#dracopia fanfin
copiaslilrat · 6 months
Riding in the Shadows Behind You: Chapter 2
Sibling Eros and Copia form a pact and Copia reveals just how much of a romantic he can be. More blood is drank, and horniness ensures. Nobody seems to know how big Copia's dick is, but Eros has a pretty good idea.
Read here or on AO3 | Read Chapter 1 here or on AO3, as well.
Content: Copia/Dracopia x Original NB Character, fluff and smut (18+), vampires, watch two awkward idiots slowly fall in love and fuck about it, literally nothing bad happens /gen, no plot all vibes
Eros wakes up the next morning feeling as though they have the mother of all hangovers. They blink several times to clear the blurry haze from their eyes and realize that they are in an unfamiliar bedroom. Sunlight streams in through a crack in the blackout curtains, which are otherwise drawn entirely shut.
When they hear Copia humming softly in the next room over, the events of last night come tumbling back with visceral clarity. They make an attempt to stand, succeed, but then take two steps and fall flat on their face as their legs give out beneath them.
Copia huries into the bedroom at the sudden nose and makes a soft sound of surprise when he sees them laying on the floor. He helps them to their feet and guides them back to his spacious bed. “Maybe do not try to do that, for now.”
Eros nods in whole-hearted agreement. Copia leaves the room and returns a moment later with a large glass of water that Eros funnels down within seconds.
Copia chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his head. “I apologize for last night. I seemed to have gotten carried away.”
Eros shakes their head and immediately regrets the sharp movement. “No need to apologize, Cardinal. I was the one who asked for more.”
He offers a sheepish smile and sits down on the bed at their feet. He is dressed more casually today, in red sweatpants and matching zip-up hoodie with a black shirt underneath. “Please call me Copia. I think that formalities might a bit unnecessary after last night, hm?”
“Copia,” Eros repeats. They find that they like the sound and feel of it rolling off of their tongue and are wholly unsure of what to think about that.
He nods. “I know last night was, eh, last night , but I enjoyed myself up until the part where you went unconscious. I hope you did too. I think you are quite lovely, Eros,” He pauses for a moment before continuing. “I would very much like to call upon you again the next time that I need to feed, if you are willing.”
Eros blushes at the offer. They recall the look in his eyes when he said he liked the way they tasted, the feel of his hips grinding against theirs, and just the general intense pleasure of it all. “I am very much willing, yes.” Trying not to sound over-eager in their new, tentative relationship, they follow up with, “How often do you need to feed?”
“Ideally, every few days or so, but I usually go longer without it on account of the guilt.” His mismatched gaze meets theirs, and Eros notes the sadness behind his eyes. “Nobody has ever been willing before.”
They lean forward slightly and take his hand in theirs. “Trust me when I say that you can feed from me whenever you need to. I am more than happy to oblige.”
Copia’s expression brightens. He gives their hand a gentle squeeze. “That means a lot to me. Grazie , Eros."
Days pass in what feels like agonizing torture as Eros waits for Copia to seek them out. Many times, while alone at night, they have considered many times the prospect of showing up at his chambers and throwing themself at him just to experience what they had the other night again.
They return to their dormitory late one night after doing more research for Papa Terzo in the library to find a note slipped under the door.
“When you read this, come find me in the chapel. I will be waiting for you. -C”
Eros’ heart hitches in their chest. Like a star-crossed lover receiving a letter from their sweetheart, they lift the letter to their face and inhale. It smells like paper and ink. They aren’t sure why they should have expected anything otherwise, but a small part them was hoping it smelled like Copia.
They discard their cassock and don their classic tank top and trousers combination. They readjust their hair and touch up their eye makeup as if it’s not going to get messed up again when Copia feeds from them anyway. The chapel is an interesting venue to choose to do this in—it’s not nearly as private as his chambers, but maybe he felt weird having someone who is effectively a stranger in his personal space.
As satisfied with their appearance as they can be, they make a small hum at their reflection in the mirror on their vanity and exit the Sibling dormitory area.
The chapel is located directly behind the abbey. It’s a gorgeous old building that’s been around since before even the abbey was built. Nobody knows exactly how old the Satanic Ministry is, but the general consensus is that the organization is very, very, very old.
Eros pushes open the old, creaky doors. Carved into the wood is a large, intricate scene depicting Lucifer reigning over his demons in Hell. The chapel does not rely on modern electricity aside from a giant chandelier hanging from the middle of the ceiling. The rest of the lighting relies on the sun and the moon and what must be thousands of candles that stay perpetually lit thanks to a bit of magic. The moon is obscured behind clouds tonight, so the chapel is filled with soft, warm light. Incense smoke hangs thick in the air, mingling with the smell of old but well-kept wood.
Eros walks down the long aisleway to where they can see Copia’s figure knelt before an altar of Baphomet. Their footfalls are silent on the runner rug that runs the length from doors to the altar, but Copia looks over his shoulder as he hears their approach anyway.
“ Buona notte , Eros.” He greets with a soft, nervous smile. “Thank you for meeting me.”
“Hey, I benefit as much from this as you do. I think.” They reciprocate his smile. “Besides, I’ve had a few days to recover from last time. But maybe we should avoid making me pass out again. I’d hate for you to have to carry me back to the abbey.”
There’s a certain confidence to his gait that Eros hasn’t seen before as his lithe form stalks towards them. They find it quite unfair that a man his age has such spectacular thighs, accented only by pants so tight that they look painted on. “Do not worry. I think I have a better understanding of what your body can withstand now.”
“Can I ask why you wanted to meet me here this time?”
Eros’s already-racing heart practically leaps out of their chest when Copia reaches out and ghosts a gloved hand across their cheek. “Ambiance, caro .”
The only response they can muster is a soft, surprised whimper. His hand slides to their chin and gently pulls their face towards his until their noses brush together.
“I didn’t know that you were interested in me like this,” Eros whispers.
“I have seen you around the abbey before, and you have always caught my eye. Only a fool would not find you handsome.”
Their face flushes. “You flatter me, Copia, but I’m nothing special.”
His expression darkens at their self-deprecation. His mouth moves infinitesimally closer to theirs, his hand still cupping their chin. “ Caro , you are anything but.”
The tension between them pulls taut, threatening to snap at the smallest movement. The warm candlelight accents the peaks and planes of Copia’s face, darkness obscuring the rest. He looks like a figure from a Renaissance painting, rendered in chiaroscuro by a master artist. The chapel is completely silent aside from the sounds of their soft, steady breathing.
“May I kiss you, Eros?” Copia asks.
Eros could fuck him right there just for having the courtesy to even ask. Their voice is breathy, hardly a whisper. “Yes.”
He closes the small gap between their mouths, capturing their lips in a soft, gentle kiss before pulling back slightly. “Was that okay?”
Eros responds by pressing their mouth against his, firmer this time, to which Copia responds by inhaling deeply as his reciprocates. His hands slide to Eros’ waist, resting on the curve of their hips as their arms wrap around his neck. They kiss, slowly and deeply for several moments, before Copia starts to back them up against the altar.
“I need taste you again, caro ,” Copia purrs against their lips before dropping a line of rough kisses along their jaw and down to the pulse point on their neck. He hisses softly as he feels their heartbeat through the delicate flesh. “ P er favore...y ou are so tempting..."
Eros sighs softly, already dazed with lust just at the thought of being fed from. They incline their neck to give him easier access. “Please, Copia…” Just like last time, there’s a brief moment of pain, but the feeling is quickly overtaken by pleasure as Copia starts to pull blood from their neck. “Oh, fuck. ”
Copia presses up tightly against them, forcing their bodies flush. Eros curses the layers of clothes between them, wanting nothing more in this moment than to feel his skin on theirs. Copia drinks hungrily, his tongue occasionally swiping against their neck, not wanting to waste a single drop of them, each flicker sending a fresh shudder through their body.
Eros is completely soaked through after just a few moments, and Copia is similarly turned on, his cock occasionally kicking inside of his pants, begging to be freed and buried deep inside of them. Eros considers the idea of insitgating something sexual, but decides against it although the tiny, horny voice in the back of their head says that they should do otherwise. Copia’s hand slides down and between their thighs, but his grip stays firm on the soft flesh while his other hand cradles their head for support.
After what feels like too much time and also not nearly long enough, Copia removes his fangs from their neck. He licks a stripe over the wound, sealing it closed to hide the marks and to prevent blood from trickling onto their clothes, before planting a few soft kisses over it. He tilts his head upright and cups Eros’ head in his hands so that he can gaze into their eyes.
“Ta-da…” he murmurs with a small, satisfied smile. His pupils are still blown wide with bloodlust.
Eros laughs softly, only slightly dizzy from the lust and blood loss, and plants a lingering kiss on his lips. The sensation of tasting their blood on his lips is foreign, but it’s far from the weirdest thing they’ve had in their mouth in this abbey. The unresolved lust gradually dissipates from their bodies as they hold each other; they are simply enjoying the close proximity after sharing such an intense moment.
“How do you feel, caro ?” Copia asks softly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on their cheek.
“Good. Better than good. Amazing, really.”
Copia smiles at this. “I am glad to hear that.” After a beat, he gives them a sudden thoughtful look. “I do recognize that these meetings have been about satisfying my needs, and I would be lying if I said I did not feel a sense of guilt over it. Is there anything at all that I can offer you in exchange?”
Their face flushes as endless possibilities run through their mind, but they decide to take it slow so as not to startle either of them. “If you’re interested, maybe we could…spend some time together? Outside of this?” Copia’s eyebrows raise at their suggestion. “But, uh, only if you want to.”
He flashes them a wide smile, and they notice a very apparent lack of fangs. Maybe they only come out when he needs to feed. They make a note to ask him at a later time. “ Va bene. I would very much enjoy getting to get to know you better, Eros.” Copia plants a tender kiss on their forehead. “But for more, I am sure you are tired. May I walk you back to your room?”
Two of Eros’ Siblings are seated in the common room when Copia drops Eros off. While there are no restrictions about Ministry staff can do with each other, Eros still feels flustered at the sight of being seen this late at night with Copia. He seems just as nervous, tense at their side. 
“Eh, buona notte, sorelli ,” Copia offers.
The Siblings greet him in return with varying degrees of enthusiasm, their eyes flickering curiously between him and Eros. Copia gives Eros a friendly pat on the shoulder—an incongruous gesture compared to what they had been doing not even a half hour ago—and they laugh inwardly as their attempt to be inconspicuous is anything but that.
“Goodnight, Cardinal. Thank you for seeing me back to my room,” Eros says with an air of formality, but tries to communicate something softer with their eyes.
Copia seems to recieve the message. His gaze is soft in return as he offers a polite nod. “ Buona notte , Sibling Eros.”
When Copia leaves, Eros immediately beelines for their room, but one of their Sisters, Harlowe, catches their attention. “Uh, what was that?”
They swear under their breath and turn around to face her with a clipped smile. They and Harlowe are on good terms, but they wouldn’t consider her a friend. She’s short and slender and has a majestic, blacklight purple mane of curls. During they day she dons a Satanic Ministry nun’s habit, but at night she always wears a cropped tank top and impossibly comfortable-looking sweatpants.
“What do you mean?” Eros asks, feigning ignorance.
“You and the Cardinal, huh?” She presses with a knowing smile and leans forward on the floor cushion she’s seated on. “There’s no way something’s not going on with you two.”
Is there something going on between them? Eros has no idea. They’ve only been alone twice for a short amount of time, but the strange intimacy of their encounters probably counts for something. “He needed help with ritual prep in the chapel.”
Harlowe narrows her eyes suspiciously before sharing a glance two other Siblings in the room. “Alright, but if you start fucking, you’re going to have to spill the deets. We’ve always wanted to know if the Cardinal’s packing.”
Eros is surprised that she doesn’t know. They’ve personally never seen any of the Papas’ dicks before, but they’ve heard enough tales of sexual encounters from other Siblings that they could probably draw them from memory if someone asked. “Surely somebody knows?”
Harlowe shakes her head. “Cardinal Copia doesn’t sleep around much. I’m not surprised, given how introverted he is. I suppose that’s why you two seem to get along so well.”
“I, uh…yeah.” Eros replies, feeling rather lame about it.
“You’re looking a little pale, Eros. Are you alright?” Sibling Rosaleth asks either out of genuine concern or as a way to give them an out of this conversation, and Eros is grateful for either.
I suppose that I would be, on account of the major blood loss. “Just a little tired, I think. I’m gonna go to sleep.”
Satisfied with that answer, they bid their Siblings goodnight and strip down to their underwear. Laying in bed in the dark, the dregs of unresolved lust start to build in their core again. They readjust several times, trying to get comfortable while debating if it’s appropriate to touch themself to the thought of someone they’ve only met twice.
In the end, they decide that sleep will not be happening without some sort of release, and so their fingers get to work. The normal methods don’t seem to be working, so they swallow their doubt and a small amount of their pride as they let their mind fantasize about Copia. They know exactly what’s in his pants from the couple of times they’ve felt it press up against them, and while he may not be as lascivious as the Papas, they have no doubt that he knows how to use it. They imagine his gloved thumb on their clit as he fucks them slowly and deeply, his low voice purring sweet nothings into their ear, calling them a good boy…
They finish within seconds, clapping their free hand over their mouth to muffle their uncharacteristically loud cries of pleasure as they ride out the waves of their orgasm on their own fingers.
Ah, fuck.
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