#dr partha banerjee author
When You Are Not With Me | Dr. Partha Banerjee (Author)
All are escapists One by one all of my friends Decided to leave me'but do you know
When you are not with me Then only you stay maximum time I walk and I feel you too Are all along walking with me
I go to bazaar I buy all those items you normally like Though I know you are not with me now More surprisingly you cook for me, tell me how
I talk to myself I get answers from you I sit for food you sat too I do what ever I need to do You watch all silently too
So, now for everything In my gossip, my talk, my story, My song and even in my poetry I keep you always with me
You stay whole day So long I am not sleeping But you only come in my sleep When I am dreaming
You are escapist, I am lonely You have left but I am…….
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The Benefits of Guava Leaves for Diabetes: Insights from Dr. Partha Banerjee
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Hello everyone! I am Dr Partha Banerjee, and today, I am pretty excited to share some insights from my book “Harvest Harmony” relating to a natural remedy that is gaining attention and has been touted as having benefits in managing diabetes — the guava leaf.
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic disease in the way your body handles sugar-more specifically, glucose-as it triggers high blood sugar levels. To avoid complications, control of blood sugar levels is essential though conventional treatments like insulin are efficient in controlling diabetes; however, many are interested in the natural methods that can complement it.
Guava Leaves: A Hitherto Untold Treasure End
Though often relegated to the background of herbal remedies, guava leaves are full of nutrients and bioactive compounds that hold a possible promise for numerous health benefits, especially for people suffering from diabetes. Here’s a closer look on the benefits of guava leaves for diabetes:
1. Regulate blood sugar levels
Perhaps the most remarkable function of guava leaves is their ability to control blood sugars. Scientific research has revealed that guava leaf extracts can inhibit one of the carbohydrate digestion enzymes called alpha-glucosidase. If guava leaves slow down the activity of the alpha-glucosidase, the increase in the concentration of blood sugars after meals could be slowed down.
2. Full of Antioxidants
Leaves of guava are very rich in flavonoids and tannins that have been reported to prevent oxidative stress within the body. High oxidative stress levels have been frequently related to complications of diabetes. Use of guava leaves in diet may help mitigate such risk and support health generally.
3. Improves Insulin Sensitivity
Some studies show that guava leaf extracts may enhance the sensitivity of insulin. High insulin sensitivity promotes the use of insulin by your body, further lowering blood glucose levels. In a type 2 diabetic patient, for example, improved glycemic control will be brought about by increased insulin sensitivity.
4. Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Health
Secondly, it has been traditionally used to treat gut digestive. The system of the gut is very important in diabetes because it helps to regulate how nutrients are absorbed within the body. The anti-inflammatory compounds present in guava leaves help lessen inflammatory-based gastrointestinal discomforts, further supporting metabolic health.
5. Weight Loss
Weight management is also a significant issue for most diabetic patients. Some characteristics of guava leaves should make them effective weight reducers: they increase the feeling of fullness and minimize the urge to consume more. Thus, they will limit overeating, and a balanced diet can be ensured.
How to Incorporate Guava Leaves in Your Life
The integration of guava leaves into your life is relatively simple. Here are just a few suggestions:
Guava Leaf Tea: Steep dried guava leaves in hot water. This might probably be the most basic method to obtain this herbal infusion, which can be consumed plain or with a drizzle of honey for that touch of sweetness.
Dried Form: Guava leaves can also be dried and powdered. This powder can be sprinkled in smoothies or yogurts, and it may also be sprinkled over salads to get a boost of nutrient addition.
In form of Supplements: If you are one who prefers the concentrated form, then look for guava leaf extracts available in capsule or liquid supplement form; always consult a physician when intending to start using a supplement of any kind.
More important, although guava leaves may not be used to cure diabetes, the researchers have confirmed that they give many benefits that may enhance blood sugar regulation and general health. As always, consult your doctor before changes to the diet or treatment schedule.
In “Harvest Harmony,” I delve deeper into the many uses of natural remedies like guava leaves and how they can fit into a holistic approach to health. Remember, nature often holds the key to our well-being. Explore, learn, and embrace the harmony it can bring to your life!
Stay healthy and balanced,
Dr. Partha Banerjee
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readwithrupa · 1 month
Book Review on Face Gain or Face Loss by Dr. Partha P Banerjee
At a time when digital news portals have become an inevitable part of our day-to-day life, Dr. Partha P Banerjee's Face Gain or Face Loss: The Effect of Online News on Youth comes as a timely read. It is an all-encompassing analysis of how these portals shape the views and behaviours of young people by delving into the two-edged nature of online information.
Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee's Face Gain or Face Loss is that timely and incisive work arguing out an intricate examination between digital news consumption and the growth phase of youth. The twenty-first century has already entered the age of information explosion, with the digital medium becoming prominent day by day and having both availability and overload of information.
Looking at the positive side, it does a good job of placing the subtle argument about how digital news platforms appeal to and shape young minds. He breaks down in detail how these news platforms spark curiosity and critical thinking in young people encouraging them to engage with a broad range of issues. He has some strong arguments; hence, there is a need for balance and truthfulness of journalism in this model of digital news that not only informs but also educates.
The author of this book, Dr. Banerjee erudite writes in his literature making it fluid for the readers to comprehend intricate concepts related with media literacy and digital ethics. An academician and practitioner, he substantiates his point by referring to research conducted by him and by others in the field. Thus, he exposes the paradox of the digital information age where education may be enhanced or diminished through its use.
One of the book's most gripping parts talks about how digital news can lead to "face gain" or "face loss". This captures how online info can boost or damage young people's education. He offers a view that makes you stop and think. It warns you to consider how your digital media habits affect you.
The depth of the book, at times, with its academic tone, can tire some readers. To those interested in media studies, education, and journalism, this book is a jewel. Otherwise, to the casual reader, there may seem a density in certain portions. But therein lies the universal relevance of the central message—ethical journalism and informed youth engagement—of compelling nature.
In summary, Face Gain or Face Loss is an important intervention in the debate on digital media and young people. Dr. Partha Banerjee strikes a good balance between the numerous opportunities and pitfalls of the new digital news platforms, making it a great read for educators, parents, and young people themselves to understand the route through a digital information landscape with discrimination and integrity. It should be required reading for anyone concerned with the future of media literacy and youth activism in the digital age.
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Venom | Dr. Partha Banerjee (Author)
Just now opened my hands Legs, head, neck and chest
One by one opened all parts Of my body' kept on rest
Poison, every where Hands down, down on leg Head, neck and chest
Light never ever pass An object, opaque Man never ever cross A mind, barren
Poison never lost his route Bad man locate its' truth
My body, my mind My mood getting spoiled
Escapist twilight always follow The fact of naughty kids sorrow
Hopefully getting it right Blocked heart mark it plight
Poison'body'mind'bad man' Truth'naughty kids'all toxins
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Someone Unknown | Dr. Partha P Banerjee (Author)
Someone unknown tracked your lips Your easy very easy light floating smile Sweet very sweet tasty green smile
Someone unknown tracked your eyes Your cool very cool evangelic look Calm very calm'charming look
Someone unknown came from a solitary zone Someone unknown kept searching you alone To get you, your smile, your look and many more
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On Gravity | Dr. Partha P Banerjee (Author)
On gravity… The peace loving soil is coming down From the hard working mountain top to poetic river bed
On gravity' The escapist twilight is rapidly coming down From the Sidhu's farm house to Gurgaon-Mehrauli main road
On gravity' Poor postmen are burning letters outside the post office premises And keeping time to nail their shoes they got free'
On gravity' Who are running around, they are aimless student! Burning their degree certificates of unemployment!
On gravity' Amazed Judges are now outsiders! Hearing jungle book story from the leaders!
On gravity' Cunning politicians are coming down to collect bones They need more skeletal to flourish their business
Ask anybody bone Business a reality Either with or without sanctity
No slogan, and No gravity please
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Natural Calamity by Dr. Partha P Banerjee
Friends, family Leaving home All behaving funny
Walked so far, all alone Now what! Looking company!
Barren land Stopped giving corps Start borrowing money!
Battle field all empty Searching military Or spoiled arm any'
Friend family barren land Money lenders many'
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From Plate to Medicine Cabinet: The Revolutionary 'Harvest Harmony' by Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
Exciting news! After getting such great responses from all the readers who have found changing information in my book, "Harvest Harmony," I (Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee) am highly elated to share to some of the good news about my new book, "Harvest Harmony." So far, this book has been available only offline, where many of you have already started exploring this breakthrough material on nutrition and wellness. Well, it is time to get it out to even more people, and I'm extremely excited to announce that very soon, you'll be able to find "Harvest Harmony" online, too! "Harvest Harmony" isn't an effort to eat better; it redefines what food is. Food becomes the potential natural panacea to minimize the need for pharmaceuticals. And fundamentally, that is what "Harvest Harmony" is all about.
See Food in a New Light In "Harvest Harmony," I show you how to look at your food as more than just fuel for your body. It's a powerful form of medicine. And I want to help you understand the incredible link between your diet and wellness. So you'll have the tools you need to reclaim your health—on your terms, every day.
Practical Wisdom for Your Everyday Life Equally compelling is the practical approach in "Harvest Harmony". I (Dr. Partha P Banerjee) offer actionable insights into how one should go about selecting and preparing foods for healing. You will discover the amazing healing properties of foods, herbs, and spices and learn how to incorporate them into your daily meals. Combining modern scientific research with traditional wisdom, "Harvest Harmony" provides a complete roadmap for achieving superior nutrition to empower your immune system, digestion, and mental clarity—whatever your health desire. By the time you finish "Harvest Harmony," you'll start looking at your meals as more than sources of sustenance. It is geared to make you work to change your eating habits into personal prescriptions of vitality and long life, hence turning your diet into a mighty tool toward health maintenance and betterment.
Get Ready to Join the "Harvest Harmony" Movement Online If you're ready to take that first step to a healthier life, then stick around until "Harvest Harmony" is online. Now is your chance to join the revolution in new thinking about food and health, experiencing firsthand the extraordinary potential of eating like medicine. In the meantime, for those who would like to get a copy now, "Harvest Harmony" is still available through our local bookstores and offline retailers. For convenience in doing this through the internet, I will soon provide you with details on where you can get the book. Let's play among the harvest symphonies. Nourish Your Body Wisely, As Your Well-being Grows In The Bloom. Stay Posted Online and Get Ready To Transform Your Health With "Harvest Harmony."
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
Warm regards, Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
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Love Lost By Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
Redeem your choice of misguided mind Lest we both Cry and lose love for each other...
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Let Me Walk Alone By Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
Let me walk, let me walk alone, let me walk on the shoreLet me walk in a solitary lane, let me walk in gentle breeze Let me walk with an idea alive, let me walk with a few friends Let me walk a few extra miles even when I am tired Let me walk, just walk with or without any reason
Let me walk with true or fake friends, let me walk without any logic Let me walk with the spirit of charming air, let me walk alone Let me walk, only walk, lonely walk...let me walk just alone Let me walk a few extra miles...for the kids who lost their parents Lost home, lost their freedom of playing games with known friends
Let me walk for the child who never cried even after long starvation Let me walk a few extra miles....
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Kanchi's Sankarcharya by Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
…breaking news Create fun
System suffers 'shaded sun
Warship lost'respect 'all making run
Still holy water purifies 'poisonous earth!
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I Thank You Venice by Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
Train stops'bus stops'boat starts the day I cross the canal'cross the sand Cross the country'cross their home land Cross words'cross all my shyness
Started feeling better to start a poetic day
Lost word for almost six months Lost feeling'lost touch'lost friends Started writing many all kept un-finished Got them back at once after I reached Venice
Ferrying to Lido ferrying P.te Roma Ferrying here in the morning Ferrying there in the evening Food at mid sea food on a boat
I got back my passion'my life Got my dream'my family'my wife And my nice little sweet home
I thank you Venice For giving me my poetry once again
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Magic Touch by Dr. Partha P Banerjee
Morning tea got delayed, my lovely daughter left me yesterday, breakfast never reached, maid didn't clean my room, no friend stayed with me for so many years now, newspaper decided to avoid me on a rainy day, signalling TV channels paid no visit today, no good music played in the morning hours, no one knocked my door, no calls or no SMS received so far, no meal ordered for the day but still I am overtly happy…
I don't know why…
Suddenly feeling too light, Even I too ignored its plight… To stay very light, very very light for the rest of my life with the moist air and my lovely tea.
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Fly Beyond the Sky by Dr Partha Protim Banerjee
I told you to look in to my eyes To look you better Look in to my eyes to fly you better
I told you to hold my hand If at all you have to fly Hold my hand to fly beyond the sky
Sky is nearer to you now You can even touch if you want I will just show you, how
Just look in to my eyes, my dear Or hold my hand to fly beyond the sky forever...
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Dream City by Dr Partha Protim Banerjee
Calcutta my pain, my love, my pleasure, my frustration, My depression, my logic, my untold tension' From British colonial confusion to today's self exploitation Skies are losing their color From blue to light-blue to still-grey to light-black Evening street light's lost its power too White light to yellow to pale to yellow black' From College Street till Esplanade Enough food vendors' sales gossips on demand French revolution to Nelson Mandela and many more' Mad day mad man mad even open mind Mad traffic mad road mad even magic rain With this grey fever, malaria, dengue, tuberculosis' My nostalgia'my dream'my city'oh! Calcutta
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All Alone By Dr. Partha Protim Banerjee
Little boy left home all alone Little boy left joy left toys all alone Little boy lost love cried so far all alone Little boy lost touch slept so far all alone Little boy walked so far all alone
Little boy turned big, never known That he lives far away from home All alone just alone….forever alone
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