#dove (cotnd)
girlkisserr · 2 years
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Thank you Necrodancer
Transparent ver below, list of artists involved in the collab in the tweet, go check them out!
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rollingdanielle · 2 years
Fuck it!! Time to post some Crypt of the Necrodancer headcanons (I haven't played Synergy yet lol so these will probably change after I do so).
Before Cadence was born, Dorian, Melody, Nocturna and Eli were a D&D style party of adventurers, and this was how Dorian and Melody met. After a few years of this, Melody decided she wanted to settle down, so she and Dorian returned to her hometown to start a family. Eli is Dorian's brother and decided to also live in Melody's hometown.
Nocturna, however, continued adventuring on her own, before eventually teaming up with Diamond and Dove. Dove and Nocturna have romantic feelings for each other, but aren't in a relationship. Nocturna is a good person, and doesn't drink human blood (she either abstains or drinks animal blood, idk), but she's willing to kill wrongdoers, which conflicts with Dove's pacifist ideals. This will ultimately end with them going their separate ways, but at the time of the main game's events, they're still adventuring together.
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octopeachy · 2 years
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looking forward to cadence’s inevitable third concussion
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mememan93 · 1 year
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Oh my god
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soritang · 4 years
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dulciedeleche · 5 years
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Guess who made a Pony Town account?
Guess who made all these pones?
Guess who already hung out with a certain Roomba and birb?
Yours truly!
I’m brand new to this game, but I already love it!
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marycherryellen · 5 years
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Did I do it right, am I cool now
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rhythmmortis · 2 years
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krisiverse · 4 years
bitches will see a crypt of the necrodancer sci-fi AU made by a band they like and go "is anyone going to develop that" and not wait for an answer im bitches
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dovesung-melody · 4 years
"A forest grows here. One that has grown for hundreds of years, with trees so tall in some cases that they seem to touch the sky."
"In this forest, deep at the heart, there rests a little village carved out by human. They've built home on this forest soil and they build their home from its trees."
"Legend has it this forest was grown by a single great spirit that has long since gone to make other forests like it. Depictions vary from person to person. Some say it was a elderly man, others say a young woman did it, and some even claim it was a beast of Yore, the dragon."
"They're all right, but also wrong." An older gentleman says with a smile, sitting and resting against an old, mossy tree.
Cadence couldn't help but ask "how so?"
"The being that watched this forest was a shape shifter." He replies. "One that guarded this forest long before even your great grandma."
"And how do you know this, then?" Cadence asked, glancing at the stranger.
"That's for me to know." The stranger stands. A big hat and an old trench coat, boots, gloves, and a dusty scarf all obscure most of the man. "That shape shifter left this forest in the hands of her kin, but I feel that will cause humans to flee from here. There's a storm brewing."
"Who are you?" Cadence stood.
The man chuckles. "Just an old traveler. I can't stay long, but I'm glad someone's still interested in an old man's tall tales." And he walked off into the forest. Cadence tried to follow but merely ended up at her village.
She lets out an annoyed sigh as she trudges home with the setting sun, dragging her feet inside and looking disgruntled.
Melody just figured her daughter was in a bad mood, but Dorian was the first to actually say anything when they all sat, eating dinner together in silence. "Cadence," He starts, breaking the quiet sounds of silverware against stone dishes. "is something bothering you?"
She glances up at him, from the food she's barely touched and spent more time picking at, only to return her gaze to the food. "Yeah, kinda..." She half mumbles before sitting upright instead of being slouched over as she was prior. "I met an old traveler today and he started telling me this story about the forest around the village before finishing it off with some vauge warning. I tried to follow him when he left but I ended up in the village by Uncle Eli's back yard."
Dorian was about to say something, but Melody spoke first. "I wouldn't be surprised if that was sone trick of the crypt that got loose. Ever since the lute was destroyed, people have been saying they've seen that old guy hanging around in the woods. It's also possible he's just off his rocker and wandering."
With that, the conversation died out into Quiet again.
"I'm not hungry." Cadence said after a few more minutes of quiet. Out of her chair and ustairs she went.
That night she couldn't shake that feeling. The feeling of something being amiss. Something bad would happen. It kept her up to midnight before she eventually fell asleep, resting against her windowsill.
Little shoots from vines started to sneak up through the trees and the bushes, weeds, and earth. It was in the village too. Just overnight, the town had thickly rooted vines sprawling in it, all from one general direction.
The vines were growing into people's homes and Cadende would find herself waking up in her Uncle's arms as her father lept out of the thorned-vine filling home with Melody. The home was being torn apart.
The whole village was tearing apart.
On each and every vine grew a purple flower. Clematis, by the look of it. No wonder they spawled everwhere so easily.
"There has to be a source. We should find and destroy it." Eli suggests, already having noted the way the vines grew from a sort of core.
Cadence and her parents were all in agreement.
A long travel through vines that threatened to overgrow and tangle them, but with the slash if a sword or the blast of a small bomb, the vines parted. After hours, they arrived at the source. In the middle if the forest, there lied a clearing where sun escaped to the soil below and in that spot sat a person with two long branches growing from their head with vines growing out of her hair in big clusters. She's sitting, clurled up, with her eyes gone completely sea green.
Cadence knew them.
"Dove? Dove, what happened? What's gotten into you-"
Dove only curled up further as more vines sprouted from her head and arms. Her clothes were ruined, easily, from all the vines. All her response was, was some mumbling that she wanted no more.
No more bad memories, no more anxiety, and no more people.
Cadence dared to approach despite the vines. "Dove you have to snap out of it-" A vine wraps around Cadence's leg, tripping her. She tried to get up only to be further tangled. The plants were cutting into her as they squeeze her arms, leg, and around her waist. "Dove, people's homes are being destroyed!" but the vines only grew tighter and speaking became an issue. No one could reach her due to the quick growing vines. One choked sentence escaped her.
"You're hurting me, Dove..."
The vines suddenly slacked and Cadence got a deep breath before coughing. The plants no longer grew as their source was no longer feeding them. Dove's eyes returned to normal but the branches remained on her. "Oh no--Nonono-- I'm sorry--I-" She stammers before she starts to tug on those vines stemming from her. They start to give her room to move without actually breaking.
"I hurt you--" Dove quickly comes over to Cadence, holding her just long enough to heal her before a longsword cut across Dove's chest. Not enough to kill, but enough to scare her back far from Cadende as Melody appeoached, dropping the sword and scooping Cadence into a hug.
Dove struggled to fight off her nature, but managed, simply snapping what vines had not retracted before escaping deeper into the woods and away from the village.
That gash hurt in more ways than physical.
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vagorsol · 4 years
crypt of the necrodancer college au where the crypt/dungeon-crawling part takes place as a larp in a graveyard
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girlkisserr · 4 years
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Necrodancer ships...and a Mel/Dori because they're already canon
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the-crypt-replies · 5 years
“Mary, I thought I told you to stay in bed...”
“I’m fine, Dove. It’s probably just a bad cold.”
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“...And you’ve thrown up several times this past week. “I’m surprised you haven’t lost weight...”
“...It’s because I’m not throwing up food, Dove.”
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mememan93 · 2 years
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Mun felt motivated. Don't expect that too often
This is Clonedove and Clonereaper, or just Cloneper.
It's cliche, but Clonedove is the exact opposite of True Dove, and the only reason all the other clones aren't dead is because she's madly in love with Cloneper. Cloneper doesn't return the feelings but gets with her anyway because she's afraid of what'll happen if she doesn't. Often times Cloneper feels responsible for when Clonedove does something bad.
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dulciedeleche · 5 years
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Just Mary and Dove
I can see them being best friends
Also Mary’s a shortie
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