#draco and zacharias parallels
fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Draco Malfoy and Zacharias Smith are two of a kind
“He saw me hex Zacharias Smith,” said Ginny. “You remember that idiot from Hufflepuff who was in the D.A.? He kept on and on asking about what happened at the Ministry and in the end he annoyed me so much I hexed him — when Slughorn came in Ithought I was going to get detention, but he just thought it was a really good hex and invited me to lunch! Mad, eh?”
Being assaulted by a member of the trio circle for being annoying. And the female attacker is seen as badass for doing so.
Harry recognized Zacharias Smith, a Hufflepuff player whom he heartily disliked.
Draco: Welcome to the club, Smith. Want a Potter Stinks badge? Potter loved his so much that he still has his in book 7. I think scarface gets off on people hating him or maybe it's just exclusive to me 😏
This effectively stopped Zacharias wondering loudly whether the two Weasleys were only there because Harry liked them, and he started on Peakes and Coote instead.
Zacharias being meta. Not afraid to voice his criticisms of Harry.
“And I think Harper of Slytherin’s seen the Snitch!” said Zacharias Smith through his megaphone. “Yes, he’s certainly seen something Potter hasn’t!”
Going out of his way to diss Harry.
“Ginny, where’re you going?” yelled Harry, who had found himself trapped in the midst of a mass midair hug with the rest of the team, but Ginny sped right on past them until, with an almighty crash, she collided with the commentator’s podium. As the crowd shrieked and laughed, the Gryffindor team landed beside the wreckage of wood under which Zacharias was feebly stirring; Harry heard Ginny saying blithely to an irate Professor McGonagall, “Forgot to brake, Professor, sorry.”
His assault being played for laughs. Being attacked for words - a JKR staple of her unlikable antagonists. Ginny is such an A+ bitch. Probably more than Hermione. Gosh, she sucks. It's almost like JKR wants to give Ginny more parallels with Harry as his budding love interest by giving Ginny her own Draco to have beef with.
In fact, the Gryffindors were generally much more interested in the upcoming Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, for many of them wanted to see Zacharias Smith, who played Chaser on the Hufflepuff team, punished soundly for his commentary during the opening match against Slytherin.
Gryffindor students having a vendetta against him.
Zacharias Smith, who had so far failed to maintain possession of the Quaffle for longer than a minute, was suffering from something called “Loser’s Lurgy.”
Performing badly at Quidditch against Gryffindor for plot reasons. Lord knows the lions can't win without their opponents being idiots.
Zacharias Smith was escorted from the castle by his haughty-looking father.
Haughty fathers.
Draco Malfoy 🤝 Zacharias Smith
No wonder Zacharias and Draco are such fun friends in Hufflepuff!Draco fics. He's almost like the Hufflepuff version of Draco. I need to look up some Zacharias fics! Any character that hates Harry is automatically intriguing to me.
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minaakirarikou · 7 months
I know this is unexpected but this what I got
Hogwarts Students Reaction to Reader that is like shiraishi An from Hatsune Miku colorful stage: project Sekai
Genre: fluff, crack?
Fandom: Harry Potter, pjsk / project Sekai
Characters: harry potter, Hermione granger, Ron Weasley, ginny Weasley, Luna lovegood, George Weasley, Neville longbottom, Zacharias Smith, Cedric Diggory, draco Malfoy reactions?
Reader is female
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- Harry Potter: Harry would likely admire An's unyielding spirit and her dedication to her music. He might see parallels between her determination and his own struggles against adversity.
- Hermione Granger: Hermione would appreciate An's kindness and loyalty to her friends. She might also be intrigued by An's involvement in street music and the dynamics of her group.
- Ron Weasley: Ron would probably find An cool and relatable, especially her down-to-earth nature and affection toward her friends. He might also be interested in her connection to the music scene.
- Ginny Weasley: Ginny would likely admire An's confidence and strong personality. She might also appreciate An's talent and dedication to her music, seeing her as a role model in some ways.
- Luna Lovegood: Luna would probably find An fascinating and unique, appreciating her candidness and unyielding spirit. She might even see a bit of herself in An's unconventional approach to life.
- George Weasley: George would likely enjoy An's laid-back attitude and sense of humor. He might also respect her talent as a musician and appreciate her loyalty to her friends.
- Neville Longbottom: Neville would likely admire An's bravery and resilience, especially considering her background in the music industry. He might also find inspiration in her ability to stay true to herself despite any challenges she faces.
- Zacharias Smith: Zacharias might have a more critical view of An, possibly seeing her as too rebellious or unconventional. However, he might also envy her confidence and popularity among her peers.
- Cedric Diggory: Cedric would likely respect An's talent and dedication to her music. He might also admire her ability to balance her school life with her passion for music.
- Draco Malfoy: Draco might view An with a mixture of curiosity and disdain, seeing her as an outsider to his own social circle. However, he might also begrudgingly acknowledge her talent and popularity within her own group of friends.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 5 months
More Draco and Zacharias Parallels!
Remedial Potions?? With a dramatic exit!
“You take Remedial Potions?” asked Zacharias Smith superciliously, having cornered Harry in the entrance hall after lunch. “Good Lord, you must be terrible, Snape doesn’t usually give extra lessons, does he?” As Smith strode away in an annoyingly buoyant fashion, Ron glared after him.
“It’s all right, Draco,” said Snape, lowering his wand. “Potter is here for a little Remedial Potions.” Harry had not seen Malfoy look so gleeful since Umbridge had turned up to inspect Hagrid. “I didn’t know,” he said, leering at Harry, who knew his face was burning. He would have given a great deal to be able to shout the truth at Malfoy — or, even better, to hit him with a good curse ... He turned and swept from his office. Malfoy mouthed “Remedial Potions?” at Harry behind Snape’s back before following him.
These two snobs crack me up!
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