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risrielthron · 7 months ago
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And a little Risri from a guild member
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financegraduate · 2 years ago
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the-royal-courier · 5 years ago
Storytelling Contest at The World’s Faire Carnival
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On Wednesday evening, people gathered from across Azeroth to visit the World’s Faire Carnival. As night fell across the desert landscape, four intrepid storytellers came forth to compete for prizes. Telling tales of comedy and tragedy all deserved to be recognized and so please see the special insert with all four stories shared here for you dear readers.
(Click here to read the winning stories as well as the other two shared: https://the-royal-courier.tumblr.com/wfc2020contest)
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seraphsolastra · 6 years ago
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A little surprise redraw piece of Risri meeting my special little flutter ! (psst its an early birthday present for @risrielthron)
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selisekinsolving · 5 years ago
Is a certain muse easier to write for than others?
My retired character Meyorin Silversong (@divergent-lines). She’s one of the easiest characters I’ve had in terms of stepping into a character’s mindset. That fact is part of the reason I retired her via character death. I wanted to write something different and I knew if I still had her around, I would never develop another character fully the way I wanted to.
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kay-cin · 7 years ago
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Requested by @risrielthron of Risri and Dragaur. Hope ya like it!
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noonmutter · 7 years ago
my first impression of your muse: 
“oh crap that’s the courier chick don’t fuck this up”
my first impression of you: 
“oh crap that’s the courier chick(???) don’t fuck this up or everyone on WRA is going to cram sharp things where sharp things shouldn’t go”
my favorite thing about your muse: 
She’s an artist! I always like it when a muse’s career is something that can be done ingame, too, like photography and screenshots. It kinda sucks that I can’t actually cook, because of that.
my favorite thing about you: 
You’re quite friendly for somebody I barely know! XD
would I ever consider shipping our muses: 
Leon being Leon, it’s far more difficult to find circumstances in which he could absolutely not ever be in a more-than-friends relationship with someone. I try not to do these things on purpose or plan relationships ahead of time,  so it’s always a wierd question to me.
And let’s be honest, I can imagine anybody fuckin’ anybody else if I wanna, but I don’t think that qualifies as shipping so much.
(I recognize that this is almost a total copy-paste from what I said to Summy, but that’s because it remains a constant. It’s kinda like asking if Leon or Terry would ever consider cheating on their partner: the answer is always going to be an emphatic no. There is no universe in which that answer will change or the characters will no longer be themselves.)
a plot I’d like to see between our muses: 
See also: I can’t plan to save my life and I’m beginning to think I should null the last three questions cuz I don’t have an answer.
an AU I think would be interesting for our muses: See above.
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risrielthron · 1 year ago
Risri Elthron
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever…It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”
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Name: Risri Elthron Nickname: Ris, Big Bear Race: Kaldorei FC: Erica Cerra Language(s): Common, Darnassian, Thalassian and some Orcish. Height: 6′2″ Body Type: Lean, fit. Eye Color: Silver Hair Color: Purple Age: 415 Notable Scars, Marks, etc: None. Tattoos/Piercings: Claw tattoos on her face. First Appearances: She always appears very well put together, always has a notebook and her camera.
Personality: The Consul (ESFJ-A). Consuls are altruists, and they take seriously their responsibility to help and to do the right thing. Consuls love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. Consul personalities respect hierarchy, and do their best to position themselves with some authority, at home and at work, which allows them to keep things clear, stable and organized for everyone.
Can Currently Be Found In: Stormwind, occasionally on her travels for photography reasons can be found anywhere in Azeroth
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What I’m Looking For: Character progression as well as story/plot progression. Friendships or hateships are good! Pre-established relationships are okay, just chat with me first. Fandom: World of Warcraft. Sole Faction or Cross-Faction: Sole Faction. Faction I Play: Alliance. Server: Wyrmrest Accord Venues I Actively Roleplay In:  Discord, Tumblr, and in game Favorite Type of RP: Friendship, Adventure, Small Social Circles Triggers: I do not condone any sexual harm to a minor. Period. Things I Will Not RP: Ultra-taboo, degradation, explicit content with minors. RP Strong Points: I am usually good about giving you something to play off of, whether it be a question or action. I typically write paragraphs but I don’t care if you do or not. I don’t usually put a lot of filler words in. RP Weak Points: I get anxious when more than three people sometimes. I can sometimes slow down an RP because I’m typing a response. I feel I am horrible with rapid fire RP.  What To Expect:  A very calm disposition, friendly, quiet most of the time. Where I RP: Prefer in-game or discord depending on the availability/content. Will do tumblr as well.
Shadowlands:  Risri is not IC in the Shadowlands and has not been there. Dragonflight:  Risri might be found in the Isles, especially around the Green Dragonflight areas.
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A Moment in Time: Risri owns a little photography studio on the canal side of the Trade District in Stormwind. Visitors would find photographs she has taken at events and around the worlds on the walls up for display or purchase (mostly landscapes for purchase).  She also does photo shoots in her studio (think family portrait).  She can be hired to take photos for events (she had done several weddings) or even for special reasons.  This is the perfect venue to meet Risri whether you’re just browsing or coming in to schedule something in particular.
Cenarion Circle: Risri is a member of the Cenarion Circle. Anyone who is a member could know Risri or know of her. She became a druid with the circle about 100 years ago. Druid things are always welcome whether its teaching or just chatting about events.
Other ideas:  Risri once ran @the-royal-courier​  many people know of her from those days, its okay to be one of them without chatting to me first. She often wanders taking photos out in the city, maybe she snapped one of you - its perfectly fine to question or even be angry that she did so, or even ask for a copy!
Art credit: 1st: @BBergolts on twitter, 2nd: @MischiArt on twitter, 3rd: @thedawnsart​
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the-royal-courier · 6 years ago
Stormwind University Celebrates Their 4th Year
Submitted by Risri Elthron
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Stormwind University has long been close to my heart. The stalwart institution was where I first found my home within these city walls. It was where I began to love the people and the city itself.  I have moved on, but the University is like a strong foundation.
Founded four years ago by Suzanna Marris in honor of her father’s original University, it is the premiere learning facility in Stormwind. Upholding the traditions and legacy of the Marris’, Dean Amara Crowelley leads the faculty in ensuring each student receives the finest education from the best teachers from around Azeroth and Draenor. The University has become known for its weekly Literary Conclave and monthly Colloquiums and Debates.
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On Wednesday, February 27th, faculty and friends of the University gathered to celebrate their achievements and longevity. After some casual mingling, Dean Amaranthaea Crowelley called the crowd together.
“It gives us all a great measure of joy and pride to see so many of our friends and compatriots, both recent and time-honored alike, gathered here this evening to join us in commemorating this special occasion. Over the course of a little over four years now, the hallowed halls of Stormwind University have become a place where minds, young and old, may come and find enlightenment and enrichment not only of the mind, but the body, and aye, even the spirit as well. Throughout these past four years, there have been many special people who joined us in our endeavor to educate all who have sought it, and made it possible to foster and encourage the good name, positive reputation and standard of excellence for which we are known today. Many of these people have come and gone, finding new paths and blazing new trails in their own personal journeys which led them beyond their time at Stormwind University.  But many of these individuals have indelibly left their mark with various, magnificent contributions to the realm of Academia as a whole.”
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The memories of my time among the faculty are happy ones. Seeing the bright eyes of students as an idea clicks within their brains brought such a sense of accomplishment. Working alongside such talented and intelligent minds as those employed by Dean Crowelley was enriching and aided my understanding of Stormwind, its people, and the culture. For that I will be forever grateful.
The reflections shared by the current faculty brought laughter and tears to many in the crowd. The pride in her colleagues emanating from the Dean as she watched them speak was easily seen. Stormwind University is a family and it shows in all they do.
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This sense of camaraderie and family is evident every time they host an event. From their weekly Literary Conclave to their monthly Debates and Colloquiums, Stormwind University is a pillar of our community.
Congratulations to the faculty of Stormwind University on their fourth anniversary. May you have many many more such celebrations in the years to come. Thank you for everything you give to us. Go Gryphons!
Join Stormwind University tonight at the Gazeebo at 7 in the evening (server) at their Weekly Literary Conclave. Share your stories, song, and poetry.  
Risri Elthron is the former owner of The Royal Courier and a former faculty member of Stormwind University. Now operating Moment in Time, a photography studio, Risri offers her contribution to our relaunch week with a classic event coverage with her personal twist and insight.
(OOC:  Thank you Amara and the rest of Stormwind University. Without you I would not be on WrA and I am proud to have been a member. Without you, the rest - the paper and Risri’s studio - would not have come to be. Congratulations once again.)
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selisekinsolving · 5 years ago
👀 : What's something that you dislike writing yourself, but love seeing others handle?
I don't really enjoy combat at all, whether that's combat RP events or writing out a combat scene in my stories. Others do it well though. I wouldn't say I love reading about it, but I'd much rather read it than write it.
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seraphsolastra · 4 years ago
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the next in the dnd series ! this time its @selisekinsolving ‘s character Randsia. i hope that the unintended wait was worth it lol
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odessii-dragonblade · 4 years ago
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risrielthron · 1 year ago
A Day of Remembrance
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Over 400 years had passed since the death of her father. Just under five years had passed since her mother had disappeared into the portal going to the shadowlands. As twilight settled upon this day of the dead, Risri could be found flying toward the graveyard where her father’s body rested. It was tradition to come to Ashenvale, to pay respects, to feel his presence, to feel closer to the man she only vaguely remembered, most of her knowledge of the man he was from his writings and her mother’s stories. 
Every year of her life, this day had seen her and her mother traveling to his grave. To lay flowers and rice cakes on his grave. In the past she had spent time talking to her father about her thoughts and life. Today she sat at his grave messing with the flowers she’d brought and thinking of her mother. No words left her lips, just the sound of the surrounding forest and an occasional sound of another visiting this old site. 
Her mother had gone shortly before the sky in Northrend had mended. The portal had been shut down. The veil closed and now her mother was lost on the other side. Risri wondered if she’d found her father’s soul. If somehow the two had been reunited. She hoped so. She prayed to Elune and the rest of the gods that it was true. That if she’d had to lose her mother this way she could take solace in the idea they were together again. 
Those who’d  crossed into the lands beyond the veil and returned had seemed changed. Risri had been asked to go and record with her camera but the elf had refused something telling her not to go, not to cross to that land beyond. Now she wondered if she should have gone when she could have. 
Footsteps nearby drew the elf from her thoughts and she glanced over to see a small family of Kaldorei. The children carried bouquets, two older elves knelt next to a well tended grave. She could barely hear the words uttered as they distributed their gifts for the dead loved one. Risri’s gaze shifted back to her father’s stone. The owl carved into the stone weathered but still discernible as such had her reaching out to trace the outline. It was then that the dam broke and words began to filter out from the elf. 
She sat next to her father’s grave and spoke to both of her parents. Feelings and hopes for the future fluttered from her lips. Late into the evening, the one-sided conversation continued until her voice grew hoarse and she finally trailed off. A hand moved one more of the marigold’s brought to the head of the gravesite. The other pushed into the ground and aided with pushing the elf up. She brushed at her skirts and took one last look around the site. 
A soft word in Darnassian and the purple feathered form was gained, a flap of wings sending her up into the skies of Ashenvale. One last circle of the graveyard and then she was off toward Astranaar and a mage to send her back to Stormwind.  Another year marked of remembrance and reflection, another year of being the last of her family. 
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noonmutter · 5 years ago
Dreamtime - Risri
shiny lights and bright colors in swirls and shapes and memories captured and stillness in motion
but unmoved unbowed undeterred
paling in comparison to what she’ll bring
but oh
bandu thoribas
poor fools
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the-royal-courier · 7 years ago
The Dragon Festival - Day One
Submitted By Risri Elthron
The first day of the Dragon Festival arrived with vendors, performances, jousting and a costume contest.
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From the spices to massages everything under the sun was available for purchase at the market.
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The Jousting Tournament hosted by Highlord Raseri of The Legion of the Dawn was well attended. Contestants showcased their battle prowess and handling of their horses in fine style. At the end, only one remained undefeated, Lord Theodore Bennas.
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Next up, was a glorious performance by Miss Sarah Hadley. With breathtaking artistry she wowed the gathered audience with her silk and skill at dancing in midair!
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The final event for the night was the Chi Wave Costume Contest. Participants strutted their stuff to several themes.
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The winners were a hard choice for the judges but in the end three were chosen:
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Congratulations to all the winners and we look forward to seeing you all for tonight’s festivities!
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selisekinsolving · 6 years ago
If you receive this, you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send it to 10 of your followers who make you happy. If you get some back, even better! Have a lovely day 💕💕💕 Thank you for all the times you've given me laughter, walked me through stressful stuff, and just listened to me when I needed an ear. I adore you and am grateful every single day that I get to hang out with you and Drag. *hugs*
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