#dqb2 fanfic
queermentaldisaster · 9 months
(feel free to submit any y'all may have had {looking at you, axolotl man})
Gaz and Roach end up pranking Ghost post game. They really do. They're the utter and complete worst duo ever /aff
Price almost stabbed Roach at first when Gaz told Price that they were dating
Soap ended up destroying that ugly ass pyramid and building a full ass house for him and Ghost.
(DQB2 SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT {specifically Malhalla spoilers})
AND SOAP'S JUST STUCK WITH THIS GIANT, CLINGY ASS MONSTER (and Soap is absolutely a monsterfucker, you can't prove me wrong)
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magicandjuliet · 2 years
Blood and Snow
A swift movement of the arm was enough to send the monster tumbling away from him in a distant trail of magical smoke, strands of hair as black as the leaden sky above Moonbroke fell out of what was the usual messy, loose ponytail that Malroth hastily binds to. in the morning before following Kairi and her running around the fallen kingdom.
"GRARGH!! ' he roared, unleashing yet another attack on the animal that swooped down on him, grabbing the club with both gloved hands and pounding until the being was turned to pulp.
Nothing outclassed the sheer adrenaline that flooded his veins when he knew he was going to shatter some skulls.
He couldn't see what his face was like, but he could no doubt assume that the adrenaline often made him forget who he was, where he came from… even if that was a mystery… and what he had come to do.
You are not here to destroy.
You're here to help Kairi.
That turned out hard to remember when that feeling that pressed against his bones like lava in a volcano was transformed into pure power in the face of the thrill of a battle…When Kairi couldn't be his anchor, it was up to Malroth to force himself to go back to reality, away from the clouded state his mind perceived.
It was a cry of joy and a figure that jumped energetically a little farther away to distract him from the trance, a smile arched his lips upwards.
"We beat them!" The builder exulted, sumptuous and adorable pink hair gathered in a high ponytail of her jolted, accompanied by the energetic movement of his jumps and her captivating laughter. "Mal! Mal, wasn't that great! Did you see me?! Did you see me?!"
"I saw you all right, you were phenomenal!" A wave of pride settled in his heart as he adjusted a few strands of brown hair that fell out of the long spiky ponytail in which his hair was gathered. "You're not hurt, are ya?" He asked, sheathing the club into the sheath on his back.
She had a tiny bruise on her face, but nothing that was unsettling.
'No! Healthy as a fish! ”She replied proudly.
He let out a sigh of relief, feeling some of the power ebb and become a small clump clustered somewhere within him, which would awaken when he would feel the earth shake again with the trembling of the next battle. He relaxed the tension he tended to build up on his shoulders, straightening himself from the bent position he was in to face Kairi.
"All done, Kai- Nrgh!"
But a deep wave of pain prevented him from doing this simple task and instead sent him back to the exact position as before, except with one hand pressed where the pain was mercilessly radiating to an unspecified spot within his left side ... what the hell-?
He suppressed a gasp of pain by biting his tongue, daring to remove his hand lightly from where he had laid it and frowning at the tips of his gloved fingers dyed a bright scarlet color.
He tried to keep calm and steady breathing so as not to alert Kairi, intent on gathering materials not far from him. "I'll be right back, You stay there, you don't need to follow me!" Her tone was so cheery and perky that Malroth felt a drop of sweat ticking down his cheek in an exonerating manner. "Great job, Mal!"
"Thanks." Oh, the effort not to make his voice tremble.
When was he injured? Was it possible he hadn't noticed? How could this be?
Breathe Malroth, breathe. He imposed it on himself with how much strength he had in his body. Panicking wouldn't help remember a damn thing, in this case, perhaps calm could really be a virtue. It seemed to trigger a mechanism by which the builder turned to look at him. "Mal, is everything okay?"
His first response was to nod energetically, as if he wasn't trying to stop a bleeding with a glove - he hadn't even believed he was capable of bleeding until then.
When had he been hit? His mind laboriously tried to remember the events of the seconds before ... nothing, he remembered only the incessant throb of blood in his ears and the power that was waning. He didn't remember any blows that might have been dealt to him…
"Are you sure you're okay?" A light but reassuring hand landed on his back, which he straightened with a snap. "You don't look fine..."
Malroth tsked with his usual tone, that tone that made the world understand that he didn't care at all, and turned his profile to the young woman. "Don't be silly, I'm fit as a fiddle!" She said, masking whatever she was feeling now with a dose of enthusiasm, just the right amount for his innocent Kairi to give up trying to figure out why Malroth wasn't facing her. "I might even go for a jog right now!"
Yes, a jog to the nun before Kairi noticed the injury. He persistently ignored the sweat that was already beading his forehead, brushing it off with the hand that wasn't busy blocking the blood from falling everywhere and arousing the suspicion that such streams certainly cannot fall from a body where there are no injuries. "Oh! really?" Kairi giggled, looking at him with admiration. "You're a force of nature!" Malroth swallowed, forcing a smile that was anything but genuine, and forcing himself not to look down, quickly covering the injured area with his jacket as Kairi moved in front of him, watching him curiously with those green eyes.
"So? You wanna slaughter more skulls or are we going back?" She asked curiously... under normal circumstances, he would have sailed all over the islands to find another fight. But right now he was more inclined to go and lie down in a corner and find a way not to bleed out. "Eh, monsters won't show up for a while." Kairi noticed the disgusted face he must have assumed, as her hand moved to gently cup his cheek. "Is it me or are you pale?" There was a certain amount of alarm in her voice that certainly didn't help to lessen whatever sensation he was feeling. But for her he tried to keep his nerves as steady as he could, moving her hand away from his cheek with determination but far from the destructive force that went in when it came to beating.
With Kairi, kindness and gentleness came naturally to him as if in occult second nature somewhere behind those sharp red eyes.
"Not at all: it's all these white clouds that make me look like a rag." He replied, hoping and praying that Kairi hadn't noticed the way his hip was completely hidden by the jacket, praying that she hadn't noticed how his hand pressed with an unprecedented insistence on it.
"Are you sure everything is okay?"
He nodded firmly. "Come on, you know me! Am I or am I not your invincible partner?"
With a flow of blood held back by a rubber glove in a completely precarious manner he didn't feel as invincible as he proclaimed, but part of him couldn't help but feel strong when Kairi smiles fondly at him.
"And I couldn't have asked for a more loyal protector." She said, rising on the toes of her boots to lay a tiny kiss on his cold cheek. "Come on, let's go back inside."
Later. Malroth promised himself, casting a fleeting glance at the bloodstain that didn't seem to want to lessen. Later I'll take a look and stitch it up myself.
I'll recover, boy if I will recover. It'll sure as heck not be a stupid wound to knock me out…
He told himself, ignoring the fact that he didn't feel as fit as he was willing to admit if anyone asked him, even without using the hard way. Kairi was dragging him into town, occasionally turning to look at him to make sure he was following her and not stumbling... but with each step his head got heavier and the surroundings more confused, white on white instead of a panorama mountain defined by the harshness of the snow-capped peaks. He pressed his hand harder against the wound, drops of sweat beading on his forehead but hastened to wipe them as they passed the gate to see the horde of Moonbrooke residents rushing to meet them.
"Kairi! Malroth! You were wonderful!" Warwick exclaimed, his face slightly red from the run just made. He deftly took Kairi's hands in his and hopped energetically. "Especially you, Kairi! When did you learn to fight like this?"
A stroke of jealousy settled in his chest, he forced himself to look away from the scene, clenching his jaw tightly.
Tsk, stupid Warwick. He and that of him being so submissive to the will of a king that he didn't even know he had a kingdom in ruins in his hands.
"Oh, I had time to practice!" Kairi cheerfully replied when Malroth looked at her, hinting at a smile …
And then the world whirled and his vision swam violently, He let out a half groan, frowning and hunching his shoulders forward. He was leaning with his left shoulder against a wall, holding his side and staying on the sidelines hoping no one would see it : Everyone was busy congratulating Kairi on a recent new build that had served in previous battles and which apparently was in perfect working order…He too would have congratulated himself, had it not been that a sudden cold hit him like a fist and he found himself huddling in his jacket in search of shelter against the bitter cold that was gripping him everywhere in his body. The same tenacity hand held over the wound began to tremble in a way that seemed out of his control.
He forcefully repelled the trembling of his knees now ready to yield, opposing the sense of weakness that was slowly gripping his bones, numbing his muscles ... The only warm thing was the blood that was dripping, staining his clothes and falling in the white snow.
O mighty lord of destruction.
In addition to the pain in his side, an excruciating stab in his head almost sent him tumbling to his knees in the cold snow.
"What…" he growled, trying to keep his voice low even though the whistling in his ears was dizzying him like never before.
Oh mighty lord, who hurt you so?
Who dared to cut your flesh to the point of letting your divine blood flow out on this sinful earth?
We shall destroy them, o mighty lord!
Malroth clung tightly to his side, pressing his forehead against the cold floor, groaning from the concentration of pain curled up in two different but equally awful parts.
He clung to the frozen ground, feeling the bitter cold of the snow even through his gloves.
He growled through clenched teeth, his entire face twisted by tremendous waves alternating from head and side.
It was atrocious.
"-Al?!" It was Kairi's alarmed voice that took him slightly away from the pain, and a pair of warm hands gripped his face. "Mal! Hey!"
"Ka ... Kai ..." He breathed, feeling drops of sweat falling clearly down his forehead like raindrops ... this did not seem to calm her alarm, who held his head firmly up so that he could look into her eyes. "I'm here ... I'm here..."
She was there.
Oh, she was there.
Malroth relaxed considerably, all the tension accumulated up to that moment melted like snow in the sun, strands of hair fell on his sweaty forehead.
React, my lord ... fight your own blood!
He violently pulled his hand from the wound to grab the skull hard, bending forward to press his head against Kairi's knees. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" He roared, feeling the warm trail of blood gushing out of his body, warm and liquid, against Kairi's knees and dress and feeling her move with sharp and precise movements to check where the red was coming from, without moving him from that precarious position. which seemed to help his pain.
She slapped a hand over her mouth, a gasp passed her lips when she saw: It wasn't just a scratch like he thought, or someone who had run out of steam and smeared him but still strong enough to let blood out.
In the fury of the fight he must not have even felt something sinking deep into his lower torso, in a diagonal gash that circled that area.
"Mal! Why didn't you tell me you're hurt?!" She screamed, wrapping her arm feverishly around his shoulders and hugging him to her small chest."Oh Mal! Mal! Who hit you?! Tell me!"
She was on the verge of hysteria, he could hear it from her breaking voice. Warm tears burned at the edges of his clouded, glassy eyes. He cursed himself for being weak, for being inattentive.
Or maybe he just cursed himself and that's that.
His heart was beating wildly, so hard it almost felt like he had it in his ears instead of his chest, with his free hand he grabbed on to Kairi, clumping the dress on her back in a fist and falling onto his injured side with his head on her knees, his face pressed into her soft chest meanwhile a series of gasping breaths rasped in the most remote depths of his chest, each of them stirred up the pain more and more. "Kairi… stop...stop fussing. I'm fi-AGH!" The second he tried to get up was the same second pain ran through his entire sternum like a myriad of lightning-fast ants. Malroth doubled over, clutching his hand tightly over the wound and hurried to put the other to his mouth, feeling the metallic taste of blood flow up from his body and down his mouth with the force of a waterfall from his lips and through his fingers.
A dull terror assaulted him, and he found himself wondering if losing so much blood was normal.
"When will you stop being so proud?" Kairi murmured into his hair, rocking his shaking figure back and forth ever so gently.
Malroth felt an urge to cough up all the blood in his mouth, but he repressed it violently by attempting to swallow it.
He was not paying any attention to anything, much less to Esther who was approaching to crouch next to the two. He didn't flinch when she placed a hand on his forehead, his eyes were dropping dangerously. "Malroth ... my brother, I need you to show me the wound." She took his bloody hands, prying it off Kairi's clothes to hold it in hers, constantly warm and reassuring and ever so calm. By instinct, the man curled up more on himself as a wounded and cornered animal does, eyes wide, pupil ferally restricted to a black dot in a sea of ​​red, an animal-like growl escaped from his chest. Kairi held him longer, harder.
"Malroth. Please." Esther repeated gently. "You're losing a lot of blood …"
His senses ceased to function, overwhelmed by an intense and excruciating wave of pain before the slow and punctuated voice spoke again.
Don't fight this pain, my lord! It's part of you!
All this building will tear the wounds in your soul even more until you wake up and rise!
arise, my lord!
He felt his temples pulsing with unheard of force and with a cry he curled up on himself, heavy breaths left his rib cage to disperse in the cold air. "Shut up…SHUT UP!!!!" His voice cracked like thin ice on a lake, tears of pain and frustration cascading down his cheeks, body shaking violently.
He no longer felt anything. Kairi's hand on her hair, which had previously seemed like the most grounding sensation of all about her, now felt like nothing but a breeze. One of those that flow and is not even heard.
Heavy, fragmented breaths shook his chest, accompanied by the sound of blood flowing into his ears and the red pool that stained the snow more and more beneath him.
He could hear Anessa giving disjointed orders, Esther's hand closed in his and the King approaching to monitor the situation, a worried look furrowed his face. He could hear him cry out to the goddess, as if begging her for mercy.
He was cold and hot at the same time, he could no longer focus on Esther's face or on Kairi's soft but firm touch. He felt himself slipping more and more towards unconsciousness, and although he was doing violence to himself to keep his eyes open, his eyelids continued to descend beyond his control.
"... Roth ... Malroth, you have to stay awake." Esther urged him. He heard a great commotion and suddenly the King's voice, hard as he had never heard it before, barked orders. "Hold on, alright? We're going to heal you, but you have to hold on a little longer…can you do that?"
He swallowed emptily.
"He finally started doing his job…huh?" A chuckle came straight out of his blood stained lips, right before he let his head loll to the side and his eyelids flutter ever so slightly.
"NONONO! MAL!" He could feel Kairi cupping his jaw and giving him light slaps on the cheeks in a desperate attempt to keep him awake.
"Kairi, He'll die if he falls asleep. You have to keep him awake. Is that clear? She absolutely must not fall asleep." Esther turned his wrist, determined to keep track of his heart rate. From the faint way it rang in his ears, he understood why The Nun was so alarmed when she felt the soft throb under her fingers. Malroth swallowed empty.
"We have to move him-" The king intervened very awkwardly, but Esther whirled around. "Your Majesty. Never, never and in NO case should a wounded person be moved." But the king did not lose heart. "Sister, If we don't move him he will die not only of bleeding but also of hypothermia!"
And then, hopelessly, his lids closed and Malroth slipped into darkness.
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sapphire-draw · 2 months
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Hargon and Malroth can have such an interesting (comedic) dynamic
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uniguinflutist · 4 months
Just finished Dragon Quest Builders 2. Hearing Malroth tell Hargon, "I hope in your next life you'll make a few friends" and having the priest then scoff at the idea of friendship and building for fun legit gave me an idea for a fanfic where Hargon is reincarnated as the female Builder and Malroth's child.
Now he's trapped in a sea of friendship and building with the expectations that he'll either become a great warrior like Malroth or become an amazing builder.
I think I might write it and then probably give up after 3 chapters like I always do but I gotta get it out of my brain somehow.
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eriquin · 1 month
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He marched through the halls to the debate chamber, flanked by guards and without a care for the clerks who rushed out of his way. His only concern was for Sil’s well being, but she kept up with him readily. She had a determined set to her chin as well. He paused for a moment outside of the chamber doors, which gave the rest of their group a moment to catch up. 
(make me write)
(join the community)
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Video Games
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Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Malroth)
Best friends don’t kiss
Welcome home
You’re lucky I love you
The builders and the bee
On my way to heaven
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dreamerkitty · 1 year
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The start of a small Moonbrooke fic
It’s a little sombre and kind of a different thing for me to write but I hope you can enjoy it anyway
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wendelin-utt · 4 months
WIP Title Game
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
... @imtrashraccoon This is actually a very cool idea. Of course, the post they made you can find here. They found out about it through @/naturaldreamer (who you can find here) and I am gonna do it too.
Of course, I'll be including the fandom that these WIPs are a part of, as well as what type of medium I was planning on putting them in. Some might look very familiar to those that have seen my work before. And yes... I'll be listing EVERY SINGLE WIP (The title of the folder I have) I have in the works, be it in the pile of 'I'll get to it when I get to it' or currently working on it.
You can view it under the 'Keep Reading' section, of course.
Blooming from a Nightmare (UTMV) - Comic
Oceantale (UT AU) - Fanfic
Soulbound (UT AU) - Fanfic
Remake of Game (UTMV, was originally an Original) - Video Game
Bloom (UT AU) - Either Fanfic or Comic
Shinohana (UT AU) - Either Fanfic or Comic
Beloved Hope (Original?) - Fic
Bitty Interactive (UTMV, BittyBones AU) - Blog
Colors in the World (Original) - Video Game
Cursed Sight (MC OCs) - Fanfic
Deck Card (Original) - Either Fanfic, Comic, or Video Game
Hearts of Dreams (Original) - Video Game
Objective Hope (Mashup between Beloved Hope and one of @mintycandycrumb projects) - Fanfic So, I forgot that Minty updated her OCs that are related to this project and raised a good point. Heh...
HERO of Rhythm (LoZ) - Either Video Game or Fanfic
Minerva (D&D) - D&D Campaign
Pixter (Original) - Video Game
Remake of Game, Electric Boogaloo (Original) - Video Game
Romeo and Cinderella (Original) - Fic
To the Other Side (Original) - Comic
Undertale Together (UT AU) - Either Fanfic or Comic
VG AU (YTMC/MC OCs) - Either Video Game or Fanfic
Those above are projects I actually know a basic premise behind and has a folder. Underneath, however... are just folders that I have in the folder for said projects that I have no clue what I was gonna do with them.
game project - All I know about this project is that it was gonna be DQB2 related, I think? All I know is that I have the colors for the character select in the only file in it that has anything of worth in it.
Of course, I should include the ones that I don't even have files on but still have information on. I might add more to this list later on because I might have forgotten about it. Most of these underneath have actual artwork I've made on paper.
Let's School X Undertale (UTMV AU) - Video Game
Moth (Sky:CotL) - Video Game
Floral Calligraphy (UTMV) - Fanfic
Splat! (UT AU) - Comic
Fell (UT AU) - Either Fanfic or Comic
Fake Apple (Original) - Video Game
Of Records and Skeletons (UTMV AU) - Fanfic
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arzuera · 5 years
Sorry if this prompt is weird or not good, but I’ve wanted to see it for a while now. A female builder who tries to help Malroth deal with his ‘headaches’ by distracting him, and trying what she can to make him feel better. But, she also has a problem, she gets so caught up in large projects that she often forgets to eat. Malroth asks the townsfolk for some food so he can give it to her. They both help each other out with their problems!
This is adorable! Don’t sell yourself short!
Malroth’s eye twitched as his head throbbed painfully. He grimaced slightly at the annoyance but continued to watch his best friend with mild irritation.
Five days.
It’s been five days since the female builder last ate something and it was beginning to show. Her movements were sluggish and she seemed to be misplacing blocks more often. The bumbling reserve of energy was almost completely gone.
Every day he had asked her if she had eaten or slept and every day she had avoided the question by saying, “Oh! I’ll get something in a little bit. I just need to finish this part.” or “I’m almost done! Gimme five more minutes.” Project after project kept piling on and she just kept going.
He would have blamed his headaches on her if he hadn’t been getting them before all of this was going on. Then again, she seemed to be around to pester him whenever his headaches became worse...
Malroth watched as the Builder almost faceplanted when her legs gave out from lack of energy. He dragged his hand down his face. Maybe now she would listen to him. “I’d say. ‘I can’t have you falling for me’ but you’ve already done that.”
The Builder grumbled as she looked up from the ground to her best friend. “Booooo. Go away. Get new material.” she said as she waved her hand dismissively at him.
“Not until you eat this material I brought first. Lillian made it just for you.” Malroth replied with a smirk as he lifted the picnic basket of goodies he had ‘liberated’ from Lillian’s restaurant. It was for their mutual friend so he assumed the child wouldn’t mind.
Her mouth waters as the Builder eyed the food with a fierce longing. She looked back at her project then at the basket. “That looks good bu-”
Malroth sat down next to her and shoved a chicken sandwich in the girl’s mouth. “Sorry. Can’t hear you. Your mouth is full.”
She blinked in surprise before pulling herself into a sitting position and taking a bite. “Fine.”
The look of victory on Malroth’s face was worth caving. At least until it disappeared as he rubbed his temple in slight irritation. “About time.” He grumbled out. “You need to take care of yourself more.”
“Aww... where’s the fun in that when you give me such yummy things?” The Builder said as she smirked. She waved her sandwich under his nose but her eyes betrayed her worry. Those headaches of his were becoming more and more frequent and a lot worse. The only thing that seemed to pull him out of it was when she wasn’t looking after herself. She had researched several different medicines but they seemed to do only so much. So she settled on what she knew how to do best.
Be a playful distraction.
The Builder had to admit she really put the destructive man through the wringer but... she really did get too involved with her projects at times. Not eating hadn’t been in her plans. It just happened... a lot.
Malroth grumbled good-naturedly but held his head even tighter as the pain worsened. So she polished off her sandwich in record time and pulled his head into her lap. “Hey?! What are you do-... oh.” He began to protest but just as he did the Builder began massaging his forehead tenderly. Her fingers going in soothing circles to ease his pain.
“You know what? I think we both need a break.” She said with a smile and she could have sworn she felt the man purr under her touch.
“Sounds good to me.”
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queermentaldisaster · 9 months
Is this fandom even still alive??? If so, please, I'm begging you, reach out 😭🙏
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gamerchildaki · 5 years
So I might be thinking about writing some self indulgent fanfiction of Malroth at some point, not sure if it's gonna be a whole ass story or just little random one shots that all kinda tie in together? I'm willing to take requests for stuff to write into it tho if people want to do that (I'll have to sort out getting anon asks open when I do decide to) but yea... Possible self indulgent fanfiction coming up one day
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dragoncaverns · 5 years
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Dear Diary,
Today I heard a interesting story from Zara. She told me that she discovered Malroth was terrified of starfish. I was a little concerned when I heard about this. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t think having a fear is bad. In fact, I think Malroth being scared of a harmless starfish is rather adorable. No, what concerns me is the events that took place the first time we met.
After me, Mal, and Lulu got acquainted with each other. Lulu would request malroth and I go search the beach and gather up some scallywinkles. We did, even if malroth was a bit more relunctent. So while we scoured the beach I took liberty apon myself to stockpile any other resouses I could find along the way for later use. Things like driftwood, shipwreck debris, and seaweed. But once I started treading into water I came across the gems this beach had to offer. Which was the colorful starfishes. I was in awe of their bright colors so much that I grab any that I could find in the shallows and took them back to our makeshift shack. I lined them out on the sands to border out a little walkway and inside around the edge of the dry grass piles we used as beds. Now I recall briefly seeing Malroth giving a disgusted look. But overall be kept a calm composure. I think perhaphs Malroth was too prideful to admit he was scared of them. So I’m concerned the dark bags under his eyes the next morning was due to lack of sleep from being surrounded by the things he was most scared of. Whoops…
P.S. Tomorrow I’m gonna do whatever Mal asks of me to make up for this. Even if he doesn’t know what I’m making up for.
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uniguinflutist · 3 months
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"Reassembly" by Pliny Capybara has now been posted!
A Dragon Quest fanfic where Hargon is reincarnated as the child of the Builder and Malroth. (The Builder's name is Sappho)
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eriquin · 1 year
Find the Word game
Tagged by @gigglebug
words: curly, brown, soft, metal
... someone knows I'm writing steddie stuff, huh? Including some of my DQB2 work here, too.
From working title "Time Travel" - "curly":
They were both dressed for the weekend, slacks and sweaters and polos. His mom’s hair was curly and pinned up, and his dad’s beard was trimmed short. Neither of the styles were the ones they’d been sporting the last time they were home, but there was something nostalgically familiar about it all. “Uh. What time is it, anyway?” 
“Only nine, honey,” Mom said. She got out a small stack of plates and set them on the table. “It is nice to see you before noon, though. Just think! You can actually have some pancakes while they’re hot instead of microwaving them when you get up.” She put three pancakes from her stack on one of the plates and held it out to him.
From the next chapter of "High Marks and Low Riders" - "brown":
“So, is that new?” she asked. “I don’t remember seeing it before... But I’m not sure when I would have.”
He grunted a little as he reached for another handhold. “Kind of new,” he said. “I got it after I got my cast off.” 
“That was, like, a month ago,” Sil said. “Why didn’t you show it to me?” 
“It’s not done yet,” he said. “I’m still trying to figure out what colors to use for it. I could just go for the basic brown and yellow but I’m thinking maybe pink and purple might be better.” 
He was getting decent height and she had to squint to see the design. “It’s pretty cute,” she said. “Did you draw it?”
“Yeah, ages ago,” he called down. His foot slipped and Sil braced herself in case he was about to fall. He held himself in place with both hands and tried to find the foothold again. He missed it twice before he found it and started climbing again. “This is way harder than it looks,” he yelled. 
From "Cat's in the Cradle" - "soft":
Wayne took a drag of his cigarette and raised his eyebrows. “And I should give in and shave my head, huh?” he asked. “Nah. But we probably shouldn’t call you Eddie in public. Might spook some folks.” 
“I went with Teddy when someone asked,” Eddie said.
“Like your Mama used to call you?” 
“Yeah.” Eddie strummed his guitar a little bit. It bit into the soft tips of his fingers. “Seemed appropriate.”
“I’ll go with that then. Or ‘hey you’ like usual.” Wayne gave him a little smile, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Okay, but we still need to steer clear of any suits, right?” Eddie asked. “Joe Schmoe in Hawkins won’t realize I’m still me but the government types might figure it out.”
From the next chapter of "High Marks and Low Riders" - "brown":
“So, is that new?” she asked. “I don’t remember seeing it before... But I’m not sure when I would have.”
He grunted a little as he reached for another handhold. “Kind of new,” he said. “I got it after I got my cast off.” 
“That was, like, a month ago,” Sil said. “Why didn’t you show it to me?” 
“It’s not done yet,” he said. “I’m still trying to figure out what colors to use for it. I could just go for the basic brown and yellow but I’m thinking maybe pink and purple might be better.” 
He was getting decent height and she had to squint to see the design. “It’s pretty cute,” she said. “Did you draw it?”
“Yeah, ages ago,” he called down. His foot slipped and Sil braced herself in case he was about to fall. He held himself in place with both hands and tried to find the foothold again. He missed it twice before he found it and started climbing again. “This is way harder than it looks,” he yelled. 
Also from "Cat's in the Cradle" - "metal":
“The nail bat,” Dustin said. “He used it against demodogs in ‘84.” 
“Nail bat?” Eddie muttered. “You didn’t tell me that. That’s...”
“Pretty metal, right?” 
“Fuck yeah, it is.” 
Robin had disappeared and came back with a bottle of pills that she shook at them. “Hey, Mini-Munson. You want some?” 
“Yes, please,” Eddie said. He tried to sit up again and managed it when moving slowly. “How’s my face?”
“Babyish,” Robin said. 
Eddie stuck out his tongue. “I meant, am I still bloody?”
And that's what I've got for now. Maybe I'll get back to writing. I'm not sure who to tag back... @kedreeva, @whydamnitwhy, and @fiore-della-valle have been enabling me so might as well tag them.
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karawatermelon · 5 years
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How the frick could anyone not see the obvious attraction between these two? Like, so many more people must ship this, right? Just look at how they look at each other!
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falco-caesar · 5 years
Some DQB2 Mini-fanfics
I’m part of a Dragon Quest Builders 2 discord server where we tend to keep on posting little stories about the game so I’m posting the two I wrote here (first has lewd references but nothing NSFW actually happens). Tumblr is weird with the copy and paste for some reason. I have no explanation for the first story.
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