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starrbar · 2 years ago
bro if u think fantasizing about taking advantage of/hurting vunerable people (minors for example) doesnt make u a potentially dangerous person then u need help. and this doesnt apply to people whose invasive/intrusive thoughts involve those things, this applies to people who call it their ""kink."" those people are dangerous. not "omg i cant stand to breathe the same air as them" dangerous because thats silly? theyre just fucked up people who no one wants to be associated with. thats it. lol.
Nah, don't pretend that isn't the attitude all you people have. :) I've seen it WAY too many times.
Here's a tame example that DOESN'T include death threats, suicide baiting, telling people they deserved their abuse, etc. But you're welcome to browse my ever-growing catalogue of totally "normal" behaviors that people justify because of rhetoric EXACTLY like yours.
I've already written extensively about the reasons you're fucking wrong, so feel free to read those if you're so convinced that I'm dangerous for fantasizing about BEING THE ONE taken advantage of as a green cartoon creature. (I personally like this post of mine, as well as this one. Or, again, you can skip over me and just go research it yourself.)
Educate yourself before you come over here and tout as fact your headcanons about what you think other people have in their hearts. <3
(Disclaimer: All links lead to either Twitter, Tumblr, or a Carrd page with further sources.)
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The pair of hooligans (they argue in hell)
I imagine when they're not around each other, they get put out of order because they don't know what to do without someone to argue with
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faunafangz · 6 years ago
🖍🐻🐵 (for the artist ask meme! :p)
🖍- I’ve been drawing for a while as much as I can remember. I think when I started getting more stylized into the classic ‘anime’ phase was around third grade, and then getting more into my own stylization was fifth or sixth grade
🐻- Honestly, it’s gore or something like that. Need to feel better about myself? Beat up some of my characters, as awful as that sounds
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barbaraumbel · 5 years ago
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Dove shell earrings. 14kt gold tendrils with adulation moonstones, a subtle study in black and white. 🌑🌙⚪️ #doveshell #goldearrings #blackandwhite #shellearrings #moonstonejewelry #moonstoneearrings #barbaraumbel #urchinjewel #umbels #indianharbourbeach #spacecoast #barbaraumbeljewelry #shelljewelry #seashelljewelry #handmadejewelry #contemporaryjewelry #artjewelry #shesellsseashells #shellseeker #shelling #islander #pureflorida #tropic #shellart #floridaliving #coastalliving #coastalstyle #seatreasures #seajewelry #oceanjewelry (at Marco Island, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6YoYYqBVKZ/?igshid=1f3sjc9jqgaep
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Doveshell and Gorgetalon don’t get along very well
love them taking no one's bs
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faunafangz · 5 years ago
Burgundy, crimson, plum, saffron, razzmatazz, umber, lavender, fuchsia, blush, mauve, periwinkle, cinnamon, white (bls sleep u need it), green
Burgundy= I get excited when I see posts from you
owq no, it’s me @ u about your art
Crimson= We should collaborate on something
Hell. Yeah. HMU and we can make OCs or something! Ily <3
Plum= I’d like to chat with you
No u
Saffron= I love your ideas
No u x2
Razzmatazz= I would share my favourite food with you
Umber= I want to know more about you
Lmao there really isn’t that much to know
Lavender= You inspire me
You’re the one who bombshells me with art of my OCs which makes me wanna draw them more
Fuchsia= your blog content is gold
Gold? In a dumpster? Sorry, that isn’t likely
Blush= Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better
Mauve= You are really talented
Bro have you seen YOUR art?
Periwinkle= You make me laugh
Bro I’m not funny
Cinnamon= You’re a really cool person and admire you from far
There’s,,nothing to admire :’)
White= You scare me
Sleep is for the weak
Green= I think you’re cute
No y o u <3 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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faunafangz · 6 years ago
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Bold of you to assume I won’t give them to everyone.
@cocoa-wheats @mintharpy @pop-peroni @aberranteidolon @fuchsguts @technically-a-frog @kindiare @ladyofthecrescent @stars-and-candybars @doveshell
And to return it to @puppethabitofficial :)
Spread the hugs fools, even if I didn’t tag you, ily still
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starrbar · 2 years ago
Their response before I blocked them ↓
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See, I'm learning pretty damn quick between this open asshole and the cagey one from a little bit ago that I have NO reason to argue with strangers anymore.
No fucking one is coming to me in good faith with a grievance. Like, ever. 0.001% of the time, maybe.
And that 0.001% is not worth wading through garbage every other time.
I'm glad you're so pathetic that you enjoy causing misery to random strangers, but I'm happy knowing my life is so much more fulfilling than yours, and will be even moreso in the future BECAUSE of you! ❤️ Cause you taught me a valuable lesson.
I might be a sensitive motherfucker who cares about people's shitty comments, but ya know what? I'm gonna keep being vulnerable online, gonna keep posting whatever the fuck I want, gonna keep being honest about who I am and what I'm feeling, and I'm gonna STOP spending anymore energy trying to convince people who have already dug their heels in and made up their minds.
People think it's such a funny dunk to prompt someone to spend energy on something they care about so they can go, "hahaha u mad bro? kay"
Nah, I'm not letting that make me feel all icky and embarrassed anymore. I type a lot. I have a lot of thoughts. That's GOOD. That's cool as shit. I don't even have to compare myself to someone who has nothing going on between the ears beyond kneejerk disgust to know that. Maayyyybe I could stand to condense a little sometimes, for the sake of my friends haha. xD
My only issue wasn't caring too much, it was not picking my battles correctly. It was choosing to give people a chance despite one red flag after another. I'm the type who used to feel bad for hanging up on obvious scammers. That's how wimpy I am about turning strangers away. So I guess I needed this wakeup call.
Either way, this is good for me in the end.
One step closer to being free! x3
bro if u think fantasizing about taking advantage of/hurting vunerable people (minors for example) doesnt make u a potentially dangerous person then u need help. and this doesnt apply to people whose invasive/intrusive thoughts involve those things, this applies to people who call it their ""kink."" those people are dangerous. not "omg i cant stand to breathe the same air as them" dangerous because thats silly? theyre just fucked up people who no one wants to be associated with. thats it. lol.
Nah, don't pretend that isn't the attitude all you people have. :) I've seen it WAY too many times.
Here's a tame example that DOESN'T include death threats, suicide baiting, telling people they deserved their abuse, etc. But you're welcome to browse my ever-growing catalogue of totally "normal" behaviors that people justify because of rhetoric EXACTLY like yours.
I've already written extensively about the reasons you're fucking wrong, so feel free to read those if you're so convinced that I'm dangerous for fantasizing about BEING THE ONE taken advantage of as a green cartoon creature. (I personally like this post of mine, as well as this one. Or, again, you can skip over me and just go research it yourself.)
Educate yourself before you come over here and tout as fact your headcanons about what you think other people have in their hearts. <3
(Disclaimer: All links lead to either Twitter, Tumblr, or a Carrd page with further sources.)
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