#drabbles at best I said
ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Found
After some thinking I decided to write this little thing :3
I was thinking between this drabble and one that was about Dream and decided to go for this one.
Mostly because the timing for later in the series is just so much FUNNIER if this one is done first. (you guys will understand later)
First Drabble and original prompt by @spotaus Prev Drabble Next Drabble
No beta and no edits. We jsut going.
Killer sighs as he rubs the sweat of his skull. You would think it is cooler now than the summer but it hardly matters when you are physically active.
Ugh. He hates cleaning duty.
Still he looks around the area he is cleaning up and grins proudly. They had realised that the decliding cliff was facing the south meaning it had so many sun hours.
Horror had offered they could grow grapes using the cliff side and because those where plants that liked to climb up they could use the vertical area to create more space!
Also leaving the flat area for them to do soemthing else with. Killer had been thinking about trying to convince the others to agree to animals but he may need to plead a bit more for that idea.
Still he looks over at Cross nad Horror, both are setting up trellises along the side to help start to grow. All preparation work for their first season of course.
Tehy hadn't quite decided what they would make of the grapes, maybe even just sell the grapes themselves. But they will figure it out. Killer had offered the obvious wine but he hadn't been too excited about it himself. Seemed like a bad idea to make wine when you have a babybones running around.
Even so. Tehy aren't in a hurry. They first need to manage to grow some to begin with.
Killer stretches his limbs when he hears a strange sizzle. Killer blinks and looks back up the side of the cliff before looking at Cross and Horror confused. Both looking up themselves as they no doubt heard it as well.
They assend their, newly repaired, stairs and get to their normal area. It looks fine but Dust is also out and looking around wiht a frown on his face.
Killer gets to his side "Ngihtmare?"
Dust hums "in the nest. Sleeping with his bat." he looks around again and shoots Killer a look "sound?"
Killer shrugs, he has no idea. Cross shoots upright as he looks up "oh no..."
Killer looks up himself and feels himself freeze. becuase he knows those glitching effects. The sizzling gets louder and with the sound of ripping fabric the very universe opens up.
Moment later a figure they all know appears.
Error blinks as he looks around before spotting them. He huffs annoyed "hello abominations. I am looking for your boss." he looks around and frowns "Why are you in this dump?"
Killer freezes. Waht do they do?! Normally it was Nightmare who contacted Error about things he wanted or shifts or jobs or anything. Error coming to them?! Unusual! Also! How the fuck?!
Killer huffs as he crosses his arms "We are busy. How did you even find us here?" Did they leave traces? Did they mess up? Do they still need to move around again?!
Error looks smug as he jumps down from the roof and lands in front of them soundlessly "I obviously looked into the code of the multiverse, antivoid and void."
Killer feels a part of him relax. While most of them can in someway check a universe's code. Checking the code of the multiverse itself is a skill only Error can reliably do.
Error looks very annoyed as he crosses his arms "Do you ahve any idea how long it took me to find you? It is so annoying! Now. I got to talk business with nightmare. Where is that octopus?" he looks around.
Dust growls and glares at him "leave."
Error blinks and tilts his skull "Since when do you talk?"
Dust keeps glaring "Nightmare doesn't want to see you. Leave. You are not welcome."
Killer must admit Dust has guts but also Dust not the time!
Killer tries to nudge Dust further back but Dust refuses to move from his spot. Oh shit.
Error glares at Dust "You dare try and get in my way? The destroyer!?" he chackles as he raises a hand. Strings slowly appearing in the air "I will show you what happens if you do. Now. How about you-"
Killer feels his skull freeze as he looks at the door. Oh no.
Error frowns and turns before looking confused at Nightmare. A large error sign in Error's sockets as he just stands there frozen. Nightmare doesn't say a word but just keeps looking at the other god.
Error blinks and slowly turns to Killer and points over his shoulder "you abominations made a tiny abomination?" Error looks utterly confused.
Killer almost wants to laugh at that notion but he just isn't sure what to say. What can he say to make Error leave them be? More importantly what can he say that would keep Error from telling everyone about what he saw here? Where could they even go if Error can just check the code of the multiverse to find them!?
Before Killer cna say anything else Nightmare takes a step closer. A very panicked sound leaves Cross before he just sprints by Error to stand between him and Nightmare. Keepign his arms spread in front of Nightmare as a living shield.
Error frowns at him and studies Nightmare.
Nightmare gulps before he has that same tiny grumpy stubborn look on his face that Killer just adores. Nightmare huffs as he crosses his arms "What? I thought you wanted to talk?"
Error stares and then he takes a step back "what the fuck?"
Killer mutters it before he cans top himself "language" look they all had just been trying to fix their own cursing a bit but it is habit for all of them.
Error dismisses him as he takes a step closer. Cross summons a weapon and growls at Error "Not a step closer. you can talk from a distance."
Error rubs his sockets. Stares at Nightmare. Rubs his sockets again. Stares at Nightmare again. Then he calls up the code screen for this universe. Looks at Nightmare again. the he looks at Killer and just mutters "What?"
Well would you look at that. Aparently even the destroyer hadn't seen everything in the multiverse.
Dust takes this chance to get to Ngihtmare as well and pick him up. he huffs "What is wrong? You are acting like you have never seen a child before."
Error stands there before waving at Nightmare "That is Ngihtmare! The Nightmare?!"
Horror just crosses his arms and raises a brow "so?"
Error blinks and the error messages around him get a bit worse before he waves at Ngihtmare again "So!? Since when is he a child?!"
Killer grins himself even if his soul pulses quickly. He makes a show of leaning against one of their new fenches "I mean. For a while now. Since his birth. Then again his age was frozen when he corrupted so..." he shrugs.
Error stares at him "No?! He wasn't a child?! He was... You know! Adult? dripping goop and tentacles?! Remind you of anything?!"
Killer raises a brow and shrgus "yeah. Turns out? Not an adult. Just a babybones with magical god apples making a corruption shield around him and temporarily giving him the body he needed to do his god thing." Killer figures it is fine to tell Error. Error will be able to find out anyway and honestly they don't need Error being mad at them for lying.
Error stares at him. Looks back at Ngihtmare. then looks back at Killer for a moment "you aren't shitting me? You are fucking serious?"
Killer sends him a look "dude. seriously. there is a six year old here. Try to not swear." he shrugs and walks over to join Cross and Dust, and Horror for that matter. Killer continues speaking as he walks "It is hardly needed to curse the whole time."
Nightmare shoots him a look and mutters "hypocrit."
Killer grins "you know my tiny boss!" he grins and pokes the tiny cheek. Nightmare looks away embarresed and flustered. mh... weird.. normally he doesn't mind the poking...
Error frowns as he looks to the side before looking at Nightmare "So what now? No goop?"
Ngihtmare glances at Error for a moment before nodding. It takes him a bit to find the right words. Nightmare still speaks softly but with how quiet it is his voice still seems loud "I... I am sitll a god... I think... Just not of balance anymore. I can't do stuff with that anymore..."
Error stares at them for a moment. looks around the area. Then looks down thinking. there is a small loading bar showing his thought process.
It hits full and he straightens "well... I am leaving." he turns to the side adn starts to mess with a coding window again.
Killer frowns "That is it?!"
Error pauses and shrgus "obviously? I was looking for Nightmare, you know, king of negativity and god of balance and all that sh-... stuff..." he glances at them before looking back at the window "Nightmare isn't that anymore. So I will have to figure something else out."
Cross looks anxious as he steps forwards "No one can know! If they know...." he rubs his hands "Just... please..."
Error pauses again and shrugs "Don't see the point in sharing. After all. He isn't the god of negativity. And when people ask about him they want to find the gooped up bas- guy who had all powerful magic and abilities... Why give them the location of a child and his group of babysitters?" and Error disappears through a portal.
A long silence.
They... are fine?
That... that was pretty much him saying he wouldn't tell anyone right?
Like... They are good?
Killer glances at the others and they all share slightly unsure looks. Nightmare however looks at where Error disappeared.
Nightmare just stares before getting a very tiny grin as he hides his face a bit and mutters "he is cool..."
Killer freezes. Nightmare's tiny blush. the embarresment. the way he tried to looks tough and controlled and cool... before when Ngihtamre always searched Error out. The fact Nightmare was always very willing and easy about helping Error even if it hardly helped his own goal.
No absolutely not!
Killer turns to Nightmare and makes him look at him. Ngihtmare huffs and looks annoyed while Killer stares at him "No."
Dust shoots him a look "Killer what are you even saying-"
Killer continues as he stares at Nightmare "No. No crushing on Error. I don't care he is technically the only other god who was nice to you or was understanding about your work. You are not allowed to have a crush on him. He is dangerous and crazy and you can do so much better."
Ngihtamre has a lsightly panicked look on his face as he looks away and mutters "I don't... he is jsut..."
Cross blinks before laughing "Killer calm down. It is just a little crush. Kids have those all the time."
Killer shakes his skull "Nightmare will evnetually grow up again!" may take them ages or not. Hell they don't know how gods grow up but still! Killer isn't allowing it! No way! He looks back at Ngihtmare "You are too young and too tiny to even think about liking others like that so stop that. And even if you do start thinking like that WHEN you are an apropriate age! You aren't allowed to like him because he is crazy and you deserve so much better!"
Horror chuckles "what is the appropriate age?"
Killer's mind blanks before he answers "When he is thirty! Physically! AT LEAST!" and even then Killer isn't sure about it.
Cross snorts "you aren't even thirty... physically."
Killer huffs "And I am a bad example. We don't do what i do." he stares at Ngihtmare.
Nightmare just looks down embarresed before pushign his face back into Dust's shoulder.
Killer will accept that answer for now. But maybe he will need to look through the stuff they have. Clearly no romance novels or movies are allowed anymore. He will have to check it all. Honestly what are those people thinking?! Showing romance to such young minds!
Cross snorts and leans closer to Dust "Somehow I did not expect Killer to be the anti-date parent. Yet here we are."
Dust hums "same. expected it to be me."
Horror chuckles as he leads them back inside.
They still remain watchful and pack some emergancy bags. If they notice even the tiniest sign that their location is compromised they are leaving. They give Crop and update and ask him to watch out as well.
Nothing happens.
Not even a peep.
days go by and they slowly start to relax and get into their own rhythm again. Cleaning and repairing stuff. Getting ready for the next spring and talking with some town folk.
Today is a day that Killer, Dust and Nightmare are just laying in their nest watching an old western movie on the repaired tv, thank you Dust.
It is nice and calm untill.
Killer shoots upright and a small portal opens up. only for a black skeleton hand to drop something through it before it closes again.
It had fallen right in Nightmare's lap and Ngihtmare blinks confused at the small hastly packed present.
Dust looks over his shoulder and a check later and it seems fine. Dust nudges Nightmare and Nightmare first opens the small card.
Killer leans close and reads wiht them.
It is just a card saying 'so he knows which side to aim towards when he grows up.'. Which, weird.
Nightmare blinks at it before opening the present and he lets out a tiny gasp.
Killer stares as he sees a small woolen doll octopus. It is bright purple with a tiny grumpy face on it.
Nightmare feels the plush carefully as he stares at it with pure awe. A tiny purr starts to leave their baby bones.
Killer is going to have to make plans in advance to make sure that WHEN Nightmare is a teen he doesn't try and hang out with Error. Killer will also have to figure out how to successfully threaten a god.
On his 'to do' list it goes.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Also Also
Error finds them
gang: *panic*
Error leaves again because whatever but leaves a little plush for Nightmare.
Gang: ... okay.
Nightmare hugging the plush: I did always think he was real cool... *slightly wishful stare*
Killer realises baby has a first crush: ... *PANIC TIMES FIVE* absolutely not!
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
AU where Robin is going to the local community College for an arts degree. Convinces Steve during her second semester to sign up as a model so they can hang out during class. Robin convinces him its a win win situation, he gets paid to sit and look pretty and gets to spend time with her (that was previously interrupted by classes).
Eddie signs up for the class because he wants to get better at drawing for his DND meetings (plus for his degree he needs to have one artistic class and it was either this or theater, and he isnt sure if he'd have to perform but after getting accused in a hit and run that killed the local cheerleader, he isnt the most liked even though he was proven innocent). Eddie, who is late to class and the only seat left is next to Robin. The two start chatting and ignore the teacher going through the syllabus on the first day. This continues for the first three classes as the teacher goes over different techniques.
Fourth day of class, Steve is there. And Eddie is convinced he's seen an angel. He's seeing one of them sculptures by the ninja turtles come to life. The most gorgeous human he's ever seen. The imperfections make him more perfect. The freckles like constellations on his skin. The scars showing a fight that he undoubtedly was strong enough to survive. Robin clocks it in all of two seconds as Eddie is as red as a firetruck and hasn't said two words. Meanwhile, Steve is standing there feeling a little bad that Robin's new friend is so uncomfortable at the sight of him and his scars.
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robloxmythoids · 11 months
hiiii :) could you pretty please do a (PLATONIC!!!!!!!) PartyGuest & kid reader where the reader's panicking because they're lost and Pest calms them down? kind of a hurt/comfot thingy I guess
(a drabble would be preferred but if headcanons are easier then you can do that instead!!)
poob & pest helping a kid reader !!!!
kid reader lost at the subway :-(
HIII IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG stuff got in the way :-( its extra long just for u tho as an apology !!! idk if you're into partybeetle (poob/pest) i kept their relationship vague so anyone can interpret it in any way . reader also really likes bugs 🙏🙏🙏hope u enjoy anony !!!!
Tears well up in your eyes as you aimlessly wander around what feels like the maze of your busy city. Your parents had deemed you old enough to start going home on your own instead of bothering to come pick you up, leaving you all alone in the middle of a city. Clearly, you didn't practice your route home enough, because you were anxiously trying to get home.
The city was big. Like, really really big. Big enough for a tiny child like you to hopelessly walk around, desperate to find any sort of familiar store or house. The soon to be setting sun makes your growing nerves flare, your eyes sting from the sight. You miss the warm wooden floors, the big soft carpet in the middle of the living room that your mom told you to stop laying on even though it was really comfy.
Shoving back tears, you stare down at the concrete, aimlessly walking around and traversing It feels like you've been walking for forever, and even though it's only been 30 minutes, it's too much for your little legs to handle. You pick up the pace, trying to walk faster and find your house and escape this horror.
Soon, you start running, dashing along the streets as your sort-of-too-big-bag hits against your back. Where's my house!? You think to yourself, tears blurring your vision. You're only a kid, you don't wanna end up on the streets!!! What if your parents never find you!? What if you end up as a kid on the back of a milk carton!?!? What if—
With blurred vision, you flinch as you bump into someone, jumping back. As a child, it's nothing to have to crane your head to look up at people, but this person is tall. Taller than you've really had to deal with. Sniffling, your eyes dart around, examine your surroundings.
A subway, you think, based on how dim it is now. You remember your parents taking you here when the car was broken that one time. How did you get here? You look back to person you bumped into.
They were tall, bright yellow skin and big blue eyes staring back down at you. A party hat sits lopsided on their head and one of those party horn things, the ones that you like hearing at birthday parties. "Huh?" They ask, peering down at you. Their fluffy hair bounces with their movements, looking blurry in your tear filled vision.
You open your mouth to apologize for bumping into them, but all that comes out is a choked sob. A few of the tears you were struggling to hold back cascade down your face, one, three, four, five, until hot and wet globs of salty liquid pour down your cheeks. It's too much. This is too much. You wanna go home, not talk to some random robloxian, as cool as their party hat was!!!
"Ah– Hey, don't cry!!" They quickly try to comfort. You flinch a little as they pick you up, holding you with somewhat ease and pulling you up to be eye to eye. They stare at you, a concerned frown on your face. "Whaddya doing here? Are you lost?!" They ask frantically, clearly not very good at comfort.
Still, it's good enough. Shakily, you nod, your throat feeling too closed up to let out anything that won't be embarrassing. The party themed robloxian blinks at you worriedly, not quite sure how to address the situation. They try to help anyways, thinking.
"Where r u coming back from??" They ask, tilting their head at you. You mutter out the broken answer of "*School,*" and they pout just as much as you at the mention of that wretched place. "Blegh." They mumble playfully, sticking out their tongue in mock disgust. "I hate that place."
Both you and the robloxian picking you up jump at the sudden voice of someone speaking, a voice a bit deeper than the one in front of you. You turn, blinking before shrinking back in surprise at the sight of him. Another robloxian, muttering something in another language.
He looks pretty standard for a robloxian, normal cap, porcelain white skin, a sweater with stylized red text that look like the Roblox logo on it in, just in a different language. What really gets you, though, are his manibles, chittering as they huff. Their eyes are a piercing red, a shade casted over their gaze from their cap. Normally, you would've been terrified, but they look like a beetle!! You love beetles!!!
"Pest!" The other person says excitedly, smiling happily at the beetle-like person. The name certaintly adds up. "Do u have ur phone on u? I forgot mine at home, and this guy needs to call their parents..." They ask, and he tilts their gaze towards you.
Pest just sort of blinks at you, clearly not having expected his (who you think is) friend to be holding a child in their hands. Still, he sighs, obliging. "Yes, I do, Poob." They murmur, fishing through their pockets and pulling out a phone. You squint. It's an android.
"Thank u!!" The party robloxian, Poob apparently, smiles. They set you down and Pest tugs you along to a bench, sitting you down inbetween him and them. You awkwardly sit there, stealing little glances at the beetle next to you. They have beetle horns. It's so cool.
Poob hands you the phone and you awkwardly fumble around with the keypad, trying to think. ...You sorta don't remember what your mom's phone number was. But that's okay!!! You can figure it out. You read a book that said your gut will tell you which one is right. Somewhat nervously, you try and find the right one. Settling on what you pray is the correct one, you hand it back to Poob, letting them dial it and wait to see if it picks up.
As Poob works on calling your parents, you turn to look at Pest sitting next to you. You stare in awe and excitement at him. Mandibles. Beetle horns. How cool is that!? You wish you had horns!!! Curiously, you reach out to him, poking their mandible lightly.
As soon as you poke at Pest, he jumps away from the touch, flinching back. He yelps something in that same language as before. He narrows his eyes on you and you giggle, wanting to feel the sharp edges of them more. "DO NOT." He hisses at you, clearly not sharing the sentiment as they lean away from you.
Giggling, you lean closer, all previous fears of ending up as a missing child poster forgotten as you poke at him again. Another yelp comes out of him and Poob chuckles behind you, watching as you torment poor Pest.
Eventually, Pest gives up to his fate. He mutters under their breath about being unable to hurt a child as you giggle and poke at them with excitement, feeling his horns and looking at his extra arms. Poob stifles their giggles as they speak on the phone to your parents, informing them of your location. You can hear Pest let out soft grumbles as you giggle joyfully.
Soon enough, the familiar sound of your mom calling for your name catches your attention. Poob and Pest look up, watching as your mom tugs you up out of your seat. "Bye bye!!" Poob does a mock salute, picking you up again and holding you up to eye level. They blow their party horn at you, and in response you blow a raspberry back, soft giggles escaping the both of you.
As Poob sets you down, you immediately rush to hug Pest, and he freezes in place. Still, he hugs you bag, giving you a gentle squeeze that makes you beam. It's brief, but comforting nonetheless. Your mom thanks them for the help and you walk away, beaming with the knowledge that you have two new friends. Maybe you should visit the subway more often!!
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lupizora · 10 months
I still can't stop thinking about the M27 teaser trailer. Honestly, when the very first teaser (that had played after the credits of M26) became available online without subs or translation, I thought the new movie might have an amnesia sub-plot. Like something happened that would make Kaito forget everything related to Kaitou KID and Heiji and Conan would have to deal with that along with the rest of the movie's plot. Of course, that idea was shot down from the translation, but I got attached to it for fanfic purposes lol.
So, after seeing the new teaser, that first silly impression is slowly becoming a fully fledged fic (is it HeiKai, HeiShin, HeiKaiShin, idk haven't reached that far yet 😅)
Like yeah, I want the dissonance of KID being aware that Heiji knows Conan is Shinichi, and Heiji not really knowing that Kaito looks like Shinichi (because Kudou never tells him any details that are not important for the task at hand). If anything, Heiji probably heard that's an option from Kazuha because Ran kept complaining to her about all the times KID had disguised as Shinichi before (or given recent manga spoilers, even from Hakuba and his suspicions).
That's why when Heiji unmasks him by cutting through his top hat, KID still slips into his Shinichi disguise (after doing it so many times, I'm convinced he can without a mirror at this point). Not because Heiji will believe it, since Conan is right there, but to buy time.
Heiji, of course, is pissed off about it, and given the whole Kidzuha fiasco, he wants to cut KID in half more than play along.
But KID says that he can't help it if disguising as the people that Heiji loves will keep him safe from his wrath. While Heiji has a crisis over what kind of love does he mean, KID makes his escape (recently stolen sword and all). Heiji throws his sword after KID, like a javelin, and unbeknownst to him, actually hits the handglider. KID drops out of the sky, fate unknown.
Next day, Iori shows up to bring Heiji to Momiji's temporary place (will the plot remain in Hokkaido, dunno) as there is a sensitive matter to discuss. Turns out, they found KID somewhere. While they recognize this person looks like Kudou Shinichi, it's still pretty obvious the clothes he had been wearing was KID's outfit. Heiji manages to convince them to bring Conan along, since the suspicion for KID's real identity will fall on his "cousin" and who's better to dispel these kind of rumors.
What neither of them expects when they are left alone with KID though is that one, he doesn't know who he is; two, he doesn't recognize Conan; but three, he remembers Heiji.
For now, I think the sword has something to do with this temporary amnesia (like holding a part of Kaito's soul or sth) since he feels more like himself whenever he's close to it. I also like actual magic shenanigans in the DetCo universe because it means I can make Akako appear (if the magic is real, she can exist. That's my rule lmao).
But that's pretty much what I have of this idea.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
If it's okay with you, could you write a drabble about the hypothetical aftermath of Amane getting attacked by Kotoko?
Welp thank you pal for making me absolutely insane with this request 👍 I ran through a few hypotheticals and realized I had to shift some things around since there were so many absolutely tragic outcomes. I worked something out but damn if it didn’t make me emotional to think about how uniquely rough Amane has it. Even making sure she's in a good place at the end, this got pretty serious, so warnings for child abuse and cult references. 
(So in canon, Kotoko goes in order and attacks Fuuta, but Kazui steps in. Then she attacks Mahiru while he’s distracted with his injuries. She’s about to attack Amane, but Mikoto gets in the way (my hc that he did it on purpose survives!). By the time they reach a draw, Kazui is back, and the two of them can prevent Kotoko from any further action against Amane. Sticking to this apparent system of three attacks and one rescue, I’m just shuffling around the injuries for this story. Fuuta’s attack went unnoticed, and he’s in the same state as canon Mahiru. Mikoto steps in before Kotoko can fight Mahiru, so Mappi’s the one who get out physically unscathed. While Mikoto checks on Mahiru, recovers himself, or discovers Fuuta, Kotoko is able to attack Amane next. Kazui comes to help, but not before she leaves Amane looking like canon Fuuta.)
Mahiru could practically feel her heart shatter into a million pieces when Amane finally cried in front of her. She hadn’t shed a single tear yesterday – it was the shock, Shidou said. Mahiru was skeptical. After all, she had been shocked, too, and cried plenty.
Amane woke as she came in with breakfast. She took a moment to survey herself, bandages peeking out from beneath her pajamas and an eyepatch securely over her right eye. As calmly as one might say “good morning,” she started to cry. Mahiru might have missed it, if Amane hadn’t wiped at her good eye with her sleeve.
“Oh, sweetheart…!” Mahiru rushed over to her. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She wanted nothing more than to wrap the girl in a secure embrace, but she remembered the mass of bandages that were around her chest. Shidou had mentioned broken ribs and bruises. It took everything in her not to cry along with Amane, at the thought.
“I can get you another ice pack, if you need. Or more medicine.” Her mind spun with ways to help with pain. Many of the first aid supplies had been used to keep Fuuta from the brink of death, but surely there were extras to spare for Amane. 
The girl just shook her head. 
She muttered, “I can’t… I…I’m going to be punished, I’m going to be punished…”
“No! You’re safe now.” Mahiru placed her hands gently on Amane’s arms. “Kotoko’s not coming back. We’re all watching over you. You’re safe. She’s not going to hurt you anymore.” 
“That’s not…” Amane pulled away. Her voice stayed level, despite hiccups interrupting her. A hand reached up to her eyepatch. “It’s this. It’s all of this. It’s sinful. I took it off last night, but he must have…” She started unwrapping it. “They’re going to punish me...” 
With a careful motion, Mahiru held it in place and took Amane’s hands into her own. She’d been picking up on the signs ever since they arrived here together, and a final wave of understanding washed over her. 
“I can’t let you do that.”
Amane’s expression twisted, though words came out far more frantic than fiery. “Let me go.” 
Mahiru didn’t. “I’m sorry. Amane, you need this treatment.”
“That is not your decision to make. That is not any human’s decision to make.”
Mahiru pressed her lips together. “I know. But I can’t watch as you… I can’t sit by again while someone…” She was careful not to apply any pressure, but she could no longer fight the urge to gather Amane up in her arms. “You don’t need to be afraid of those people, anymore.”
“I’m not afraid.” Amane hiccuped. “They love me, and I love them. I need to be good for them.”
“I love you, and I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“You just pity me because I’m young.”
“Why does your age matter? You are a lovely young woman – you are my friend – and I can’t bear to see you in pain.”
The two sat in silence for a moment. Mahiru doubted she would take that as an answer; Amane had refused to call any of the others her friend. At least she didn’t argue. In fact, it seemed she was leaning into the embrace a bit more. She sighed a shaky breath into Mahiru’s uniform.
“Listen, Amane. Can you do me a favor? I’m trying to be a good girl, too. To make up for something awful, I need to make sure you’re alright. Can you help me? Can we be good together?”
A long pause followed. Amane’s voice spoke up, ever so gently.
“I suppose I can consider it.” She added quickly, “for the sake of your redemption. Of course.”
“Of course.”
#milgram#amane momose#mahiru shiina#thank you so much! i dont want to be bubbly on such a serious drabble but i want to give an enthusiastic thanks because this one really got#the gears turning!!#i started making plans as soon as i saw the ask and it took so long finding something that wouldnt result in straight up tragedy :(#if i kept to the initial timeline and said kazui didnt step in until amanes attack then both fuuta and mahiru would be close to death#and given there seems to limited supplies i think one of them would have died if shidou needed to treat three critical patients#so i moved people around to make sure everyone survived#which brought me to the main problem of amane self sabotaging her medical care#even minor injuries could have resulted in death if she got her way and removed bandages/refused treatment#but the mental strain of keeping the treatment would be just as bad as the physical pain -- shed be paranoid 24/7 of#divine punishment and repeating the mistakes that led her here.... it would hurt more to be forced like that#so i needed someone to be able to get through to her gently#but the only one who shes been able to trust just got the shit beat out of him and is in no position to talk!!!!#everyone else would just make her more upset or not know how to convince her the right way :(#still - i think mahiru could do it the best! with her own trauma from allowing loved ones to die in front of her i think shed be motivated#so. yeah.#i know amane is supposed to be talking in the plural pronoun now but i couldnt get it to work - lets just say that kicks in soon after this#tw cults#tw child abuse#drabbles
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — synchronicity.
DECEMBER 3, 1985
It’s not often they have to venture out of Hill Valley for parts, but when it comes to fixing the amplifier, they have to get a little more creative.
After a twenty minute drive, Marty finds himself in one of Doc’s favorite haunts, somewhere that looks like a cross between Circuit City and an old warehouse full of junk. He trails behind the scientist, talking with him about transformers, speakers, and potentiometers.
They have to ask the clerk for the right size resistors and terminals, and Marty waits by the counter for her to get them from the back while @doctorbrown continues to browse.
“Here ya go, honey,” she says, handing over the parts, “give these to your pop.”
“Huh?” Marty, startled, searches the clerk’s face. She’s got cat-eye glasses on a beaded chain, a mohawk, looks like she’s his mom’s age, and could take Biff and all his goons in a fight, easy.
“It’s nothin’ to be ashamed of,” she continues, “I think it’s sweet, a kid your age still close to his old man. You got matchin’ shirts and everything.”
Marty looks down at the white patterned shirt Doc bought for him in ‘55 and kept all these years. He looks to Doc strolling around the aisles in one of his incredibly loud Hawai’ian numbers and realizes that they do match, in a weird sort of way.
He guesses they always have, cruising through the centuries and tornadoing through timelines.
His partner in time.
“Great Scott,” he murmurs, before flashing a smile at the clerk. “Hey, thanks a lot.”
“No sweat, kid. Let me know when you’re ready to check out.”
“Yeah, we will.”
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hotdamnitsmoony · 8 months
marauders as conversations i’ve had with my best friend pt2
sirius: i imagine satan as like a fit man that smells like cinnamon
remus: mhmm, you visit regularly
sirius: i wish
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queenerdloser · 8 months
reading baldur's gate fic is so funny to me sometimes because almost every single tav i've read is like. a nerd. awkward. stuck in a library/commune/forest and doesn't know How To Do People. combat unready. a wee paper slip of a person. self-doubting and uncertain.
whereas i am out here with my bard who dumped all her stats in charisma and perception and therefore is no longer able to fail a persuasion check. and my personal backstory for her is that she's an insanely well known frontman for a rock band in baldur's gate so literally everyone they meet knows who she is. nonstop flirt. clocks manipulation left and right because seeing through performances is like half of her skillset. oh yeah. and she can fucking oneshot you by being mean in your direction.
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forgottenroderick · 27 days
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A YEAR IN THE LONG FORGOTTEN REALM roderick's favorite interaction: [ no amount of fame ]
"For Eilionora Stafford to accept you, she needs to feel that she has won. She will agree to marry you if you promise that some of their traditions might be reinstated after your marriage.” He knew that his father would never truly grant this. He despised their culture and religion too much. It was blasphemy in his eyes to leave offerings to anyone else besides his one true god.
But perhaps he might make a promise he never intended to keep. Aside from physically harming her people or her sister, Edmund did not see Eilionora ever relenting to anything less if things stayed as they were. But he also knew that his father would grow impatient with her and that he would rather force her hand than having it willingly given. 
“And what an Emperor gives,” Edmund reminded him, “he can take away.”
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silkhorse · 1 year
Darkness shrouded the temple—the shadows curling around the tiles like an endless void. All of the Gods could sense it—the loss. The Chaos. It had only been a year, in mortal terms, since Raelzaroth was exiled. Everyone thought it would put an end to his madness—everyone thought that Order could fix all of this, like how she fixes everything.
"Maekriel," Aeriollis whispered to the Sun next to her—her eyes fixed solely on the ceiling of their room. The Sun in turn faced towards her wife, Order. The latter continued hoarsely. "I miss my brother." She lamented, her face twisting as if in pain.
"Raelzaroth has caused more harm than good, Aeriollis. I wish you could see that I did this to protect us. To protect you."
There was a pause—momentary but significant. Aeriollis did not have to say a word—they both knew that Maekriel's words were hollow. Who could have thought that banishing Chaos would only cause havoc. Order hissed bitterly, turning to face her wife. "I have heard Chariot has gotten diseased. No longer can ze deliver the messages between god and mortal— I fear-"
"My love," The Sun soothed, her voice warm and velvety—her eyes soft. "Seize your worries for it will all fall into place; I will make sure of it. We just... I just need to find a way to contain his core so it spreads this curse no further." Aeriollis shook her head gently before looking back up at the dark ceiling.
"I worry for him, Raelzaroth—despite our differences—is my brother. Fate knows his dogs miss him," Order murmured into the air, gently closing her eyes. "I... Even though he was exiled from our realm—It is as if he is still here-" Her voice became broken with emotion, tears pooling in the closed corners of her eyes.
"Getting rid of Chaos seemed to have only caused more damage and havoc—I fear that my choice was the wrong one—for what good of a god and a sister am I to have tossed away my own kin?"
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doevademe · 2 years
As a continuation for the time travel prompt (big up to the one who came up with it and to you for giving life to it, I love how your brains work) I propose maybe a plot twist: by the time young perce and nico come to terms with their future, they hear the wailing of a few months old baby girl who looks legit like a mix of the two from upstairs? And chaos ensues? Maybe? (By that I mean they re not only married but they discover they re parents too thanks to godly magic).
[Other parts of the fic: 1, 2, 3]
"So in the future you become like a badass demigod mercenary? And sometimes you take me with you?" Young Percy asked Nico's younger self, who just shrugged. "That's... actually really cool!"
"It is pretty cool," his Percy commented as he opened a can of spritz from their last trip to Venice. "And after brainstorming last night, we think your being here is a consequence of our last outing."
"What were you guys doing?" His younger self asked curiously as Nico just tapped his foot, waiting for the image to clear.
"Getting some sand for a primordial," he said. "It's the primordial in question that makes me suspicious."
"You called exactly when I expected you," the magical image finally spoke. Nico had enough experience to know that the older a deity, the more exentric and weird they were, but he still had to double take at the image of a crone with a young woman's face the primordial of Destiny sported.
"If you knew, why keep me on hold, Ananke?" Nico asked, all fake politeness. The goddess changed, now having the body of a baby and the face of an old woman.
"Woah, that's really frea—" his husband acted quick, putting his hand over his younger self's mouth. Nico gave him a grateful smile.
"I also answered when I was expected to," she said, looking perplexed. "You are wondering why there's time displaced versions of yourselves with you."
"Yeah, that's pretty much it," Percy said as his younger self struggled to get out of his grip. "Was there something in the gem you paid us with or something?"
"Nothing of the sort," she said with an airy laugh, changing to a woman in her forties with a baby face. "It's because the sand I needed for my clock is filled with the essence of Aion."
"The primordial of Time," Nico said, mostly for Younger Percy's sake (and his Percy, too, but he knew better than to ask questions while he was talking with deities). "We rolled on the stuff to get away from a Drakon, so we're also infused with his essence."
"Time is eternal and cyclical. By getting his essence, you pulled on people from other times, and they are anchored to you. They'll remain in this time until the essence fades."
"In other words, we're radioactive," Percy said with a sigh. Young Percy used the opportunity to break free and get in front of Nico, glaring at the woman.
"Okay, so I have two questions," he said loudly. Nico resisted the urge to facepalm. "One, how long will that essence cling to them? Two, will we remember what happened?"
Nico loved Percy. With all his heart, even at his worst. But right now, he wished their Time-radioctiveness had brought a mellower old man version of his husband instead of him at his most... Percy.
"Destiny is found out by mortals in time, my dear... but depending on how much essense they absorbed, it could be anywhere from a few days to a month."
Their eyes widened. He and Percy tended to get... busy right after a mission (don't judge him, it saved them a bath), so they had had that sand clinging on them for hours!
"As for the other question.... Your Destiny was to come here. While the memories will be gone, the experiences will remain. A tiny little voice that will remind you 'I should be doing this'..." Ananke said with excitement. "It was needed so neither of you would give up on each other! And just like that, our time is u—"
"Please toss another Drachma for five more minutes," Fleecy's automated message recited. Nico sighed and dissipated the rainbow.
No one spoke for a few minutes, teying to proccess the information.
"Percy mentioned a gem," Young Nico said finally. "What was it for?"
"Uh... for our future," his Percy said evasively. "Look, we only take on jobs from primordials for special things and... it's nice to have the option."
"Option for..." Young Percy drawled, finally finding an opening to bother his older self. His Percy looked away, coughing. "Come on, your future husband asked you a question. Answer him."
His younger self blushed and hid behind him. Nico was torn between considering himself adorable or embarrassing.
"It's a tiny, tiny fragment of the World Egg that birthed the universe," Nico said. "It can create anything... within reason. I'm not very trustful of Love and Fertility gods, so this was a nice compromise for eventually... having a baby."
Nico knew that Percy had wanted a family of his own since he was little, and that was the one thing Nico wasn't sure he could give him. When Ananke offered the gem in exchange for a job, he had jumped at the chance. Young Percy's eyes widened and he glanced at Young Nico for a moment before blushing heavily.
"Oh, speaking of baby-making," his Percy said, making their younger selves squirm. Nico raised an eyebrow. He was doing it on purpose. "We need to set ground rules for you guys."
"Ground rules? This is our house too!" Young Percy argued.
"You're minors, and this won't be your house for another four years," Percy said, blowing a raspberry. Nico looked away. His husband was a five year old in a 27-year-old body sometimes. "So, first of all, now you know you'll get together, but I want no exploration of that in this house."
"I wouldn't!" Young Percy exclaimed. Young Nico shrank on himself, making Young Percy's eyes widen. "Not that I don't want to— I mean, I'm still with Annabeth, and I'm not a cheater!"
Young Nico nodded, relaxing a little.
Adorable, Nico decided. I was adorable.
"Good. Second of all—"
A loud cry stopped them all in his tracks. Nico and his husband reacted first, followed by their younger selves as they opened one the rooms.
Inside was a craddle with little baby with dark black hair and striking green eyes. The name 'Emilia' was carved on the craddle.
Nico moved first, picking up the baby and rocking her lightly. The girl looked at him and stopped crying immediately.
"It's okay, Emmy, papa is here," he said softly, checking to see if there was anything wrong with her.
"Did you guys use the gem already?" Young Percy asked, looking at the baby. "It sounded like you didn't!"
"We... we haven't yet," his husband said slowly, getting closer to Nico and the baby. "But there's this feeling when I look at her... I know she is my daughter."
From the look Nico saw on his younger self's eyes, he knew both were thinking the same.
Aion's essense. If it pulled them from the past, it could also pull someone from the future. Someone so close to them it was basically their conbined selves.
Like Nico and Percy's future daughter.
"Damn Time Radioactivity!" Young Percy said once he caught on. Young Nico slapped his arm. "Hey!"
"Watch your language in front of our daughter!"
Percy and Nico looked at each other.
This complicated things even further.
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sarcasticdolphin · 1 year
“Named” Todolf fae au. If you are new since I did the other fae au stuff, then I recommend you read the earlier drabbles in this verse on ao3.
This one is for the lovely @adridoesstuff :) after you mentioned fae au yesterday this idea has refused to leave my mind.
Cut because fae au, though strictly speaking this drabble isn’t actually all that bad.
Even after he’s fae, fully and properly, he and Tod only watch at the mingling, lying contently in each other’s arms. They enjoy each other in the privacy of their bed, sometimes before, so Rudolf can feel the deep ache as they listen to the sounds of pleasure around them as they exchange lazy kisses, and sometimes after, their lust stoked by the lust of the others as it permeates the air.
It’s one of the times when Tod has thoroughly and utterly sated them both beforehand, so much so that Rudolf is amazed that he even managed to walk in himself, that the thought first comes into Rudolf’s mind, between the moans all around them, filtering through the gossamer curtains. 
Rudolf hadn’t been looking at all at the others, content to gaze up at Tod as his fingers lazily drew spirals on the king’s bare chest. Tod’s arm was around him, his thumb making gentle little soothing motions just at Rudolf’s waist.
Rudolf. His name. It was the only thing left, that had come before Tod. He didn’t remember the surface world. Tod had told him of it on occasion, and had shown him a few sketches. But Rudolf didn’t care to remember anything before the sunless sky, before Tod’s arms, before Tod. Tod is his world, his life, his everything.
The gentle fingers that stroke his cheek, that tilt his chin up to gaze at Tod’s luminous eyes are so welcome, though Rudolf can tell Tod has recognized the turmoil in his thoughts. He leans up, pressing a little kiss to Tod’s jawline.
I’m fine. We’ll talk later.
Tod presses a kiss to his brow in turn and cradles him closer, slotting their legs more properly together.
They continue to lay there, Rudolf rarely moving, just listening to the sounds around them, feeling the steady rise and fall of Tod’s chest, the beating of his heart, the warmth of his skin. He is loathed to do so but he does break the spell after a time, slipping more fully into Tod’s lap, humming at the ache in his body as he and Tod trade deeply possessive kisses. Tod’s fingers find Rudolf’s and they mesh together as Tod pulls Rudolf closer still. 
They kiss again, and Tod lazily flips them so Rudolf is gazing up at him, hands arched above his head for a moment before they go to Tod’s shoulders, giving little tugs. Tod doesn’t indulge him immediately, slowly lowering himself until they are chest to chest, legs fully intertwined once more. A few more slow kisses follow before Tod shifts them once more, returning Rudolf to his earlier place, tucked into Tod’s side.
The mingling is long over by the time they stand once more in their chambers, Rudolf’s clever fingers keeping busy as he helps Tod into his sleeping garb. His own is easy enough to attend to alone, but Tod never minds the help. It’s different, in a way. Where once they were opposites - Rudolf in garb white as snow, even for sleep, and Tod in inky black - now they are mirror images, the black stark against their pale skin.
But even as Tod reclines in bed, Rudolf nuzzling close, kissing the king’s jaw once more, he speaks.
“Something troubles you.”
“Yes, Majesty.” Tod has never asked him to use his title. Never when he was small, never even at court, with the others. But Rudolf likes the way it sounds, and he thinks Tod quite likes the way it flows off his tongue.
Perhaps once Tod would have had to tip Rudolf’s chin up so their eyes would meet, but not anymore. Rudolf meets the king’s eyes with ease, feeling the king’s thumb begins to make little soothing circles by his waist, where the sleep pants and shirt meet.
“I was just thinking about what I remember, from when I was young. And the thought occurred to me - this name, Rudolf. It’s from the surface, from the human world.”
Tod’s grip adjusts a little as they settle further, but he doesn’t speak, waiting patiently as Rudolf finds the right words.
“I don’t remember anything of the surface. And I find I mislike having my name be such a constant reminder, of there. I-” Rudolf’s eyes had been shifting, not downward but away from Tod’s. He looks back at the king, who is listening intently. “I was hoping you would give me a new one.”
“Oh, my precious prince.” Tod presses a kiss to Rudolf’s brow. “It would be my honor.”
They lay together for a long moment before Tod rises, much to Rudolf’s dissatisfaction, but he goes along with the king to their little balcony, the one that overlooks the gardens. The trees and fruits are so different in the dim light. Some wilted and withered, asleep, while a select few are fully blossomed, their own sleep being something for the day. 
Tod’s arm remains around him, as they take in the gardens for a long moment before the king turns to him, touching their foreheads.
“Golnar.” One of the king’s hands has moved to stroke Rudolf’s cheek as he pronounces the new name.
Rud- Golnar. It will take some getting used to, but he quite likes the name the king has chosen. Golnar is his name now. He raises himself onto his toes to kiss the king’s cheek in thanks. 
“Thank you.”
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peachy-rambles · 2 years
Happy Valentines Day! 💕
As my gift to all of you, today I will be accepting requests/prompts for any dsmp ship or duo (it can be platonic or romantic) and write drabbles based off of them!
Edit: slight addendum. if you have a nsft request, you can do that on my other blog
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sosoane1 · 2 years
One Line One Fic
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @captainjimothycarter thx <3​
1. I Feel Good (The X Files)
He was holding her close, whispering the lyrics into her ear. Squeezing her tighter, but still, lovingly he planted a kiss on her neck. Muffling the lyrics he was saying. 
2. The complication of getting a prescription refill (The X Files)
She turned to look at him, realizing he didn’t care she saw him shirtless. She shrugged saying ‘‘Well, yeah, I suspected it for a while now. I just figured you would tell me when you're ready. It didn’t feel right to ask. It’s not of my business, as long as you’re happy Mulder.’’ 
3. Jim The Fish (DW 11xRiver)
‘Sweety, you can’t just take a fish out of a pond and keep it.’ She looked at the poor creature who was clearly struggling. She gently took it from his hands and released it back into the water. The fish gladly swam away, but then returned holding his head out of the water. 
4. Take me as you found me or leave me to die (The X Files) (yes the title is super dramatic)
She knew the distance between them had been slowly growing to the size of a canyon. She hated having to push him away, but it seemed like her only option to keep herself from breaking her own heart. Like she was letting herself down slowly. 
5. He Chose Me (Steggy)
So he was surprised when she said his name. First, he was surprised she was still awake, they had been lying in bed for about half an hour. And then when the words registered in his brain, he wasn’t sure he heard her right 
6. Mulder's birthday gift (The X Files)
As per usual, when Emily spotted her parents from the playground, she ran to them and demanded a piggyback ride back to the car, which Mulder obliged. He helped her buckle up as Scully started the car. The drive home was pleasant, Emily recounted how she learned that a caterpillar could become a butterfly. And said they had to draw butterflies, so she had a new artwork for Mulder’s art gallery. 
7. Nobody warned you about me? (DW 11xRiver)
Finally, they saw it, the big blue box. Like a beacon in the sea of all the people. The Tardis was standing exactly where they left it. River thanked god it was because she was not ready to drag The Doctor around the town to look for his box. 
8. A Well-Devised Plan (The X Files)
Everything was going to perfectly until the was a knock at the door. 
9. White Christmas (Steggy)
One day he hoped to work up the courage to go up to her and tell her how he feels. But just because she doesn’t mind his staring, it doesn’t mean that she feels the same way. So for now he will be content with watching from afar. Admiring her determination, her strength, her heart, her soul, everything about her. 
10. Your smile fades in the summer (The X Files)
‘‘This is my sister I was telling you about, the smart one’’ Melissa started. ‘‘Dana, right? My name’s Fox Mulder, but everyone calls me, Mulder.’’ He put his hand out to her but she just stared at it.
Not tagging anyone but if you want to do it concider yourself tagged
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miupow · 2 months
hear me out...chan trying to fit it in but he's too big and he's whispering all kinds of stuff trying to get you to take it and you're frustrated and needy and you're just so !! done !! because it feels empty and he's so close yet he's not in and finally finally, his thick tip catches and he inches in agonizingly slow simply to hear you whine for it
꒰୨୧◞ ⤷ ❛❛ TOO BIG ! ❜❜ .ᐟ bang chan.
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[ ⟡ ] ── minors do not interact ! ⭑ fem!reader , soft dom!chan , est. relationship , monster cock chris lol , size kink , dirty talk , praise kink , daddy kink , missionary/mating press , unprotected sex , bulge kink
a/n ⸝⸝ happy (late) comeback day !! i’m not very proud of this drabble but it’s here and i’m posting it anyway lol <3 save me big dick chris.. save me..
♡ ⸝⸝ ꒰ m.list ꒱ ‧ ꒰ reblogs and feedback appreciated! ꒱
“it’s too big, channie,” you whimper, peering down between your legs— the big fat tip of chan’s cock throbs an angry red as he slides it up between your pussy lips, taps it against your fluttering hole. your ankles dangle in the air over his shoulders, thighs pushed up to your chest by his body pinning you against the mattress, so close you could feel his hot breath, ache for a kiss from the plump, spit-slick lips he bit in arousal. he grips the base of his shaft in one hand, guiding it to push at your rim; you’re frightened by the sheer size of it, thick as a can, veins fat and pulsing… the pressure of it was already overwhelming yet you roll your hips down eagerly, desperate for it to slide in and fill you up.
“shh, stay still, babygirl,” chan coos so sweet, his veiny hand splayed out across your tummy. “and take this fucking cock. daddy knows you can.”
your pussy is making it difficult, so wet chan’s cock misses your hole, slides up your folds to bump against your clit. you shake in pleasure and frustration, reaching your hand down to take ahold of chan’s cock yourself— chan lets you with a warm smile, his thick arms shaking with every slick twist of your hand.
“you need me that bad, baby?” he chuckles, breathless. “thought you said it was too big.”
“i’m so empty,” you whine in response, angling his flared head to spear your core. “need your big cock, daddy—“ finally, finally his tip catches and slides in, sudden yet so achingly slow, your eyes rolling back in tandem with chan’s deep, guttural groan; the stretch burns deliciously, clouds over your senses as your mouth drops open in a moan for more.
“there you go, baby, just like that,” chan continues to bully his cock in past your tight rim, slow and gentle— but there’s nothing gentle about the way he fills you up, inch by fat, throbbing inch stretching your wet gummy walls to their limits. you can feel every ridge, every vein drag hot and heavy… you let go of his shaft in favor for scratching deep red marks into his flexing bicep, scrambling for something to hold on to and ground you. “daddy’s good girl, taking his cock so well— feels so good, doesn’t it?”
“b-big—!” you croak in a daze, an echo of your earlier sentiments; it was all you could manage to make yourself say, rendered brainless in an instant as chan’s blunt cockhead kisses your cervix. “so— so fucking big! ‘n deep, daddy, fuck—“
“yeah?” chan huffs, hips stuttering flush against yours. “am i too big for your little cunt, baby? feel me all the way up here?”
he presses down on the bulge his cock makes in your belly, causing the both of you to keen, your little dripping pussy fluttering around his cock as he twitches inside of you; you desperately want him to move, start pounding your pussy like you’ve been wanting so, so badly… you eagerly nod at chan’s teasing words, buck your hips the best you can folded in half. “yes, yes!” you wail, voice slurred, “give it to me daddy, please!”
“you’re so pretty when you’re begging for me, angel,” chan grins crookedly, pulling his hips back to slide himself out of your hole. you hold your breath in wicked anticipation. “beg some more and i’ll give you what you need.”
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puthyflapps · 1 year
baby stop teasing us with fics 😩
I mean I could expand upon my ideas a little bit if you were like into that sort of thing
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#ask#I have a time travel shoni au outlined in my google docs#I have a canon shoni relationship reveal au outlined in google docs#I have these three really long drabbles I wrote like a year ago saved in my tumblr drafts#one is a follow up to my shoni unrequited love au the other is a band au and the other is like hard to describe in short way but Toni sells#drugs in it 🫶🏻🫶🏻 it’s like an alternate version of a post I wrote about a secret relationship au where I mention Shelby getting left at a bu#station by Toni – they were supposed to skip town together but Dave caught wind of it and ruined everything#I have another au thot about canon shoni where Toni reveals in response to Rachel talking about becoming a carpenter that her favorite class#in school is woodshop and one of Marty’s cousins owns a construction company and in the summers they let Toni work with them which is all to#say that Shelby asks if Toni would ever build her something and I mean we’re talking about the biggest chest puffer ever so ofc she says yes#and then Shelby all coyly asks if Toni would ever build her a house and the insinuation is obviously it would be their house and that theyd#have a future off the island and Toni is all in and tells her she’ll build her the best house she’s ever seen–way better than those Texas#McMansions she’s used to and so it kinda becomes their thing when their alone with one another to talk about what they want their house to#look like ya know they’re cuddling after sex and Shelby says she’s always wanted a garden so Toni tells her that’d be easy–she could build#some planters and a trellis. another time it’s night time and they’re stargazing when Shelby says she wants their house to have a big front#porch and maybe a white picket fence but she’s not sure about that one yet#also I had this other thot one time that I made a post about where I said I was gonna write a one shot about Toni finding a pearl on the#island and using scrap airplane parts manages to make a ring for Shelby#that’s all I can remember off the top of the dome
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