#drabble game
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yiiiiiiiikes25 · 3 months ago
i shouldn’t be rewarding this behavior
INT. GRIMMAULD KITCHEN—NIGHT—SAMHAIN: A grand and rough-hewn kitchen table overflows with paper detritus: mail, curled yellow scrolls, takeaway coffee cups, grease-splotched chicken shop combo boxes. From a chair, HARRY POTTER (mid 40s, bedraggled, Master of Death) smokes a cigarette and twists a glowing Rubik’s cube sort of object without looking; by the hob, with each flick of the cube, a shuddering green-white figure cycles through haircuts, scowls, ages, robes and running shorts and elegant wingtips. Harry settles on a tall twunky buzzcut in a very good suit and squeezes the cube to bring the figure to full, breathing color. DRACO MALFOY (late 20s, resentful) grimaces and wipes a smudge from the hob’s steel dial, then clicks a button on his watch.
Eighteen minutes of resurrection. This one again? Fifth year in a row. Are you lazy or are you a pervert?
Harry stares, impassive, then stands and crosses to nearly nose at Draco’s pulse, which flutters like that of any man in his prime. They don’t touch; Harry doesn’t bother with more than a rasp.
Still doesn’t smell like you.
Draco is still, other than the slow close of his eyes. After a long moment:
Nut up and draw the sigil, Potter, we’ve work to do. Seventeen minutes and fifteen seconds.
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ninzied · 8 months ago
single sentence drabble sunday monday
Henry’s body moves above him like the tide— cresting and falling while their hips come together, while sound and breath break apart in between them, while their kisses do the same; and Henry is soft in that dip of his waist where Alex’s hands were always fated to go, but he’s hard other places, as is the way of oceans and tides— and he is there, and he is everywhere, Alex pulling them skin-to-skin, seeing nothing but blue, breathing nothing but Henry, basking in the gold morning glow of his hair as another cloud parts from Henry’s palace bedroom window.
thank you for the tags @kiwiana-writes @onthewaytosomewhere and @porcelainmortal
and thank you for the sunday tags @cha-melodius @wordsofhoneydew @eusuntgratie @indestructibleheart! also taking the open tag from @rmd-writes (thank you for this drabble game, i loved it a lot)
tagging: @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @carrythesky @celeritas2997
@cricketnationrise @firenati0n @garglyswoof @getmehighonmagic @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@maxbegone @myheartalivewrites @piratefalls @sparklepocalypse @stereopticons
@theprinceandagcd (and all my other sunday friends above if you haven’t done this and would like to!)
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pepperycar · 3 months ago
Hey there! Since you're taking asks for the emoji writer game, how about 🩸 for the brothers? 🥰
Patching up a wound 🩸
@silenzahra when you’re ready.
Mario should’ve been home by now.
Luigi was getting worried, Peach had asked Mario to scout out part of the mushroom forest so that the Toads could build a new path making easier access to their (soon to be visiting) SarrasahLand allies. Luigi and Mario both knew Bowser had escaped recently but Mario assured him that he’d be fine. He promised he would have a mushroom on hand just in case and Peach’s guards were in the town area 24/7.
Luigi still didn’t like that it was gone past midnight and still no sign of Mario’s return. Luigi knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep so he just kept himself occupied for the time being. He cleaned the house (twice) made their beds, sorted their stuff, moved a few leftover boxes from their move, made himself a cup of tea, then finally sat on the couch to play some Animal crossing on their GameCube, Luigi was always better at puzzle/rpg games than Mario’s platformers and fighting games.
The sun was rising when he heard the door finally knock. He sprung to his feet getting a bit dizzy from how tired he was, threw down his controller and ran for the door. Luigi gasped. He was surprised and shocked to see Peach, Toad and Mario at the door with Mario looking a tired, sorry state, his face covered in cuts and bruises, a black eye and some ripped, dirty clothes. Peach was holding Mario over her shoulder, Toad on his right letting him use his big mushroom head for support. Before Luigi could speak, Peach spoke up. “I know it’s early Luigi but- Mario asked us to drop him off here. He said he left his house key with you.” Peach waited as she saw Luigi processing all of this. Like she and Toad could read his mind, they both answered “he’s okay.”
“He-he’s alright” Peach continued “He- He refuses to get medical attention from the castle’s hospital wing and keeps assuring us that he’s fine!” “He uh, kept asking for us to bring him straight here. Said he really needed to see you?” Toad added. Luigi seemed to snap out of his thoughts as he quickly straightened and ushered the three of them in. “Y- yeah okay.. come on in and make yourselves comfortable..” Luigi offered. Peach set Mario down on the couch and Toad helped pull his legs up onto the foot rest.
Luigi went to make them tea but Peach stopped him. “It’s nice of you to offer Luigi.. but me and Toad have a meeting to attend to at the Castle I’m afraid.” “And I’ve got an angry Koopa King to guard!” Toad added with a smirk as he whipped out his frying pan like a weapon. Luigi turned to look at Toad. “You guys caught him?!” Luigi asked hopefully. “Yes we did! All thanks to Mario and the Princess!” He smiled. Peach smiled too. “It was Mario who did all the real work.”
Luigi opened the door for them. After peach told him to come up to the castle right away in case they needed anything, Luigi nodded, waved goodbye and as soon as the door was fully closed he bolted to Mario’s side. He finally let out an annoyed groan as he took Mario’s hand in his. “Any new villagers?” Mario asked with a scoff. Luigi looked up confused only to remember his game of Animal Crossing was still on. He rolled his eyes, grabbed the remote and turned the tv off before giving Mario’s hand a hard squeeze. Mario groaned from the pain. “Did that hurt?” Asked Luigi. YES!” Mario yelled. His voice sounding tired and his eyes appearing more droopy. “Good!” Luigi yelled back. “I need you to focus and take this seriously!”
Luigi left through the kitchen and came back with a bowl of water, first aid kit, Clean pyjamas and a green cloth. He put the bowl to the side before wringing out the cloth and removing Mario’s hat to start cleaning off the dirt and cuts on his face. Mario hissed in pain and Luigi did his best to ignore it. “I’m Sorry it hurts but you did this to yourself, you let this happen!” He said like an annoyed parent. “It’s fine, Lu. I’m okay..” Mario said nearly slurring his words together from how tired he was. Luigi sighed before helping Mario pull off his shirt. He hissed in sympathy when he saw a claw gash across his middle, with smaller cuts littered all over his torso, his chest looked bruised and each breath he took seemed to take effort.
Luigi didn’t realise he’d started crying until he felt Mario cup his cheek and thumb away his tears. Luigi tried to ignore it and helped Mario put his pyjama top on. He was cleaning out the dirt, puss and cuts on his legs when Mario finally spoke again. “Weegee?” Luigi ignored him and shook the pyjama bottoms to signal to Mario to put his legs through. Mario pulled up the pants, wincing in pain slightly as he sat back down. He saw Luigi staring into space. “Luigi.” He said more firmly. “Lu.” That did it. Luigi finally looked up, he looked like he was fighting tears and he took quick huffy breaths while trying not to make eye contact.
“You could have died..” Luigi muttered.
“You could have DIED!!” Luigi snapped. “This isn’t a game Mario! Why didn’t you go to the castle?! Or the hospital or-or somewhere closer than me?! You know healthcare is free here right? Why did you come to me?!”
“A. Because no one can do it better than you Lu, and you know how to comfort me and won’t judge me for hurting-“
“But they wouldn’t judge-“ Luigi tried to interrupt. “And B!” Mario said loudly before continuing “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Luigi looked up confused, only to be more confused as he felt Mario trap him in a desperate hug. “When.. I was helping the Princess and Toad fight Bowser.. I was ready to pass out afterwards because everything hurt so badly. I could trust that Peach and Toad could get me help in time. But then Bowser said-“ he then started crying, a little, then full on sobbing, pressing his face into Luigi’s shoulder and sniffling.
“Bow-Bowser said that.. that he had planned for this, so when I got home I’d have a nasty surprise. That while he distracted me.. he’d sent Kamek to h-hurt you! I didn’t want to believe him but.. the thought that you could be hurt or-or worse! That you could be-“ he didn’t allow himself to finish that sentence, instead he lowered his head and pressed his ear to Luigi’s chest, hearing the now accelerated heartbeat. After a few beats, Mario calmed down enough to continue. “I had to know that you were okay, I just had to see you as soon as possible because I knew I wouldn’t be able to rest until a saw that he was lying..”
Luigi went to speak but Mario continued. “I know you’re fully capable of looking after yourself but.. I just-I just can’t help but worry.. I couldn’t help but think you got hurt again or-or died-“ he shuddered and snuggled closer. “Because I went off to play hero again! I know I’m in pain, probably got a few bruised ribs.” He scoffed, though it didn’t sound like a real laugh. “But honestly Lu? Knowing I could potentially loose you? All from just ONE of my reckless actions and decisions.. hurt me inside way more then ANY broken bone or scar could give me.. I was so scared Lu, I really was. I know now that you’re fine, you’re safe. But I still don’t think I can let myself sleep yet.. just stay with me a few more minutes? Please?”
Luigi sighed. He couldn’t argue with Mario, not after that. He’d have a long talk with him later but for now, he’d let it slide, just this once. Not saying anything, he scooped up Mario bridal style before bringing him to their bedroom and getting under the covers with him. Mario snuggled closer to his chest and Luigi started running his fingers through his hair. Now Mario looked relaxed, his eyelids getting droopy, but before he nodded off he said “you’re great at patching me up after a fight.. But I don’t think you’d be able to patch up this old wound.” He said pointing to his heart. “I don’t think I’d ever recover if my heart got broken from loosing you Lu.. the strongest bandage, tape or super glue wouldn’t be able to hold it together, let alone fix it.. I love you Lu.. and I need you..”
Luigi let out a sigh before giving Mario. A grateful but sad smile. He rested his head on Mario’s while gently rubbing his back and whispering “I love you too Mario. You’re the hero I needed but didn’t deserve..” he kissed the crown of his head and finally let himself relax. He felt Mario snuggle closer and squeezed him tighter as Luigi let himself drift off to sleep.
“G’night Mario.. we’ll talk about this in the morning.”
@vulpixfairy1985 @bberetd @peaches2217 @itsavee4117 @roscolate @rainbogen @pianokantzart and anyone else who might be interested!
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novashelby · 1 month ago
It's that time again for another drabble game. :) you just send or comment a variation of the below, and I will write a drabble.
First: pick a letter A-I
Second: Smut, angst, fluff
Third: 1, 2, or 3
Lastly: Red, orange, green, blue
I wanna write some lesbian drabbles.
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euphoricfilter · 2 years ago
omg you’re sooo sweet!! I love your writing and it amazes me how you intend to just do a small drabble but it’s always series worthy & ik that’s not what you plan but that’s how interesting your stories get🥹 but I have so many ideas for the “how time has changed you” couple (you don’t have to do them all or at all, just a few ideas) but maybe you can tell us more about how they met, how she fought him and how he finally got her into Stockholm syndrome, and maybe some smut along the way either right before she fell into Stockholm syndrome so (dubcon/somno) or after and their just so thirsty for each other 😮‍💨
it’s all in your head:
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pairing: yandere! yoongi x f. reader
genre: more angst than fluff || mafia au || yandere au || non-idol au
summary: you're the one that let yourself fall
word count: 2.1k
tags/ warnings: kidnapping, implied stockholm syndrome, unintentional mind break/ mentioned disassociation, mentions of minor injuries (bruises)
notes: chronologically happens before ‘how time has changed you’ but i think reading hthcy first is probably better ~ drabble requests closed (peep the gorillaz reference in the title) also!!! thank you??? you're sweet too my love <3 and thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my stuff??
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Human beings are flawed in design. And somewhere, mingled between all the self-loathing thoughts, somewhat of a god complex had formed. 
You wouldn’t ever tell anyone, hot embarrassment too much to handle, but truly you felt as though you were untouchable. Like the universe had a secret little rule written somewhere in the stars that luck was always on your side. 
It had been a harsh slap to the face when reality had settled in. It was strange how for days you’d been watching yourself from outside of your body. Someone so familiar yet so different, who had your face, your mannerisms, everything so very you; yet she’d fallen into the claws of a beast. No longer exempt from the evils of the world. 
While you covered your ears at the incessant banging at the bedroom door, you from the real world simply curls up further into herself. 
You were aware that your captor wasn’t going to open the door. You hadn’t exactly been the kindest in your first few days here, more than a few bruises littering his skin from your outbursts. Sticky guilt seizing your body when you’d catch a glimpse of his arms painted purple from an unjust kick, because somehow you knew he never had plans to touch you if it wasn’t on your own terms. 
The little control you had over your life in the form of a lock and key. Yoongi had found himself more than worried when you wouldn’t even open the door for food, never below begging for you to come out even if only briefly because really your health was the most important thing. 
Through prickly thoughts of impossible escape and wallowing in self-pity, you’d tried to figure out where you’d met Yoongi. Because even if you had come across thousands of faces between meeting him, surely you wouldn’t forget eyes like his. A thousand secrets hidden behind eyes almost as black as the night sky; eyes that would have no problem picking you apart with nothing but a single glance. 
He seemed to know you quite well. Seemingly knowing small, insignificant things about you. Favourite foods, snacks you’d always seem to eye when you’d wander into a convenience store of an evening. Every little hobby you’d picked up in the last six months stacked on a coffee table. Clothes you’d been eyeing online for weeks, sat in a basket that truly you had no intention of buying; a faraway dream that’s not as far as it seems. 
A prison disguised as a perfect bedroom. And as much as the bed had looked tempting, silk duvet sure to do wonders for your skin and blankets that were made of velvet; you hadn’t dared fall asleep. Not until your body had begged for rest and you’d spend an hour napping on the woollen rug, only to be woken by a tray of food being slipped through the door. 
The first time you become somewhat aware of your physical body again is when Yoongi doesn’t show up one morning. Doesn’t tell you stories of his life, doesn’t sit there as you stare at your food; praying that he would leave you alone. That he’d let you go, or at least answer the questions that have you falling into an endless hole of hysteria. 
You shower. A rushed ordeal because you didn’t know when Yoongi would return. And then you’d fallen asleep on the rug until the sun had dipped below the horizon and Yoongi had made himself comfortable outside your door again. 
You’d tried to run, dreams of a world so far out of your grasp dying in your hands as you stand there only to find heavy footsteps that stalked the halls, a brutal reminder that you wouldn’t get very far even if you tried. 
The windows didn’t open, you’d tried that. Too scared to try and smash them open, sure they were specially made– impossible to break. 
You’d lost all concept of time. Days bleeding into nights. Hours melting into one another. Where seconds are nothing more than fine dust, something you relied on truly nothing but a concept. Unattainable no matter how long you tried to count each minute or guess the day of the week. Every day is a repeat of the last. The only difference would be what Yoongi would talk about, gravelly voice ricocheting throughout your mind until you lay there awake hours after he’d gone to bed, replaying everything he’d told you that evening. 
You’re not sure when it happens, but you start to expect Yoongi. Knowing that when delicate orange light spills into your room from the window, the sky the prettiest shade of pink, he’d be there. 
Yoongi never opened the door. Voice bold enough that you can hear everything he says, walls thin enough that you can hear each deep sigh that passes through his lips when he talks about certain things that irk him just that little bit. 
When Yoongi talked, and you listened, the world was shrouded in darkness. And you simply floated, merely existed. No expectations, not that you knew of anyways. And maybe he had a hidden agenda, something a little more sinister lurking behind airy words that silenced every niggling thought in your mind that kept you awake every night. 
You don’t think much of it when Yoongi doesn’t show up one evening. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d have done this. Sure to come tomorrow morning with a plate full of cake, maybe those cookies that you liked; way too expensive for you to ever splurge on. Hot chocolate or sweet tea, you’re unsure though he seems to decide based off the weather, and so you’ll have to see what a new day brings you before you hazard a guess. 
And so, you deal with the silence of the bedroom for one evening. 
By the second day of silence, you’d found yourself staring at the door again, every little creak of the floorboards in the hallway causing you to perk up. Tips of your fingers burning as you dig your nails into the carpet, feet tapping against the floor, bottom lip chewed between your teeth. Every passing hour of deafening silence tugging you further and further into a spiral. 
Without Yoongi’s voice your thoughts had amplified. 
You hadn’t been here long in retrospect, a month? Maybe a little more. Surely he hadn’t already gotten sick of you? How pitiful would that be? The very man who had shown an inkling of an obsession was already done with you. 
Day four, and you’re sat by the door, startling one of the maids who had come to give you breakfast. 
You bang your head against the wall once she closed it, the tray kicked away from you as frustrated tears cling to your lashes. Something suffocating grabbing onto your neck, a phantom hand cutting off your air as you tug at your hair. 
Self-pity is a terrible thing. An ugly emotion mutating into something a little worse until you can physically feel the sadness, tugging at your temples in the form of a headache, salty cheeks, tight with tears, or a heart that feels infinite times heavier compared to the ache of rocky blue sadness. 
As the sun rises on the sixth day, you decide to keep the bedroom door open, in hopes that a breeze from the open windows downstairs would carry some of the wretched thoughts that wouldn’t leave you alone no matter how hard you tried to drown them out. 
You’d tried washing them down the drain, scalding hot shower only burning your skin, red-raw and tender to touch– physical twinge of pain still not enough to make the world silent. 
You’d sat in front of the CD player for an hour before you’d flicked through piles of plastic cases to find a song you liked. And you hadn’t been all that surprised to find they were all your favourite artists. You’d only managed to blast one song before you’d kept the volume down, always listening out for all the little noises outside the room. 
On the seventh day, you’d sat in the doorway of the bedroom, legs tucked up to your chest. You’d only made brief eye contact with the herculean man standing opposite your door before you’d retreated back into your own mind. Because as much as it was tempting, you wouldn’t dare ask where Yoongi was, sickly hatred still gnawing away at the back of your mind. 
On the eighth day, one of the maids had asked if you wanted to take a stroll in the garden; that hauling yourself up in the bedroom all day isn’t healthy. And something inside of you had fallen out of place. So completely out of character, you couldn’t recognise yourself. 
You’d started flinging pillows and blankets off the bed at Yoongi’s staff, unsure if what was coming out of your mouth was words of sobs or shaky little cries. Your body seemingly moves on its own, free will fizzling in your hands as you act on impulse.
“What’s all this?” 
You stop, hiccuping as Yoongi stands in the doorway, blurry; veiled by tears that cling to wet lashes. 
“Out. All of you” 
You wipe your cheeks with the back of your hands, knees cushioned by long-forgotten blankets as you drop to the floor. Footsteps of those scuttling out of the room drowned out by the thumping of your heart in your ears. 
Yoongi runs his thumb over his bottom lip, your shoulder shaking as you swallow down another sob. 
He crouches, still far enough away from you. 
“What’s all this about, darling?” he soothes. 
“I hate you. I hate you so much” you kick at the blankets underneath you, “first you fucking take me without asking–” 
“It’s for your own good” he shakes his head, “I did it for you”
“Bullshit” you laugh, “Normal people don’t do this” 
“You and I come from two very different worlds, baby” 
You push the palms of your hands into the sockets of your eyes, “I wouldn’t know. I don’t know you” 
Yoongi hums, gentle as he takes a step forward, slow so you can see he merely wants to be closer, “But I know you” 
“And that makes it okay for you to act like you care and then leave for days?” 
He blinks, “Is that what this is about?” a laugh bubbling up his throat, “You were lonely, is that it? Because you could have asked for me and I would have come straight home for you” 
“Huh?” your eyebrows crease, and your eyes meet his own, “that’s not–” 
“Not what?” he tilts his head, something acutely mocking in his gaze, “Not you waiting for me? Not you slowly losing yourself to your wretched little mind? Always overthinking, so caught up in your own head. I have eyes and ears everywhere– I know every little thing you’ve been doing over the last week” 
You swallow, “I hate you” 
“Lying is bad, you know?” he hums, “It’s okay to let go sometimes. It’s okay to admit you can’t do things alone.” 
You shake your head. 
“You weren’t here. I was alone.” 
“I’m here now. I’ll always be here for you” 
Yoongi thinks people have pre-established ideals about him because of his job. Brute force and terror had never been something he wanted to instil in you. Never wanting to wear you down, pull you so far into the darkness that you stray away from the essence of your being. He loved you as you were and simply wanted you to see eye-to-eye with him. 
He hadn’t expected you to fall so soon. Had prepared to wait many more months if it meant he could have you where he wanted you. 
It’s endearing, how much control you seem to think you have over your own thoughts. The mind is ever so fragile, and truly, we are our own worst enemies. And maybe that’s what he found so fascinating about you. Wanting to weave his way into your own world, stuck inside your own head, so many thoughts and so many ugly feelings that he’d love to just wash away. 
And to just watch you find the little piece of freedom from your own awful mind. A fucked up hero that saved you from your own hysteria, because as much as you liked to think you were the one in control, he could see it. Watched as each day you slowly started to lose yourself. 
And Yoongi will never say it, will never take the prize of you sinking into his grasp, because you’d brought yourself here. And he assumes you’ll only continue to sink further and further until all you know is him; the way it’s supposed to be. 
And very soon, he knows the two of you will find something special.
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🧸 thank you for reading!!
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prismatica-the-strange · 3 months ago
Can I pleeeease get som domestic asks/drabble prompts for Athos, Amélia, and Celine?
Either father/daughter, mother/daughter, or all three of them?
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I'm genuinely so in love and obsessed with him and need asks!
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girlygguk · 2 months ago
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HIII GUYS i’m at work rn buttt since my 2k celebration never saw the light of day and i wanna celebrate 3k because i’m such a grateful and happy gal, let’s do a drabble night tonight!!! posting this now so i’ll hopefully have at least one response to work on when i get home.. plz goddd 😭
send me an ask with a line from a song of your choice to base a drabble around !!!
these will be standalones, so not for my existing couples unless u REALLLY want it :P and if you have any creative input suggestrions, feel free to include that too - like trope, pairing, genre, etc. otherwise i’ll just decide and go w what the song is speaking to me heh.. love u lots, see u tonight 🖤
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pars-ley · 3 months ago
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End of year prompt game!
I'm in the mood to write some drabbles, so please feel free to send me an ask or a message for a request, following the rules below:
Choose one member (from BTS or GOT7)
Choose up to two prompts from the list below
If you choose from the smut section there will be smut in it. Please do not send me a smut prompt request if you are not 18+
This will be written from the female reader point of view.
“I am yours wholeheartedly, and I want you to be mine.”
“I have waited years to hear you say those words.”
“I cannot imagine anyone else I'd rather do life with.”
“I've been in love with you for longer than I'd care to admit.”
“I will love you every day, for the rest of my life.”
“You have my whole damn heart, take it, it's yours.”
7. “Does he make you feel the way I can? If he does, tell me and I'll leave.”
8. “Do you think about him? When you're with me I mean, do you wish I was him?”
9. “Don't think I didn't see the way you were flirting with him.”
10. “Don't lie to me, please, I can't take it. Just tell me the truth.’
11. “If you don't want me anymore, just say, please, just put me out of my misery.”
12. “Tell me you still love me, please; I know I fucked up, but please don't go.”
13. “I know I don't deserve you, but I can't let you go; I need you.”
14. “Do you enjoy tormenting me? Because that's how it feels right now?”
15. “I'm not enough for you. I've never been enough and I'll never be enough.”
16. “I've been here all along, through everything, not him. So why does he get to have you and I don't?”
17. “I don't know how to live without you in my life…but more than that; I don't want to.”
18. “I won't sit on the sidelines anymore, waiting for you to realise what I'm offering you.”
19. “You'll have to beg if you want me to touch you.”
20. “Don't even think about closing your eyes, I don't want you to be thinking about anything but me.”
21. “Good girls get to come, have you been good?”
22. “If you want something, baby, you have to ask.”
23. “Look how wet you are, is that just for me or is that because of him?”
24. “I won't stop until you’re whimpering my name.”
25. “That's it, take all of me, like such a good girl.”
26. “I need you, right here, right now. I can't deny it anymore.”
27. “Did you miss me? Did you miss me fucking you?”
28. “No one can make you feel like I do, no one knows your body the way I do.”
29. “I will explore your body all night long if you let me.”
30. “I want to bury myself between your thighs until the sun comes up.”
Thank you
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anewkindofme · 2 months ago
For the hurt/comfort prompts (please ignore if I’m being too demanding) 23 and 24 for TK and Owen please? 🥰
You're not being too demanding at all. I love getting all of these! (Also, we have given up all pretenses of these being traditional drabbles or even double drabbles, because I have no self-control)
Send me a number + a dynamic and I'll write a drabble.
This first one takes place pre-series when TK is in active addiction. So, TW: Addiction, implied/referenced drug use.
23. “I’m okay. You don't need to worry about me.”
“TK, son, your mother is worried about you. Frankly, so am I.”
TK itches his arm, letting out a bitter laugh. “You and Mom talk now, huh? Without fighting?” He adjusts the phone so his dad won’t hear the commotion behind him. With his luck, his dad will be able to spot out the bad neighborhood he’s in through the speaker.
“There’s one thing we can agree on: we want what’s best for you.”
“I’m okay. You don't need to worry about me.”
“You’re my son. I’m always going to worry about you. Especially when you fall off the face of the Earth for a week. Bub, wherever you are, tell me. I’ll come get you…”
“I said I’m fine, dammit!” TK snaps. “Just…quit hovering! I’m not a little kid. I can handle my own shit. I don’t need you or Mom or Enzo blowing up my phone.”
“Dad, I gotta go. Tell Mom to back off.”
He turns off his phone and shoves it in his pocket. Being mindful of the cracked steps, he makes it up to the door with the faded “7” and knocks 3 times in rapid succession. He needs something, anything to make the feeling of spiders invading his skin go away.
This second one is a bit lighter, and takes place after TK is shot. I have...issues...with Owen going back to work so soon, so any chance to rectify that, I will.
24. “You're not supposed to be up and about.”
“I knew it.” TK drops the sponge but doesn’t look up from the dishes at the sound of his dad’s voice. “I can still see you, even if you don’t look at me.”
“Yeah, well I can pretend you’re not there if I don’t look up,” he mutters under his breath.
“This is exactly why I shouldn’t be going back to work.” TK finally meets Owen’s eye as he crosses over. “You're not supposed to be up and about.”
“I got bored!” TK whines. “Do you realize how bored I have to be if dishes sound like fun?”
“You’re recovering from a gunshot to the chest. I don’t think you’re supposed to be having any fun.” Owen turns off the tap and wraps an arm around TK, leading him back to the couch.
“Did you really come all the way back here just to check on me?”
“I never actually went back to the firehouse. I just circled the block a couple of times to prove my point. You need me here or you’re never going to relax.”
TK’s mouth dropped open. “I can’t believe you lied to me!”
Owen arches a brow. “Are you really going to get indignant when you lied about not getting up from the couch unless it was to grab your Postmates?” TK grumbles. “As I thought. Back to the couch.”
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yiiiiiiiikes25 · 3 months ago
drarry: lipstick
In the end it was Pansy's fault. Or the fault of Pansy's fourth martini, after which she'd misjudged her exit bisou and smeared a stripe of Chanel Rouge Coco under Draco's cheekbone. Harry, dumb and jubilant with the holiday, had reached a thumb and said "Oy, Malfoy, you've--"
Nowhere to hide, after that--Draco'd caught his wrist but leaned with animal thoughtlessness into his outstretched palm, had given the game away before he'd realized it was afoot. An armslength away, then less, Harry started to grin.
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back2bluesidex · 2 years ago
Hey Babygorl,
Fluff express is coming up.
Can you write a little Namjoon one where the reader is Namjoon's favourite author and they meet by accident in a book store. Like he didn't know who she was, (they started talking through some book they both read) and then he realises somehow.
Take your time :))
You're awesome. Fighting ✨
Pairing: idol!Namjoon X author!Reader
Word count: 900
Theme: Meet cute, and it's SFW
A/N: @phenomenalgirl9 here you go girl. But please note that I changed the storyline a bit since I don't know much about books. It was hard for me to put down any reference. Hope you enjoy it.
"What do you mean it's sold out again?" Namjoon almost screams. He tries his best to keep his composure intact but he fails. He is not like this. Behaving out of budding anger isn't really a Namjoon thing but today he is losing it. 
This is his second visit to this bookstore, in which he is a valuable customer but this is also the second time he has failed to secure the copy of the book he has been waiting so long for. 
"Look miss, I pre-booked it. I understand that many of us couldn't secure a copy for the first round but it can't happen twice. I asked Mrs. Han to secure a copy for me. You can cross-check if you want." Namjoon says again, staring at the girl at the counter. She looks apologetic but helpless at the same time. 
"I am aware of it sir. Your copy was saved initially but-" she says. The girl is apparently debating on whether to spill the information or not. Maybe she settles for the later resolution but Namjoon is gonna press it out of her. 
"But what?" He emphasizes. 
"Um… it was actually given to a VIP customer. I am so sorry for your inconvenience sir. We will save you a copy as soon as the third lot arrives, along with a 20% discount." The girl bows again and again. But it doesn't soothe Namjoon's anger. 
He wants to say a lot.  For the first time in 10 years he wants to use his power, his fame. He wants to peel out his mask and bucket hat and tell them that he is The Kim Namjoon of BTS. But he can't. He is about to say something when the book he is fighting so hard for is placed on the counter along with some other books.
He glares at it.
If it was some other time, he would have let it slide. But it's one of the books he has been waiting for, written by one of his favourite authors of all time. It's the book for which he has managed time despite his crazy schedule, cycling all the way to the shop risking his privacy. He won't let it slide. Not this time. 
"That's my book." He says, voice low but something akin to anger dripping from it. 
"I am sorry? What?" The so-called VIP customer asks. He doesn't look at the owner of the voice. Keeping his eyes trained on the copy, he says, "I said that's my book which was sold to you because you are apparently a VIP customer." 
"I-is that true?" The voice asks and that's when Namjoon lifts his eyes and takes a look at you.
Your question is directed to the girl at the counter. She lowers her eyes and nods slowly. 
You sigh, "you should have told me so. I don't- ah leave it." 
And then you turn to face him and that's when he gets a good view of your full face.
You're pretty. Something in you screams natural. 
"I am so sorry you had to face this inconvenience because of me. I wasn't aware of the situation. You can have the book. And please let me pay for it. Consider it as an apology from me." You smile at him. 
"You don't-" he tries to say but
"Please?" You cut him off. He can't really say no to the eyes you are currently making at him. He finds himself nodding. Your smile becomes wider. 
Now he feels really bad for behaving like a stubborn kid earlier. 
"Ah-thanks." He says slowly while he tries to think of a way to apologise to you. 
"No, please don't thank me. It's me who should thank you for being so eager to read my book." You reply. 
Namjoon's eyebrows shoot above to reach his hairline, at the same time his jaw drops to the floor.
"What? Wait what? Your book? You- you are L/N Y/N?" He asks, the pitch of his voice tells of his excitement. 
"Ah yeah." You reply shyly, diverting your eyes from him. 
"That's why you are a VIP customer?" He asks again, it's still unbelievable. 
"I guess so?" You trail off. 
"Oh my! I am- I didn't know- let me! I just-" he is now hyper aware of the fact that he misbehaved with you a couple of minutes ago. 
"Hey hey. Calm down." You say, stepping a bit towards him, placing your hand on the side of his one arm, trying to calm him down. 
"I am extremely sorry, Miss. L/N. The way I behaved with you was totally unacceptable. Tell me how I can make it up to you?" Namjoon tries to make the situation better. 
You laugh as if it's no big deal. 
"Maybe you can buy me a coffee and tell me what you like the most about my books?" You say, there's a playfulness added to your voice. 
Did just one of his favourite authors ask him out for a friendly date? Well, what the fuck? 
"What do you say, Mr. Kim?" You press on and he realises he has been silent for a while. 
"Absolutely! If you have time we can go now." He says then pauses, "wait! You know who I am?" 
You smile again and head towards the exit with him following you closely. 
"Another crazy day at work." The girl at the counter sighs. 
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pepperycar · 3 months ago
🎮 Mario and Luigi bonding
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With pleasure! (Sorry it took so long. 😅)
@vulpixfairy1985 @silenzahra @itsavee4117 @peaches2217 and anyone else who might be interested!
Bonding 🎮
Mario and Luigi just got back from a usual days work, after a long day of Plumbing, helping the Toads and Princess, they both just wanted to chill and relax back home.
Mario and Luigi slumped through the door, both letting out a huge yawn before throwing their gloves on the kitchen counter and hats onto the walled coat hanger. Luigi made dinner while Mario fixed the table. Mario watched as Luigi effortlessly made the pasta and tossed the other ingredients around the pan like the world’s best chef. If he didn’t follow Mario everywhere he goes, he could’ve probably made a great career for himself as a chef.
Luigi looked back at Mario as he started plating the food. “What?” He asked with questioning mirth. “You make cooking look so easy.” Mario smiled. Luigi blushed slightly, not expecting a compliment today. He smiled and said with some new found confidence “well if you like this Fretello, then you’re gonna LOVE dessert!” He grinned with a confident look in his eyes. Mario was happy, he didn’t get to see Luigi have that look to often.
They sat down together eating Luigi’s homemade spaghetti bolognaise. Mario was tired but after tasting the first bite he suddenly got filled with an energy made from hunger and started to gulp it down. “You know you don’t need to rush, you’ve got all the time in the world.” Luigi scoffed. Mario rolled his eyes before putting another big forkful into his mouth. “Good food can’t wait to be eaten.” He said with a mouth full of spaghetti. Luigi smiled before rolling his eyes like an annoyed parent. “Shut up and eat.” He smirked.
Luigi looked like he could fall asleep any second. Mario noticed how his head bobbed just above the plate and was chewing his last bit of tiramisu very slowly, his breaths slow and deep as if he was already asleep with his eyes open. Luigi looked up and hummed as if to ask ‘what?’ Mario laughed and said “you look like you’re about to fall face first into your food and not be awake enough to care.” Luigi mumbled something along the lines of ‘shut up.’ As Mario got out of his seat, pushed his chair in and picked up his and Luigi’s plates. He shook Luigi shoulders and he yawned in response. “Go on, you take a shower first. I’ll clean up around here.” Mario said as he grabbed a bottle of washing up liquids and began to run the hot tap.
Luigi hopped into the shower while Mario cleaned up the table and did the dishes. Mario came into their shared bedroom to find Luigi sat on the end of his bed. He was wearing a white, Green spotted pyjama top and pants while trying to fix the source setting on their tv. Mario rolled his eyes at the scene of Luigi not understanding the tv before heading into the bathroom to shower himself. He came back to their room throwing on a red, Brooklyn T-shirt and some black shorts. He helped Luigi set up the SCART lead and source options before chucking him a spare GameCube controller.
“Who you playing as?” Mario asked as he looked through the character select screen on Super Smash Bros. Melee. “Hmmm. I should probably take Jumpman while I can because you always pick him.” Luigi selected the carpenter. Mario rolled his eyes and picked Fox Mcloud. “I only pick him because he looks like someone really handsome!” Mario smirked. “I think you’re talking about his brother Linguine..” Luigi corrected. Mario shoved his hand in his face and hit Ready.
After their first few rounds they tied. Mario looked at Luigi with annoyance in his eyes. “You stole that win! I would’ve won if you didn’t cheese that jump recover!” Luigi laughed before going back to the menu. “Best of 5? I’ll let you pick a good jump character.” He asked while picking Sheik. Mario gave in. He was going to pick Lady, Jumpman’s love interest before deciding against it since he couldn’t remember her floaty dress controls, so he picked Kirby instead.
After a few more rounds, Mario ended up winning but Luigi wasn’t a saw loser, he just ruffled Mario’s hair a bit. “Wanna just play some Animal Crossing for the rest of the night?” Mario asked while ejecting the game disc. “Yeah sure.” Luigi yawned. They played in their childhood town, Hyrule (the nerds) for a few hours before Mario noticed Luigi’s character stopped moving. “Lu, why aren’t you-“ Mario cut himself off when he saw Luigi leaning on his Left shoulder, snoring softly. Mario smiled fondly before affectionately ruffling his hair.
He wrapped his arm around him and gently shook him awake. Luigi looked up groggily before leaning against him even more. He mumbled something Mario couldn’t quite make out but it sounded annoyed. Mario squeezed tightly. “You can’t clock out in the middle of a game!” Mario teased. Luigi hummed in disagreement along the lines of ‘Yes I can.” Mario layed Luigi down on the bed before saving and exiting their village. He turned the GameCube off then the power switch on the wall before turning the lamp off by Luigi’s bed.
He hopped back into his own bed and quickly ruffled the duvet before laying it back down on top of Luigi. When Mario got under the blankets himself he saw Luigi wiggle his way up to the pillow. Mario held back a laugh at the sight and threw his arm around him. “Gonna steal my side of the room tonight?” Mario teasingly asked before giving Luigi a noogie. “Hrnm.. Mario..” Luigi grumbled. “Whaaaat?” He asked innocently, giving him another noogie then a poke to the ribs.”Youhohohu knohohow whahat!” Luigi laughed as Mario kept poking him in the belly and ribs. “I don’t know WHAT you’re talking about.” Mario said before blowing a raspberry into Luigi’s neck. Luigi squealed before try to hide under the blankets but Mario’s grip was to strong or Luigi was too tired. Luigi went to complain but was surprised when he looked up and saw Mario seemingly lost in thought.
“Mario, Bro?” Luigi asked with his laughter coming to an abrupt halt. Mario looked down at him and gave a sad smile before saying “Just.. thinking about how much I would’ve missed this.” Luigi looked up confused as if to ask ‘Miss what?’ Mario looked away and took a deep breath before continuing. “The.. the lava. When I thought I was gonna lose you.. I thought-I thought about all the things about you that I’d miss. Your laughs, your smile, your hugs, your comfort. Everything about you Lu. But just now, I realised this is the first time we’ve played games together since.. you know.. and I was just thinking about how, running through Animal crossing, fighting in Smash Bros., taking turns on the NES and SNES, playing Jumpman Party on the N64, accidentally bumping into each when playing Wii Sports.. even smaller things like sitting next to you at dinner, walking around the park or even heading to a job with you behind me.. I guess I just realised how much I W-Would’ve mi-missed it..” he started to cry at the end.
Luigi looked up in shock. He was extremely tired but awake enough to let it all sink in, that if he had died, If he wasn’t able to say goodbye or see Mario ever again, he’d too miss these bonding moments he and his twin have shared their whole lives, he would be broken hearted. Like Mario, he’d be absolutely devastated if it was the other way round. Maybe worse because Luigi knew that guilt would not let him live.
He glanced at the clock and saw it was past twelve o’clock. He didn’t know what to say after hearing Mario’s heartbreaking confession, so he got himself under the blanket before wrapping his arms around Mario’s neck, snuggling into the crook of his neck. He hoped the gesture conveyed to Mario that he was feeling the same thing, while also comforting him. He stayed there for a while, hoping his magical hug would work. Eventually he heard Mario’s breathing deepen and his arms snake around Luigi’s waist. Luigi smiled as he felt Mario’s accelerated heart rate gradually slow down before deciding he could fall asleep too. He wrapped his arms around his waist before laying his cheek on his brother’s chest. Mario’s heartbeat lulling him to sleep.
They would talk about this when they woke up.
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snowbryneich · 5 months ago
99. Luke Rhaena me thinks and I’ll stop bothering you for the night hahah
99. “This bath is too damn hot.” - “This is why we can’t do cute things. You complain too much.”
“This bath is too damned hot,” Luke said settling into the the steamy water in one of the great baths of the old bathing room at Dragonstone. They were more like pools really. The volcanic water had an odd smell and varying temperature which varied from exceedingly comfortable to almost scalding and it was impossible to predict what it would be day to day. 
It was why no-one used the bathing room anymore and why if perhaps chaperones had become a problem it could be used to guarantee privacy. 
“This is why we can’t do cute things. You complain too much.” Rhaena said. She peeled off her shift, turning her back to him. Luke admired the sight of her pert backside as it appeared and the smooth soft skin of her back.
“I thought it was because Baela wouldn’t get you moon tea anymore,” Luke said moodily. That had not been a favourable revelation. 
“At least my sister was some help,” Rhaena said. “Try asking your brother for moon tea and see what it gets you.”
A lecture, Luke thought morosely. It was a complication he had not considered of Jace and Baela’s wedding - Mother wanted an heir of them immediately so she had stopped supplying Baela with the tea she patently did not need because she and Jace had done nothing but talk until they wed. 
Luke considered. 
“Your father,” he started. 
“If there is to be a conversation with my father about moon tea you can have it yourself!” Rhaena said whirling around - she was naked as her nameday now, - she always folded her clothes so nearly, Luke had thrown his directly onto the floor -  so while the reply was a disappointment the reaction was not.
She perched on the edge of the bath, Luke sat up a little and watched her. She dipped a toe in carefully. There were jugs of cold water about if it did get too hot but then she paused and frowned. 
“What kind of Targaryen are you?” she teased - they could say it with Targaryen - never Velaryon. “This water is not that hot.” 
“No,” Luke said, grinning at her. “But the view is exceedingly pleasant.” She glanced down at her nude form not covered by the water at all and plunged into the water. 
“You! Lucerys Velaryon,” she said, “are a menace.”
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euphoricfilter · 2 years ago
Jungkook and "I can't stop thinking about you." with the tiniest bit of angst with a fluffy ending. Thank you!!
rose tinted glasses:
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pairing: idol! jungkook x f. reader
genre: fluff || angst || friends to lovers
summary: jungkook’s a patient man, and he’ll wait as long as you need to find him again.
word count: 1.1k
tags/ warnings: arguably mild angst, bad friends, maybe best bf kook, intended lowercase
notes: drabble game is closed <3 just a quick drabble that i will not overthink the quality of. it's an easy read one may argue.
drabble masterlist || my main masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
if you’d been the one looking at jungkook through rose tinted glass this whole time, then you wonder how the world views him.
personified perfection, the epitome of what a star should be. because in the world’s eyes, he lacked flaws.
there’s some sort of hidden rule the universe sets, that any input from family should mean something; it should mean everything. blood relations should always be held above everything else in life. they’re your family, of course they want what’s best for you.
it leaves you to wonder when the opinions of close friends had been held to the same standard. how you’d let yourself be swept up in their views of jungkook.
an acclaimed awful relationship, toxic, you should escape while you still can. crawl out of jungkook’s claws and save yourself before it’s too late.
you wonder when advice had become clear jealousy, lies they’d feed you over and over again until you’d been second guessing yourself. second guessing jungkook, when he’d truly tried his best to make your relationship work with so many outside factors interfering.
cameras acting as beady little eyes, scrutinizing him for things only human. digging into private affairs and overstepping inhumane boundaries.
jungkook was far from perfect, you knew that, they knew that— just not in the way they’d told you.
there had been nothing inherently wrong with what you had with jungkook. sure, you came from two completely different worlds, your job a lot less flashy, and arguably less successful than your (ex)boyfriend, but jungkook didn’t care.
because you liked him for him and that was really all he could ask you for. not when you sacrificed so much just to be with him.
nda forms, no public dates, weeks where he’d be abroad, too busy to call but too lonely not to leave you a heartfelt text about how much he missed you.
jungkook wasn’t selfish. you knew that. you’d always known that.
he hadn’t caged you. hadn’t locked the doors and fed the key to a beast where you couldn’t leave. fame hadn’t turned him into a monster— still very much human with human emotions and desires.
it’s a shame you’d let the pressure of those who were supposed to care about you ruin something so special.
the universe has funny ways of telling us things. just like how, if you and jungkook weren’t meant to be together, why was he all you saw. because your life would never be void of jungkook no matter how hard you tried to avoid him.
he was at a strange point in his career, every corner you turned, there he was. billboards, advertisements, his songs playing on the radio as you shop, coffee accompanied by the sweet melody of his voice. riding a steady wave of success with no clear end in sight.
you hadn’t called him for weeks, and he’d stopped leaving you messages on voicemail. perhaps he stopped caring. you wouldn’t blame him, could never blame him— probably swept up with a mountain of work, probably exhausted.
it takes you a month to realize that your misery was because of him. you’d been the one to end things, pressure of everyone finally getting to you. really you’d do anything to make the calls stop, the mean jabs over dinner or passive aggressive texts from friends.
lie after lie rotting your mind until you couldn’t take it anymore and you ran away from your problems.
maybe it was the silence of the evening. the way your friends had distanced themselves once you’d told them you’d stopped talking to jungkook; he was out of your life like they’d suggested. bitter betrayal squeezing your heart when you realize that isn’t what they wanted, because you were no use to them anymore if you had nothing to do with jungkook.
you’d been friends before lovers, their assumption being you’d just go back to being friends.
maybe it was the sticky solitude that had you roaming the streets gone midnight. in search of comfort, the only person you knew still had your back— who will always have your back no matter how big of a bitch you are.
you tug the sleeves of your hoodie further over your hands, tips of your fingers numb as you dial his apartment number.
you know he’s awake, hope slowly fizzling out the longer the door rings.
he doesn’t say anything, simply opening the door to the building. elevator taking an eternity to get to the lobby, even longer in taking you to the right floor.
jungkook’s stood at his door when you step out into the hallway, hair a little frizzy in the way it gets after he’s showered.
“hey” he says, and you stay rooted in your spot.
“i can’t stop thinking about you” you blurt, his figure nothing more than a blur as tears glaze your eyes.
“i can’t stop thinking about you either, my love”
“i’m so sorry” you shake your head as jungkook steps out of his apartment.
“don’t apologize, it must have been hard for you” he hums, tucking your hair behind your ear as you wipe your cheeks with the backs of your hands.
“don’t do this” you hiccup.
“don’t do what?” he smiles, hands falling onto your hips, gentle as he tugs you closer to his body.
“you’re too nice, you can’t be like this after what happened”
“nothing happened” jungkook shakes his head, taking a step backwards, pulling you along with him until you’re both in the warm of his apartment.
“i said some really mean things”
“that you didn’t mean”
your shoulders deflate, muscles warming under his hands like taffy.
“i know what was happening with your friends, your parents weren’t much help either. i’m not blaming you for something that was out of both our control”
“i shouldn’t have listened to them” you kick your shoes off.
“no, you shouldn’t have. but it’s not something we can change now”
bam peeks over the back of the couch, clumsy as he scuttles over to the two of you, “and what about us?”
“what about us?” jungkook kneels down, always one to spoil his dog with kisses, “why can’t we just go back to the way we were?”
you blink down at jungkook, “i’d really like that”
“i love you” he grins, “if you ever run away again, i’ll always wait for you at home. i’ll always be waiting”
“i won’t run again” you tell him, you’d made that mistake once, “i love you too much to do that again”
“i just put fresh sheets on the bed, if you wanna stay over?”
it’s strange, how even after a month apart, words that you never meant shouted in a fit of rage, and the distance of a city apart— jungkook will always feel like home.
the world viewed jungkook as perfect. and he wasn’t. not in the way everyone else saw him.
and even if jungkook were to be the beast, a villain of your love story, nothing could ever stop you from wandering back home into his arms. even if it meant the world was against you.
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nemaliwrites · 1 year ago
slams hands on table. maya and diego
Diego’s been in jail for eight weeks, and Maya’s come to visit him eight times.
He’s torn between wanting to slam his hands on the table and shake his head fondly. 
“Look, kid,” he tells her, yet again. “Don’t waste your life on a guy like me, okay?”
“I owe you my life, Mr. Armando,” says Maya. “Visiting you is the opposite of wasting it.”
Every time, he does whatever he can to drive her away, to make her hate him. She should hate him.
But the next week, there she is again. Seems like stubbornness runs in the family.
send me two characters and a word!
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lfthinkerwrites · 5 months ago
Here’s something fun I thought I’d try: spin the wheel twice and I’ll write a small something about the characters you picked.
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