#draco malloy fanfic
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Draco Imagine for @suuny96
Hey!!!! Can I request an imagine where the reader is a muggle born and she tries and keeps things to herself? She has a crush on Draco but she hasn't told anyone. Draco knows she is muggle born and he always makes fun of her for it. Out of the blue, the reader has just found out that her parents are getting a divorce and she hides it from her friends. Draco knows something is up with the reader because she's acting different. One day in class, he says something awful about her parents and the reader just had it. She tells him off and then runs out of class. Draco finds her outside crying. He feels bad for what he said after he saw her crying so he apologizes for it. The reader opens up to him about everything going on in her home life and he listens to her and comforts her. After she tells him everything, Draco admits that he has feelings for her and she feels the same.
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“Maybe you can’t cast the spell cause you’re not a real wizard.”
You could hear the sly smirk that was plastered on his face as he said those words into your ear before walking out of the classroom. Draco said things like this all the time. He would always be the first one to point out when you didn’t learn a spell as quickly as everyone else or if a potion didn’t brew properly for you.
“Oh shut it, Malfoy!”
This was always your comeback. You learned that nothing would really truly ever shut Draco up and he never listened to your comebacks anyway, so you decided it was better not to waste the energy to try and think of anything better. You threw your books and parchment into your bag before tossing the sack onto your shoulder. You walked toward the door of the classroom and waited, annoyed, while your two friends took their time packing up their things and meeting to walk with you out of class.
"It's okay, (Y/N)! It's a really hard spell to get. You can't get down on yourself so easily."
You knew Hannah was just trying to cheer you up and make you feel better, however, she had mastered the spell perfectly on her first try so it was extremely hard for you to listen to her advice. You shrugged a little and let your head hang down as you stared at the floor while you walked.
You didn't say a word the entire walk down to the great hall but instead listened to the conversation your friends were having.
"I can't believe you think Marcus is cute!"
You could almost hear the disgust in Maggie's voice. Maggie was Marcus' little sister and one of your only Slytherin friends.
"I just said he was handsome is all," Hannah finished with a smile as a pink blush crawled up her cheeks and onto her face. She looked like a sunset, with her red hair, pink cheeks, and yellow Hufflepuff tie. You let yourself chuckle a little as you listened to them debate about whether a good friend would date their friend's brother or not. You couldn't really get mad at Hannah because those Slytherin boys were very cute. You admitted to yourself a while back that you had a tiny crush on Draco Malfoy, but decided to keep it from your friends since it wouldn't make sense to like someone that very clearly didn't like you back. They finally decided to leave the debate and come back to it after they had both eaten and had some time to think. You walked into the great hall and the three of you split off in different directions to go to your house tables. 15 minutes into the meal, owls started to slowly trickle in and drop off parcels and packages for the evening mail service. Normally you got a letter from your parents about once a week and you had already gotten one for this week. You didn’t expect to see your family’s barn owl sweeping into the hall. When she landed in front of you and dropped a small gray envelope in your lap you were most definitely surprised. You stroked your owl lovingly for a few seconds to thank her for making the extra trip this week before letting her fly back to get her own dinner. Your parents hated sending owls since they weren’t sure exactly how it worked and it was strange having an owl fly in and out of Muggle neighborhood, so you knew this letter must’ve been important. You picked up the letter and turned it over in your hands. Your plucked open the wax seal and pulled out the sheet of paper carefully tucked away inside.
We hope your time at school is going splendidly and we have been holding back telling you this news in fear that it might disrupt and distract you from learning and doing your best in classes, however, we feel it’s only fair to tell you now so when the holidays come around you aren’t surprised. Your mother and I feel it’s best that we go our separate ways. We want you to know that this is in no way your fault and there is nothing you have done/could do to cause this. Your mother and I both love you with our whole hearts and we think it’s best for you and for us to be your parents away from each other. We love you so very much! All we ask of you is that you keep working hard in school and get good grades! We believe in you and I can’t wait to see you when you come home for the holidays. Do good things, sweetheart!
Love, Dad”
Your hands started shaking as soon as you saw the words “separate ways”. What was that supposed to mean? Your parents always seemed so happy together. They were always laughing and enjoying each other's company. What went so wrong that they had to get a divorce. A million thoughts were running through your mind that you didn’t even realize tears had started to well up and drip from your eyes. The tears hit the page and the words started to ooze out ink like blood from a broken heart. Before anyone could see tears tracking down your face, you pushed away your plate, grabbed your bag and dashed out of the dining hall. You ran to Gryffindor tower as fast as you could, jumping from one staircase to another as they began to move. All you wanted to do was burn this letter and pretend everything was fine. You didn't want to think about coming home to just mom's house or just dad's house. You didn't want to think about how everything was never going to be the same. You wouldn't have one of anything anymore. You would have two Christmases and two homes and two rooms and two completely separate parents. You threw down your book bag as soon as you got to your room. You heard the crushing sound of glass and you knew a couple of ink jars had been shattered under the force of the landing. You flopped down onto the floor and quickly pulled out all your books and parchment before they could get too ruined by the flood of ink now soaking into the material of your bag. You cried even harder and sat in a sea of tears and ink on the floor. After about 30 minutes you were out of tears. Your head was pounding and your eyes were throbbing as the room started to heat up. The world felt silent and you had never felt more alone. Eventually, you picked up your wand and pulled the crumpled letter from your dad out of your pocket, "Incendio," you muttered out watching the note catch fire and then burn into ashes that landed on the stone floor.
You only had one lesson on Fridays and you debated going or just laying in bed and crying some more. But you remembered that the only thing your parents asked of you was to keep up your grades, so of course, you went. The class was only supposed to last an hour and you knew if you just focused and pushed through, you would be back in your bed in no time. You took your seat next to Draco and kept your head down, hoping that today he would lay off the insults. No such luck. As soon as you hit the seat, his head whipped around to face you and you could practically feel the air around you tense up as he leaned forward to get close to your ear.
“Sometimes I wonder if you're really a muggle and your parents just send you here cause they hate having you at home.”
Something inside your chest twinged and broke. You felt hot, searing tears come into your eyes again. This was the last straw. Malfoy was done making fun of you and bringing you down.
“For Merlin’s sake, Malfoy!” you shouted as you sprung up from your seat and turned on him, making him your prey, “Just shut-up! No one cares what you think. Just because you hate your father and your father clearly doesn’t want you, doesn’t mean you have to go around making everyone else’s lives miserable!”
Draco’s face became pale as his eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock of your sudden outburst.
"I'm sick and tired of listening to you insult me every day so piss off, will ya?"
Before waiting for his reply, you grabbed your book bag off the floor and rushed out of the classroom. You were only able to take four or five steps down the hall before your knees became weak and you fell to the floor. You pushed yourself up against the stone wall and brought your knees up to your chest and hugged them. You buried your head in between your legs and allowed broken gasps of air to be brought into your lungs. After a few minutes, your breaths became more controlled and even though your face felt warm and your head was throbbing, you felt a little better. Suddenly, you heard slow, soft footsteps from the classroom door walking towards you. You didn't look up, you really didn't want to talk to anyone right now and you were hoping whichever friend that came to check on you would realize that. Apparently, they didn't because you felt the brush of robes on the right side of your body as whoever it was slid down the wall to sit next to you. You sat in silence with this person for what felt like hours but was only about 10 minutes, before words were finally spoken. You heard the person clear their throat lightly and then a gentle "I'm sorry." You slowly lifted your head from its resting spot as the voice of, what sounded like, Draco Malfoy entered your ears. But it couldn't be Draco. He would never apologize and his voice has never sounded this sweet and sincere before. You slowly looked over and sure enough, the pale, lanky boy was sitting beside you staring at his hands in his lap. His cheeks were slightly flushed and you could tell there was a sad sort of look on his face that was different than the look that was normally there. You sniffled up your last bit of tears before letting your legs relax and stick out in front of you.
You weren't sure if you had actually heard him say it, or if you imagined it.
"I said...I'm sorry," his voice got even quieter as he looked up into your eyes.
"I'm sorry for what I said as well. I was upset and didn't control myself," you croaked out, your throat was dry and rough from crying.
"You had every right to say the things you did," he told you in a small voice.
"No, I really didn't," you leaned your head back on the wall and shut your eyes tight. You began to spill your guts out to Draco about your parents and your life without even realizing who you were actually spilling your guts with. After you were done telling him everything that had happened, you open your eyes and looked over at him. You could tell he felt bad for saying all the things he had said to you.
"I just don't know why you always pick on me," you said truthfully, hoping he could offer you some sort of explanation.
"I just really like you," he said boldly, turning his whole body to face yours and taking your hand in his, "and it's not common for a Slytherin to like a Gryffindor and I didn't know how to act around you anymore. I didn't know how to get closer to you without other people wondering. I didn't know how to get you to notice me."
Your eyes met his as you squeezed his hand a bit tighter.
"Well, you definitely got me to notice you."
He let out a chuckle before replying.
"I was stupid. I guess...well... I don't really know what I was thinking. Ya know how boys will pull on a girl's pigtails if he likes her?" suddenly his eyes were focused on his twiddling thumbs again as the blush on his face grew ever darker, "well I guess that was me trying to pull on your pigtails..." he let the last part of the sentence drop off as his face was now beet red. His eyes flickered over to you to see your reaction only to find you the same shade of red as him, "but you probably just hate me now, I would."
It was your turn to let out a small giggle.
"I don't hate you, Draco. I like you too. I thought it was wrong because you always made fun of me, but I guess I could tell it was your way of pulling on my pigtails."
You both let out a laugh at that point as you rested your head on his shoulder. His fingers slid perfectly in between yours and he gave you hand a small squeeze. You sat there in a comfortable silence as the breeze floated down the halls bringing in the sweet smell of grass from outside. You felt Draco take in a deep breath before exhaling.
"Now what?"
He turned his head to look at you while he waited for his reply.
It was super hard to try and fit all of what you wanted into an imagine, but I’m pretty sure I got it! This was a super cute request and I hope that I did it a little bit of justice. If you want a part two then let me know! :)
Xx all writing is the original work of L.D.A and if used all credit should be given to the author xX
Hope you enjoy this. Love you all x
#Draco Malfoy#draco malfoy one shot#draco malfoy imagine#draco malloy fanfic#draco malfoy ship#Harry Potter#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter one shots#Ron Weasley#Hermione Granger#Neville Longbottom#dean thomas#seamus finnigan#balise zabini#pansy parkinson#fred weasley#Fred and Goerge Weasley#george weasley#james potter#Sirius Black#remus lupin#peter pettigrew#scorpius malfoy#Albus Severus Potter#james sirius potter#teddy lupin
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