#double layer PCB
circuitwala · 3 months
Printed Circuit Board Basics
Most of us are using Printed Circuit Board in our daily life. Printed Circuit Boards are used in almost all the Electronic products, from consumer gadgets such as PCs, tablets, smartphones, and gaming consoles to industrial and even high tech products in strategic and medical electronics domains.
Here, we have some statistics for you that shows how many electronic devices connect worldwide from 2015 to 2025. This statistic shows an increase in the use of a number of PCB in people daily life. Hence, CircuitWala took this opportunity to provide a basic knowledge about PCB via this article.
There are so many books available online which teach about Printed Circuit Board design and hardware part. There are few links available online which shows only a few basic fundamentals of PCB and few are there for Basics of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design. Few which gives good know knowledge on Printed Circuit Board terminology. But in the end for the hobbyist, there is no such material available which make their work easy.
Now days there few online designing websites available which allow hobbyist and students to create their design and Printed Circuit Board fabrication part. These websites provide limited features and charge high for the full edition. We, @CircuitWala are in try to provide one platform which provides plenty of Printed Circuit Board knowledge digitally to make your work simple and easy.
Alternatives of PCB include wire wrap and point-to-point construction. Creating a layout of PCB is a little bit time-consuming method as compared to its alternative solution but manufacturing of PCB is cheaper and faster then other wiring methods as electronic components are mounted and wired with one single part.
Let’s start with some basics of Printed Circuit Board with this article. Here in this article we will discuss about history of PCB to understand the emerge of PCB, Types of PCB to make your complex PCB a very simple using different types, Usage of PCB to provide you an idea to create more Printed Circuit Board projects, Advantages and Disadvantages, Possible Future to know about new technological change in Printed Circuit Board manufacturing and also about how to destroy and manage your PCB’s e-waste? We know you are eager to know all the stuff in details but before that let’s make a simple definition of Printed Circuit Board.
What is Printed Circuit Board?Printed Circuit Board is an electronic device made of conductive material(FR-4) like copper which connects components mounted on it to to get desired output by providing an input on another end.
When the board has not mounted with any of the components is called as Printed Circuit Board or Printed Wired Board. Mounting of an electronic component on Printed Circuit Board is called as PCB assembly.
History of Printed Circuit BoardThe invention of Printed Circuit Board was by Austrian engineer Paul Eisler as part of a radio set while working in England around 1936.
In early days before Printed Circuit Board became common in use, Point-to-Point construction was used. This meant some bulky and unreliable design that required plenty of sockets and regular replacement of it. Most of this issue directly address when PCB went into regular production.
Originally, every electronic component had wire leads, and the PCB had holes drilled for each wire of each component. The components’ leads were then passed through the holes and soldered to the PCB trace. This method of assembly is called Through-Hole construction. There is one other method to mount component is called as Surface Mount.
Type of Printed Circuit BoardPCBs are produced from the different types of material and on the basis of that material PCBs are divided mainly into two parts: Rigid PCB and Flexible PCB. Nowadays, a combination of Rigid and flexible PCB is also possible and that is called as Flexi-Rigid PCBs.
Most of the PCBs are built in layers. The inner layer is the base material called as a substrate. Rigid PCBs are mainly made of material like epoxy materials and Flexible PCBs are made of plastic material that can withstand high temperatures.
Rigid PCBs are generally, hard materials that hold the component in a better way. The motherboard in the tower of a computer is the best example of Rigid PCBs. Flexible PCBs fundamental material allows PCB to fit into forms that Rigid PCBs can not. Flexible PCBs can turn round without harmful the circuit on PCB.
All Rigid and Flexible PCBs can come in three formats by layers: Single Layer, Double Layer, and Multi-Layer.
1. Single Layer PCBSingle Layer PCBs have been around since the late 1950s and still dominate the world market in sheer piece volume. Single Sided PCBs contain only one layer of conductive material and are best suited for low-density designs. Single-sided PCBs are easy to design and quick to manufacture. They serve as the most lucrative platform in the industry.
2. Double Layer PCBDouble Layered printed circuit board technology is conceivably the most popular type of PCB in the industry. Double Sided PCB (also known as Double-Sided Plated Thru or DSPT) circuits are the gateway to advanced technology applications. They allow for a closer (and perhaps more) routing traces by alternating between top and bottom layers using vias.
3. Multi Layer PCB
Multilayer PCB is a circuit board that has more than two layers. Unlike a Double-Sided PCB which only has two conductive layers of material, all multilayer PCBs must have at least three layers of conductive material which are buried in the center of the material.
Usage of Printed Circuit BoardBy reading this article till this point, we hope that you are now able to get about printed circuit boards. Now, we will make you understand about different applications of printed Circuit Board.
In this digital world, Printed Circuit Board is in almost all our daily life electronic devices and in our industrial electronics as well. Below are the industries where PCBs are used:
Possible FutureNowadays, most of the circuits are replaced to produce Printed Circuit Board from the old methods. Revolution in technology made many of the processes automated and hence it is easy to manufacture PCB. But still, these processes are a bit expensive to hire, involve toxic waste and use high temperatures and acids. With technological advances we have seen in the past years, it is not hard to imagine PCB will soon be revolutionized. Not only that but research institutes predict a more ‘green’ future for PCBs; PCBs being made of paper.
Electronic Waste (e-waste)Electronic Waste or e-waste is described as discarded electrical or electronic devices. Informal processing of e-waste in developing countries can lead to adverse human health effects and environmental pollution.
Electronic scrap components contain a hazardous substance such as lead, cadmium, beryllium, or brominated flame retardants. Recycling and disposal of e-waste may involve significant risk to health of workers and communities in developed countries and great care must be taken to avoid unsafe exposure in recycling operations
Nowadays, developing countries are encouraging electronic users to take care while recycling the e-waste or submit them to the organization who are involved in such activities.
SummaryIn this blog, we have learned the basics of Printed Circuit Board. CircuitWala is planning to write as many blogs to provide more and more knowledge of Printed Circuit Board. Either it is basics or manufacturing or usages or advantages and disadvantages of PCBs. We will also try to make our users/customers up to date for the new technology innovations, including past histories and revolution of the PCB industries.
In the next blog, we will look at more briefly about the different types of Printed Circuit Board. We also understand the process to make it and different usage and application for the same.
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pcbsino-com · 1 year
flex pcb fabrication 2023 3
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dyethin14 · 12 days
Understanding Circuit Board Electronic Components: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's digital world, electronic devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. But what makes these devices tick? At the heart of every electronic device lies a circuit board—a masterpiece of tiny electronic components working together to perform complex tasks. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of circuit board electronic components, exploring each element’s role and how they contribute to the overall functionality of the device.
What is a Circuit Board?
A circuit board, often referred to as a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), is a flat board used to mechanically support and electrically connect various electronic components. These components work in unison to perform a specific task. Think of the circuit board as the skeleton and nervous system of an electronic device—it holds everything together and allows communication between parts.
Types of Circuit Boards
Single-sided PCB: Has one layer of conducting material.
Double-sided PCB: Contains two layers for components and connections.
Multi-layer PCB: Complex boards with multiple layers for advanced applications.
The Role of Electronic Components on a Circuit Board
Every electronic device you interact with is powered by a carefully designed circuit board filled with various components. These components might be tiny, but each one has a critical role in the operation of the device. Here's a breakdown of the most important electronic components you’ll find on a typical circuit board.
1. Resistors
Resistors are fundamental components that control the flow of electrical current. They resist the flow of electrons, hence the name "resistor." Their primary function is to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, and divide voltages in a circuit. Without resistors, circuits would allow too much current to flow, potentially damaging other components.
Types of Resistors
Fixed resistors: Have a set resistance value.
Variable resistors: Allow adjustment of the resistance.
2. Capacitors
Capacitors store and release electrical energy in a circuit. They are often compared to small rechargeable batteries that quickly charge and discharge. Capacitors help smooth out fluctuations in voltage, filter noise, and store energy for future use.
Common Uses of Capacitors
Energy storage
Signal filtering
Voltage stabilization
3. Inductors
Inductors are components that store energy in a magnetic field when electrical current flows through them. They resist changes in current and are typically used in circuits to filter signals, manage power, and store energy.
Applications of Inductors
Power supplies
Radio frequency circuits
Noise suppression in circuits
4. Diodes
A diode is like a one-way valve for electricity, allowing current to flow in only one direction. They are vital in circuits to prevent reverse currents, which can damage components.
Types of Diodes
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs): Produce light when current flows through.
Zener diodes: Regulate voltage within a circuit.
5. Transistors
The transistor is a versatile component used to amplify or switch electronic signals. In essence, transistors are like tiny switches that turn signals on and off rapidly, making them essential in modern electronics.
Types of Transistors
NPN transistors: Allow current flow when a small voltage is applied to the base.
PNP transistors: Conduct when the base is negatively charged.
How Circuit Board Components Work Together
In a circuit, each component has a specific role, and together they form a cohesive system. For example:
Capacitors and resistors may work together to filter signals or smooth out voltage fluctuations.
Transistors and diodes ensure that signals are amplified or directed properly.
Integrated circuits handle the complex tasks, processing data, and controlling the overall system.
Choosing the Right Components for Your Circuit Board
When designing or repairing a circuit board, choosing the correct components is crucial. Some factors to consider include:
Voltage requirements
Power consumption
Signal type and frequency
Physical size and compatibility
Circuit boards are an integral part of any electronic device. The various components on the board each play a specific role in ensuring the device functions as intended. Understanding these components, from resistors to integrated circuits, is essential for anyone working with electronics, whether you're designing a new system or troubleshooting an existing one.
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techav · 1 year
Wrap030-ATX Says "Hellorld"
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In the immortal word of [Usagi Electric], Wrap030-ATX says, "Hellorld". This can only mean one thing — serial I/O is working!
Getting serial working should be relatively straightforward. The UART I'm using is an 8-bit peripheral which needs a Chip Enable and an Output Enable signal, just like the ROM. It's a little slower, so it will need an extra wait state or two, but it should be easy enough to modify the bus controller state machine to address the UART as well. It didn't take me long to add the necessary logic, solder on the new parts, and fire it up for a test run.
Nothing happened.
I went through all the normal steps — double check the wiring, make sure my test leads haven't come loose, make sure the chip is seated properly in its socket and not shorted out …
… I burned my finger. And not just a little 'ow that's a bit warm to the touch', but a proper second-degree burn. That UART chip was hot.
That kind of heat can only mean there is a direct short somewhere in the chip. It could just be a defective part, but since they are out of production and I only have a few on hand, the best thing to do is confirm the problem isn't on my board somewhere before trying another one (and potentially destroying it too).
The PCB layout passed Design Rule Check, so I didn't have any overlapping traces. The schematic didn't have any obvious errors where maybe I had inadvertently tied an output signal to power or ground. This was not an existing library part — it was one that I had to create — so it was possible I had gotten pin assignments wrong.
I pulled up the datasheet and opened the part in the library and started confirming all of the pin assignments matched the datasheet. Bus & I/O pins were all fine; but the very last power supply pin was assigned to Vcc, where the datasheet had it marked Vss. So I had a +5V power supply capable of sourcing in excess of 25A of current running into what should have been a ground pin. No wonder it was hot enough to burn; it's a wonder it didn't release the magic smoke immediately.
This is a challenge. I need to swap a power pin for a ground pin on a PLCC socket. On a simpler project, I might've gotten away with just cutting the trace running to that pin and soldering a bodge wire to it.
… But this is a 4-layer board. There is no mere trace running to that pin — there is an entire inner layer attached to it. My best bet would probably be removing the offending pin from the socket, but depending on how it's constructed, I may not be able to remove the pin.
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Through-hole PLCC socket pins are staggered. Some go straight down through the board, but alternating pins make an L-shape so that the socket can have two rows of through-hole pins at a 0.1" grid spacing. The L-shaped pins would be trapped under the plastic base of the socket.
Luckily, the pin in question was the first on its side, so it went straight through the base. I started by bending up its contact, and then with the heat turned up on my soldering iron, I was able to pull it out of the board and completely free from the socket.
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I had some wire on hand that was just the right width to match the slots for the contacts in the socket. I bent a flat loop to make contact with the chip lead and shoved it down into the slot. It worked perfectly. I ran it over to a nearby jumper that had a ground lead, and there I have my first bodge wire for this project.
It still didn't work.
This is the part of debugging that is the most frustrating. There's a problem and it takes a considerable amount of effort to identify not just the cause, but also the solution. And then after working through those steps and finally implementing a fix, it still doesn't work because there is another problem. Back to square 1 with debugging.
Why is it not working? It's not burning hot, so that problem was indeed solved. I'm getting data to the chip, and the read/write strobes are functional. The chip select signals are ... wait, why isn't chip select working?
... Because I forgot a chip, that's why. Insert Picard facepalm GIF here.
The UART I'm using is a Western Digital WD16C552. It's a lovely chip designed for 386 era PCs contain two 16550-compatible UARTs and a Centronics Parallel port as well. It is three peripherals in one package. To save I/O on my bus controller CPLD, I used a 74'139 2-to-4 decoder to further break down the address for this serial/parallel I/O chip into the three specific peripheral select signals I needed. And I simply forgot to solder that chip onto the board.
Two headers and one 74LS139 later and finally my terminal came to life. The Wrap030-ATX whispered its very first greeting, "HELLORLD". Serial I/O is working and I can move on to the next step. And oddly enough, I tested that first chip that flirted with fire and it actually still works!
I am racing forward through the countless tests and steps to bring this machine to life ahead of VCF Southwest at the end of June. I am hoping to get it at least running BASIC over serial by that time, but for that I am going to need some RAM. This will be fun because this is my first time actually building a DRAM controller; I've done some test designs before but never actually built them. Fingers crossed I don't run into any show-stopping errors getting it up and running.
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amy-hitechpcb · 8 months
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Aluminium PCB
Aluminium PCB are metal-based, copper-clad laminates with a good heat dissipation function. Usually, Aluminium PCB is refer to LED PCB board, which is the most important part of LED display and lighting products, etc.
Hitech Circuits Co., Limited is a professional aluminum pcb board, LED PCB manufacturer in China. Through 10 years of aluminum pcb board designing and manufacturing experience, Hitech are able to provide high quality and cost effective single layer, double layer and multi layer aluminum pcb boards to global customers. For any of your requirements regarding aluminum pcb board, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected]
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jonphaedrus · 2 years
let's build ANOTHER KEYBOARD, the 1up level 60: weird keycaps edition
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this is a budget custom level60 board from 1up keyboards in turquoise with tecsee purple panda tactile switches, akko screw in stabilizers in transparent pink (which i happened to have leftovers of from my wife build), and then some wonky keycaps cobbled together from the idobao gradient oem keycap set (a cheaper version of drop's artifact bloom rainbow set), cherry profile de/qwertz keys from kp republic's international set, and one random constellation key from my xda profile constellation set that's filling the # space.
this time, let's talk keycaps.
my husband is working his way to b1 fluency in german so he'll have an easier time getting permanent residency after we move (i also need to study, since i... dont speak much german despite being a citizen) and it's been driving him crazy to have to enter ¨ with alt on his standard keyboard, so he asked me to build him a qwertz layout keyboard. so, for black friday i kept my eye out on sales.
what he wanted:
a 65% or smaller keyboard (no need for f-row, arrows, etc, since he'll be using it specifically for typing in german and will have his laptop accessible)
underglow, not show-through per-key rgb
he wanted that rainbow keycap set from drop real bad
qwertz keycaps
lighter tactiles than his current work board, which has akko jelly purples on it
something that would be small and light enough to hook up on his lap on the couch
so, i went through all the bf/cm sales and found 1up, and then showed him and he said "yes that's exactly what i want"
the hardest part of the buying process was picking switches, since he wanted both something cheap and something a little lighter than the jelly purple actuation, and i didnt want to buy from elsewhere when i could get them included with the 1up build. i was going to do gateron milkies (since he doesnt care about per-key) but they were sold out, and i've heard a lot of good stuff about panda tactiles, so i took the jump on the tecsee.
if you're wondering: they're just as nice as people say. they're really nide. they aren't as thunky and im sure they sound even better lubed & filmed, but they're silky smooth and light enough i can use them without wanting to die.
this is the third stacked acrylic board i've built, and i have to say, stacked acrylic is both really affordable and really nice to work with. there's a lot less fidgeting with making sure things fit in solid housings, and i enjoy the peeling sticky off of each layer process because i have ocd.
some glossary:
underglow: there are LEDs on the bottom side of the pcb
per-key rgb: there's an LED for each key, called per-key or smd LED, it all means the same thing. this means every key lights up. there are some switches that aren't built to fit smd boards, so always double check that you have ones with a gap to fit.
keycap profiles: the different alignment and ways that keycaps are made, including height, shape, curve, and edge. there are about a billion. there will be a section more in-depth later.
and this time, i remembered photos!
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here's all the acrylic peeled and stacked, with the top side of the pcb, on my messy dining table. so you can see here, it's really easy to take these apart and put them back together—great for upkeep.
one of the really cool parts about this pcb is that it's hotswap (i.e., no soldering required, just stick the switches in) but the hotswaps are soldered in such a way as you can adjust the layout slightly for your preference. i'm not sure if you could set it up as an iso (i didn't check) but you can see here how it looks on the bottom row, where the pink line is one switch orientation and the blue line is the other
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since this isn't a per-key rgb, that means there's no need to make sure there's space for a top-facing smd led, so the switches can be placed in either direction. which is super cool!
when installing switches on a hot swap board, you have to be really careful of pin alignment. the spaces that the pins go into in the hot swap can be jarred loose, and the pins, if bent, won't make connection, preventing the switch from working. here's an example of what bent pins look like
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the top switch in both these photos has straight pins, the bottom in both photos has one bent pin. the good news is, bent pins are really easy to fix: you can usually bend them back with your fingers, if it's just a slight misalignment, or you can use tweezers.
to prevent bending, when you insert a switch, always press in the pin-side first. so if you look at the holes on the pcb above, a "north" facing pin insert (the pink line) you'd push in the top side of the switch first. a "south" (the blue line) you'd push in the bottom first. you can then flip the pcb over to check and make sure everything went in.
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here's a close-up of hot swap sockets on the bottom of the pcb. the pink circles show where the pins are in the housings. success! all of these are inserted correctly.
once this board was built, it came time for the keycaps. as i said up top, this is a bit of a cobbled-together keycap set, in that there's a few different-height sets combined. so let's talk about.... keycaps.
there are about a billion different guides to keycap profiles. rather than rehash them here, i'm going to talk about the simple stuff, because i was so confused trying to figure this out.
there are, put simply, two different "styles" of keycaps, broken up into dozens of different profiles. there are "uniform" keycaps, where all the keys are the same height, and "sculpted", where the keys are staggered to shape the profile of the board to be taller at the top, lower in the middle, and rise again at the bottom. the most popular uniform keycap profiles are xda and dsa. the most popular sculpted keycap profiles are cherry and oem. you can find a whole bunch of other types and options, too. some companies (like tai hao and akko) tend to only produce certain profiles (tai hao and osa respectively)
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here's a side by side of xda, oem, and cherry keycaps all in the same row. they're all slightly different heights, shapes, and sculpts.
in sculpted keycap profiles, each row is of a slightly different height. for qwety layouts that would be r1 (number row), r2 (qwerty row), r3 (home row), r4 (zxcv row), r5 (space/ctrl row). function row usually is either r1 or r5.
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since this keyboard is a little cobbled together, keycaps wise, you can see here the different height of some of the keys. if you're looking into non-qwerty layouts, i'd suggest a uniform profile. you can get international inserts like the ones i got for my husband here, or buy the international sets for nor/de/fr, but you can also just buy dsa or xda and swap keys around as needed.
now, be aware when mixing and matching sets, unless you can guarantee that your keycap sets come from the same manufacturer (i.e., cannon keys, idobao, drop, etc... so if you aren't buying knockoffs or recolors) the printing may be slightly different. here are two different xda profile keycap sets, side by side.
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you can see the constellation set is wider and a little flatter, while the night sakura set is taller and a little skinnier. they're both still xda, but the print is very slightly different. (in all fairness, the night sakura may actually be kam knockoffs, im not sure. they were advertised as xda, but they don't quite match the profile).
one of the other things keycaps will be marked as is PBT vs ABS—this is the variety of plastic they're made from. pbt is more sturdy. thats really all you need to know.
finally, there are what are called "doubleshot" and "show-through" keycaps. doubleshot means that the keycap is made from two different types of plastic, machined together, and it makes them a little more sturdy. most show-through keycaps are also doubleshot, but the lower plastic isn't the full body of the key, but a transparent layer to allow the light from the per-key rgb to show through.
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finally, you can get what are called "artisan" keycaps. these are single keycaps, usually custom or small-run, and they can be made of ceramic, plastic, resin, glass, metal...etc. some are standard shapes, some arent.
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from left to right, this is an oem r1, cherry r1, artisan from hirosart, and osa r1. as you can see, these are all very different heights and shapes. artisans are super cool (expensive) but also very fun. you should get one if you have a mechanical keyboard. they spark So much joy.
finally, here's a sound test. not plugged in because im lazy. sorry about the horrible flashing of my actual keyboard in the background (flashing light warning: please just listen if you want to hear the sound test and you're light sensitive)
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acmecircuit · 1 year
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Multilayer PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) offer numerous advantages over their single-layer or double-layer counterparts. These benefits arise from their enhanced design capabilities, improved performance, and greater flexibility. Here are some key advantages of multilayer PCBs:
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gamesception · 1 year
another new toy
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I've been planning to get a number of accessories for my new computer. A new monitor, microphone, maybe one of those vr headsets. But after having it for a few weeks, one thing jumped out as needing an upgrade more urgently than anything else - the stock full size keyboard that came with it was just too large and awkward for my little keyboard shelf. I was tempted to go back to the Microsoft Compact Bluetooth keyboard that I was using with the Steam Deck... but I haven't had a "real" computer, like a proper desktop computer in decades, I wanted a "real" keyboard to go with it. Like a proper mechanical keyboard with switches and buttons and such. And so I typed "mechanical keyboard reviews" into a youtube search, blissfully unaware of the rabbit hole I was about to fall down.
If you know then you already know, but it came as a surprise to me that membrane keyboards are so cheap and so easy to mass produce that they've taken over the casual market altogether, forcing mechanical keyboards into the domain of the ⋆ ˚。⋆˚enthusiast⋆ ˚。⋆˚
Yes, it seems proper keyboards are a hobby now, not a very cheap one either, and the very last thing I need is another expensive hobby. But every hobby has its more affordable and approachable on ramps, and there are a number of pre-built budget boards occupying this space in world of mechanical keyboards. After watching a few dozen hours of youtube videos and reading a bunch of reviews and tutorials, I eventually settled on the RK84 'limited edition' from Royal Kludge for us$80. Which is like twice what I expected to pay when I in my naive innocence began shopping for keyboards, but I've come to understand that eighty bucks absolutely counts as "budget" in this hobby.
Pricing aside, I really do love my new keyboard. The 75% form factor is ideal, better centering the typing keys and saving a bunch of extra space on my little shelf while maintaining all the functionality of a full size board save only for the number pad. While I do like to use a number pad, I don't mind taking one out when I need it, and the keyboard even has a couple usb ports to easily plug a mouse and separate number pad into, which is super convenient and such an obvious idea that I really have to wonder why all keyboards aren't doubling as USB multi-dongles at this point, with additional usb ports, sd card ports, and so on.
For $10 more than the regular RK84 wireless, the 'limited edition' version has better keycaps, factory-lubed switches, some filler foam in the housing to reduce the hollow sound, an additional layer of sound dampening foam sandwiched between the top plate and the pcb, and a snazzy color scheme, the version I chose combining a black body and mostly black keys with a white top plate that better reflects the swirly rainbow rgb backlighting. The sound is decent, at least to my untrained ear, right out of the box. Which is ideal, as I'd like to avoid the temptation to start modding it.
Because I've gone about as far down this particular rabbit hole as I want to go.
Though I suppose it is tempting to open it up, as some basic tape & band aid mods would be cheap and easy and might improve the sound a bit...
And as much as the pre-lubed yellow linear switches are nice, I did make sure to get a hot-swappable board so it's easy to change them out later if I want to try alternatives, and I do think I might prefer tactile switches for typing...
And the rgb lighting is nice enough that it really is a shame these caps aren't shine though. Yeah, yeah, shine-through is tacky, but Cringe is Dead, and some black top pudding caps might really make the lighting pop. Or maybe a mix of black, white and some accent color to match the color layout that the board came with?
The abyss, it tempts me so...
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hitechpcb · 12 hours
Hitechpcb is a professional manufacturer of copper based printed circuit board (PCB). We produce metal-based MCPCB, aluminum substrate and copper substrate PCBs. with short delivery time, strict quality and excellent service. What is Copper Based PCB? Copper base PCB is a type of metal-based PCB, it is PCBs made of copper substrate. As the leader of the thermal conductivity in the metal substrate MCPCB(metal core PCB), the copper core PCB has a thermal conductivity of up to 400 watts. It can meet the needs of higher power LED light sources after the aluminium substrate, and solve the various heat problems such as high power dead light, serious light decay, and high heat generation. As the more active star products in the metal substrate, copper base PCBs and aluminium substrate PCBs have their advantages and are widely used, which are common in cars, stage lights, control panels, photographic lights, projection lights, Stage laser lamps and other products are excellent high-power accessories.
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Printed Circuit Board (PCB): The Backbone of Modern Electronics
A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is an essential component in nearly all electronic devices. These boards are designed to mechanically support and electrically connect various electronic components using conductive pathways. The significance of PCBs in today’s technological landscape cannot be overstated, as they form the foundation upon which most modern electronics are built. Whether it's a smartphone, computer, or even complex industrial equipment, the PCB plays a crucial role in their functionality.
Structure and Components of a PCB
At its core, a PCB is made up of a non-conductive substrate material, typically fiberglass or composite epoxy, with conductive copper traces embedded on it. These traces form electrical circuits that allow components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, and integrated circuits to communicate and work together. The components are mounted onto the board through a process called soldering, where a metallic substance binds them to the copper pads, ensuring strong electrical connections.
There are several layers in a typical PCB:
1. Substrate Layer: The base material, often fiberglass, provides rigidity and insulation.
2. Copper Layer: A thin copper foil is laminated onto the substrate, forming the conductive pathways.
3. Solder Mask Layer: This is a protective layer that covers the copper traces, preventing short circuits and oxidation.
4. Silkscreen Layer: Used for printing labels and markings, this layer helps technicians and engineers identify components on the board.
PCBs can range from simple single-layer boards to more complex multi-layer boards. In advanced applications, multi-layer boards are used, where multiple copper layers are sandwiched together with insulating layers between them. This allows for higher component density and more complex circuitry in a compact form factor.
Types of Printed Circuit Boards
PCBs come in several different types based on the complexity of the design and the needs of the application:
1. Single-Sided PCB: The simplest form, with components and copper traces on one side of the substrate.
2. Double-Sided PCB: These boards have components and copper traces on both sides of the substrate, offering more flexibility for routing electrical connections.
3. Multi-Layer PCB: As the name suggests, these boards have multiple layers of copper traces, making them ideal for complex and high-performance applications.
4. Rigid PCB: These are made from solid, inflexible materials, commonly used in devices where the board must maintain a specific shape.
5. Flexible PCB: These boards are made from flexible materials and can bend, fold, or twist. They are often used in compact devices where space is limited.
6. Rigid-Flex PCB: A hybrid of rigid and flexible PCBs, these are used in complex devices that require both flexibility and stability in specific areas.
Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing of a PCB involves several precise steps to ensure quality and reliability:
1. Design: The process begins with creating a design using PCB design software. This includes defining the layout, trace routing, and component placement.
2. Printing the Design: Once the design is finalized, it is printed onto the copper-clad substrate using a photomask or a direct laser printing method.
3. Etching: Any excess copper is removed from the board, leaving only the desired copper traces.
4. Drilling and Plating: Holes are drilled where components will be placed, and conductive materials are plated inside these holes to establish connections between layers in multi-layer boards.
5. Solder Mask Application: A solder mask is applied to protect the copper traces and prevent short circuits.
6. Silkscreen Printing: Component labels and identification markers are printed onto the board.
7. Testing and Quality Control: The finished PCB undergoes rigorous testing to ensure there are no defects in the circuitry or connections.
Applications of PCBs
PCBs are found in a vast array of electronic devices and systems. Some of the key application areas include:
Consumer Electronics: Smartphones, tablets, computers, and home appliances rely heavily on PCBs for their operation.
Automotive Industry: Modern vehicles contain numerous electronic systems, from engine control units to infotainment systems, all powered by PCBs.
 Medical Devices: Precision medical equipment like diagnostic machines and wearable health devices depend on reliable PCBs for accurate functionality.
Telecommunications: Communication devices, including routers, switches, and mobile towers, are equipped with PCBs that handle data processing and signal transmission.
Aerospace and Defense: In high-stakes industries like aerospace and defense, robust PCBs are required for mission-critical systems, including avionics and radar equipment.
Future Trends in PCB Technology
As technology continues to evolve, so too does the development of PCBs. Advances in materials science, miniaturization, and automation are paving the way for even smaller and more powerful PCBs. Innovations such as flexible hybrid electronics (FHE), 3D-printed circuits, and high-speed PCB designs are expected to revolutionize industries by enabling more compact, lightweight, and efficient electronic devices.
Moreover, with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G technology, the demand for high-performance PCBs capable of handling greater data transmission speeds and power efficiency is surging. This trend will likely lead to more widespread use of multi-layer and flexible PCBs in upcoming technological advancements.
The printed circuit board is undeniably one of the most vital components in modern electronics. Its evolution has allowed for remarkable advancements in technology, from the devices we use daily to the complex systems that run industries. As innovations in materials and design continue, PCBs will remain at the forefront of the ever-expanding world of electronics, enabling new possibilities and driving the next wave of technological breakthroughs.
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ragini-14 · 12 days
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sqpcbmanufacturer · 15 days
Understanding Multilayer PCB: Advantages and Applications
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are at the heart of nearly every electronic device, providing the physical foundation for supporting and connecting electronic components. Among the various types of PCBs, Multilayer PCBs have become increasingly popular in modern electronics, offering enhanced capabilities and performance. It explore what multilayer PCBs are, their advantages, and the wide range of applications they serve.
What is a Multilayer PCB?
A Multilayer PCB is a type of circuit board that consists of three or more conductive copper layers. These layers are stacked on top of each other, separated by insulating layers, and laminated together. The inner layers are buried between the top and bottom layers, which allows for complex and compact designs. Each layer has its own circuitry, and they are connected by vias (vertical interconnects), allowing electrical signals to flow between them.
Multilayer PCBs are commonly used in devices where space is limited but the functionality required is high, such as in smartphones, computers, and medical equipment.
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Advantages of Multilayer PCBs
Multilayer PCBs offer several advantages over traditional single-layer or double-sided PCBs. Here are some of the key benefits:
Compact Size and Space Efficiency
With multiple layers stacked together, multilayer PCBs enable complex circuits to fit in smaller spaces. This is especially important in modern electronics, where devices are becoming smaller and more compact.
Higher Functionality
By integrating more circuitry within the same footprint, multilayer PCBs provide higher functionality, enabling devices to perform more complex tasks. The additional layers allow for more components and connections without increasing the size of the PCB.
Improved Signal Integrity
The close proximity of the different layers in a multilayer PCB helps reduce interference and noise, leading to better signal integrity. This is particularly useful in high-speed circuits where signal loss or distortion can impact device performance.
Enhanced Durability
The lamination process used in the manufacturing of multilayer PCBs provides additional strength and durability. These boards are more robust and resistant to environmental stress, making them ideal for applications that require long-term reliability.
Flexibility in Design
The versatility of multilayer PCBs allows for flexible designs, accommodating complex circuits and making it easier to integrate additional components. Designers can work with multiple layers to route traces and create compact, efficient layouts.
Reduced Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Multilayer PCBs are designed in a way that allows the signal-carrying layers to be sandwiched between ground planes. This design helps shield the signals from external interference, reducing EMI and ensuring better performance, especially in sensitive applications.
Applications of Multilayer PCBs
The advantages of multilayer PCBs make them suitable for a wide range of applications. Here are some industries and products that benefit from multilayer PCBs:
Multilayer PCBs are used in networking equipment, routers, and servers where high-speed data transmission and reliability are essential. Their compact design and high signal integrity make them perfect for handling complex telecommunications systems.
Consumer Electronics
From smartphones to tablets, laptops, and wearable devices, multilayer PCBs are found in most modern electronic gadgets. The small form factor and high functionality are crucial for delivering the advanced features consumers expect.
Automotive Industry
Modern vehicles are equipped with advanced electronics for engine control, infotainment systems, safety features, and navigation. Multilayer PCBs play a critical role in managing these complex systems while maintaining compact designs and high reliability.
Medical Devices
Medical equipment such as MRI machines, X-ray systems, and wearable health monitors require precise and reliable electronic components. Multilayer PCBs provide the compactness, functionality, and durability necessary for these life-saving devices.
Aerospace and Defense
In aerospace and defense applications, the need for high-performance, reliable, and durable electronics is critical. Multilayer PCBs are used in radar systems, satellites, avionics, and other mission-critical systems where performance cannot be compromised.
Industrial Equipment
Multilayer PCBs are also used in complex machinery and equipment for manufacturing, automation, and robotics. The ability to handle multiple tasks efficiently while maintaining a small size is a significant advantage in these applications.
Future Trends in Multilayer PCBs
As technology continues to evolve, the demand for smaller, more efficient, and more powerful electronic devices will continue to drive the development of multilayer PCBs. Key trends include:
High-Density Interconnect (HDI) PCBs: These are advanced multilayer PCBs with very small vias, allowing for even more compact designs.
Flexible Multilayer PCBs: These offer the same functionality as traditional multilayer boards but with the added benefit of flexibility, making them suitable for wearable devices and other curved or bendable applications.
Advanced Materials: The use of new materials, such as high-frequency laminates and substrates, will enhance the performance of multilayer PCBs, especially in applications like 5G networks and high-speed computing.
Multilayer PCBs have become a cornerstone in the design and manufacturing of modern electronics. Their ability to combine compactness, functionality, and durability makes them an ideal choice for various industries, from consumer electronics to aerospace. As technology advances, the role of multilayer PCBs will continue to grow, meeting the ever-increasing demand for sophisticated and reliable electronic devices.
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fpcway-daisy · 18 days
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It’s a double-side rigid-flex PCB. The construction consists of a single-side flex and a layer of single-side rigid together with a modified epoxy prepreg.
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dyethin14 · 12 days
Understanding Circuit Board Electronic Components: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's digital world, electronic devices have become an essential part of our daily lives. But what makes these devices tick? At the heart of every electronic device lies a circuit board—a masterpiece of tiny electronic components working together to perform complex tasks. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the fascinating world of circuit board electronic components, exploring each element’s role and how they contribute to the overall functionality of the device.
What is a Circuit Board?
A circuit board, often referred to as a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), is a flat board used to mechanically support and electrically connect various electronic components. These components work in unison to perform a specific task. Think of the circuit board as the skeleton and nervous system of an electronic device—it holds everything together and allows communication between parts.
Types of Circuit Boards
Single-sided PCB: Has one layer of conducting material.
Double-sided PCB: Contains two layers for components and connections.
Multi-layer PCB: Complex boards with multiple layers for advanced applications.
The Role of Electronic Components on a Circuit Board
Every electronic device you interact with is powered by a carefully designed circuit board filled with various components. These components might be tiny, but each one has a critical role in the operation of the device. Here's a breakdown of the most important electronic components you’ll find on a typical circuit board.
1. Resistors
Resistors are fundamental components that control the flow of electrical current. They resist the flow of electrons, hence the name "resistor." Their primary function is to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, and divide voltages in a circuit. Without resistors, circuits would allow too much current to flow, potentially damaging other components.
Types of Resistors
Fixed resistors: Have a set resistance value.
Variable resistors: Allow adjustment of the resistance.
2. Capacitors
Capacitors store and release electrical energy in a circuit. They are often compared to small rechargeable batteries that quickly charge and discharge. Capacitors help smooth out fluctuations in voltage, filter noise, and store energy for future use.
Common Uses of Capacitors
Energy storage
Signal filtering
Voltage stabilization
3. Inductors
Inductors are components that store energy in a magnetic field when electrical current flows through them. They resist changes in current and are typically used in circuits to filter signals, manage power, and store energy.
Applications of Inductors
Power supplies
Radio frequency circuits
Noise suppression in circuits
4. Diodes
A diode is like a one-way valve for electricity, allowing current to flow in only one direction. They are vital in circuits to prevent reverse currents, which can damage components.
Types of Diodes
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs): Produce light when current flows through.
Zener diodes: Regulate voltage within a circuit.
5. Transistors
The transistor is a versatile component used to amplify or switch electronic signals. In essence, transistors are like tiny switches that turn signals on and off rapidly, making them essential in modern electronics.
Types of Transistors
NPN transistors: Allow current flow when a small voltage is applied to the base.
PNP transistors: Conduct when the base is negatively charged.
How Circuit Board Components Work Together
In a circuit, each component has a specific role, and together they form a cohesive system. For example:
Capacitors and resistors may work together to filter signals or smooth out voltage fluctuations.
Transistors and diodes ensure that signals are amplified or directed properly.
Integrated circuits handle the complex tasks, processing data, and controlling the overall system.
Choosing the Right Components for Your Circuit Board
When designing or repairing a circuit board, choosing the correct components is crucial. Some factors to consider include:
Voltage requirements
Power consumption
Signal type and frequency
Physical size and compatibility
Circuit boards are an integral part of any electronic device. The various components on the board each play a specific role in ensuring the device functions as intended. Understanding these components, from resistors to integrated circuits, is essential for anyone working with electronics, whether you're designing a new system or troubleshooting an existing one.
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Find the best PCB manufacturing companies in Gujarat
Gujarat has also become the most suitable location for the manufacturing of PCBs owing to its rapid industrial development and utmost infrastructural facilities. The state has a solid industrial nature, and the government encourages further development by providing stimulus for electronics and PCB manufacturing. This makes it easy for the PCB manufacturing companies in Gujarat to find a suitable environment to operate from. These PCB manufacturing companies have highly developed technologically enabled capabilities and expertise in Gujarat.
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Top PCB Manufacturing Companies in Gujarat
Epsilon Electronics
Epsilon Electronics is one of the leading PCB Manufacturing companies in Gujarat, operating in the fields of embedded systems and product engineering in India. From embedded software development services to industrial products and projects development, PCB manufacturing, and 3D design printing, Epsilon Electronics can be categorized as a one-stop-shop. The company has earned a reputation for quickly translating ideas into practicable solutions, which has led businesses to consider it as their preferred provider as PCB manufacturing companies in Gujarat.
The strengths that help Epsilon Electronics stand out from the other competitors are its sophistication in its tools and people to do the job. Their skills in quickly translating concepts into deliverables and their excellent customer relations make them a valued supplier in the PCB manufacturing sector. For specific requirements or for faster deliveries, Epsilon Electronics has the experience and capability that clients require when dealing with this company.
SB Electronics
SB Electronics is one of the pioneer organizations in PCB manufacturing companies in Gujarat having experience in this sector more than 25 years. The company deals in manufacturing multi-layer PCBs such as Single Side, Double Side P. T. H. (through-hole plating) and Double Side NON- PTH PCBs using high-end materials such as FR2, FR4, CEM. SB Electronics has always been committed to providing quality and innovative printed circuit boards making it a reliable supplier to diverse industries.
Using the information provided above, you can make a list of the best companies for pcb manufacturing in Gujarat for your next electronic project. For more details or to discuss your specific case, please do not hesitate to contact Epsilon Electronics. We are here to assist you in achieving your goal of having the finest PCB solutions in the industry. Click on the following link to visit our website now.
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hitechpcba · 19 days
What is a Flex PCB?
Flex PCB boards or flexible printed circuit boards, as the name suggests, carry out the function of regular PCB boards while being physically flexible. As you must know, PCBs or printed circuit boards carry out the function of establishing connections among various components inside an electrical or electronic device. While rigid PCB boards have ruled the market for so many years now, flex PCB boards emerged and opened the door to new possibilities due to their dynamic nature.
Bare boards of flexible printed circuit boards are made of flexible materials allowing them to bend and be manipulated as per the designer’s requirements. This feature of bendability and flexibility comes in handy while crafting various new-age gadgets such as wearables. To know more about these circuit boards also known as flexible circuit boards, continue reading below.
Classifications of Flexible Printed Circuit Boards
Flex PCB manufacturers can now design, fabricate, and customize PCBs with a wide variety of specifications. While the variations are enormous, flexible circuit boards can broadly be classified into a few types based on their layers and configurations.
By Layers: Single-sided, Double-sided, and Multi-layer flex PCBs
Based on the number of layers present in a flexible printed circuit board, they can be classified into single-sided, double-sided, and multi-layered PCBs. Each type has its advantages and features. While a higher number of layers allows a connection of more components, the complications, and overall costs also increase along with. Therefore, engineers at Hitechpcba study the project requirements carefully to find the best-suited type of flexible printed circuit board for an application.
Single-sided flex PCBs: Single only only have one conductive layer. These are the most commonly used flexible printed circuit boards, with excellent electronic and mechanical properties of flexible material, and also low cost. So they are widely used in consumer electronics.
Double-sided flex PCBs: There are two copper layers which are connected by plated through holes in double-layer flexible circuit boards. It combines high electronic performance and cost-effectiveness and is usually used in high-tech electronic devices with high volumes, such as laptops, cameras, and earphones., etc.
Multilayer flex PCBs: For such very advanced devices, very limited spacing or continuous moving is needed, so we need to use multilayer flexible PCB boards, such as robotics, industrial equipment, and medical applications. Such kind of flex PCB have three or more copper layers. But generally speaking, we do advice using more than four layers in flex PCB which will affect the flexibility.
By Characteristics: Standard flex PCB, Rigid-flex and HDI flexible PCBs
Similarly, based on configuration, flexible circuit boards can be divided into standard flex PCBs, rigid-flex PCBs and HDI flexible PCBs.
Standard flex PCBs: Standard flex PCBs are the most commonly used flexible circuit boards. They are usually produced by polyimide, with one or two conductive layers and stiffeners.
Rigid-flex PCBs: As the name suggests, rigid-flex PCBs are a combination of the features of both rigid and flexible PCBs. In this type of flex PCB board, only the required areas of the PCB are made with flexible materials that help connect the rigid parts of the circuit. This reduces the cost while allowing the PCB to bend as per the requirement.
HDI flexible PCBs: HDI flexible PCBs or high-density interconnect circuit boards can be considered as the advanced version of flexible PCBs. They offer better features and improved performance than regular flexible printed circuit boards.
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