#dqxi fanfiction
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hydroidmedusa · 8 months ago
I wrote this scene for my DQXI post-Act III fic so that I could cope with the existence of Act III. 😭😭😭
SPOILER WARNING for Dragon Quest XI Act III:
“Do you ever feel like none of this is real?”
               Erik’s brow furrowed. “Well… Sometimes I feel like all of this is too good to be true. [...] Sometimes I worry that I’m going to wake up, alone and forgotten, in a dark cell, and realize this was all a dream. Is that what you’re talking about?”
               Eleven shook his head. “Not exactly.” He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times as though he was about to continue, but the words died in his throat. Finally, he shook his head again and said, “It’s difficult to explain. I just keep thinking about them. I hope they’re okay.”
               Erik raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Them?”
               Eleven nodded. “You know… from the other time.”
               El rarely brought up the other timeline, the one he had bravely left for the sliver of a chance he could save Veronica in this one. Erik had so many questions at first, but Eleven had refused to answer them, each time belligerently continuing in whatever labor he was engaged in when the question was asked as though he could not hear it. Over time, Erik had stopped asking. After all, he understood what it was to keep a secret from those he loved the most. Certainly, El had his reasons, and Erik wouldn’t burden him with inquiries.
               Over the last several years, Erik could swear he had glimpses, memories even, from that timeline, though he kept these secret for fear they were false memories. They would play over and over in his dreams and sometimes in his waking moments. El reaching for the Sword of Light, Jasper blasting him with a darkness spell, the lot of them felled one by one at Jasper’s hand, useless against the dark barrier protecting him. The visions were less concrete after that—darkness covering the land, fighting the monster that controlled Mia, the feeling of flesh turning to gold as he embraced her, the all-too-short grieving period for Veronica's loss, the forging of a sword, the feeling of elation upon Mordegon’s defeat. He remembered a temple and a mysterious entity, though he could not remember the form that entity took nor what it said. He remembered what he said, though, right before the Luminary departed through that gate, never to return.
               “See you on the other side.”
               Eleven flinched and gaped at Erik, eyes wide.
               “That’s what I said, isn’t it? Right before you stepped through that gate?”
               “How did you—? I never told you…”
               “Well, I think I can say the guy who told you that is okay. Because I’m pretty sure that guy is part of me now. I mean, he had a rough go of it after you left. Everybody did. But we knew that if you stayed, you couldn’t live with that decision because you’re too damn good. So we held on to what we had—each other.”
               Eleven clutched Erik’s hands in his own and looked expectantly into his eyes.
               Erik squeezed El’s hands and continued, “I haven’t talked to the others about it because I didn’t know whether the memories were real or not. I mean, it sounds crazy, doesn’t it? But if I really did remember what I said to you in that dumb temple… well, maybe it isn’t so crazy after all.” Erik shook his head and chuckled, “I know it sounds sappy, and don’t tell Veronica I said this, but… I think maybe our bond crossed the bounds of time and brought us back together. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for every one of us. We loved you and Veronica too much to stay behind for good.”
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midnight-marimba · 2 years ago
Hendrik hates bugs. Hendrik really, truly despises bugs. But when someone else expresses care for all insect-kind, he feels it is not his place to be the cause of further grief.
Dragon Quest XI Fanfiction featuring Hendrik, Serena, & Sylvando, 1206 words, general audience
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hydroidmedusa · 7 months ago
Beautiful, evocative art! Very interested in this fic, I would love to read some more character development for Jade, since she kind of got screwed over by the narrative post Act I, imo.
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HI my name's brin and i've spent the last 4 years writing a dragon quest 11 post-post game fic focusing on how things could play out as the party grapple with this new peaceful erdrea. but it's mostly focused on serena and jade as i feel they are very under-utilised in the canon (and i feel like act 3 could really be the start of their character arcs rather than the end!) So here's some miscellaneous art i've done over the last year or so. one day the fic will be done and these can be enjoyed with full context but i thought i may as well post them for now as i make a lot of art for this and it doesn't really fit anywhere :-)
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im-totally-not-an-alien-3 · 2 months ago
Dq11 au, where the protagonist really IS the Darkspawn. Hear me out.
Erdwin was sealed away inside the luminarys star alongside the Dark One to save his life after Morcants betrayal, so he never actually dies and thus can not be reincarnated. Unfortunately, the lord of shadows is still very much a threat, so the world tree has to do something.
Yigdrasil decided to take all the negative energy it had from all the souls inside it to purge itself and imbue it into a single soul. Soon after, the prince of Dundrasil was born with a pitch black version of the luminarys mark on the back of his hand.
The fall of Dundrasil plays out as it's supposed to in the original timeline, up until a group of monsters are drawn towards an infant floating down the river and feel compelled to raise it as thier own.
Moreover, Mordigon has no idea that the luminary of old is technically still alive and fully believes he needs to find this child.
Years later, word spreads of a child ruling over the ruins of Dundrasil with an array of monsters...
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uniguinflutist · 6 months ago
I said this on Discord, but here it goes:
I imagine writing a Luminerik smut fic with fem!Erik and then giving it the 50 Shades of Gray treatment by editing it to be an ORIGINAL novel, submitting it to a trad publisher and getting Colleen Hoover write an approving recommendation without her realizing that it's based on DQXI and thus getting tons of royalties and a movie deal.
It'd be hilarious to see wine moms thirst after "Eleven" without knowing ANY of the context and seeing who they cast. I'd get to be interviewed and meet my childhood hero Stephen Colbert.
And then, in a final act, I'd reveal the truth to people and in curiosity, all of the wine moms check out the Dragon Quest series and that's how it becomes popular in the West. Like 90% of western Dragon Quest fans will be wine moms.
And finally, I'll get to meet Yuji Horii and he'd thank me for helping sales abroad where they've struggled in the past and he'd give me a head-pat like the good girl that I am
Reylo already have SO MANY books based on it. It's time for OTHER ships to have a chance at being best-selling novels.
(Not that there's anything wrong with Reylo, it's just that the market is supersaturated with it)
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flaxenhairedsamurai · 2 years ago
The Parts They Leave Out Of The Stories is now, officially, complete!
Thank you all for the support over the years, for the wonderful comments and art, the kudos and bookmarks. Honestly without all of you, it probably wouldn't have made it past chapter ten. But now I can say with a smile that it is done. (At least until I decide to write those Act 3 scenes or descend into Tickington...)
Now to take a nice long nap and think about my next big project 😁
The final chapter can be found below, I hope you enjoy it!
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error707-thatdude · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag!
Three ships
AraSol (Homestuck), ElevErik (DQXI), FarCille (Dungeon Meshi)
First ship
Def has to be smt from a cartoon... I think maybe Nabu and Aisha from Winx? Mostly cuz I remember being absolutely devastated at his death LMAO (if not that then InuKag from Inuyasha)
Last song
Partner in Crime by Madilyn Mei
Currently reading
Mostly fanfiction right now. How to Suddenly Acquire Children by orangestorapples is a really good Homestuck fic!!
Last movie
The Barbie Movie I think? Saw it on the plane while returning from NY lol
Currently craving
Some tripleta fries I got from a food truck once...... I swear that shit had crack in it, it was So good constantly thinking about it
@nintendont2502 @faerociousbeast @oliverainbow @nyanx4 @yourdweamie @hawheckin
Nine people you’d like to get to know better
Thanks @ollieofthebeholder for the tag!
Three Ships
clethubs (hermitcraft/life series), falin/marcille (dungeon meshi), jizzie (life series/empires/any series with both of them there)
First Ship
hmmmmm i think it was percabeth?
Last Song
intermission by the scissor sisters 
Currently Reading
soul music, by terry pratchett  
Last Movie
i cannot for the life of me remember o(-( i wanna say the sonic movie but i dont think it was??
Currently Craving
top surgery lemonade :]
Tagging (absolutely no pressure) @ilexdiapason, @romijuli, @fried-cowboy-1897, @definedvines, @honorsongs, @flaxenhairedsamurai, @sporadicmusicjellyfish, @standbyeris, @areus-in-a-little-cave, and anybody else who wants to give this a go :]
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icyhotheartwritings · 5 years ago
In the dark of night, secrets come to light. Erik shares a part of himself with Eleven, and Eleven does all he can to help.
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usedtobewerealpacas-blog · 6 years ago
The last days of Hendrik and Jasper.
because i needed to write ANOTHER THING: the pre-pre-pre game story about the beginning of the end of jasper and hendrik’s friendship, because hendrik is awful at people’s feelings and jasper is a dumpster fire and also sylvando is there. honey.
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phantomstatistician · 3 years ago
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Fandom: Dragon Quest XI
Character: Luminary
Sample Size: 438 stories
Source: AO3
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xxjustawanderingsoulxx · 2 years ago
Can't believe I didn't put this here earlier, but this is something my writer's mind is working on again so hopefully I can put up the next part soon
(putting in all these tags so you know what fandoms are featured in it)
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midnight-marimba · 2 years ago
Epilogue: use your words
I needed some time to myself to think.  Not sulk, mind you!  I needed to think things over, like the calm, rational man I was. I heard someone coming, and I jumped into the bushes.
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daezedglownut · 3 years ago
"Secret of the Spirit"
Pairing: Jasper/Sylvando
Rating: Explicit (for later chapters)
Chapter: 1/10(?)
I always wondered what would've happened if Jasper won the Signor Universo Competitzione... don't drop a handsome man into the middle of that kind of subplot and expect me not to bite.
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machoestofmen · 3 years ago
The Best Offense, a Dragon Quest XI fic
@lesbiangemma @nnaotos This one's for you two, Jade and Serena getting to know each other better by me writing about in-game abilities.
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uniguinflutist · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dragon Quest XI, Dragon Quest Series Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Camus | Erik/Hero | Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Graig | Hendrik/Sylvia | Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI) Characters: Graig | Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI), Camus | Erik (Dragon Quest XI), Hero | Luminary (Dragon Quest XI), Sena | Serena (Dragon Quest XI), Veronica (Dragon Quest XI), Homer | Jasper (Dragon Quest XI), Sylvia | Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI), Emma | Gemma (Dragon Quest XI), Marutina | Jade (Dragon Quest XI), Rou | Rab (Dragon Quest XI), Amber (Dragon Quest XI) Additional Tags: Act II, writing this because my sleep schedule is shit, Character Study, Past Relationship(s), Explicit Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Trans Erik, Trans Male Character, Miscarriage, Birth Control, Sexual Repression, Camping, Hero is named Eleven Summary:
As dusk reaches the mountainous outbacks of Snilfheim, the party decides to set up camp at a nearby site before heading to Arboria. Erik has finally recovered his memories and his sister, and the Luminary is in even higher spirits as they set out on their quest.
It's there that Hendrick learns of an unofficial position that rotates through the party: The Night Guard, where someone guards the Luminary's tent to watch for Mordegon's spies. Being the honorable knight that he is, Hendrick offers to take the position as "The Night Guard" permanently, and there are no complaints about that.
Unfortunately for Hendrick, he soon learns the true reason for the job: it isn't to protect the Luminary from Mordegon's spies, it's to prevent anyone from walking in on Eleven and Erik while they're having ROWDY SEX. EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
As Hendrick slowly learns more about the humanity of the chosen Luminary and his boyfriend, he begins to grapple with the loss of his own.
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flaxenhairedsamurai · 4 years ago
To quote @error707-thememelord, 'I just think in a nicer universe where Mordy doesn't exist and Jasper isn't fighting with his darkness, they would have been good Babysitters lol', and presented some very good evidence to support the claim.
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I have to agree 🥰
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