#dr.spencer reid fanfic
fandomfindings · 4 years
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Pairing: (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Word Count: 1.5K
Warning(s): Cursing and Violence 
Summary: A Spencer Reid imagine inspired by the song Smithereens by Twenty One Pilots. You and Spencer go to bar and after you accidentally spill a customers drink a fight breaks out between Spencer and the angry patron. 
"So he only kidnapped those women because they looked like his mom who neglected him as a child?"
"Exactly, and when they didn't fit his motherly needs, he killed them, unfortunately." Spencer said, a hint of sadness in his voice."Luckily though, we got to him before he could kill his most recent kidnapee."
You gave Spencer a meek smile, knowing he would've preferred to save all the killers victims, who wouldn't. Sadly, that wasn't the reality.  
The remaining walk to the small bar from your shared apartment was quiet, not in an uncomfortable way but a content one.
You had missed Spence for, as usual, he was away on BAU business. So merely being in his presence was enough to satisfy the previous need you had to be near him.  
Spence had missed you too. He always does, even if he was just at his building all-day instead of home with you when you had made it home for the day. Spencer especially missed you on this trip, for he couldn't contact you as much as he usually would. This unsub worked fast, so they didn't have much free time outside of the case.
Once at the door of the bar, you opened it, allowing Spencer to step inside first. He bows his head in thanks before entering the semi-crowded bar, its normal state.
The bar was small, and not many knew of it unless they were bar-hopping on the weekend or something of the like. You and Spencer came here whenever he came back from a case, to spend time together and get him to distress before the next inevitable one.
You both headed for the bar to order your drinks before heading to a more secluded table, noticing the bar was where most of the occupants were.
Before you got far, you heard the familiar ring of Spencer's phone, him being in front of you stopped in his tracks, causing you to stop as well. He turned to you and said, "I gotta take this. You going to be okay?"
"Yeah, of course. Find us a seat?" You asked. Spencer nods before walking past you towards the tables and booths that littered the small bar, answering his phone in the process.
"Reid," Spencer answered, letting Hotch know he had picked up his call and was ready to listen.
Spence quickly found a booth towards the back of the room and sat down, facing the front of the building and its door. He always felt more at ease when he could easily see who was entering the establishment, wanting to be aware of his surroundings.
From his seat, Spencer could also see the bar, and therefore you. He watched the smile on your face as you talked to the bartender like you were old friends. You two had been coming here so long he wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.
Your brief conversation with the bartender seemed to cease once they turned around and began to make You and Spencer's drinks. It didn't take them long to do so since you two typically got the same thing every time you came.
The bartender smiled at you one last time before carefully handing you the drinks. You returned the smile; however, you weren't as careful with the glasses.
You turned around and almost immediately made eyes with Spencer. You grinned, cheerfully lifting the beverages almost as if obtaining the drinks was some outstanding achievement. Spencer chuckled lightly at your silly antics; unfortunately, the happy environment didn't last long once the sound of shattered glass filled the bar.
Spencer was briefly confused; the drinks were still in your hands. Granted, they now had less liquid in them, but the glass was still intact. Your boyfriend's confusion quickly went away once he noticed the stunned look on your face as you glanced to your side, seeing an increasingly angry man. In the wake of your excitement, you hadn't noticed the man near you when you had brought your arms back down; you had hit the patron's arm, effectively knocking his drink from his grasp.
You swiftly placed your drinks on the bar before turning to the man and beginning to apologize to him profusely. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I can pay for you another."
The man wasn't hearing any of this. He was too focused on the anger building inside of him. He looked between you and the shattered glass that previously held his beer at his feet, knowing he would soon be a sticky mess.
"You made me spill my fucking beer!" He exclaimed, fuming.
You were taken aback with his tone. You understood that he might be upset, but there was no need to shout, especially after you had apologized. "I know, and I apologize. Like I said, I can buy you another one. It's not a problem," You said calmly, not trying to escalate the situation even more than it already had.
The customer seemed to ignore your apologies completely. He stepped closer, causing you to back up into the bar, practically trapping you.
Spencer glanced with wide eyes almost mirroring yours, for they had also increased in size at the stranger's advances. "I got to go," Spencer said to Hotch, realizing he wasn't paying much attention anyway.
Your boyfriend's long legs came in handy, making his way to you in no time. Without hesitation, Spence stepped between you and the upset man, placing a hand along the man's chest, lightly moving him further away from you two.
"Hey, we'll pay for your drink." Spencer reiterated on your behalf.
"Don't put your fucking hands on me, son," The man said, his age appearing in how he spoke.
Spencer quickly analyzed him, noticing the salt and pepper hair that grew from his head and face. He also noted that the man was quite muscular for his age, which appeared to be early to mid-50s based on the wrinkles across his face, how he spoke, and the cut on his hand, which was a little over a week old. If he were younger, it would've healed by now, but it would take more time since he was older.
Spencer also inferred the man was more muscular due to his construction career, taking note of the steel-toed boot that had hints of dried cement on them. Also, since he watched the door, Spencer saw the man enter the bar from his pick-up truck in the parking lot, covered in dried mud.
"I'm not your son," Spencer corrected calmly, which only made the man more upset. As if he couldn't control his anger much longer, he took a swing at Spence, hitting him perfectly along the jaw.
The crowd shouted in an uproar, not appreciating the bar's usually calm atmosphere being disturbed by this overly aggressive man.
Spencer didn't want to fight this man. While he had the height advantage and his FBI training, the man was more muscular than him. Therefore his advantages may mean nothing if the man could get another good hit on him.
The bar was loud with protests from you, to the other patrons, and the bartender. A few men came closer, trying to restrain the man as he stepped closer, trying to punch Spencer again. He pushed those other men away, swinging for your boyfriend once again.
Fortunately, Spencer was prepared; this time, he grabbed the man's fist and quickly twisted his arm behind his back. Spencer then kicked at the man's knees, causing him to fall to them.
The angry stranger struggled in Spence's grasp for a bit before two men who tried to intervene before were able to retrieve him from the floor. He was promptly removed from the bar and banned by your friend, the bartender.
Once out of sight, you grabbed Spencer, placing him on a stool along the bar. Once sat, you examined his face, seeing how it was already red from the impact, and you would not be surprised if it further bruised to shades of yellow, purple, or black.
"Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me."
"Of course I do. You got punched in the face for me," You stated, chuckling lightly at how nonchalant Spencer was about the situation.
You noticed the bartender had brought over a handful of iced surrounded by a clean cloth. You send them a grateful smile, to which they returned before going to clean up the mess you unintentionally made.
"I'd go through worse for you. I couldn't just sit there and watch him berate you like that." Spencer hissed once you put the ice to his face, at the coldness and the slight pressure placed on his injured jaw. "He would've had to beat me to a pulp before he could lay a hand on you," Spencer added.
"You'd get beat up for me?" You wondered out loud, questioning how you got so lucky finding a boyfriend like Spencer.
"I'd get beat to smithereens."
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As some may know from my other Spencer Reid imagine Omission he is my favorite from the show and the song mentioned in the summary reminded me of him. Feel free to let me know what you guys think!
Lots of Love <3
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter 8 ~ the party...
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A/N: im sorry for the chapter seeming very rushed and quick. i was mad at myself for taking forever of chapter 2 of positions but get ready for chapter after chapter coming up as a holiday gift :) also thank you guys so so so much for 400 followers and im sorry i’m saying my thanks now. it really means a lot to me :’) i hope u guys are still here and thank u for reading :)
Category: fluff
CW: cannabis use; consumption of alcohol; mentions of sex
Word Count: 2360
before you read | next chapter
Spencer's POV~
We had the whole weekend planned: go fishing, read by the lake, walk through the forest and appreciate nature in all its beauty. But in a bittersweet turn of events, it ended up raining the whole time. So we ended up spending our time inside, reading to y/n in the afternoon while she sipped on her coffee, going out to the balcony at night and look at the stars because that was when the clouds would pull apart until the day came where we woke up to the peaceful sound of rain hitting the windows and the roof. I rambled on and on with what I knew about space and constellations as she let the sensations of the blunt or joint she rolled up take over her body, relaxing her.
As the weekend went on, after the first night, I didn't know what I felt about her. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. The way she spoke was like poetry to my ears. When we smoked and just lay out on the couch, the way she would explain her thoughts gave me butterflies. This was all really new to me, falling for a girl and having some kind of a chance that it could happen. Was there a chance there? I'm a profiler and I can read people by their micro expressions, especially when someone's in love. But with her, I couldn't even read her micro expressions. It bugged the hell out of me, but I would let it out through cuddles that happened naturally and little kisses that'd happen out of nowhere.
On the last night, it was pouring down rain, harder than it would the last couple of nights where it would only sprinkle. We had made some popcorn and y/n thought of the idea to listen to old time radio ghost stories that were then put out on the internet as podcasts. While it was playing, she grabbed her grinder and looked inside. We had pretty much finished the last of our stash this morning for what she called a "wake'n'bake", which was definitely a great way to start the day. She quickly grabbed the bong from the kitchen counter and started packing it with what I thought was nothing.
"What are you doing, silly?" I asked.
"Just packing a kief bowl." She said, very nonchalant.
I gave a confused look, then she rolled her eyes and explained, bringing the grinder closer to me. "See all this? This has all the different strains we smoked. With all of this mixed together, we'll be really really gone."
She continued to pack the bowl as I sat there ready. She grabbed the lighter when she was done and explained how she'll smoke half and I'll take the other. I watched as she put the top around her mouth. A huge cloud exhaled out of her as she moved her head up to the ceiling, which then after started coughing up a storm. I offered her water but she pushed it away, trying to say she was fine.
We continued to smoke bowl after bowl a few more times until there was nothing left in grinder. Y/n nuzzled her head onto my chest as we lay on the couch, letting those tingles intensify our senses and our minds wonder. She was right, this was probably the most high I've felt before. Every movement we made was slowed down and I could see that my arm was as if it was split in two, but was transparent like a ghost. I could barely even move as the sensations were too overwhelming in the best way possible, let alone try to figure out if this was what being this high was like or really how the brain can do this, but I also wasn't really trying either and let the waves relax me.
As I played with her hair, I couldn't pay attention to the episode because all of my thoughts were of her. I wanted this all the time, the stillness and calmness that brought peace and happiness to the atmosphere-that she brought to our atmosphere. I wanted her to feel safe in my arms and never let go. Getting to know her like this on a deeper level ever since we first met made me fall in love with her everyday we were together bit by bit. I never want to let go of her.
"Do you ever have the fear of giving your heart to someone?"
Her question shocked me, breaking the process in my head. I didn't know what to say but, "What do you mean?"
"Have you ever given your heart to someone, doesn't even have to be romantically, giving them you're all and love and care, to then suddenly watch them break it bit by bit as if they're breaking down the wall that you had built for yourself, instead of you taking each brick off piece by piece and handing it to them?"
There was silence. No words that I could think of could answer a question like that.
"I've given my heart away to so many people, and I don't know why they break it every time." She moved to where she used her elbow for support in between me and the couch. "Spence, I wish we could stay like this forever. I have these feelings for you that I never really, or truly, felt for another person before. Even though we've only known each other for a short time, I think I'm in love with you. There's just something about you that makes me feel safe. For the first time, it's like all my walls fall when we're together, I have this feeling of giving you my all, my care and support, my love. All of it. I want you, Spencer. And, this feeling I have about all of my protection crumbling down, I'm only just a little bit scared of letting it break."
I pulled her in and kissed her. I let my lips do all the talking, telling her how much I loved her, too and now nothing was going to break her down. We pulled away and she gave me a look of confusion and happiness, as if she was scared to let the happiness show through.
"I feel the same way. Exactly, the same way," I said, "I'm in love with you, too, and it's all new to me also. You're like a beautifully written poem, y/n. I could listen to you day and night and never get tired of it. You have a beautiful mind that I want to explore each and every day. I never want to let you go. Will you stay...with me?"
This time she pulled me in after a moment of pause. Our lips crashed like fireworks, yet moved together in perfect tempo. Without breaking, she moved on top of me slowly. I let my hands wonder all over her body as she cupped my face. We were passionate. We were needy. We were in love. Everything was perfect, and everything felt right.
Y/n's POV~
You two had left pretty early in the morning for your adventure back to D.C. Somehow, both of you couldn't sleep at all, even though you were pretty well gone to the point of passing out, so you decided you’ll leave at 5am so then hopefully you’d get back in the afternoon. The whole ride, Spencer held your hand, no matter who was driving. I'm in love. You couldn't wrap your brain around it, but for the first time, it felt like your heart knew better than your head. Nothing about this felt wrong. You had found the one that you had been looking for my whole life. Nothing was going to pull you away from him, and you were not going to allow that in the slightest.
On your way back, Rossi called about meeting up tonight at the bar for drinks, which kind of ruined your plans to stay in and cuddle, but you both figured it'd be nice to see them again. You told him we'd be there and hung up. The rest of the ride was just you listening to Spencer ramble about books he's read in last month. You forgot this man can finish books in half an hour, so the fact that he read more books in a month than the average person was astonishing. He talked about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde and their beautiful works of literature, and you never drifted off to sleep once, your mind didn't even wonder as his soothing voice was in the background. It's quite beautiful hearing someone talk about something they're passionate about.
When you got back to the city, you went to your place so you can grab my things. You told Seth that you’d be back officially tomorrow, gave goodbye kisses to your children, and went back to Spencer's, where you both freshened up and got ready for night. You had an adorable shower that turned just a bit quite naughty. You talked about how you both wanted to tell the others, and while you said you were fine if you told them now, Spencer's response was very well said. "They're very nosy, so I always thought I'd just keep it secret until I felt ready. But this is different. We're on vacation, so Hotch isn't going to have 'the talk' with us until we're back at work. It feels right, everything feels right with you."
Once you were done getting ready, you headed to the bar, where you were told specifically where to park (Garcia had texted saying that she's friends with the owner and that she'd make sure they were safe. She also mentioned that an uber was going to pick them up at around 1am to go back to her place to pass out. She was, for sure, the mom of the group. More than Jj was at that). Right away, you saw the gang sitting in a corner booth, and once they saw Spencer was holding your hand, they all either were speechless with their jaws sitting on the table or ran up to you and gave hugs and congrats. Morgan had to pull Garcia away from you so you could sit down, which thankfully for her, you ended up sitting right in between her and Spencer, so her arms went right back around you.
"How much has she had already?" You asked laughing.
"Well, she started with jager." said Morgan
"Jager?!" You was shocked. "Did she drink the whole bottle?"
"You'd think," said Rossi from the other side of the table. He sat in between Hotch and Emily, drinking his bourbon before continuing to speak, "she's only had two glasses."
"You guys definitely seem to be where the party's at then, huh?"
"You can never go wrong on us for a party." said Emily.
Spencer ordered you two some beers and a couple of vodka shots each. The music wasn't so loud to where you had to yell over one another, but the sound of classic rock filled the building top to bottom. You clanked your shot glasses together and took the shots before taking a sip of your beer as a chaser.
"Look at you, kiddo," Rossi said to Spencer, "where's the Spencer that would get an ice tea or a shirley temple instead of...a beer and shots?"
"Yeah, you can't tell me that all this of this started happening that night at Garcia's?" asked Jj.
The two of you made eye contact and were silent for a moment before bursting out laughing. "So it DID start at my place," said Garcia, "I knew it! I'm such a good cupid." She danced happily in her spot which made everyone giggle.
"You are magic, baby girl." said Morgan.
"So, how did it happen?" asked Hotch, "Don't worry, I'm not your boss tonight but we will have to discuss this once our vacation is over."
"Right," You said nervously, "Well, we hung out after that night after we woke up at Garcia's, and then the next day we went up to my family cabin in Michigan for the weekend, and...that's where we confessed."
"And the rest is history!" said Spencer, sounding like a little kid as he tried to hide the amount of excitement he had.
"Well, we're happy for the both of you," said Morgan as he got up from the table, "I think that calls for a round of celebratory shots, since pretty boy over here has proven in the past week that he can handle them."
When he came back with the shots, you all grabbed them from the tray that the bartender let him use and raised them high. "To having an uninterrupted vacation, and to y/n and Spencer!"
"Cheers!" You all said in unison before clanking them together and letting it go down the hatch. As the night went on, you drank and drank until you were all pretty drunk, even Rossi and Hotch, who you didn't think the whole team has ever seen them like before. When Garcia found out it was karaoke night, she grabbed a few of you, yourself and Spencer included, up to the stage where you sang-or slurred, really-changes by david bowie. Emily and Jj had their arms around each other to hold each other up, and Morgan and Garcia were hogging the mic from everyone, but the whole bar could still hear every one of you. You noticed Hotch in the crowd standing next to Rossi, his phone recording the moment so we wouldn't forget.
The last thing you remember was getting into the uber and Spencer being very touchy on the ride back, making sure that Emily, who sat in the passenger seat, didn't notice that anything was going on in the back. His fingers were ghosting your thighs as he whispered, 'The things I wish we could do right now' before his lips connected to neck.
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qslovebot · 3 years
Summary: A BAU case leads the reader to take on an undercover role to flush out a ten-person mafia. Before the work can begin, things go awry and the reader has to improvise and pretend to seduce Spencer to keep her cover and arrest the real unsub.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings/includes: talk of murder, mentions of sex, suggested past experiences with misogyny, suggestive jokes, unsub is a radical feminist, swearing, arrests, guns, making out, sort of fluffy end.
Word Count: 4159
A/N: Written like an episode. I removed Rossi so... AU? First actual fanfic on here, tell me what you think?
Today was your first official day at the BAU, switching from two floors down as an underestimated agent to upstairs, with the Big League. Agent Hotchner decided he needed new, young-minded blood. He was notorious for picking the best of the best and after an intimidating interview with him and his brooding questions, he decided he wanted you on his team.
You had been here before, of course. You frequently visited the ever-chatting Penelope Garcia for lunch, sometimes in her office, sometimes heading downstairs for a slice of pizza or a salad. She vented about her issues, while you talked about the constant misogyny that ran through the men on your floor. She was five years older than you and decided that as your 'elder' she would put on the angry soccer mom look and kick their asses. But, lucky for you, two floors upward, the men didn't act like children on the job, so Garcia could keep her regular look.
Here it was, glass entrance, high ceilings. The air smelled like paper and was filled with a fresh sort of low mumbling and the small clicks of the keyboards. A semi-fresh start. Today you would organize your new desk, sort files, meet the others...
"Agent (Y/L/N), we have a case in Boston, we will be briefed on the jet. Get your things ready, we leave in twenty-five minutes," Agent Hotchner said as he walked by. He didn't stop for a single second, those dark dress shoes clomping heavily to the desks of your new fellow agents to inform them as well. So much for your plans.
Not wanting to appear unready, you rushed to set your things down and grab the few things you needed for the case. Hotchner had said always bring three spare outfits rolled to the smallest packing size possible, toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, and feminine hygiene products) as well as one extra pair of shoes. Those were already packed into a small bag, so in with those went your notebook, pens, and highlighter. You came prepared, so in no time, you were on the jet for the first time, exhilarated.
A hand was extended to you when you took your seat. It belonged to a man with caramel skin and a dazzling smile, "You must be (Y/L/N). The name is Derek Morgan." Anyone who used 'the name is' seemed like they felt superior in some way. It was used in the media to introduce someone of importance. 'The name is Bond, James Bond', ran through your head as you gratefully shook his hand.
"My name is Emily Prentiss and I... didn't quite catch your first name," a woman with a v-neck sweater also reached to shake your hand. "I think I may have heard it, but I must have forgotten."
"(Y/N)," you replied with a small smile. It felt nice to be greeted with kind eyes, rather than greedy ones. "It's not a very memorable name, don't worry."
Emily looked apologetic, but soon reverted to her previous smile. I was greeted by the blonde woman across the aisle, too far to shake my hand. "My name is Jennifer Jareau, I'm the media liaison, but you can call me JJ, everyone does. It's really great to meet you- for a moment I thought Penelope had made up a friend as a result of too many hours in front of a screen."
You laughed a little, ruffling your hair. She seemed outgoing, but I had already started profiling Derek Morgan and I wanted to stop there. Agent Hotchner sat down with someone I had never noticed on my visits to Penelope. I had noticed everyone else here on this jet at least once before, but... not him. How had you missed him?
He stood at about six-one, maybe six-two? He was thin, much the opposite to Morgan's greatly muscular arms. This man was calm-looking, quiet. His clothes said that maybe he was meticulous and orderly- he looked like the kind of person who didn't own a single pair of sweatpants. His face was chiselled, with a sharp jawline and cheekbones that carved the shadows on his face. His eyes, however, were much softer. Long eyelashes and dark eyes made them bigger, but they were slightly blocked by bronze-toned brown curls that at the end of his combed and gelled hair, wrapped around his jaw, neck, and face.
He was beautiful, if you were entirely frank with yourself.
And he didn't even notice you were there until Hotchner nudged his arm in a way that said 'say hello' the same way one would introduce two toddlers. You were sure you weren't a toddler and nor was this man, but it appeared you both may have been the youngest there.
When he looked your way, you wanted to look away, but couldn't. He seemed surprised to see you there and you were trying to play off the staring by introducing yourself. "Hi, I'm SSA (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I don't think we've met, it's nice to meet you." You extended your hand and he just shook his head no, his lips pressing into a tight line.
He didn't shake hands, you realized. Probably a slight germophobe. You cleared your throat, "I'm sorry if that was an uncomfortable gesture, I didn't know." Humiliating.
The tall man opened his mouth to say something, shut his mouth, opened it again but then turned a little pink and sat down immediately next to Hotchner and stared at his hands that were folded in his lap. You had thought you nailed pretty much every introduction, but this one? Fuck.
You reverted back to your business with a sigh, patting your knees. It felt like you had somehow lost something. JJ whispered to you, silently pointing to the tall man, "Dr. Spencer Reid, human encyclopedia, dictionary, and knows pretty much everything." You nodded a thank you and she nodded back.
Derek Morgan, however, tapped Emily Prentiss on the shoulder and mumbled, "Reid did his 'pretty-girl-freakout'."
Emily gasped, "Oh, he did!
The two seemed to have forgotten you were in front of them and they noticed your confusion in unison, both of them freezing up and chuckling nervously. You smiled an extremely awkward smile and left thinking about Dr. Spencer Reid for later as you got to the case.
This was about a female mafia boss who seemed to take on the personality, style, and characteristics of the taste of rich men and kill them after having sex with them. The woman was reported and seen by one witness to see her and that was the only person outside of this mafia who had seen her face, so they were working with the sketch artist and would have the picture ready and accurate upon our arrival.
Victimology was simple, she was after men who had too much power. She probably identified with being a radical feminist. She was after their money and had sex with them to dethrone them on the way. Possibly bordered on a personality disorder considering she seemed to be entirely all-in to her 'disguises'.
The funniest thing was the way they all looked at you when you announced those lines. Perhaps you would work yourself out of the 'child' stage faster than you thought.
The BAU hit the precinct in much less time than I had expected and on the ground, running. You were immediately given things to do and you were on top of it all, every order. That was until the drawing of the Mafia leader AKA 'The Seductress' was pulled up and the whole BAU gasped at how she looked EXACTLY like you.
"Do I need my cuffs?" Morgan joked. You had covered your mouth in disbelief and the rest of the room was doing double-takes.
You laughed nervously, "I swear... that isn't me, but oh my god..." Morgan was laughing and Emily and JJ whispering and had confused smiles. Spencer Reid stood in the corner, his hand on his cheek, seemingly studying the photo. He looked statue-like, borderline godly.
"Can this be used to our advantage?" Hotch launched back into technical thinking, brow furrowed. You looked at him, mouth open, but immediately shut it out of professionalism. What was going on in his head?
Reid spoke up, "If we position her just right and at the right time in one of the hotspots for that group, we can possibly get her to somehow trick the other members into some sort of turn-in."
Her. Indirect. Did you do something wrong?
"Or a simple appearance could start gossip and a possible flock to where she was spotted. As long as people aren't seeing double or reaching to do so, she can play as The Seductress." Emily said, looking at you. "Are you up to try, (Y/L/N)?"
All eyes on you. Your first day turned to chaos. But this was your job and you would prove your place here. So you agreed and in a whisk of an afternoon, you were transformed into the mirror image of The Seductress while you were talked through the plan through a radio. Turned out, so prove a professional place, you needed to make yourself look ridiculously unprofessional.
Pinned up hair, dark cat eye makeup, a dress similar to hers that happened to be on hand. Long, deep red, with a long slit up the side and your tits were practically falling out of it, but the dress fit and they were secure, so you dealt with it. There was no other space for a gun other than the side of your thigh where The Seductress kept hers knife. Now, you had to get going, meaning you had to face the BAU in the getup.
When you walked out, Derek Morgan hooted and whistled and Emily gave him a look that said 'oh lord' like an annoyed sibling. You smiled a little and essentially just kept walking, figuring if you moved, it would give them less time to stare at your tits.
Turning the corner, you noticed that Dr.Spencer Reid was much redder than he had been earlier on the jet. So maybe he really did think you were pretty. You caught yourself smiling at the thought, but shook your head free of any ideas. Professional! No crushes on Spencer Reid!
You arrived near the scene, dropped off by Hotchner. "You know what to do. Reid will be going with you to the crateyard, he will also be nearby when you head in. If you see The Seductress, do not make the arrest. If you can, lure her."
You nodded. Wow, first time in the field with the BAU and you had the leading role. No pressure, no pressure, just... everyone depending on you. But the pressure came back when you realized you had heard right and Reid was going with you, alone. You had done really well with the job so far today, minus finding the tall doctor extremely attractive. He came to stand beside you and since he was much taller than you were, you were sure he could look right down your dress without even trying. Not like anyone had to try, but he had the upper hand.
You ached to cover yourself, but that was a major risk. The Seductress was confident, she wouldn't cover-up. You got into the tinted car with Reid, him in the driver's seat and you in the passenger's seat. Silence crept up, but he turned the engine over and headed east to where the mafia was to meet up.
"Some first day," you mumbled nervously.
Reid seemed to think you had said something to him and he talked to you directly for what seemed like the first time. "P-pardon?" He had a stutter when talking to you and to be honest it was cute but there was no time to crush!
"Oh, I was just remarking to myself on how this is my first day and I'm already... so... out there." You sighed and pat your knees. The jitters crept up, but so did butterflies. "Nervous, I'm nervous."
He looked over and swallowed hard, so hard it was audible. Was he fighting the same urge to be friendlier or was he just fighting the urge to look at your tits like a twelve-year-old boy would? Either way, you were glad he was with you. He smelled like books, leather, and cologne and it was oddly calming.
You reached the other side of the crateyard in a few more minutes and he handed you your gun, which you shoved into the holster on your thigh. "You're going without a vest so... k-keep focused," Spencer said- and it seemed like he had so many words jumbled on the tip of his tongue, but refused to say them. You thought he was afraid to annoy you, as you knew he liked to give lengthy explanations. "I'll be behind, uh- the crates."
You smiled at him and watched him look away, his curls falling in his face. God, he was so gorgeous. If this went wrong, you were glad you would go with that shy look of his in the front of your mind. He pulled on his vest and you put out a hand and stopped him. "If they see you with the vest at all, in any way, they'll know what's happening."
He nodded, keeping his eyes from yours as he pulled on a plain black jacket over the vest. For a genius, he seemed to have his mind a little fuzzy tonight. In the dark of the night, the only lights were flickering lamps on high-beamed poles. Your heart was beating hard as you waited for the signal to begin to move.
"G-good luck," Spencer's words fumbled out of his mouth and I looked at him for a moment where he looked right back at you. He chewed on his bottom lip, eyelids fluttering as you tried to look anywhere else and there it was- the radio signal. The tension that was there in that brief moment defused. You gave him a small smile before opening the car door and standing tall, in the aura of The Seductress.
Spencer waited until you were out between the crates to leave the car. You heard the door shut gently behind you, but his footsteps were silent. Much quicker than you thought, there was a gruff voice that didn't belong to Spencer. "My lady, may I say what an honour it is to have you join us this evening." You spun to face a man in a dark suit. You didn't have The Seductress's voice, so you nodded in the most gracious way you could.
"Bernard and Lolita are waiting inside the abandoned building for the small exchange as well as the rest of us, but Mamacita... you're being tailed by the FBI." He said, pointing to the crate that hid Dr. Spencer Reid. Fuck, fuck, fuck. "I'll go kill him for you!"
So flat out, he wanted to kill Spencer Reid, a rotting smile on his face as if it was an act of kindness. He knew Spencer was there, he saw... but you weren't busted? God, this man was stupid.
"No," you said, in a quiet, yet strong voice, grabbing the gruff man by the shoulder pad. "He is my kill."
The man grinned an evil grin and you did your best to smile evilly in return. You showed him your gun and he rubbed his palms together. "The gluck and Glock," he chuckled. "Can I watch?"
He thought you were going to fuck and kill Spencer. Your heart skipped a beat and you tried hard not to show it. Oh no... how to work your way out of this... Spencer couldn't help you. Or... could he?
You glared at the man, "No, but I know that his team is on the way. Get Bernard, Lolita, and anyone else in on the next killings from that abandoned building and run straight west. Do not stop. I will catch up to you once I'm finished with the agent here." You improvised the best you could and this stupid man bought it. Little did he know that the team was stationed Westbound.
"Got it," his face was dazed and malevolent. "But I'm not leaving until I know you've got this handled, my lady."
"You question my skill?" You shot back, still acting.
He looked scared for a moment, "No, not at all, I just... You're a lot shorter than I was expecting."
You stared daggers, "And you insult me?"
"Just wanted to know you had it covered... in case something is fishy here..." was he really catching on or was he confused and just running through the precautions?
Fuck, you had been so focused on the cover you forgot you were a profiler. This man was small-minded, probably brought into this ordeal through family ties. Since he was so stupid, he was trusted with less... hence why he was outside the building as the lookout, rather than in on the meeting.
Why he wouldn't leave- he was so incapable of proper interaction he had never had the chance to be with a woman. Watching was the only way he would ever see. He was stupid and he was stubborn. He was not going to leave until he saw the beginning.
The best thing would be to let him stay for proof. "Fine. But when I give you my look, you run and get everyone running straight West." You narrowed your eyebrows at him and he looked like he was going to sweat out of his skin. But... this meant...
You had a few seconds, you rushed over to behind the crate to where Spencer stood, his gun in hand. "W-what are you-" he questioned in a whisper-yell.
"He's onto me, I need you to go along with this- can I kiss you, Dr.Reid?" You whispered back. His eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed pink. Once again, being professional called for being unprofessional. You really didn't want to kiss him- at least not now, not like this. He wouldn't speak and the mafia man was coming. "Reid, if I don't do this, he won't flush the group West and we'll both be shot and if not shot, targeted by a mafia!"
"Y-yes!" he practically squeaked, his back to the crate he was hiding behind. This really was the only way- this other man would not be talked down, because he was taught to just shoot, rather than listen and understand. "I'm sorry if I-"
You cut him off by reaching up, grabbing the collar of his shirt and kissing him. It took him a moment, but he kissed back. You could feel the heat off of his cheeks. The first day on the job, you had embarrassed yourself, gotten dressed like a Mafia killer, played the part, and now you were kissing Dr.Spencer Reid in a crateyard... and he was surprisingly not a bad kisser. He was a little sloppy the first few seconds but moments later, he figured it out. His one hand went on your jaw, the other on your waist, both of them shaking. You could tell that the shaking wasn't because the man watching you both right now had a gun, it was you.
You were making out with him, hard. Your body was pressed to his tightly against the crate and Spencer was holding you there. Your hands were still gripping his shirt. Messy altogether but your lips met in every perfect way. It was good, but for work. This was when you knew to stop- you had convinced the other man. You pulled away, turned your head and mouthed to the mafia man, 'GO' and he ran.
Now things would be extremely awkward. You pushed yourself away from Spencer whose hands stayed on your waist and face until you were entirely out of his reach. You laughed anxiously and he stood there, hands behind his back. That was... that was wow, but... it was for the case. For the case.
It was time to get moving. Spencer knew it, you knew it. The real Seductress was on her way. You turned your head over your shoulder and he was moving slowly, head down. You fought off a small smile. He was entirely red, gun still held loosely in his hand.
You turned your head and were met by a sharp blow to the face. Both of you had let your guard down. Stupid.
"I don't like impostors," said the female voice that was the source of the blow. Hell, it was her. Spencer clocked his gun into place and you turned, elbowing The Seductress in the chest. She returned with another hard blow that you ducked, spinning around her and kicking the back of her leg. She recovered quickly and shot up, punching you in the stomach. You lost your breath for a second and she took the opportunity to punch you in the jaw and pull a knife.
"Put the knife down!" Spencer called. His voice was stronger facing a woman with a sharp knife than it was when talking to you alone. "I know who you are, you want what's right for women, correct?"
The Seductress narrowed her eyes at him like her next meal, leaving you on the ground. Would Spencer shoot if she threw that knife? Odd she didn't have a gun on her. She must have been relying on the others for more protection. You stood up quietly, watching her slowly advance on Spencer. He had your lipstick smeared over his lips, he looked rough, but he held his gun out in front of him and had the other hand up to reason with her. "Men like you think yourselves above women. You, FBI, you think yourself better than men and women alike because you're the authority. Tell me, how do you like your women, Agent?"
He gulped, eyes flickering to you. You pulled out your gun. "I think... I think I'm a weak man and I'm no better than anyone. I don't deserve women." Spencer said, looking at the evil lady. In person, she looked a lot less like you.
"Lies. It's the instinct of men to feel superior to women. You'll have a lot less instinct when you're dead!" She snarled, lunging at him with her blade out. You pulled the trigger, she fell to the ground. Not dead, but wounded to pass out. Spencer narrowly jumped out of her way, watching her knife clatter to the ground.
You looked up at Spencer, bewildered. You had done it. You saved the case, took down a murderous mafia boss. It was only when Spencer pointed at your face and said, "Y-you're bleeding, (Y/N), are you okay?"- that you noticed your cut lip and the blood pouring from your forehead. But you also noticed he called you by your first name.
He reached a hand forward but retracted it when you winced from the sudden pain. Adrenaline took the pain away temporarily, you supposed. There were still things to be done. Spencer called for backup and a medic and watched as you cuffed the woman. She wasn't going to die, but she did need help.
Once medics arrived, Spencer drove you both back to the Westward situation, where ten arrests had been made. You were in a state of haze, so how Spencer's jacket got around your shoulders was a mystery. When you stepped out of the car, you were greeted by the rest of the agents.
"Are you okay?!" Prentiss was the first to greet you both. She grabbed you by the shoulders and looked at the nearly-dried blood on your skin. "We got worried when you didn't follow soon after, you got her?"
"Yeah," you smiled tiredly.
She grinned back. "Fill us in on the details on the way back, okay? Let's get you two cleaned up."
But Derek Morgan found Spencer, "Hey pretty-boy, is that royal rouge you've got on your lips there?" he teased. Spencer panicked and looked into the mirror of the nearest car, seeing that he did in fact have your lipstick on his mouth. He tried to wipe it off with his wrist, but it still stained. You wiped your own lip with your thumb and Derek caught you. "Okay, Miss Newbie, I see you."
Your eyes widened and Emily raised her eyebrows at you, a teasing smile on her lips. "It was to keep my cover. It's what sent those guys your way, one of them has serious sexual issues." You made sure they knew it- to save yourself and to save Spencer. Derek Morgan spun away with a huge knowing grin, back to Hotchner who was conversing with the Chief of Police. Emily pulled you away to the other medics and you shot Spencer a smile as you went.
He smiled back, still wiping off his mouth.
@ellyhotchner @softhairedhotch <3
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mandokarla-mavrok · 4 years
I need more fanfics centered around Penelope Garcia/Derek Morgan....don’t get me wrong I love these kinky Dr.Spencer Reid Self-Inserts but i need some more of my favorite dynamic duo
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gubler-me-up · 2 years
Lead the Way
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Request: Hey hey can you please do a fic (if you’re taking requests Rn) of sub!spencer not having a lot of experience but getting really riled that he’s feeling the reader up and he gets super into it. Just like super smutty and if you could include thigh riding that’d be immaculate FANK YOU
A/N: Thank you for the request, anon! We do love a sub!spencer fic! I included thigh riding just for you 😘 Hope you enjoy and happy reading!
Couple: Sub!Spencer/Dom!reader
Category: Smut
Content warning: Unprotected sex, penetrative sex, fingering, clitoral stimulation, thigh riding, swearing, creampie
Word count: 2.3k
You laid peacefully on the couch, flipping through the pages of a book you picked up on your way home. The cover was far too eye-catching for you to ignore it in the store window. It was pretty interesting for the most part, but you were only buying time until Spencer got himself into his comfortable house clothes. He had just come home from a long Friday shift, so you suggested you two stay in for the night, watch a movie, and order pizza.
You heard the bedroom door open, so you peaked your eyes up to see Spencer in his pink boxer briefs and a white t-shirt. You smirked behind your book as you look him up and down. You were curious as to why he hadn’t taken a shower yet, but you weren’t mad seeing him nearly naked.
“This your new look?” You giggled.
He looked down at himself and then back up at you with a flustered smile. He sheepishly walked over to you and plopped himself down on the couch. You bent your knees to give him more space to move closer to you which he did. He placed his hand on your thigh as he looked at you with his classic ‘sorry’ look. You inched your book down to reveal how confused you were about why he looked as if he did something bad.
“You know, if you’re hungry, you can go ahead and order the pizza. I had to take a work call, so I haven’t even showered yet, but I feel bad having you wait for me,” he explained.
“Is that why you look as if you just broke my favourite vase?” You asked.
“You don’t have a favourite vase,” he said.
“I don’t, but if I did, it looks as if you broke it,” you giggled.
He chuckled as he rubbed your thigh. You doubted he realized how his hand caressing your thigh was the start down a long road of pleasure. You smirked at him as you looked back down at the page you were on in your book.
“Sorry for interrupting you reading too, but I didn’t want you to be hungry,” he said.
“Spence, I can order the pizza now and by the time you’re out the shower, it’ll be nice and fresh for the both of us to indulge in. Sound like a plan, worrywart?” You asked.
He chuckled. “It’s a plan. What are you reading by the way?”
You peaked back up to him to see the curiosity in his face as he leaned in to examine the book cover closely. His hand was still caressing your thigh, inching more and more down as he stroked it. You looked back down at your book, thinking of how bad you wanted to be on top of him, so he could feel what he really wanted, but was too shy to initiate.
“For someone who’s worried I’m going to starve to death, you sure are taking your sweet time getting to the bathroom to shower,” you said.
He immediately let go of your thigh, which caused you to peak up. You dropped your book away from your face just in time to see his awkward smile appear. You found it quite adorable how even after three months of dating, he seemed very unsure if he was supposed to touch you or be so close to you without permission. You’d give him all the permission he ever wanted any day.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I-I should go,” he said.
Before he had the chance to get up, you sat up and placed your hand on his chest. He turned to look at you to see the mischievous smirk on your face before you guided him to lay on the couch. He followed the guidance of your hand with no questions asked.
As he laid there, you tossed your book onto the coffee table and then got up. You looked him in his questionable eyes that lit up as soon as he saw you take off your shorts. You bit your bottom lip as you kicked your shorts to the side.
You walked up to the couch and then straddled yourself on top of his thighs. You caressed your finger down his lips as he looked at you, entranced by seductive you were. You felt him gently caressing your thighs, but he didn’t take his doe eyes off of you.
“Guess we’re matching now, huh?” You said.
“Uh, um, y-yeah,” he stuttered.
You smirked. “Do you not want us to match? If not, I can always do this.”
You then grabbed onto your shirt and pulled it off, revealing your braless breasts. When you popped your shirt off your head, you giggled as you saw Spencer’s mouth slightly gaped open. You tossed your shirt to the ground before planting your hands on Spencer’s chest.
“Better?” You asked.
“I, um, I…You look g-great,” he stuttered.
You smirked. “I can be greater.”
You smirked as you started to move yourself against his thighs. You felt his hands get excessively happy. He ran them up your thigh until he reached your waist and then ran them back down before repeating.
You watched as he struggled to find where to focus his attention. He went from looking at you riding his thigh, to your breasts jiggling, to your face all within five seconds. You chuckled as you grabbed his jaw to make him focus on your face.
“If you can’t focus on one thing, just look at me and feel the rest,” you suggested.
“Feel the rest? Like this?”
You felt his hands slowly caress up your torso until they were both on each of your breasts. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head to encourage him to touch you as his hands lingered on your breasts. He stared deep into your eyes before taking a slow, calming breath. He gently massaged your breasts which pleased you immensely.
However, it didn’t distract you from riding his thigh until his dick was hard enough. You felt yourself getting severely wet the more you moved yourself up and down his thigh, inching yourself closer to his dick with each move. He watched your body move on him with anticipation in his eyes. You could even feel it in the way he started to massage your breasts rougher and urgently.
You moved your hips up so you were sitting on top of his bulge. He moaned softly as he felt how warm and wet you were even through his underwear. You slowly rocked your hips to tease him a bit more.
“Do you want more of me?” You asked.
“Yes, always,” he said.
“Then show it for me, baby,” you said.
Every time you encouraged him to take the ropes, he was usually gentle, verging on hesitant to. However, you were thrown off by him leaning up and attacking you with a feverish kiss on your lips as he wrapped his arms around you, so you two were chest to chest.
He caressed his hands tenderly up and down your back. You grabbed his face to keep his lips close to you. You didn’t want him to stop his kisses or touches any time soon. His hands soon found their way to your ass. You gasped in surprise as he squeezed it with a viciousness you had never felt him use on you before.
“Handsy aren’t we?” You chuckled as you bit your bottom lip.
“I hope I’m not doing too much,” he said.
You shook your head. “I want you to do even more.”
He flipped the script on you in a flash. Your eyes widened with excitement as he pushed you down onto the couch. He positioned himself on top of you before going in for a kiss on your deprived lips. You felt as his hands run down your body like a perfect wave. You could just sense he found his element and wanted to explore it with you more. You were starting to think he had an ulterior motive when he was not-so-innocently caressing your thigh.
One of his hands found its home on your breast, gently massaging it and using his thumb to rub your nipple. He kissed down your neck to free your mouth to moan freely. Your moans intensified to a new octave when his other hand found its home underneath your underwear. He rubbed his fingers between your soaked slit which sent you into another dimension.
“Oh my God, baby. That’s right, fucking play with my pussy,” you moaned.
“Is it okay if I-”
“Yes, yes,” you answered.
You already knew what he was going to ask and you were all for it. You just wanted him to continue going for it without hesitating. He eased up to look at you, licking his lips at the sight of how much you needed him. He slowly inserted two fingers into you.
“Keep going, keep going,” you begged.
He pushed them up further until he hit your sweet spot. It didn’t take a genius to figure out from the way you screamed that he was stroking your g-spot. A smile formed on his face when he saw how happy you were from his touch. He started to stroke you at a steady pace to make sure you continuously felt pleased from his touch.
You tilted your head back and closed your eyes as you trembled from his touch. His fingers were so commanding yet gentle. You had no idea why he never took lead more often when he had all the chops to rock your world without you interfering.
He leaned down to kiss you, which you embraced with no problem. He leaned away to briefly look at you before peppering lips with light kisses as you moaned. From the brief look you got of his eyes, you could tell he lusted after you. He wanted to go further and had the control to do so.
“How about we get closer?” He whispered.
He then leaned back in to make out with you as he pulled his fingers out of you. His hands couldn’t get enough of just feeling your naked body. They found their way back to your thighs and caressed up to your hips. He then leaned up to remove his underwear, revealing his huge boner to you.
He looked at you with a knowing smirk on his face before he leaned back down to kiss you. He definitely knew what he was doing now. He moved his kisses onto your neck as he held your legs in place. Your hands grabbed onto his back as you let out a ferocious moan as you felt him thrust his dick into you.
“Is that what you like?” He asked.
“Yes, yes,” you shrieked.
“How about this?” He asked.
He then increased his speed and then slowly decreased it as he went deeper into you. You could barely form a sentence to explain how amazing he felt inside of you. He even found a rhythm that made both of you feel amazing. You needed him to take charge more often after this if this is what he was withholding from you.
He leaned up and moved your legs further back. Your moans intensified as the angle change made his strokes feel even better. He watched you carefully as you squirmed under his touch and he couldn’t help smirking at you.
“You look beautiful,” he moaned.
“And you feel beautiful,” you moaned.
He then switched up his pace to only give you slow, deep strokes. He watched as you bit your bottom lip and looked down at his dick going in and out of you. It was hard not to feel an orgasm coming along after how much care he put in to make sure you felt overly satisfied with his performance. You would give him a five-star rating on Yelp if you could.
To certify his performance, he caressed his hand down your thigh towards your clit. He placed his thumb on it and slowly, but effectively circled it. You screamed as you tilted your head back, feeling your orgasm inch closer and closer.
“Is it bad that I’m going to cum soon?” He asked.
“No, no, not at all,” you moaned.
However, you beat him to the punch as you felt the flutter in your vagina explode. You tilted your head back and let out a scream that could pierce ears. You felt all your muscles relax and the only thing you could feel was the motion of Spencer slowly thrusting into you.
You felt his hand on your thigh hold onto it tight as his moans started to become more erratic. You soon felt his cum spill out in you before he pulled out. You immediately grabbed his arm to yank him down. You pulled him in close, so you could give him the most passionate, gracious kiss you could ever give someone like him. You were starting to think the little shy boy you fell in love with wasn’t as shy as he seemed.
As you pulled away from him, you could see how pink his cheeks turned from the kiss. You giggled and couldn’t help fall in love with him all over again from the admiration he had for you in his eyes. Even if he was a real tiger in bed, he was always going to be your innocent lamb in some aspects.
“Are you still hungry? We should order the pizza if so,” he said.
“I don’t think I’m hungry for pizza anymore,” you said.
He raised a questionable eyebrow, but once you pulled him in for another kiss, he understood what you meant. His hands caressed your sides as you two passionately made out with each other. If round two was anything like round one, you two might just skip out on eating entirely for the night.
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @spencerreidsthings @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @slutforsr @bxtchboy69 @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @agentadhd @fanofalltheficsx @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @dinsprettygirl @multixfandomwriter @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @muffin-cup @jessalyn-jpeg @princesssmooshie @solitarypeachh @spensual​ @gubler-me-swallow-me @reidsbookclub @isabellasimps @doctorspenceryeet @spencers-dria @sleep-all-day-and-all-night @sydneekomspacekru @sassymoon
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gubler-me-up · 3 years
The Thought of You
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Request: Hi there! Could you do an imagine on Spencer masturbating while thinking of reader and how beautiful she is? I just think it seems so sweet
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! I know you were very excited for your request to be published, so sorry it took a while for me to get around to it but here it is!! I hope it was worth the wait! Also originally I was going to write this in third person but I thought having a second person ~vibe~ would be more intimate. Even tho the reader isn’t in most of it, I still thought it was nice idk im not a writer 
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Smut??? One-sided smut?? 
Content warning: Male Masturbation, ejaculation 
Word count: 1.2k
Spencer pulled up his covers to snuggle himself between them to get some well-deserved sleep. He was going to have to sleep alone since you were working an overnight shift. He wished you two spent more time at night together. Between his job causing him to travel often and you working overnight shifts at the hospital, it was hard to have quality time at night.
He tucked himself in-between his cover and laid down. Even though he was exhausted from the day, he found himself looking at the ceiling. The day was left behind him and all he had on his mind was you. He had seen you in the morning before he headed out to work. He felt lucky enough to have kissed you that morning. The memory was the only thing he had with him that night.
The last time you two had cuddled was a few days ago. He had been laying in bed one night and you had walked out of the washroom. He remembered how you were just in nothing but your underwear and sports bra.
The way your sports bra held your breasts made him jealous he wasn’t the one holding them so securely. As you walked towards him, he remembered the sway of your hips and lazily swung your arms back and forth. He looked back up at your gorgeous face smirking at him.
He found himself caressing his hand down to his crotch at the thought. He gently started to massage it while he thought about how you walked to your side of the bed. He stared at you as you pulled up the sheets to get under the covers.
His eyes were glued to how you lifted your knee up to crawl into bed. They almost seemed unreal to him since he believed you had the most perfect legs he had ever seen. He looked back up at you as you got settled into your spot.
He watched as you tied your hair up for bed. The way you leaned your head back to catch every strand in your delicate hands, exposing your neck to him. It was quite a scene for him to witness. Seeing you in your natural, calm state before bed always brought an immense yearning for you in his mind.
He gently pushed the covers off his torso and then off his hips to expose the top of his pyjama pants. He looked over at the time and saw it was 11 p.m. He had a few minutes to relieve himself of what the thought of you was doing to him.
He dragged down his pants and underwear to expose himself enough to wrap his hand around his dick. He relaxed and closed his eyes to see you again. Even in his memory fragments he had of you were beautiful.
When you were done putting up your hair, he knew immediately he wanted to cuddle you. He wanted to run his hand down your side to feel his hand on the exposed parts of your skin. He wanted to feel the motion of your body under his fingertips.
The more he remembered the feeling of you under his fingertips, the quicker he stroked himself. You always felt so amazing to his touch. Especially after you took a shower and felt extra angelic from your lotion. He snuggled up against you to breathe you in, to get the scent of you deep into his memory.
You looked back at him with a grin on your face to show him how much you enjoyed his touch. He smiled at you as he wrapped his arm around your torso. He brought you up against him and gave your face multiple kisses to show you his undying affection.
He thought you looked like the most perfect person he had ever seen in his life. Your giggle was the purest sound he had ever heard. The way you’d look at him as you bit your lip, trying your best not to kiss him and failing to do so.
When you two kissed, it felt as if fireworks were going on around him. The feeling of your lips on his could always make him shut up immediately. He would kiss you for an eternity if he was able to.
He moaned as he rapidly stroked himself at the thought of you. Your face. Your smile. Your scent. The way you felt.
When you had broken away from his cuddle to straddle him, he couldn’t help look up at you in amazement. When you leaned your head back and stretched over him, it was just like a movie in his mind. The best part of his life just playing in front of him.
You looked back down at him with a smirk as you ran your hands up and down his chest. You broke into a small giggle as he watched you with no break in his awestruck expression. You leaned down and kissed him before you looked into his eyes.
“I love you, baby.”
He let out a final moan as his whole body felt as if an electric shock was running through it. He stroked himself a few more times until he ejaculated all over his hand. His eyes were still closed as he let his cum run down his hands. He didn’t want to open his eyes to lose the image of you.
The sound of your voice was the icing on the cake for him. He didn’t believe in angels but every time you spoke, he started to believe you were the only one. He could hear your voice all day and never get tired of it. He even craved it in that moment alone in his room.
He immediately shot open his eyes and sat up. He saw you standing at the doorframe in your work clothes, confused but intrigued at the sight in front of you. He looked down at his messy hand before he looked back up at you.
He opened his mouth to explain himself but you just chuckled as you put your bag on the floor. You walked up to him and grabbed his face to pull him in for a gentle kiss. Then you looked into his eyes with a mischievous smirk on your face.
“Guess I was let go for my shift early for a reason. Looks as if you need some help cleaning up,” you chuckled.
He let out a sheepish chuckle as he nodded his head. He reached for some tissues out of the tissue box on his nightstand to clean off his hands.
“Guess so. I think your employers must have known how much I missed having nights with you,” he said.
You sat on the edge of the bed and leaned your head against his. He leaned in and kissed you again on your lips. You bit your bottom lip as you caressed his cheek.
“Aw, I missed having nights with you too. I guess this means your night will be filled with more than masturbation with me around,” you giggled.
He chuckled. “Yeah but honestly I just want to hold you close to me again for the night.”
“I can do that for you, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you even more.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection @slutforthegubes @pinkdiamond1016 @spencerreidsthings @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @slutforsr @bxtchboy69 @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @agentadhd @fanofalltheficsx @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @dinsprettygirl @multixfandomwriter @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 @laneybobeczko-g @littlewierdalien @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @muffin-cup @jessalyn-jpeg @princesssmooshie @solitarypeachh @spensual​ @gubler-me-swallow-me
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
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(*gif not mine*)
Summary: You and Dr.Spencer Reid were friends first, lovers quickly after
After a crazy night at Penelope Garcia's celebrating the success of your first case and the team getting a whole month off, the two of you start exploring things neither of you ever thought you could, including falling in love. But what happens within the first year of your relationship when things start to take a turn?
SCW: smut, dom/sub dynamic, oral (m+f receiving and giving), rough sex, fluffy sex, daddy kink, fingering, masturbation, spanking, hair pulling, (will update as story goes along)
CW: drugs, drug addiction (not to dilaudid or anywhere near heroin), alcohol, guns + violence (only on cases), toxic/fast relationship
Category: fan fiction; smut; fluff; angst
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | chapter 7  | chapter 8 | chapter 9 | chapter 10 (coming soon!)
                                          Before You Read
Hi everyone! I'm just going to give some info on how this story works and give disclaimers.
First off, this is something kinda random. After listening to the song "Nauseous" by Zubin, YAWNS, and What So Not, it inspired me to write this fanfic because I wondered what Spencer would be like in this kind of setting.
This takes place in 2019/2020 (minus the pandemic) and i'm also thinking 2021 depending on where this story goes. But i have season 5 reid pre boyband hair in my head. Also, in this world Tobias never existed so Spencer never got kidnapped and addicted to dilaudid.
Aside from Y/N and some other characters i might come up with along the way, I do not own any characters like Hotch or Morgan, for example. Those characters belong to CBS. Also (and this might change. again, i have no clue where this will go), as long as I give the disclaimer, there will be no cases from the show in this. Character's backstories also belong to CBS.
This story contains mature themes. If these topics make you feel uncomfortable in any way, please click out entirely or send me some fluff requests.
Again, in this world Tobias never existed. In the first chapter, Spencer and the rest of the gang smoke weed which takes him and the reader on a journey that is based on experiences i had but with friends and not with someone i loved. Based on those experiences, I want to seriously state that weed affects everyone differently and people will have different experience or knowledge from me, meaning i'm not an expert in this topic. While it is not an addictive drug, people can use it as a form of self medication or a coping mechanism, which both are not healthy ways to use. With my experience, it could also change people if they're using in unhealthy ways. I do not encourage the use of any drug to anyone, but if you are smoking or want to, all I ask is please do it safely. Their relationship is also based on my last relationship (it’s been a little over a year and it didn’t end horribly so i’m all good to use that experience for this story lol).
also just for u tumblr peeps, i will be fixing earlier chapters in the future, just don’t have any motivation on doing it now. i’m also still learning how to do tumblr (i always just reblogged on my personal blog) so please bare with me! 
as of 3pm today (11/10/20), the first chapter will be posted tonight at 7pm EST
All the uwu's, Liv
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