#dracopia x oc
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Riding in the Shadows Behind You: Chapter 1
Sibling Eros has a chance encounter with a certain Cardinal with a secret after working late one night. Both of them are introverted and quite frankly extremely awkward, but they find that they simply just cannot get enough of each other. Could this be a match made in Hell?
Read here or on AO3 :) Feel free to message me a scene request if you have one ♡
Content: Copia/Dracopia x Original NB Character, fluff and smut (18+), vampires, watch two awkward idiots slowly fall in love and fuck about it, literally nothing bad happens /gen, no plot all vibes
Sibling Eros has had enough for one night.
They groan and rub their eyes before gently closing the cover to the ancient tome in front of them. It was dreadfully boring content, which is likely why Papa Terzo had assigned them to do the work for him. Eros enjoys reading, but one can only take so many paragraphs about the various properties of herbs used in rituals before they start to fuel their grip on reality slip away.
They stand and straighten out their cassock, which had be rumpled from hours of sitting. Cassocks are traditionally not designed for bodies like theirs, but upon request to have one instead of needing to don a habit, Terzo had been more than willing to have a set custom-tailored for them. He really is a good Papa, Eros thinks in an attempt to justify having spent their Saturday night in a stuffy library, reading about plants.
They snuff out the candle flame on the reading table they had been using and make their way out of the library. A gentle thunderstorm rumbles outside, the pattering of rain on the stained glass windows providing background noise to an otherwise silent abbey. It had to have been well past midnight at this point—very few others would be awake.
Which is why Eros is startled to see a figure striding up to them in the main corridor. They squint their eyes in the darkness, straining to see who it might be. Whoever they are, he can tell by their clothing that they aren’t a Sibling.
“Hello?” They venture. The Satanic Ministry’s abbey is one of the safest places they can be, on account of the magical wards that get put up every night. They have no reason to be fearful or expect danger, and yet…
As the figure gets closer, they notice one white eye standing out against the darkness. This narrows it down to four people in the entire abbey.
“Sibling Eros,” a low voice with a thick Italian accent greets.
Eros recognizes Cardinal Copia immediately. The Cardinal tends to keep to himself, but no one has ever said a bad word against the man. Eros has always been rather fond of him, but mostly from a distance. Aside from a few of their Siblings, they tend to be just as reclusive as he is.
“Cardinal! What are you doing up this late?” Eros asks. As he continues to approach, they notice that something is…off. He gait is unbalanced and stumbling, as if he were drunk. “Do you need some help?”
“Sí, but, eh…” Copia stammers. “Promise me you will not freak out when I ask you.”
Their curiosity is fully piqued at this point. “I will do my best not to.”
They eye the older man as he comes to a stop before them. He’s dressed sharply in fitted black trousers and a black button-down, the sleeves rolled up to the middles of his forearms. His Cardinal paint of eyes swathed in black with a matching painted upper lip seems unblemished despite the faint sheen of sweat clinging to his face. His chestnut hair, streaked with patches of silver, is normally slicked back from his face, but is presently in disarray. Eros has always found him strikingly handsome, and his wholesome awkwardness only adds to the appeal, in their opinion.
“I am…thirsty,” Copia says. His speech is slurred slightly and he seems as if he’s going to topple over at any moment.
Eros laughs softly at this. “I think you have had more than enough to drink tonight, Cardinal. May I escort you to your chambers?”
Copia looks as if he’s about to reject the offer, but decides against it. “Maybe that is for the best, sorello.”
They offer him a warm smile and let him sling his arm around their shoulder for support. “Please, just call me Eros.”
Copia nods his acknowledgment. They are about the same height, and he can mostly walk on his own, so they make it to Copia’s chambers without much incident or struggle.
“What is it that you wanted to ask of me, Cardinal?”
He smiles, but avoids eye contact. “Would you like to come inside for a moment?”
Eros’ eyebrows raise. It would not do well to get ahead of themself, but they certainly weren’t expecting Copia to be so forward. They didn’t even know he was interested in them in any capacity, but Eros feels personally obligated to see this odd side-quest to its end, and so they shrug and agree to his request.
Copia unlocks the door to his chambers and holds the door open for Eros, motioning for them to enter. They step inside, unsurprised that his living space is cozily decorated. Understanding this from their own habits, people who spend so much time by themselves tend to like having a comfortable safe space to retreat to at the end of the day.
The walls are painted the same dark forest green as every other bedroom, but the furnishings are all matching dark brown wood, and white candles cover almost every available surface. He has numerous bookshelves packed full of what appear to be mostly history texts, but Eros recognizes some works of fiction in there as well. Copia turns on a small lamp beside the black leather couch in the living room and turns to face them.
“Well,” he says. “I suppose I should just come out and say it.”
Eris swallows nervously and fidgets with the fringe on their cincture, which has already started to unravel from past and frequent bouts of fidgeting. A flash of lightning illuminates the visage of a stained-glass Baphoment in the nearby window, followed by a long roll of thunder.
Copia steps close enough to Eros that their bodies are almost touching. Their breath hitches in their chest at the proximity.
“Cardinal, I didn’t realize…”
Copia notes their flushed cheeks and verous demeanor. “Oh! Sathanas, no, it is not like that. Not to say that I am not, eh…never mind.” He finishes quickly.
Eros feels a regrettable pang of disappointment, but is moreso just further confused by his strange behavior. “Then what is it?”
This close together, they can see the concern etched into his face. Copia smiles at him, this time flashing his teeth. Eros�� confusion only grows; sure, they’re nice teeth, but—
Their eyes widen in surprise. “Unholy fuck, are those fangs?”
Copia’s expression is unreadable. “Sí.”
“So, you’re a vampire?” Eros feels that they are taking this revelation remarkably well. Weirder things have come to light since they were initiated into the abbey’s congregation.
He blinks at their nonchalance before nodding once.
“And…you’re thirsty.”
“For blood, sí. As it happens.”
Eros has approximately a million questions about this, but asking any of them right now feels like an impossible feat. “How many people know about this?”
“Only my fratelli. And you, now, too, I suppose.”
“Why trust me?” Eros fears that they already know the answer to this question.
“Because I am in desperate need of assistance with this, and you were the only one who happened to be around. I was pacing the abbey’s halls to try and distract myself from the thirst, but then you…you…” Copia’s eyes unfocus, his pupils dilating to a discomforting size as his gaze falls to Eros’ neck.
This was absolutely not how they were expecting tonight—or any night, for that matter—to play out.
But Eros is very tired and fond of the strange little man who is also apparently a vampire, and they really just want this chapter pf their night to be concluded. “Okay, sure. You can have some of my blood, I guess.”
Copia looks absolutely delighted at this. “Really? Oh, grazie, Eros, truly.” He takes a step closer to them, and they resist the urge to take a step back. “I did not want to have to go out in this storm and find someone who would very likely be an unwilling participant in this whole affair. It is really the worst part of being what I am.” Copia pauses, noticing their apparent discomfort. “I am sorry. I tend to ramble when I am nervous. Are you sure you are okay with this?”
Eros’ face scrunches slightly. “Does it hurt?”
Copia offers a reassuring smile. “Just a pinch at the beginning, and then I promise that I will be very gentle with you. It will only take me a few moments and then you can be on your way.” He casts a nervous glance towards the door. “You can also just leave now, if you wish. I will not force you into doing this; all I ask is that you keep this a secret between us.”
“It’s alright, Cardinal. I want to help,” Eros says. They unbutton their cassock slightly to allow him easier access to their neck. “I’m also morbidly curious. Just don’t kill me, okay?”
They had meant that as a joke, but Copia’s expression indicates that he took that very seriously. “Of course. I would never harm you, or anyone, for that matter.”
Eros nods, touched by his sincerity. Copia places a hand on their upper back and guides them over to the couch. He sits down first, and then playfully pats his lap. Sensing Eros’s hesitation, Copia explains. “For your first time, I highly suggest sitting down, and it is much easier and much less awkward for me to reach your neck if you straddle me. I promise that I will not treat you with indecency.”
Eros gets the feeling that Copia has had this conversation many times before. They have no reason to be distrustful of him, and the whole situation is just fucking weird anyway, so once again, they shrug and comply. Spreading one’s legs is difficult in a cassock, so they disrobe entirely, leaving them in just their trousers and a black tank top.
Eros finds it impossible to make eye contact with Copia they sidle onto his lap. They don’t know what to do with their hands in this situation, so they settle for placing them on his shoulders. They clear their throat nervously and spare a glance at Copia, who’s practically buzzing with excitement at the prospect of drinking someone’s blood. His pupils are so dilated that they almost encompass his entire irises.
“Because I feel that I should ask one more time, are you sure that you are okay with this? I promise that I will not be upset at you if you choose to leave.”
Eros forces themself to look into his eyes, both for his reassurance and for their own. They have the subtle urge to reach over and brush their hand against his cheek, but they repress it for the sake of preventing things from being even more awkward. “It’s okay. I promise.”
Being this close to him, Eros notices that Copia smells of amber and vanilla, but there’s also a faint hint of incense that seems to be embedded in his hair and clothes from time constantly spent in the chapel for one reason or another. They had heard rumors that he has “666” tattooed on his chest, just underneath his collarbone, and it would be so easy to undo a couple of his shirt’s buttons and check…
Before their train of thought continues to go somewhere that it really should not right now, they smile at him. “Ready when you are.”
“Bene. I will do my best to make this as painless as possible for you.”
Copia leans his head forward slightly and dips his mouth below Eros’s jaw, right by the pulse point on their neck. They tense, expecting some sort of grand pain despite Copia’s reassurances, but he delivers on his promise of being gentle and Eros doesn’t feel anything more than a quick jab as his fangs pierce their neck.
They feel Copia’s tongue experimentally flick against the wounds in their neck and shiver at the sensation, but manage to maintain their composure. At least until Copia groans softly against their neck as he tastes their blood. That sets off something fiery in their core, and it really all seemed to be down- or uphill from there depending on how Eros viewed the situation. If they weren’t already sold on the fantasy of being fed on by a vampire, they certainly were now.
Eros presses their body closer to Copia’s as he drinks, both allowing and consenting him to push his fangs in deeper. This actively hurts, but whatever vampire fuckery happens when they feed on someone already firmly has them in its clutches, and their head rolls back slightly in ecstasy, further baring their neck to him.
Copia lets out a low growl and his grip on their thighs tightens. Eros gasps softly as they feel his arousal press up against their own, momentarily stunned by the sheer, apparent size and length of him, and as he continues to feed, Eros finds themself slightly grinding against him. This only seems to further spur Copia’s blood lust, but as promised, he stops after just a few moments. His breath comes out in short pants as he gazes into Eros’ eyes.
“You taste incredible,” he murmurs as he reaches up and brushes back a lock of hair from their face. He gazes at them with reverence, as if witnessing a god in the flesh, and Eros can’t help but whimper softly at his praise.
Their own breathing is ragged, the space between their thighs already damp from just those few moments. “Cardinal, I think I would very much like for you to continue doing that.”
His eyes widen at the request. “Do you mean that?”
“Yes. It felt incredible.” They look down at where their sexes are touching through their clothes, one soaked and one rock hard. Their hands snake around his neck, their mind foggy with lust and exhaustion. “Cardinal, please…”
“Oh, caro,” his voice is a breathy sigh as he presses his mouth to the pre-existing puncture marks. “As sweet as it sounds coming from you, there is no need for you to beg. It would be my pleasure.”
And then his fangs are buried in their neck again, and the acknowledgement of pleasure from both parties only makes it feel better the second time. Copia drinks for several moments before guiding Eros to lay down on the couch. He lays on top of them, allowing for more friction between them as they eagerly grind against each other through their clothes. Eros’ hands claw into his shirt, wanting more of him, wanting him closer, while Copia’s hands thread through their hair, tugging slightly on the strands as he supports the back of their head.
This continues for a much longer length of time until Eros notices that they suddenly feel very tired, and perhaps just a touch dizzy. Copia had been restraining himself with how much he was actually drinking, but the human body only has so much blood to spare before it needs to rest so that it create more.
Eros’ vision starts to go fuzzy around the edges, and by the time Copia realizes that he might have taken a little too much, they’ve already slipped into blissed-out unconsciousness.
#copia x oc#dracopia x oc#ghost band fic#ghost band#the ghost band#the band ghost fic#cardinal copia x oc#ghost the band#ghost the band fanfic#ghost band fanfic#ghost fandom#cardinal copia#sibling of sin#dracopia#copia#i am not normal about this man
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Dracopia/Vampire Copia with an S/O who lets him drink there blood
(I feel like this is confusing if it is I apologize)
(I understand!)
Copia growled in pain. Looking at his hands they grew paler and paler. He needed blood. Now. Bodies laid around him drained of blood. It was like nothing could quench his hunger.
“Amore? You are in here no?”
Copias head shot up when he heard Celine. No. No no no! She wasn’t suppose to be here! He stumbled back from his seat, the bodies cushioning his fall. Celine walked in and her heart broke for her lover. Kneeling she held her hand out to him her neck exposed
“Feed from me amore, please you need it si?”
Copia shook his head anyone but her. He yelped when she dragged him in by his collar and kissed him. Slowly but surely he laid her down and bit into her neck. He drunk what he needed to and looked down. She looked so pretty with his bite mark on her shoulder, and she hadn’t…fainted. She wasn’t drained of blood?
“You wanted to stay with me forever didnt you, so I spoke to Primo. I have life eternal”
His eyes widened and he smiled kissing her. He let out a groan as her scent and the scent of here blood mingled in the air, sweet and intoxicating.
Sorry if it’s not what you wanted
#the band ghost fanfiction#the band ghost fic#the band ghost#ghost band oc#ghost band#cardinal copia#dracopia X oc#Copia X oc
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The Cardinal and the Seamstress
Hello, all! This is my first Ghost fanfic! I have been in a Dracopia brainrot due to a knitting project I'm formulating and then I saw an edit that got my brain cogs CHURNING. Hopefully you enjoy!
Pairing: (dracopia) Cardinal Copia x OC
Summary: the Cardinal is suddenly thrust into the spotlight and finds solace in the clergy's sewing departments' assistant, Sarah
Warnings: mentions of blood, biting
Words: ~1.7k
Chapter 1 - Introductions and Intrigue
Read on AO3
banner and dividers courtesy of: gothdaddyissues AND ghuleh-recs
Cardinal Copia is a man who considers himself someone who cannot be distracted easily. Centuries on this Earth have taught him the focus he needs to bring the Clergy to great success over the years, up to the leadership of Papa Emeritus the Third. Terzo. Lately, however, Copia’s mind keeps wandering while he looks over ancient texts for future Black Mass sermons. There’s... instability brewing amongst the higher-ranking members. Sister Imperator has kept her mouth shut during this whole ordeal. Terzo is no longer going to front the Ghost project but there hasn’t been any word on who will be the next Papa.
At least, this is what Copia tells himself that this is what his mind is occupied about. It can’t help that the new clergy seamstress assistants keep coming to him with fabric samples. Why should he care? Its just a new cassock. What good would his opinion be on fabric? Though, he will admit, heightened senses do make certain material an absolute nightmare to wear.
The past few days have been nagging at him. He’s felt restless. Anxious, even. Copia stands and walks over to his drinks cart. A quick sip of anything to calm his mind! He has an important meeting with Imperator and Papa Nihil today, whatever that may be about.
Tape measure… pencils and eraser… notebooks… Rullers…
The sound of a door opening broke Sister Sarah’s concentration. A big project is coming upon the clergy sewing department and the upper members have been silent about it to anyone but Sister Amelia, the head of the sewing department.
“I was curious if you were going to be getting here via trike. Ha!” Sister Amelia shouts behind her, chuckling at her joke while walking into the studio space.
A voice responds back. “Oh! Ehe.. You uh.. know about that?”
Cardinal Copia?
Sister Amelia chuckles. “Word travels fast in these hallowed halls, Cardinal Copia.”
“Ah.” Is all the Cardinal can respond with. His mouth forms an awkward straight line. He looks down to the floor and fidgets with his hands.
Sarah can’t help but be endeared to the old cardinal. Most members of the clergy can be uptight but not Copia. In his devoted service to the clergy, he always seems to be able to bring his own sense of whimsy. His cassocks are well pressed and his hair is slicked back, barely a strand out of place, but he likes to unwind by riding a tricycle around the halls. Who does that?!
“Hello Cardinal! It’s a pleasure to see you.” Sarah says. He looks startled.
“Yes, ciao Sister…” He takes her hand. “Mi dispiace, Sister my mind has been in twenty different directions today” The cardinal responds.
“It’s Sarah, Cardinal.”
“Sarah. Bene.” he bows his head at her.
A small blush spreads to the surface of her cheeks. She stares at her hand after the cardinal lets go. It feels tingly. How odd.
Sister Amelia gestures to Copia and the small platform in the middle of the room. “Please, Cardinal, step onto this platform so we can get your measurements. Oh, Sarah, could you please go and fetch my binder of men’s suit pattern blocks? Our dear Cardinale is going to need a new wardrobe!” She looks back to Copia.
Sarah’s ears perked up. Is Cardinal Copia going to head the Ghost project? Does Papa Terzo know? Am I allowed to know this information?
“Right away!” Sarah responds, dashing to the pattern closet. Lost in her thoughts, it takes a couple tries through the binders to find the correct one. Before leaving she thinks to grab a roll of pattern paper.
“Great instincts in grabbing the pattern paper. I’m thinking we make something… different this time and it will require new pattern pieces to work with.” Amelia looks to Copia. “Cardinal? What would your opinion be if we made the pants more... fitted to you than normal?” Amelia has a smirk on her face that could only lead to mischief. Copia looks like he just might pass out.
“Sister Amelia I am not sure I can fully visualize it but I trust your judgement!” Copia responds.
Amelia nods and gets to work. Over the next 40 minutes she measures Copia while Sarah notes it down. Occasionally she’ll make a note on more fabrics to consider or colors. Copia stands as still as possible and follows the direction of Amelia on when to raise his arms. Sarah notices for this fitting that Copia’s mind seems elsewhere. His eyes wandering off only to occasionally flit back on her through the mirror’s reflection. Even through the reflection in the mirror, Copia’s eyes pierced into her soul. Occasionally the Cardinal’s hands flex in his gloves and then balls them into fists, repeating it a few times before stopping.
Copia walks into his quarters with a deep, tired sigh. It’s been a long day. His hallway “meeting” with Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil was… enlightening. “New blood” Copia remarks to himself. How ironic. Walking into his bedroom to change he glances at the calendar and immediately his eyes widen at what he has written for the next few days.
“Merda!” Copia slaps his hands to his face and grimaces. Today is a feeding day! He walks out of his bedroom and over to the refrigerator for the blood bags he keeps on hand for these days. Bless this clergy. His vampiric condition is well known amongst the clergy and volunteers have given their blood to help Copia when he needs nourishment. To at least feel some dignity he fetches a wine glass from the cabinet and pours the blood into it.
Wine glass now filled, he moves to a plush chair in the living room. He lets out a content sigh at the first few sips. How could I let this sneak up on me? He thinks. It’s all the work! The Ministry has asked so much of him in the last few months. And now he will lead the Ghost Project? That couldn’t possibly be what they’re thinking?
He takes another sip of the wine. Sister Sarah? Is she new? Copia ponders if he’s seen her around the halls. She seemed excited to meet him. She must be a recently inducted member of the clergy. Maybe she was just one of the several seamstress assistants Amelia recently acquired and was anxious to get started. Copia hadn’t remembered any faces of the siblings who come into his office with requests from their bosses. He’s so used to people asking things from him he seldom remembers their faces. Only their voices ever seem to register while he pours through his work.
Another sip. Copia is almost fully back to himself. The blood is working well to improve his mood after this hellish day. I wonder if I’ll be seeing more of Sister Sarah at these fittings? Copia looks at his almost finished glass of blood “wine”. Hmm. I wonder what her blood might taste like on my tongue- Cazzo! Copia sits up straighter in his chair. Where did that come from?
Sarah is making her way down to the dining area for dinner after Amelia dismissed her for the day. The Cardinal has not left her mind since their whole encounter this afternoon. His eyes. She cannot get those duo chrome eyes out of her head. Maybe this ministry is all so new still. Sarah thinks. I’ll get used it.
Food and drink in hand she makes her way to a table to eat. A fellow assistant of Amelia’s flags down Sarah to come eat with him. Alex, she remembers. Very helpful in keeping up with Amelia’s fast paced work. Sarah smiles to Alex for keeping a seat open.
“No worries, newbie.” Alex jokes. “I could tell from across the room you were a bit frazzled.”
“Shes just so… y’know?” Sarah huffs while taking a bite of food.
“Oh. I know. Every new assistant that comes through Amelia’s studio in the beginning gets what I like to call “The Gauntlet”. Full-on chaos for the first month or so.”
“A month?”
“Or so! Depends on the project.” He muses.
Sarah hangs her head. “I have a feeling this will be longer than ‘a month or so’, Alex.”
“Welp! Stock up on snacks. She likes to pull all-nighters towards the end.” Alex responds kindly.
For a while they sit in silence while they eat. Sarah uses this time to take in all the sights and sounds of the mundane in something as absurd as a satanic ministry. She notices the upper clergy all eating their meals together like how teachers would eat together at lunch in school. Though, she thinks someone is missing. Cardinal Copia.
She turns to Alex. “Hey, where’s Cardinal Copia? It’s dinner time. He’s gonna miss the meal window.”
“Wait. You don’t know? He doesn’t exactly, uh, eat with everyone else all the time.” Alex looks surprised.
“I’m not following.” Sarah responds.
Alex rips off the Band-Aid. “He’s a vampire.”
Sarah laughs. Loud. Some surrounding clergy members turn around in their seats at the commotion. “Oh, wait, you’re serious?” Sarah stops laughing. “He’s a vampire?” Alex nods. “Full-on, blood sucking creature of the night?” Another nod from Alex. “Well, shit.” Sarah sits back in her chair, stunned.
Alex chuckles. “Yeah it always takes new members by surprise. Somehow devils and demons are easy to believe thanks to the presence of the Ghouls. But Copia’s vampirism is drawing the line!” Alex waives his hands dramatically.
“So… How does he get blood? Does he ever feed off of anyone?”
“Siblings volunteer to give blood. He needs a good amount to feed off of but only has to do it every 2 or 3 weeks. Depends on his mood and let me tell you-“ Alex warns. “You do not want to be in his way when he’s getting too close to the threshold of feeding.
Sarah nods her head. “Noted.”
A short while later dinner is done and all the siblings and clergy members head back to their rooms. Alex’s words hadn’t left her mind. Vampire. Her hand, the one Copia held, comes to her mind as well; the buzzy feeling she felt earlier today comes back. That night Sarah dreamed of a particular Cardinal in red. Two-toned eyes circled in black paint and baring sharp teeth. She had dreams of sharp teeth imbedded in her neck sending tingly feelings all over her body while she slept.
I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think :) I aim to update once a week if I can get my brain to work.
#cardinal copia fanfiction#the band ghost fanfiction#cardinal copia x oc#ghost#the band ghost#ghost fanfiction#aaa what are tags#cardinal and the seamstress#ghost fic#personal#my fics#dracopia
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“You don’t want me to starve, do you?”
“Of course not, dear…”
“Then do it.”
(POV: You are about to be stabbed by the local goth couple)
#loveeee love love drawing Dracopia and his cute lil fangs#my art#ghost bc#ghost fandom#the band ghost#copia emeritus#ghost band fanart#ghost copia#papa copia#papa emeritus iv#papa iv#papa popia#ghost self insert#selfship art#self shipping community#self insert community#self ship art#canon x self insert#self insert x canon#dracopia#vampire!copia#papa emeritus the fourth#papa emeritus 4#self ship#self insert oc#self shipping#sibling of sin#selfship#selfshipping#self ship community
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Creatures of the Night
I got this inspiration of what would happen if Papa Copia decided to take his little ghoulians out for trick or treat on Halloween. It's fluffy wuffy goodness and I will take every opportunity to put Copia into a cape. So...there. Yes, I'm still working on my main Ghost fic, but this wouldn't stop poking at my brain. Enjoy a meet cute and cute ghoulies.

Halloween was always a special time of year for the Ministry. It started early of course because the spirit was in full swing.
Papa Emeritus IV loved this holiday as did all the previous Papa's, perhaps more than most. He was a dyed in the blood horror movie fan and seeing all the creature feature marathons, the ghouls and goblins up and down the city streets, and the excited faces of the siblings as they decorated always made him happy.
But what was one of his favorite parts of the holiday was being the chaperone for the youngsters of the church and the young ghoulians who were always excited to get outside without having to hide their faces. Their masks were the lack of them, and they were adorable with their tiny fangs and bright eyes.
Now as Papa he didn't know if he'd get to this part of the tradition as he had more work on his plate and a now famous visage in face paint across the world. But Copia had a plan...and he was Papa, wasn't he? He could make, what was it...an executive decision.
Though Sister wasn't thrilled with the idea (You're taking two of the grown ghouls with you Cardi!) Copia came up with a similar form of camouflage as the ghoulians...his lack of his mask would be his disguise.
Although he was rather proud of the fact so many of his fans and followers dolled themselves up in his paints during the holiday, he didn't want to risk being recognized. Not that he didn't love his fans etc. but it was about the kiddos, and he selfishly wanted to watch their fun first hand. So Copia dug into his closet and found his cape. He dressed in his tight (maybe more so that day) black dress pants, donned a black frilly shirt from the tour and went full on vampire with his makeup, adding a dramatic little line of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. The design he created was one similar to his old Cardinal paints with a bit more bat involved.
"Blah!" he said to the vampire in the mirror...which wouldn't make him much of a vampire come to think of it, "Ehehhehe...this works". With the gloves his look was complete. He'd even added a bit of black to his hair, not that the grey and silver peppering wasn't sexy and distinguished in its own right. But the black added to the whole vampire mystique and his alter ego. And well...just his ego.
The night of trick or treating came. Copia and his group of two adult ghouls, 3 young human children and 3 little ghoulians walked through the leaf covered streets of the small town outside of the Abbey. It was a crisp night with Halloween decorations all around and the laughing voices of children and those who still felt like they were children in the air. Woodsmoke from chimneys mixed with the breeze as twilight fell way to the full velvet of night. Copia was, for lack of a better word, in his version of heaven.
There was a small-town square area where vendors had set up kettle corn, apple cider, and apple cider doughnuts for sale. The children, who had already filled their skull shaped buckets full of candy, were begging Copia for some of the food. Copia was a soft touch if ever there was one, and even though one of the adult ghouls was shaking their head, Copia quickly gave each of his charges five dollars to go splurge. He turned to the ghoul. “I’m Papa, it’s my job to spoil them.”
Even though all the eyes of the chaperones were on the little trick or treaters, ghoulians were quick and notoriously curious about the human world. As such, one of them got separated from the group. The little girl ghoul was dressed like a gothic ballerina, a lacy black tutu and black crystal tiara in her hair. Her skin was light grey, and her teeth were sharper than a normal little girls. With her long black eyelashes she looked like a beautiful vampiric fairy.
The little ghoul found her way over to another small group of human children. Two adult women stood with the kids, one dressed like a pink princess and the other far more in the spirit of what the little ghoul was wearing. Black lace, pale make up, and dangling bat earrings.
It was the woman dressed in black lace that saw the little ghoul first, the telltale powdered sugar of doughnuts standing out on her black dress and tutu. The little girl looked lost, her big dark eyes searching around and getting glossy with near tears.
“Hey Valerie, I’ll catch up with you guys…I think this little girl is lost.” She called to her friend who was the actual mom of half the kids, the rest school mates who had found them.
Valerie nodded her blonde head, nearly knocking her own tiara off. “Oh, okay…hey call me if you need help Kris.”
Kris gave her a thumbs up and walked over to the little ghoul. “Hey kiddo…are you okay?” She asked her.
The little ghoulie chewed on her lower lip with her sharp teeth. She didn’t know where Papa or the others were but maybe this sister could help her. Concentrating she managed to whisper out “Lost…”
Kris felt that tiny word right in her heart. The poor kid. “Okay, I’m going to help you find your folks, alright?”
The little ghoul nodded. The lady held out her hand and the little one placed her small grey fingers into it.
“Did you go to the food trucks?” She asked her, pointing to the sugar on the front of her clothes. The ghoulian nodded.
“Alright, lets start there.” Kris headed in that direction, the little ghoul in tow who now felt a little better.
At that moment though, Papa Emeritus IV was feeling nowhere near better. He and his ghouls had realized they were short one child and were frantic. Copia knew Sister would have his hide quite literally if they couldn’t find the little one without some additional help. He and the two adult ghouls split up, each taking a couple of the kids with them to ensure no others were missing in action.
After a search that went nowhere Copia and his charges returned back to the food area, only hoping that the ghouls would do better. The little human and ghoul who were with him could tell their Papa was sad and they were worried about their friend too. Each of them reached into their buckets and pulled out one of the best pieces of candy they could find and offered it to Copia with big eyes. “Here Papa,” the little boy who was dressed as a skeleton said. “Candy always makes me feel better.”
Copia gave his tiny tesoro’s a sad smile. “Grazie but I will not take your candy. You earned those dolci. Your Pappa is not deserving of it.”
They both pouted at him, the little ghoulian in his knight costume looking at his skeleton companion and nearly starting to cry. Copia wouldn’t be able to keep it together if both of these children started crying. He’d end up crying too. Some creature of the night he was. Some Papa. Before he could spiral into a full-on depression and an anxiety attack though a little voice cried out “Papa!”
Copia looked up and saw his missing charge running towards him dragging a lovely gothic vision behind her. They could have been sisters or mother and daughter in their black lace finery. Copia stood up just as the little gothic ballerina with the sharp teeth barreled into him and wrapped her arms around his leg.
“Piccola principessa!” Copia exclaimed kneeling down and wrapping his arms around her. “You gave us all such a fright.” He let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
“Sowwy Papa.” She muttered, glancing at the ground with guilty eyes.
Copia released her from his hug but kept hold of her hand. “It’s okay little one…just stay with me si? It’s a pretty night with lots of things to look at and explore, but not alone.”
The ballerina nodded and kept hold of his hand. She leaned close and whispered softly “I wasn’t alone for long Papa…this sorella helped me.” Copia stood up and met the smiling, painted pale face of the woman who had saved the night for him. “Dolce signora…I cannot thank you enough.” He said meeting the kind gaze that watched the reunion.
Kris smiled. “It was my pleasure, I’m glad to reunite her with her dad.”
Copia’s eyes widened. “Oh…no no….I’m…I’m not her father but I am her guardian.” He cleared his throat a look of embarrassment crossing his face. “I’m not doing a great job of it tonight.”
Kris looked confused for a moment after hearing the name Papa being called but didn’t push it. “Don’t feel too bad.” She told the handsome vampire. “I had a group of kids I was helping with and it’s like herding cats who have all snorted ether.”
Copia laughed at the image she’d just created, realizing it was every bit true. “Well signoria...”
“Kris, nice to meet you.” She held out a black nail polished hand for him to shake.
The Papa took the proffered hand and instead placed a kiss against her chilled knuckles. “Copia Emeritus.” He replied.
She felt a shiver run up her spine as she looked into his mismatched eyes. It was quite the effect but somehow she didn’t think that was a contact lens causing him to have that pale eye. “Well Mr. Emeritus…”
“Just Copia please.” He told her and released her fingers.
“Copia,” Kris gave him a smile, “Like I said, don’t beat yourself up too much. It’s a relatively safe town, even on Halloween.”
The little ghoulian held his hand and Copia was still feeling the anxiety at thinking she was gone though it was slowly dropping. “Si, I know it is but all the same…I truly thank you for bringing her back to me safely.” The Papa paused for a moment. This kind sorella had truly done him a service this night. He felt an obligation as well as a desire to repay it. “Kris…if you…well if you ever need assistance please don’t hesitate to ask. You can find me at the Abbey there on the hill.”
Kris’s hazel eyes widened. “Oh the mystery church?”
Copia let out a nervous chuckle. “Si, si…the mystery church.”
“All the rumors about that place.” She glanced up at the hillside where it stood like a gothic Hogwarts. She looked back at the kind eyed vampire. “I’ve heard some great music coming out of there though.”
He kept his face neutral as he asked “What…what rumors have you heard?”
She shook her head. “Oh I don’t put that much stock in it. I’ve seen some of the good things you all do, the food drives, the soup kitchens, the charity for battered women and children. I mean…that’s what a church should be doing. So again��don’t worry about repaying me finding your little ballerina here…you all do enough.”
Copia felt a warmth in his chest at that remark and even more determination to do something to repay her for what she’d done. He felt a little tug on his hand and glanced down. His ballerina gestured with her tiny fingers for him to come closer. He knelt down and Kris watched as the little girl whispered something into her guardians ear and then placed something in his hand. After whispering a reply he gracefully stood up.
“Well…I shall not let your service go without some reward and nor will my charge here.” He glanced over at the ghoulian who let go of his hand but dutifully took hold of his cape. He turned back to Kris and held out his hand “If you would please.”
Kris raised a brow and with a small smile placed her hand in his. Copia held her hand in his right and with his left placed a red plastic ring in the shape of a vampire bat on her finger. “From we two creatures of the night to another, thank you dolce Kris.” He quickly placed one more kiss on the ringed finger.
Kris beamed at him and his charge, who was smiling up at her too with sharp white teeth. “You are quite welcome fellow dark dwellers.” She said and gave a little curtsy.
It was at that moment that the two other ghouls and their own charges came running up after seeing that Copia had their missing ballerina next to him. The children in tow quickly surrounded the ballerina and started asking her where she’d been.
“Ah, the gangs all here.” Copia said then glanced at her. “I believe we should be heading back. With all the candy and excitement we will be lucky to get them to sleep before dawn.”
Kris nodded “Yeah I think you’re in for a challenge.” She was sad to see them go though. The gallant vampire was interesting and quite the charmer. “I should be finding my own gang.”
“Si, well…farewell principessa della notte.” Copia said, rather reluctant to see her go. “You will always have a safe place when you need it with us.” His expression was serious as he told her this, wanting to make sure she knew the offer was real.
Kris stared into the mismatched eyes surrounded by the black design of a bat. They nearly glowed in the light from the street lamps and hanging lanterns. “Thank you…Count Copia.” She gave him a smile. “You keep your little devils safe.”
Copia’s eyes widened a little at the turn of phrase. “Oh…I shall make sure of that.” He replied, trying not to choke and hearing the full-grown ghouls behind him chuckle.
Kris gave them a wave and turned, heading back to where she expected to find her group. Copia watched her leave, a wistful expression on his face. He felt a tug on his cape and glanced down at his little ballerina with the big dark eyes. “Si piccolo ballerina?”
“I like her.” The ghoulian said in a sibilant whisper.
Copia nodded, glancing back to see the woman in black lace turn a corner and disappear from his view. “Si, so do I.” He replied.
When Kris walked home from her trick or treating adventure after saying goodbye to the kids and Valerie she glanced down at the bat on her finger and smiled. When she came to the door of her apartment she stopped and looked down in surprise, finding a skull-shaped Halloween bucket filled with the really nice candy and a single rose laying across it. She picked up the rose and inhaled the scent and grinned again. Creature of the night indeed.
#the band ghost#ghost#cardinal copia#papa copia#papa emeritus iv#ghost fanfic#copia x female oc#halloween with ghost#Dracopia#anything to get this man in a cape again#halloween with copia is a dream#ghouls#nameless ghouls
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Die With A Smile - Copia x male ghost oc
buckle up y'all part 2 is coming in hot and she's THICK
warnings/things to note: this fic series is Copia x MY OC, not reader. he's a ghost, so mentions of death, abandonment, heartbreak, angst all around really plus more angst this chapter
word count: 2723
Chapter 2 - Ethereal Tears
Copia couldn't focus.
All he could think about was Ren. He was unable to sleep no matter how hard he tried, tossing and turning in his bed as he mentally scolded himself for leaving him in the graveyard so soon.
Finally, at around 3 in the morning, he couldn't take it anymore. He got up and grabbed a cloak, slipping it over his pajamas and heading straight out of the castle. Before he left, he stared at his gloves.
He slid them on hastily before quickly walking out towards the graveyard.
Soft crying could be heard, yet Ren was nowhere to be seen when Copia entered. Ren was hiding behind yet another headstone, curled into a ball and weeping into his hands. No tears fell, just pure, raw, painfully quiet sobs.
Copia's heart shattered in his chest.
He had a sneaking suspicion that he was crying and it pained him, oh how much it pained him to hear Ren’s quiet sobs.
He slowly walked in the direction of the headstone, moving quietly through the rows of tombstones so as to not startle him.
His hands itched from the desperate urge to touch him, to hold him and wipe away his tears.
He finally arrives in the row where Ren was hiding behind the headstone, a feeling of dread forming in his gut as he took in the sight of him crying.
"Ren," he called out softly, as if his voice would rip in two from the sheer amount of wanting he had. "Please... look at me," he whispers, his heart aching for the ghost. “What’s wrong, my dove?”
"It's nothing," Ren sniffled, lifting his head. His white eyes were glassy, his cheeks glossy from the ethereal tears. "It's just my curse..."
Copia's heart ached when he saw Ren’s glossy cheeks and glassy eyes. He wanted nothing more than to brush his knuckles against the other’s skin, to run his fingers through his silvery-brown hair like he had longed to.
He huffs out a quiet, bitter laugh before replying, "A curse, dove? What kind of curse do you have?"
Ren sits up a little more properly, wiping his face with his hand. "Every night, I must weep... for the lost souls. Those that have been buried in here, this cemetery… yet have not found mercy in their eternal punishment. I cannot leave... I'm stuck."
Copia frowns and his gaze softens, full of sympathy for the ghost. "You cannot... move on..." he murmurs, watching as Ren wiped his face.
He swallows, his heart clenching again. "You have to... cry... every night- for all of these poor, lost, unforgiven souls." He says this quietly, barely audible.
"What kind of cruel fate is that... to not only be stuck here- in this graveyard, but forced to be in pain... every day, every night..." He mutters this quietly, almost as if talking to himself, trying to wrap his head around Ren’s punishment.
"I... I was too young to be eternally punished when I died, yet not pure enough to be spared," Ren whispered. "I was told.. never to leave the grounds. But I want- I want to see the world; I want to explore.. that is also why I weep."
Copia's heart sinks.
He swallows audibly, trying to push back his sorrow, sadness, and empathy for Ren. Yet, he couldn't help but reach out and instinctively try to touch his cheek.
This time, Copia's glove does touch Ren's pale face, and was immediately met with the freezing temperature of his cold body. Ren blinked, his brow furrowing.
"You're... touching me... but how?"
He had instinctively reached out to touch Ren’s cheek, his fingers desperately trying to soothe away the other’s tears, when they met the freezing cold of his skin. Copia lets out a quiet shaky breath, his fingertips running down his cheek. He had never touched a ghost before. He had never even thought about what it would be like. Yet now, he'd gotten such a small taste, and he wanted more. More, and more, and more.
He didn't care that touching Ren’s skin was like touching an ice block- no, he didn't care one bit. As long as he could touch him, even if it was only for a brief second.
And he doesn't withdraw his hand either, letting it still rest on Ren’s freezing cold skin as he looks deep into the other’s glassy eyes.
The warmth radiating off Copia's glove stirred Ren's insides, causing him to cry again. Phantom tears rolled onto the leather of Copia's glove, dissolving into the air once they came in contact with the fibers.
"It- it's been so long... I'd forgotten what it felt like to be touched..." Ren whispered through quiet sobs. "You're so warm..."
Copia's heart aches.
Too goddamn long.
His hand trembles as he continues to touch Ren’s cheek, feeling how cold and soft his face is under his touch.
"I-" he swallows hard and lets out a shuddering breath, his own eyes stinging in the corners. "You're cold, maledizione, you're so cold and pale and beautiful... precious, my precious dove..."
He continues to slowly caress Ren’s cheek with his gloved hand, wanting nothing more than to pull him into his arms and warm him with his body.
"I don't care if you're cold, I don't care if touching you feels like touching a block of ice. All I care about is you, my dove.” He whispers, his voice wavering slightly.
"No," Ren says, pulling away abruptly even though his heart ached. "No, this... this cannot happen... I won't let it..."
Copia lets his hand drop as Ren yanks himself away from him. He feels like someone had just dumped a bucket of cold water over his head, feeling the sudden loss of Ren’s cold skin.
"This... this can happen.." he says through gritted teeth, reaching out in an attempt to grab him. "Damn it, Ren, what do you mean..?!"
"I cannot give you what you desire, human," Ren sobbed, standing up. "I am cursed. I cannot- I don't know what I can or cannot do anymore, but... I will lose you too... and I cannot bear to lose another."
Copia stands up as well, taking a step towards Ren and reaching out. He doesn't care if it'll be like trying to grab smoke, he needs him to be back in his reach.
"You won't, you won't lose me- I won't let you," he grits out, his eyes narrowing. "You can't be scared- dove, you can't be scared of me-"
He moves towards Ren suddenly and grips his shoulders, keeping him in place. "Don't be scared, don't be scared, it's me. You know me, you've seen me a thousand times. Don't push me away, I beg of you. Don't leave me here alone." Copia's voice breaks, and the desperation in it is clear.
Ren tenses, more of his ethereal tears streaming down his face. His ghostly presence flickers as he tries to keep his composure.
"But I don't even know your name," he whispered, his lip trembling.
Copia swallows hard and lets his hands travel up Ren’s shoulders, all the way up his face until it is cradled in his gloved hands.
"Copia. My name is Cardinal Copia," and by god, he wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss Ren’s cold lips and hold him and warm him with his body.
He gently brushes away the tears from Ren’s cheeks without looking away from his glittering, glassy eyes, and moves closer as he speaks, moving one of his hands to the nape of Ren’s neck.
"Don't forget my name," he whispers, his fingers moving up to thread through Ren’s silvery-brown hair. "Don't you dare forget my name, my dove."
Ren could only sob in response, fear and sorrow and yearning washing over him. His pale hands gently hovered over Copia's gloved ones, his milky white eyes taking in Copia's face. "I won't.."
"No, don’t cry… don’t cry, dove, shh…" Copia attempts to sooth Ren, though his own emotions quickly become a mess.
"I cannot... kiss you, hug you, hold you... I cannot feel your skin without... without a pure substance in the way to buffer," Ren sniffled. "You have to understand, I-I can only touch pure metals... and mixed fibers.."
Copia's breath stutters and gets caught in his chest as Ren’s words sink into his head.
He'd thought about kissing him , holding him, hugging him, and more many times. He'd imagined it over and over again, imagined what it would be like to have his cold, fragile body in his arms. He'd even dreamt of it all, but-
"You cannot..." he echoed quietly, his hands stilling, "you cannot touch flesh?"
Ren nodded sadly.
Copia swallows hard, a painful lump forming in his throat as he thinks over Ren’s words.
He'd been so desperate to touch him- hold him, kiss him - yet he'd forgotten that he was a human, and Ren was a ghost.
No matter how badly he wanted to hold the other in his arms and kiss him until he couldn't breathe, he couldn't. Ren'd just slip through his fingers like smoke.
He looks down at the ghost, holding his face in his gloved hands, "That damn curse..."
Yet, as he stood there holding you in his hands, a sudden idea popped into his head.
He didn't know if it would work, or if it was even possible to do, but he was desperate to touch Ren- to feel every part of him.
He wanted to have him, even if it was just for one night.
"Can you... touch gold?"
Ren blinked as he thought. An odd question, though he understood why it needed to be asked.
"I-I've never tried…"
Copia lets out a breath of relief that Ren can at least possibly touch gold. He was determined to make it work, to have him in any way he could.
"You've never.. tried?" He repeated, a hint of excitement to his voice that hadn't been there before. "Hold on, I-" he says suddenly and steps away from Ren.
He had a silver and gold Grucifix rosary around his neck. It was a symbol of his un-faith, and he was about to commit the most unholy act of his life.
Copia grabbed the rosary around his neck and yanked it off him, the chain digging into his skin as he did. He barely even noticed.
"Touch it," he commanded, holding the necklace in front of the ghost, "try and touch it."
Ren lifted a single finger, hesitating to touch the rosary. When he did, his finger burned. He yelped and flinched away, holding his hand close to his chest. He began to sob again, his soft cries echoing in the eerie cemetery.
Copia's own hands curled into fists, and he clenched his jaw as he watched the spirit attempt to touch the rosary and cry out in pain as it burned his skin. He didn't know that the rosary would burn him, he'd been so sure it would work. He wanted the other so desperately and yet now he'd hurt him, in both body and mind.
He let the rosary drop onto the grass as he moved back towards you. "Are you- are you alright?"
"Just- just leave me alone," he whispered, turning away from Copia and floating off into the fog. "I knew I shouldn't have... shouldn't have trusted you.."
Copia swallows hard, watching you float off and disappear into the fog. He felt like an idiot- he'd hurt Ren.
No, no, no.
He couldn't leave him alone, not after what he'd done. He had to explain, he had to try and make up for it.
Before he knew what he was doing, he was after him, moving deep in the fog that surrounded the cemetery.
"Wait, please!" Copia called out as he moved through the fog. He could vaguely see Ren's figure in front of him, and he continued to follow it. "You need to know that it was an accident, I didn't know that the rosary would burn you, I swear!"
Copia continued through the fog hastily, not realizing where he was heading. He'd tripped over a log and almost fell into a hole in the ground, but Ren turned around at the right moment. He quickly reached out to grab Copia and yank him back upright, both of them pausing as they realized what Ren had just done.
Copia's heart had just about jumped out his throat as he tripped and almost fell into the goddamn hole, when suddenly he felt a firm, yet freezing cold grasp on his arm.
He looked up, expecting to see him, when he realized. Ren was holding him - touching him with his bare, icy cold fingers. Both of them froze, staring at each other as a wave of realization crashed into the two like a truck.
"I... I don't understand..." Ren whispered, his voice wavering as he felt more ethereal tears drip down his translucent skin.
Copia swallowed, his breath shuddering and his heart hammering in his chest as Ren held his arm. He stared at the other, his breathing uneven and fast as he slowly reached up with his free hand to touch his.
"You're- You're touching me," he whimpered, his voice almost breaking as his fingers met your impossibly cold skin.
"I can feel your warmth... your energy," Ren sniffled. "But not your flesh. I-I don't understand it at all… why could you go through me before, yet not now?"
Copia's breath hitches as Ren said he could feel his warmth and energy. He can barely process the ghost's words through the adrenaline rushing through his body.
"I- I-" his words got stuck in his throat as his fingers carefully wrapped around Ren's hand. "I-I don't care why you can- you can touch me... I don't care why. Just... Just don't let go."
"Okay," he nodded, although his essence was trembling. "Okay, I'll…I won't let go."
Copia lets out a shuddering breath, carefully lacing his gloved fingers through Ren's and holding Ren's hand gingerly between his own.
"You're... you're cold," he says simply, his breathing still a little uneven.
"And you're… so warm."
Copia looks back up at Ren's face, staring into his milky eyes, iridescent tears and trembling lips, realization slowly dawning on him.
He can never truly hold him, kiss him, have him. He can only look at Ren, and that realization alone feels like a punch to the gut and a stab in the heart all at once. Copia's breath becomes shaky, and he swallows, his mismatched eyes becoming glassy.
Ren is right in front of him, but he is not his to hold and kiss and love. Ren is a ghost with an icy body, while Copia's a living, breathing man who needs, and Ren is a need he will never be able to satisfy.
"I want to be with you, oh, how I want to," Ren whimpered. "I wish I wasn't dead... I wish I was alive again with you.."
The more the spirit spoke, the more Copia felt his heart breaking. With each whimper his chest twitches slightly, the organ in it aching and squeezing. He can’t even speak right now without his voice shaking and cracking.
“Me too,” he replied, barely above a whisper. “I wish you weren’t dead… I wish you were alive, so I could touch you and love you like how I need to…”
"Promise me something," Ren sniffled. "Promise me... you won't ever harm yourself as a means to become a ghost with me. Live your life, Copia. I did not, and now I pay my price."
Copia's heart drops when Ren asks him to promise him that. The very thought of him harming himself, to become a ghost and stay with him forever does send a thrill through his body-
But he knows Ren is right. He can’t do that, can’t harm himself, he can’t kill himself to join the other in the afterlife. It’s still a hard one to promise, and he has to take a sharp breath in and close his eyes to try to focus.
“I… promise,” Copia whispers, his voice strained.
"Thank you," Ren nodded, a hint of a smile playing at his lips before he drifted away into the fog once more.
#the band ghost#ghost bc#ghost#ghost band#ghost the band#fluff#cardinal copia#copia#ghulehthezombiequeen#ghost copia#copia emeritus#copia my beloved#papa copia#frater copia#popia copia#papa iv#dracopia#copia x oc#x male oc#the band ghost oc#the band ghost fanfic#the band ghost fanfiction#angst#ghost oc#ghost band oc#original character#ghuleh's halloween series 👻
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burn with me - chapter 10: dinner party is now on ao3!
i would like to apologize in advance.
and yes, i do love pain.
#dracopia#cardinal copia x female oc#dracopia x female oc#ghost fanfic#ghost fanfiction#ghost fanfics
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dracopia x my sister of sin oc, snail! (an excuse for me to draw myself with dracopia)
#the band ghost#dracopia please take a bite out of me#ghost#ghost fanart#i wish dracopia was real .#ghost bc#cardinal copia#copia#copia emeritus#papa emeritus iv#papa emeritus#dracopia#dracopia fanart#dracopia x female oc#dracopia x self insert#cardinal copia as a vampire#sister of sin oc#sister snail#snail art#my art
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soft Dracopia art with my oc Marzana wip
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Ghost (Sweden Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Reader, Papa Emeritus IV/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Papa Emeritus IV, Original Female Character(s), Sister(s) of Sin, Sister Imperator Additional Tags: Dracopia, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Reincarnation, Past Lives, Dubious Consent, Satan - Freeform, Memory Loss, Baptism, Vaginal Sex, Blood Drinking, Knives, violent murder, Attempted Murder, Cunnilingus, Dry Humping, do you ever come so hard you remember a past life Summary:
From the prompt "Resurrection" from @petrifyingpapas on tumblr.
An ancient man lingers through time, suffering immortality to reunite with the love he lost. If is it to be reunited with her, would she recognize the monster he has become?
A Dracopia fic
_________________ Mind the tags please!!
My submission for @petrifyingpapas prompt “Resurrection” and oops I made an angst 10k fic lmao
#petrifyingpapas#resurrection#papa emertius#papa emeritus iv#papa emeritus x reader#papa emeritus iv x reader#papa emeritus x ic#dracopia#copia x oc#ghost band fanfic#popia x reader#popia smut
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Beauty And the Vampire
Chapter Two Dracopia x OC!
A/N: Hi guys! here's chapter two finally lol. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, especially since its a bit longer. Btw if chapter three is a bit late that's due to me being busy with school and testing (sorry lol :) again if you have any creative criticism of this work don't be afraid to comment or let me know! :)
catch my story now on AO3!
Liliana paced around the room for several hours looking at all of the expensive and ancient relics that adorned the old oak shelves. Right as she turned to look out the large window that was covered by heavy black curtains she heard the heavy wooden door creak open once again. At the sound of the door, she stood up straight and turned on her heels to face it looking at who stood in the doorway.
Two ghouls, one she recognized as Aether and a new ghoul that she was yet to learn the name of. Both demonic creatures stood on either side of the man who stood in the middle. He wore a white lace button-up blouse with a red and black vest on top which framed his figure quite well Liliana thought.
The man had dusty brown hair and sideburns with black Khol circles around his eyes and on his upper lip a small mustache accompanying his black-painted upper lip. Looking fully up at his eyes she noticed something quite hypnotizing about the man. He had beautiful dichromatic eyes. One a hazel green and the other pale white as if it were dead. Noticing her staring, the strange man simply smirked at her.
“Like what you see eh cara?” he smirked devilishly as he approached her slowly. Aether looked towards the other ghoul motioning his head towards the door to lock it.
“W-what do you want with me?!” Liliana said scared as she looked at the man in front of her. He was quite attractive Liliana had to admit but something about him made her skin crawl. “Ah, nothing to fear about me cara. I mean you no harm if you mean me no harm.” He said his tone was stricter.
“My name is Copia Emeritus. And yours might be?" He asked, stepping closer to pick up Liliana's hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it as he looked back up at her smirking.
"I...Liliana. My name is Liliana." She mumbled, staring into his hypnotizing eyes.
"Well, Ms. Liliana…why did you think it fit to trespass into my forest, into my home!" he snarled, turning around with a smoldering look in his mismatched gaze.
"I-i mean you or your home no harm, sir. I just wanted to see this place with my own eyes. See if the myth they talked about was real."
"What myth? Who?" The man spat, grabbing Liliana's chin so she could look at him.
"The...there's a myth in my town that in these old cathedrals, there's an old beast of a vampire guarding this place," Liliana said swallowing as he pulled her face closer and smirked
"Well, I guess you just found the "myth" himself." He smirked, cocking his head to the side as he smiled wide.
Liliana gasped in horror.
The man had sharp white fangs that were as sharp as needles. Besides that, they looked like the traditional vampire fangs described in all of her fairytale and mystery books.
Copia laughed at Liliana's wide-eyed expression. "Never seen a vampire before dolce?" He asked tracing her jawline and inhaling her scent. "Mmmmm you smell wonderful dolcezza it's a shame I can't take a bite." Copia breathed
"P-please don't hurt me please I mean you and your people no harm." She said, shaking as he cornered against a wall. Liliana turned her head away once he stepped back to look at her.
"Swiss escort her down to her chambers," Copia commanded in a strict tone turning around as he walked over to Aether to whisper something in his ear that Liliana couldn't hear.
The tall Swiss ghoul walked over to her. "I'm sorry about him, he hasn't fed in years and I don't mean to scare you by saying that my lady," Swiss said, taking her arm gently. As he walked her out of the office.
The hallways of the cathedral were intriguing and intricate. Swiss laughed quietly as he glanced down at Liliana as she gaped in awe at the architecture of the old breezy hallways of the cathedral.
"Just wait until you see the grand halls if you do get to see them. I'm not quite sure what Copia has planned for you." As Swiss led her up a spiraling tall staircase.
"We're almost there, don't worry...You're awfully quiet. cat got your tongue?" Swiss asked looking down at Liliana as he let go of her arm.
"I'm not sure why? Am I supposed to talk while some ancient vampire who according to you hasn't fed or eaten in years and his hell beasts or whatever the fuck you guys are...are here in the same building with me. I mean I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say."
"Hey, no need to be hostile about it. And yeah we are ghouls summoned from...yes hell. All of us that you see. We mean you no harm just like you told Copia that you meant us no harm."
Swiss said as they turned up to a dusty abandoned wing of the cathedral. It was still beautiful but didn't hold the same amaranthine as the hallways downstairs. Sure it was dusty and cobwebs adorned the beautiful spirals and buttresses.
"Well, here we are! I hope you like this room it does have one of the nicest views of the forest and gardens."
Swiss said lightly as he pushed the door open to reveal a beautiful large bedroom with a small bathroom connected. "thanks..." Liliana said, stepping inside the room that looked like it was from inside a fairytale. "Swiss." the ghoul said reminding her. "thank you Swiss...and I'm sorry about earlier Im just-" "scared, confused yeah I get it it's ok." Swiss smiled a wide and bright smile.
“oh and if you need anything just come find me alright.” He flashed Liliana a bright and wide smile as his tail whipped merrily back and forth behind him as he shut the large wooden door.
Liliana sighed as she sat herself down on the edge of the bed smoothing out the covers by where she sat taking in everything that just occurred in the short amount of time she was there. Especially the terrifying but seductive man that she just met despite all the warning signs and red flags going off in her head her heart just felt different.
Her brain told her to get out of there to run as far as she could and never return. Whilst her heart told her to stay to help the poor old vampire who according to his ghoul hasn't fed in years and to get to know him.
Liliana shivered at the thought of him feeding from her. Sinking his pearly white and sharp fangs into her neck. Why was she so attracted to him she shouldn't have been? It was dangerous. But hell she did have to admit he was quite the charming man. Liliana thought, rubbing her neck.
But she quickly discarded the thought of the vampire and sat up sauntering into the bathroom to clean herself up and take a nap.
Turning on the shower and taking her muddied and torn dress off she stepped into the shower and let the warm soothing water run over her cold skin.
Shuddering out a soft and shaky breath she let the warm water wash away not only her aches but also her troubles and the thoughts of the seductive man that she had just met and the sight of his fangs from earlier that was engraved into her brain.
As she stepped out shivering from the cold she quickly wrapped a fluffy black bath towel around her body before realizing something. She had no clothes.
In a rush to leave her mother and the house, Liliana must have forgotten clothes. “Shit.” She muttered under her breath. As if the universe had heard her troubles Aether knocked on the door and came in with some clothes. “Hey…Oh…Oh my lord, I'm so sorry. I just…I'll just drop these here.” Aether said, setting the small stack of clothes down on a small stool by the door.
With her cheeks, a warm pink from the ghoul walking in on her she watched him quickly shut the door behind him.
Walking over to the stool Liliana found two dresses and some undergarments.
The first dress was white on top with beautiful lace frills across the chest and small black buttons in the middle.
The dress had a long black skirt that practically touched the floor and a black corset to pair with it.
Underneath that first dress was another dress that was all black. Similar to the other dress this dress also had black frills across the chest with some buttons and had a collar that was made of lace and stocked out of the top of all the buttons.
The sleeves on this dress were big and also had lace around the bottom cuffs of the sleeves.
This dress similar to the other dress Liliana looked at also had a corset. This corset had buttons on both sides and one small chain that connected both buttons. The pattern on the front of the corset was the same as the long black skirt at the bottom.
Picking up the black dress and the matching corset Liliana slipped into the undergarments first and then slipped into the black dress with a bit of added difficulty. Stepping over to the large black-rimmed mirror next to the bathroom Liliana pulled the corset tight to her tieing it up in the back as she slid a pair of black tights on underneath.
Sighing Liliana walked over to the large window that overlooked some of the trees in the large and thick forest outside. Hearing a loud knock on the door Liliana quickly whipped her head around to find a ghoul standing at the door. "Ah, your dressed I see that Aether brought your clothes huh?" The ghoul said smiling.
This ghoul was different. New at least that she thought. "Uh…y-yeah he did," Liliana said fully turning around to face the hellish creature in Infront of her still trying to get used to seeing them. The ghoul just stared at her for a moment before saying
"you don't know me do you?" Liliana then shook her head "No...no I don't heh...I only know swiss, Aether, and Sodo."
"Well not to worry I'm cumulus! I see that you also picked out the black dress that's my favorite choice that our old sisters of sin used to wear. Along with the white one but that's beside the point. Anyways Copia wanted me to fetch you for dinner. That is if you wanted to come." Cumulus said softly at the end.
"Thank you cumulus…I'll think about it." Liliana smiled at the ghoulette.
"Ok just come down whenever you're ready or fetch one of us ghouls and we'll bring you down there." She said turning to leave.
"Wait Cumulus!"
"Yes, darling? "
The ghoul said, whipping around to look back at Liliana.
"If you don't mind me asking what or…who were the sisters of sin?" Liliana asked curiously, twiddling her fingers.
"Oh they were like your traditional sisters or nun's in a normal Catholic church but here we worship the olde one so we called them sisters of sin but that was before that…night. Now most of them are dead or in hiding." Cumulus said, rubbing the back of her neck and looking down at the floor. All of her memories from that night flooded back to her.
"What night? What happened?" "Listen Liliana was it? I'll have to explain another time I-it's a long story and it happened a long time ago." The ghoulette said looking somewhat distraught at the end trying to keep a smile on her face. "well If you need me I'll be downstairs at dinner." Cumulus said giving a weak smile.
Whatever it was that had happened here at this church must have been bad. No not bad terrible and Liliana wanted to know what had happened.
It was now late into the night and Liliana had decided to go out to the deck to take a breather after pulling a random book off of the bookshelf. Liliana tried and tried to think of something other than the vampire that was a few levels below her or how she also tried to distract herself from thinking and pondering about what so bad could have happened here to make the ghouls so upset.
Then she heard a knock on the door. Getting up Liliana sighed quietly to herself praying it wasn't Copia or whatever his name was Liliana Couldn't really care to remember right now. Opening the door Liliana was met with Aether standing in the doorway with a plate in his hand. "do you mind if I come in?" Aether asked Looking up past Liliana to look inside the room.
"Yeah totally," Liliana said opening the door wider to let the tall burley ghoul in.
"I thought since you didn't come down for dinner that I would bring this up for you. We always have a bit of extras because Copia never really eats. To him and his brothers real food is pretty much tasteless." Aether said as he came in, handing the warm plate to Liliana.
"Oh thank you Aether. You didn't have to." Liliana said, looking up at the quintessentiance ghoul.
"But I wanted to I-" he said thinking for a minute on what to say as he shifted in the doorway. "I know it's hard to go around and get out and with new people involved, especially Copia and you're in a new place. It's strange. You don't have to stay if you don't want to though." Aether said looking down at Liliana his silver mask shone in the light of the room.
"Yeah I know…I might stick around for a bit though maybe try to get to know that old vampire downstairs. Because who in their lifetime can say that they have met a vampire before." Liliana chuckled.
"Yeah that'd be a great idea me and the rest of the ghouls would love to have you around. Well I'm gonna head downstairs back to the ghoul dens sleep tight Liliana." Aether said smiling as he turned to leave.
Then it hit her that Liliana remembered that strange night here that Cumulus was talking about.
"Wait Aether!"
She called after him. "Yeah?" "I-you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but I was talking to Cumulus earlier and she was telling me about the sisters of sin and how they left after a night a horrible night and she just seemed so upset by it-"
“That night…I.” Aether said sitting down on the edge of the bed as he looked down at the floor his silver mask shining in the dim light of the room as his gaze was stuck on the floor as if something was so interesting about it.
“That night-” “Aether listen i must have struck a nerve or something I am so sorry you dont have to tell me I-” “no its fine ill be alright. That night was just so hard for all of us ghouls, Copia, the papa’s…the whole church in general.” “siblings of sin went into hiding or died. A lot of us ghouls died or begged to be sent back to the pits of hell but it was…just too late for some of us.” “what…happened.” Liliana asked as she watched Aether look up at her his red ember eyes shining bright as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
“A long long time ago this church used to be bustling with people. People who were passionate in there place here. Gave everything and were proud of their beliefs. But the town near here didnt like our practices or what we believed in so much. So one night while we were all asleep…a angry mob came and tried to burn the church down. Many were killed or were hurt trying to save or help get others out of the church espcially us ghouls. And Cumulus…she…got hurt badly and almost died. But thankfuly she didnt. It also didn’t help that she was newly summoned either didn’t expect that to happen to her on her second day on Earth. And the siblings who did live went into hiding far from here.” Aether explained as he blinked the tears out of his eyes.
“Oh Aether im-im so sorry I-” “never knew yeah it’s fine you know we all just…have a hard time with it but its behind us now right? So now we just look forward and towards Lucifer for guidance.” Aether said looking back at Liliana.
“After that part of the church burnt down and it was just us few ghouls, copia and the papa’s we rehabilitated over here on the North wing of the cathedral. This place is huge after all and I do hope you get to see it all.” Aether said giving Liliana a sad but happy smile as he turned to leave. “Aether?” “yes Liliana?” “thank you…Thank you for sharing that even though you didn’t have to.”
“you're welcome. Sleep tight.” He smiled as he shut the door behind him.
#papa copia#ghost copia#copia#cardinal copia#copia is my husband#copia x oc#dracopia#beauty & The Vampire#dewdrop ghost#the band ghost#ghost bc#the band ghost fanfiction#ghost#aether ghoul#swiss ghoul#cumulus ghoulette
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Riding in the Shadows Behind You: Chapter 7
See the master post for Tumblr links to the other chapters. Read on AO3 here.
Days fade into weeks without issue. As time passes, Eros finds themselves more and more helplessly in love with Copia, and they have no concerns about their feelings being reciprocated. He treats them with nothing but the utmost care and compassion, even while feeding from them. It used to be something that was done out of necessity, but they have recently started introducing it as a regular part of their sexual escapades given how much it enhances the experience for both of them.
After one such venture, they find themselves curled up together on his couch playing video games. Eros never had the opportunity to play video games growing up and had never considered it as something they would enjoy doing as an adult, but Copia is very much into them. He decides to start them off easy with Minecraft, and he is delighted in being able to share one of his favorite hobbies with his favorite person. Eros is a good listener and very patient, and it doesn't take them long to grasp the easy controls. They very quickly learned that all they want to do is fish, and of course, Copia lets them do as they please while he takes care of the other tasks.
After some time, he sets down his controller and looks over at them. "It is getting late. Are you feeling hungry?"
Eros' response is delayed as they are currently completely engrossed in the game. After a few seconds, they look over at him. "Huh? Did you say something?"
Copia chuckles and leans in to give them a kiss on their cheek. “Dinner? S Ì?"
They blink at him. They look at the TV, and then the controller, and then back at Copia. "But...I'm fishing."
Copia finds their enthusiasm adorable, and laughs a little harder. “The fish will still be here after we eat, caro ."
"I…think you've created a monster by teaching me how to play this," Eros says, their tone deadpan but their eyes playful.
"You deserve things that make you feel happy." Copia rests his hand on their knee and rubs it affectionately. "It may sound silly for a person of my age to say, but video games have gotten me through a lot of hard times in my life. Sometimes it is nice to just sink into something and forget about the rest of the world, hm?"
Eros nods. "I don’t think that’s silly at all. Life is hard enough as is; we all have our outlets." They sigh and put down their controller. “So, yes. Dinner. What sounds good?”
“It is entirely up to you.”
They flush. “Can we order something to be delivered?”
Copia gives them a knowing smile, quirking their eyebrow. “That is a suspicious request, amore mio . Might there be a reason for that?”
Eros crawls into his lap and wraps their legs around his torso and arms around his neck. They press their forehead to his and give him their best attempt at puppy dog eyes. “Can we order delivery so we can stay in and play more video games together? Pretty please?”
Copia chuckles and nudges their nose with his. “Ah, well, when you ask so sweetly…” He presses a tender kiss to their lips. “How could I ever say no to you? You may have anything that you desire, always.”
Eros lets out an excited squeal and plants a firm, dramatic kiss on his cheek. “I love you so much.”
Copia gazes into their eyes and brushes a lock of hair from their face. “I love you too, Eros. I never thought I could feel for someone as much as I do you, and every day those feelings only grow.”
Their expression sobers, their voice quiet as they ask, "do you think it will always be like this?”
He readjusts them on his lap so they can cradle them in his arms. “What do you mean?”
"Will we always be this happy together, or…” They almost don’t want to say it out loud for fear of manifesting it, but it’s something that’s been on their mind for awhile. “Will you ever get tired of me?”
He levels his gaze at them and cups their heads in his hands, and Satan below he thinks they are the most handsome person he has ever seen and how did he get so lucky? “No. Never.” He smiles in an attempt to lighten their mood. “I think that is quite simply an impossibility.”
Eros worries their lower lip with their teeth. “Would you ever consider turning me into a vampire?”
Copia’s gaze softens, and there’s a certain sadness in the way he looks at them then. His thumbs gently rub their cheeks. “Now that is a much more complicated question.”
“I’m not asking you to do it now, or anytime soon, really. Just…eventually?”
“I would love to, truly—nothing would bring me more joy than to have you by my side for eternity—but,” Copia sighs heavily. “Turning someone is…it changes things. For both of us as individuals and as a partnership. And you know as well as I do that being a vampire is really not so grand; I do not know if I wish to impart this life on someone like you, caro , who has much to gain from being, well, eh...alive.” He chuckles nervously.
Eros nods slowly, their gaze dropping from his. Copia gently tilts their chin up to force eye contact again. “I am not saying no, amore mio . It is certainly something that we can consider, but it is not a decision to be made lightly. Bene ?”
Eros nods again. “I understand. I’m sorry for bringing it up so suddenly, I just…”
Copia kisses them softly. “Shh, I understand. There is no need to apologize. It is only natural to have questions and it is important to discuss these things.” His hands cup their face a little tighter. “I want you to know that I am very serious about my relationship with you, Eros. I would do anything within my power for you. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than making you happy.”
They grin at him. “I suppose it’s a good thing that I’m happy just by being in your presence then, huh?”
Copia hums. “A very good thing indeed.” He gives their thighs a single, solid pat before squeezing them. “Now, you need to eat, caro . Will you let me up so that I may order dinner, or do I need to take you with me?”
“I am rather comfy. If you want me to get up, it may take some convincing.” Eros teases.
His hand slides provacatively between their legs, resting just on the inside of their thigh. “Do you truly need more convincing than free food?”
Eros bites their lower lip and readjusts slightly, trying to encourage his hand closer to where they want it to be. “Maybe…”
“In that case, I have an offer for you,” Copia smirks as his index finger traces slow strokes along the length of their thigh. “You remember how many times I made you come earlier, s Ì?"
Eros nods. It was—as always— many times.
“Double that, and you still get whatever you want for dinner.”
At this, they scramble off of his lap. Copia laughs softly and rises from the couch to grab his phone. With dinner ordered a few moments later, he returns to the couch. Eros places their head in his lap and stretches out on the couch with their feet propped up on the armrest. They pick up their controller and look at him expectantly.
“Let us try a different game,” Copia suggests, his eyes twinkling as he picks up his own controller. “This one is called Mario Kart.”
After dinner was eaten and several more games were played, they had decided to pivot activities and watch a movie to wind down for the evening. Eros is still laying in Copia’s lap, but they are now curled on their side with a large blanket draped around them. His gently cards through their hair as they cuddle, the short, choppy strands sliding like silk through his fingers.
Eros makes it approximately 15 minutes into the movie before they start to drift off into sleep. Copia lets them doze until he gets uncomfortable on the couch. It’s a Friday night, so there would be no work tomorrow, and he feels grateful as always for the days where they get to sleep in late together. If he had it his way, he would just sleep through the entire day until sunset, but his work schedule would never accommodate that. He muses to himself that Eros wouldn’t either, and since they are the self-appointed guiding force in his world now, he would gladly bend his entire life around to suit their needs.
Copia smiles softly at the sleepy bundle of mortal in his lap and gently sweeps them, blanket and all, into his arms. Eros stirs slightly at the movement, but in their sleep they snuggle into his warmth, their head resting heavy on his shoulder.
He carries them into the bedroom and tucks them in before and crawling into bed beside them. On instincts, they scoot back against him and he wraps a loving arm around their shoulder before planting a soft kiss on the back of their head.
In their state of half-sleep, they mumble something that sounds like “love you." Copia smiles at them again and whispers "love you too." Eros sigh contentedly at this and slip back into their deep slumber. Copia lays awake beside them for awhile longer, savoring the feel of their warm body against his: the gentle rise and fall of their chest as they breathe, the occasional small noise that they make as they dream, and he thinks to himself,
Yes, eternity would much better with you in it, wouldn’t it?
#cardinal copia#ghost band fanfic#cardinal copia x oc#dracopia x oc#copia#ghost fanfic#the band ghost#ghost bc fanfic#ghost bc#dracopia#fluff and smut
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Dracopia x OC
“You shouldn’t smoke, well you shouldn’t love me”
Copia was sat on the balcony of his bedroom, in the dead of night. He lifted the cigar up to his lips as he lit it, inhaling the intoxicating smoke, blowing soft pale gray smoke out.
“You shouldn’t smoke Tesoro”
Copia didn’t jump, or choke, instead he turned seeing his beloved, Celine, there. She had her pale arms crossed and her raven black hair was up in curlers. He admired her in so many ways, how she could make him kneel, even infront of everyone in the clergy.
She had so much power of this prince of darkness. And she knew it. She took the cigar from his plump lips and kissed him, smirking.
“You smoke when it’s almost time to feed, you need it don’t you?”
He looked at her with wide eyes, her red silk robe slid down, exposing her neck and shoulder slightly. Celine put the cigar out and threw it in the trash holding his chin. She tilted her neck and caressed his face. She would always do this. She knew his ins and outs. Turn ons and offs.
She knew him. She knew what he liked to eat, what he liked to drink, how he would take photos of her after he had told a funny joke or how she could make him blush just by calling him husband-to-be.
But he had cards up his sleeve he could use. He had many ways to fluster Celine, or make her pouty at the very least. He knew her just as well as she knew him. He leaned in and but gently feeding on her, but not to much. He knew, to much and she would turn. Be cursed just like him. He pulled away and she smiled slightly.
“There, now I can see the blush in your face”
Copia chuckled and sat back down lighting another cigar, causing Celine to pout. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot. Blood streaked down his chin as he inhaled the intoxicating grey gas and groaned as it mingled with metallic taste of blood.
“You shouldn’t smoke!”
Celine sighed and sat on the thick stone balcony ledge. Copia eyed her and took another drag, inhaling and exhaling the grey smoke. He contemplated his next words carefully.
“And you shouldn’t love me. But here we both are”
Celine’s eyes widened. What did he mean she shouldn’t love him! He was perfect for her. Sure they could only talk at night or in dark cold windowless rooms such as his office, but she loved him. Copia saw the worried look on her face and put his nearly spent cigar out and in the trash.
He picked her up and kissed the bite wound gently.
“Come amore, I think it’s time we spend life eternal together, si?”
#the band ghost fanfiction#the band ghost fic#papa Emeritus X oc#ghost band oc#the band ghost#Cardinal dracopia X oc#dracopia#dracopia X oc
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While You Sleep
Summary: Copia's nerves have him pent up and Sarah's new nightgown isn't helping. He has a secret that he can't tell her and the anxiety has caused his bloodlust to return once again. He asks Sarah to try something new, something while she sleeps, to release his energy and she obliges but when she wakes, Copia's nerves aren't settled. Sarah takes the reins and takes care of him. In the end his secret is revealed and they bask in their shared love.
AN: I thought too hard about what Copia would be nervous about and it got slightly angsty. Rest assured! it's mostly smutty and fluffy.
Paring: Cardinal Copia [Dracopia] X OC Sarah
Words: 5.7k
Tags: Explicit! established relationship, consensual somnophilia, smut, light angst, blood drinking, oral sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, cock warming, fluff
Read on AO3
Sarah hums as she walks around the bedroom, causing a gentle smile on Copia’s face. She putters around before settling into bed beside him, the new nightgown flowing around her knees like a green cloud. She’s wearing her, in her words, “old time-y nightgown” she found online recently. It’s a button up chemise style item with long flowy sleeves, gathered at the neckline and cuffs. Sarah always smiles when she wears it and the first time she wore it, she announced proudly that it’s so comfy she doesn’t even wear any underwear. She wants to feel the fabric all over her body.
That caused Copia to perk up, his fangs involuntarily growing longer along with his shocked face. He licked his lips, breathing out a shaky laugh and she teased him relentlessly as she continued to wear it for several nights. When he thought Sarah was fast asleep on her side next to him, Copia moved to look at her delicate form.
The knowledge that only one thin piece of fabric was the only thing keeping him from touching her bare skin stayed in his mind all night. He lightly dragged the tips of his fingers over the curve of her hip, running them down to her thighs and then back up to repeat the process. He never tried anything more provocative, but a thought passes through his mind the first night. She looked so peaceful, so comfortable in the nightgown, he thought. So vulnerable. Sarah always sleeps like a stone, rarely stirring through the night. There’s something, somewhere, that titillates him at the thought that she might not wake up if he gave in and touched her more sensitive places under the fabric. All he’d have to do is nudge up the fabric…
The hem rides up as she sleeps and now it sits above her knees. Copia still holds his breath when he skims his hand up her thigh to graze over the soft skin. His hand moves inch-by-inch up under the hem and stops, only allowing himself a brief, teasing experience to touch what Sarah hides from him. Copia ponders how her body might react, if she’d mewl or whimper under his touch in her sleep and wake up unaware of his twisted worship. If he bit her, drank from her, would that wake Sarah up? Her soft wavy hair on the pillow around her head would frame every reaction on her face and he would watch it all with devotion.
The repeated nights of her in the nightgown, and the subsequent perverted thoughts around it make for a very uncomfortable situation in Copia’s pants. She’s not actually doing anything and that’s what kills him! But the visions of Sarah in his mind with the buttons undone, revealing the warm skin he craves to touch, leaves him hard, aching, and in need of relief. Copia feels pitiful while he palms himself as she sleeps soundly next to him. He bites his lip, struggling to stay silent just in case as he stokes the neediness, keeping his gasps at bay.
He inevitably ends up in the bathroom, taking a shameful midnight shower as he lets the water soothe his pent-up body. He can’t bring himself to care, fisting his cock to the idea of being in her, using Sarah to help rid him of his devious desires. Copia’s felt a surge of bloodlust again lately; he theorizes some of it has to do with his worries over an important bit of news he received recently that he’s been barred from telling Sarah. The way he’s attracted to her in the nightgown isn’t helping; his spike of lust for her is the last metaphorical straw. Copia feels like a soda bottle that’s been shook, in need of a release. His emotions, both lustful and anxious, feel heightened right now.
He feels like a tight spring is about to burst in his stomach and the next second, as he closes his eyes to imagine that his tight hand is Sarah’s snug cunt around him, he comes almost with a shout into the echoey tile walls. Copia chases his high, soft huffs leaving his lips as he pumps his cock slowly, to savor the spreading pleasure through his body. His orgasm came quicker than he wanted and it only does so much to stave off any anxious thoughts for another day. He drops hints the following morning that the new pajamas she’s decided to wear have an effect on him and she smirks, looking at Copia with a glance he can’t read. He mentions how there’s something about her wearing that chemise that drives him crazy.
“I’ll keep that in mind, caro.” Sarah purrs at him. “Let me know if you want me to help with that... situation.” She leans into him for a kiss, and lovingly nibbles at his lips before letting go.
He watches her go to work with a deep look of yearning as he grapples with her response and how he can process the mental buzzing sticking to him.
Sarah began to wear regular shorts and a t-shirt to bed for a few days but tonight, after a brief break, she’s brought the nightgown out again. A Pavlovian response comes to Copia and he feels a stirring below as he sits up in bed. He notices, though, that her little treks tonight the apartment, fussing with his pet rats or organizing the bedside table are because she’s trying to take her mind off of something. He’s not the only one with stresses right now, Copia realizes, and he gestures for her to come to bed. She finishes fretting over his rats and walks back into his room.
Sarah finally makes her way to bed to lay down, swatting her hand around. “I’m only a little bit worn out, Copia. We’ve been working on a new project in the studio and they’re being very cagey about the details. Amelia didn’t have creative control this time so she’s been a bit snippy.” she turns her head to look at him. “Would you know anything?”
Copia nods and props himself up on his side as his hand moves across her stomach to caress her hip, bringing Sarah closer to him, thumb rubbing over the soft material. He leans down, kissing her forehead lightly as an apology. “I do, but it’s a secret. A good one, though!” Copia leans back, smiling. “You’ll find out in due time, I promise.”
She scoffs playfully. A small yawn escapes her lips and she frowns. “So, I’m just going to be stressed for an unknown amount of time?” Sarah looks at him now with very sleepy eyes.
“Apologies, amore mio, but I cannot say.” his hand on Sarah’s hip slides down, skimming under the hem of her nightgown to brush his knuckles along the soft skin of her legs. She hums, fluttering her eyes closed as his hand creeps higher, stopping to squeeze the inside of her thigh; Copia smirks a fanged smile back at her. “However, I have a couple ideas as to how we can relax, dolcezza.” His hand retreats from below the nightgown and Sarah’s eyebrows furrow, confused but curious.
“What are you thinking?” She looks into his eyes as he watches over her, his green and white gaze is locked on something. Copia’s hand begins to slowly undo the top two snaps at her collar to reveal more of her chest; he watches her reaction and leans down to gently kiss the newly exposed skin, whispering something that almost sounds pained. Sarah runs her fingers through his hair and pulls him back a bit. “What’s going on in there, my love? What has you so stressed?”
“It’s my nerves, Sarah. Between your new nightly attire, and my secret news, I’ve been wound tight and need to open the valve just… a… bit.” Copia kisses her lips, then her neck, ghosting his fangs over the top of her breast when he caressed it to nuzzle the softness towards him; he whimpers into her skin as he shifts his hips against her side, desperately rutting his hardening cock against her without any shame. “Please, it’s getting unbearable, amore mio. Everything feels so sensitive.” Copia whispers.
She coos at him, running her fingers through his hair. “Is this like last time? The bloodlust?” Sarah looks over his scrunched face and a pang of concern hits her. “I’m so sorry for teasing you. I had no idea.”
“You didn’t know the full story, it’s fine.” Copia smiles, reassuring her. He leans his forehead into hers, closing his eyes. “Let me take care of you with your worries and in return you’ll be taking care of me.” He rubs down her hip.
Sarah wants to dote on him, give him what he needs. “Tell me.”
“Let me give you pleasure-filled dreams.” Copia leans down to whisper in her ear. “Would you let me fuck you while you sleep? What do you say to that, amore?” He moves back to look into her eyes, searching for an answer.
A blush creeps over her cheeks and he smiles at her, sensing a slight tremor of curiosity. “Tonight, I’m as green as your eye is, my love, yes.” Sarah smiles softly, leaning up to kiss the tip of his nose before she settles down on her back. “Please give me your sweet dreams.”
Copia kisses her forehead, whispering a reverent, almost shaky “ti amo”. His fingertips brush lightly over her face, trailing down to her neck and over the top of her chest. Sarah’s breathing eventually slows, nearing her deep slumber as he lightly runs his fingers over her still clothed body. Copia begins to pop each snap open slowly, leaning in to kiss any new glimpse of her previously hidden skin. The last snap is popped open by her knees and then the light green fabric gets pushed to the side, revealing her curvy body like an unwrapped present. A goddess Copia craves to worship.
This is how it feels he thinks. Her presence in his life feels like a gift and he could almost cry from the sudden surge of emotions running through him. He’s going to turn her one day and then they’ll get to spend eternity together. As he raises through the ranks of the clergy, he’ll have Sarah by his side to share the experience with. Copia leans down, kissing over her heart, the still-beating reminder of her mortality for now. He places gentle pecks to her chest while his hand roams the lower half of her body. Sarah’s body reacts, a trail of goosebumps following his hand as it travels further down. He appreciates how reactive her body is as she sleeps.
Delicate circles from his thumb are rubbed onto her skin as Copia holds Sarah’s hip. He moves, always keeping some form of touch to her as he grazes his fingertips over to stroke up and down her inner thigh. Her hips shifts, a small sigh leaving Sarah’s lips as she unconsciously opens her legs to give his hand more room. Copia smirks into her chest, placing a kiss there in appreciation.
His lips latch on to her cushiony, soft breast and he can’t help but sink his fangs in to drink the blood that begins to trickle into his mouth. She softly whimpers out, scrunching up her face but never opening her eyes or stirring awake. Copia’s cock aches as the flavor of her blood hits his tongue; the knowledge that Sarah is still deep asleep spurs him on to go further. The venom coursing through her now calms Sarah’s body and with the gentle strokes of his palm along her inner thigh, her muscles relax further into the bed.
“Relax for me, Sarah. Let me take care of you.” He murmurs into her skin, pausing his drinking to give her nipples attention with his mouth. He hums around the hardening buds, smelling the growing arousal from her as his he licks and sucks on her breasts. He knows if Sarah was awake, she’d hold her hand to his head, keeping him down there so Copia stays for a bit longer.
Copia becomes aware very quickly of just how wet she has managed to get aided by the venom in her veins and just his light touches. He sits up to watch his hand as he inches closer to Sarah’s pussy and when he swipes two slow fingers up and down through her folds, he groans a deep rumble from his chest. They both manage to shudder at the same time and he brings his fingers up to lick the collected nectar off. The small, teasing taste alone has his hard cock twitching in his pants, wanting more than just a sample.
Copia moves down the bed via auto-pilot to rest in-between her thighs and he props up her legs to give his body room. Licking his lips, he glances up to check on Sarah once again; she’s smiling, breathing steady. Still asleep. Copia takes the moment to bring down his pants, removing his clothes so he can feel her skin-to-skin the rest of the night. As he lowers back down, his teeth drag lightly along the plushness of her thighs, mouthing sweet kisses and love-bites to her legs the closer he moves to her core. He nudges her legs open wider, grasping around her thighs before he leans in and licks up her pussy; a soft, barely there mewl escapes Sarah’s lips and he smiles.
Copia begins a steady routine of softly licking up and down, breaking to suck her clit before beginning again. Blissful whimpers and hums leave Sarah’s lips as he continues to work her up. One of his hands leave her thigh to stroke his fingers up and down when he wants to sit back and just watch her; his finger prods around her entrance and when he inserts one, then two, he can soon feel the ache in her building from the pulsing of her cunt. She’s flushed from head to toe and soft, sleepy cries from her float into the room. Copia minutely rolls his hips into nothing, following the rhythm of his fingers in her and he thinks he just might come from that alone. His cock practically begs for relief, but if he touches himself at all, Copia will let go too early. He simply watches her, deep asleep but still receptive to his actions and she’s managed to softly bite her lip.
“That’s it, my sweet Sarah.” he whispers. “Take what I give you tonight. You deserve this pleasure all of the time, even in your sleep.” Copia stares at her in awe as he pours his love into his actions.
He adjusts, moving down to his stomach to go back to sucking her clit and drink her in like the finest wine. Copia moans into her, rutting into the bed to give himself some pressure to relieve his cock in some way. He feels high from the taste flooding his senses as she comes on his tongue with soft, sighing mewls. He’s so overwhelmed, so happy to have given her this pleasure, that he comes quickly after Sarah does without even touching himself. Copia whines in return as his spend leaks into the bedsheets, smearing to his stomach while he rolls his hips through his orgasm, licking up her sweet release as is flows onto his tongue. He holds onto her hips for stability while his head spins.
Sarah mumbles “C…”, a dreamy hard C sound but she trails off as soon as it starts.
“Shit.” Copia whispers, steadying himself as he comes down from his own oversensitivity. He rises, leaving one last kiss to her twitching clit, and looks at Sarah. She’s let out a deep sigh and her face has a wide, dreamy smile. He looks down, feeling his cock beginning to harden once more, quicker than he expected. His body must need more. Copia wipes his mouth and leans down to kiss Sarah, leaving a quick extra peck before he leans back up. “Amore mio, how can you do this to me.”
Slowly, he strokes up and down his cock, taking time to savor the post-orgasm glow. Sarah lies there, oblivious to their shared pleasure with all but a subconscious grin. Copia readies the head of his cock through her folds, sliding down to press slowly into her. He grunts, watching her face for the tiniest of movements and once Copia is snug, fully inside, he sighs in relief.
For the first time in probably two weeks, he feels at ease. It’s as if he needed it, craved it so much. Copia never thought he would feel so at home with his cock buried in anyone but he shivers, teeth clattering, feeling overtaken by a rush of love for Sarah. Copia lowers himself down, holding her side and pressing his body into her warm presence. His lips press to her neck, hovering over her pulse point. Copia lays there, still, enjoying the feeling of Sarah around him.
However, the pleasant feeling quickly goes away. It’s as if a switch was flipped in his mind and he rapidly loses the happy chemicals from his orgasm to fear. Anxiety. The news he has to keep from her is very big, very important. The other upper clergy members said he couldn’t tell anyone but he has to tell Sarah. Their lives are going to change and Copia worries that he’ll have less time for her; that she’ll find a reason to leave him. A chill runs up his spine and Copia clutches her closer to him.
He worries if one day he bites her too hard and she regrets ever being with him. That Sarah will see him as a monster and want nothing to do with him.
He needs to just say it.
“I’ll tell you my secret.” he whispers into her neck. Without realizing, his fangs poke out, nicking at her skin, drawing blood. Copia kitten licks at it, feeling a rush from just the small taste and it helps to settle his mind in a way. Sarah’s hips wiggle, causing Copia’s cock to twitch in her. She lets out a small, pleasured whimper, and he hums into her neck. Copia rolls his hips towards her, slowly, enjoying the drag along his cock. “If I bite you harder and you don’t wake up, I’ll tell you, ok?” He sounds desperate, bargaining, not wanting to spoil the news but unable to keep it in any longer.
A determined bite is given to Sarah’s neck and all she does is let out a soft “ah” sound; a whine leaves her lips as the venom floods into her, washing the pain away once again. As Copia drinks from Sarah’s neck, he trembles above, ready to burst. From what, he can’t figure out; the rhythm of his cock rutting into her is sloppy. Copia’s hand not holding hers moves to slowly, carefully circle over her clit between them. The rush of venom mixed with his deep fucks into her has her on the brink of another orgasm and his attention to her clit is what sends her over. The way he handles Sarah creates a slow, satisfying spread of euphoria through her body as she comes with a final exhale.
Her cunt squeezes around Copia, hitting him almost like a slap and he comes again, caught by surprise. His mouth leaves Sarah’s neck, pressing his forehead into her as he silently moans, scrunching up his face from bliss. When he looks at her neck after coming down from the high, his bite was harder than he realized and a nasty bruise is already forming around the teeth marks. Copia kisses delicately around the markings, babbling and apologizing for hurting her so. He’ll have to clean it up in the morning and it pains him that she’ll have such a ghastly reminder as it heals. He feels like the monstrous creature that he truly is. He was supposed to feel good from all of this but guilt comes up to the surface.
“I’m so sorry, amore mio.” he whispers into her, squeezing her hand. Copia settles on top of her, closing his eyes briefly to rest. He wraps his arm around her upper back and snuggles into Sarah, kissing the bite a few more times. “A Papa would never hurt the ones they love. I hope you can forgive me.” His other hand moves down to rub small circles to her hip.
He makes up for what he considers a grave error by coaxing more pleasure from her several more times. Copia and Sarah both will wake up the next day with glowing skin from the bliss of multiple orgasms throughout the night.
Sarah stirs, waking up several hours later to a sore neck and a dull fullness below. She opens her eyes to find her lover slowly grinding his hips, absentmindedly thrusting into her as he sleeps. She slowly moves, placing her hand over his back to rub up and down in an attempt to wake him up.
“Copia…” she coos. Everything feels so wet down there she realizes. “My love, wake up.”
Copia jolts up, rolling a sharp snap of his hips towards her in his wake. They both groan at the feeling of his still buried cock twitching, nearing another orgasm.
“Oh! Sarah!” Copia gasps. “Did I disturb your slumber?” He’s slightly out of it, blinking away sleep.
She smiles, carding her fingers through his hair. “I think I should be the one asking you that.” Sarah rolls her neck and hisses.
Copia looks up, a pained look towards her neck. “I am so sorry, amore mio.” He reaches up to touch her bruise but his hand hesitates at the last second, shaking.
Sarah looks at him for a moment, watching his eyes as he looks towards the bite. “What’s gotten into you, Copia? I know you fret over me when you drink too much but this is different.” she takes his hand and places it over her heart. “I’m still here, my love. My heart is still beating; still beating for you.”
“IAmGoingToBecomeTheNextPapa.” Copia whizzes out, too quick for him to realize he’s said it before he can’t un-say it.
“Copia! That’s-“
“And you can’t know that!” he brings a finger to her lips. “I was supposed to wait until the project you were working on was over to say anything.”
“This is great news, though! Why are you so… nervous?” Sarah smiles softly, brushing her fingers through his hair as he settles back down onto her chest. “This is good, right?”
“I- I don’t know what’s happening, Sarah. I was so happy at first but now this… fear has taken over. This is big for me and I feel like I have something to lose now.” His breathing stutters and she hugs him close to her. “My emotions feel like a rollercoaster.” Copia’s voice gets choked up.
“And you couldn’t tell me? That’s part of why you have been so on edge.” Copia nods. “Maybe we shouldn’t have the sexy sleepy stuff last night if you still feel this way. I wanted you to enjoy yourself, my love. I wanted to wake up with you de-stressed.”
Copia’s arms quickly rise him up to look at her. “Do you regret it? Are you uncomfortable? Oh-“
Sarah stops him, bringing Copia back down to her chest. She combs her fingers through his hair again and he settles back into her. “No. I think that was probably the nicest sleep I’ve had in a while.” Copia smiles and she feels it against her skin. “Could we… flip over?”
Without taking himself out, they turn so Copia can lay down on his back. Sarah sits up, straddling his lap and she feels that his cock nestled in her is still somehow hard. She quirks up an eyebrow towards him and he closes his eyes and shakes his head.
“I don’t think my body will let me rest. I thought I’d be better in the morning.” Copia whines and sighs, throwing his arm over his eyes.
“So, your attitude has been because of more than just my new nightgown. It’s also from your secret. Hm…”
Copia sighs. “My bloodlust has always manifested from different reasons but it just means one thing in the end: I am overwhelmed.” he removes his arm from his eyes to look up at Sarah. Despite the bruising bite on her neck, or her mussed hair, he still thinks she’s gorgeous. Her hand softly rubs up and down his chest as he collects himself. “I’m overwhelmed from keeping my promotion from you. Overwhelmed by the future and what becoming a Papa holds. Overwhelmed by how attracted I am to you.” Copia’s hips shift, a small, shallow thrust up into her and Sarah feels a chill up her spine. She leans her head back, despite the pain in her neck, and breathes deep.
“I could walk around covered head to toe and you’d still be ready to jump me, though.” She smiles.
“Honestly, it’s the imagining that makes it feel worse. This… torturous nightgown had no right to make me so horny.” Copia scoffs, smiling for the first time that morning. “I spent several nights fucking my hand in the shower to blow off steam.” Sarah blushes at his admission and he moves to hold her side.
“Should I just wear nothing to bed from now on?” Sarah giggles, beginning to slowly circle her hips to feel more of him, to see if he can relax soon. “Half the time we’re usually both naked by the next day anyway.” She looks at him as if to say like this morning.
“You wouldn’t get tired of that?” he hesitates. “You wouldn’t get tired of me?” Copia matches her pace with his thrusts.
She stops to look at him and he whines. “Let’s list the facts, shall we? One, you are an amazing, sweet man who has dedicated most of his eternal life to this ministry. Two, this congregation would be lucky to have you as their Papa.” Sarah leans down to kiss him, slowly, savoring the taste of his lips. “Three, and this one is a fact.” she leans back up, beginning to circle her hips around him with more pressure and Copia moans out. “I could never, ever, grow tired of the way you treat me. The way you look at me, the way you kiss me, the way you f-fuck me! Ah!” Her cunt pulses with pleasure and she comes around Copia’s cock, breathing heavy and arching herself backwards in the throes of her ecstasy. Copia whines, feeling the fluttering of her walls around him as she sings his praise.
“I just never, shit, I don’t ever want to hurt you.” Copia cries out. He tries to sit up but she pushes him back down. “Please don’t ever leave me, Sarah. I don’t think I could handle that.” He admits under his breath.
Sarah looks down at him and runs her fingers lightly over his forehead down his nose then cheek, across his lower lip, then down his neck to run her fingers through his chest hair. She leans down to press a featherlight kiss to his lips before righting herself up. “I won’t and I’ll make sure to spend the rest of my days making sure you know that.”
Copia sighs. “Oh, I love you.”
“And I love you too, Copia.” his cock twitches when she replies and Sarah grins. “Now, let me take care of you right now. Could you be a good boy and come for me? Hm?” She feels him twitch once again and smiles wide.
His eyes roll, closing them as he thrusts up with determination. Copia’s hand rises to cover over Sarah’s heart as her hand touches over his heart and he cries out small breathy babbles of “yesyesyes”. She coos at him, praising him for how good he’s being as she rolls her hips on top of him to help him fall into a comforting bliss. Copia quickly comes and it feels like he’s been punched in the chest. He gasps, spilling rope after rope into Sarah and she sighs, rubbing circles into his peck through it. He’s groaning, whimpering into the room as he pours his frustration out and ridding himself of his worries.
Copia settles, looking up at her with half-lidded eyes and a sleepy smile. He feels a comfortable exhaustion in his muscles.
She cups his face into her palm, rubbing her thumb over his cheek. “Close your eyes, my love. I’ll take it from here.”
Copia falls into a deep sleep after coming down from letting out all of his pent-up nerves. When he finally softens, Sarah moves carefully to remove herself from him. She gasps at the drag of his now soft cock along her cunt while she moves off, adjusting to the lack of fullness after going so many hours comforted by it. Shortly after, as she walks to the bathroom, a slow trickle of their combined come from several orgasms begins to seep out and she sighs. Sarah makes quick work to clean herself up, cringing once she gets a good view of his bite on her neck. It does look a bit gnarly but as she cleans the dried blood, the bite area looks like one’s she’s dealt with from him in the past.
She applies an ointment to it and then a square bandage. Feeling the effects of the blood loss, she slowly walks to the kitchen for a snack, a couple juice boxes, and a cold compress for her neck. Sarah regains some strength and after re-dressing in pajama pants and a t-shirt, she begins to clean up Copia, dressing him in his own sweats. Bringing some snacks back with her to his room, she moves to lay back down in bed. Sarah lays against the pillows, wrapping Copia up in her arms to rest her hand on his stomach while the other softly pets his hair. She places a few kisses to him and mumbles an “I love you” into his hair.
Copia wakes up a few hours later and he genuinely feels rested after waking up the past two weeks feeling like a live wire. Sarah’s snuggled behind, spooning him. She seems to be about half-asleep, humming the tune to a song he didn’t realize at first was “Life Eternal”. He moves his hand over hers on his stomach, humming back to her and she squeaks, stopping her song. Copia smiles, turning over to see her.
“How are you feeling?” Sarah asks.
“Infinitely better.”
She smiles. “That’s wonderful.”
Copia leans over to kiss her. “You are wonderful.”
They kiss for a little bit, neither feeling like taking it further than that. A series of short pecks follow a long, languid kiss. She pulls him over, her hand wrapping around his lower back as they lay together in bed. When they separate, their eyes are still closed as they sigh in the small act of intimacy.
“Have you eaten anything?” Copia asks.
“I had a snack earlier but I know I need lunch soon. I didn’t want to get up while I was cuddling with you when you were asleep.”
“Dolcezza!” he softly scolds. “You need your strength.”
And so, she calls up some food from the kitchens. A ghoul delivers the wrapped sandwich and dessert with a wordless, curt nod before leaving; Sarah thanks them as they walk out. Copia sits with her as she eats at the kitchen table, talking about his ascension plans. He keeps a hand somewhere on her as they sit together.
“And so, if I wanted a wardrobe of my own vision, I figured I might have to… sorta… go behind Amelia’s back.” Copia winces, rubbing small circles on her knee. “She isn’t even angry at Terzo anymore! That’s the whole reason for the control.”
Sarah snorts into her sandwich. “If it makes you feel any better, I like what we’ve done so far. The frayed edge look is interesting. And we just got a shipment of the new ghoul masks!”
Copia smiles. “Yeah? You like it? I know it’s a bit different.”
Sarah shakes her head and grins. “I love it.” She holds his face in her hand and leans in to peck his cheek. “Though I will say, I always get stuck sewing your pants. And these rat-bitten appliques are tricky to figure out.”
“Ah, yes, but you are so good at removing my pants, too. This will give you a heads up.” Copia smirks, rising his eyebrows up a couple times.
She chuckles. “The lace-up fly is certainly interesting.”
“I couldn’t handle another zipper. I kept getting worried it’d get stuck.”
Sarah leans back in her chair, looking off into the distance. “Well, the laces might get in the way if we ever want a quickie.”
Copia’s eyes open wide and sits up straight. “I… didn’t think about that.” he sighs, looking down. “I’m just so happy I can talk to you about this. You can’t tell anyone, though.”
“I promise! I will be your confidant!” Sarah nods, wrapping up her food and putting the garbage away. “Now! Copia, my love. We must do one thing before anything else today.”
Copia looks at her, stumped. “What is it?”
“Copia, caro, we need to change the sheets. I’m not getting back in that bed with dried come and blood on it.”
Copia’s snorts evolve into a deep belly laugh and Sarah can’t help but join in. “Fine. Let’s get it over with.”
The two go back to his room, removing the pillowcases for new, clean ones, and remove the fitted sheet on the mattress. As they’re fitting the new one on, Copia stops, remembering something.
“Oh! If we’re going to be each other’s confidants, then I can tell you this.” He smiles conspiratorially.
“What is it?” She asks, lifting the mattress corner to put the sheet around it.
“I walked into Terzo’s office and he didn’t know anyone was stopping by-“
“Copia, if this is a story about you walking in on him pleasuring himself, you don’t need to continue.” Sarah winces.
“No it’s nothing like that. Though it does sorta relate to Amelia.” He explains.
She squints at him, nodding towards him to continue. “Ok, carry on.” She goes back to maneuvering the sheet corner.
“I walked in on him with a box. A small box with a ring inside.”
Sarah drops her corner of the mattress with a thud. “What!” she screeches, grinning up at him. All Copia does is nod.
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think.
#copia x oc#cardinal copia x oc#cardinal copia fanfiction#dracopia#ghost fanfiction#the band ghost fanfiction#ghost#ghost fic#my fics#personal
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I present….Dracopia and Drakatya 🖤🩷🦇🦇
#the band ghost#ghost bc#papa emeritus iv#cardinal copia#copia#cardinal copia x oc#katya#dracopia#art
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Dracopia x OC commission from Instagram based on chapter five of Dawn Chorus, written by the wonderful @her-satanic-wiles 💕
#my art#i love him i love him i love him#oouugghhh#the banter in that chapter oouuggghh#dracopia#cardinal copia#ghost#ghost bc#the band ghost#ghost bc fanart#ghost the band#ghost fanart#not my oc#commissioned piece
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