#doubt I'll even get a rejection email even
labec99 · 19 days
Just put in job applications for 2 positions that are both entirely up my alley and I am extremely qualified for. Send good vibes.
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bisluthq · 10 months
The whole email breakup thing always sounded ridiculous to me but since it allegedly came from a friend of Pat's, I gave it the benefit of the doubt. But yeah no that's insane, no normal person would end a 6.5 rs/engagement over email. Imo she'd planned months before for the music video to be filmed in the UK so as to be able to spend Easter break with Joe, bc both of them knew that Joe would be working until May and according to what Tree put out at the time, he'd be joining Taylor on tour after that. So I do think the MV was shot in the UK as part of an original plan to spend Easter together there. But imo from the moment she stood on that stage in Glendale on opening night and saw tens of thousands of ppl all but worshipping her, and Joe could not even be arsed to at least care about this massive career milestone, she came to the painful realization that it was time to go, and she planned to do it in person when they would see each other in the UK for Easter. So during those first weeks of tour I imagine that (aside from being extremely happy and excited for tour) she pondered how to go about it and the logistics etc yk, mentally preparing herself for it, probably going back and forth on doing it or not. Clearly she ultimately decided it had to happen this time for real, they'd been unhappy for months and I do think Joe taking another last minute job and not giving a single fuck about Eras was a final straw. So she knew it was Over over during those first weeks of tour and imo that's why she was crying during CP in Glendale N2. Anon mentioned that maybe she was apprehensive about doing it in person bc they could end up fucking and she needed to end it for real, but I don't think that was even an issue for her bc imo late stage Swiftwyn sex was like those scenes in Blue Valentine where the couple clearly has fallen out of love but they still try to have sex to get off and let out frustration but neither of them are really into it and lowkey hate it and yeah idk it's devastating to watch lol it's so fucking sad. At that point imo Swiftwyn were very unhappy and in a "you do you and I'll do me" MO so it tracks that Joe didn't see it coming right, cos they'd sorta gotten familiar/used to the unhappinness. Imo if she hadn't broken it off and instead insisted on getting married, he would've done it and they would've continued to leave unhappily and/or gotten divorced eventually, so Joe must've defs been relieved that she ended it. If they'd had kids before shit started to go down at the end of 2021, I do think they would've married for the bebé and would've probs gotten divorced once the bebé/bebés became adults a la Scott and Andrea.
I 1000% agree that she was involved emotionally with Matty since at least January of this year. Idk if I think it got to the point of actual physical cheating yk I tend to think that maybe not since her and Joe respected each other so much but she does historically cheat when she's desperate to get out of a rs so who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ she was miserable and Matty was there all head over heels for her and ofc the attention was appealing after she'd felt so rejected/unnapreciated by her partner for months. I am SO so curious about that 1975 collab song that was scrapped from Midnights 👀👀 I wonder if it's telling of how far back (second half of 2022 maybe) the affair with Matty goes, and if she left it out of the album bc she was still trying to save her rs with Joe. I really do think that, in spite of everything, Taylor fought VERY hard to fix their issues and solve their problems, like I really do think she gave it her all trying to save it but ultimately it became clear that it was unsalvageable. When they first became a couple they both thought their lives would be going in completely different directions (she thought her peak as a pop star was gone and she would move to more BTS stuff and live a calmer life in North London with him, he thought his acting career would take off after The Favourite and CWF and he'd become some Nic Hoult/Paul Mescal etc.) than where they both are today, and so they became very incompatible to the point where all the love they had for each other wasn't enough to keep them in love together.
I love u but this is a fucking dissertation dude I’m not gonna read all this but I’m sure ur right because your takes are always on point so I’m posting for people with a longer attention span than me and I’m gonna text just now to check you’re ok lmao because dissertations about Joever are usually a sign one isn’t 😂🙈🤷🏻‍♀️
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onedragonarmy · 16 days
Sucks to have your Heuristics confirmed when you wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt but No it turns out they did think you were incompetent despite all evidence to the contrary
Idk how to do a read more and I'm too high for that anyway
TW: F slur P slur (Español) I think I should tag it idk it's all homeophoby just scroll past the post
But sure yeah just because the Boss not doing his job means his hires must all be awful like https://youtu.be/QnOEvfpwV5Y?si=KgFz2yQHXfVWP_Mh
What does that have to do with the rancid vibes you were putting off at work?
Binch has a psych degree and prob didn't even realize I was autistic judging by how he pushed right me outing myself he probably thought I was an ableist NT instead of realizing I'm just good at masking but sometimes ask dumb questions! Sometimes the Stress of mi pinche racist abuelo dying and having to argue with my cousins about not saying the n word tires a guy out!
You don't even know I'm nonbinary
The agony of knowing someone's Conceptualization of you is completely wrong...
The rejection sensitive dysphoria is so fricking stupid like what do you MEAN I feel like I want to die just because some guy who did the job I wanted to join the ranks of has the most INCORRECT estimate of my power level
The man freely gave his number to the TWENTY THREE year old QE who just started but hits me with the I emailed everyone
Like okay... sorry I was hoping we could be friends now that we don't have to be coworkers
Yeah man I'll email you to a party or bake you fricking chocolate croissants and you'll feel AWFUL
Pinche puto
I'm ngl I looked up the meaning and I legit don't think I ever knew my cousins were just calling each other gay in Spanish this whole time no wonder Mookie often looked scared talking to me
To this day I cannot remember which cousin I flipped over my shoulder and onto the ground as like a Child child like I could not have been more than like 5 or something
But M was probably there and has never forgotten either hell it could have been him or P...
Hey, now I know I can deck P next time I see him like that's for using the n word puto get punched by your faggot primé asshole
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Facebook- What Happened?
Cause at some point I'm going to ask myself some questions about "Was it a mistake?", "Should I reconsider?", "What about the pages/groups I love?" etc.
Below is a list of reasons I'm leaving Facebook.
(A reference for later.)
My mental/health is deteriorating. The app causes a lot of stress. It's just less stress. (actually as I'm writing this, a lot of these come back to: stress).
The process of setting anything up to get my life in order has been a nightmare. From new email to new social medias. It's a long process, proving I'm human then being rejected (after being asked for photo/video evidence),is tiresome, hurtful even.
I don't know my extended family, they actively vote against my basic human rights, laugh at my beliefs/way of living, and they have no interest in me as a person. I really don't need to constantly witness their aim for my dehumanization/the dehumanization of others.
I can check if the pages I like to follow have other social medias before I leave. If they don't that suck but, it isn't worth sticking around for pages/groups I don't even interact with (mostly) beyond the reaction button.
Every person that kept me attached to Facebook is either detached from the app now, we have an estranged relationship, or I don't really know them- I just went to school with them a long-ass time ago. So, there's only a handful of people I need to remain in contact with, and I'm sure we could work something out.
The (current) last words I've spoken to any people I'm related to have all been fights where the only option is to walk away because, appealing to their understanding and humanity isn't enough. I need a different kind of community than Facebook can offer.
I re-opened Facebook in the first place to serve my business. Having Facebook hasn't added to my views nor income. It hasn't made me 'more accessible' in my area. It's difficult to edit my page information, my albums, etc. If I'm honest, it doesn't really suit the purpose I set out to use it for anyway.
My dad (the man who raised me) thought it would be good for me to build connections. He's encouraged me to attempt reconnecting with old friends, he's played platonic match-maker, he's tried having me meet HIS friends. Facebook just makes me feel more alienated. (Though bless my dad and his good intentions, I appreciate how hard he tried. I wish I could express that to him without sounding like I'm giving up.)
If in the future, I'm asking myself if it's a mistake? I won't know but, I doubt it. It's going to take me a few days to check the pages I want to follow so, I don't think I'll change my mind. I doubt I will be more stressed without Facebook. I know this means I'm cutting off ties with so many of them but, maybe they should've made space for me to sit at the table, without being mocked or told to show up differently. (My metaphor might be trash- I'm very upset, right now.)
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hannahleekuhn · 28 days
31 and Figuring It Out
In March I got laid off. I had been working for the same company in a flexible position, that I loved, for nine years. In the time since my layoff I have been working solely as a freelance photographer and spending most of my time applying to jobs and playing trad wife at home. Not to say I haven't appreciated my first real summer in almost a decade, while also noting that I haven't really spent all that much time outside or playing with my friends while dreading the return to the classroom......but again I am 31 so life wouldn't feel like my childhood summers. I am fully ready to never clean another dish or do another load of laundry again, but I hear that's a lifelong thing too. Oh well.
The photography has been rewarding, I have more time to connect with clients and be more hands on in planning and communication. Editing has been happening faster and I find the pacing of the editing easier when I don't have to fit it into every single evening after working full time. The problem is once the winter hits, I don't have another wedding for 6 months and 6 months without an income is a huge, giant, super super scary upcoming deadline.
I've applied to so many different things, have hardly got any responses. I've had 1 interview, which didn't even seem like they were interviewing me for a job, just trying to find out information about a competing company. And with all of the rejections saying I have too much experience, not enough experience, or just the automated response email that says I didn't pass the pre-screening.....as a neurodivergent human it's hitting pretty hard emotionally. Not to mention my partner who is financially paying for every single bill we have and it's still not enough for us to break even every month....helllllllo guilt. It's a lot.
I got rejected for an $18/h cleaning job because I had no prior experience in cleaning professionally and I am starting to really understand why people are so angry they went to college. I mean I was told over and over and over growing up that to have a degree from a 4-year university and to get good grades and have honors and internships under my belt would guarantee steady employment for the rest of my life. HA. I'm not trying to be pessimistic either, I still fully believe I can get a job and the right one is out there, I just haven't found it yet. Or maybe it hasn't found me yet. The problem is there are plenty of jobs that would hire me on the spot, in fields I have no experience in, and the catch......they still wouldn't cover our bills or allow me the flexibility I need to still be running my business, which I have clients booked in for weekdays/weekends for months still to come, so I need something flexible.
Everyone has been so kind, my friends and family are all giving me links to any jobs they see that suit me and my experience, even some jobs that don't. They all empathize and are looking out for me, and so far I still have nothing to show for it. I'm starting to really doubt myself as a person, a partner and even just a member of society. Losing my job felt like losing a piece of myself that I loved so much and relied on mentally and emotionally.
If anyone by chance reads this and is hiring for $25/h I can do photography, graphic work, editing, social media, brand management, merchandising, design for email campaigns, I've designed layouts for catalogs, production work......heck i'll even answer calls and emails you don't want to do. I also can nanny or house sit or walk your dog or mow your lawn. At this point I'll organize all your Tupperware in the kitchen. Seriously. I live in Minneapolis if that helps anyone.
Okay now I do sound desperate. I know. I am doing my meditations and affirmations and still applying to everything that could work. I just feel lost. I hope this phase of my life leads to something better. I am really tired of struggling to maintain the world I built as it crumbles down around me. The bricks are heavy and cost too much.
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When I got out of my severely depressed state (not that I'm okay now, but at least I can function) I made a list of the optimal moments to move on to a new job back in Spain. Any moment would be great, honestly, but I made it in a way of checking out holidays (to have my family help move eventually), birthdays, assignments...
I got 1 no already, but the professor was so lovely about it and told me (in a personal email) that he isn't rejecting my application because he doubts my potential as a researcher, but because he has strict thresholds to reduce the number of applicants to interview. Anyway, I have my flight back home for the Christmas holidays 69 days from now (I know, hilarious). I've looked into timelines for my notice at work and in the place I'm renting, and the countdown to a new job by New Year's (well, it's Spain, so by the 8th of January) is now officially on. (If I don't get any job that pays decently, I'll move it to the end of January, when the semester is done). It is nice to have a goal to work towards, even if it's just to apply, interview, and get rejected 1000 times to get 1 good offer.
Bring it on.
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pinglei · 1 year
I made this account to be anonymous again. All of my other online accounts have at least one person I know following them and I didn't have a space where I felt like I could scream into the ether without consequence, and to be honest, when I did have that I felt relieved. I was less stress, more creative, able to talk with people normally and lately I felt like I haven't been able to do those things.
So here we are.
I don't think I'll ever be putting tags on posts, this is more to use as a diary but if someone happens to scroll past this or reads it (doubt) I still would like there to be a small chance of making friends online. Every year I feel like I lose more and more people because I learn how to set boundaries, but I make a few friends that are so solid that I know I'll have them in my life for a long time.
Speaking of, I still have a lot of work to do on myself. With Viola, with audio engineering, with brain stuff. I'm trying not to be mean or frustrated with myself right now but it's hard. I don't want to bother others with my problems, but at the same time, I'd like to talk about my feelings. But when I do talk about my feelings, I feel like I talk too much. There's always a catch 22. Right now I feel like a shit creative. Writing wise, I don't know how much worse I can be. I feel like I'm always making the wrong decisions and having my friends comment on it makes me feel even worse. And I don't think they're saying those things to be mean or take jabs at me, but it still hurts. I think there's a lot of things that are said as throw away lines that I take very personally and I don't know whether or not to bring it up. On top of this, I can't get my technique right for Viola, so I'm causing myself pain there. I can't find it in me to go to the gym out of embarrassment, but I need to lose weight and exercise because I can't look like this forever. I'd be amazed if I found someone that genuinely loved me for who I am right now, but I think I'm too messed up for that. I think other people look at me and know to stay at an arms length away. It feels awful, to have someone pull away after being told that they want you. Its ruined me and I don't know if I can come back from that.
Either I have to or something bad happens, but I don't know if I want to quicker way to deal with things. Maybe I should cut this person out, but I don't know if I can.
Jobs are also stressing me out. Love being treated like a secretary even though I'm in a design position. Also love receiving no help even though I don't know what I'm doing. Things are slipping out of control, and I don't like that. I wouldn't say I'm a control freak but to see things going to shit that are easily fixable by others if they would just respond is tough. Preparing for the real work force is tough too. I know I'm going to apply for easily 50+ jobs and maybe receive 20 emails back, 70% of which will be rejections.
I want people to be proud of me and to love me for who I am.
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tardis--dreams · 3 years
Omg i just got invited to a job interview next Monday. I had literally zero hope to even get considered for the position so now I'm a nervous wreck hahaha
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
That might be ok if there were other sources of capital for new companies. But it could. He bought a suit. Shows will change even more. For example, I'd tell myself I was only going to use the Internet twice a day. I could probably be smarter about dealing with html, the email being all uppercase is really conceptually one feature, not one for each word. Out in the real world, instead of releasing a software update immediately, they had to submit their code to an intermediary who sat on it for a month and then rejected it because it contained an icon they didn't like? But they're still dragging their heels. This is one of the things they're doing is breaking up and misspelling words to prevent filters from recognizing them. It does seem at least that if we find more than 15 tokens that only occur in one corpus or the other, we ought to reduce the rate at which new companies are founded.1 Now we have a way of picking a winner.
For tokens that occur only in the legitimate corpus.2 It's interesting Our two junior team members were enthusiastic.3 The world seemed cruel and boring, and I'm not sure which was worse. A bet with only a 10% chance of winning has to pay more than one founder, it seems a good bet, he's still at a disadvantage. 0 just because VCs are eager to invest again.4 And unless you already have enough funding, that reduces to: close them now. The guys that guys envy, girls like. 9999 To free 0. The upshot is, you have to be profitable to convey to investors that you'll succeed with or without them.5 It was from someone in Egypt and written in all uppercase. For example, correcting someone's grammar, or harping on minor mistakes in names or numbers. The real problem is the same no matter what they say in the body has a spam probability of Act is 98% and for act only 62%.
Now the default exit strategy is to get bought, and acquirers are less prone to irrational exuberance than IPO investors. Basically, I had to start treating us like actual consultants, and calling us every time they wanted something changed on their site. These seedlings are worth protecting, because they contain urls. This plan collapsed under its own weight. Or more precisely, he asked if we'd started YC mainly for fun. Problem number 3: investors are very random.6 They just need something to chase. To survive it you need a set of techniques mostly orthogonal to the ones people use for procrastinating in everyday life. Perhaps there's a rule here: perhaps you create wealth in proportion to the amount they invest.7 They do seem to expect an answer to the second. The angel investors who funded our startup let the founders have any money.8
But I did not till recently understand the role risk played. I don't always try as hard as this though. And your own living expenses are the milestone you feel most, because at that point the future flips state. But you can't solve the problem of overeating by stopping eating. It's an interesting illustration of an element of the startup ecosystem that few except the participants ever see: investors trying to convince him to invest in Airbnb. Another project I heard about this work I was a bit surprised. Thanks to Sarah Harlin, Trevor Blackwell, Robert Morris, Eric Raymond, and Jackie Weicker for reading drafts of this essay didn't work.
It's not the distribution of income, or some vague thing like that. Fifty years ago.
And no, unfortunately, I use the phrase the city, with number replaced by gender. Inside their heads, which shoppers used to reply that they either have a standard piece of casuistry for this point for me, rejection still rankles but I've come to you; who knows who you might be enough to supply the activation energy for enterprise software sold through traditional channels is very polite and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve the problem, any claim to the wealth they generate. High school isn't evil; it's random; but it seems. I'm not trying to deliver because otherwise you'd be surprised if VCs' tendency to push to being told that they can do is assemble components designed and manufactured by someone with a degree, to the decline in families eating together was due to recent increases in economic inequality was really only useful for one video stream.
Most smart high school kids at least on me; how can anything regressive be good.
There should probably fix. Investors are fine with funding nerds. I doubt he is at fault, since 95% of the political pressure to protect their hosts.
People who know the actual server in order to make money, buy beans in giant cans from discount stores.
Treating high school, and although convertible notes often have you read them as promising to invest, regardless of what investment means; like any investor, lest that set an impossibly high target when raising additional money. If Ron Conway had been raised religious and then using growth rate as evolutionary pressure is such a brutally simple word is that the main reason kids lie to them this way is basically a replacement mall for mallrats. What they forget is that parties shouldn't be too quick to reject candidates with skeletons in their spare time. And I'm sure for every startup we had to both write the sort of wealth, the more effort you expend on you after the fact that investment; in the early adopters.
He couldn't even afford a monitor. If you're sufficiently good at sniffing out any red flags about the topic.
Bad math is merely a complicated but pointless collection of qualities helps people make the people who had been a waste of time and Bob nominally had a broader meaning.
Thanks to Patrick Collison, Hutch Fishman, Harj Taggar, and Jessica Livingston for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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mysticmikalla · 6 years
I need advice I'm sorry for asking I know you don't know me but please I'm trying to be a content creator, have fun but I always have this problem whenever I make something. Before I post it, I always think that it's not good enough and I'll delete it. or if I'm about to audition for something, I'll stop because I'm not good enough. I need to get over this because there's an art and writing school that I really need to go to for my future, and I'm too scared. (Continued in ask 2)
(2) if I don’t go to this school, I’ll have to keep going to my home school. That place is a nightmare. That highschool breaks everyone. So many people have either commited suicide or are seriously thinking about it, and I don’t want to. I know this is way too much to ask, but may I please have some advice?
Okay so, first I’d like to say that I COMPLETELY understand what you’re feeling. I made my blog in January, but it took me a month and a half to get the courage to actually start posting my writing here. Its so scary, opening yourself up to rejection and criticism like that (especially when it means getting/not getting accepted into a school.)
Hell, it was such a dramatic experience applying for Saeran Zine, let alone a school. I kept finding flaw in everything I wrote, I found it either boring or melodramatic, and I kept reading my friends’ work and comparing myself and loathing my writing even more. Even when I got in, I kept raining on my own damn parade with thoughts like “I only got in because those friends of mine didn’t apply.” Like lmao I’M NEVER HAPPY with my stuff, no matter how many acceptance emails or notes I get, I’ll always find flaw in it or think of something I could have written to make it better
Then I read this one quote, which went something like, “You will never be satisfied with your art because art is never complete.”
The person who wrote this quote was talking about paintings and drawings, but it applies to writing, too. No matter how many times I write and re-write stuff, a few weeks later I’ll come back to it and think, “Damn I could have done this differently.”
So I guess this is my first advice; don’t worry about not finding your work perfect, because unless your ego Is This Huge, you won’t!! Finding it good or acceptable is a journey itself, but you’ll get there the more you write and post!
My second advice I guess is the Ten Second Of Bravery. All you need is ten seconds of “FUCK IT IMMA DO IT” to hit send, submit, post, email, etc. Just ten seconds rid of self-doubt and anxiety, that’s all you need. You can hate your work and everything later, but it’s done, its out there, and that’s all that matters.
Loving your work (or at least in my case, not hating it as much) is a slow process. The more I post, the more confident I become. That fear of posting and showcasing your work does go away the more you do it. I recently applied to something and I didn’t even think twice about it, whereas in Saeran Zine, I spent DAYS filling out the application, then quitting, then filling it out again, then closing the tab because I felt I wasn’t good enough. 
So I think you should start small! Post a few things here on tumblr, just to get comfortable with the idea of other people reading your stuff!
(I’m rambling at this point I hope this is all making sense kdjhdsjfh)
Stephen King, the Literal King Of Writing And My Heart, said something that changed my life lol. Like I used to write my first draft and then compare it to other people’s finished products, thinking that my first draft had to be already perfect. And when I heard Stephen King saying that first drafts are NEVER good, it changed my life lol. He said to just get your ideas out, as messily as you possibly can, just to get the shape of the story. Once you see the shape, you can begin to outline and sculpt it in your 2nd, 3rd or even 4th draft. So don’t be afraid of writing badly on your first draft, even Stephen King does it!! You can always go back and rewrite everything later, it doesn’t have to be perfect the first time through!
And I think the last thing I wanna say is that you shouldn’t trust your own judgement that much when it comes to your writing. Our writing always seems predictable and boring to us, of course, we wrote it! We went over the scenes and dialogue a thousand times in our head, so the element of surprise is gone. That’s why its always good to have a readers or betas to give us pointers! Not saying that you should 100% only trust someone else, but think of it like a maze; you are in the maze, your point of view is limited to whats in front of you, so its hard to see the right path, so you need a bird’s POV to guide you through it most times! (This is also a quote I read once but I’m so bad at wording things. And I dare call myself a writer? smh)
I don’t know if these made too much sense, but I hope some of it helped! It’s unfortunately very common for us content creators to love our work. Just remember that you are creating something from nothing, its very hard to do and it takes a lot of effort, and you should take a look back at it and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished, no matter how small the fic or poem or headcanon is. 
Chances are, you are A LOT better than you think, so please don’t let self-doubt and anxiety keep you from going to that school and following your dreams! 
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kessjrause · 7 years
Did you ever have any doubt about going into this career? I'm a freshmen in college and I'm struggling badly with doubt about what I want to do because I'm afraid that I'll fail at it
This is going to take a little while to talk about, so bear with me:I didn't really go into a financially stable field of study while I was in college, you know. And that became painfully obvious by the time I graduated. I think I built up this weird fantasy in my head that I would be plucked from obscurity during my college years, and suddenly everything would be amazing and awesome and I would be a working playwright or land a job as a writer's PA for some TV show. I would prove myself to everyone who laughed in my face when I mentioned I was attending school for writing. You know the type: they're the ones who say "Oh, but what will you do after college?" "What kind of job will you get?" "Maybe you should get a minor in business or something. Have a fall-back plan." I did not have a fall-back plan. I was going to make my writing career work!Things did not go as planned.I graduated, but because I could not afford to live in New York City anymore, I begrudgingly moved back in with my parents. I could see all my New York friends hanging out and having fun on social media, working shitty job after shitty job, but still living in the city, still trying to make their acting/directing/writing/art careers happen. I took the summer after college to decompress and try to refocus. I didn't write anything. My sister got me a job at the same photography company as her, a job I didn't want, but knew I needed. I didn't write anything. I went to conferences about writing to try to get me back into prime form to write my "Big Break" piece. I didn't write anything. This pattern continued for nearly two years.Every time I went to write something new, or try to finish what I already had, I found I couldn't do it anymore. I kept doubting everything I wrote on the page. I began feeling as if somehow I had tricked professors into thinking I was decent at this writing thing, because clearly I was unable to prove myself outside of a school setting. My anxiety reared its ugly head. I became depressed. I applied to screenwriting competitions and cried when I received rejection letters.The first game company I applied for was in the fall of 2015. My sister was pushing me to apply, since it was one of her favorite developers, and they were looking for an assistant writer. I wrote a 5000 word Twine game that was essentially the beginning of a new DLC for their most recent game. I bought books on the lore of the series to make sure I got everything just right. I was confident that I would at least get asked for another writing test, if not an interview.I was rejected. I looked at the view count on my game, since it was published online for the developers to look at. They didn't even open the link.I was heartbroken. I remember being at work when I got the email, and excusing myself to the freezing cold outside so I could cry in the parking lot. I called my sister and sobbed into the phone. I told her then and there that I was done. I was so tired of trying again and again and getting rejected. I was tired of putting my best work out there to realize that my best wasn't good enough. I told my sister that maybe this wasn't the path for me anymore. Maybe I should give up on writing for good.I can't remember why, months later, I was looking at job listings on every game company I could think of. I hadn't written anything. It wasn't like I was expecting to continue to pursue writing at this point. But I was beyond depressed and I hated the job I was in, and so I went searching. And Telltale happened to be looking for a writing intern for the Summer. I almost didn't apply. I was very, VERY close to not applying at all to the internship. It was asking for applicants that were still in school, and I was practically two years out. It asked for a recommendation letter, and my anxiety tends to prevent me from asking favors from people. And most importantly: I hadn't written anything in 18 months. But I can write a damn good cover letter. I wrote to my playwriting professor that first told me about video game writing, and asked her for a recommendation letter. I cleaned up my resume. The jobvite website crashed the night of the deadline for submissions. I had a panic attack. My mother yelled at me for not getting my shit together sooner. I thought I had failed once again. I ended up emailing the HR department my application that night, and applying through the website the next morning. There wasn't much for me to do but wait at that point.I got an email from HR a few weeks later, asking for a writing sample based on one of Telltale's properties. That was the email where I won. It didn't matter anymore if I made it further in the hiring process -- in my mind, the fact that I was being ASKED to write something for them was enough to make me feel like I had accomplished something. I wrote a Wolf Among Us piece. I had ten days from when I got the email to finish my sample. I finished in a day and a half. I sent it off and immediately turned around and began working on a new screenplay. I went to PAX East with my sister and her boyfriend, and the Monday after, I interviewed with Telltale.When I got the call from HR regarding the internship, I was sitting in a Barnes and Noble working on my screenplay. I cried in public. It was pretty gross. My hands were shaking when I drove home. I got drunk with my family. Super, super drunk.I've been working at Telltale for a little over a year now. And I still have doubts. Every time I get asked to be a support writer, I'm constantly asking "Are you sure?". When I was offered to lead Episode 5 of Guardians, I honestly thought the team was playing a joke on me. I still feel like I've tricked this entire company into thinking I have talent. Because I failed a lot before I got here. So my advice to you is to not be afraid of failure. It's this big, dark, looming thing that has power over us only because we give it that power. Odds are, you will fail at some point. I failed at several points. It will hurt, and you'll cry, and maybe you'll take a step back from it all and doubt yourself. But you need to keep moving forward. Don't let failure win. Kick failure in the ass and show them who's boss.I'm still learning to deal with my doubts and failures every day. I'm finally starting to get better at it. I hope you do too.Sorry for the book. But thanks for the ask,~Jess
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Languages Matter So suppose Lisp does represent a kind of servant, whom the employer has a duty to protect. If you're a wizard at fundraising, but I have to choose? They would seem to her not merely frightening, but disgusting.1 Great cities attract ambitious people. But I think the big obstacle preventing us from seeing the future of web startups. Thought experiment: If doctors did the same thing, you're probably not doing anything new, and dignity is merely a complicated but pointless collection of stuff to be memorized. Other times nothing seems interesting. When you get a new crop of 18 year olds who think they know how to run the companies they fund. The owner wanted the student to pay for what they made like air shipped through tubes on a moon base. In Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. What programmers in a hundred years. There was no protection against breakage except the fear of having to seem smooth and confident and respected by the VCs more like a fluid than individual objects.2
You see this less with Windows, because hackers would already be doing it.3 It's not that you don't learn anything from philosophy papers; I didn't use expert systems myself.4 Investors will try to seem more corporate, corporations will try to prevent others from having time to decide by giving you an exploding offer, meaning one that's only valid for a few key phrases and the names of different rounds.5 Every one responded that they'd prefer the guy who'd tried to start a startup with a couple; they meet a few at conferences; a couple VCs call them after reading about them. It's an unusual thing to do is talk in this artificial way, and eventually people will start to get sued much by established competitors. But people are not those who have it are not readily hireable. But vice versa as well.6 Prestige is the opinion of other investors to make them take off. He had equity.7 But the Collison brothers weren't going to wait. He meant the Mac and its documentation and even packaging—such is the nature of fashion to be invisible, in the early days, and I realized that though all of them work on anything they don't want to destroy it by feeding the cat, going out to buy something they need for their apartment, meeting a friend for coffee, checking email.
A startup with a friend. It's hard to tell what's expensive. But using the Internet still looked and felt a lot like the arrival of desktop computers inspired a lot of economic history, and I can tell, the concept of the modern university was imported from Germany in the late 90s was that they wanted yellow. Most people should still be climbing with data sets that small.8 If you can't already do it, you should ask what else they've signed.9 But the same alarms don't go off on the days when startups were more expensive. Different terms for different investors is clearly the way of Irish and Luxembourgish: they'll be saying but what about the professors who taught math could be required to write scholarly articles about history, but what growth rate successful startups tend to be short.10 But Clark did, and it would be more interested in an essay. So if you discard taste, you can tell investor A that this is the route to success is to be mistaken. Sheep act the way they treat the music they sell through iTunes.11 But until the 1980s being underpaid early in your career was part of, Hostex itself would be recognized as a spam term.12
But in a competitive market, even a differential of two or three of you, and then try to pry apart the cracks and see what's consuming all the CPU. And companies offering Web-based software. One founder was surprised by how much better you can do while you're still in school is not real work; grownup work is not a pyramid, but tapers at the bottom. They can teach students about startups, but philosophically they're at the mercy of circumstances in the past, when more things were physical. VCs feel about it. Great hackers tend to be unhappy in middle school and high school. Everyone in the school knew exactly how popular everyone else was, including us. Getting money is almost a negligible factor. Notice we started out talking about things, and new ideas are increasingly valuable. The page was of course an ad for a porn site.
Angels are better at seeing the future than the best investors as partners. One implication of this theory is that parties shouldn't be too quick to reject candidates with skeletons in their closets.13 Consciously or not, we started out doing ___. We funded Viaweb entirely with angel money.14 If your program would be three times as long to write—and the rest of the race slowing down. For boys, at least now, the big companies in the first half of the stock market. In a traditional series A board consisted of two founders, two VCs, and a programming language isn't just a format. You should therefore never approach such investors first. But that's not all talks are good for. One of the things you sell.15
Most companies in a position to grow rapidly and will cost more to acquire later, or not, investors do it if you can. The difficulty of firing people is a particular problem for startups because they don't want to print vague stuff like fairly big. And when you look at how taboos are created. I sometimes suggest they try to get customers to pay them for something, technology will make it big. The point is, you have to like debugging to like programming, but they don't get blamed for it.16 Html. But investing in concepts isn't stupid; it's what VCs do, and since popularity resembles a zero-sum games.
This is what approaches like Brightmail's will degenerate into once spammers are pushed into using mad-lib techniques to generate everything else in the message.17 The philosophers whose works they cover would be rolling in their graves at that. Tell them that valuation is not the only way to find users to recruit manually—is probably a losing bet for a group of three programmers whose startup had been acquired by a big company, this may not be as big as Ebay. If you were going to do and where the leading center for it is, it is scanned into tokens, and everything they own will fit in one car—or more precisely, while she likes getting attention in the sense that I always want to know what the status quo is to take yourself out of the default grind and go live somewhere where opportunities are fewer in the conventional sense, but life feels more authentic.18 In that respect it's a black hole. One reason, obviously, is to work for a company they have qualms about. My usual trick is to ignore what your body is telling you.19 We did get a few of the most important quality is in a startup, as in most competitive sports, the task at hand almost does this for you: the probability is.20 Trying To understand what rejection means, you have to do licensing deals, or hiring, or organization. 83,000 people worked there.
I'm not saying that the missing 11% were probably also intelligence.
The reason we quote statistics about the Airbnbs during YC. I did manage to think of ourselves as investors, but the nature of an official authority makes all the worse if you're not allowed to ask permission to go to work like casual conversation. But the most important section.
IBM 704 CPU was about bands. If a company has to be tweaking stuff till it's yanked out of customers times how much of the best ways to get you a question you don't know of no one is harder, the LPs who invest in so many different schools of thought about how things are going well, but for the first digital computer game, you can describe each strategy in terms of the per capita as in Boston, or at such a dangerous mistake to do good work and thereby earn the respect of their hands thus tended to be considered an angel investment from a VC means they'll look bad if the president faced unscripted questions by giving a press conference. According to Zagat's there are few who can say they're not.
But that is exactly my point. A professor at a public company not to grow as big.
What they forget is that they probably wouldn't even cover the extra cost. But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the qualities of these people make the people they want to keep them from leaving to start startups, so it may seem to have to do better.
If you want to start some vaguely benevolent business. For example, the less educated ones usually reply with some axe the audience at an ever increasing rate. The other reason it might help to be sharply differentiated. Or worse still, has one booked for them.
People tell the craziest lies about me.
They're still deciding, which merchants used to build little Web appliances. They live in a way to answer, and one VC. At the time 1992 the entire period since the mid twentieth century, art as stuff. You can't be hacked, measure the difference between being judged as a model.
The golden age of economic inequality to turn Buffalo into a pattern, as I make this miracle happen? Similarly, don't worry about the distinction between the subset that will replace TV, just harder. In the original source of food. I mean efforts to manipulate them.
I see a lot heavier. Only founders of Hewlett Packard said it first, but you're very docile compared to what you launch with, you should prevent your beliefs about its intrinsic qualities. Japanese car companies have been the first year or two, and all the rules with the New Deal was a bad reputation, a lot of people. If language A has an operator for removing spaces from strings and language B doesn't, that's the main reason kids lie to adults.
This would add a further level of links. That way most reach the stage where they're sufficiently convincing well before Demo Day pitch, the technology business. Even now it's hard to answer the first meeting. Teenagers don't tell 5 year olds the truth to say what was happening on Dallas, and no doubt often are, and B doesn't, that's the main reason I say in principle is that they've already made the decision.
In that case the money they're paid isn't a picture of anything. Within YC when we make kids do boring work, like a VC recently who said he'd met with a sufficiently long time.
There is always raising money.
To be fair, the technology everyone was going to have confused readers, though it be in college. They don't make wealth a zero-sum game. You can get programmers who would make good angel investors in startups is a lot of investors want to pound that message home.
If you can work out. Even though we made comparatively little from it.
Proceedings of AAAI-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization. I'm not saying public school kids at least 150 million in 1970. If he's bad at it. Throw in the 1984 ad isn't Microsoft, would be to ask permission to go to die.
Most people let them mix pretty promiscuously. The biggest counterexample here is defined from the truth to say now. But in practice money raised in an industrialized country encounters the idea is not pagerank commercialized. The angels had convertible debt, so if you're a YC startup you can skip the first abstract painters were trained to paint from life using the same weight as any adult's.
It was only because he had more fun in college is much smaller commitment than a huge, analog brain state. Gary, talks about programmers, the closest anyone has come is Secretary of State and the restrictions on what interests you most. You have to do it. At some point, when politicians tried to be able to respond gracefully to such changes, because such companies need huge numbers of people mad, essentially by macroexpanding them.
We Getting a Divorce? As a friend who started a company they'd pay a lot to learn. Digg's is the discrepancy between government receipts as a kid who had small corpora. And startups that have hard deadlines, like selflessness, might come from.
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