imagine you'll lay them soon after my seed takes root," he explains lowly, hand slowly caressing the curve of your stomach.
"Humans don't lay eggs, darling," you break the news to him before you automatically feel him tense. He looks down at you, worry etched into every line of his beautiful scales.
"Well then-"
"We get pregnant. Our bodies grow as our child does inside of us," you add, resting your hand on top of his on your tummy. Arousal pooling at the base of his member at the idea of him breeding you.
"So your body will begin to grow in size once I have successfully injected you with my seed?" Dragon husband asks slowly, scrambling to understand this change. Yet you can feel his cock hardening inside of you, the ridges on his length already brushing along your walls in a way that has you gasping.
"Yes," you breathe out, so heavily turned on by your husband. Your hands reach up to grasp onto his shoulders, knowing that images are pumping into his head as fast as he's about to be pumping inside your still sopping cunt.
"I shall keep a wary eye out. But until then..." His eyes flicker across your exposed body, his now rock hard cock moving as his hips regain their steady thrusts.
Showing he is more than ready to fuck into you, spilling load after load of hot semen deep inside your core. Not willing to let you rest until he sees your belly swell with proof of your unborn child.
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daemyrarule · 2 years
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I have spent a lifetime defending you...but your heart is even blacker than I thought.
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barbieaemond · 5 months
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ride-thedragon · 3 months
Rhaenyra has this look where she will be in conversation with a woman and look as though she's contemplating which position she'd prefer. I'm glad both actors captured that.
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adarkandmagicalforest · 2 months
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ship: benjicot blackwood/original female character (elma bracken)
warnings: primal kink, smut, rough sex
The ground had some give.
Not much, but just enough that the heels of her boots sank into the soil like it was sand on a beach, slowly her incrementally as she ran as fast as she could through the woods. She'd begun running at sunset. It was almost fully dark now, the indigo skies creating large dark shadows that seemed to mock her as she hurried past branches and jumping over babbling brooks.
This began do to a sudden, unrestrained thought. Ben Blackwood had been sneering at her by the creek, claiming that the rock she was sitting on was on Blackwood land, and that meant she was not only trespassing but also now was Blackwood property as well, while leaning down and making that stupid face at her.
It had been an idea that came so suddenly and clearly, Elma could've done nothing else.
Once his face was within two feet of her, she'd risen up her fist and socked him on the nose.
Then, she'd laughed right in his pained, startled face. Very quickly, that surprise had turned into furious outrage, so she'd had to move quickly. Elma had shoved him into the creek as hard as she could, not even turning back to see him splashing against the water before she'd begun sprinting away.
And now she was running through the woods. With Bloody Ben not far behind her.
She could hear his breath and the sound of his grunts, which were coming closer and closer. It was that it would take time after she ducked a branch before she heard it snap, the savage Blackwood breaking the twigs off rather than take the time to dodge them as she had.
Anticipation had riled her unimaginably. Her heart was pounding in her chest, she could hear every thud within her ears.
Thud, thud, thud. The soft upturned soil sinking and spitting out every time boots sank into it.
Elma was starting to tire, her legs were protesting every movement now and her breath was becoming so loud. She was almost considering stopping, letting him catch her - after all, if she let him catch her, it was not like he had won. She'd have just chosen to let the game end.
And it was when she was considering slowing, after she'd jumped over a rather wide stream that she'd noticed it: the sudden lack of noise.
So her legs halted in place, the soil making way to moss as she struggled to silence her own heaving breaths, even having to cover her own mouth as she turned to look behind her.
Nothing. There was no one.
And it was no longer just dark, it was black now. Night had fully fallen over her and worser now, she couldn't see Benjicot behind her. Had he stopped? Decided that she was not worth the trouble by chasing her all through the woods? And decided that actually leaving her alone, with no weapon or light, would be punishment enough for hitting him?
It was just as she was starting to become truly, actually afraid when she heard a snap of a twig.
Elma gasped. 
And then she was taken hold of, and that soft soil she'd been so frustrated with cushioned her fall as she fell face first into the dirt and moss. 
"Spread your fucking legs." Ben demanded lowly into her ear.
She obeyed mindlessly, out of breath from the force of his throw.
Immediately, he shoved himself between her thighs, pushing up her skirts from behind and pushing her small clothes out of the way with little care for her before his cock was shoved inside of her wet cunt. Then he began to fuck her. He did so hard and fast, his hips hammering against her without any other preamble, not even touching her any further other than merely holding her hard against the dirt.
The angle wasn't quite right for her to feel pleasure, but that didn't seem to matter. Every thrust she became wetter and wetter, until squelching noises joined Ben's heavy grunts as he used her.
His hips soon changed the pace, from hard and fast to now just hard, as if he were trying to bruise her from his thrusts alone.
And he may have succeeded - as her rear was feeling more tender when he finally came inside of her, his cum shooting well inside of her cunt until she could feel it spilling out. 
When he pulled out of her, she realized she was trembling. 
Benjicot must've realized it too, because after a few moments he laid himself against her, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other loosely under her neck while he lowered his face into her hair.
The pressure felt good.
But not as good as the kiss that he pressed against the back of her hair, holding her warm and safe against his body.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Select a strange and inhuman creature from beyond the realms of human knowledge to go on a sate with and possibly form a long term relationship with.
1- a scientist from an alternate timeline where the kpg mass extinction never happened, and raptors evolved sapient minds. He's trapped in this realm after a failed timeline travel mission. He's very curious about your world, though still a bit afraid of his fate here.
2- a cyborg supersolider whose been wandering the earth since the fall of Atlantis. She has a tall slender build, and is unable to take off her power armor below the neck. Despite her appearance she can be very quiet and reserved, and despite her appearance startles easily. She's still deconstructing a lot of trauma from her past.
3- a mouthless, sexless, vampire who drains blood through very sharp tentacles on their. They seem to be at the bottom of whatever hierarchy vampires have, being unable to speak of pass as human. Though they have an animalistic way of movement, and can't communicate without aac, they're very much a person, and tend to be affectionate and enthusiastic with those who are nice to them.
4- a deal making entity that looks like a black eyed human in a suit (the suit can't come off, it's like part of its skin). It's known to buy and sell human souls, but it wouldn't do that to someone it's on a date with. It's personality is considered strange and sometimes uncomfortable to humans, though it is charismatic in a way. It will also insist it isn't a person.
5- an elder demon whose taking a hundred year vacation from the underworld. Despite his job as a demon he tends to be pretty freindly and casual, sometimes deceptively so. He appears as a tall reptilian humanoid, with horns, several eyes, and a heavy set build. He'll probably give you headpats.
6- a shape-shifter made out of living metal who was made as a weapon, but failed her job because she refuses to take forms that aren't female. She's just been released into the world and is still kind of naïve and can be very trusting of new people that she meets. Her base form that she chooses to take is some sort of anime oc.
7- faerie of the unseelie court who kidnapps children who wander into abandoned buildings. She tends to appear as a naked woman, with deer antlers, and a snake where her genitals should be. She can seem a bit sadistic and violent, but since you're her's she'll be nice to you, just don't expect to explain the concept of morality to her, she lives a life based on what she finds fun. For better or worse she doesn't kill the children, though they aren't human children after she's done with them.
8- a computer from the 1980s whose been granted sentience. He's very arogent due to being technically the first agi, though little to his knowledge he's only sentient because a faerie lord thought it would be funny. Due to his limited body he uses a wheelchair for movement and some sort of claw to grab things. He's nice but he can be a bit self centered.
9- a slender genderless humanoid and a massive venomous wyvern who are actually the same being inhabiting two bodies. They can seem cold at first, and don't seem to have normal body language or expression, though they do feel emotions despite what some think. They can pretty easily lose track of social cues and tend to go own about their hyperfixations a lot. They really hope you'll like them, and also want to make sure you see them as equally their humanoid and draconic halves, not just one or the other.
10- a fallen angel who only fell a few weeks ago. It's still very afraid of what it's become, scares easily, and has an inferiority complex, though it can be very nice and affectionate. It won't tell you why the other angels kicked it out, though it now knows the entity that created it lied about being a god, and shouldn't be trusted by mortals. It looks like a living doll, with a jointed body, and golden wings and a broken halo behind its head.
11- werewolf who serves a god so old that his name has been lost to history. The werewolf has been around for a long time, and has been fighting for the rights of humans, nature, and other entities since the 20th century. Xe speaks with a soft voice, and converses with humans, gods, demons and animals all in the same tone, and with the same amount of respect.
12- the sparrow king. Do not under any circumstances interact with the sparrow king. The organization does not approve of this option.
Reblog to book your date. Like to buy the creature a little present.
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 1 month
Dragon bf, who hoards you <3
Dragon bf, who knows a wizard, so if you want to change your body in any way or multiple times, he'll kid nap the wizard to make that possible.
Dragon bf, who actively tells you you're worth more than your weight in gold <3
Dragon bf, who just can't help but use your holes as roughly as possible in his semi human form <3
Dragon bf, who keeps you warm in the winter<3
Dragon boyfriend, who lights candles and fire with his breath/ fire gland in his chest/throat <3
Dragon bf, who tries to be as careful as possible with your tiny body (no matter what body type you have because hes actually huge.) even when you beg for him to obliterate you in his full dragon form <3
Dragon bf, who talks about planting his eggs in you and starting a family <3
Dragon bf, who snuggles your tummy because he can't stop thinking about putting a hatchling in it <3
Dragon bf, who let's you sit on his back on a saddle he had made just for you to keep you safe if you'd like to ride him <3
Dragon bf, who doesn't always understand how your human body works, so when you get sick, he panics. <3
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babykittenteach · 9 months
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He's fine.
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banefort · 3 months
something something giggly tormented nymphomaniacs whos downfall is aided by their jilted dyadic counterpart
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dragonsholygrail · 4 months
Monster bfs and their reaction to you getting hurt by little inconsequential things that you react to in pain at first but then they wildly overexaggerate.
Werewolf bf would hear you whimper and come running to find you. He sees you have a splinter and he’s whining and whimpering at the irritated skin on your finger. With his claws he carefully gets it out of you before licking it and nuzzling into your palm. Before you can even argue he’s saying you’re too hurt to do anything else today and brings you into the bed for cuddles.
Vampire bf smells you before he hears you cry out in pain. In a flash he’s by your side, eyes wild as he looks over you. When he sees the small cut on your leg his heart lurches, even when you say it looks worse than it is. He falls to his knees before you, his mind a cloud of worry and hunger. He laps at your cut, slowly licking the wound to reveal it in its entirety. Despite the way his veins hum with the taste of your blood his love for you is more pressing and so he runs to grab your frequently used roll of gauze and patches you up.
Dragon bf has loved having you in his cave and among his hoard. You’re his most treasured possession after all so there is no where else that you belong except by his side. But when you stumble and slide down a mountain of gold, hitting your head on an old crown, your bf cares no longer for any of his treasures besides you. Despite your protests he moves all of his treasure to the back of the cave before filling the rest of it with the fluffiest pillows and the softest blankets. Making sure that if you ever fall again it will only be met with comfort.
Orc bf who always displayed his weapon collection with pride. But he comes rushing over as soon as he hears you yelp, only to discover you ended up pricking yourself on the sharp spikes of one of his clubs. You try to assure him that you’re fine and it just surprised you. But when you come home the next day you see them nowhere to be found. Ready to give your bf a firm talking to, he directs your gaze upwards where he’s displayed his weapons much higher up now to not risk you getting hurt. He stubbornly refuses to move them back down when you talk to him and there’s no way you can reach or even carry them to put them back. Your orc bf explains that it’s worth them being harder to see so long as you’re safe.
God, there are so many more I could do but I didn’t want to make this too long.
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Just a random lust sketch!
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festeringhorror · 9 months
The inherent eroticism of a dragon protecting and sleeping atop its hoard (you’re in the hoard)
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adarkandmagicalforest · 3 months
ok ok i thought of more smut for blood lust
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segretecose · 2 years
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i am perfectly normal about this thank you so much for not asking
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