#dragalia archangels
dragaliamini · 3 years
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#151 Let’s go for a Stroll
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Translation Notes:
Those with blood type B are said to be outgoing, curious and unafraid to speak their minds regardless of how other people feel. Thus they may be seen as selfish and self-centered. They are said to be optimistic and relaxed when dealing with their problems and have full focus in achieving their goals. They are known for their loyalty.
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only-lonely-www · 3 years
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This is so funny to me. He’s like a little baby.
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halidom-confessions · 3 years
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I kinda doubt they're do this but I want Azazel to get some screentime in a story eventually. I've never played GranblueIor any other cygames games he appears in but i'm more interested in what his whole deal is in the universe of Dragalia Lost, especially since his dragon story was one of the first implications that something was up with the Ilian church and his Fallen Wings wyrmprint being abt someone who freed him
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saeraas · 4 years
Elisanne: Ramiel?! He's one of the five Archangels?
Ramiel: It seems my fame has extended as far as the southern Church :)
Azazel manifesting behind Ramiel but staying on his best behavior because Euden is giving a disapproving look:
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dragalialore · 3 years
Have they ever said what demons actually are? Are they dragons corrupted by black mana, beings created in the Otherworld but with a conscious mind, or something else?
If not, do you have theories on what they are?
Sort of! You want to look at Faith Forsaken, Part Two for the answer. Long story short: Satan's soul was sealed in the otherworld, but his body was divided into parts and scattered across Grastaea. Over time, his flesh became the Archdemons and their armies, which Metatron sealed using the Archangel mimicries 700 years ago.
Of course, that leaves the question of "Well... what was Satan, then?" And let me tell you, I was not expecting to go down this particular rabbit hole.
I don't have an exact answer. However, going by context clues, let's assume he's whatever the opposite of a dragon is. In 21, we learn of the world's origin story in The Two Creators:
In the beginning—in the chaos devoid of heaven and earth, light and dark— two beings came into the world. The Progenitor, known also as the human of beginning, and the Origin, known also as the dragon of beginning. The world was forged by these two pillars of creation. They gave rise to heaven and earth, human and dragon.
This origin story frames the Progenitor and the Origin (aka Bahamut) as opposites. Angels are a type of dragon, and therefore they are of Bahamut. By the same logic, if demons are the opposite of angels, demons must therefore be of the Progenitor.
But... there's a snag here. The Progenitor is known as the "human of beginning." Demons aren't human.
Let's look at Agents of the Goddess and Divine Deception again. Both cases feature a particular phenomenon: someone breaks the seal on the sealing stone, unleashes a massive amount of miasma, and becomes a vessel for that particular demon. We've seen this with Myriam's father as well, back in Dawn of Dragalia; Morsayati possesses him and his physical form changes.
A few other tie-ins. Mordecai, and therefore Morsayati, hails from the otherworld. Nedrick tells us something very interesting about that space between worlds:
The vile substance that fills the space between worlds is the overwhelming power of the Progenitor given form.
This is something Zena ties to black mana, something we know a human is capable of producing... that is, Beren. And we've seen what Beren's mana can do to dragons AND humans alike. (See Forte's adventure story.) Suddenly Phares and Beren partnering up makes way more sense!
Speaking of Beren, he pulls a REALLY creepy face in 22. I've recreated it using a sprite database:
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Perfectly normal face for a child 21 year old to make, yup.
So, with all these pieces of information in mind, here's my final thoughts: I think demons are otherworld-corrupted humans. Demons are tied to miasma, which is tied to black mana, which is tied to the Progenitor, who is tied to humans. Demons are also traditionally considered to be the opposite of angels, and if angels are associated with dragons (and therefore Bahamut), it makes sense to associate demons with the opposing force (aka the Progenitor). This isn't even touching on Morsayati lacking a physical form and needing to possess humans with dragonblood or perdition mana, or the fact that Euden and Sheila, who are both made of the Other's flesh, can function just fine and are indistinguishable from other humans. Because they are human.
And so are demons.
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zephyr-paladyn · 3 years
theory: mascula, laxi, and the archangels
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Briefly touched upon in a previous post, I’ll dive into this topic a bit more.
(spoilers ahead!)
As we established before, the Star Tetrahedron shape reflects Mascula/Laxi as characters, and also indicates a potential link to Metatron. 
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In sacred geometry, there are 5 shapes, or platonic solids, within Metatron’s Cube that maintain order and balance in the universe. However, there is a sixth shape: the Star Tetrahedron. And that is the shape seen above in the Mascula/Laxi 3rd anniversary countdown artwork.
As a refresher, here’s my analysis on that:
as for the "star tetrahedron" itself, it represents duality: physical body and spiritual self; male and female; and heaven and earth. this ties into mascula and laxi's characters: mascula controlling the "mind" in eden mode while laxi focuses on the attacking "body;" and mascula and laxi being of different genders. as for "heaven" and "earth," this could represent maestro coming from the sky city ark, and masculaxi being technology intended to aid humans. alternatively for "heaven" and "earth," the fact that the star tetrahedron is enclosed within "metatron's cube" may be a pointer to metatron in-universe. the archangels all have white hair, a trait shared by masculaxi. additionally, sandalphon is somewhat mechanical/technological herself. masculaxi being man-made (of the earth,) versus their potential connection to the angels (of the heavens.)
I thought that was it. There’s more.
I recently found another link between Masculaxi and Metatron -- first, let’s look at Gala Laxi’s skill names while activated in Eden Mode:
Eden Code 05: Gevurah and Eden Code 01: Keter.
“Gevurah” (strength) and “Keter” (crown) are sefirot, or two of the ten attributes of how the divine manifests himself in this world, in Jewish Kabbalah. These ten sefirot are part of the Tree of Life. Additionally, the numbers of each Eden Code correspond to their placement on the Tree of Life.
And in some interpretations, each sefirah has an archangel attributed to them. As luck has it, some of these archangels are mentioned in Dragalia Lost.
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Keter - Metatron Tiferet - Raphael Hod - Michael Yesod - Gabriel Malkuth - Sandalphon
If you wish to read more on the Tree of Life and the sefirot, feel free to read up more, but I won’t go into more elaboration here. I think the key takeaway here is that Keter, Laxi’s skill, correlates to Metatron. 
And as another thing to note, “Eden” is a biblical reference as well, to the Garden of Eden -- with Adam and Eve, male and female... Mascula and Laxi...?
So, via the star tetrahedron and Keter, Mascula and Laxi have undeniable lore connections to Metatron in-universe, and have heavy religious/spirituality references as well. 
Who exactly is Metatron, though? We don’t quite know yet, but these connections give us something to look forward to beyond just a simple namedrop. 
As for what I think...? We’ve had hints that the next story arc after dealing with the Progenitor may be the Sky City Ark. Hinted at in Ageless Artifice and Gala Mascula’s story, our next destination after Grams may very well be above the clouds into the advanced civilization of the Ark. Given our current setting is Grams, and our focus is on the Apostles/Archangels, we previously had no connections between the Ark and Grams, so how could those plot points transition into each other? -- However, now that we know this, Mascula and Laxi could be the key to this plot transition.
And... That’s it for now. There might be more in the future... 
(long winded side note: My friends and I are still trying to work out the whole Orchis thing? Mascula and Laxi derive from “orchis masculolaxiflora,” and Eirene and Finni come from the “irene finney orchid;” both Mascula and and Eirene have been noted to reference their systems as an “Orchis System,” aaand there’s someone in GBF named Orchid/Orchis? That might be the extent of it for now but I feel like it might mean something more later on, especially given Mascula and Laxi are mimics of Eirene and Finni’s technology, but are somewhat more advanced due to the mana kiln implementation... And the whole mystery of Maestro too, it’s kind of a lot that we don’t know and thus cannot make a proper verdict on if it means anything specifically.)
Of course, this is all just speculation -- but I really do appreciate the amount of work and effort the Dragalia Lost team puts into their stories. It honestly is a bit too much for a mobile game (like what the hell.) But I really enjoy it a lot!! 
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sleepingwires · 2 years
Oh sorry, I didn’t see the blacklist before. Thank you for answering my question though! :D
Could I request a light academia-themed moodboard with Ramiel (Dragalia Lost), please and thank you?
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─ Posted!
hello again nonnie! this req was quite fun since sweet-p loves light academia and the DL archangels! If you'd like anything changed let them know! Have a lovely day/night! :DDD
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#135 The Angels’ Meal (Part 2)
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Combined with #134 this makes a full set picture:
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Having a 2 part mini could be a reference to the event being 2 parts!
Been really enjoying this event. Glad we have a new full set of dragons like the high dragon friends!
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#139 A Great Trip
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Translation notes (there is a bit)
Blood type A people are known to be highly-organized, particularly precise, and pay attention to details! They seem like very strict people but are genuinely kind!
“Dislikes: Secretive people”: the original could also mean keeping secrets, or people that keep secrets. Originally I wanted to just leave it as “Secrets” but it is more of he doesn’t like others who are holding things from him. “ 隠し事 “ has a heavier meaning than “秘密“ both meaning secrets.
“Special Skill: Look over there”: this is “ あっち向いてホイ  (Acchi Muite Hoi)” a popular children’s game in Japan, usually involving rock paper scissors and the winner will try to direct the loser’s attention to look at the direction they are pointing in. If the loser looks at the direction pointed to by the winner, there is a tiny bit of punishment (like a light slap)
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Of course I’m no official translator nor a professional
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#134 The Angels’ Meal (Part 1)
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#115 Come on! Eat up!
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Translation Notes:
Mentioned in Ryszarda’s dialogue and her archangel, it’s Raphael! Those with blood type O are known to be optimistic and unpredictable and don’t sweat the small stuff.
Sweet flour/powder could be もち粉  (mochiko), a type of glutinous rice flour (or sweet rice flour) made from mochigome which is glutinous short-grain Japanese rice. Known for its sticky and chewy texture, mochiko is used particularly to make Japanese pastry and sweets. (Ref: JustoneCookbook) It probably isn’t sugar as sugar will be 砂糖 (sato). But I could be wrong, am bad at cooking too!
Edit: i made a mistake it wasn’t 30 thousand but rather 30 ten thousand therefore the correct number is 300 thousand. An anon told me it is a reference to the speed of light! 3 x10^8 = 300 thousand! That's amazing thanks anon!
Another Edit: Someone told me that rice flour doesn’t really make as much sense as sugar. And my original reason for choosing rice flour is because Raphael uses “うまい 粉(sweet flour/powder)” and I was thinking if it was sugar they could have just used “糖” but they didn’t and opted on the packaging to use “ 粉(flour/powder)”. However after googling a bit more on sites that specialize in baking I found out that icing/powdered sugar is “ 粉糖 “ which solves both my problems HAHA as it uses the kanji for flour/powder + sugar so this is most likely the correct ingredient Raphael is using (Ref: alittleshipintokyo). I learn something new and am still learning! Please be patient with my mistakes!
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dragaliamini · 3 years
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#116 Fufufu-fufu-fufu ♪
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Curiously enough Ramiel has mentioned in #76 he dislikes the rain but now he is singing in the rain haha
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dragaliamini · 4 years
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#76 Beware his occasional sharp tongue
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Please note starting from next week I will be releasing the Dragalia Minis later than normal since my school has resumed
Translation Note:
For those with blood type AB they tend to be critical, composed, rational and have eccentric interests
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dragaliamini · 4 years
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#77 Honey
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You do not know the hell i went through for this
Background text:
"Are you ready, I'll be testing so listen up. Honey contains vitamins and it's extremely nutritious and can be used in a variety of dishes. It is so good you can enjoy it all on its own, a truly delicious all-purpose ingredient. The available variety of plants contributes to a honey's rich quality. The honey is also dependent on the season and the available blooming plants in the area. This all contributes to how the honey tastes, as well as to its color and texture. A more fertile flower is believed to be able to produce higher quality and richer honey"
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halidom-confessions · 3 years
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I hope they draw more summer dragons this year in Dragalia Mini. Maybe summer Archangels? I’m still not over summer Epimetheus and Prometheus, and wish they were summonable
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dragaliamini · 3 years
Blog Update Nov 2021
Hello! It has been a while since I posted a blog update! Life has been stressful and hard but I’m glad I made it through! Having encouragement from you guys, the Dragalia Lost reddit community and of course my alliance kept me going. Thank you for your support for this 1.5 years
Blog parts:
The Index has finally been updated! It’s always troublesome as I have to update 3 pages separately so I am not consistent with this.
The Character Directory is updated as well! I have separated out some dragons that are often featured in groups.
Chthonius has been added to the Five Great Wyrms category
The sibling dragons, Volk and Chronos are in the Gala Dragon category, in the future if the Agitos get more minis, they will have their own category
The Five Archangels including Sandalphon now have their own category
The Four Valentines Brothers have their own category
Rage of Bahamut have their own category. Jeanne d’Arc is not inside because she has yet to appear with any of the trio (Rose Queen, Cerberus, Azazel). In the future I might move her there
Zodiac dragons and the welfare dragons for their event are their own category (Shishimai, Ebisu)
Guest and Fiends category currently has the collab dragons, morsayati and notte. If Notte gets more appearances I will move her to the Gala Dragon category.
Translation plans:
The next event with official lyrics will be The Phantom’s Ransom. I have already translated the lyrics but I have yet to find time for the lyric video. I doubt I will make it in time for the rerun so I might keep the video simple.
I was planning to translate the Sinister Dominion phase 1 song and make a lyric video for it and release it for Lilith’s Legend. But I guess I will be unable to make it in time.
Following that will most likely be the rerun of Seimei’s event Cursed Connections. The song has already been translated but yea I have bad schedule problems. I will most likely just post all 3 songs when I find the time to do so.
I know not many people follow this blog for song lyrics but I do enjoy writing them. The Dragalia Lost songs are my absolute favorites.
Btw I very much enjoy reading through the reblog tags. It always brings a smile to my face
Thanks for taking the time to read this! As a bonus, here are some of the minis where I have cleaned the text
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