#dr ellie satler my love
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secretlyafiveheadeddragon · 5 months ago
Also forgot to mention: Dr. Ellie Satler, the female lead of the first movie and the book, is in fact one of my favorite characters of all time. The reason that I like Jurassic Park so much even though I despise most action movies is due in part I think to the fact that her existence in the movie is not to fill some love interest quota or anything. She cuts her own space by having her own paleo-specialty, and she literally gets up to her elbows in shit. She’s a real person.
Not to mention, if it weren’t for one throw away line in the movie, she wouldn’t even be the male lead’s love interest at all! In the book she isn’t, she has an offscreen fiancé who does show up at all. I love that. Also, did I mention she dug through a pile of shit to figure out a problem no one was asking her to solve? I love her so fuckjng much
Which Jurassic Park is the best?
Rank them and explain your reasoning :)
(I saw u mention it on your 1hr No Notes ask game. Now i want to know)
In order from best to worst:
Jurassic Park (movie, 1995)— Classic film with perfect score, cinematography, and special effects. The practical effects mixed with minimal CGI makes it timeless, and it has aged phenomenally. Bonus points for the fact that instead of overtly sexualizing the female lead, they overtly sexualize Jeff Goldblum instead. Incredible. Def my favorite Spielberg movie, also, my favorite movie period.
Jurassic Park (book, 1990)— Also amazing, a little dense at times, but that is not a big deal. Some truly profound themes are at display here, I get so many goosebumps. I’m reading it again for a lit class and focusing on how it uses nature to further its themes, and it’s so interesting. I fuckjng love this book. It’s a bitter social commentary disguised as a thriller sci-fi novel, and has so many good dinosaur scenes.
The Lost World (book, 1995)— It’s a good sequel, I think that it doesn’t have as interesting of themes as the original and is a lot of the same things, and also Malcom was resurrected after very clearly dying in the first book, but I don’t really care. There’s some amazing dinosaur stuff in this one, and ofc a new set of kids to traumatize.
Jurassic Park: The Lost World (movie, 1997)— The plot isn’t as cohesive, but holy shit are the dinosaur scenes in this are so fucking good. The middle act is a little slow, but Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum) is the main character and that gives everything a pass. It comes after the book because they kill a dog, but it’s still an incredible movie and I love it. It bears absolutely no resemblance to the book it’s based off of besides a few names, but that’s fine.
Jurassic Park 3 (movie, 2001)— This is the first movie in the franchise that is BadTM, but I love it so much and you can pry it from my cold dead hands. As the plot loses coherence, the dinosaur scenes get more silly and fun. There’s this one scene where Alan Grant is dreaming on the plane on the way to the island, and a dream velociraptor says “Alan!” In the stupidest voice. 10/10 movie, wouldn’t change anything about it for the world. I consider it Not Canon, because of all the things that completely break the timeline, but holy shit is this movie a ride.
The Entirety of the Jurassic World Movies goes at the bottom, doesn’t really matter the order, they’re all rather bad. I would say the first one is the best, but I haven’t seen it in a while, and it manages to be more misogynistic to the female lead than the original Jurassic Park movies, despite being made like 20 years afterwards. The dinosaurs are all CGI, so there are no practical effects, and in the finale they chose to make the Big Bad this boring callback to Dodgson from the original, and they make the genetic tech threat giant locusts. That, and a shoehorned pandering lesbian, Chris Pratt, and stupid lava, makes these movies forgettable and bad.
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joeyjoeylee · 3 years ago
Today is the day I learned that Laura Dern was 23 in Jurassic Park to Sam Neill’s 44.  Legit, Little Baby Me thought she was in her 30s (to be fair, she has a doctorate and is presented as having several years of research in the field experience so I don’t think that impression was so off-base, although I doubt Baby Me was making those cognitive leaps at the time).  Also she looks amazing NOW and I want the Ellie/Alan “romance” (I think it was more an implied longing work wife/work husband situation in the original than actually set out, Buzzfeed, but I appreciate the reach) EXPLICITLY given to me in this upcoming one!!  I DEMAND!
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pack-dynamics · 3 years ago
The New World
With adrenaline still running high despite having been in relative safety for the past hour or so Owen found himself still on edge, and not likely to process anything that's happened for quite some time to come. Perhaps once their plane was airborne, and heading home he might be able to at least rest but that too seems highly unlikely given his dreams will no doubt be filled with near death experiences, and flashes of massive teeth.
As he steps onto the ramp heading up into the plane at Claire's side his footfalls sound ridiculously loud as they strike the metal. It would also appear that Beta isn't too thrilled about all of the surrounding noise caused by a herd of humans and their preparations. Soft angry trills could be heard from the crate that was being settled up against a wall out of the way where hopefully the raptor will be able to sleep away the first leg of the journey via the aid of a sedative. One by one people find their seats to get strapped into for the unconfortable flight to come. It sort of reminded Owen of Noah's arc as everyone seemed to be grouping up in two's to talk and strap themselves in. His daughter came over to check in with him, and Claire a moment before going to sit beside Kayla to chat about all manner of things. The growing bond between the two brought a weak smile to his face as he hadn't much energy left to do much more than shuffle along.
As he sat down gingerly to draw a strap over his shoulder he noticed Dr. Satler and Grant across from himself and Claire. He would dearly love to get to know them both better and pick their brains about a million different things but he didn't want to come off like too much of an overzealous fan but then again they all seem to share a level of excitement about each others contributions to the Jurassic World they find themselves living in. Not too long after everyone is situated the plane taxi'd down the runway and lifted into the air reaching what hopefully is a safe altitude. There's a bit of anxiety thrumming in his veins given a few short hours ago he survived a plane crash, but by all appearances he seems fine.
His eyes suddenly meet Ellie's and his smile softens. A chuckle escapes him, "I can't thank you, and Alan enough for what you've done for my family. I know; I know. I keep sayin it like a broken record but --- thanks. Honestly? There's so much I'd like to ask the both of you that I'm barely keepin myself from bombarding you with questions."
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shipsforeveryone · 4 years ago
Can I request a ship please for Schitt's Creek, Rick and Morty, Hannibal, Jurassic Park, Game of Thrones, and Supernatural? Males only please. 【】
I am an INFJ 614 so/sp.
Ravenclaw Horned Serpent.
I'm dutiful, responsible, and always searching for deeper meanings. I am creative and discerning.
I tend to pester my siblings about their unhealthy diets and try to get them to work out or go running with me.
My love language is physical touch.
I enjoy art and love to both read and write. I'm a social worker and can't really see myself doing anything else.
Claire DearingSure thing, babe!
Schitt’s Creek
OTP - David
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BrOTP - Stevie
NOTP - Alexis
Rick and Morty
OTP - Zeep Xanflorp
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BrOTP - Beth Smith
NOTP - Jerry Smith
OTP-  Will Graham
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BrOTP - Alana Bloom
NOTP - Freddie Lounds
Jurassic Park
OTP - Dr. Ian Malcolm
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BrOTP - Dr. Ellie Satler
NOTP - Claire Dearing
Game of Thrones
OTP - Tyrion Lannister
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BrOTP - Varys
NOTP - Cersei Lannister
OTP - Sam Winchester. Honestly, you sound so much alike. You could go jogging every morning. Team up on Dean about his eating habits. Curl up together and research all night.
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BrOTP - Gabriel. Gabriel would make it his mission to ‘make you more fun’ because he doesn’t think there needs to be two Sams. So he’d practically force his way into the Best Friend slot and before long you’ll find yourself accepting him as your bro.
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NOTP - Crowley
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elizabethemerald · 5 years ago
Tagged by @kalajorn
1. Are you named after anyone?
I named myself after Dr Ellie Satler from Jurassic Park
2. When was the last time you cried?
pRobably yesterday. I cry a lot. I’m under a pressure. 
3. Do you have any kids?
No kids currently. Bio kids aren’t really an option anymore. Always down for adopting. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. Eye color?
Hazel with some blue
6. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings
7. Special talents?
Leather working. Lesbian. 
8. Where were you born?
9. Do you have any hobbies?
Writing, leather work, painting, costume design
10. Do you have any pets?
GRETA!!! My little orange ball of love. 
11. What sports have/do you play?
I did cross county and swim. 
12. How tall/short are you?
Super fucking tall. 
13. Favorite subjects in school?
I hated school. School can fuck off. 
14. Dream job?
Running my own business selling my art full time. Or better yet, neighborhood witch. 
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nossbean · 5 years ago
Top 7 comfort movies
I’m roughly 12 years late to the party but I was tagged by @ajoblotofjunk and @ilikeblue ! Thanks so much!
So confession up front - when looking for comfort stuff I actually tend towards TV! So here’s a mix of comfort media XD Also, like, in which I ramble only semi-coherently about things I love. 😅
1. Singin’ in the Rain
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I... have no deep reasons for loving this. I just - I love Cosmo Brown. I love tap dancing. I love the earnestness of this whole flick and the OT3-ness that is just, like, everywhere in this damn movie. The songs are catchy, the dancing is impressive as all get out, it’s a lot of fun. The dorky scenes about enunciation - even if I could do without the sexist overtones to Lena’s storyline. I used to work in TV, so the stuff about where to put the mics was RELATABLE (if... not exactly the same ofc). The cast is attractive. There is 1 space mom (Debbie Reynolds) and 1 space aunt (Cyd Charisse) in it, which tickles me xD 
Let’s see, I’ve given random headcanons on Singin’ before, but let’s go with this one. When watching it the first time in my twenties and “Make ‘em Laugh” came on, my pal said with such deep earnest and pained joy, “Cosmo is doing all this just to make Don laugh,” and I think about that every time I watch that sequence. 
2. Parks and Recreation
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Look, I can totally see how Parks & Rec isn’t for everyone. But to me, it’s a half-hour long televisual hug of people doing their best to love each other and make the world better, with helpings of political commentary and utterly absurd comedy. It definitely doesn’t come without caveats and is already dated in some ways, but in a weird way, I appreciate that Schur & Goor have grown in their politics that missteps taken in P&R aren’t repeated in and are often actually rectified in B99 & The Good Place. I deeply, deeply love the relationship between Ben and Leslie, and how hard Leslie loves: people, Pawnee, politics, public service. The families-of-choice vibes are strong in this one and there are few things I am more of a suck for than families-of-choice. I could ramble endlessly on this one, so I’ll cut myself off there.
Anyhoops, I have very many feelings about P&R and if you’ve been wondering whether to watch it but holding back for whatever reason, please DEFINITELY message me and I will share with you my many thoughts on why you should watch, where there might be squicks, and why you should actually start with season 2, episode 21 (yes, even the completionists amongst you).
Bonus gif:
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3. Jurassic Park
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... I love dinosaurs, and I love Dr Ellie Satler. She is amazing and if there was a gif of her with the triceratops I would have chosen that one. Between her general personality/competency, her unabashed feminism and her face, she remains the best 🥰Also I appreciate that Lex also got to save the day, in a way v specific to her skillset and that the film didn’t dismiss her despite being v scared and way outside her comfort zone in the outdoorsy survival parts of the film. 
I also have fond memories of going to see it for my sixth birthday and going to the bathroom when the T-rex eats Gennaro, so not totally understanding why all my pals were terrified when I got back. Ofc I then had fears that a t-rex would stomp and crush our home, but *handwaves* I grew out of that fear. And grew a new one.
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4. Avatar: the Last Airbender
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Ho-hum. Where to start with Avatar. Lmao, in the context of Game of Thrones (to which it has been ofc compared lately) just having a long-form television show which delivers on the vast majority of its themes and premises is a relief and satisfying. But, I liked Avatar long before I was back in the GOT-verse so. It’s a compelling narrative, carefully constructed and mindful of the stories and values it’s putting out into the world. And those stories, values and themes aren’t light. It tackles war, genocide, familial abuse, revenge, and redemption alongside things like building family, accepting differences, forgiveness, and honesty. That said, it balances those things with children-being-children, and moments of grace and humour. Each character is well-drawn, their personalities and choices respected, and the idea that character-drives-plot is masterfully demonstrated. Hey look - we’ve got some families-of-choice vibes here too!
I think I’ve previously rambled in the tags of a post about Katara specifically. But as someone who has, ah, an appreciation for anger and an awareness that women + anger = bad, societally speaking, Katara was a breath of fresh air. She is as compassionate as she is angry, and while there are philosophical differences between characters when it comes to her acting on her anger, the anger itself is never questioned or denigrated, by other characters or by the narrative itself. Her anger is never used as a tool to invalidate her other characteristics, or the reverse (her compassion, her nurturing side, etc, are never used to invalidate her anger), and she means a lot to me.
Also idk what this is but it came up when I searched Avatar and if I have to see it and be slightly confused and embarrassed then so do you:
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5. Pacific Rim
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lmao I rambled so much about the past few I’m tempted to just say: I JUST LOVE IT OK. Which is true, but. A bit more. Pacific Rim is like two hours of hope. I think I have in my queue a post that describes the relationship between Mako and Raleigh as two hurt & hardened warriors who nonetheless find softness with each other, and that is 100% true. But that ignores how in many ways, the same is true for Stacker and Mako, and even Stacker and Raleigh to degrees. Stacker’s adoption of Mako is very important. A black man with an East London accent being the most vital person in the movement to save the world is important. The multi-national, scrappy and semi-guerilla response to a weird af global threat, and the related deep humanity in facing the end of the world and hoping against hope that there’s a chance, also deeply resonant. 
It’s also stunning: Guillermo del Toro and his colour schemes, y’all. The fight scenes are so GOOD and INTERESTING and just so blatantly done by someone who knew exactly what they were doing and loved every minute of it. The idea of the drift and of drift compatibility is lovely: that philosophical belief in the interconnectedness of people. The (somewhat blink-and-you-miss-it) background class commentary (del Toro, icu) 👏. 
And, ofc, as with many on this list: the centering of Mako, the dedication to playing out the full emotional arc, of her having complex emotions which are respected and acknowledged by other characters and the narrative... yes please thank you.
6. Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
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Women being competent and supported is deeply comforting. I’ve particularly found myself rewatching MFMM as the world is on fire. Just - watching Phryne build her family (families of choice!) and her community, get her men, and win the day through cleverness and determination is heartening.
7. The Holiday
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I love Kate Winslet’s arc in this. But honestly I think much of my love for this centres on the fact that I saw it when v much longing to move to the UK and it is the most charming/romantic portrayal of Britain and that appealed to 20 y-o K who was so desperate to go. That said, the arc between Iris & Arthur (eg the gif below) makes me cry every time, so there’s that.
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As mentioned, I’m v late to this game so I don’t know who’s been tagged! If you haven’t done it yet, please consider yourself tagged & let me know when you’ve done it! (Yes, I definitely do mean you!)
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allthefilmsiveseenforfree · 6 years ago
Captain Marvel
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This review will be spoiler-free, both as a courtesy, and because Captain Marvel is so jam-packed with plot that it’s sort of difficult to figure out how to talk about it. The MCU’s first female-led superhero film has a LOT of pressure on its mighty shoulders, and a lot of questions circling around it. Was it worth the wait? Is it better than Wonder Woman? (Because if a woman stars in a film and no one is around to pit her against another woman, does she even make a sound?) Context is important, and I do believe all these questions matter, but my biggest question going in was always going to be - was this a good entry in the MCU? Well...
Yeah, I think it was. I don’t know that it’s one of the greats - I’d say it’s solidly hovering around the first Guardians of the Galaxy territory rather than Black Panther - but it covered all the normal ground of a superhero origin story and then some. In terms of narrative structure it’s a little disjointed, but at a brisk 2-hour running time, it gives us what we need to set up Captain Marvel’s return to kick Thanos to the curb in Avengers: Endgame next month.
Some thoughts:
FIRST OF ALL, that special Marvel Studios production logo was too much and undid me immediately.
Brie Larson is pretty damn great as Carol Danvers. She’s funny (why didn’t they let her be funny in the trailers? Color me shocked when she wasn’t all ice-cold Air Force swagger but instead was the alien military love child of Dr. Ellie Satler and Buffy Summers), she’s cool, and she radiates goodness. Plus, her wardrobe is like a siren call to my little gay heart - badass chicks in white tank tops has been my kryptonite since Helen Hunt in Twister. 
Larson shines brightest once the movie really gets into full swing and she is able to play off a series of buddy cop dynamics. The first is with a digitally de-aged Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, and their relationship is hilarious, but quickly built on mutual trust and respect. The real heart of the film is when Carol reconnects with her best friend, Maria Rambeau (Lashana Lynch). Maria and her daughter Monica (Akira Akbar) form a beautiful little family with Carol and their dynamic, even though it’s not given as much screen time as Carol and Fury together, is filled to the brim with emotional heft, devotion, and true connection. The strength of the performances means this is immediately one of the strongest, most healthy friendships I’ve seen in the MCU, and I just hope that we get to see more of it.
In related news: Did I Cry? Yes I did during Maria’s incredible reunion scene with Carol.
The other highlight? A fantastic villain in Ben Mendelsohn, playing a member of the shapeshifting alien race, the Skrulls. Finally the MCU has given someone more to do than glower in some vibrantly colored alien makeup - his backstory and motivations are compelling and completely understandable, and some reveals in the back half of the film mean this movie DEFINITELY continues the MCU’s streak of fantastic casting and conception of their movie villains in Phase Three.
Everything about the soundtrack is amazing, it’s my childhood, and I can’t imagine how much brighter my world would have been as a 9-year-old if I had seen a fantastic female superhero kicking ass to No Doubt’s “Just a Girl.” I’m so happy girls today will get to have that moment.
My only complaints are small ones - the visual effects, particularly during the first major battle scene on an alien planet and the big final showdown in space, felt muddy and cheesy to me. I either couldn’t quite make out what was going on, or I could make out very clearly what was going on and it just looked kind of...meh. Normally I don’t feel this way about Marvel battle scenes, so that surprised me a bit. I will say the hand-to-hand fight scenes featured some of my favorite choreography in recent memory, especially a long sequence in which Carol can’t use her powers as effectively as she would like and has to fight her way out of captivity. Because of her character, those fight scenes contain a lot more punch (ahahaha I’m so funny) than the pew pew laser fights.
Samuel L Jackson steals every moment of every scene he’s in because he’s Samuel L Motherfucking Jackson and all of his interactions with the cat, Goose, are precious and perfect. Also [SPOILER about the cat’s wellbeing coming up] good news for anyone who was worried - Goose finishes the movie unharmed!!
I loved that this movie surprised me by being funnier, cooler, sassier, and more emotionally rich than I was expecting. I wasn’t that convinced by the trailers that I was going to love Carol, because all-powerful god-like superheroes really aren’t my thing. They’re boring because there’s no tension, no stakes. Carol Danvers proved to me that she’s worthy of my adoration for more than just merely existing. She’s not interested in simply ticking off the “female-led superhero movie” box on Marvel’s checklist of diversity. And she’s going to be a welcome addition to the team of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes come April.
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