#dr. franken stein / reader
mytheoristavenue · 10 months
Day 3 -
SE Franken Stein x Reader - Winter Proposal
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Summary: Stein thanks you for staying by his side during the spread of Madness by offering to stay by your side permanently.
Warnings: Fluff, grammatical errors, mentions of poor mental health
Your body shuddered, trudging through ankle-deep snow, alone in the woods. Stein had invited you to his residence for what he called a 'test grading date'. He'd add that word to the back of anything he knew you'd be reluctant to take him up on. He knew how you felt for him, and he knew exactly how to get his way. You knew as well as he did, that in reality, he just wanted you to grade his class' tests in his stead, in exchange for coffee and company.
"Glad you could make it," he smiled warmly, standing in front of his home, about fifty feet away from you.
"Oh, stuff it, Stein," you huffed, stomping towards him. "You know it's like zero degrees out here? And you're making me walk in the snow, you should be ashamed!"
"It's actually fifteen degrees," he corrected with a chuckle. "But, really. Thank you for coming all this way."
"Yeah, yeah," you dismissed, now close to passing him by on the way to the door. "Let's get inside before I freeze to death."
To your surprise, Stein caught you by the wrist, pulling you back. "Not so fast," He skillfully spun you back to him, pulling you closer. "Did you really think I'd make you walk all the way here just to grade papers?"
"Well, yeah..." you swallowed, trying to conceal a blush. "That's totally something you would do."
"Maybe the old me, but I've changed," he replied, a content smile playing on his lips. "For the better, I hope."
"Yeah," you scoffed, rolling your eyes a bit. "I'm sure you feel loads better now that you're not being poisoned."
"I'm serious," he said sternly. "I feel like a new person, and it's all thanks to you."
You could no longer hide your red cheeks as more and more blood rushed to your face. "S-Stein, what are you talking about?"
Cold hands sunk down to the small of your back, pinning you against him as olive eyes bore into you. "Even at my worst, you were there," he praised, tilting his head to the side. "You never gave up on me, no matter how dangerous loving me became. You worked tirelessly to help me, with no reward. I can't thank you enough for that."
Kind, encouraging words from Stein were few and far between, so you'd never gotten accustomed to hearing them, and needless to say, it filled your tummy with butterflies. "T-That's what friends do, right? You'd do the same for me."
"You're not just my friend, (Y/N), you're my biggest support. And...if you'd have me, even after all the times I took your love for granted, I'd like to make you my wife..." From the corner of your eye, you could see him reach into his coat pocket and fish something out. "I can't offer you diamonds or precious metals, but hopefully this," he confessed, raising a hand-crafted steel ring. "Would be enough, for now, at least."
"Oh, Stein..." you breathed, totally speechless. "D-Did you make this yourself?"
"I did," he laughed. "Which is why it looks the way that it does, I'm a doctor, not a jeweler. It's made from repourosed surgical steel, so it's body safe, at least."
You couldn't help but giggle as tears streamed down your face. Looking it over, you could tell it was made terribly, beads of weld speckling it and the silhouette misshapen, but it looked just like Stein did- patched together.
"Should I take your laughter as a no?" he chuckled cooly, still holding you.
You jumped against him in response, needing to be infinitely closer. "Of course, I'll marry you, Franken!" you sobbed, nuzzling his throat. "And the ring is beautiful, I love it."
"That's a relief," he smiled gently, hugging you tightly. "I was almost nervous there."
"I could never reject you, Stein, you know that."
"I do," he agreed, before cracking a grin. "Now, Mrs. Stein, would you do the honor of grading my kids' tests while I make some coffee?"
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Chemistry Ch. 3 - Franken Stein / Reader
Summary: A conversation between you and Stein got a little out of hand.
Warnings: Slight Angst and Cussing, Implications of Smut in the End
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"Not good...I'm bored."
The sun had already rose, shining through the small window behind Stein's working desk as it announced the start of a new morning. And just like this, his futile sleeping efforts so far were now completely off the table.
All night, your partner had neither been able to concentrate nor find any kind of joy out of the usual antics occupying his mind - and it was easy to guess where this was coming from.
He carefully glanced to the side, seeing you still resting peacefully on the sofa next to him, chest having ever so slightly in your sleep. Slowly feeling himself dissociating again, countless possibilities crossed his mind as he watched you, all reprehensible in their different ways.
This would have to do for now...
Not even an hour later, you awoke with a loud shriek, panicking at the foreign room before your sleep-drunk self remembered what place you're at again.
"So noisy..." Stein turned the screw in his head, the clacking and whirring sounds never failing to send shivers down your spine.
"What the fuck, Stein!" your surprised gasp quickly turned into an accusatory yell as you pulled up your shirt, just to find several marker lines drawn on your skin. "You didn't dissect me, did you?!"
"So much for your trust" was not really a sufficient answer, though the more you looked for actual incisions, the more your anger would fade. "Sorry..."
"...but wait: Did you peek under my shirt?" You took the pillow from under your head, landing a direct blow to his face. "Pervert! Creep! Go to hell!"
"You're being so dramatic..." Stein rubbed the back of his head without a hint of guilt on his face, adjusting the glasses you almost broke. "It was just a prank. You can take a shower to wash it off if you want."
"As if! No wonder no one can endure being in the same room as you without wanting to murder you at some point." Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh...
...especially when your eyes darted around the room, just to find a blanket next to your feet he apparently had covered you with last night.
You chewed the lip you were formerly pouting with, swallowing your pride as you uttered a rueful apology.
"Don't worry, I'm used to hearing worse." Even though he laughed it off as if it was nothing, that statement didn't really make you feel less miserable - at least until Stein suddenly stood in front of you, softly raising your chin. "Stop being so sensitive. I said it's alright."
"O-Okay. Let's just go, we're late again."
"How about you try out something else than dissecting for your lectures?"
"Like what?" That man really is beyond help sometimes... "You know, something actually useful for their duty?"
While Stein was certainly a talented and knowledgeable technician without equal, his teaching methos were more than questionable...
...which could be due to his general repulsion against any institution that ignores individuality itself.
"I'm training my students according to their distinct needs." Just like Black Star for example, whom he had given a method to lenghten the usage of Tsubaki's Uncanny Sword mode. "Mhh...whatever you say."
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"Hey, you two!"
"Oh, hi Senpai!" It was almost adorable how much respect the two still had for each other - even though the two would probably never openly admit it, you could always see Stein's eyes light up a little whenever he saw his former companion.
"Hey, Spirit! The weather is nice, come sit with us!"" you greeted the Death Scythe, not letting your annoyance slip through, with Stein patting the free space next to him on the bench.
Truth be spoken: It was kind of weird how often the three of you would run into each other lately - though in Stein's presence, Spirit would not even dare to direct a wrong word at your direction.
"No, thanks. I'm good" your colleague declined politely, a stern look on his face as he asked "Y/N, could you leave us alone for a second?"
"S-Sure..." Watching your partner as you rose from your seat, his look told you he seem to know what this is about either. "I'll be waiting for you in front of the classroom, okay?"
Stein gave you a little nod, trying to calm you down with his usual, reassuring yet fake smile you could sadly see right through...
...dropping his expression as soon as you were around the corner.
"So" Spirit started the conversation, almost hilariously trying to appear tough even though everyone knew how much Stein's presence intimidated him nonetheless. "I've seen you and Y/N come to work together this morning."
"So what?" Lighting one of his disgusting cigarettes, he offered one to Spirit who reluctantly accepted. "She slept at my place."
Somehow the ultimate Death Scythe had expected some more secretiveness instead of this upfront answer - and he wasn't sure whether this was a good or bad sign.
"Now don't fuck with me!" he now grabbed the collar of Stein's lab coat, harshly pushing him against the brick wall behind them. "I'm not afraid of you anymore, I tell you! And if you're gonna play games with our valuable weapon, you're gonna be punished for sure! By me or a lot of others, it doesn't matter!"
Stein's cigarette had fallen to the ground and he exhaled deeply, blowing a small cloud of steam to Spirit's face, who in return had to cough heavily. "I guarantee you, I'm on my best behavior."
"C'mon, don't lie to me! We've seen it ourselves - she's your Soulmate, and now you're turning this fact into one of your sick experiment, right?!"
"Oh, is that so?" Stein remained stoic, almost indifferent at this revelation - on the outside, at least. "I've had a feeling, but wasn't sure myself. And Y/N is completely clueless, I think."
"...and you didn't talk to her about it?"
"I considered, but decided against it." Stein's hands were stuffed in his pockets without doing so much as defending himself. "Guess she's just better off without such a depressing truth, don't you think?"
This bond alone was no guarantee for happiness, after all. Some people are born without a Soulmate, others lose them way too early.
Just like Spirit's wife, destined to stay with a guy that runs after every woman he lays eyes on - sometimes it's not fair.
People are able to lead a fulfilled life without their Soulmates, a better one even...
...and in this specific case, Stein was sure to do you a favor.
"You've already hooked up with her, smartass. No matter what you say, you're already in way too deep!"
"We did not sleep with each other" Stein groaned in irritation, and at his words Spirit would finally let go off of him. "And I have no idea you're so invested in my private life. We're both adults."
"...anyway" the Death Scythe spat, back facing his old partner as he prepared to part ways. "Keeping such an important decision from her is pretty selfish, don't you think?"
"Still none of your concern. Oh, and Senpai?" Just when Spirit turned around, he felt Stein's hand at his neck, lifting the smaller man up with ease. A crooked, menacing grin streched across his face, wild eyes boring into the Scythe's skull.
"If you say anything to Y/N, I'll dissect you - for real this time."
"Hey, Dr. Slipover."
You crouched over the man who was currently lying on the floor together with his rolling chair - like always. "Umm...you alright down there?"
"Now don't just stand there. Be a darling and help me up, would you?" Seeing the baffled look on your face at the nickname, he instantly regret his choice of words.
It wasn't like him to be so erratic while not influenced by madness...
...yet now that he couldn't deny your bond any longer, his heart was in constant battle if he should curse this fate or give in to his desire.
"You know, I could just roll you through the hallways, old man."
"Please don't" he chuckled darkly, still lying on his back. "People already think I'm a bad influence for you."
"So, what did you call me here for?" You offered him a hand like so many times before - and for the fraction of a second, Stein felt the urge to pull you down to lie on him...
...however, he insisted on getting up by himself, patting off the dirt of his lab coat. "Sorry, I need to go." Without even giving you a proper explanation, Stein rushed away, leaving you rather confused.
For the rest of the day, you neither saw nor heared anything of your partner.
Though you catched some gossip in the teacher's lounge, about how he's behaving even stranger than usually. You knew where to find him, probably burying himself into his work like always when the real world was too much to process...
...but you were unsure if visiting him would overstep your boundaries, only knowing him so much.
In the end, worry got the better off you when Stein wouldn't show up even way after the agreed time...
...bursting in on a scene you rather shouldn't.
"...or perhaps because you're a witch?" Stein had confronted Medusa just moments before, aware of the danger shall his accusation be true.
While he assumed that Medusa wouldn't attack, unwilling to give up the undercover position she maintained at Death Academy, he couldn't be too sure about his own safety...
...luckily for him, before the witch could decide on a strategy, you interrupted the two as you sheepishly let yourself in to the medical ward.
"Stein...? I- oh."
"I'm so glad you came, Y/N!" Medusa yelled, acting overexaggeratedly helpless as she hid behind you. "Your partner is harassing me!"
Stein, to not further involve you in his dangerous investigations, joined right in her play. "Haha, sure you're not mistaking me with my Sensei?"
"No wonder you have been partners for so long! You're just as indespicable as Spirit!" she exclaimed, before storming out of the room - leaving you alone with your mental cinema.
"Good to see you." Stein chose to not comment on the event any further, hoping you wouldn't pry. "Thanks for waiting, I'm done with everything now. Let's go!"
"Actually" you interjected, incapable of maintaining a straight face after what you thought you had just witnessed. "I think I'm not joining you today. Sorry."
He was shaking. Whatever they were doing together in that room all day, it was affecting him that much.
You involuntarily felt tears creep into your eyes, threatening to fall the more you thought about it. No, he has every right to do as he pleases.
The two of you were partners, sheer work-wise. Nothing more, nothing less.
And still - why does your heart ache so much?
"Y/N, wait." You felt Stein's hand grip your forearm tight, effectively keeping you from escaping as well. "What's wrong all of a sudden?"
"I just want to go home, is something wrong with that?" His face dropped when he noticed your glossy eyes, a trembling lip underlining the sadness in your voice. "Please...let me go."
The man pulled you back into the room, slamming the door shut. "I can't let you go now. It's too dangerous." There was a determination in his tone that startled you, unable to understand where this is coming from.
"Look at me" he whispered with a low voice, his arms around you trapping you in his hold.
"Let me go, Stein..." You tried to break free from his embrace, the hurt you felt intensifying at the feeling of being a stopgap. "And I thought you were a gentleman...just because you couldn't have your ways with Medusa doesn't mean I'm your plaything now."
"What the hell are you even talking abou-" A slap of yours cut him right off, now finally able to break free from his touch.
"Medusa's not even gone for five minutes, and now you're locking me up in here and starting to hug me all of a sudden! How do you think this comes across?!"
"...wrong, I guess."
"Wow, finally you get how someone else might be feeling. Congratulations! And now let me go-"
"Medusa is a witch." You stopped right in your tracks, eyes widening as your hand recoiled from the doorknob. "What?!"
"It's just a theory, of course" he explained, seemingly churned by the current events. "But Sid and Naigus have been entrusted with investigating Medusa's hideout, and they haven't returned ever since."
Now your tears ran freely, the sight alone making Stein's insides churn - that was the complete opposite of what he wanted to achieve, damn it!
"Promise me you're not lying" you spoke in between choked sobs, feeling pathetic being all emotional in such a situation. "Not as some kind of wicked joke or to save your own ass."
"Why would I lie about something so serious?!"
"Well, I'm your partner!" Balling a fist in the fabric of your shirt, you spoke whatever was on your mind right now - admittedly, not really objective. "You could have confided in me. Why didn't you?!"
"Because I'm worried about you, damnnit!" he almost screamed in distress of you not believing in him, shaking you ever so slightly...
...only lowering his voice when you flinched at his outburst, a horrified expression on your face. "S-Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you, I-I just couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you."
"I am a Death Scythe, and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself" you insisted stubbornly, refusing to meet his eyes much to his misery. "I don't need you for that."
"...but I need you" Stein ultimately confessed, a heavy weight being lifted from his chest as soon as the words left his lips.
Before you were able to react, your partner's mouth crashed over yours, body melting against your much smaller one in the heat of the moment.
There was an urgency to his kiss that frightened you, in the way his breathing hitched when he felt you reciprocating the gesture. He was pressing you against himself, almost as if trying to make you a part of himself.
Your lips were soft, almost silken against his rough ones, the taste of tobbaco teasing your tongue and you felt your own hands slowly wandering to caress him as well.
To Stein, it felt like the most horrific bliss, as if his corrupted self was tainting the most wonderful soul he ever had the privilege to lay eyes upon.
When your lips would finally part again, Stein would keep his eyes closed - afraid of the consequences of his indecent venture...
...until you tenderly touched the scar on his face, following it's outline all the way back to the back of his neck.
"Stein?" you asked, almost hoarsely through the turmoil of emotions inside of you. "Y-Yes" he gulped harshly, "What is it?"
"...fuck me."
"Wha- ah...shit, Y/N!" You had dragged the man down to your height, tracing ghostly kisses along his clavicula as you slowly stiped off his coat.
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
One thing was sure: Now that he had gotten a taste of this self-forbidden fruit, there was no going back now.
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unlikephoenix · 1 year
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DISCLAIMER: None of the post on this blog are my own. This blog purely exist to support and save my favorite fanfics. Please go to the original poster and support them.
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Ashioki Oushi + Iryuu Shin + Nagi Itsuomi + Nagi Kyouya
Guts + Griffith
Aki Hayakawa + Kishibe
Spike Spiegel
Rengoku Kyojuro + Rengoku Shinjuro + Uzui Tengen (& wives)
Lawliet L + Yagami Light
Gen Asagiri + Hyoga + Nanami Ryuusui
Akitaru Obi + Leonard Burns + Shinmon Benimaru
Edward Elric + Roy Mustang + Scar
Eizen + Shugen
Usui Takumi
Kudou Kiyoka
Aizawa Shouta (Eraser Head)
Bishamon + Yato (TYPES OF READER: Shinki Reader)
Genos + Saitama
Morinozuka Takashi + Ootori Kyoya + Suoh Tamaki
Cherry Blossom + Joe
Franken Stein + Spirit Albarn
Loid Forger + Yor Forger
Elias Ainsworth
Noé Archiviste
Ryuguji “Draken” Ken
Claudia Hodgins
Seto Kaiba
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illubean · 10 months
Soul Eater Masterlist
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Maka Albarn
With a Mad!Fem!Reader
Soul "Eater" Evans
With a Witch!S/o
With a Witch!S/o
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Nothing here yet
Death the Kid
With a Witch!S/o With a Heterochromia!S/o With an Autistic!S/o
Liz Thompson
Nothing here yet
Patty Thompson
Nothing here yet
Crona Gorgon
With a Goth!Reader Who's Also Cutesty
Spirit Albarn
Nothing here yet
Dr. Franken Stein
Nothing here yet
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feel free to rq characters unlisted
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mari2akary · 6 months
Hello friend😃 i see that your a charlie and the chocolate factory fan💖 i really love Charlie and the chocolate factory and i also love that it is getting added in the tickle community and getting more love and attention💖
Yes, I am a fan of that movie, however for some reason that I don't understand, I'm not good at writing fics about it. I'm really sorry, but if you're interested, these are the fandoms I'm good at writing for.
Naruto: (Reader, Kabuto, Orochimaru) Kimetsu no yaiba: (Enmu, Douma, Reader) Soul Eater: (Dr Franken Stein, Reader) Black Butler: (Grell, Sebastian, Circus Cast, Reader) Marvel: (Loki, Thor, Reader) Netflix Dracula: (Dracula, Reader) Creepypastas: (Jason the toymaker, Lauguing Jack, Reader, Dr Smile) Blue Exorcist: (Mephisto, Rin, Reader) Owary No Seraph: (Ferid Bathory, reader).
feel free to order any you like. and again, sorry for not being good at writing for that movie.
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writefandoms · 3 years
do u have any spicy professor stein headcanons? 👀
Why is it that whenever I try to write something horny, it becomes sappy???
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Of course a man of his profession and insanity, has a few “odd” turn ons. With his idea of a good night consisting of a scalpel and a subject, you shouldn’t really be surprised by his strange perception of attractiveness. But it’s never anything huge or conventionally sexy that gets him going.
Like when you’re grading papers, he loves when you nibble the tip of your pen cap. He won’t even hide his blatant staring, eyes half lidded like he would pounce on you at any second. Had to smack him with a rolled newspaper to knock the horniness back.
Or when you have help set up the room, and you stand on your tippy toes to wipe the top of the chalkboard. 9 out of 10 times you’ll feel his arms wrap around your waist, pulling your back into his chest.
Now he’d never do anything sexual at school, he’s not that crazy. But when you two are home, there’s no holding back.
Gentle kisses in the morning become half asleep, make out sessions. Hands roaming his exposed chest, appreciating all his scars and flaws.
He’ll never say it outloud, but he loves feeling your lips graze his scars. Sometimes you trace them without even realizing it, and he adores how comfortable you are with his body. While he’s not ashamed of his scars, Stein revels in your obvious attraction towards him physically.
Stein just isn’t used to being loved or being in love, so the smallest acts of affection are the ones he appreciates the most.
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zombieumbreon · 2 years
Black Magic Woman Series ML
>Starring: Dr. Franken Stein and Witch Female Reader. <
•Chapter One. A Love Against The World
•Chapter Two. He Can’t Marry Her
•Chapter Three: This is War
•Chapter Four: Let There Be…..
•Chapter Five: untitled.
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girc00 · 3 years
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Go for it, Stein!
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Hey! You blog is super cool!!! I was wondering if you would do a scenario where the reader is a weapon who's meister dumped her, and Stein helps her in his own weird way. Look, I just live for Stein.
Awwww thank you!! And hey, no judgement here, I live for Stein too! He is top tier 👌👌👌
Stein Comfort Scenario:
    It took you awhile to really comprehend the situation you were now in. Your meister, the person you had been for years-- had broken up with you. It was heart shattering to wake up and see a half-empty home, with a note left behind to tell you it was all over. The two of you had been together for so long and they couldn’t even tell this to your face?
    After getting past that initial hurt, you became more pissed off than anything. However, you didn’t have a whole lot of time to really address these emotions because you still had a teaching job to do.
    It had been a long day so far and dealing with a lot of energetic young teens was taking a lot out of you. Finally your planning period came along and you decided to head to the library to get ahead on some grading. The quiet location didn’t help though, and your thoughts kept drifting to your breakup. No matter what you tried, you couldn’t focus.
    You let out a deep sigh and put your pen down, giving up on the papers in front of you for a bit. You started to rub your face, attempting to ease some of your tension
        “Something has really gotten into you today, (y/n). You’re very out of it.”
    You look up in the direction of the voice to see your coworker, Dr. Franken Stein, smirking down at you.
        “Wow, really? I never would’ve guessed.” you snap back.
    He sits down across from you with mischief still dancing on his features. This was not exactly how you anticipated your planning period, but maybe some company could be okay. 
        “Are these papers that bad? You look so bored.” he asked.
        “I honestly wouldn’t know. I can’t concentrate at all.” you reply.
    The two of you remain silent for a bit and you tried to look back at some of the papers in front of you. It was even more difficult to focus now with the feeling of Stein’s eyes studying you.
        “Your soul is very unstable right now, (y/n). It’ll hurt you if you let these thoughts of yours fester. You may not be able to properly resonate with-”
        “We broke up.” you interrupted. 
        “Oh?” Stein says, slightly shocked.
        “I woke up and they were already gone. All they left was a note. The damn coward couldn’t even say it to my face!”
    In a fit of rage, you slam your pen down on the table and scowl up at Stein.
        “Well if this is what you look like when you’re angry, I’d be scared too!” He bursts out laughing.
    He takes a moment to catch his breath.
        “I could dissect them if you want. Then we’d both be happy.”
    It was your turn to bark out a laugh. 
“I appreciate the sentiment, but no thanks,” you say, “This sucks and it hurts, but I’m sure I’ll be okay eventually.”
“Of course. Just remember: if you ever need a meister, we’re always compatible.” Stein tells you, finally pulling out his own papers to grade. 
    “Thanks Stein, I really appreciate that,” you reply.
    “The dissection offer is still on the table though,” he says, a smirk on his face.
    “Oh my god, shut up!” you laugh.
He was always a bit odd to you, but you ended up leaving the library feeling much better.
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ladysarahsakura · 5 years
Stein’s daughter
My apologise if you believe Professor Stein is OOC in this story.  Also like many of my posts, this is an OG character I created to immerse myself into the world Soul Eater. If you’d like to see X Reader stories they will come I promise. Obviously, I don’t own Soul Eater I only own the characters I created to represent me and my weapons. Love you all!  
   Dr Franken Stein had a rough childhood. Combining the issues he had with his longing to dissect with how doctors who tried to ‘fix him’ would poke and prod him, it’s safe to say he wasn’t too happy with the way his childhood turned out. He was slightly jealous when he found out his ex-weapon partner-Spirit Albarn- was not only getting married but having a child on the way as well. Stein had many concerns about having a child and getting married: could he have found anyone to deal with him and his oddities? What about the madness within him that causes the need for dissecting, would he pass it on to his children? What if one day he did something to the child? Or his partner? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he did. One way to fill the small void he had since he was scared to father a child and be a spouse was to choose one or two days a week to go to Death City’s orphanage where he would teach the older children- the younger ones, around 4 or so years old feared him- about animals he’s dissected or told stories of his old missions when he was at the DWMA as a student. These children looked past his stitches, his scars, and the screw/bolt protruding from the side of his head, and saw a scientist that made teaching fun for them. A couple of nurses that cared for said children were a bit unsure of Stein but the children adored him. One nurse, who oversaw new babies from a couple of months to 3 years, formed a friendship with Stein and he assisted her in preparing the food and formulas for the infants and toddlers at the Orphanage. On a sunny day in August, Stein’s life was about to change. The morning of the 27th of August in 1998, the orphanage welcomed its first-week old baby in 10 years. The small baby girl had been left on the doorstep at about 2 AM and the head nurse rushed to the door upon hearing the rapid knocking. They immediately fed the girl bottled formula, weighted her, took her temperature and swaddled her. Upon the infant nurse returning for her shift at around 5 AM, she immediately began round the clock care for the baby after the head nurse told her everything and even had the assistance of a pair of fraternal twins- Rocky and Roxy Takahashi, four-year-old, black-haired, green-eyed cuties who lost their parents to a kishin, took turns keeping an eye on baby girl, reading to her, and keeping watch on her as she slept soundly during naptime. On this day during his weekly visit is when Stein first sees the small infant, only 6 pounds but very healthy, wispy blond hairs already on her head, sleeping soundly in her crib in a light purple sleeper, Stein attempts to not wake the baby up as he converses with her nurse on her health and how she came to be in the orphanage this day. Rocky and Roxy also decided to move into the room with the baby to keep an eye on her at night, attaching themselves to her quickly, treating her like they would their own baby sister and Stein smiled slightly at the sight of the twins playing with the baby girl. Nearly a month passed and the baby girl was growing steadily, was happy and healthy, babbling happily to her friends and caregiver, and had still somehow had not been named. The twin children argued back an forth over what to name the infant girl, the caregiver just chuckled before ushering the rowdy 4-year-olds out for the baby’s nap and they stopped upon seeing Stein watching them interact again with the baby as the nurse slowly put her to bed. To stop the twins bickering, Stein suggested a simple name for the baby girl that he felt the twins would agree on: Sarah, Hebrew for lady, princess, and noblewoman. The baby had been such a sweet baby since she came to the orphanage she deserved a name as such since the twins called her their Princess anyway, also it was a name Stein liked. The girl just seemed like a Sarah. They immediately loved it and made certain to tell the baby her name once she awoke.Over a course of eight months, Sarah began to crawl, tugging herself up at times on her crib, a pants leg, or with the helping hand of her caregiver and the twins. She was slowly learning to walk with the help of Roxy and Rocky holding her hands and walking behind her. Aside from her being a little small, she was exactly where she should be in development. Overall, she was a happy, cheerful, sweet baby girl. By June 1999, she was walking even better, holding herself on the wall or holding onto her caregiver’s pants leg and waddling beside her around her room- they didn’t let her explore much except her room and the hallway outside it- and Stein still watched the baby girl develop from a distance, worried his appearance would scare her as it did the other younger children. He didn’t understand why he was drawn to the infant and worked so hard to make sure she was developing properly, conversing with the caregiver when she would get sick or have a rash or wouldn’t eat some foods. Stein knew better than to believe he could adopt a child, to care for and father them, what if he scared them once they saw his tendencies? What if he snapped and hurt them? He had a couple of friends that would assist him in raising a child for he had spoken about it many times to them, wanting an outsiders opinion on if he would ever be a decent father. Marie Mjolnir and Sid Barrett both said they would assist him when he needed them to. A young Sid was already partially caring for a baby boy named Black☆Star who had been found by him on a mission almost a year prior and he said several times how if Stein adopted the girl how sweet it would be if she and Black☆Star would be friends later in life. Stein had to admit, he did find himself drawn to the small child even after years of saying he wouldn’t be good enough to be a father. He tried to converse with her caregiver about her progress and the two adults remained unaware of the infant waddling slightly back from her spot from the corner of the hallway where her twin friends were attempting to get her to walk towards them. Sarah caught sight of Stein and proceeded to waddle towards the stranger she saw many times but never really met. The twins watched as the blonde, little girl waddled her way up to be near Stein, her summer dress swished slightly with every uneven step she took with her chubby baby legs towards her desired destination which was towards the person she knew of but never saw who conversed still with her caregiver unknowing of the baby they spoke of waddling/walking straight towards them. Her caregiver noticed Sarah first but pretended to not notice as she waddled closer to Stein, Roxy and Rocky giggling from the end of the hall. Stein still talked for a moment before feeling a soft tug on his lab coat. Looking down, he met the baby browns of the child he had been meaning to avoid in fear of scaring her as he did all other young children. His green-grey eyes widened and he stiffened, waiting patiently for baby Sarah to begin crying or wailing at his stitches, his bolt/screw, or his towering height but what he got next shocked him more than anything. Sarah reached up with her chubby baby arms and made grabby hands, a sign she wanted to be picked up...by Stein. He slowly relaxed and slid down to the floor, hesitantly, before she surprised him again by clamouring onto his lap and grasped onto his shirt. Her baby hands examined his own, his clothes and his face and hair as she did with everyone she found interesting and she didn't know it but Stein’s heart began to melt. She touched his mouth, his chin, his nose, his glasses- which he then took off to keep them from accidentally being broken- then her hands made their pathway towards his hair. Again, he braced for a scream or crying, instead, he found baby Sarah place a small hand on the screw/bolt and cocked her head to the side at it. Stein smiled softly and reached up to turn it and Sarah grinned and clapped at hearing a slight click click click from the turning. She grinned and babbled cutely, showing her newly grown bottom teeth and she too tried turning the bolt only to find her baby hands weren’t strong enough. Noticing her confused head tilt again, Stein reached up to twist it again and her face lit up. To get her mind off the screw/bolt, Stein held out his hand to her to examine and she happily did so. She continued to play with his hands, his jacket, she’d trace her fingers around his nose, eyes, scar, and babble happily, even speaking a few real words here and there she had been learning. Stein smiled softly at the baby in his arms, relaxing as she continued memorising him. He continued to talk to her caregiver who had sat beside him and was joined by the twins. She grinned when Sarah began to cuddle into Stein’s shirt as he held her in a large hand as she gripped his finger tightly. He completely relaxed and smoothed her hair away from her closed eyes and she mumbled quietly, did she just say, papa? Soon she was sound asleep, snuggling into his shirt and mumbling softly. Her nurse chuckled, “ You’re really great with her. And she seems awfully attached to you. Have you made up your mind about adopting her?” Stein gaped at the woman, “Me? Adopt her? No, no I couldn’t. Not only is my lab completely unsafe for a baby or a kid in general but I doubt I would be a very good father.” His face fell slightly, imagining all the bad things that could happen to the innocent child. Sarah’s caregiver placed a tender hand on his shoulder, “ Come now, Stein. You’d be an amazing father. Look at everything you’ve done for the older children- teaching them, getting them interested in science and animals- also everything you’ve done for Sarah. You’ve helped with formula’s when she wasn’t liking the previous one, you helped make a salve for her diaper rash since store bought didn’t work on her, you’re attached to this baby and I can tell she’s attached to you.” “ But what if something happens? I mean, I would never intentionally hurt her, but my mind…” The caregiver softly smiled. “Then bring in a trusted friend. Caring for a child could be an experiment for you two as caring for any child would be. You can baby proof a certain section of your home for solely her and not let her past that area and have your friends assist you in helping care for her. The choice is entirely yours but,” she glanced down at the little baby, “ I believe someone already made up her own mind.” She chuckled at the infant resting happily in the scientist's hand. He pondered on for a bit on the what ifs. What if he did adopt this girl? Would he be a good parent? Could he provide a happy home for her? A safe home? Could he really be able to do it so simply? Study how to raise a child and asking Sid and Marie for help? What if something went wrong? What if he couldn’t keep his dissecting thoughts from her? Or worse what if he completely lost it. Soon he chose to go home, after unlatching the infant from her strong grip on his finger and shirt, he phoned Marie and Sid to come over for a talk to weigh the pros and cons for raising her or any child. During their meeting, Marie offered to stay with Stein for a bit to help him raise the child if he chose to adopt her and Sid offered to take her to school with Black☆Star, have play dates and such to assist in her development. Both friends swore to assist Stein in his choices no matter what. On that note, Stein wrote a list of pros and cons which by the end the pros outweighed the cons and he finally made up his mind. With Sid and Marie’s help, the babyproofed a section of the Patchwork Lab: every doorknob, corner, outlet, put a big lock on is lab and cleared out three side rooms for her beside his bedroom. Each room was baby proofed and he labelled each room for different things such as her bedroom, a playroom, and a library/study. Stein, with Sid’s help since he was assisting in raising a baby Black☆Star, helped create a feeding chart and Stein made a chart for when she would get older so she would have a routine she could adapt to in case he was called on a mission- which was rare but could still happen and would ease whoever kept an eye on her then. Marie went out and bought everything a baby would need: diapers, clothes, changing pad, blankets, burp cloths, a new crib, a playpen, a carrier, towels, baby bottles, a stroller, and many many stuffies and toys to amuse Sarah. By the next morning, Stein began the long path to adopting the baby girl filled with home studies and paperwork. He would go visit Sarah every day and personally assist her in learning to balance herself, helping her with her words, he even quit smoking to get the better chance of her actually being adopted by him. This went on for three whole months until all the paperwork and home studies were done. By the end of September, Stein had a daughter. Upon entering her new home, Stein and her caregiver agreed to a trial period. He had one week to see if he could handle a one-year-old and if he couldn’t, his would giver her back to the orphanage and gift all he and Marie had purchased to her to keep. The twins were saddened by not being able to see their younger friend but they were happy when Stein told them he or Marie would come to get them every weekend to bond with Sarah that way she would never forget them. Stein had given the baby girl a few gifts that were more scientific, like a stuffed frog she could “dissect” by taking apart the velcro straps on its torso and insides, he had hand knitted sweaters for her and a few blankets, even stitched little doll figures that looked like her, Stein, Sid, Marie, Rocky, Roxy, and her caregiver. Her favourite was the one that resembled Stein and she slept with it in her new crib in her new home beside her new papa who had set up a cot in her room to keep watch on her first few nights. Sarah slept soundly in her new home and grew steadily. By her fourth birthday, they found out she was a meister and that the twins were weapons. Around the same age, she had begun to question why she didn’t look like her papa and Stein had told her the truth, “ Yes, darling. We don’t look a bit alike, do we? But that doesn’t matter, little one. Because you chose me to be your papa that day when you were a baby and I knew you were my darling daughter. Nothing and no one will ever change that. Stein didn’t enrol Sarah into school instead Marie came and would teach her and she trained with Sid and Stein to get physically and stronger on her own before she became meister to a weapon partner. Sarah grew into a loving both the normal things any child would as well as having a growing curiosity about life to the point of her assisting her papa in his scientific studies. Miss Marie would take her to meet with Sid and Black☆Star where he boasted several times about wanting to surpass Lord Death and stated that when Sarah finally joined the DWMA with him, he’d challenge her to their first duel. By the time Sarah became of age to bond with a weapon, she bonded with both Rocky and Roxy which explains why they bonded so quickly at the orphanage. Poor Stein had to get Marie to help the year prior when Sarah got her first period and he didn’t want to embarrass her by having that whole talk. By age fourteen, the trio had gone on many missions to collect Kishin souls as requested by Lord Death even if they weren’t students of the DWMA yet. Sarah chose to postpone her studies at the DWMA for a little while longer since she was learning about her papa’s evils and he confessed to only feeling calm with her or Marie home with him. Marie still taught Sarah and she learned to bend her own wavelength to heal as well as having papa’s ability to use it as a defence without a weapon and learned that the twins had multiple weapon forms which Sarah could easily wield. She made tremendous progress and not once did she lose her love of life and sense of freedom. Stein couldn’t have been a prouder father, however; he was scared for when she would enrol into the DWMA which was now also a college for older children who wished to have further teachings. Would she be ridiculed for being his child even if it wasn’t biologically? Would she be ashamed? Would she still be happy? There was one way to find out. Byt the morning before her next mission, he enrolled her into the DWMA at the age of nineteen. When she returned home she would be a student. 
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mytheoristavenue · 1 year
SE Dr. Franken Stein x Teacher!Reader - Good Medicine
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Summary: While Stein looks over your lesson plans for the neck week, you let it slip that you've been ill.
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, mentions of madness/illness/ symptoms of serious illness, fem!reader, mentions of addiction/substance abuse, platonic!nygus x stein, platonic!nygus x reader, not proofread
You sighed before gathering another deep breath as you made your way through the halls of the academy shortly after the final bell. The school was mostly desolate, save for the staff and the few remaining students who had to stay late for whatever reason. You waved to a few of them on your way, hands trembling nervously as you clutched the file in your hands.
Finally, you stopped at his door, the entrance to the EAT classroom. Hesiently, you knocked, before quickly stepping backward to put distance between yourself and him when he opened the door. Just as predicted, you could hear shuffling within the room, an aggravated groan, and desk chair wheels rolling. Then the door unlocked and cracked open, revealing a terrifyingly tall figure, shrouded in darkness, glass lenses gleaming and obscuring his eyes. "Miss (Y/N), can I help you?"
You swallowed hard, stepping forward and nodding. "I-I was wondering if you could look over my lesson plans for this next week? I've not been well and Lord Death asked me to have someone-"
"Have you tried asking Sid?" he interrupted in a monotone.
You blushed, feeling embarrassed and silly for thinking he'd be willing to help you. "W-Well, Sid's gone for the day, he left early today. Besides-"
"I see," the man acknowledged, bringing up a hand to straighten his glasses. "Spirit then?" he suggested, cocking a brow. "I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help a lady in need."
You began to feel defeated, you were a people pleaser at heart and hated bothering people. "Um," you said, shrinking under his gaze. "He's in an important meeting with Lord Death this evening." Stein's posture seemed to shift as he slowly began to realize he couldn't pawn you off on someone else. "Also, Lord Death asked that I go to you specifically..."
He seemed to mull the idea over for a moment before answering. "Is that so?" You nodded timidly. "So Lord Death instructed you to come to me for help and you directly disobeyed him by looking into every other option beforehand?"
Your eyes blew wide and you struggled to form a response. "N-No! Of course not, I just didn't want to bother you! I know how busy you-"
"Relax," he finally said, chuckling and opening the door further. As he did so, the glare on his frames dissipated to reveal kind and playful eyes. "I'm just playing with you. I'd love to help, for a price, that is."
"W-What is it?" you asked, nerves shot to hell.
"Can you go get me some coffee from the teacher's lounge, please?" Your shoulders fell in defeat as you nodded, beginning to walk away. "Oh," he called before you could get out of earshot. "Bring the syrup bottle, I like mine sweet."
Brows furrowed in annoyance, you rounded the corner into the lounge and set the file down on the counter. You hated dealing with Stein, all he did was play mind games and make your life difficult- not to mention how scary he was. Sighing, you got a tray down from the top shelf, and then a pair of mugs, figuring you might as well get yourself some while you're here. Carefully, you poured muddy water into both cups, dressing yours the way you liked. Absent-mindedly, you began to fiz Stein's mug the same way, pouring simple syrup into it. It wasn't until you began stirring caramel cream into it that you realized. "Shit!" you hissed, realizing your mistake. Quickly, you took out another mug from the cupboard, and grabbed the carafe, only to find it nearly empty. Now you had no choice but to bring him an incorrect cup of coffee and pray to Death he still helps you.
You gripped the handles of the tray nervously, seeking some kind of support from them. Blonde coffee swished in each cup, and the syrup bottle treated to tip, but you eventually made it back all in one piece. "I'm back," you called into the dark room from the ajar door. "Can I come in?"
"The door's open, isn't it?" Stein's monotone voice replied from deep within. Stepping in, you found him at his desk, a single tabletop lamp illuminating his workspace. He seemed deep in thought as his red pen scrawled hastily across pages, shuffled one after another. In response you let yourself in, slowly inching toward him, before eventually deeming yourself close enough and standing at his side awkwardly. "Are gonna set that down or just stand there?" he asked, not bothering to even give you a side glance.
"Sorry," you muttered, shuffling in place. "I just wasn't sure where you'd like it." He pointed to a spot on his desk, equally cluttered but mostly flat with his pen. You obeyed and set the tray down, before taking his cup and setting it in front of him, as well as the syrup bottle. You tensed a bit when you noticed the sticky bottom of the bottle had adhered to what seemed to be a page of homework. He never seemed to notice, though. "Um, before you drink that," you interrupted, just as he lifted the cup to his lips. "I...zoned out a bit and started pouring the syrup in, so it may not be exactly how you prefer it."
Stein sighed, rolling his eyes. "Leave it to you to make pouring a cup of coffee harder than it should be." At that, he took a sip, pausing for a moment afterward. "Is there caramel in his?" he asked sternly, finally looking up at you.
You shook in your spot. "Y-Yes? I'm sorry-"
"It's really good." he smiled, taking another sip. "I guess I'll have to have you make all my coffee from now on." Your muscles fell lax with relief and you stepped closer. "Now then, pull up a chair, and let's have a look." You did as he instructed, dragging a nearby stool to his desk. You felt like you were a student again, having to stay behind with the teacher to review why you hadn't passed a test.
Once in a good position, you handed over the file which you'd carried under your arm. Stein took it and slayed it out on the desk as you looked over his shoulder. "What's the subject?"
"Soul bonds and forces that affect them." you responded astutely. Now he understood why he was the one Lord Death had you ask.
"I taught this last year to a pair of my students," he recalled. "Though, the results weren't very pretty. What's your goal in teaching this?" he wondered.
"To educate my kids on how to nourish their connection and help them understand the consequences of not doing so." you replied, gaining some sort of confidence in showing him that you knew what you were talking about.
"And what are those consequences?" he asked, lazily flipping through the loose pages inside the file.
"Potentially irreparable damage to the partners' bond, bodily injury, mental strain, inability to fulfill their duties, and in extreme cases where students cannot be reassigned to new partners, expulsion."
"And how can a bond be nourished or restored?"
"Trusting in one another, appreciating your partner internally and externally, and understanding of how a healthy dynamic should look between partners." You answered as he followed along with your written word. It was as if you'd memorized the words on the page.
"Well," he concluded. "You seem very knowledgeable on the topic, your notes look great," he paused to pack the papers back into the file and handed it back to you. "As long as you tell what you just told me to your students, I have no doubt they'll be well informed."
Finally, you beamed at his analysis, happy to have his approval. Pressing the file to your chest, you went to stand, only to have him point his palm to you- a signal to stop. "Just a moment," he said, taking out a legal pad and his red pen. "Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to talk to you about something if you've got time."
You froze, a tad stunned as you fully sat back down. "Sure, I'm not in any rush," you accepted, tilting your head curiously. "Have I done something wrong?"
"Wrong isn't the right word for it," he reassured. "More like odd." Stein quickly jotted down the date, time, and your name before continuing. "You said you hadn't been well, and that Lord Death had noticed and sent you to me to double check your lesson plans. Let's talk about that."
You couldn't help but notice how his voice had changed. It wasn't quite as monotone now, and paired with his kind and genuine smile, you couldn't keep the butterflies out of your chest. He was being so gentle all of a sudden and you didn't understand what changed. "Which part?" you asked.
"Tell me about how you've been feeling, (Y/N)." he instructed. "With everything that's taken place, I don't blame you for not feeling like yourself."
You instantly knew what he was referring to. The Kishin Awakening. The battle with Medusa and Crona beneath the school. The ruined celebration of the academy. It was all fresh and heavy on your mind still. "I suppose..." you began vaguely. "Everything that's happened has stressed me out a bit."
"What happened wasn't your fault, you do know that, don't you?" he soothed, adjusting the frames on his nose. "Nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome of that fight."
"I know that," you admitted, twiddling your thumbs. "I guess I just wish there was something more I could have done. I mean, our kids were down there risking their lives- getting hurt, getting traumatized, and where was I? Stuck up here with everyone else, helpless."
Stein offered a gentle smile. "You're too hard on yourself." he laughed, removing his glasses and wiping the lenses on the tail of his coat. You were able to catch a glimpse of his eyes, swampy and genuine. They put you at ease. "Besides, you helped keep everyone calm, that's not nothing."
"Maybe you're right..." you relented, pinching the bridge of your nose and shaking your head. "I've just been having these terrible nightmares where things end differently."
"Nightmares?" He perked up, suddenly vastly more interested in what you had to say than before. "Tell me about that."
His change in attention span didn't go above your head, but you chose to ignore it for now. "I'll have dreams that the students you had with you die or become gravely injured, or that those witches managed to get into the school and hurt the people I was with."
"And have you experienced any other odd symptoms? Headaches, hallucinations, insomnia?" he asked, quickly scrawling your answers on the note pad.
"All of those, yeah," you confirmed, nodding and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "And nosebleeds."
Suddenly, Stein froze entirely. "Have these gotten worse since the Kishin awoke?" you hummed in response, giving even more basis to his hunch. "And have you had these in the past?"
"Well, I've had chronic migraines since I was a kid," you replied, unsure where he was going with this.
"Have you ever been medicated for it?" he asked, eyeing you as if waiting for you to confirm his suspicions.
"Many times," you answered, and he seemed to relax at this. "Nothing ever helped, though. Except for some herbal tea Medusa prescribed me a while back."
Stein tensed again, jotting down the new information before continuing. "And the symptoms subsided during that treatment?" You nodded and he pressed on. "And how much would you say they've worsened since you stopped taking the herbals?" You remained silent, guilt creeping up your back as you lowered your head. "(Y/N)?" Stein leaned in, concerned about your sudden shift in willingness to talk. He repeated the question, hoping you just hadn't heard, but your continued stillness told him everything he needed to know. "You're still taking them?!"
The sudden raising of his voice startled you, as well as the slamming of his fists on the desk. "Are you stupid? Don't you realize she's been poisoning you?"
"I'm sorry! It's the only thing that helps!" you cried abruptly. "I stopped for a few days but it just got so bad I couldn't resist! Now I have to take them even more often to get them to work!"
Stein composed himself, taking in and releasing a deep breath before reaching out and grabbing you by the shoulders. "That's enough, (Y/N), you need to listen to me," he began, pausing to make sure you were. "You have to stop taking those herbals, that's not medicine, it's a curse." Your eyes searched his for an indication that he was joking but came up short. "She has you addicted to this remedy, but all it does is make the problem worse, that way when you need a higher dosage, you'll have no choice but to go to her for more. Then she'll use you against us." Something in his voice revealed itself. Maybe it was worry, maybe frustration. Either way, it made your stomach churn.
"I'm about to tell you something you won't want to hear," he warned, sighing before looking back up to you again, mossy eyes boring into your (e/c) ones. "You've most likely got a parasite inside you, and it's possible she's been using it to gather information on the academy. Now that she's no longer a member of staff, you're much more important to her than you might realize."
There was nothing you could do to hold back the tears that began to stream down your cheeks. It was so ironic that the thought of bringing harm to the school had driven you mad, but in an effort to stop the madness from taking over, you put everyone in danger. "Oh my God," you sobbed, not even noticing when Stain pulled you into his chest.
"Shhh," he hushed. "Don't cry, it's gonna be okay," he reassured, rubbing your back as you cried. "Now that we know what's wrong, we can fix this."
"I'm such an idiot!" you sniveled. "I can't believe I fell for her lies!"
"You're not an idiot, you were deceived. We all were." he soothed, pushing you away and holding your shoulders at arm's length. "You made a mistake and that's okay." He withdrew himself from you, giving you a moment to compose yourself, and turned back to the desk. He then opened a drawer and pulled out a smaller pad before scribbling on it before tearing off the top page and handing it to you.
"I'm prescribing you something for the headaches and something for the parasite. When you stop taking the herbals, the hallucinations, nosebleeds, and nightmares should go away on their own."
"I didn't even know you could write prescriptions..." was all you managed to get out, still stunned at the revelation and his overall coolness about it. He simply gave you a kind smile.
"I am a doctor, after all." he chuckled, putting the two pads back into the desk drawer. "If you give me a second, I'll walk with you to the infirmary to have Nygus fill these."
You'd been nearly silent since Stein's diagnosis, and now that you were walking through the halls beside him, you couldn't bring yourself to speak. He chatted away, nonchalant as ever, and you'd usually be delighted to see this rare side of him, but you couldn't get out of your head.
Finally, you both ended up at the infirmary, him walking in ahead of you. "Evening, ma'am," he greeted the woman behind the counter, grabbing her attention.
"Oh," she said, turning around and smiling softly behind her bandages. "Hello, you two. A bit late to be at work, huh?"
"I could say the same for you," Stein laughed, leaning on the counter. "If Sid left early, I assumed you'd be with him." Nygus rolled her eyes and sighed with a lighthearted chuckle.
"Not this time, I needed some time to reorganize my office." Her sky eyes suddenly flicked up to you, then back to your companion. "So, what can I help you with?"
Stein looked back at you and tilted his head towards her, prompting you to hand over the slip he'd made you. "We just need some prescriptions filled, if you're not too busy."
"Not at all!" she chirped with a grin, taking the slip from you. "Let's see here..." Suddenly, the contour of her wrappings fell flat and the sparkle in her eyes disappeared as she looked back at the man with a questioning look.
"I know you can keep a secret, Nygus. I appreciate that about you." He smiled, aware that she'd caught his meaning.
"Well, if you've got worms, that's none of my business, now is it?" She finally said, spinning on her heels and walking deeper into her office, dreads bouncing as she went. Something about her reaction melted your heart, knowing that she knew even a fraction of the truth- the worst fraction, and she wasn't upset with you.
Within a few minutes, she'd returned, a small white paper bag in hand. She gave you a reassuring smile as she handed it over. "For the headaches, take one as needed and no more than four in a day. For the other one, take one with breakfast and one with supper every day for two weeks."
After a tad more conversation, you both thanked her and exited the infirmary. "Start those both tomorrow and keep me updated on how they work for you, if need be, we can always adjust your dosage," Stein said, turning to head back to his classroom. "Have a good night, (Y/N)."
As he walked away from you, the question that had been burning in your mind bubbled back up to the surface again and you blurted out his name. "Stein! Wait," He halted, glancing at you curiously over his shoulder as you ran to catch up to him.
"Was there something else you needed?" he asked as you stopped beside him.
"I wanted to know..." you began, fidgeting timidly with your fingers. "Why are you being so kind to me?"
He laughed heartily, which embarrassed you a tad. "I can 't recall a time where unkind to me, why wouldn't I?"
You blushed a bit, shuffling in place. "W-Well.. you're-"
"Big and scary?" he chuckled lightly.
"Um, yeah..."
"I'm sorry you feel that way, perhaps one day I can change your mind." he mused, turning to leave again.
"U-Um, Stein?" you called out again, and once again, he indulged you with a quizzical look. "I'd like to get to know you better," you confessed. "I know you're not like I thought you were, and I'm sorry I made assumptions about you."
"Well, that's kind of you to admit," he accepted, beaming.
"I was wondering..." you trailed nervously. "Since you're going to be keeping up with the results of my treatment...we should probably..." try as you might, you couldn't will the words from your throat.
"Miss (Y/N), you're going to have to come out and ask me if you want me to say yes." he finally said, hinting at knowing what you wanted.
"W-Would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow?"
"I'd love to."
Thank you for reading, if you'd kindly like and reblog, I'd greatly appreciate it!
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Chemistry Ch. 2 - Franken Stein / Reader
Summary: Much to everyone's astonishment, you and Stein get along surprisingly well.
Warnings: None. Literally just fluffy nonsense.
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"Let me try again! One last time, please?"
"Sure..." Honestly, it's way too early for Stein to endure anyone's voice longer than the bare minimum - but on the other hand, it was quite entertaining to see you all delighted over something so trivial. "Go ahead."
You giggled like an overly excited child as you pressed Stein's hands together, emitting soulwaves through your palms with ease.
It was a rather pleasant sensation, he had to admit.
...but with such a happy look on your face, he didn't really feel like destroying your efforts just like that.
"Now try moving them apart!" The strings you had formed to stitch his palms together were feeble and easily torn apart...
"Very good" your partner praised with a proud smile on his face, acting as if it was hard to set himself free. "You certainly have potential."
Learning this kind of skill sure wasn't easy. In fact, Stein was the only person known to be capable of using his soulwaves in this unique way - until now.
"Do you want some coffee?" you hummed, disrupting his line of thought. "I think I've stressed you enough this early in the morning, so it's the last I can do."
"Yeah, that would be nice" he mumbled, head resting on the table of the teacher's lounge as he watched you operate the coffee machine. "And don't worry about it - I like having little side studies."
Stein couldn't help but using his soul perception, the initials on your soul catching his attention once again - and he began to wonder: Don't they say Soulmates share similar abilities?
"Say, Y/N, what was the property of your weapon again?"
"Electricity" you answered as you put down the mug in front of him, hearing a quiet 'thank you' in between his usual self soliloquies. "Why?"
"Oh, nevermind. Forget it."
Mistaking the brooding with his usual morning grumpiness, you didn't really put much thought into your partner's words. "We sure make a good team, right? At first glance, no one'd ever expect us to be so similar."
"We are not even remotely alike" he retorted, absentmindedly stirring his drink. "Far away from it, even."
"I object. We are compatible in the ways that count!" You ended the topic like that as you sat down next to him, busying yourself with preparing today's lessons.
Since Death's order a whole month had passed without further incidents, so there was plenty of time for the two of you to grow accustomed to one another.
At the beginning you admittedly were still a little hesistant and unsure to what extend you could trust your unusual new partner, but Stein really went out of his way to act welcoming.
While he could certainly be a pain in the ass and liked to annoy you more often than not, he was also reliant, funny, witty - and could even be quite charming if he felt like it.
However, sometimes it was hard to conceive whether the man was being genuine, or if he was just acting to give you a false sense of security.
Spirit, knowing him best, emphasized that even though Stein certainly had a more humane side towards certain people, he was emotionally immature and unable to control the different sides of his personality...
...and that he was in fact very talented when it came to playing along with what's considered 'normal' behavior - even if you rather wouldn't want to know what's going on behind the facade.
And while Stein himself was amazed that your constant presence didn't bug him in the slightest, something about it still wasn't sitting right with him.
The small possibility of you poor thing being his Soulmate, that is.
"You done there?" Stein leaned over to see the last few tests you were currently grading - way too late, obviously, since class started in not even twenty minutes. "I can help you with that, you know."
You had been obsessed with perfecting Stein's soulwave technique lately, and had wasted a lot of time on training those past few evenings instead of doing your actual work.
"Forget it!" you wouldn't even look up from the papers, feeling irritated that you could get distracted by his stare so easily. "I've screwed up myself, so I'll get it done myself. And also: Your handwriting is awful."
"Aww, you should hear yourself." Not that he doesn't know what it's like to rather drop dead than to accept someone's help, but your stubbornnes was almost endearing. "Death's hard-working little lapdog."
"You're one to talk, you freaky douchebag!" You punched Stein's stomach softly, a few sparks of your soulwaves disappearing into thin air as soon as they touched him...
...Soulmates are also unable to harm each other with their souls, he mused.
"We should take bets whether they start making out or get at each others's throat first." The source of that aggravating voice was Sid, entering the teacher's lounge together with the others who had been in the canteen during lunch break.
"Fair enough" Stein cackled, even though you were the opposite of amused. "Don't encourage them! And also: gross."
"Hey, I consider myself quite a catch." Seems like he's enjoying the subject as long as it get's on your nerves.
"Yeah, so does Spirit" you scoffed, hearing the man whine in the background before he proved you right as he started bothering one of the other female teachers.
Out of a whim, Stein put his arm around your shoulder, jokingly declaring "Besides: This is the woman that let me operate on her without a sedative. So she's not too bad either."
You blinked up at the man, taken aback by the sudden proximity before watching your wrist. The wound was almost nonexistent now, just as he had promised back then - and you couldn't help but feel grateful.
"So that's the only way to earn your respect?" Naigus spat bitterly, walking past the man without biding him another look. "Psycho."
Maria Naigus sure was the hardest colleague to deal with - at least ever since you had been assigned to Stein, that is...
...and that mix of disdain and pity whenever she looked at you was somehow hard to bear.
Moreso, it seemed like he always drew the focus on himself, so the others would leave you alone. "If you want to find out, you know the location of my laboratory."
"Haha, maybe." Stein himself seemed completely unfazed by the constant degrading. Well, he's probably used to be the centre of negative attention either way.
Naigus chose to ignore him, rather whispering some barely audible curses under her breath as she stormed outside the room again. Sid rushed after her after uttering a half-heartedly apology on behalf of his partner.
There was a while of uncomfortable silence until soon the remaining teachers would leave for their respective classes as well, and you finally felt like you could breathe freely again.
You should've been used to this kind of treatment by now, and if not you should hurry up and do so - because this is what it's like to be associated with Stein.
"Well that was uncalled for" you said, about whom of the two you weren't sure. "Why does she have such a great problem with you?"
"Who doesn't?" he shrugged, just to be sharply poked to the chest by you. "Me, for example."
"Yeah, that's right." You felt Stein's hand petting your head, smiling at you almost innocently. "Thanks for putting up with me, Y/N."
"Oh, I- uh...it's actually fun being around you, ya know? Never get's boring at least."
There was something about whenever the two of you touched that shot pleasant tingles through your whole system, no matter how desperately tried to contain this feeling...
...and little did you know that Stein felt just the same.
You gave it your best to avoid his intense gaze, willing to do anything to change the topic before he'd notice your nervosity - only then realizing that the clock showed five past 1pm. "We should go. Class has already started."
"In that case, how about we meet after work today?" he suggested, curiosity getting the better of him as he wondered if his theory might be correct after all. "To spar a little, I mean."
Your function at Death Academy was to lead some of the weapon exclusive classes, and others which focused way more on the practical usage of one's abilities than theoretical knowledge.
And many, many times you had asked Stein to accompany you for a demonstration, which he had always politely declined. In fact, until now he had completely avoided to use your weapon form at all.
So it was no wonder his offer made you a little suspecting.
"I thought there's no need for that, since you're such a great Meister and all?" Still jittery beyond belief, you shuffled away from the man to become clear-headed again.
"It could help us getting used to each other's fighting style, though." As if a goddamn genius like him only now noticed this.
There just had to be a superior motive to his idea, yet you couldn't put your finger on what it was.
"Y/N?" Stein waved a hand in front of your face at your lack of answer. "So, what do you say?"
"Okay, okay!" You threw your hands into the air, gaining a cheeky smirk of your partner. "Fine by me. 4pm at your laboratory?"
"Can't wait, my dear."
The last hours of school went by incredibly fast - that's probably what enjoying your job must be like...
...and now for the rather unpleasant part.
"I honestly have no idea what awaits me at a place someone like you calls 'home'" you teased as Stein escorted you to his laboratory.
"I always found uncertainty eery exciting, don't you?"That was a lie, and you knew it. As intrigued as he was by so many things, the constant ambiguity of his own self sure had to be exhausting, if not deeply frustrating.
You were correct of course, since right now Stein was concerned for your wellbeing - or rather the consequences if you'd find out to be Soulmates after all.
As much as it being true would be a blessing for himself, it would also be a curse for you on the other end.
Staying blissfully unaware would be better than a life-long sentence written in stone, right?
But hey, in the end the two of you had to find out eventually - even if the idea itself didn't even cross your oblivious mind yet.
"...why am I not surprised" you taunted as you saw the huge patchwork building at the horizon. "You live pretty far away from...everything, don't you think?"
"I like to have my peace and quiet while working" he shrugged it off, mutely adding "and like this no one can hear the screams."
Seems lonely, you thought.
"At least we can go all out here!" Feeling a rush of motivation and adrenaline flowing through you, you stretched a little before you grabbed his wrist. "Ready?"
"Ready when you are."
In an instant, you had transformed right into Stein's hands, feeling the massive power radiating off of him now flowing through you.
And that you were supposed to channel and amplify?!
"Don't worry, I can control the output" your partner reassured you, as if able to hear your thoughts. "Also, you're a Death Scythe - and a very competent one at that. With you I shouldn't need to hold back."
"Huh, how considerate. I'll go easy on you the first time as well!" you cheered, knowing that the burden of wielding a weapon as powerful as yourself had it's limits - even for someone like him.
And indeed, there was no need to get used to each other, for the instant connection between the two of you felt as natural as nothing you had ever before experienced.
"This is incredible! Don't you think so too, Y/N?" Stein was laughing almost manically as he manoeuvred your weapon with ease, leaving you a little uneasy. "Y-Yeah...but please don't overdo it, okay?"
"Soul resonance?" Both of you suggested in unison, and in a matter of seconds you were ready for the blow. It was amazing, what sheer power you were capable to synthesize together.
Something like this shouldn't even be possible, unless...
"Shit!" The shockwave of energy following your attack could most likely even be heared far away back in the city...
...and right there, at Death Academy, two spectators had witnessed your little performance as well.
The two of you were unable to see it with your own eyes, but anyone with soul perception could've seen the initials on your respective souls brightly lighting up.
"Master Death..." Spirit was left at loss for words by the sight they both observed through Death's mirror. "I've never seen a soul resonance like this."
"Yeah, a Death Scythe in combination with the strongest Meister is immensely powerful for itself, as you already know..." Death explained calmly as the scene unfolded in front of him, "But what dimensions would their potential reach if at the same time, they'd happen to be soulmates as well?"
"How most unfortunate...or not? It could be beneficial, yet also unpredictable..." Seems like not even Death had planned for this outcome, yet an overwhelmed Spirit still felt the need to defend his former partner for some reason. "We won't know how this ends until we see it with our own eyes."
"Either way, what an incredible twist of events. I'll need you to keep an eye on those two."
"Stein!" you exclaimed as he had fallen over due to the recoil, transforming yourself back. "Are you alright?!"
"Heh, worried for me I see?" he gave you that shameless grin again, to which you'd simply pout. "Can you be serious for once? We've almost wrecked your house."
"I think it went pretty decently for the first time" he evaluated contently, looking at all the havoc the two of you wreaked in his front lawn.
"Strange man, strange hobbies, strange views..." You sighed, offering him a hand and almost losing balance yourself as you pulled the tall man up.
"I could get used to this" Stein stated quite jubilant, dwelling in the afterwaves of your soul. Time sure ran fast when together, both of you realized as you saw the moon raise over a purple sky. "Should I accompany you home?"
"No, actually-" you stopped yourself halfway through the sentence, biting your lip as you realized how stupid the idea might sound...
...just to give in to this whim anyways. "I-I'm exhausted. Do you think I could stay the night?"
"Sure, suit yourself." This time it was you supportingly putting your arm around Stein, whose back hurt a little more than he was willing to admit. "But don't complain if you get dissected."
"As long as I wake up again, why not?" you snickered and your partner couldn't help but break out in laughter as well. Maybe it would be nice to have some company for a change - if it's you at least.
"No, seriously: I trust you with my life, Stein."
"Oh, I'm honored - but I don't think I deserve that praise yet" he dismissed the compliment, yet you wouldn't give in. "Then you better hurry up and prove yourself."
Impossible, he thought. Someone as naive as yourself can't possibly be his Soulmate...
...otherwise this story would have the complete opposite of a happy ending.
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mari2akary · 7 months
Guess what friends, you can now send me requests for tickle fics!. The fandoms I will write for are.
Owary No Seraph: (Ferid Bathory, Crowley, Lacus, Reader) Naruto: (Reader, Kabuto, Orochimaru) Kimetsu no yaiba: (Enmu, Douma, Reader) Soul Eater: (Dr Franken Stein, Reader) Marvel: (Loki, Thor, Reader) Netflix Dracula: (Dracula, Aghata, Reader, Zoe) Creepypastas: (Jason the toymaker, Lauguing Jack, Reader, Dr Smile) Blue Exorcist: (Mephisto, Rin, Yukio, Reader)
At the moment I write more about Naruto. and the fics will never be with romantic relationships, only bonds of best friends, brothers, mentors or father figures.
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Franken Stein / Reader: lucent (adj.) - softly bright or radiant
...in which you take care of him.
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Warnings: Slight Angst, Dark Thoughts, Self-Loathing -Neglect and -Harm, Mentions of Mental Illness and Past Abuse, Blood Noteable: GN! Reader, Weapon! Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Made Up Background Story Words: ~4200
"Don't tell me you've been brooding around in the darkness all day!"
What a self-explanatory question, on second thought. Same procedure as every time.
Stein's lack of response made you sigh, a loud bang echoing through the wide room as you put down several bags on the nearest table. You flipped the lightswitch, however he seemed to be buried so deeply inside of whatever he was currently obsessing over that not even the bright lamps of the laboratory could bring him down to earth again.
The man itself was mutely sitting backwards on his rolling chair, his chin resting on the backrest being the only thing keeping him from collapsing right then and there.
"Hey there, Stein..." Your voice was barely above a whisper when you approached him, reluctantly waving a hand in front of his face to get him to notice you. "I'm back from shopping. Also brought the samples you wanted."
In that state it was never a good idea to startle him, so you were always hesistant to touch the prof in any way. Even being a death scythe yourself, god knows even one sole hit of his soul wavelenghts could send you flying through the wall. You had your own fair share of pain over the years, but you'd obviously avoid it if possible.
"Oh?" Finally, Stein managed to tear his eyes away from the screen he's been glued on for hours. "Welcome home."
The word 'home' made a small smile tug on your lips which he'd immediately mirror, but you knew him better than that. For a man known to be absent of most emotions, he had perfected the art of showing off completely normal expressions. His appearance was already enough to unsettle most people interacting with him, after all.
Behind that facade, however, his feelings had just dampened down to an amount he could not express properly - so you'd always fear what silent turmoil would be going on on the inside.
His eyes gave it away, how part of him still seemed to be far away from reality, and the dark circles underlining his lids painfully showed you the extend of his exhaustion.
You highly doubted that those past hours of your absence were even remotely productive if anything. It wasn't the first time during those many, many years that you had seen him like this - staring at a vast nothingness while trapped inside his own mind.
Franken was a man whose interest, let alone joy, could only rarely be evoked by anything else than this science only he himself could make sense of. Though he was a highly intelligent man - or maybe precisely because of it - he was very well aware of his own sensitivity to madness.
And on certain times, it was extraordinarily hard to keep in check.
"Come" you cooed, slightly rubbing circles on his back before taking ahold of his wrist. "I've already run you a bath. Gonna make us dinner in the meantime."
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You just knew he hasn't spend a single second of the day worrying about his own well-being - but hey, that's what you are there for after all.
Sometimes Stein seemed like a literal zombie, at least one would question if he was actually alive when they could see him like this empty shell of a man. Wordlessly, he rose from his seat and let you drag him through the hallway, his huge silhouette following you closely.
As he watched you cheerfully tiptoe through this literal horror house, even humming a little melody, the thick haze laying heavy on his mind would finally lift.
Yes, having you around was certainly beneficial in some ways. At the beginning he would've never thought it possible, but you were able to remind him of that crucial fact time and time again.
Of course you were annoyingly naive and intrusive at times, but useful nonetheless. Helping him remember all those bothersome needs his body naturally has, for example. Stein tend to forget himself in his work more often than not, and that could become problematic for his progress.
How could one get proper research done if they for example simply forgot to sleep for several days? Certainly not useful for proper function of one's brain.
On particular bad days, he'd ignore all the signs his body was desperately showing until he'd eventually pass out - but you on the other hand were aware of every little hint his otherwise shut down physique was giving.
And even if he still thought selfcare to be a waste of time, you had the talent to make it somewhat bearable.
"You really need to stop smoking" you almost mocked, sheepishly trying to distract yourself from staring at the man that undressed himself in front of you just like that. "Your clothes smell like a damn ashtray."
"Mhh..." was all you got for an answer, but you didn't mind. It wasn't like you and Stein ever needed words to understand each other either way, so when he sank down into the bathtub you reluctantly you decided to give him some space.
Without you being close Franken would begin to zone out again, rigidly sitting in the hot water that was doing nothing to help him feel human again. His aimless eyes wandered through the room, catching shady silhouettes here and there, proof of his mind playing tricks on him.
"By the way" he heared you call out for him behind the half-opened door, and your voice was so soothing he both wanted it on tape and to cut out your vocal cords for examination. "Getting those samples wasn't particulary easy. You need to pay me better for those missions!"
"I'm not paying you at all..." It was the first full sentence that left his lips this evening, and while it's meaning may be unimportant it did not fail to make you laugh. "Yeah, well maybe that's the problem!"
Not even a real conversation later you had quickly prepared the ingredients so you could leave them cooking by itself, while checking on your troublesome partner in the meantime.
"You sure are a piece of work..." you muttered under your breath as you found him in front of a broken mirror, blood running down his knuckles. Your heart sank into your stomach at the forlorn soul in front of you, his eyes fixated in a dark corner of the ceiling. "So it's that bad again, huh?"
Stein could only do so much as nod in shame, face stoic and wiped clean from any emotion. Immediately you grabbed a towel and began rubbing the drippingly wet man, then handing him a pile of fresh clothes as if his current state wasn't the most disturbing view.
Well, you were more than used to it - and glad to help every single time.
You could've sworn to earn an apologetic look from Stein as he calmly watched you removed the splinters from his skin, finishing with a clean bandage. Not even the disinfectant would have him flinch, and you heared the doc scold you about worrying too much and that this wound was nothing.
Yeah, you knew very well that he was used to way worse.
So many times you had stopped him from losing himself completely, kept him from doing something he might regret later and defended him through everything you failed to prevent.
Many would be concerned for your safety, thought you to be a victim trapped by a manipulative mastermind. No one could possibly understand why someone as kind and righteous as you could stay with a literal monster like Franken Stein, but that was simply not how you saw him.
Having witnessed a great deal of his childhood was more than enough to see the man in a completely different light. How the things that had happened to Stein have shaped and distorted him so much that it had left that huge of an impact even in the present. It was also most likely the reason why while he exceled in many ways, other most basic things he had failed to mature in at all.
Both you and Stein were caught up together since even before both of you had developed a proper conscience, not even remembering what your old homes had been like - that's just how young the two of you had been when you were abducted from your respective homes.
Many talented children, both weapons and potential meisters had been torn out of their families back then to serve cruel research purposes...
...however asides from you and Stein none of the others had survived that year-long torment.
And you owed the fact that you were still alive and able to live a somewhat normal life to him alone: A boy just as young and innocent as you, who you had never met until a cruel fate had put you in this hell together.
And what he did for your sake you would never be able to make up for.
Most of the extraordinary cruel procedures he would volunteer for whenever possible just so you would be spared, leaving you feeling both eternally grateful and with a deep guilt.
As months had turned into years in this nightmarish facility, the agonizing pain they drilled into this young boy's mind and body slowly but steadily changed him. Stein's conscience and emotions seemed to have vanished almost completely, being replaced with an insane hostility towards everything and everyone but you.
They had tainted his innocent soul, and so you ultimatively had to endure seeing the only good thing in your terrible life being altered beyond recognition.
And when both of you were freed, his mind was already completely broken.
Some might say that this debt is what's driving you to stay at his side all this time, but there's more to it - something good and bright and hopeful, and you wanted to try and share it with him until this day and beyond.
Because despite all his past wrongdoings, you were able to see the huge progress he made over the years, that much you could proudly claim.
Franken Stein was not beyond help, that much you wholeheartedly wanted to believe.
"Can you-" Stein's voice cracked before he could finish his request, feeling as if the burden of madness constantly creeping to poison his mind was crushing him fully.
Your hand was already on his sternum as he spoke, his muscles tensing as you hovered above the place that covered the strained heart you still knew he possessed. "Yeah, of course."
A deep, relieved breath escaped his lungs as you channeled your soul's wavelenghts to match his, entering his mind and body with ease. Stein would finally relax, shoulders slacking and goosebumps raising under your tender caress.
Those soulwaves of yours felt like a warm embrace, encoating him completely as if to shield him from everything...including himself. Madness might forever be lurking somewhere in a deep, dark corner of his mind - but thanks to you, it would always be damned to be pushed back, never to break through.
Sometimes, even though part of him felt remorse for depending on you so muc, he thought like this feeling was the way it should be for him. As if you were made for him and him only. And in a certain way, it was true. Those people altering you so brutally back then had succeeded in doing so.
The perfect weapon for the most powerful master.
"Thank you" Stein spoke in an unusual cheerful tone, turning onto the large screw in his head like he always would to rearrange his thoughts. "I'm feeling way better already."
"Glad to hear that" you responded softly, your hand subconsciously finding it's way to his cheek. "How about we eat now?"
"Sorry, not hungry." Oh, you wanted to punch some rason into him for that statement, to scold him about the importance of nourishing his body and all the work you put into cooking...
...but instead you were rewarded with Stein firmly putting his arms around you.
The tall man's head rested on yours, silently indulging in the moment for a while with no intention to let you go again. "What would I do without you, Y/N?"
"Wha- you..." Flabbergasted, you found yourself unable to string words together, trying to object to no avail.
"I think I've stressed you out more than enough tonight" Stein declared gratefully before daring to peck a ghostly kiss into your hair, the spark in his eyes you had missed all night having returned - that alone was more than rewarding for you.
"You're never bothering me, Franky." You pouted at the accusation, the fact that this man never learns to accept it. "I like being with you. I like you!"
"So much you're forgetting to think of yourself sometimes." Franky snorted at the nickname, squeezing your shoulders ever so slightly. "Get some rest now. I'll clean up your mess in the kitchen, okay?"
"Talking as if you were not all helpless before" you mocked him, poking his chest. "Alright, but only if you promise to lie down afterwards as well!"
Stein rose his arms in defense, smirking cheekily though he knew better than to argue with his metaphorical caretaker. "If you insist."
Taking care of Stein was one of the more easier tasks in your opinion, might not even be real work to you. After all, you cherished spending your time with him, no matter in what way.
But damn, the man just knew how to push your buttons!
As soon as he'd feel like himself again, he always tended to become all dominant and smug, in huge contrast to his usual lost puppy self.
Almost like he had two faces, and you didn't know which one of them was the actual healthy one. Both had their concerning qualities...
...yet it was nothing compared to the few occasions you had to see the true extend of his madness, shall it devour him.
On your way to the bedroom the sensation of your heart hammering against your chest would not falter in the slightest. That brief hug had brought your blood to a boil, making you feel like your complete body was on fire.
Sometimes you wondered if Stein was simply messing with you, or if you might only be imagining things. Hard to tell while being completely oblivious about the depht of your own feelings as well.
And even though you knew his affection for you to be genuine, his complicated character together with his confusing manners made his actions ambiguous most of the time.
Still, after everything he had done for you already you never doubted how far his feelings for you would reach. Stein could be sweet and caring if he wanted to, and also oddly domestic.
Analysing the composition of your relationship didn't matter, though. You were content with how things were between the two of you, right?
It was already pitch black outside when you crawled into bed, eyes clinging to the stars as the only light source. Your mind was racing with questions you had asked yourself many times already, though you knew they would lead to unfullfilling dead ends.
Sleeping was an especially hard exercise for your traumatized self to perform, for nightmares surely weren't shaken off easily even after all the time that had passed.
Sometimes you wondered how you were able to live in this laboratory where simply everything would so painfully remind you of all you've been through.
The solution to all of this was easy of course, the answer was always him.
Only Stein was able to make you overcome your fears, his presence alone banishing the memories haunting you away. To you, he was somewhat of a tragic hero, even though he had become the very thing that had tormented you all your childhood: A ruthless scientist and immorale sadist at that.
Yet he had sworn to protect you and never even once broke that oath. Gave you a home you would always gladly return to, thus alone erasing all those plaqueing fractions of your past, replacing it with memories to hold dear.
Giving up on him was no option. No matter what anyone else might think, not even Stein himself could stop you from seeing the good in him. You'd always have faith in him finding his way - and no matter what path he might choose, you would follow.
Maybe you'd have sweet dreams for a change, you thought as the last thing present in your exhausted mind was the image of Stein's thankful smile towards you, hugging the sheets as you soundly drifted into a sweet slumber.
Several hours later and in a whole other room however, the professor was still desperately unable to find any rest.
It was a fight that would never stop to continue: An eternal battle with madness about who's gonna prevail over his soul. He tossed and turned, sheets feeling like sandpaper on his skin in contrast to the remembrance of your silky touch.
Your scent, the gentle waves your soul was radiating were simply everywhere....and it was driving him crazier than madness ever could, pulling on every last of his nerve strings.
Actually, Stein knew what to do to find relief. It was so simple yet also so much more harder than anything he had ever done.
Obtaining it was impossible. An equation not meant to be solved.
Not even a sociopathic freak like himself could deny it any longer, how his heart was yearning for you - breaching whenever you were out of his reach, only to lead insanity through the cracks.
Why weren't you able to see the abomination everyone else does? Why pity a man who has drifted as far away from a victim as one could be? He was mutilated and instable, a constant burden and threat to anyone around him - especially you.
Stein was giving it his utmost to fill the emptiness of this unrequited love with his research, though not even that would be able to keep his madness in check anymore.
For your sake, he was always trying to become a better man. A dream never to come true, for he could not get out of his own skin.
Having you around was already more than enough, a privilege he stopped deserving a long time ago.
It would be selfish to demand more.
As soon as he was able to focus again, Stein found himself in the middle of your room. Apparently the delusional part of him had taken advantage and rushed towards you before he even realized.
Gladly, at least you haven't woken up to notice him yet.
He cursed internally, fists clenching as he tried to leave instead of giving in to the inevitable pull he felt towards you. Fighting the urge to soothe that ache he had sucessfully suppressed for so long already.
Easier said than done, for he wasn't alone in his own head...so many voices and they were all screaming your name.
Stein was rooted on spot as his glare bored holes into you, fingernails digging deep enough into his own flesh to draw blood as he watched your chest slightly have with every breath. You looked magnificent even while sleeping, like a piece of art that wasn't meant to be tainted by touch. Your soul, he could perceive it as clearly as daylight and it was just as bright.
But as much adoration as he held for you, there were always two sides of a coin.
More often than not he felt a dark envy for being able to preserve your humanity even through everything. He believed you to be stronger than him, knew himself to be lacking something from the very start - maybe ever since he was born.
Or maybe you were possessing a unique trait, something that made you different in the way you could pull even someone as wicked as him towards the light.
Vivid scenarios began flashing in front of his inner eye, tempting him to still his curiosity by force.
Of course, that was what he had always been. Deep down he was a beast, and you knew it - that's what they had turned him into. A homicidal maniac.
The fact that you were always there for him despite the risks could only mean you wouldn't mind if he eventually fulfilled his desire like you had seen so many times before, or doesn't it?
It could only be that way. You want him to hurt you, maybe die by his hands even.
Yes, the narcotic would be quickly prepared, and then he would dissect his obsession with you away. If he could only to find out what makes you so special, then he could finally erase and overcome this weak spot for you.
Stein's eyes widened as you turned around at that moment, feeling caught in the act even though you were still soundly asleep. He was rooted on spot, eyes fixated on the huge unsighty scar on your left abdomen you had revealed as you kicked away the blanket.
In opposite to his initial plan, his insides churned at the sight. The remembrance of the scar's origin made his heart drop to his stomach, as if to be burned by black bile.
Due to his rather disturbing hobbies he was used to see massive amounts of blood without it evoking any emotional reaction, and more often than not he was being the one responsible for it in the first place....
...but the memory of your bleeding out self lying in his arms made him feel sick to the core.
You had been severly injured after a fight back when both of you had been pupils at DWMA - all because you had tried shielding him with your own body. Even in his adolescence the young man had already primed in his knowledge about the human body, so closing a wound like this was nothing to him...
...and yet he didn't.
Smart girl, he thought and though he was not one to cry easily, his eyes started to water for the first time in what felt like decades. You had hidden that scar away from him intentionally, fearing what would become out of him if he was to remember.
A faint scream echoed in his head, mixing together with his own crazy laugh - becoming louder and louder as if to taunt him for what he had done. Because instead of stitching you together as he was supposed to, the possibility of your imminent death had made him snap.
Stein had hurt you back then, he was sure of it.
"Hey, Franky..."
The man froze in shock at you being awake, but before he could rush out you took a hold of his hand and immediately led it to the scar - he was an open book to you, after all. "I know what you're brooding about...it's alright."
"Y/N, I- back then..." he gulped harshly, only able to watch in awe at how content you smiled at him. It just wasn't logical, how much you trusted him. "Did I-"
"No, you didn't."
Something in his eyes, this intense vulnerability gave it away that he would not belive you in the slightest. He reluctantly let his fingers glide over the terribly healed scar, clenching his jaw in anger. No way he had treated it.
"It's true you went berserk back then" you chuckled awkwardly, yawning sleepily as if this was no serious matter. "Kinda scared me, to be honest."
Stein retracted his hand, facing the ground with an unreadable expression. If only you could read his thoughts you wished, or maybe it was better that you can't. There was a reason his mind chose to block out certain things.
"I've never seen someone singlehandedly defeat so many enemies without their weapon." That was sugarcoating to be honest, he literally obliterated them. Usually, you rather chose not thinking about that day too much, wanting to forget ever having seen him that way. It simply hurt too much. "You didn't even stop to tear them apart even after they died, until-"
"...I heared you scream."
"Yeah." Stein looked at you in disbelief as you tugged on the collar of his labcoat, effectively bringing the man crouching in front of your bed to fall. Not that he would stuggle all that much anyway. "You took revenge and came back. All just for me."
Even in this state of madness Stein wasn't able to even lay a finger on you back then, yet sadly he was also mentally in no condition to treat your wounds nonetheless.
"Our past doesn't define us" you whispered confidently, putting the blanket over the two of you. "Neither does your madness. You don't need to be fixed, or shunned, or punished. Just be yourself, that's perfect for me."
Cupping his cheeks between your palms, you felt Stein pressing your whole body against him as if he feared you to disappear if he was to ever let go.
How could it be that you've seen him at his worst, and could still always look at him with that emotion no one else had ever directed towards him?
This was simply too good to be true. Maybe his mind was leading him on him again, showing him what he desired most just to torture him with taking it away-
"I love you, Stein."
Before he could object, that confession would be sealed with a kiss, covering his slight agape mouth with your lips...
...and eventually he allowed himself to indulge in that sensation, closing his eyes as he reciprocated your gift.
You made sure to peck another, more gentle kiss onto his lips, forehead, collarbone, before an overchallenged Stein turned you around and clung onto your back.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything."
Franken's face was buried in your neck, heavy breaths evening out against your skin. "I think I'll accept the teaching job at the DMWA."
"Really?" That sure was a sudden change of topic, but this way probably came more natural to him than to actually talk about what he was feeling. "That sounds nice. You actually seem to have taken a liking to those kids, huh?"
"They kinda remind me of us back then." You snickered at the thought. "God, I sure hope not. We were awful teenagers."
"Just the two of us against the rest of the world..." Stein mumbled against your skin, his soft snore already entering your ear as you added "That never changed."
Tonight, the two of you had found peace within each other.
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Chemistry Ch. 1 - Franken Stein / Reader
Summary: Your first days as a new teacher in Death Academy doesn't exactly go as planned. Warnings: Injury, Blood
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"Is that the true reason you called me back here?"
Since Master Death had informed you that all Death Scythes were to immediately return to Death Academy, it hasn't even been a full week - and yet, for him to drop a bomb like this before you even had a chance to settle in your new role as teacher...
"No no, my dear! You got it all wrong!" Death answered, frantically waving his hands. "...well, that was not the only reason, at least."
You clenched your fists at this sentence, feeling used and deceived to have been summoned here to serve a completely different purpose.
Becoming the weapon of the infamous Franken Stein? What a farce.
"Correct me if I'm wrong" you spoke with the utmost respect, giving it your best to not let your true sentiment shimmer through, "but isn't the professor perfectly capable of fighting on his own?"
While you've never personally met Dr. Stein, his reputation certainly preceded him...
...and the rumors you heard were more than enough for you to never involve yourself with this person any further.
"As always, you're right!" He snapped with his fingers and you instantly crossed your arms in defense.
"However, there have been a lot of concerning incidents lately - like the appearance of the Demon Sword, for example." Sometimes, Death's constant unnaturally cheerful tone creeped you out - especially when he was talking about a serious matter.
"This is the reason I decided for some precautions, and in case of a Kishin incident Stein needs to be at his peek."
You faced the ground, lip trembling as you desperately tried to ignore Spirit's pitying glare on you.
Ultimatively, your objections were meaningless compared with Death's wits and foresight...
...so you bowed down in acceptance of your fate.
"If you think this is necessary, I comply. I'd never refuse an order from you, Master Death."
"As you already know, Stein the most capable meister to ever graduate this academy" you repeated Death's lecture to calm down your nerves. "So though I'd personally prefer it, you don't necessarily need to share a bond with him in order to work together."
Nonetheless, you should at least introduce yourself if not getting to know him. It's the least you can do, right?
What kept you from doing so however was the image you had already painted of him in your head.
After all, even though he is basically able to wield any weapon instantly, Stein has been without partner for many years now - and for a reason at that.
As irritating as that douchebag Spirit could be, he had no reason to lie about his past with your soon-to-be partner...
...and the stores he had to offer sure were hard to stomach. Same goes for all the other teachers you desperately asked for advice.
They all had a very solidified opinion about the professor: Basically, while they acknowledged his incredible talent, they simultaneously feared his huge potential for evil.
"That man has no love in him" Naigus words had become a mental echo those past days, just as she hoped when she had hammered that warning into your head. "Be careful - one day he'll definetly succumb to madness."
What exactly was Death expecting of you? Observe him and interfere if necessary? But then he wouldn't have given you the option to ignore Stein for as long as you didn't have to fight.
There had to be a superior motive to this insane forced partnership! And from the way it sounds, becoming the moral support of a narcissistic maniac didn't really sound like a job you'd willingly take.
Not that you had a say in that matter, or any other option at all. Overthinking it would only torture yourself...
...it was better to just wait and see.
"Good morning" you cheered as you entered the medical ward, reminding yourself that there's other things to take care of which need your attention. "Sorry to interrupt, but...shit."
That last word accidentally slipped out loud when you saw not Dr. Medusa, but Stein of all people occupying the computer of the examination room.
"Mhh? Oh." Judging from the tone of his voice, the man was just as pleased to meet as you were - though you weren't sure if it was because of you or just his renowned misanthropy in general.
Maybe it was just your own nerves, but the air suddenly felt too thick to breathe properly. You clearly felt his eyes scanning you behind those glasses that would censor his intensions.
After a while of strained silence, the doc seemed to have enough of you disrupting his work. "Come on in, I won't bite."
It was embarassing, pityful, stupid that you still won't move - and yet your body just didn't listen to your command, being frozen still in the doorframe.
You had no clue whether it was repulsion or sheer fear, but whatever it was you needed to pull it together.
There was no reason to become so flustered by a man you knew from probably way too exaggerated tales only - you were a Death Scythe, damnnit!
A kick of his against the table brought you down to earth again, making you flinch. The momentum it created was enough for his rolling chair to move in your direction, to closer examine the wound on your wrist that had already bled through it's makeshift bandage.
"That's not good" he stated matter-of-factly, a neutral expression decorating his face. "Want me to take a look?"
"...why not" you spoke between gritted teeth, trying to avoid his gaze. "Only if I'm not bothering you, that is."
"Don't worry, that's also part of my job here" Stein shrugged if off, taking one last pull on his cigarette before throwing it away as you hesistantly took place on one of the cots.
"Actually, I've wondered when you'd finally come here." That statement shouldn't let your blood run cold, yet it did. "Didn't think you'd go this far just to have an excuse to meet me, though. A simple 'hello' would've sufficed."
"Not funny" you cut him off harshly, but at the same time couldn't help but laugh as Stein fell over with his stool, facepalming the floor. He didn't seem like the clumsy type at all, so maybe he did it on purpose to help you relax?
Anyway, you concluded this man didn't mean any harm - at least not currently. And in case he tried something funny, you were still in the academy, basically surrounded by three-star-meisters that could come to your aid at any time.
"Looks nasty" he said quite unempathetic, roughly moving your injured arm to proper assess the damage. "But I've seen worse. Can you move your fingers for me?"
"As I expected" the doctor explained as he saw you fail to close your fist, watching in sadistic awe at the way your wound was twitching painfully. "One of the main tendons of your carpus is severed, along with some muscles and blood vessles."
No matter what medical terms he was throwing at you all professional, the fact that he was not even trying to hide his obvious joy for the injury of others like that was certainly unsettling...
...however, if he excels at his craft like everyone says, you'd try and stay calm.
"Nothing I can't fix. There won't be any long-term damage."
"That's good, I guess?" you chuckled awkwardly, still feeling a little unsafe as Stein slipped into sterile gloves and poured disinfectant on the cut.
"So, how did it happen?" That question sure caught you off guard, for it did not fit his profile at all. Someone this self-centered couldn't possibly care about such inferior details, but whatever...anything to distract yourself from the pain. "Stupid accident. One of my students doesn't know how to control their strenght yet. I hope they don't blame themselves..."
"Huh, is that so?" His tone was eccentric and laced with amusement, a predatory glint sparkling in his otherwise cold, dampened green eyes. "If you like to volunteer as a test subject for others, I should invite you over to my laboratory some time."
"I have no clue if that counts as harassment or threat, or both" you spat angrily, that throbbing pain in your wrist being the only thing keeping you from slapping that douche right now. "But you should read the fucking room. Right now, I am your patient. So act accordingly."
"Yeah, yeah" he dismissed your scold with that shiteating grin, happy to already know what buttons to press with you. "But outside this room you're my new partner, am I wrong? Can't be all that bad to get a little familiar with each other."
Sadly, you had no sassy remark to return to this. It was inevitable that you'd have to get along with each other eventually, so you should use this opportunity to your advantage.
While the disinfectant would do it's deed and eventually dry off, Stein used those few seconds to assess the soul of the person in front of him.
Not that he ever gave a crap about soulmates - and honestly, he doubted to have one himself. A person meant to be with him either has to be just as deranged as he was, or they'd deserve all of his pity...
...what was more interesting though were the standarts Death had used to pick out a weapon for Stein, and why he chose you of all people as a fitting candidate to bear with him.
Ah, he sees.
A kind and amicable soul like yours was the most resistant to corruption, opposite to his own. He had felt that calming aura of yours as soon as you first stepped foot into the room, how your soulwaves silenced the madness lingering inside of him.
Good choice one could very well live with. If it came to him, he'd also choose you as an ideal partner.
What involuntarily caught his attention however were the messy-written letters 'F.S.' - almost as if carved into your soul. They were glowing in a menacing crimson red, standing out from your otherwise bright soul. A reliable soul type, linked to a person with raw power, passion and great urge for self-expression...
...yet also defiance, danger and pain.
"Hey!" Noticing his stare, you hugged yourself even if your arms in front of your chest did nothing to hide what's behind. "Stop staring into my soul! That's impolite!"
"Sorry" he halfheartedly apologized, offering you a glass of water and a painkiller to go with it. "It's not poisoned" he added, almost as if insulted by your wary expression.
"The painkiller won't suffice, though. I probably have to anesthesize you, otherwise stitching it would hurt too much-"
"Nope! You just wanna dissect me, don't you?!" you blurted out without thinking first, and immediately felt guilt wash over you when you saw Stein's puzzled expression.
There was no use in asking questions he already knew the answer for. Spirit probably told you what things he was capable of doing if you're defensless in his presence, so it was no wonder you wouldn't trust him.
"Honestly, I didn't plan to ruin that perfect skin of yours today, or any day, but whatever." Ouch, now you felt like an asshole for accusing him just like that. You've met your partner for the first time today, and were already fucking up that badly... "That sounded nasty, you pervert. I-I mean, can't you just numb out my arm or something?"
"It was meant as a compliment, but that's none of my fortes." It wasn't as if he particulary enjoyed the suffering of others - this was just something that went together with the satisfaction of stilling his bizarre interests. "Do you think you can endure the sight? Then hold still."
"Wai-" Before you could even object, you felt Stein's palm on your arm, gentle sparks of electricity spreading through your nerves.
You felt him with every fibre of your being as his soulwaves wandered within your body: They were oddly stoic and unwavering, nothing like you imagined an unstable sociopath's core to be like.
But maybe that's what one's soul is like if they're devoid of any emotion...
...and still, it made you feel content in a weird, inexplicable way.
"Wha-what was that for?"
"Just see" he mumbled and just like that, all of the severed ends of your wrist were connected through glowing threads. "Like this, everything that belongs together stays close while I stitch them with actual sutures. It's easier this way."
"You can make this out of your soul wavelenghts?!" A sole nod was his answer, deeply concentrated as he began to work. "That's just- wow."
"Seriously?" the doc quirked his brow as the greatest vessle had been conjoined again, effectively stopping the bleeding. "Yeah, it's amazing! How does that even work?"
"You actually want me to explain it to you?" Stein sounded unbelieving, doubting whether you were mocking him. "That's not what I usually hear."
"What else do people tell you, then?"
"Shut up."
Now it was your turn to break out into mischievous laughter, even while trying to not move around too much. "That's hilarious, even better medicine than the pills!"
You wiped a tear of joy out of your face, along with several others you had shed due to the pain. "Well, you're kind of an asshole. So no wonder they don't want to give you the satisfaction."
"I have every right to boast, don't you think? After all, I'm a doctor, just-"
"Better" he harshly corrected yourself, and you could've sworn to hear slight annoyance in his tone.
Seems like he's not the only one able to annoy the hell out of the other...
"By the way" Stein wouldn't look up from the wound, rather tinkering on getting a perfect end result. "What do you really think about being my partner? We're alone in here, so we can talk freely."
"I- uh..." he sure was good at randomly catching you by surprise, that much was sure. "If Death thinks it's needed, then I have nothing to say."
"Really? How boring."
Albeit it may be the truth in some way, this comment hurt your pride nonetheless. "Oh, and what about you? Sitting here in the academy, helping out whenever someone calls you."
"I'm a pretty opportunistic person" he retorted absentmindedly, a truly indifferent tone in his voice. "And being here is entertaining."
That didn't really answer your question, but you had a feeling that prying would be fruitless as well...
"Trying to see my soul, huh?" You were peering quite obvious, squinted eyes widening at being caught. "Wait, I need to step aside a little...you're standing inside of it."
Oh, you just knew he enjoyed himself way too much right now...
...and still, you couldn't keep your mouth from staying agape, shocked by such an intensely powerful human soul.
That man sure was a monster - in more way than one.
The letters imprinted on his soul reminded you of your own handwriting, even being the same as your first- and lastname. Not that it'd matter, though - seriously, how many people in the world had the same initials as you?
Each letter shimmered in a pretty lime green - a healer's soul, known to be calming to other agitated souls. People with that kind of souls were known for their selfless characters, mainly being associated with love, balance and growth.
How unfitting for someone like him, you thought...
...but on the other hand, not all that absurd to have a Soulmate that's the complete opposite of him, able to put his mind at ease.
"Di-idn't we just talk about how no one wants to see you bragging?" you stuttered, trying to keep it together at such an intimidating wavelenght. "Please, continue. I wanna go home already."
"Only if I'm allowed to join you." The tall man winked as he bowed down in front of you again, eagerly giving the wound dressing it's final touch. "For training purposes, of course."
"The only reason I leave that uncommented is that I owe you one, do you hear me?"
"If you want to file for sexual harassment, promise to go after Spirit first."
Just a few minutes and several sassy verbal exchanges later, Stein was done. He clicked his tongue, a bloodied hand turning the massive screw that was quite literally loose in his head. Not very hygienic - but hey, you're even less of a doctor than he was, so who were you to judge?
"Here, good as new."
You took a quick look at his handiwork, pleased that you were able to move all of your fingers smoothly again, without even so much as a dull pain remaining. "If you let it heal well, it won't even leave a scar. Come every second day for a new bandage."
"Thank you so much, Stein!" you exclaimed happily, taking both of his hands out of a whim. "And- I think I need to apologize."
"What for?" Hell, that man either really doesn't care or is to dull for his own good. You rubbed the back of your neck, shyly admitting "I had a lot of prejudices which clouded my judgement. That wasn't fair towards you."
"You'll never know, maybe I'm just being nice to lure you in." Although his words could still made you shudder, after today he didn't seem all that menacing to you anymore.
"Sure thing, tough guy." Feeling bold, you poked his shoulder, just to gently stroke his forearm as you went past him. "Next time, we'll meet at better preconditions, and then you teach me the technique with the soul strings. Deal?"
"Alright. If you insist, how could I possibly decline my new partner's wish?"
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Masterlist: Franken Stein x Reader
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💀 = Angst and/or Adult Themes 🌸 = Fluff 💌 = Personal Favourite 🔥 = Smut 🎵 = Song Fic / Contains Lyrics ✅ = Finished Series ❌ = WIP/Hiatus
Each and every Work has it's own detailed Warnings listed.
lucent. 💀 🌸 x GN! Weapon! Reader Reader cares for Stein even when madness is about to devour him.
Sleeping Beauty 💀 🌸 🔥 💌 x Fem! Death Scythe! Reader Stein drugs you for his experiments, but ends up doing something else instead. (18+)
Metamorphosis 💀 🌸 x Fem! Weapon! Reader After his lover dies, Stein does everything to get her back.
Chemistry 💀 🌸 🔥  💌 x Fem! Death Scythe! Reader ❌ AU where your Soulmate's initials are imprinted on your soul, together with a color that determines their personality. (18+)
[Read here] 🌸 x Fem! Pregnant! Weapon! Reader HC's for Stein as dad of twins.
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