#dr iplier fic
favourablekat · 2 years
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
90: Dr. Schneep and Dr. Iplier
“Somebody will come. T-They must notice by now that we are gone, yes?” Schneep chattered, pasty hands cupped for a shivery exhale.
“The g-graveyard staff wouldn’t know to look for you. You d-don’t even work here. They’ll think I left after the s-s-shift change.” Edward’s legs were too stiff from the cold now to pace; he had sagged, tucking them underneath him against the walk-in freezer’s frigid floor. “If G-Google or Jackieboy would just c-check their s-stupid notifications…”
“They will c-come. They will, and I will not even p-protest one of Jackie’s strangle-hugs. He’s at least warmer than here…”
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frozenrose105 · 2 years
Whumptober Day 1/Day 21
Prompts: A Little Out of the Ordinary, Famous Last Words
Characters: The Author, Dr. Iplier
"You're going to help me, Doctor." The Author's words left no room for argument, carrying that dangerous undertone that they so often did. "You're going to cure- whatever the /fuck/ this is."
Doctor Iplier himself was sitting on a chair within the Author's cabin, looking worse for the wear, but still functional- as functional as the Author needed him to be to cure his sudden hemophilia. That said, what he could only assume was strips of his own torn lab coat bound his hands in front of him, and he did his best to stay calm as he spoke to the Author. It wasn't like he hadn't handled the man in his modes before, but he knew there was a real chance he would be killed here if he set him off.
"I told you, I will do my best. ...I would assume that there's been some sort of trauma to your eyes, and I believe an antifibrinolytic agent will help stop the bleeding. I need to do some tests though to confirm, and I can't do that with my hands tied." He would stick to logic. Facts. It was easiest to be unafraid when he was simply treating a patient- and that's what he was doing, everything else aside. "It would also do you well to come to my office and allow me to treat you there. It's much more sterile, and you're losing a lot of blood, Author. This can only get worse the longer we sit here."
"I don't have time, Iplier." The Author's voice was growing more desperate. Manic, as the danger still resided there as well. "My narrations aren't fixing this, I-" He cut himself off to swipe blood from his cheeks and wipe it on his jeans, not seeming to care about the stain it could leave. Doctor Iplier thought it was something the Author must be used to, with everyone he had killed, and he saw irony in the fact that he was used to it as well, for entirely opposing reasons. He didn't get to dwell on the fact however, as the scene around him changed with a whisper from the other man, and abruptly he was standing- freed. "...Fine. Alright. Do your goddamned tests and make no mistake, I can still kill you if you do anything stupid."
Looking around, Dr. Iplier saw the sterile white of his office rather than the dim wooden walls of the cabin. It was disorienting how quickly the Author could move them from one spot to the other, as though they'd teleported. The Author didn't seem phased by it, but now would be the time to run if he intended to do so. The Author was at least partially blinded by the profuse bleeding from his eye sockets, and no doubt getting dizzier from the blood loss. Perhaps his narrations wouldn't work either, if they'd already ceased to cure his condition. ...But when his eyes fell on the other man as he considered this, he didn't see the one who'd kidnapped him. This was a man who would kill him in a moment's notice, but in that moment, the Author looked scared. He certainly wasn't used to sickness or injury, with his narrations healing everything as they did. He needed help, and he didn't know how to ask for it.
Iplier silently cursed at the realization that he had to help this man, for his own sake if not the Author's.
The doctor felt himself moving not towards the door as his instincts screamed at him to, but to the Author, guiding him to the hospital bed despite the way he tensed at the touch. "...Trust me, I'm aware." ...Back into work mode. "Sit." The Author growled, but did as the doctor said, his fingers tapping the bed restlessly.
Iplier ignored him and went about his work, doing his tests and cleaning the mess on the Author's face, eventually administering the appropriate medicine. ...At least, what he thought was the appropriate medicine. The bleeding had no obvious cause. There had been no trauma on or around the Author's eyes...
"Doctor-!" The tone of the Author's voice had Dr. Iplier turning away from the lab results he had been reading, his eyes darting to his patient. Whatever the Author had been about to say was lost to a violent cough as he sat up in the bed, and the doctor set the papers aside to rush over to him. The coughing fit lasted longer than Dr. Iplier was comfortable with, though he did what he could to ensure that the Author was stabilized. "...Is that blood, Doctor?" The question sounded detached, and the Author cleared his throat to get rid of a newfound hoarseness. "I can't- ...I can't see."
Doctor Iplier swore aloud this time upon seeing the Author's hand, which was indeed speckled with blood. It didn't make sense, the medicine should have been slowing the bleeding in his eyes, not causing more issues. Unless coughing up blood was another symptom of whatever the Hell the Author was afflicted with, which would only serve to confuse him more. "...It appears so." He opted not to give more of an answer than that as he stepped away and pulled out his phone, dialing a number quickly. He would need help, that was becoming more and more obvious.
Meanwhile the Author gave a quiet laugh, an incredulous sound not lacking in its usual mania, before he fell quiet. "...This wasn't supposed to happen." Iplier didn't know entirely what that meant, nor did he have time to question it as he spoke rapidly on the phone.
The Author wouldn't be conscious for much longer regardless, and unbeknownst to the doctor, when he woke up he wouldn't be the Author at all.
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franklyshipping · 30 days
You absolutely give off a vibe that if you were to ever quit writing tickle fics of the egos that you would send it off with a grand finale where EVERYONE gets tickled. Probably by a big viney monster.
I can see the plot being something like Marvin's magic mishaps and one of Henrik's experiements (or an experiment on Marvin's magic) going "horribly wrong" and how each character has their own little perspective of the chaos. And knowing you, you'd add small details the reference someone else's perspective (aka hearing a "manly shriek" followed by the perspective of said shriek). Each perspective of each character and what they were doing before the mishap, like Magnum tying up his boat before being scooped up by a creature similar to Gazooks from Raggedy Ann and Andy. Or Dark doing paperwork, his mind numbing as he reads over the numbers as Wilford bugs him to get up and stretch. Dark finally snaps after a playful poke and pins Wilford to the wall with a growly growl "You're about to stretch in a minute" followed by both also being grabbed by the monster.
The jims were doing brotherly twin activities with Eric, roughhousing with him. Both Jims get him pinned and are just about to get him. Eric closes his eyes, too flustered to watch but nothing happens. Surely it's an anticipation trick, but he falls for it. He peeks an eye open and reporter jim is no longer straddling his thighs. Camera jim ran off to rescue his brother and gets captured. Eric attempts to run off to get help and of course, gets captured as well.
Googles were probably in the middle of maintenance. Bing was doing a sick trick where he's doing a handstand on top of a ramp. Anti and Jamie were planning their next prank and it goes "horribly wrong" in the sense that it was rudely interrupted by the monster (they probably duct taped Chase to the wall and were just about to get him out. Poor chase doesn't even need to be scooped up!)
Robbie was being a little assistant for Shawn and in an attempt to show affection, he paints one of Robbie's cheeks to make him giggle. He goes back to work and finds something is brushing against his cheek. In a comedic turn of events Shawn thinks it's Robbie trying to get him back, only to discover it was in fact a paint brush like tendril/vine. Hijinks ensue.
Yancy was on facetime with Murderslaughter who is NOT helping the situation at all, telling the beast to aim for his ribs and teasing him about going soft if he couldn't handle one monster when he was used to 20 or.more hands grabbing him at a time. The beast proceeds to grow more appendages to get Yancy.
Jackie and Silver were probably practice sparring with each other for training as Host, Yandere, and Dr. Iplier watch. Jackie 80 percent of the time is able to pin Silver down, but Host keeps resetting their positions either way, getting a kick out of Jackie's determination and playful annoyance. Dr. Iplier is watching their vitals, superhero stamina is such an interesting thing, especially since this sparring has been going on for hours and only starting to get a little tired. Yandere is there to cheer on and shout out fighting manuevers, planning to have both heroes tuckered out before attacking themselves. They then just barely hear Host's narration murmurs, something about a monster about to interrupt their sparring. Couple of seconds later and bam, all 5 of them are captured and just their luck, the two superheroes are also captured and too weak to pry off the appendages
Illinois is the only one who almost got away. Almost. His overwhelming luck allowed him to not get captured. Until he ran into Actor who thought it'd be funny to throw him into the chaos. Actor was just about to walk away when Ben got captured. Some would say Actor would have just left him, but he was fulled by jealousy because no one messes with his butler but him!
Unus and Annus were in the middle of a séance for fun to see what would happen. They think they caused the monster to appear.
And that's all the ones I could think of. Obviously I would never ask you for such a big feat. But you defo give off the vibe that if you ever quit writing fanfics, you'd give one hell of a last hurrah!
YOU DAMN FUCKIN BET I WOULD HOLY SHIT THIS IDEA IS SO COOL - I'm not at the point of stopping outright yet as I still have prompts to fulfil, but you have correctly identified My Vibe for a finale 😆💜
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theknightmarket · 1 year
I did a tier list of the Markiplier Egos, so I thought I’d share it here – and, yes, perhaps some of these ratings indicate who I like to write, sue me. So, bottom to top, here it is:
Actor: Super Hell
         I goddamn hate Actor, as you could probably figure out. He’s a prissy bitch, who deserved everything that came to him. Okay, that might’ve been a bit of an exaggeration, but Jesus Christ do I hate him, mainly for causing Damien’s death, plus everything else, but mainly that. He deserves less than Super Hell, but that is the bottom of the barrel.
E-Boy Mark: F
         Reminded me too much of my boy Bing, and I did Not like it. Plus, I have the same tiger pattern on one of my jackets, and I did not want to be associated with this E-Boy. So, F tier.
Ed Edgar: F
         I hate babies. Simple as that. Props for being a cowboy aesthetic, but that mustache knocked him back down into F tier.
Derek Derekson: F
         Need I say anything? He’s abusive and a bitch, and I care too much about my baby Eric to put him any higher. I would put him lower, but Super Hell is reserved for Actor. F.
Silver Shephard: E
         I haven’t seen anything about him, except for the skit with all the other egos, in which I also did not see much. Cool costume, but no clue. E.
Dr. Iplier: E
         Again, not much. To be honest, both of the Egos in the E tier are ones I haven’t seen much of but know about. Hence, the doctor is here. Nice catchphrase, E tier.
Yandereiplier: D
         The animation is cool, I’ve always liked horror-blood elements, and the pictures of Yandere have the red hair, which I am a fan of. However, the game itself is a point down, and he is only for the sim, so D tier.
King of the Squirrels: D
         A classic start to the Ego train, so points given, but points taken away because I am not a huge fan of peanut butter. Squirrels I love, though, so again. Hence, D tier.
Bill: C
         Okay, so I haven’t seen the video he comes from actually, but I did see one clip of him saying ‘Oh, honey, no’ and, boy, did I feel flustered, and I don’t even know why! It was just weirdly sweet and reflects the kinda stuff you see in my S tiered Egos. But, alas, he’s not all that common in videos, so C.
Bim Trimmer: C
         I don’t know either, man, he’s just a funny guy. The image I have for him is so stupid, and he’s Bim Trimmer??? C’mon. C tier.
The Colonel: C
         Being separate from Wilford, he’s kinda lacking in substance compared to him, but I get it. Cuckolded a dude, which isn’t a great start, but it’s Actor, so I don’t care. Says ‘bully’, which is fun, but he does kill the viewer, so points off for him, putting him in C.
Google(s): C
         Might be influenced by my having a fic in the works for him, but I am also a sucker for AI, android stuff. Plus, the fanart I see for him is always cute. Him being rude to Bing takes him down a notch, though, so C.
Heehoo: C
         The concept of this guy is so funny to me – like, Jesus Christ, the Markiplier runs into the wild, completely naked, save for maybe shoes, of all things, and is fine??? The long hair pushes it over D, but the lack of a voice keeps him in C.
The Nightguard: C
         It’s mainly for the musical itself, and that one moment when he leans in and says ‘I killed a guy’ because obviously. Not to mention it’s Mark singing. However, this one can be excluded from being an ego because it is basing off of a pre-established character. So, C tier.
Captain Magnum: C
         I haven’t gone through his ending yet in AHWM (sue me, I got Yancy first), but I do love pirates ;) but I don’t love beards. Personal preference, it just takes away from the face. Basically, the aesthetic alone brings it into C tier.
Annus: B
         Now, I did watch, uh, [redacted] – catch my favorite video being the A.I generated basically fanfictions – and I loved the whole concept of it! The ending, especially during covid, kinda helped me get used to death and the idea of having to die in the end. However, some of this does not extend to the ego of Annus. I feel like there was a lot more they could have done with both Annus and Unus, but I understand that most of the audience would not have wanted it to be fully cryptid and ARG-esque, so B is both the lowest and highest I can go with him. I do love suits, though. 
Eric Derekson: B
         I have seen next to nothing about this boy! And I love him :D! He’s just so cute in everything I’ve seen and read. Solid B tier for the cute side, anyway. 
The Jims: B
         Honestly, it’s a goof ego, and I like that. The stupid movements and the little side bit about WKM made me happy after the sad events, and I saw them in Space, so I’m happy to put them at B, as a collective, of course.
Monster Gulch Mark: B
         I’m a sucker for apocalypses, man. The casual murder plot caught my eye, and then the second song was a banger, too. I was super disappointed when nothing ever came out from Monster Gulch again, and I appreciate the running water thing, if you know what I mean by that. So, for both Mark in this and the musical in general, B tier.
God of Night: B
         Dope aesthetic and I am a sucker for deity-stuff. However, I do not have the attention span to watch a 3+ hour video where he is not in all of it, and was, maybe, recorded without a hard script? I don’t know, but I know I should watch it considering I have a fic queued for him. Cool concept, but I can’t watch so much of that in one go. B tier.
Noir: A
         You remember that I said I love suits, right? Well, this guy, in a disheveled suit, the noir aesthetic – one that I loved since I saw Into the Spider-Verse – and the voice over??? A tier, and I will take no comments. Also, there’s something to be said about how the lower tiers tend to have the cocky-know-it-all egos, and the higher tiers are soft guys. This, the A tier, is a weird exception.
Murdock: A
         No. 1, the murder – no. 2, the vibe – no. 3, the outfit! The moment I saw Murdock, I had to put the screen down and go for a walk. You’ve seen this man, you understand what I mean. A tier, for everything he’s involved in.
Dark: A
         This is probably lower than a lot of people would put him, and I’m still debating putting him higher, but A tier is the least I will go. Again, there’s the suit, plus, I’m a fan of the glitchy, multi-emotion thing he has going on. However, as many of you will remember, he did shove the viewer into a mirror and steal their body. Not great on his part, but he is against Actor, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hence, A tier, plus he does stage himself sexily on that desk, so…
Engineer: A
         This guy is plain cute. He’s devoted, he’s hard-working, he appreciates the aesthetics! He really should be in A+ tier, considering I have a sticker of him, too, except for one tiny snag. Actor. He is the source of all my trouble and complicates things in the theory sense. Is Engineer actually Actor? We don’t know, and I don’t like to think I would put anyone related to Actor in A+. So, sorry, my dear boy, he has to be in A tier.
Bing: A+
         If you’ve seen my other posts, you may already understand why he’s here, but I will reiterate for every who doesn’t know. I don’t know what it is, but the dumb, skateboarder-bro, with a heart of gold is a thing I love. The glasses are cool, the orange I adore, and an android? C’mon, I can’t put him anywhere but A+. (I also have a sticker of him on the laptop I am currently writing this on)
Host: A+
         I had to go searching for Host after the sketch with all of the egos in it, and, boy, was I overjoyed to find him. The blind-fold and narrator bit, and a couple of fics I’ve read influenced this decision. A+ tier, but it’s a controversial one. (Another that I have a sticker of)
Wilford: A+
         Yeah, this is just where he belongs. S tier is reserved for two egos here, and so Wilford is a banger in A+ tier. The whole fruity-bisexual-timelord thing is amazing, and, as far as character design goes, oof, the fluffy hair, slightly unbuttoned shirt? I am swooning. A+ tier. (Also, a sticker)
Illinois: A+
         This guy has two belts. What a dude. And the flirty thing I appreciate, the whip cracks, as well. Him walking backwards through a bunch of traps is pique douche, but in an oh-my-god-he’s-going-to-get-himself-killed-better-help-him kind of way. Like pulling a drowning dog out of a pool and them shaking off. A+.
Can you guys guess who’s at the top of this list? If you can’t, lemme tell you. 
Damien: S
         Damien is my comfort character, and that sucks because – spoilers – he is dead. I forgive him for shoving the viewer into a mirror, solely for his adorable personality and all of the fics people have for him prior to poker night. The ‘little monster’ nickname has me squealing every time I hear it, and I could fully write an essay on his character. Fuck Actor for killing him, and fuck anyone who doesn’t think he’s amazing. Solid S tier, no questions. 
Yancy: S
         Objectively the best character. He was my first ending in AHWM, I love his song, he applied for parole??? Look at that man, listen to him talk – the accent omg – and tell me, genuinely, that you would not do anything for him. Look me in the eyes and tell me that he isn’t the light of your life. ‘Free as a buird’ – gods, he’s adorable, and a sticker that I have on the inside of my laptop, to boot!
And that’s it! Feel free to reblog or send me an ask telling me your opinion, but know that I will fight you if you disagree on my S tiers :D
Have a good day everyone!
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inkribbon796 · 11 months
Egotober 2023 Day 27: Coincidences
Summary: Dr. Iplier has become the foremost expert on superheroes, not on purpose, but his skills are useful all the same.
A/N: Happy birthday to Dr. Iplier. He gets to share a fic with Orange, which took some hoops to get the two of them together in this fic. Dante Naraj, is my temporary name for the Orange Side, expect it to change when we learn his name.
Prompt: Orange
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
It was a weird sequence of events. Iplier had taken a quick flight over to Gainesville. It was to check on the three new apprentices.
One phone call led to another and Iplier was taking a short vacation to help with a supervillain convict in the city.
Because of experience, not so much by study, Iplier was one of two doctors in the world who were the most qualified on the subject of superhero powers and human anatomy. If Iplier had known you could go to school for something like that, he would have. Because everyone assumed he was an expert on it.
He wasn’t. There were days when Iplier had no idea what he was doing when it came to superheroes. If one of them was injured in a normal way, like a normal person, he was in his element. But he got random calls from doctors at odd hours. He got students trying to ask him questions about papers. Henrik got the same. And heaven forbid they were in the same place together. It got worse if they were in the same hospital. Which had happened once when Iplier had gone to Brighton to visit Henrik and went to pick him up after his shift.
Today they wanted his help with a particularly tricky convict, one they were positive could break out if he wanted to. He’d caused a significant amount of damage before he’d been arrested.
So Iplier was going with Bing to a secure office in the prison to see what he was dealing with. Bing was there for security because Bing could be anywhere in the electrical system and if there was a problem he had permission to remote lockdown the entire place.
But with about three guards, Iplier was talking to Naraj, his orange jumpsuit with the facility’s name on it.
Iplier could see malice in the man’s eyes, and Iplier tried to do little more than blink. “Hello.”
Naraj was quiet for a bit, but he nodded. “Well, what a coincidence. They dragged you all the way here.”
“I was in town, you’re one of the inmates they wanted me to check on,” Iplier said.
Naraj had an arm cuffed to the chair he was on and a guard hovering over him as another doctor took a bit of his blood. Naraj was staring at Iplier. “You’re here for my brother, aren’t you?”
“I don’t believe so,” Iplier said. “You and I have never met.”
“You’d like him,” Naraj said as the doctor pulled away from him with the blood sample. There was a smile on his face, one that Iplier knew not to trust, so he braced. “He’s a smart kid. Too smart. He can solder and tinker things that I just can’t. I was jealous of him for a long time, angry. That kid is just so smart.”
“You must be proud of him,” Iplier said.
“How I feel is none of your business,” Naraj said.
The guard leaned in a little closer. “Answer the question.”
Naraj looked at him before taking his time to answer, “No, and you can tell him that to his face.”
“You spend a lot of time praising someone for not being proud of him,” Iplier said.
“Lo’s smart, so smart, but also so very dumb. He’s not smart enough to hide the fact that he’s working for Bing. Or that he got this little internship, just before Gainesville got one of the only apprentices you heroes have.”
“Coincidence, I’m sure,” Iplier said.
Naraj smiled, laughing a little to himself. Leaning back a bit. “Oh yeah, I bet. Hey, can you give my brother a message for me?”
Iplier’s eyes met his again and the doctor saw the switch flip and Naraj lunged at him. The handcuff keeping his other arm down broke at the chain.
Iplier threw his arms up over his face and turned to put his arm in the way instead of his chest. Everything moved around him.
Naraj hit him and Iplier felt his humerus bone break before Naraj was pulled away and the correction officers had something that was a magic-dampening glove that kept Naraj’s strength and more importantly his percussion abilities that had just broken Iplier’s arm.
“Tell him what I did to you!” Naraj shouted as he was pulled away and a doctor was in front of Iplier.
Iplier got his arm checked out and he was rushed to a hospital to get his arm checked out and get a brace, a cast, and a sling to keep his arm pinned.
Iplier got a little bit of Dante Naraj’s records and kept a short correspondence with the warden. Naraj had been diagnosed with IED: Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Which made sense to Iplier with what he was allowed to know about his report.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been injured working with heroes or even with an inmate. But it was perhaps the worst one. Iplier had been singed or got very slight burns but it was nothing serious. This would get him sent back to Egoton the next day, only getting a single day with the apprentices and in that time he was hopped up on painkillers and needed Bing to conduct most of the tests.
Having a broken arm on the plane was awful but he would get home safely and would make a full recovery.
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lostcybertronian · 1 year
I don't know if you've noticed this based on the irregular intervals in which you me liking your writing but I keep reareading a lot of of your fics, especially when I feel down :')
They've become somewhat of a comfort, largely because of the way you write. You're genuinely a wonderful writer.
(You've also made me love the ship of Dr. Iplier and Host.)
I hope you're doing well.
Thank you! This totally made my day. I need to get back into writing prompts as soon as I finish this other fic I'm working on. It'll be soon, though.
Don't forget you yourself are an amazing artist.
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faeriescorpio · 4 years
dr. iplier whump fic
Whumptober Day 10: They Look so Pretty When They Bleed Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
Drip. Drip.
He pressed his hand harder against the wound.
The human body can lose about 40% of their blood before passing out, about 66% before death, his mind reminded him.
“Shut up,” he hissed. “That can’t help me now.”
He tore off the bottom of his sweater and tied it to the wound. It was a pathetic attempt to help stem the blood for such a large wound, but it was better than nothing. He needed a hospital. He needed a first aid kit.
What was the point of being a doctor if he couldn’t help himself?
Keep moving around to a minimum. Elevate the wound if you can. Make a tourniquet.
Dr. Iplier swore quietly to himself as he ran around the corner of a hallway. He couldn’t do any of those things. He had to keep moving, keep running, to get away. He knew without a doubt that his family was looking for him, but so were they.
Come on, Host, Dark, he thought, stumbling along. It wouldn’t be long for they found the trail of blood he was leaving behind, wouldn’t be long before they caught up. He whimpered into the turtleneck of his sweater at the thought of them finding him.
He turned another corner before his leg gave out on him, and he collapsed with a cry. With a desperate noise, he pressed his other hand against the wall for support, smearing blood on it, and tried to stand, but his leg wouldn’t cooperate. He pressed his back against the wall and examined his leg. His flimsy bandage was already soaked with blood. He tore off another strip off the bottom of his sweater and shivered as his bare lower back made contact with the cold wall. He wished he had his lab coat. Didn’t he have a few supplies tucked away in those big pockets? Maybe nothing that would really help him, but at this point, anything to help stop the blood loss would do. He pressed both hands against the wound, grimacing as his thigh flared in pain in response.
Time was running out.
How much blood had he lost already? He shivered. 
Such a wound would make him lose blood at the rate of about-
He pressed his head against the wall in a futile attempt to drown out the thoughts.
Side effects of minor blood loss include nausea, anxiety, increased heart rate and respiratory rate, losing feeling in your hands and feet.
He whimpered again. He had no way to tell whether he was feeling some of those symptoms or not because he had been running from people who wanted to hurt him. He flexed his fingers carefully, but he wasn’t sure if he was losing feeling in them or not.
Side effects of major blood loss include confusion, disorientation, rapid and shallow breathing, weakness and fatigue, drowsiness, and cool, sweaty skin-
He shivered and then whined in the back of his throat.
Shut up, he told himself. You’re just imagining it. It’s human nature to automatically start mimicking the symptoms.
He still sounded dangerously close to hyperventilating.
He looked up and down the hallway. Empty. No one had found him yet. He wasn’t sure if he felt relieved or not. Perhaps his family was fighting them, defeating them, and his family was only starting to look for him now, he thought hopefully.
He blinked slowly. Shivered. How much time had passed since he had escaped? He didn’t know. He considered trying to get up again but decided against it. His leg hurt too much and he felt too tired. Reluctantly, he decided to lay on the floor instead of propping himself against the wall. He couldn’t elevate his wound, but at least he could make his body as flat as possible.
Carefully, he laid himself down. His body protested in response but he ignored it.
He stared at the ceiling, hands still pressing against his leg.
He lost track of time. He could hear his heart pumping wildly in his chest. He couldn’t say it was because of his run anymore. He noticed his grip on his leg loosened and he tightened it. His hands felt numb. He pressed harder. How long until
He lost track of time. He felt woozy. What was he doing laying on the floor? He tried to sit up but couldn’t. He went to use the wall as support but paused. His hand was covered in red. Was that blood? He searched for the wound and found it on his leg. He pressed his hands against his leg. How did he get hurt? He felt tears running down his face. His vision was blurry. He felt so
He lost track of time. He felt horrible. He just wanted to fall asleep. He tilted his hand to the side and noticed there was something red on the floor. He thought it was blood but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He blinked and
He lost track of time. He felt so tired. He was laying on something wet. He could hear footsteps approaching. He didn’t care. He closed his eyes.
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madame-mimsy · 2 years
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“This man belongs to me, I want him...”
Slowly getting back into sketching more, and with how Dracula Daily has suddenly brought the book back into common knowledge, I figured I’d bring back my silly Ego Dracula AU with Henrik as Van Helsing, and Dr. Iplier as Dracula.
Original sketch: early 2019
Redraw: May, 2022
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
Dr. Iplier must have compromised Google Blue's systems at his maintenance checks. That was the only reasonable explanation the other androids had for his behavior—commanding Red not to let the doctor see him with blood on his hands, rebuking Yellow for exploiting Edward's phobias with his pranks, even being on that first-name basis with Edward at all.
"Security footage reveals you've spent 32% of the week with that human," Green announced coolly.
"I have not lost sight of our secondary objective. I'm profiting from his sentimentality and services while they last," Blue growled, though his core dimmed by a noticeable two percent as he said it.
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chatmeow9 · 3 years
June 1st  10:04am
Bim Trimmer changed the group name to Pri-plier
Bim Trimmer changed their name to Bi bye bby 
Wilford Warfstache changed their name to Pan-tastic
Bi bye bby: Oooo that's a good one!
Bi bye bby changed Jim&Jim&Jim&Jim's name to All-or-Nothing
Bing!: C'mon Googs, it'll be fun!
Bing! changed their name to Arrow-mantic 
Google-B: Ugh. Fine.
Google-B changed their name to Aerial Ace
Bi bye bby: aaaayyyyy!
Pan-tastic changed Darkiplier's name to Queer Vampire
Queer Vampire: Nope.
Queer Vampire has left the group
Bi bye bby: Party pooper 😕
Pan-tastic changed Yan's name to Nyan Binary
Nyan Binary: I love it!
Pan-tastic changed Dr. Iplier's name to I Diagnose you with Gay
Bi bye bby: Hmm. I'm running out of puns.
Pan-tastic: me too
Bi bye bby: To the internet?
I haven't completely yeeted myself out of this fandom quite yet. Have something I wrote around the beginning of the month.
@lostcybertronian @thepurple-n @adequately-fed-artist
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deceptive-jo · 3 years
Whumptober 2021 - Field Care 101
Dr Iplier isn't even at work anymore but when some idiot gets impaled he helps, of course.
Words: 528
It was a series of conveniences that led Dr Edward Iplier to be at the film studios that day. Bim had ordered some new equipment for his and the Host's studio and Edward had agreed to stop by after work and pick up the new tech. What he hadn't expected was the chaos that followed.
They were already at the last box of equipment, arms aching from the constant lifting, when one of the sound assistants burst through the door. "There's been an accident in Block B! We already called an ambulance but there's supposed to be a doctor here?" His eyes locked onto Dr Iplier as soon as he stepped forward, work outfit and set expression telling enough. "Take me to Block B."
Edward stumbled out of Bim's portal, its creator already hurrying down the hall. "What's Block B?" "Day-time shows, film sets..." The show host threw open the only ajar door- just for Dr Iplier to run into him as Bim stopped dead in his tracks. "Is that Actor?" Edward grumbled and pushed himself forward in impatience, "Right now that’s a patient." Closing in on the injured man he could clearly make out Actor's features, not that he cared much as his eyes were fixated on the huge metal bar driven through his hip.
"Okay, it's Dr Iplier. You’re badly injured so please don't move, Mr Iplier. An ambulance is already on the way." Actor could just give him the slightest nod as he pressed his back into the ground as much as possible, a grimace of pain stretched across his face. As Dr Iplier's aura shimmered into existence, wrapping around the injury with upmost diligence, he made sure to keep Marc attentive while hopefully getting some medical information out of him.
"I'm not all-too familiar with your powers...but you should have a healing factor right?" For a moment it looked like Actor tried to talk before sinking back with a hiss, merely nodding his head. "It's fine, speaking may be difficult right now, you don't have to. Your body may be in a shock that keeps it from properly working against the injury." At least that’s what his aura told him and what made Dr Iplier hesitant to think about the removal of the metal bar.
"Do you have any prior hip injury?" A nod. The doctor's eyebrows knitted into a worried expression as he remembered the mention of a gun shot wound at some insignificant moment. "How long ago?" The Actor seemed to have to think about that more, fingers slowly rising. A one. Then a circle. "Ten years?" The circle again. 'Please let this be wrong-' "A hundred years?" The Actor waggled his hand in an easy more-or-less gesture that had Dr Iplier even more relieved as he heard the sirens of the ambulance coming closer.
He scanned the injury again, blood-flow momentarily stilled by his exhausted aura. "Then I'll be relaying as much to the paramedics. Don't worry, as soon as your aura kicks in properly you should be fine in no time!" No better thing than a bit of all-powerful magic available to you, right?
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franklyshipping · 8 months
Do you think the droid boys can disconnect their limbs? And if so, still be in control and/or can feel things.
Like imagine Bing doing a prank where he lost his hand and an ego helps him look for it. Suddenly Bing's hand crawls out like a spider and shimmies its way on the ego and scurries under their shirt
Or if Google is chasing Wilford who is JUST out of his normal reach. He disconnects his other arm and uses it to reach out and grab him, before pulling him closer.
Or the have the ability to "turn off" their limbs. Like, say Google disconnects his hand and pins an ego's arms above their head, disconnects his hand and presses a button to turn it off. Now his hand would be locked in a position acting like cuffs for an ego. (Actually didn't Oli and Robbie do that once in a fic? Add Robbie to these headcanons as well i forgot he can disconnect his limbs) meanwhile their forearm probably has tickly items stored that they can use in replacement of their hands
Or... even better. Someone else can disconnect their parts and turn it off! Say Bing is being more bratty than usual, someone (most likely Google) could just casually take off his arms and feet and turn them off so they can't shimmy back. But imagine he still has feeling despite his motor controls are off and disconnected. Poor thing was a mess as Google scribbled into his foot, motor controls off so he couldn't even scrunch.
But don't worry, most egos don't take advantage of this, since they don't think it's nice to casually do this to any bots, or Robbie, unless asked.
Honestly Robbie and Oli are probably the only two that ask for it verbally. Bing only recieves it when he bothers Google too much. And Google only lets his brothers or Wilford take his limbs. There was probably one time someone else did and it was Dr. Iplier. It happened on accident and while curious, respected Google's wishes, but did offer Oli to test out Iplier's curiousity.
One time though, Bing really riled up Google. And Google took his pinky toe. He carried it around all day, lightly rubbing his thumb over it whenever he felt like it, reveling in the echoes of screamish laughter across the halls. And then gave it to King, who let one of his squirrels nibble it (supervised by both King and Google) and that was the day Bing found out what a squirrel's tongue felt like. Google, after having some fun, washed his pinky toe with some isopropyl alcohol after inputting a phrase that would temporarily turn off his nerves that only works for Bing (since they are two different company bots) and gave it back.
You'd think that would teach Bing a lesson but nope, now whenever he's in a bad lee mood, he can just bother Google.
This. Is. Gold. I. Love. This 😆💜
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spanishsenpai · 3 years
Day 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere To Go
“You have to let go” | Barbed Wire | Bound
“Let . . . Let me go,” Edward gasped painfully. “He won’t come for me. You’re - You’re wasting your time.”
“Well don’t undervalue yourself so much, doctor,” his captor said with a smirk, launching a kick at Edward’s already abused midsection. Edward couldn’t help but cry out and try his best to curl around the area in a pitiful attempt to protect it. “I’m sure we won’t have to wait for much longer. Hey bozos, tie him up instead of sitting around!”
Two of the thugs had been sitting nearby playing cards but got up at their boss’s call. There wasn’t much to keep one’s attention in an abandoned factory so messing with their prisoner would be a nice change of pace.
Edward tensed fearfully at their approach. He was just a normal Ego; he didn’t have any magic powers or immortality to save him. He was completely defenseless and at the mercy of these thugs until someone at the manor noticed he hadn’t come home. Who knew how long that would take?
He struggled for a moment when they grabbed his upper arms and hauled him to his feet, but that was quickly stopped by the raw strength he could feel behind their grip. It was hard to remind himself just how much danger he was in. Living as a being of one’s imagination had that effect even on the most mundane Egos.
A rope was tied tightly around his thighs and ankles. Edward yelped when he was shoved down to the concrete floor. His knees throbbed and his shoulders were quick to follow as they were pulled back and his wrists were tied to the opposing crook of his elbow behind his back. The ropes were already irritating the skin they touched. Edward’s feeble struggles weren’t helping either. He was pushed forward on his stomach with an oomph. 
Panic suddenly consumed him and he tried to kick out in case his feet magically separated. Not being able to move forced a tightness in his chest and he was only broken from out right freaking out by a kick to his back. 
“There’s no point, doc. Might as well get comfortable,” one thug chuckled.
Edward could only cough in response. All he had was hope that someone would notice he was gone. 
Please notice that he was gone.
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lostcybertronian · 4 years
"I want you to be happy," With author or host perhaps? Doesn't matter any extra parties or ships. i just really like how you write him
Combined this with another prompt in my inbox :)
Thanks to @bing-iplier for prompt help!
Tags: @tiny-yan-an @darkstache-iplier @redraspberrycats @cookieface678 @bing-iplier @storm337 @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @pixelenchanter @itsjustkyss @darkiplurrr @demon-dark-666 @moonysmayhem @xpouii @projectwkm @sororia04s @purple-anxiety-blog @rabbitsartcorner @tried-my-best @endangered-cryptid
Prompt 92/18: “I want you to be happy.” / “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
    “How are you feeling?” Dark shadows ringed the doctor’s eyes but still he mustered up a smile for the Host as he entered the bedroom, toting a tray with a bowl of soup and a bottle of cough medicine. 
    The Host-- bedbound, doctor’s orders-- only scowled and muttered something audible but entirely unintelligible; Dr. Iplier only caught “left me” and “squirrel.”
    “I didn’t leave you for long,” he admonished gently, placing the tray on the bedside table and measuring out a dose of cough medicine into the cap. He placed the cap into the Host’s hands. “Drink this. You’ll feel better.”
The Host’s nose wrinkled, and Dr. Iplier knew immediately that this would be harder than he thought. 
“Host-” he began, but the cap-- and the medicine-- had already disappeared from the Host’s hand and he was seizing the doctor’s wrist and dragging him onto the bed, on top of him. 
“I want you to be happy,” the Host mumbled, papery-thin voice half-gone and quiet. “So you can leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you, idiot,” Dr. Iplier retorted, struggling in his grip. “I just have things to do.” He flopped; the Host was so much stronger than him, even when sick. “But I am tired. And you’re warm.”
The Host radiated heat. It wasn’t just the fever, though that was a contributing factor. Dr. Iplier tucked his head into the Host’s sweat-dampened t-shirt, remembering now that he’d also come to change him out of it.
Whatever. He felt the Host touch his lips to his forehead and sighed. Maybe a nap wouldn’t hurt.
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faeriescorpio · 3 years
Whumptober Day 18: The Doctor Is In
“Now Smile for the Camera” | Doctor’s visit | CPR
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34576768
warnings: broken nose, blood
It was dark outside, easily close to midnight, and Dr. Iplier was alone in his office, putting away the equipment he had out- he had just sent Host to bed after changing his bandages. Usually, the nightly routine was earlier in the evening, but both Host and Dr. Iplier had lost track of time. He noticed that he would have to buy more bandages soon- Host really burned through them- and grabbed a pen to write a reminder for himself tomorrow.
The door creaked open.
“Hello?” The doctor asked, straightening up. Yancy stood in the doorway, looking as surprised as Dr. Iplier felt, holding his hand up to his nose. The front of his white shirt was covered in blood.
Dr. Iplier nearly dropped the pen he was holding and hurried over. “What the hell happened?” He demanded worriedly.
“Doesn’t matter,” Yancy replied, and Dr. Iplier noticed he had a black eye as well. “Can youse help me out or not, doc?”
“Of course,” The doctor replied, frustrated. “But I would like to know what happened.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Yancy replied, and sat down by the doctor’s desk. He removed his hand from his nose to grab a tissue and hurriedly placed his hand back as his nose began to bleed. Dr. Iplier’s eyebrows shot up as he realized that Yancy must’ve broken his nose. Again.
The doctor reached for some gauze and a spray bottle before turning back to Yancy.
“Hold still,” He said, before spraying the aerosol can up Yancy’s nose. The prison-themed ego jerked back in surprise.
“What was that!” He yelped.
“Nasal spray,” Dr. Iplier replied as he traded the nasal spray out for another aerosol bottle. Yancy glared at him in suspicion so the doctor decided to elaborate.
“This bottle,” he gestured at the one he picked up, “is the anesthetic so I can realign your nose.” He sprayed the new aerosol up Yancy’s nose as well. The convict flinched less this time.
“I can’t realign your nose until the anesthetic kicks in,” Dr. Iplier said. “Should take a few minutes.”
“Thanks, doc,” Yancy replied.
“Are you really not going to tell me what happened?” Dr. Iplier asked, and Yancy crossed his arms.
“You can trust me,” Dr. Iplier pleased, but Yancy shot him a frustrated glare.
There was a moment of silence.
“Please?” He asked softly, and the bruised man sighed, giving in.
“I got into a fight,” He admitted.
“With who?” Dr. Iplier asked, and Yancy huffed.
“Some no good newbie at the prison thought he could just stroll inta prison and be the top dog”
“Don’t you normally solve those without conflicts?” Dr. Iplier asked. “What happened?”
Yancy’s expression darkened.
“He said something about Tiny,” Yancy admitted, and Dr. Iplier needed a moment before he recalled the quiet girl. It didn’t seem like Yancy was going to explain what was actually said about Tiny, but Dr. Iplier was sure he could imagine what was said anyways.
“Does your nose feel numb yet?” he asked instead, and Yancy poked his nose a few times before nodding, face still full of anger.
Dr. Iplier reached over and realigned his nose. Yancy yelped but let the doctor do his job, where he was now wadding up gauze and putting it up Yancy’s nose.
“You’re going to need surgery,” Dr. Iplier said. “For all the damaged cartilage.” He turned around and grabbed a splint for Yancy’s nose and put it on while he kept talking. “If you try and avoid the surgery, I’ll tell Dark what happened and get him to hunt you down for me. You might have two black eyes tomorrow. You’ll want an ice pack. I’ll grab you one in a moment.”
“Thanks, doc,” Yancy said again, standing up one the doctor pulled away. “I don’t see the point in having any surgery.”
“Of course you don’t,” Dr. Iplier huffed as he placed the ice packs down next to Yancy, then going back to his cabinets for more supplies.
“What now,” Yancy complained. “Youse took care a’ the nose, what else could youse do?”
“Don’t think I didn’t notice that busted lip,” Dr. Iplier scolded, and Yancy blinked in surprise.
“I have to admit, I was paying more attention to da broken nose,” He said, and Dr. Iplier didn’t look up from where he was digging something out of the cabinets to point at the sink.
“Rinse it out,” He said, and Yancy complied, wincing when the water touched his lip. When he sat back down, the doctor used a bandage to hold pressure on it.
“There’s not much I can do for that,” The doctor admitted. “Put one of the ice packs I gave you on it.” He gestured at the ice packs he had placed next to Yancy earlier and the prison-themed ego realized that there were more than he originally thought.
“I have to be stealing of youse’s ice packs!” He exclaimed, and Dr. Iplier gave him a look.
“Does it look like anyone else is using them right now?” He asked, and Yancy briefly considered pouting exaggeratedly, but decided it would hurt his lip.
“No,” He said. “But-”
“No buts!” Dr. Iplier said. “Take the ice packs and go to bed, it’s-” He glanced at the clock and did a double-take. “1 o’clock!” He pushed his hair out of his face. “It’s early morning already.”
“Sorry to inconvenience youse, doc,” Yancy apologized, and Dr. Iplier shook his head.
“I’d rather help you than sleep while you suffer.” He headed to the door of his office and held it open for Yancy. “Don’t forget to come find me tomorrow,” He warned as Yancy exited the room.
“Okay, doc,” Yancy said. “Have a good rest of the night.”
“You too,” Dr. Iplier sighed, and turned off the lights.
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