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kandisheek-art · 4 months ago
I offered an animation for this year's @marveltrumpshate, and this is the result! Thank you so much to @hundredthousands-art for working on this with me, your art is exceptional as always! And a HUGE thank you to the pod who bid on mine and HT's auctions to make this happen - @massivespacewren @soliloquent-stark @iseult-1124 @otpcutie @whinysteve @polizwrites @dracusfyre and everyone else who donated, you guys are amazing!!
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hundredthousands-art · 4 months ago
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One of the sketches I made for @marveltrumpshate 2024! Big thanks to @massivespacewren @soliloquent-stark @iseult-1124 @otpcutie @whinysteve @polizwrites @dracusfyre and Rufferto for your donations <3
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artgroves · 1 year ago
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Tony and Bucky taking a sweet moment for @wrenchirps and @dracusfyre
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marveltrumpshate · 3 months ago
November 2024 MTH fills
The best way to see all the fills that have been shared with us is our monthly roundups tag or our #MTH-fills channel on our Discord, but you can also view them through the following methods:
Our Tumblr tags: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Our AO3 collection (only has works posted to AO3; see "subcollections" for specific auction years)
Completed works tag list
To find specific content, use our completed works tag lists above which includes instructions on how to search for a particular character, gen or romantic relationship, universe, and fanwork type. 
Bucky Barnes
deleronicas/@yourheartswerethesame - MCU Bucky fanvid set to "The Apparition" by Sleep Token for @theeternalghost
RoseRose/@tehroserose - "Wakandan Goat Therapy" (a set of haiku about Bucky in Wakanda with goats) for @sofreakinmanyfandoms
Foggy Nelson
thelonebamf/@amazing-spiderling - Custom 616 Foggy toploader for @pomegranate-belle
Frank Castle
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom 616 Frank Castle toploader for castlesprincess
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom 616 Ikari toploader for pomegranate-belle
Kerr Avonsen - JARVIS-themed infinity scarf in shades of electric blue, turquoise, and teal for @airas-story
Jessica Jones
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom manga-style Jessica Jones toploader for @castlesprincess
Matt Murdock
@deehellcat - Crochet doll of a smiling Matt in his Daredevil costume, holding his billy clubs/batons for @rufferto9's friend
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom Earth-65 Matt toploader for pomegranate-belle - Custom 616 Matt toploader for castlesprincess
Miguel O'Hara
@caiabresebun - Art of chibi cat Miguel in his suit huffily swiping at a mouse for Phoenixx - Art of angry and sad chibi cat Miguel sitting near spilled coffee for @t0nystark1er
Ororo Munroe
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom 616 Ororo toploader for pomegranate-belle
Scott Summers
Jason K Jones/@jkjones21 - Art of Scott in his X-Men '97 outfit costume fighting Sentinels for @oerbally
Stephen Strange
DeeHellcat - Crochet Dr. Strange dragon for RoseRose
Alpine & Bucky Barnes
RoseRose/tehroserose - "Bucky and Alpine" (a sonnet about Bucky and Alpine) for sofreakinmanyfandoms
Bruce Banner & Nick Fury & Steve Rogers & Thor & Tony Stark
Lalaith Quetzalli/@lalaithquetzallicaresi - Fic cover of Bruce, Fury, Steve, Thor, and Tony plushies for "The Plushyverse" for @noxelementalist
Bucky Barnes & Yelena Belova
Vostok/@vostok3-ka - "Пачка сигарет by KИNO" (MCU Bucky & Yelena go on a post-Soviet Russian winter holiday trip, adrift and grieving Natasha) for Snooze
Dum-E & Tony Stark
HT/@hundredthousands-art & KandiSheek/@kandisheek-art - MCU art by HT of Dum-E handing Tony a bag of ice for his bruise and coming over when Bucky and Tony are hugging, animated by Kandi for @massivespacewren, @soliloquent-stark, @iseult-1124, @otpcutie, @whinysteve, @polizwrites, and @dracusfyre
Jeff the Land Shark & Matt Murdock
thelonebamf/amazing-spiderling - Custom 616 Jeff & Matt toploader for pomegranate-belle
Jubilation Lee & Logan
@tiffycat - Art of a happy Jubilee elbowing Logan, who's looking fondly at her for @twentyghosts
Peggy Carter & Sharon Carter & Steve Rogers
Lalaith Quetzalli/lalaithquetzallicaresi - Fic cover of Sharon, older Peggy, and Steve on a motorcycle for "You've got my number" for noxelementalist
Remy LeBeau & Jubilation Lee
c_art - Handpainted clock featuring Remy and Jubilee showing off their sparkly powers for @ruquas (also on Tumblr)
Agatha Harkness/Rio Vidal
yeahitshowed/@tadpoleeater - "real hot ghoul shit" (post-Agatha All Along Agatha/Rio fic where a ghostly Agatha decides to give into Rio's pursuit and Rio swears that she's finally done with the pursuing) for @kayedium-writes
Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd
@carcrash429 - Podfic of "Parade," a Bucky/Clint/Jason Todd AU fic by ClaraxBarton where Clint meets Bucky and Jason while housesitting for Nat for @esoxwrites
Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Hermit/@hermit-writes - Typesetting for "Backhoe," a non-powered Steve/Bucky AU for @zenaidamacrouras1
SucculentHyena/@succulent-hyena - "Heart's Devour" (MCU Bucky/Steve body horror fic where Steve comes out of the Vita-Ray chamber wrong) for @bulkyphrase
Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
DeeHellcat - Hand-knitted fingerless gloves inspired by Bucky's metal arm and Tony's gauntlet for @coralreefpool
Golden_Asp - "Murder and Baseball" (canon-divergent MCU Bucky/Tony AU fic where Hydra sends the Winter Soldier to win a date with Tony, kidnap him, and bring him back for conditioning—a plan that goes awry) for massivespacewren (MTH 2022)
HT/hundredthousands-art - Art of MCU Bucky with a knife and Tony with a gauntlet, ready to fight for massivespacewren, soliloquent-stark, iseult-1124, otpcutie, whinysteve, polizwrites, dracusfyre, and rufferto9
HT/hundredthousands-art & KandiSheek/kandisheek-art - MCU Bucky/Tony art by HT of Bucky handing Tony a towel for his bloody cheek and then hugging him, animated by Kandi for massivespacewren, soliloquent-stark, iseult-1124, otpcutie, whinysteve, polizwrites, and dracusfyre
@tikiwhip - 616/MCU Bucky/Tony comic where fugitive Bucky visits Tony whom he's in a secret relationship with for massivespacewren (MTH 2023)
Clint Barton/Loki/Natasha Romanov
Eustacia Vye/@eustaciavye28 - "Midst of Death" (MCU Clint/Loki/Natasha fic where Loki is recovering from extending himself past the geas placed on him) for wanderingflame
Logan/Wade Wilson
@panties-on-boys - "Play Fight" (MCU/X-Men universe Logan/Wade fic where Logan goes soft on Wade after learning Wade's in constant pain, but Wade still wants to play dirty) for Rayne
Steve Rogers/Howard Stark
Jeniouis - "The Moments In Between" (MCU 1940s fic of Steve and Howard sharing quiet, secret moments alone) for @ladygigiart
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Becci_chan/@becci-chan - "Assembling New Beginnings" (Steve/Tony non-powered IKEA meet-cute AU fic) for @captainneverever (MTH 2023)
Bee42/@bumble-bee42 - Two illustrations of 616 Tony flying with a besotted Steve in his arms for @oluka
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bulkyphrase · 5 days ago
WinterIron Rec List
Some of my favorite Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark fics!
Mind the tags, some of these are pretty dark.
This is a gift for my beloved @cloudbells who definitely asked for a WinterIron list specifically.
Mutually-Assured Destruction by Sineala (@sineala) (Explicit, 108,711 words)
Note: Most of the fic on this list is MCU, but this one is 616!
Summary: It's 1966, the Cold War is well underway, and the Winter Soldier has escaped his handlers. He makes it to the United States and shows up at Avengers Mansion. He'd like to defect to the west and join the Avengers. Tony isn't the only one to wonder if the team can trust an ex-Soviet ex-assassin, and yet he finds himself falling for this mysterious stranger, a man who has a shadowy past, who has done a great many things he regrets, and who won't talk about why he doesn't want to be in the same room as Captain America. Over the years, the Winter Soldier has gathered quite a wide variety of secrets. And the secrets the Winter Soldier and Tony learn about each other could bring them both down.
Found Assets by hobbitdragon (@bittylildragon) (Rape/Non-Con, Explicit, 11,927 words)
Summary: What happens if the Asset's cryo-tube was stored in a Stark facility, found by non-Hydra Stark personnel, and turned over to pre-Iron-Man Tony Stark as a curiosity? What happens if this is the second time Tony Stark has defrosted a man, having continued his father's hunt for Captain America and thus found him early in the Arctic? Trash. That's what happens.
More below the cut!
Temptation by The_Winter_Writer (@the-winter-writer) (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Not Rated, 5,418 words)
Summary: Tony would rather be anywhere but sitting in a cemetery, alone, waiting for vampires. It was cold, creepy and this whole thing was entirely Howard's fault for trying to force the family legacy on him.
The (Not So) Great Pretender by RayShippouUchiha (@rayshippouuchiha) (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Teen And Up Audiences, 19,587 words)
Summary: “What,” Tony says softly but with a great depth of feeling, “the actual fuck just happened?” “I believe, Sir,” JARVIS pipes up from the phone in his pocket, an unnecessary amount of what sounds like glee in his voice, “that you’ve once again managed to maintain your closely guarded secret identity. Truly your subterfuge skills know no bounds." “You’re an asshole J,” Tony mutters back as he reaches up to rub at his temple. He either has a headache coming on or a blood clot. At this point he’s honestly not sure which he’d prefer. "I did learn from the best, Sir,” JARVIS tells him sunnily.
Tempest in a Teapot by AvocadoLove (@awesomeavocadolove) (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Teen And Up Audiences, 30,742 words)
Summary: Or, how Bucky watches his best friend die in his place, wakes seventy years in the future, takes up Captain America's shield, joins a group of super heroes, and finally begins the process of forgiving himself.
If I Was Gonna Haunt Somebody, It Would Be You by Linedragon (Sameshima_Shuzumi) (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, General Audiences, 20,507 words)
Summary: A creepy house they can't leave. A blond giant who can't stay. A promise that they'll be fine if they stick together. One little problem: his name's not Bucky.
Take My Hand (Don't Fear the Reaper) by dracusfyre (@dracusfyre) (Major Character Death, Not Rated, 6,693 words)
Summary: For the ITAB prompt: After Afghanistan tony became a part-time grim reaper assigned to the winter soldier, since Bucky has a messed up head he can see tony.
The Road Less Traveled at the End of the Line by NarutoRox (@muteelfmoonmoon) (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Teen And Up Audiences, 27,889 words)
Summary: To say Steve is surprised to wake up haunting his loved ones after sinking his plane into the ocean would be an understatement. To say he enjoys it would be just plain cruel. For starters, there’s the ‘minor’ problem of said loved ones being unable to see or hear him, which is bad enough. Things only get worse when he finds out Bucky is alive, but held prisoner by the very people he and Steve had fought against, leaving Steve to watch as HYDRA slowly tries to unmake his best friend. Then there’s Tony, Howard’s genius son, whom Steve loves dearly and may or may not be a little protective of after watching him grow up under Howard’s less-than-stellar care. Steve doesn’t know if they keep him sane or drive him crazy, but he does know that Bucky and Tony are the two most important people in his world. He also doesn’t know if it would make his life easier if they knew each other or not, but it doesn’t matter; they’ve never met, are on opposite sides of the world, and other than being cared about by Steve, have nothing else to do with each other. Until Tony is kidnapped by the Ten Rings…and HYDRA thaws Bucky for a mission…And Steve decides it’s about time these two met.
Unconditionally by Potrix (@potrix-the-queerschlaeger) (Teen And Up Audiences, 5,479 words)
Summary: “Hello,” Steve whispers quietly, carefully brushing some of the tears away from the baby's cheeks. Giving a sniffle, the baby latches on to Steve’s hand, then whines unhappily, hiccuping wetly. “I don’t know how to, you know,” Steve explains helplessly, making something that vaguely resembles a cradling, rocking motion with his free arm. The baby is less than impressed with that, though, and takes a noisy, stuttering breath. Steve’s eyes widen in alarm. “Oh, no. No, ssh, no. Here, c’mon, it’s all right.” Very gingerly, Steve slides one hand under the baby’s back, cups its neck with the other, and slowly lifts the squirmy bundle out of the crib, and against his chest. “There, ssh. That’s better, isn’t it?” In answer, the baby tucks its damp face into Steve’s neck, apparently content to stay where it is. Steve glances around the room, a little lost, but the baby just gurgles, and doesn’t start crying again, which he decides to count as a success.
tell me i'm your national anthem by lanyon (Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Mature, 3,829 words)
Summary: Alternate Universe: Steve Rogers falls from a speeding train and Bucky Barnes is left to carry the mantle and the shield. In the twenty-first century, the Winter Soldier is brought in from the cold and there can be no redemption.
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themculibrary · 8 months ago
Avengers: Age Of Ultron (Movie) Masterlist 2
part one
Coffee and Sunglasses (ao3) - GlassesofJustice G, 1k
Summary: Maria drops in on the farm to check on Laura after Clint uses his off the books farmhouse as an Avengers safe house.
Critical Error (ao3) - dracusfyre G, 1k
Summary: Tony grieves for JARVIS after Ultron murders him, and Rhodey doesn't let him grieve alone.
He's My Brother, Let Us Live In Peace (ao3) - Ijustneed12percentofamoment steve/bucky, pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: Because if Nat and Bruce bunked up, and Thor was off searching for his Well Of Insight, then Steve and Tony had to have shared a bed. Here's what they talked about.
Home By Another Way (ao3) - iwasanartist G, 1k
Summary: Tony finds out what Steve saw when Wanda whammied The Avengers
I know it hurts, it's hard to breathe sometimes (ao3) - Kotomori T, 1k
Summary: It was upon levelling the city of Sokovia that Thor swung his hammer around, launching himself off what was once the grounds of the church. The now falling piece of debris was falling right above him as he tried to move out of the way without being crushed by the collapsing remains of the city.
Just Talk to Me (ao3) - iam93percentstardust pre steve/tony G, 1k
Summary: Steve is staring at the file on the Maximoffs that Maria had handed him when he puts it together.
Let's Get Home (ao3) - RavenLost2187 steve/tony G, 8k
Summary: “I wasn’t tricked, I was shown,” Tony spit. “My legacy - my fucking future. That I’m the man who kills the Avengers.”
Confronted and stressed, Tony reveals his nightmare shown by Wanda to the team.
Mind Games (ao3) - Celestial_Starlight steve/bucky G, 1k
Summary: “It’s time for some mind games.” - Inspired by Age of Ultron
Hot take: Steve’s Scarlet Witch dream should have been about Bucky instead of Peggy. This is a rewrite of the scene in the movie.
Moments in Life (ao3) - NamelessAngel T, 1k
Summary: Wanda's reaction to Pietro's death in Age of Ultron. Character study of their relationship and her emotions.
Safe (ao3) - writer309 natasha/tony T, 981
Summary: Natasha gives Tony hope when has none left.
Sweet Surrender (ao3) - ourendlessaffair bruce/natasha M, 2k
Summary: Bruce and Natasha spend the night (and morning) at Clint's farmhouse.
the family life (doesn't suit you) (ao3) - stark2ash G, 3k
Summary: Not for the first time, he tries to imagine a future with a family and comes up with nothing. A faceless spouse, faceless children, all blurring around the edges in a magazine-ready house. An image of Peggy still floats around his mind, accompanied by a twist in his stomach he can't quite put a name to. It's not a good feeling.
(While camping out at the Barton's during Ultron, Clint makes a comment about Steve being a family man.)
The Speech Guy (ao3) - TeamThor G, 2k
Summary: Steve didn't revel in being the go-to pep talk guy. But when Thor and Tony clash as a result of Ultron, he feels that it may be time for him to step in.
What I Saw (ao3) - WritingPains N/R, 1k
Summary: An alternative look at how Tony copes with the vision Wanda forces him to endure.
You Belong (ao3) - Abboz clint/natasha G, 4k
Summary: With the team back on the Quinjet, Clint soon discovers the Scarlet Witch’s vision has hit Nat even harder than he thought. Their “safe house” is still a long way away, and there are secrets he still needs to keep, at the very least until they can share them together. But they're a team, so he can do that for his partner and help her too; it's his turn, and anyway, she needs him.
You're All I Ever Wanted (ao3) - ChElFi maria/steve, clint/laura T, 1k
Summary: AOU post-battle in Sokovia, Maria and Steve have a chat about the new SHIELD. (And a fix-it for stupid things in AOU and Thor 2.)
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years ago
The Buy In
For the prompt:  Mafia AU with Tony as the Boss (except he's a really good one, making the streets safe, keeping drugs away from kids etc) and Bucky as the detective sent to go undercover to catch him out but ends up realizing he's actually doing more good than harm and they end up falling in love
Chapter One: Fresh Meat
by @dracusfyre
“Hey, boss, we got fresh meat for you,” the man at Bucky’s elbow said. Bucky’s heart was in his throat, pulse racing like mad; he was the first detective ever to get this close to Tony Stark, to the Mechanic, and he prayed he would live to tell the tale. For years Stark had only been seen through the lens of a telescoping camera, impeccably dressed with sunglasses hiding his eyes and surrounded by his men at all times. Before today there had been no wiretaps, no informants, no insight into the elusive mob boss and his inner circle. But after years of hard work, Bucky was about to change that. As he was pushed into the echoing warehouse, his eyes darted around the room, taking in the classic cars, the souped-up sports coupes and half-built engines, looking for the man himself. Bucky wondered how many of these were stolen and awaiting new buyers. Men in suits were spread out guarding the exits, but he didn’t see a desk or an office, any kind of throne from which Stark ran his criminal empire.
After a moment, in the middle of the room, a man that Bucky’s eyes had completely glossed over unfolded himself from a work bench. He was wearing a tank top and low-slung jeans, and as he stood, he pulled his welding mask off and put down the butane torch. Bucky blinked, stunned as he approached; the man’s hair was tousled and messy, jaw dark with a five o’clock shadow, arms toned and tan. His eyes, when they met Bucky’s, where whiskey brown and warm with amusement. Bucky barely kept his jaw from dropping as he recognized Tony Stark, right down to the scar on his jaw he’d gotten in the car crash that had killed his parents.
“New meat, huh?” Stark asked, and he crossed his arms over his chest as he tilted his head and studied Bucky with eyes that seemed entirely too perceptive. “Tell me about him.”
“Wants a job,” the man at his elbow said. Bucky didn’t jump, but it was a near thing; he’d forgotten the man was even there. This was Tony Stark? The Mechanic was actually a mechanic? Everyone, from Bucky's fellow policemen to the FBI task force that had been organized to take him down, to the ATF agents and federal marshals that swapped stories over beer, had a different theory about where the man’s klichka came from: because of his well-known penchant for nice cars, because shop tools were his favorite methods of interrogation, because he was good at greasing wheels and making things happen. No one had ever suggested, even as a joke, that it might be because the man was a grease monkey. “Former military, spent time in Iraq,” the man continued. What was his name? Oh yeah, Harold. Everyone called him Happy. “Got out and a friend of a friend got him a job, if you know what I mean. His info checks out; he used to do work down at Brighton Beach then moved up to Red Hook before crossing the bridge. You said we needed new muscle down on 6th, remember?”
“I remember.” Stark pulled out a wrench that had been hanging from his belt and started flipping it from hand to hand as he considered Bucky thoughtfully. Bucky lifted his chin and met Stark’s eyes, hoping his nervousness didn’t show; this wasn’t his first undercover assignment, just the one with the highest stakes. Stark controlled most of Manhattan and had been successfully expanding his territory at the expense of the Russians and Irish and gangs from Harlem. As the silence stretched, the metal of the wrench flashed in the light from the windows as it rose and fell, his hands sure and steady. “Go away, copper,” Stark said finally, and Bucky gaped as Stark turned away.
“I’m not a cop,” Bucky protested to Stark’s surprisingly muscled back. This operation, his job, maybe even his life depended on convincing Stark he wasn’t a cop. “Look, this is the biggest outfit in the city and I just want a paycheck, ok? My last boss came up short and ran back to Armenia without paying his debts. Word is you always pay up.” 
“Sure you do,” Stark said, the corner of his mouth turning up. “We all just want a paycheck, right? Happy, remind me why we need muscle on 6th?”
“Cops have been hassling our people,” Happy said, taking a step away from Bucky and eyeing him with suspicion. “Trying to shake’em down, demanding a cut.”
“Right, right.” Stark picked up his welding mask but didn’t put it on. “What’s your name, copper?”
“I’m not-“ When Stark just raised an eyebrow and gestured like get on with it, Bucky said, “Jason. Jason Brooks.”
“That’s it? No street name?”
“My friends call me JB sometimes, but that’s it.”
“Alright, Blue Eyes,” Stark said as he pulled his mask back down over his eyes and fired up the torch again with a hiss of blue-white heat. “Get the cops to lay off my people, and you’ll get your paycheck.”
Happy put a hand on Bucky’s back and shoved him back out the door of the warehouse since they’d been dismissed. “That’s it?” Bucky said, bemused.
“Yeah, that’s it. Whaddya want, to provide a resume and cover letter? It’s not like the Boss has to check with HR here.”
“Does he really think I’m a cop?”
Happy shrugged. “Only the boss knows what the boss thinks. Guess not if he said you could stay. Come back tomorrow at 5.”
“Do you really think he’s a cop?” Rhodey asked when Tony was done welding, coming over to admire the smooth bead he’d put on the chassis of the classic car he was remodeling.
“Oh, he’s definitely a cop,” Tony said, stretching his back and shoulders. “But then I thought, we have a cop, we have cop problems, let’s let one take care of the other. Either he’ll get them to back off, or he won’t, but either way one of my problems will be solved.”
“Oh, so it’s not because he has a pretty face?”
“I didn’t know you were on the market, platypus,” Tony said with wide eyes. “I’m sure I could get his number for you, along with his bank account, social security number, and entire relationship history.” When Rhodey just rolled his eyes, Tony grinned. “He did have a pretty face, though, didn’t he? I wonder if that’s why they sent him.”
“Not unless the feds have changed their MO in a big way,” Rhodey said, handing Tony a towel to clean his hands and wipe the sweat off his face and neck.
“I’ll let him run around a bit and see what happens,” Tony said, voice turning serious. “I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
“Yeah. Like I had about Natasha. Or Natalie, whatever she’s calling herself now.” Natasha had been a plant from the Russians, trying to crack his operations so they could retake some blocks they’d lost a few years ago when Tony had taken advantage of infighting to push his boundaries out. She’d taken one look at the ladies working in Tony’s territory and taken to them like a mother cat with kittens. She’d also organized them with the ruthlessness of any NY City union boss, eliminating pimps with such prejudice it earned her the klichka the Widow. Six months into working for him, she’d flipped and given him everything she knew and was the reason why the Russians had been pushed back to their tiny toe-hold in Brighton Beach, with most of them heading back for greener territories back in the Motherland. “Put him with KT. He’s good with newbies.”
“You aren’t worried he’s going to find something?”
Because it was Rhodey, Tony gave it some thought. Whatever law enforcement sent Blue Eyes had apparently done a better job with his cover than the previous people did; so far Happy had been able to weed them out pretty early on. Tony couldn’t even say why he was getting a cop vibe from the new guy. He had short hair, little longer than military regulation, but the stubble on his jaw screamed six-day bender and he had the thousand-yard stare of an ex-soldier used to violence down pat. Hell, that part was probably true. Maybe it was the surprise in his eyes when he’d seen Tony; in Tony’s experience, most people who made their living on the streets had the ability to be surprised burned out of them long ago. “Nah,” Tony said eventually. “For the good stuff, he’d have to go through me. Anything else he’d just be nibbling around the edges.”
“Whatever you say,” Rhodey said with a shrug. 
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Kidnapped Tony Stark, Epistolary, Kidnapped Bucky Barnes Summary:
Missed Call: Capsicle (3) Missed Call: Honeybear (8) Missed Call: Natasha (2) Voicemails: 6 Unread text messages: 19  
Tony and Bucky's first vacation together goes very wrong.
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mthofferings2020 · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
See Dracusfyre’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: Dracusfyre Discord: Dracusfyre#7796
Preferred organizations: - The Bail Project - Equal Justice Initiative - Global Fund for Women - Planned Parenthood - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Happy to write dark!characters, angst with happy ending, fluff. I am down to do some AUs (historical AUs, no-power AUs, etc, but we would need to discuss because some AUs I'm not interested in). Getting together or established relationship fics, kidfics. If you want M or E content, particularly with a specific kink, that will take longer for me to write (especially PWP, I need some plot for my sexy times usually).
Will not create works that contain: A/B/O, knotting, mpreg, HTP, angst with sad ending, de-aged fics. Not really interested in AUs in stuff that I'm not interested in IRL like band!AUs or actor!AUs. No RPF. I can't think of a complete list of squicks so I reserve the right to turn down a topic, but mostly open to negotiation.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1094
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Loki/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Loki/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - MCU Loki/Tony Stark - MCU Eddie Brock/Tony Stark/Venom - MCU, Venom movieverse Tony Stark any gen - MCU Bucky Barnes any gen - MCU Loki any gen - MCU Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU
Work Description: Due to IRL demands, my schedule for the delivery of a fic will be approximately NLT 3 months for the first 2.5k words (to give me time to figure out a story and winner preferences) and + 1 month for every 2.5k words after that. So a 10k fic will take no more than 5 months pending any unforeseen disasters, because LBR, it is 2020. A 40k fic will take...a while. At least a year for it to be completed. $10 min bid is for a 2.5k word story. For every $5 increase in donation, the fic length goes up 1k words, with a max of 40k words. Please review my body of work to make sure you enjoy my characterization and voice before bidding! Some people (including me) are picky about how they like certain characters to be written. Thank you! Dracusfyre
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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dracusfyre · 5 years ago
Welcome Home
Title: Welcome Home Card Number: 18 Square: 1 - Swapped “Juice Pops” for the party adoptable “Polyamory/Open Relationship” Ship: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: T Warnings: None  Summary: Tony and Bucky welcome Steve home from a rough mission For @tonystarkbingo​
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massivespacewren · 5 years ago
dracusfyre replied to your photo “Today is Memorial Day, and I thought it would be nice if Tony...”
Omg @massivespacewren what if the head stone said James Buchanan Barnes? ��
OHHH YES! TELLMEMORE! Presumed dead thing with secret relationship?? :D Or maybe his gravestone from WWII? TELLMEMOOOOORE!!
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aurumacadicus · 5 years ago
dracusfyre replied to your post “My microecon course just showed me a video where a guy explains supply...”
lol sounds like someone was trying to demonstrate the concept of diminishing marginal utility
That’s exactly what it was lmao
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tisfan · 6 years ago
dracusfyre reblogged your photo and added:
Oh man I might have a mighty need for a Look felty...
I would be delighted to make one for you :D 
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themculibrary · 1 year ago
Captain America: The First Avenger Masterlist
Blood and Honey (ao3) - Claudia_flies steve/bucky E, 11k
Summary: A growl. It makes Steve’s knees turn into jelly and his body clench again. With dawning horror Steve realizes what is about to happen.
Or: The fight on the bridge doesn’t go as Hydra planned. Gratuitous a/o/b fic.
come home yesterday (ao3) - customrolex bucky/peggy/steve G, 369k
Summary: 'You're gonna be just fine,' Steve said, close enough that Bucky could feel his breath. 'Maybe I'll try to enlist again, join you—'
'Don't kid about that,' Bucky said, even tho he knew Steve wasn't really. He'd tried to enlist once before Bucky had been drafted, and a few times after that. 'Don't do anything stupid until I get back.'
'You're taking all the stupid with you,' Steve grumbled. He straightened Bucky's tie, and kissed him once again. Bucky tried to memorize how it felt; it was over too quickly.
Come On, Be My Baby (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky E, 1k
Summary: There was a time where Steve thought he’d been a beta. He just didn’t present. Too sickly to be an alpha by society’s standards and too ill to carry children or deal with heats, his body just didn’t do anything. He didn’t have much of a sex drive, in fact it was near non-existent and to be honest, he was happier that way. If he had been an omega he would’ve been expected to get married off to an alpha and have lots of children, especially because he grew up in the 40’s and rights for omegas were slim. If he’d been an alpha people would have mocked him even more than they already did. So, he was content on being unclassified or as he and everyone else assumed, a beta.
Well, until the serum.
It started with cramps in his lower abdomen and crawled up his back. His chest felt suspiciously full and heavy, it hurt and he was terribly sensitive. There was a strange scent that seemed to follow him around, a sweet smell. One that was usually associated with omegas. It was hard to be around his men, the people in his squad. They were all alphas and his skin felt itchy, not his own. It was like his skin was crawling off. Like he wasn’t – he wasn’t –
Follow Up (ao3) - billie_vivienne steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Set during Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve bluffs his way off the USO stage and onto the battlefield, saving Bucky. After, they get to spend an intimate night together,
Grateful (ao3) - ALMartin1011 G, 1k
Summary: Steve knows he should be grateful for the gift he was given through Project Rebirth but his new life wasn’t as easy as he expected it to be.
Heirloom (ao3) - TealWren steve/bucky T, 12k
Summary: 5 times Steve Rogers lost himself to Captain America and 1 time Steve Rogers showed everyone who he truly was.
how we are hungry (ao3) - liketheroad steve/bucky M, 18k
Summary: The power of love and all that.
It All Starts Somewhere (fanfiction.net) - FantasytoHeart T, 20k
Summary: Hydra has bases all over Europe and the newly formed Howling Commandos have their work cut out for them. A story about the Commandos as there are not enough of them.
Kind Men (ao3) - quigonejinn steve/bucky, peggy/steve E, 15k
Summary: D/s-ish-verse retelling of Captain America: The First Avenger. When the time comes, Erskine doesn't throw a grenade onto the training ground.
Let’s Hear It For Captain America! (ao3) - Magnetism_bind steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: A missing scene from Captain America: The First Avenger
Of All The Gin Joints (ao3) - dracusfyre bucky/tony T, 3k
Summary: Bucky feels like he's crashing and burning while Steve is soaring like a goddamn all-American bald eagle or something. But as Steve walks off with Agent Carter and leaves Bucky to drink alone, a mysterious stranger decides he wants to kiss him and make it all better.
Our Names in Blood (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 29k
Summary: The super soldier experiment results in Steve becoming a lethal killing machine. Isolated, alone, and terrified, Steve finds his way to Europe where he learns Bucky's been taken by Hydra. When he finds him strapped to a metal slab and moments from death, Steve faces the choice: either let his childhood best friend - and the love of his life - die, or turn him and condemn his soul.
The First Avenger (ao3) - shestepsintotheriver steve/bucky M, 73k
Summary: "Steve Rogers neither begins nor ends with Captain America. Before all that, before the fame and the horror and the loss, Steve is just another hungry kid from Brooklyn. Braver than most—or more bull-headed, depending on who you ask—but pretty average. Discounting the bad heart, the bad lungs, the bad temper, or at least that’s what Bucky always says when Steve does something really stupid, but he'll always add ‘the best guy I ever known’ at the end of the list."
The story of the First Avenger with almost all the bits from the movie, then several additions to canon.
The Guest (ao3) - orphan_account steve/darcy, jane/thor, bucky/sam M, 113k
Summary: “Darcy…?”
Her focus snapped back to Steve, fear now dominating her face. “Steve, I’m going to ask you something and it’s probably going to be…strange.”
He nodded, already having an idea as to what she may be getting ready to ask.
“When, am I?”
“It’s September 30th, 1942.”
Darcy hung her head, hiding her face from him and Steve as her shoulders shook. It was only a couple of moments later that she righted herself, hiding her shock and heartbreak behind a wry expression.
“Well, fuck me sideways. I’m not really sure how to go forward from here.”
there's nothing left of you (ao3) - notallbees steve/bucky, peggy/steve, bucky/omc E, 22k
Summary: Bucky’s having a hard time reconciling Captain America with the friend he left behind in Brooklyn. It’s bad enough that every time he closes his eyes he sees the inside of a torture chamber. Now, every time he opens them again, he sees a stranger with Steve Rogers’ eyes and smile.
The Way You Say My Name (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 10k
Summary: “Oh God… Oh… Buck…”
Steve says his name differently the moment Bucky gets his mouth on him. Breathless… Desperate… Bucky’s heard his name by moaned, be gasped, be screamed - in a number of different voices, by a number of different people. But none of them say his name the way Steve does.
Steve whimpers. He’s always been that way. Maybe it’s due to the fear of getting caught, or maybe that’s just how he is in general... If they could truly be alone, if there was no one around to risk hearing them, or catching them, or outing them… If Steve had the freedom to be as loud or as quiet as he wanted to be; could choose it… How would he say Bucky’s name? Would it come out like a sob, or a prayer, or maybe still a secret? Would it awaken the Heavens with its volume, or be whispered just for Bucky’s ears? Would Steve look him in the eyes while his lips formed around the syllables? Or would they roll up into his head without control?
Bucky wishes he knew. That he could know. But since it’s not an option, he’ll always just be grateful for being able to hear Steve say his name like this in general – and when Steve whimpers it, that’s the way Bucky likes best.
This Is My Last Breath (ao3) - FlyByNightGirl steve/bucky N/R, 731k
☆ War stories, laughter, dances, disasters, stars. Family, fall out boy, falling, nightmares and two broken hearts.
(There's a double love story about two boys with 70 missing years in between - somehow Sergeant James Barnes became The Winter Soldier, and this is how.)
Truth, Justice, and the Cheating Cheater Way (ao3) - owlet peggy/steve T, 4k
Summary: Don't play cards with Captain America. Just don't. Especially if you've pissed him off recently.
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feelingsinwinterold · 6 years ago
AAAWWWWWW You’re killing me! <3 All the hugs! <3
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years ago
The Buy In
Chapter 2: Taking Out the Trash
by @dracusfyre
“So who exactly are these cops hassling?” Bucky asked the next day as he met up with a man called Kenton at a bodega on 6th. “The shops? Dealers?”
“The ladies,” Kenton 'call me KT' said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. KT was stocky and short, with an aggressive undercut and stud in his lip, looking more like an emo kid than a mob enforcer. “We don’t have dealers here.”
“Really? None?" When KT nodded, Bucky asked, "How come?”
When KT eyeballed him skeptically, Bucky said, “Look, it’s my first day, alright? I’m not from around here.”
“Everyone knows the boss hates drugs,” KT said, hitting the button for the crosswalk. “Like, hates. A few years ago he tried to run all the dealers out, but they kept coming back like weeds. Too much demand to keep them out for long, you know? So the boss figures, you don’t kill weeds by cutting them down, you kill them at the roots. So he started targeting the users, not the dealers. First, he bought up the local methadone clinic, set up a rehab house nearby, brought in a bunch of fancy docs. Puts the word out that anyone who wants to dry out can stay for free and gets a sweet deal when you get your ninety-day chip.”
Bucky frowned. “I remember that. The mayor cut the ribbon on the facility, right? I thought the city set up that clinic.”
“Ha!” KT said it like that, an actual ha. “The boss let them take credit for it, sure. But it was his idea and his money. Once he got the clinic up and running, he put the word out to all the dealers, making them an offer: sell him all your goods, give him your client list, and you get a new job that pays twice what dealing does.”
“What happens if the dealer doesn’t take the offer?”
“One day they find themselves on a cargo ship to Madagascar,” KT said, matter of fact. “Or Indonesia, or Kamchatka.”  Bucky doubted that but kept it to himself; it was way more likely that the dealers got dumped in the river while Stark’s organization sold the drugs at a markup. But it was a good story. “Stoners can stay if they grow their shit locally,” KT continued, “but the party bros looking for bumps gotta get it somewhere else. But God help them if they make trouble, because the boss sure won’t.”
“Huh,” Bucky said, noncommittal. “So what are we doing today? Waiting for the cops to show their faces again?”
“Pretty much. Gonna talk to the ladies, then we’ll hang around and see if the pigs come back and let them know that their behavior is not appreciated.” A few more blocks down, KT knocked on an unassuming red door and led Bucky into a whole new world. He’d known when KT said ladies that he’d meant prostitutes and had braced himself for the worst: bare mattresses on the ground, barred windows, dull eyes and needle tracks. But what Bucky walked into looked more like the Waldorf than any brothel Bucky’d ever seen during his brief tour on Vice. Bucky tried not to stare as he took in the thick carpet and tasteful furnishings around the room, with women scattered around in groups chatting. Along one side of the room was a classy bar with mahogany wood and brass furnishings that had a few customers already despite the fact it was barely 5:30. KT approached the bartender, a petite but statuesque redhead with pinup curls wearing a corset that had, if Bucky’s eyes weren’t deceiving him, knives where the boning would be.
“Evening, Widow,” KT said, and the bartender gave him a grin as she slid a beer to the man across from her.
“Evening, gents,” she said, voice pure Georgia drawl. “So did the Iron Man himself send someone down to check on his chickadees?”
“Iron Man?” Bucky echoed in confusion. “You mean the Mechanic?”
“You must be new,” she said with amusement, and KT nodded. “He’s got lots of names, honey. He likes getting them and giving them. Bet he gave you a name, didn’t he?” she said, crossing her arms and leaning on the bar to give him an appreciative once-over. The pose made her look like she was going to spill out of her corset; didn’t do a thing for Bucky, but behind them the man with the beer walked into the back of a couch. “What does he call you?”
Ridiculously, Bucky felt his ears get hot. “Blue Eyes,” he said. “Probably like Jimmy Blue Eyes, I guess, but I don't know why. My name's not James.”
“It’s cuz of them pretty blue eyes of yours,” Widow said, and she laughed as Bucky felt the flush spread to his neck. “He must have taken a shine to you.”
“We're here about those cops you mentioned,” KT cut in, giving her cleavage a glance of appreciation but staying all business. “Stop teasing the help and give us the rundown.”
Widow gave Bucky another sultry smile and stood up straight. As she picked up a glass and rag and started polishing, the Georgia peach act fell away; her movements going from languorous to brisk. “Like I said to the boss, it was Rumlow and Rollins again,” she said, and Bucky’s eyebrows went up as even the accent disappeared. “They must think they got a pretty strong krishna to keep coming around here. They’ve got some of the new girls rattled. Came in just the other night trying to get a 'law enforcement discount,'" she said with a sneer, "and the only way we got them out of here without violence is Hawkeye got them too drunk to know if they were coming or going.” Widow tilted her head towards a man at the far end of the bar who looked like he was passed out, hat drawn down low over his eyes. “I wouldn’t have asked for backup if they weren’t cops, but.” She shrugged, and Bucky understood. Low level patsani, or even higher level enforcers, could disappear, but not a cop. “They also wanted a cut of what we pay to the Boss and wouldn’t listen when I tried to tell them it didn’t work like that.”
“What do you mean?” Bucky asked. "Doesn't work like what?"
Widow and KT shared a look. “He’s new,” he reminded her, and Widow smiled.
“Around here you don’t pay up, you buy in,” she said. “You’ll see.” She stepped away to take an order before Bucky could ask another question, so he turned back to KT.
“What are we going to do about the cops when they show up?” Bucky asked. Most times dirty cops got away with shaking down illegal businesses for money because it’s not like a bunch of criminals were going to rat them out to Internal Affairs. “Ask politely?”
“I have a few ideas,” KT said, sounding unconcerned. Bucky waited for him to say something else, but he apparently didn’t seem like sharing, so Bucky grunted and turned to scan the lounge.
While they’d been talking, a few more men, johns, Bucky assumed, had trickled in and were in conversation with the women, each of which were giving every indication that the man they were sitting next to was the funniest and most interesting man in the world. Guess that was one appeal of this place, Bucky thought; a man would never strike out here, and they probably spent good money to maintain the illusion that they were getting laid on their own merits. “Are all of the Boss's brothels like this?”
KT looked around like he was seeing the place for the first time. “Yeah,” he said, lifting one shoulder carelessly. “Boss invests in his people.”
Bucky supposed that made sense. Better margins in higher end prostitution. Still, it was strange to feel like he was hanging out in a hotel bar, complete with tipsy-looking couples disappearing into elevators to hook up. It was after 9 when the cops showed, still, stupidly enough, in uniform. Bucky suppressed the urge to curl his lip in disgust; these guys represented everything Bucky hated about his job, full of arrogance and spite and a thinly veiled hunger for violence. They were bullies, pure and simple, and Bucky hoped he would have a chance to punch one in the face. He could get away with it, too, if he told his superiors it was necessary to maintain his cover.
KT saw them the same time Bucky did; as they came closer to the bar, he slid off his barstool and put himself in their path.
“Who are you supposed to be?” The lead one sneered, looking down at KT, who was a good six inches shorter than the officer. “Are you supposed to be protecting these whores? You?”  Bucky came up behind him to back him up and read the officer’s badge. Rumlow. He memorized his badge number and that of the second officer, Rollins.
“Welcome back, officers,” KT said with a faint smile. “How can we help you?”
“Last time we asked nicely for our money, and we didn’t get it,” Rumlow said, coming closer so he was looming over KT. “We also asked for some trade, and didn’t get that either. We’re not going to ask nicely again.”
“Let me buy you a drink,” KT said, taking a step backward and gesturing towards the bar. “And let’s have a conversation, yeah?”
“We’re not here for no fucking conversation,” Rumlow spat. “We’re here for our money and a good lay, not necessarily in that order.”
“Fine.” KT’s friendly tone disappeared and his posture changed, going from relaxed and open to a coiled, snakelike tension, ready for violence. Bucky had seen that stance before, in his hand to hand combat training class at the academy. “We’ll cut to the chase.” Widow was watching them intently, a throwing knife already in her hand. Movement out of the corner of his eye proved that the man, Hawkeye, wasn’t as passed out as he appeared to be; Bucky could see light reflecting off the barrel of something, aimed at Rumlow. “For you to be coming in here like this, swinging your dick around, two things gotta be true: you must have protection, some fish big enough that you aren’t afraid of the Mechanic, and that big fish knows you’re here and doesn’t care. If that’s the case, then your boss and my boss are going to have problems. But if either of those things is not true, you are in a world of shit.”
At that, Rollins stole an uneasy glance at Rumlow, who was still trying to stare down KT. It was quick, but it gave the game away – and KT knew it, because suddenly he smiled and relaxed, which made Rumlow scowl harder. “Busted,” he said. “It’s not going to be hard to find out who your protection is, officers. And I don’t think they are going to be happy that you are picking fights with the Mechanic. Am I right?”
“Fuck you,” Rumlow snarled, and swung at KT. But the smaller man was ready, and KT stepped to one side of the swing, then grabbed Rumlow’s wrist and pulled at the same time that he put a hand on the back of his head and shoved, sending the man stumbling. Textbook judo move, to Bucky's eyes. As his partner got his feet under him again, Rollins went for his gun but Bucky already had his hand on it, shoving back down into its holster.
“Let’s keep it a fair fight,” Bucky said in a low voice, and Rollins listened because Bucky’s other hand had a knife slid up under the bottom edge of his bullet proof vest.
“Don’t make this any worse than it already is,” KT was saying, Rumlow’s face bright red with fury. “The Boss will let bygones be bygones if you leave now and don’t come back, but if blood gets shed...” He shook his head.
Rumlow’s face was red and Bucky could tell that he was furious at having been humiliated by someone smaller and lighter than him. Bucky was afraid that he would go for his pistol, but instead he put his hands up like he was in a boxing ring. KT smiled faintly and just made a “come here,” gesture, and that’s when Bucky knew he was trying to piss him off. And it worked; Rumlow lunged, swinging with a tight haymaker that would easily have broken KT’s jaw.
If it had connected, that is. But instead of trying to block, KT dropped to one knee, ducking under the swing, and hit Rumlow in the dick with an elbow as he scooped his leg and stood, throwing Rumlow to the ground where he curled around himself, cursing incoherently with pain.
Bucky whistled long and low, smothering a laugh. KT laid that asshole out in seconds. He released Rollins and said, “You can have your turn now, if you want.”
“That’s assault on an officer,” Rollins snarled, trying to help Rumlow to his feet. “I should haul you down to the station for that.”
“Your buddy clearly started it,” Bucky said. “It’s not like you don’t have witnesses. I’d get out of here before he does anything worse.” Bucky didn’t know if it was the fact that Rumlow still couldn’t stand up straight or the way that everyone was staring at them, but Rollins seemed to know good advice when he heard it, because they did leave, shouting threats the entire way.
“Did you get all that?” KT called out after the door slammed shut behind them, heading back to the bar where the Widow’s knife had disappeared like she’d never drawn it in the first place.
“Every second,” Hawkeye rumbled, sitting up. The barrel that Bucky had seen was a high-end camera lens, not a gun; he’d been videotaping the whole encounter. “Uploading it to YouTube now. That should get them off the streets for a while.”
“That’s how the Boss likes to settle things,” KT said with satisfaction. When he noticed Bucky looking at him with confusion, he said, “Listen here, because this is important: the Boss doesn’t like us to kill people. We don’t do this whole ‘send our guy to the hospital, we send your guy to the morgue’ thing, got it? We send them to the poorhouse. The poor bastard gets so tied up in lawsuits, repossessions, revoked passports, suspended licenses, and investigations that he wishes he were dead. Then the Boss goes after the poor bastard’s boss, and that boss’s boss…mobsters, dons, whatever you want to call them, they don’t mind dying, but they never, ever want to be broke. You start threating their bottom line and they pay attention.”
“Seriously?” Bucky said skeptically. Stark’s file said that he had plenty of blood on his hands.
“Seriously. You might get a pass if you don’t start it, but if it happens again, he cuts you loose, and believe me, it doesn’t take the cops long to track you down. They are hungry for anything they can get on the Boss.”
“You don't say,” Bucky said blandly. "So now what do we do?"
"We're going to stick around until the ladies close up shop, make sure those two don't get any bright ideas to circle back." KT pulled out his phone and started typing in it as he got back on his barstool where the ice in his drink had barely had time to melt. "Hawkeye usually makes sure the clientele behave themselves, so you can have a drink, but don't proposition any of the ladies while you're working."
"Right." What a strange goddamn way to run a criminal enterprise. After a moment, Bucky took a seat beside him and accepted a drink menu from the Widow, whose mouth was curling like she could read Bucky's thoughts. 
"You'll get used to it, Blue Eyes," she said. "I got a good feeling about you."
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