gallopingbear · 2 months
[There's a familiar visitor to the market already, sitting right by the small cuisine shop's sitting area, completely passed out. Either very early or super late.]
[Dragaur was just about to begin preparations when he noticed the large vampire sleeping by his stall. He smiles lightly at the visitor, and speaks quietly as a browoer and poneezai come up behind him]
Oh friend Sun... - Dragaur
This is why you've been staying? Another Vampire, that happens to be an Oblivatro? - Golden Ratio
i think is sweet - Josha
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daybr43ks-lam8 · 1 month
[dragaur snores quietly, and Fury turns to look at a corner of the attic]
.,. what's up buddy ..?
[he whispers very quietly.]
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theworld-await · 27 days
[Sun mutters in his sleep, having made a polite pillow border between him and Dragaur.]
[The smaller vampire is quietly snoring]
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risrielthron · 5 years
Families can be rough...
(Written with @selisegraves and @silentasagrave  continued from here)
"It's been awhile. I trust all is well?"
Her gaze shifted to Selise’s hand as it pulled the notebook close and the doctor began writing. An eyebrow raised as she lifted her eyes to Selise’s face, “All is well with Dra and I, and perhaps even better for you and Nick?” a smile playing at her lips as she spoke. 
Chery glanced between the two of them not sure what was transpiring between the two her expression full of confusion at the change in Risri’s tone.
Her gaze rose slightly before she looked down at her book again, but the smile was evident in her tone. “That is, um...accurate. It just happened a few days ago.” Selise looked up fully and shook her head at Cherysa’s statement. Was that a bit of color in her face? 
Risri’s smile broke through and she sat back looking over Selise, “Have you set a date? You will let me know if I can help with anything? Pictures or even just being there.” Her gaze shifted to Chery and noting the confusion she pointed to the ring on Selise’s hand. 
The red-head followed Risri’s point to Selise’s hand and the ring that she’d not noticed before. Her mouth fell agape and she looked up at Selise’s face then back to the ring then to Risri before back to Selise. “You...you got engaged?” She stammered then rose practically shouting, “You GOT ENGAGED!!” her enthusiasm back she moved around to give Selise a hug from behind, “Oh my goodness, Doc! I’m so happy for you. Is he that man that comes to see you when I’m leaving? I thought he watched you too closely but now it all makes sense!” her words were rushed and excited as she bounced back to her chair, “OH! Can I make your dress? Please!” 
Selise blinked before making a face as she was squished into Cherysa’s embrace. “Whoa, whoa, okay. I-I haven’t-” She sighed and pressed her eyes closed in an attempt to collect her thoughts, but only succeeded in making the color on her face more pronounced. Selise gave up and looked back to the two of them, a small smile on her face as she spoke. “Yes, you’ve seen him Chery, but you tend to cut out of here when he’s around...not that I’m complaining...We haven’t picked a date and I haven’t even thought of a dress. We were talking about something more low key…” she glanced off to the side. 
Risri watched Chery with amusement evident in her gaze, when the spectacle was finished her eyes lit on Selise and she felt a hint of sympathy for the obvious discomfort. She leaned forward and touched Selise’s hand with the ring gently, “Something simple yet dignified for the Doctor and her beau.” Risri sat back again, “Well, I am happy for you both and however you wish to seal your union is the right way. And you do not have to do it alone. I will help, you have only to ask.”
Chery looked a little set down at Selise’s words but she nodded, “I ...I still would make you a dress. Every bride should have a special dress.” She sounded meek but sincere as she gave puppy dog eyes to Selise. 
"Thank you, but…" Selise rose a brow at Risri. "'Beau', really? I think you've been hanging around humans too long." She smirked, but the sarcasm was short lived as she noticed Cherysa's expression. For a moment, she stared blankly at the display, then smiled. "Okay, Chery, but nothing crazy…" she was quick to add.
Chery clapped her hands and smiled, “I have the perfect look. Trust me.” Her eyes alight with excitement.
Risri chuckled softly at Selise’s comment, “Perhaps I have. But you are all so wonderful I can not stay away.” Her smile sincere as she looked between the two humans. “I wonder… do you wish to tell him yourself or should I break the news to Dra?” 
A quiet scoff escaped his mouth. Dragaur already knew. He found it laughable that either of them thought they could keep anything from him. He was in the back hallway as being outside made listening in on them difficult. He saw the ring days ago. It disturbed him then it disturbed him just as much now to hear the other two women talk about it. He was completely sure why. Could be because he thought Nick was a prick. Worse then that a know it all prick that thought he was better than Dragaur. Truth be told he never got a chance to get to know him but it didn’t take Dragaur long to get the measure of him. 
He took care of Tess supposedly, someone else he used to watch out for now and then who didn’t appreciate it. No one ever really does, he knew why but it was for their own good. He never sussed that relationship out. Brother and sister. Didn’t look alike, sound alike, or act alike. Then again Selise and he had their differences. Not as different as them though.
 Dragaur had stayed quiet long enough. He stepped out and leaned against the entryway to where they were sitting. He was wearing what he usually wore when he was stalking about. It was partly habit by this point. Dark armour and hood. Metal skull mask. The mask was more than habit. It was who he was. No one understood that. Not really, not even Risri. Sure he wasn’t a murderer anymore, usually. He could be one again very easily though hadn’t been that long since he’d killed. His thoughts were dark but that was normal. He took a breath before speaking in case they hadn’t noticed him. “We aren’t that wonderful Risri...anyway not much slips by me. Especially not stupid descions.” A low-pitched hum sounded behind the rogue as soon as he appeared. Cornelius’ size expanded slightly and the blue glow increased in intensity around the arcane familiar as it stared Dragaur down. 
“Cor.” The statement from Selise seemed to make the creature back down, but her tone matched its annoyed display. Cor stared at the rogue for a moment longer before bobbing around him and settling in behind Sel’s chair. “Hello to you too...Dragaur. I’ve heard the stupid decision lecture before, thanks.”
Risri blinked slightly as Dragaur made his appearance. Her silver eyes looking him over not so much in surprise but more to make sure he was all in one piece. “Perhaps not all are wonderful but those I spend most of my time with surely are.” 
Cherysa gave a startled gasp as the rogue appeared before eyeing Cor a moment.
He paid no attention to the arcane construct. It was no threat to him as far as he was concerned. It was probably made by some two bit garbage hedge mage. He rolled his eyes behind his mask. “Please when was the last time I gave you a lecture...I can’t think of one time to be honest. I mean I guess if you wanna go back to when you first moved here and I felt sorry for you because you were sleeping in a sewer pipe. I believe it went something like. That’s a bad decision because you will likely get murdered by a hobo for your shoes or your cloak. I mean compared to this current poor decision I suppose that one was worse.” He paused and looked at Risri and then Cherysa. For most people this particular group of people might make them feel awkward. Dragaur, not so much. He turned back to Selise and the glow behind his mask flickered slightly. “You can do whatever you want with your life little sister. I just wish you would marry someone nice. Ya know someone I might not kill in the future if they ever give me a good enough reason to do so.”
Selise’s gaze narrowed on her brother. “You’ve spoken to him for what, five minutes? He is nice. And it was a park bench.” She crossed her arms tightly and spun her chair to face him directly. Her lips were pressed into a thin line, now having forgotten the two other women seated around her. “People tend to say the same thing about you that you spout about everyone I know. The fact that I’m happy should be good enough reason for you to leave it all well alone.”
Risri sighed softly at the back and forth. “Can you not be happy for Selise? She is. I would think if he has thought enough of her to want to spend his life with her, and she has agreed, that should prove his worth. Can you not try to get along with him? Perhaps if you tried, you might find you like him as a person.” An eyebrow raised, “Or is that it? If you liked him, you might have to be nice to someone besides me?” 
“I specifically remember the culvert off the canals.” He smirked behind the mask. He was annoyed that she would get married to someone who was clearly a jerk. At least as much of a jerk as him, but he found the back and forth at least slightly funny. She probably won’t. “I can guarantee I won’t like him. He’s an ungrateful mouthy asshole at best. Besides I don’t HAVE to be nice to anyone including you.”
 He looked at Risri realizing he was going to have to fight her too if he was going to argue about this. “Anyway get married if you want. It worked out so well for our parents. Ask dear old father about it some time I think he would agree their marriage was a mistake. Maybe not being together but definitely the marriage. Afterall that’s when her shitty family got involved and helped make things difficult.”
Selise was silent for a few moments, but there was clearly anger building in her gaze. “Are you my shitty family that’s going to get involved and make things difficult? We’re not our parents.” She cast a sidelong glance to Risri and Chery before looking back to Drag. “Get out.”
Chery sat with eyes wide, her fingertips pressed to her lips as the “grown ups” argued back and forth. The red-head was no stranger to sibling fights but she hoped there would be no hair pulling involved. She gasped at Selise’s order. 
Risri shook her head and crossed the room, a hand on Dragaur’s arm she looked into the mask with a bit of a “please” look on her face, “What is done, is done. Will you try at least to be civil to the man your sister loves?” At Selise’s ordered statement, she glanced back before frowning up at him, “Have you two ever ended a conversation on good terms?  I will see you at home, I hope.” 
Dragaur stared at Selise for as long as he had before Risri walked over. He pulled his arm away from her and stepped back. “I don’t get involved in things unless I’m asked...or if I think you might get yourself hurt. I think he’s trash. Worse Trash then me and that’s sayin’ somethin’. He thinks he’s better than me. You and me aren’t so different though so I wonder what he thinks about you. He asks for my help with Tess and because I figure part of you cares about her maybe differently then she cares but still... I do it, And then gives me shit when it goes sideways. You marry him fine but you let him know he makes a wrong move toward you I’ll kill him slow.” Dragaur spun away and stomped toward the front. He yelled as he walked away. “What did he do to Tess anyway I haven’t seen her since.”
“Better than you? Is that what this is about, your stupid pride?” She glared at his back while he headed for the door. “I asked for your help, not him. Clearly one of my stupid decisions that you’re so fond of pointing out. Don’t worry, I won’t do it again.”
Risri looked hurt when he pulled away and she pursed her lips together at his angry words to Selise. A sigh of regret escaped when he walked away, the elf shaking her head at the turn of events. Risri eyes followed him even as the elf leaned against the wall where he’d been a moment before. There was no fixing whatever underlying issue was between the two siblings. The yell had her looking to Selise, “He does care you know.” Her words were soft though she figured Dragaur would hear them even across the room. She shook her head, Selise was likely to turn that anger on her now but she pressed on. “If he did not, he would not have said anything at all. You both are so stubborn.”  The last was half said under her breath.
“If I had any pride I never would have come here!” He shouted before pushing the door open. “Maybe I’m wrong and he's a great guy, but then that just means he's a pussy who can’t get his hands dirty! And he runs to a woman to fix his problems!” He turned again at the open door and saw a hand full of people looking his way. “Mind your fucking business you slack jawed morons!” His voice loud and deep and it soon scattered said slack jawed morons.
Selise’s gaze snapped to Risri, a dark look in her eyes likely brought on by her brother’s yelling which continued out into the street. “Risri…” she paused, her gaze narrowing before she shook her head. “You might be okay with expressing you care through death threats, but I’m not. You know him well enough to know he isn’t playing the ‘typical big brother joking around’. You...don’t understand and I wouldn’t expect you to, but I’m sorry you were in the middle of it.” She ran a hand through her hair and caught sight of Chery.
Chery frowned, she could sympathize with not liking your brother-in-law. She thought hers was an idiot. And she would never understand how someone like Jazi could even like let alone love Dunn but she agreed with Selise, death threats were not the way to keep family harmony. Her head was nodding at Selise’s words to Risri, however. 
The elf sighed and gave Selise a contrite look. “He takes things to extremes. And...he is overprotective of those he sees under his care. Perhaps his wording was harsh, but can you not see that he wants you safe? Even if it was a bit over the top. But you did not see your parents together the way he did. It scarred him and his view of all things.” She put up her hand, “I will not make more excuses for him. I hope that you will find it in your heart to understand where he is coming from. And I will do my best to talk to him. Not just for your sake.” She pushed off the wall, “I am happy for you Selise. For both you and Nick. And if you love him, then I want only your happiness.” She moved to follow Dragaur, “I hope this will not change our plans, I shall see you tomorrow if it does not.” 
Selise simply stared at Risri, a bit of an edge returning as she held up her hand. Still, she said nothing and waited until she too had left. “Let me know when the next patient shows up,” she mumbled toward Chery before retreating to her lab in the back.
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kay-cin · 6 years
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Requested by @risrielthron of Risri and Dragaur. Hope ya like it!
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silentasagrave · 3 years
A bloody cold night in The Brume
It was cold. Foundation was always cold but it was worse this time of year. Dragaur Tombeaux loved the cold and the dark. He always had had an affinity for the dark since he was a small child almost as if he could see in the black. Some of his comrades in the guard had theories on why but that’s all they were theories. He didn’t talk to any of them and never had. So the other guards in Foundation knew very little about him. He was a dragoon and had been a knight of House Durendaire. At one time he was a hopeful candidate for the Heavens Ward. That was all over now.
Disgraced, he was now just another guard watching over the Brume and the other slums that had gotten better over the years admittedly but were full of scum as far as he was concerned. He looked over the edge of the wall he was on top of and scowled from behind the visor of his helmet at the people warming themselves by braziers at the openings of alleyways. He missed his dragoon armor but he couldn’t wear it. Nor would he want to. It had a purpose and corralling drunken peasants wasn’t one of them. The thought made him sigh audibly as he had come so far and now here he was nearly back where he had started as a boy. The Brume. He marched along the wall and the end of his pole arm clicked on the stone wall as he looked down each alley as far as he could. He stopped at one at the end of his walkway atop the wall and stared. He watched a short redheaded girl go down a dark alley. She had a basket full of something. He could see movement further down the alley she turned down. Two or three figures were loitering back there. A few seconds passed and he could see several apples roll out into the street. He scowled down at the apples then sighed once again as he realized she was being accosted and he would have to go down there. He hopped off the wall with ease landing then lightly jogged into the alley. His pole arm held at an angle so he could easily strike out with it.  He could clearly see now two men trying to rob or do worse to the young woman. He ran down the alley, the crunch of snow under his boots rang out as he deftly maneuvered around the basket and the apples halfway down the alley where she was jumped.  His shadow cast from the lights of the main street disappeared into the darker alley. “Halt...let her alone and step toward me.” He called out in a growling angry voice.  One man turned as the other held the young redhead woman against him. The man smiled showing several missing teeth.“A city guard eh? Thought you guys would be smart enough to mind your own business…listen just leave...we ain’t gonna kill her. You want a bribe, that's what all the guards want right? That’s what your bosses want. Folk like to think the Brume will change...foundation will never change.”
“Let the girl go...and I’ll let you leave. If you push me I’ll leave you bleeding in the snow. I swear to Halone.”
The man unsheathed a pair of daggers and the other pulled one of his own bringing it to the girl's throat. A moment later the first man lunged and was parried by the staff of Dragaur’s pole arm. A dance of blades in the dark ensued leaving the toothless man winded. A few more parries and Dragaur made some space between before jumping up and to the side his feet found purchase on the rough brick wall and he pushed off shooting a straight strike out from his shoulder down at an angle and into the man's neck. The force knocked him down to the ground where the long blade at the end of the pole pinned him to the ground. He looked down and then pulled the pole arm out. “I swore to Halone my friend. You should have listened.”
The quiet gurgling of a man drowning in his own blood as it melted and mixed with the packed snow was all that could be heard as Dragaur stared across the dark alley at the man holding the girl. “Your turn...are you going to let her go or no?” The man hesitated until Dragaur took several steps closer and he let the girl go. Dragaur gave a sort of half smile. “I can go now yeah?”
“Of course.” Dragaur nodded and as the man began to step around him Dragaur’s pole arm shot out and down straight at his head. The man slid aside and was able to dodge the strike. The cross guard below the blade though was angled perfectly to catch the mans neck and pull him forward and down. The snow and ice facilitated the man’s slipping down on his face. Dragaur brought the blade point down and into the brigand’s back several times. Puncturing longs and organs repeatedly until the man stopped moving. Dragaur smiled wider this time and took a deep breath as he looked over at the girl who didn’t seem any less afraid. “Your lucky night. You..”
Was all he got out when he felt a white hot stab to his back. He immediately knew it was the third shadow that he thought he had originally seen. He yelled out and brought the butt of his pole arm up and into the crotch of the man. Eliciting a loud squeal as the man stumbled past him toward the girl. Thinking to take her hostage more then likely, but he wouldn’t get the chance as Dragaur lunged forward. The blade pierced the back of the man's head with such force it splattered the girl with blood. Dragaur collapsed forward. His arm slipped behind him and felt around the back of his chain mail covered torso. It came away warm and wet, obviously covered in his own blood. The girl, despite being covered in blood and fairly traumatized, went to help him. As she got him to his feet he pushed her away. “Get off me you stupid bitch...and stay out of dark alley’s.”
He cursed and mumbled to himself as he hobbled toward the mouth of the alley. His pole arm was used as support and it scrapped and tapped against the cobblestones as he stepped out into the lamp and brazier light. He could see he was leaving a trail of blood with each step. And as he saw a fellow guard coming to investigate the yelling and commotion he collapsed down onto his knees. He stared down at an apple being slowly surrounded by his own blood as his vision started to darken. “I hate this place…” was all he said when the guard came within earshot and began to drag him towards the nearest chirurgeon.
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full-pockets · 3 years
Skior: I'm sending Farkas with you so you don't die
Farkas: *dies several times
Also Farkas: She fights with honor
Me, who's been attacking Dragaur and SilverHands at a distance with sneak attacks, a bow and shouts, letting Farkas go head first in a crowd: 😐
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selisekinsolving · 3 years
☕️ + who has more right to kill @risrielthron
Honestly, I know nothing of Risri's background with Percy, so I have nothing to say about that. On Veyka's side of things, it's moreso what can she do that would generate chaos. What better to do than take out someone who is considered a pillar of the community? That temptation was present as soon as Risri made the mistake of reaching out to Veyka for research assistance. So this was Veyka's original 'reason'.
On top of this, Risri has made Dragaur boring (at least in Veyka's opinion). Veyka and Drag go back years. How dare Risri tamper with Veyka's crime connections? The nerve. The kicker is, Veyka wouldn't care if she wasn't the one to pull the trigger. If Percy killed Risri, it's less complicated for Veyka and she gets what she wants anyway.
The right is purely an ooc debate and my reason is that I told Risri my character wanted to kill hers first >:P
@risrielthron @silentasagrave
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olivia-lovecraft · 4 years
Who We Once Were
Take a trip down memory lane, pull up the oldest ‘about’ post you can find for your character, and annotate what has changed and what has stayed the same in {Curly brackets}.
Originally posted: November 11th, 2017
Olivia came to Tumblr in August of 2017, but I was too new to know that people liked character sheets.
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Olivia Lovecraft, Lover of the Unloved
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Gender: Female {Same}
Race: Human {Same}
Height: 5’6” (5’3” without shoes) {She some how shrunk one inch. I write her as 5′2″ these days. Not sure why, lol}
Eye Color: Green Hazel {Her eyes are just described as green because I found that people saw her that way even when I wrote “green hazel.” I am cool with it.}
Hair Color: Dark Chestnut {Same, though many people will call her hair black. I roll with it since I know Eva Green has black hair in several roles she plays.}
~ The Facts ~
Name Day: January 4th {Same}
Occupation: Seamstress / Designer and Scribe {Same, though her role as a civilian contractor to the military has come up a bit as well.}
Sexual Identification: Heterosexual {Same}
Romantic Identification: Monogamous {Same. This is simply how she identifies romantically, with no additional qualifiers, despite having been in a poly relationship.}
Relationship Status: Single (and hard to love) {She is arguably still hard to love, but she is now in a happy, long-term relationship with @carlkrogen​}
Alignment: Wicked Good {Oh...oh no. I thought I was clever, but Olivia is Neutral Evil, to be certain.}
Criminal History: No history of crimes committed, but she has a record of sorts. During the Burning Crusade, she voluntarily registered as a Warlock with Stormwind City. This comes up whenever someone looks for a criminal history, despite her innocence. {She still hasn’t been caught being shady or terrible, so no record.}
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~ Favorites ~
Favorite Food: Rare Roasted Venison {Same}
Favorite Drink: Wine {Specifically sweet Dalaran Red.}
Favorite Animal: Spider {Same}
Favorite Scent: Lily of the Valley {Same.}
Favorite people: Sylaera, Quinaeris, and Zelmaris. {This has evolved, but not because she loves these people less. Since these characters don’t show up in her life anymore, she has new favorites. Carl [ @carlkrogen​ ] Dragaur [ @silentasagrave​ ] Darthea [ @darthea-the-demon​ ] Lorcan and Alle [ @lorcanbeithioch​ and @allebeithloch​ ] Alice [ @alas-ward​ ] and Quin [ @subjectragnar​ ] are easily her favorite people today.}
~ Randoms ~
Ten facts about Olivia Lovecraft:
1.     She has protection wards inscribed upon the tops of her feet. These intricate designs are made from an ink similar to henna dye, but give off a faint abjuration aura through her shoes. {Same.}
2.     Beneath her make-up, Olivia has freckles, and she secretly loves them. {Same.}
3.     With the leftover scraps of fabric from her clothing projects, Olivia makes dress-up clothes and outfits for dolls, and donates them to the Stormwind Orphanage. {Same.}
4.     By her appearance, it is assumed she is in her early 30’s, but Olivia has yet to tell anyone in Stormwind her exact age. {Same, though she does look just a little bit older.}
5.     While her education was social-centric, Olivia picked up a few skills which weren’t commonly appropriate for a young woman of the landed gentry. Her chaperone, and cousin, Kaliban Silentsun, taught her to shoot a rifle and fight with a saber. Although she never purchased a rifle of her own, she keeps, and occasionally carries, her cousin’s saber. { This one made me sad! Early in her story, when I had her just doing random rp in Stormwind, someone stole the saber from her. That person stopped playing the character before we could run the storyline for Olivia to get it back, so I have always assumed she simply lost the weapon forever and now I am sad for her. }
6.     Having never learned to swim, Olivia is hesitant to participate in voyages across the ocean. {Olivia learned to swim late last summer. She is not a strong swimmer, but she can at least swim enough to avoid drowning.}
7.     Olivia is a self-proclaimed lover of unloved things. She is drawn to people who are loners, collects chipped teacups, and considers spiders to be her favorite animal. {Same.}
8.     In all the years she has lived in Stormwind City, she has been mugged on six separate occasions. During these robberies, she has given up her gold and jewelry without a fight, even if she may have had the upper hand. To her, this stands as a testament of dedication to leading a normal life. {This number has surely increased, but I stopped keeping track. No shade, but a few guys have tried to rob her as a pick up line.}
9.     Olivia’s modest occupation as a seamstress is one borne out of necessity. She covets the finer things in life, but no longer has the means to afford the finished products from other designers. The raw materials, on the other hand, are not so expensive. {This is still true, but Olivia’s income has increased thanks to some IC connections she has made.}
10.  Olivia’s Duskwood home stands as the setting for numerous ghost stories. Accounts of young men and women sneaking into the empty home for romantic adventures often end with harrowing tales of escape from a siren-like spirit haunting the estate. Olivia is amused by these claims and makes no attempt to explain them. {Olivia’s Duskwood home burned down in a storyline in 2018.}
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~Five Things~
Things she likes:
1.     Cool, sunny days {Same.}
2.     Tragic romances {Same.}
3.     Philosophical conversations {Same.}
4.     People watching {Same.}
5.     Unloved things {Same.}
Things she dislikes:
1.     Violence {Same.}
2.     Prolonged silence {Same.}
3.     Wide open wilderness {Same.}
4.     Uneven cobbles {Same.}
5.     Corsets {Same.}
Good habits:
1.     Punctual {Same.}
2.     Clean (Personal hygiene, anyway) {Same, and her housekeeping has also improved!}
3.     Attentive {Same.}
4.     Exercises daily (though you would be hard-pressed to catch her at it.) {Same.}
5.     Makes a wish at every fountain she passes. {Same.}
Bad Habits:
1.     Messy / Disorganized (She is one of THOSE people. One who doesn’t tidy up after herself but still seems to know where things are.) {This has changed significantly. She keeps a tidier home but still hates dusting.}
2.     Sarcasm / Dark Humor {Same.}
3.     Drinks (sometimes heavily) {Same. Although she has cut back, her habit is still heavier than healthy.}
4.     Occasionally summons demons (never in the city) {Same.}
5.     Really likes sweets {Same.}
Personalities she gravitates toward:
1.     Brooding {Same.}
2.     Dangerous {Same.}
3.     Mysterious {Same.}
4.     Masculine {Same.}
5.     Talkative {Same.}
Personality types she avoids:
1.     Aggressively Insecure {Same.}
2.     Misogynistic {Same.}
3.     Senselessly Evil {Same.}
4.     Senselessly Lawful {Same.}
5.     Overly Gullible {Same.}
1.     Losing her eyesight {Same.}
2.     Succumbing to her demons (figuratively) {Same.}
3.     Dying {Same.}
4.     Spending her entire life alone {Same, though it is less of a fear now that she has Carl in her life.}
5.     Her cousin Diana {This is no longer a fear since Diana has approached Duchess Beithloch and she promises to pose no threat to the “silly girl.”}
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This was really fun! Thank you for the tag @alyssa-ward​!
Tagging: Anyone who was tagged above as one of Olivia’s favorite people, but also anyone who wants to do this thing.
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khiara-moshroca · 5 years
What was that?
A sharp click and Chery was stuffing the key to the office in her bag, then heading toward the Keg for a bite to eat. The evening air was heavy with smoke from the nearby Dwarven forges and she paused to let a wagon pass before she crossed the path in front of the tramway entrance. She turned the corner and paused to take in the people gathered in front of the fountain. Something struck her as odd but her tired brain couldn’t figure it out. Dark shadows around them played tricks with her mind. She blinked as the lights from the city lamps seemed to suddenly be brighter.
The red-head shook her head. She really should try to sleep tonight. Her gaze turned to the Keg and then her steps took her back the way she came. She wasn’t hungry and her brain just felt foggy. Sleep. She was pushing herself too hard trying to prove she could handle the new responsibilities Selise had placed upon her. Chery could just hear her sister’s voice, “You can’t give if you don’t take care of yourself Chery.”
It didn’t help that nightmares had seemed to creep into her dreams each night for the past week. She kept seeing her parent’s house, them lying on the living room floor. The return of the dreams that had prompted her to go to Dalaran when the Legion invaded, made her worry. She thought she’d dealt with her grief.
Chery headed toward her apartment determination in her mind and evident on her face. As she stepped off the bridge onto the path of the Trade District, shadows swallowed her. She gasped as in front of her the city transformed.
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Eerie shadows in the distance skyline, strange mushroom like shapes growing from the ground, everything tinted a deep purple. She heard footsteps crossing the bridge behind her, as her gaze shifted from the nightmare around her to a familiar person. “Doc? What’s going on?” But the doctor didn’t answer or even look at Chery. Selise kept walking away from her toward the archway into the district, the shadows swallowing the doctor even as Chery called out “Selise!”
She stepped forward and a gruff laugh sounded to her left. Her gaze shifted and she spied Dragaur and Risri walking toward a strange gateway. Before she could call out to them, the darkness took them too.
A crying child behind had her spinning around, scanning the area even as she began to hurry toward the sound. As she spied the source, she felt as if she was being pulled backward. The child looked up and Chery saw the face of her niece streaked with tears arms raised in a plea to be picked up. The shadows swallowed them both.
The scene shifted. Two caskets were being lowered into the ground near a pristine waterfall. Even as she watched, tentacles rose from the graves and pulled them down.
A horrific keening sounded around her. The screech making her take a step forward as it cried out again behind her. Turning, Chery saw behind her the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. But it was not her beloved Vale...it was a nightmare landscape of evil.
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With a jolt, Chery sat up in bed. Her hair matted to her skin, the breeze from her open window making her shiver as the sweat on her skin dried. She shook pulling her knees up to hug. What was that? A sense of dread clung to the young priestess. The sound of the bells rang through the city and had Chery looking to her window.
The first light of dawn was stretching across the city. Still unnerved by all she had dreamt, Chery rose heading straight for her tiny kitchen to make coffee. The sun began to brighten the apartment but even its cheerful light could not erase the sense of doom hovering around the young woman within.
(@selisekinsolving​ @silentasagrave​ @risrielthron​ for mentions)
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gallopingbear · 1 month
[Sun has seemed to be feeling better the past few days, the wounds, still needing to be changed out, are healing slowly. She mostly seems focused in trying to keep Draguar's stay comfortable.]
[Dragaur appreciates it, cooking blood filled meals and helping to at least try and maintain Sun's hair, braiding and washing it whenever she lets him]
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daybr43ks-lam8 · 2 months
[There's a knock on his door, feather light and hesitant. Before there's a more forceful knock]
Friend Sun? El said something was wrong... - Dragaur
y-you dont have to let us in, i-it just seemed really worried so we got worried a-and... yeah.. - Karma
[Whatever noises were inside now fall deadly silent.]
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theworld-await · 28 days
[The door opens.]
[Dragaur cheers quietly as Fury rests next to him, the vampire making grabby hands]
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risrielthron · 7 years
(Written with @skystoneseat and @silentasagrave)
Continued from here and here
Risri sat at her desk, blood on her face, clothes, and hands. At Sky's words she looked up, "The guard are on their way." her tone even and calm. “Don't let anyone but Captain Benyon inside. He's coming personally." She looked back at her hands and noticed the blood on her boots. "She was stabbed and it looks like her head might have been bashed against the desk." Her head did not lift, "We killed them." She looked up at Jackson then to confirm, "They are dead?"
A grunt from Jackson and Sky spoke as she glanced about the room at the blood and bodies. “Looks like it.” She stepped closer trying to wrap her cloak around Risri.
Risri nodded at Sky then shook her head, "Do not" as she tried to squirm from the cloak, "You will get blood on it. I have a change of clothes here somewhere." She started to move when the tap at the door drew attention.
"Risri?" A tall man in the uniform of a Stormwind Guard stood at the door, his gaze taking in the scene. Stepping inside he motioned behind him and drew his sword, but did not brandish it. "Who needs medical attention?" His first question as he took in the blood, the worgen, elf, and human individually. "And who can explain what happened here?" looking at each of them in turn.
Skys gaze swiveled over to the man at the door, "Officer, glad you came so fast"
"Captain Benyon, thank you. Jackson was stabbed. Sky here just arrived. I am unhurt." She indicated each person and then realized she did not know if she was hurt and looked down at herself as if to make sure. She indicated the Gnome, "Suzi was killed by the other two. Jackson and I ..." She paused a moment then spoke once more, "killed them."
The Captain looked over the scene as Risri spoke, re-sheathing his sword at her words and noting the mauling of the one man and the other at Jackson's feet. "I will need an officer to get each of your statements." His head looked back at the worgen, "I have a medic trained officer outside if you want to step out there. She can take your statement as well." His words crisp but direct. He stepped inside and moved to the Gnome, not touching anything yet.
Sky nods "Risri, you want me to stay with you? Or..." she wasn't sure what to do. She tips back her hat so that the officer would be able to see her eyes, her hand also going to a pocket.
Jackson resisted rolling his eyes as he walked outside the building muttering about giving a statement.  He looked down at the dagger, it wasn't all that deep but had bled a fair amount. Moron didn't know how to stab someone apparently. He wiped more blood off the fur of his face since the shirt was already quite ruined then proceeded to take it off.
He looked at the guard. "Hey there doc hear you're handy with a needle and thread and you'll listen to me tell you how I killed a guy trying to kill me and the elf. " He launched into explaining himself he kept it brief until he got to the actual attack. "The elf being impulsive, of course, charges in...she attacks the one guy I tried to subdue the other until he tried to filet me...so I ripped his throat out. Horrible way to go bleeding out and not even being able to comfort himself with a scream for his mother."
He smiled a fang filled grin at the woman who was not particularly impressed but also slightly unnerved  by the blood covered worgen. She worked on his wound which was fortunately not so bad like he thought. "Not my first time being stabbed...I'll show ya the whole collection sometime I'm sure a medic would find it interesting. Hard to see em with all this fur." He smirked again and perked an ear up to listen inside.
Risri nodded at Sky, "Please" she said softly. She watched Jackson head outside and then looked back at her hands, she started slowly talking about taking some days off and returning to find the alarm going off. How they came to the office and saw Suzi. She recounted shifting and being attacked by the man with a pen in his thigh before killing him. Her voice gaining some anger as she spoke more and more.
The Captain turned the body that had been at the worgen's feet and made a "Hmm" sound pulling his notebook finally and writing down something. He looked over at Sky at Risri's words and nodded his agreement. Touching one of the broken crystal's as he listened to Risri explain what she had seen and done. He moved over to the other body noting the pen in the man's thigh and the bear claw marks looking back at Risri with a raised eyebrow before examining the man's missing jaw.
Risri looked back at Suzi, "Her eye, Captain...she has a camera in it. Maybe..." trailing off at the end.
Benyon moved over to Risri  "Oh, I will let the examiner know.  Did you recognize them?" She shook her head negatively. "What about you miss?" he asked looking at Sky.
Sky looked up from Risri. "I work here have for a long while. Sky Stoneseat. I want to disclose I have an imp in my bag and the paper work to allow her on the site. I got a call to check in, I did. When Risri here didn’t say anything about what was up I came in. Was at a late night coffee house until about fifteen minutes ago. I don't know them, the men. But I don’t know what story Suzi was working on. Some of the reports we do can piss off some of the underbelly."
Benyon eyed Sky a moment at the confession then nodded, "Alright."
Risri nodded at Sky's words before looking at the captain, "Can I change? I didn't know what you would need from me."
He nodded, "I would ask that you go over to the Stockade's office so we can get your statement on record. You can change there before you give it. Then just don't leave Stormwind. You or your friend out there. If the Gnome did have a recorder it hopefully will verify what you said.” Her rubbed at his head, “The only good thing is your friend being injured and the Gnome dead in your office gives you a bit of leeway on attacking these two. And that one, I recognize. If it is who I believe it is, Miss Suzi got on the bad side of the wrong group of criminals."
He pointed at the mauled one, "And that one, I can't be sure but I believe he's been wanted for awhile.  I need you both to leave and not touch anything. I'll have my people secure the office, give me the rest of the day to get the bodies and the evidence gathered.  Don't leave Stormwind, okay?" He said again touching Risri's shoulder to get her attention.
The elf looked up and nodded. She looked at Sky, "Would you grab the change of clothes in my bottom drawer here and come with me over there? I would change."
Sky nods and making sure she is in full view of the officer goes and gets the clothing. She nods at the elf waiting for her lead. Coffee Imp lets out a chit Sky looks in and gives her a pat.
Risri stands and without looking around the office walks outside. Her gaze crosses to Jackson and the medic working on him. She steps closer eyeing the handwork, "He wants me to go over and give my official statement.  You are alright?"
He looked at Risri and shrugged. "Yeah go ahead I'll either meet you over there or see you at home.”
Captain Benyon comes to the door issuing orders and those outside scramble to see to them, one heading out to get more to aid with removing the bodies and another heading inside to record the scene, a final guard steps to the side ready to escort Risri over to the office.
Jackson looked over the guard judging the man a moment before nodding at him . "Things'll be fine and OW..." He growled and looked at the woman sewing him up. "A little warning eh?"
With one last look at the worgen, Risri turns nodding to Sky and the Captain before crossing the courtyard to the Stockades.
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yellowmasque · 6 years
M. Frey: Karliah will be expecting us, so act REAL SNEAKY.
M. Frey: *charges headfirst into every dragaur and triggers every trap in the sanctum*
Me: *gets detected via sneak mode once*
M. Frey: y O U’rE awFuLl y louD fOr someONE wHO c lAImeS TO Be a tHiEf
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silentasagrave · 4 years
Tempting Rage
It was the time of day he liked best to be in the graveyard, evening. It was cold and wet out which he was fine with. It made him think of the north. He missed Lordaeron and Gilneas. He wasn’t sitting on his tombstone, he was staring at it. He growled and a furry fist gently punched at the tombstone. He stared at the words on it for a long moment and growled again.
He was in worgen form. He had been since he had gotten back from up north with Risri. He hadn’t had this sort of problem in years. Rage and hate made it difficult to not be in this form. It was like a reflex. It was more than a reflex; it was instinct. Even more than that it made sense he could do the most with the anger in this form. The problem was there was no real target for this anger. He killed the undead at the farm that should have been enough, but it wasn’t.
He shook his head and his furry paw slammed the tombstone a bit harder. Target, no that was the old way of thinking that was the type of thinking that made him ashamed of his past. That was the way a killer would think. He growled again and lifted his head to give the air a sniff.
A pop sound followed his last punch to the tombstone accompanied by a high pitched cackle. Perched atop the stone was a grey imp, his yellow eyes glowing with mirth as they fixated on the worgen. 
“Long time no see my furry friend!” Pipqua said, his spiked tail flicking back and forth. “What has this nasty rock done to you?”
Dragaur stepped back and growled at the imp. He wasn’t really surprised by the interruption of his thoughts since people always seemed to come by here perhaps looking for him. It wasn’t exactly expected either which made it all the more annoying “Who said we were friends? Why would I need a filthy fel pustule like you as a friend?”
Pipqua’s mouth broke into a cheshire grin. “It’s always nice to have friends.” He sat down on the tombstone and spread his arms wide, at least as wide as they’d go for a two foot tall demon. “You have lots of them, but they aren’t great conversationalists.” His gaze flickered down to the stone between his legs and he lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Did this one insult you?”
He looked at the name. “Yes, yes he did...now what do you want? You here to deliver a message cause you got a good chance of being caught by a guard and killed. They like to patrol around here. They have the good sense at this point to leave me alone, but ya never know.”
“No message.” The imp tilted his head at Dragaur and then used his long tapered fingers to peel back his eyelids on one eye, significantly widening the yellow orb. “Mistress likes to see you aren’t dead every once in a while.” He dropped his hands and let out another grating cackle. “This one thinks she misses you.” Pipqua made a kissy face at the worgen.
Dragaur stared blankly at the imp and leaned in closer. “I doubt she misses anyone. She probably wants to see where I will fit into her next scheme.” He crossed his arms and turned away slightly. “Does she need some help kidnapping young girls to sacrifice to keep her good looks or something?”
For once the amused smile slipped off the imp’s face. He made a raspberry noise. “Wouldn’t that be delightful? No. She is cataloguing her collection...again.” His eyes swiveled back towards Dragaur. “You could convince her to kidnap some children.”
He turned back to the demon with a snarl. “What? Why the hell would I do that? I don’t care what she does...she's been doing whatever on her own she doesn’t need me to convince her to pull off crazy plans. Besides I don’t hurt kids she knows that…” 
His eyes looked away again and he took half a step away sniffing at the air. “So she wants to keep an eye on me. I don’t see what that has to do with you talking to me watching doesn’t involve talking.”
Pipqua groaned and rocked back in his seat. “You’re both so boooooring.” He whined. “The last fun we had was forever ago with that silly boy and his dead guard. Why can’t we have the good ol’ times again? It’s cause you’re both old, isn’t it?” He stated this last part matter-of-factly.
“Silly boy and…” He paused as he turned to stare at the imp. He shook his head. “That boy was more than silly, he's an idiot.”
He took a breath as he seemed to consider the rest as well. “I’m hardly old...older maybe would be a better way to put it. If the good old times mean just killing and kidnapping people you might be out of luck though I don’t think I have any interest in those kinda things again. I’m trying to live life without mayhem and murder and...listen I don’t have to explain myself to you. Besides whats the point in the good old days? Gold I have that...power...not worth the trouble and...”
He stopped seemingly mid-thought but didn’t complete it, just stood looking up at the trees and then the stars.
“Power, gold,” Pipqua threw his hands up in the air and then leaned forward again. “You have not mentioned pleasure. Perhaps the lack of it is why you are so…” He made a growling noise and snapped his teeth. “Do not lie to me, Graves, I know your type.” He pointed a long finger at the worgen, a grin plastered back across his face. “You feed on the chaos like the rest of us. It’s only a matter of time before any hope of a fulfilling life goes…” he retracted his finger and snapped, sending up a puff of smoke.
Dragaur turned to the demon and bared his fangs. “You don’t know anything about me. Pleasure in what chaos and death? Yes they gave me pleasure but in the end all it does is cheapen your own life and make you feel empty. The same goes for any kind of pleasure...food, women, booze all it does is leave you feeling empty. I’m tired of feeling nothing but rage and hatred and pleasure there are other things to feel ya know. The man who felt all that stuff is dead just like his father who taught him all that.”
It was only slightly true that his father was dead but this imp didn’t need to know that.
The yellow eyes gleamed with curiosity. “And is your life now making you feel these ‘other things’? I should think not, with your booze and your food and your woman.” As the last word was spoken, the demon’s voice shifted to that of Risri’s before quickly switching back to his normal cheeky tone. “Perhaps it’s time to do something that doesn’t bring on the emptiness.”
“You don’t know anything about me, demon...your kind is only ever interested in chaos and temptation. I don’t need you telling me anything about feeling empty. It’s my whole point… the things I did in the past didn’t make me feel anything. At least now there’s something.” He looked away again, his red eyes glowing as they shifted back and forth. “You don’t know anything about Risri. She's the only person that accepted anything about who I am and...just leave me alone.”
The imp tilted his head at Dragaur. "Are you sure about that?" There was a brief smell of smoke and the creature was gone.
Dragaur growled quietly and then slightly louder until he tipped his head back and howled. At the other end of the city he could hear another howl. He snarled at the anonymous howler and shook his head as he padded his way through the graveyard not sure where he was heading next..
Written with @veyka-sythan
References: https://risrielthron.tumblr.com/post/618602717407051776/when-the-wolfs-away
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