#double elim
jammings · 2 years
Yes I’m posting her again
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 9 months
We need a td character that in the middle of a challenge gets taken away never to be seen again
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toxicfagcocaine · 19 days
The fact Ive cried multiple times watching Drag race but not when I watched brokeback mountain is crazy to me. What the fuck happened
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geminusrufus · 5 months
two goals: one for each team we eliminated tonight
get stuffed p*ttsburg
get stuffed detroit
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ao3-oner · 6 months
The Post-Game Interview from DK vs. KT has me in shambles
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*Lucid and Kellin already looking at him expectantly*
ShowMaker proceeds to smile, laugh, then lick his lips, in that order
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Finally, he decides on this bold declaration:
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Alexa, play "Gives You Hell" by All-American Rejects
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ur tags on the one post PLS share some of ur wayne analysis if you’d like
I covered the fact Wayne represents the Frogs' logos (with Emma being the pathos but I'm still trying to decide who's ethos. Bowie? Julia? Julia misquotes the Dalai Lama and talks about goddesses and crystals, so probably her?) but it's really noticeable how malleable a person Wayne is. In Ep04, while he sets himself up for being on the offense with Raj, Bowie, and why-ever they brought MK along, when it was obvious they were better off defending, he was like. defense it is. As he is a sports boy, it'd be assumed he's only good at one position (as most goalies couldn't just become a center fielder as a sub, since they don't train for the same things), especially a less "glamourous" position such as defense (in reality it does not matter, but people pretend offense players are better) He's an exceptionally good sport, which is not something we can say about all the other sports-based/jock TD characters.
It's also to note that Wayne is the first person on the team to call out MK on being a bad team player. Wayne doesn't usually look mad, but he did NOT look happy at MK refusing to huddle up and suggest there's no reason to think strategy. He's completely ok with Emma taking over and picking roles tho, so he's pretty damn comfortable with not always being the leader (as noted with Ep02, where he adapts to Emma's plan. have I mentioned those two are such team leaders for the Frogs? A million times? Oh sorry)
There's a notable subversion with their paired identities for Wayne and Raj. Wayne is the captain, while Raj is [one of the] alternate captain[s]. Essentially, Raj is Wayne's vice president. However, Wayne is a lot more reliant on Raj, than their team identities are. Throughout the season, Wayne asks Raj's opinion on everything (notably in Ep01, as one of his first defining characterizations), but Raj doesn't as often do the same. In Ep06, Raj is the one to immediately leave the catapult, while Wayne made no motion to be the one to separate themselves. He also didn't comment on Bowie calling the two of them in their "cozy", (which Raj defends, saying they're teammates, so) because that sort of attachment is so normal to Wayne he doesn't feel a need to react to people commenting on it, while Raj does. In Ep03, Wayne receives a [long] pep talk from Raj, but Raj never needed one himself going first of Emma's suggestion (or it happened off screen, but like, if it did there'd be the time for a joke where someone says "WE ALREADY DID THIS"). And also the bit in Ep06 where Raj explains Wayne has a way too stressed face when pooping (note: Raj?)
There's also the long-running plot point where Wayne is pretty concerned with what Raj thinks of him, afraid that Raj is afraid he's homo/biphobic, and that's the driving reason that Raj didn't come out to him like. Immediately. The fear of "well he tells me everything, if he won't tell me this, it's clearly something I did", but due to the 13 episode time limit of the show, Wayne didn't have time to make this insecurity about him and was just increasingly unsubtle, never really trying to force him out.
I know it's super easy and super fun to reduce the two to "omg sports himbos <3" but Wayne's got some emotional intelligence on him, and he is not a carbon copy of Raj, and it's much more than just the lack of a gay love interest. He'll always take the role of leader, but if someone else has a successful idea, he'll hop down and let them take the wheel. Paired with his leadership, friendly attitude, and general respect for everyone around him (not to Keith tho) I can see him making finale a lot more than I can see Raj making finale.
I think having the boys on separate teams and having Raj leave pre-merge could be really impactful. Wayne waits at the cabin for Raj to come back and tell him who left, but he just... never returns. Wayne wasn't at the ceremony, so he didn't even get to say goodbye. Wayne wants to throw the challenge but someone (Emma, Bowie, Julia, etc) tells him to snap out of it because Raj would be furious Wayne gave up on himself. And Wayne has to pick himself up off the ground and win for Raj. Like the Katie and Sadie micro-arc, except give Wayne more time to suffer within himself before being told to stop, as well as not axe him with no actual development. I think that kind of emotional rupture could change my brain chemistry.
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reformedmercymain · 2 years
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So something tells me the game reports pages are bugged
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mrscakeishere · 11 months
One of the best bits about writing crossovers is imagining how characters from two different shows might engage in dialogue. It was challenging to get DS9's Garak's interactions with GO's Crowley right, but deeply satisfying when it felt like it worked (at least I think it worked).
The excerpt below takes place in the line of the replimat where Crowley and Aziraphale join Garak and Bashir. Crowley realizes that Garak is up to no good and they engage in a little witty repartee. From The Layover. Excerpt below.
“Well,” Crowley cooed, “isn’t this fun. And might I say, don’t you two make a lovely couple.”
Julian began sputtering and nervously darted his eyes around the replimat. “Oh, we’re no—”
“Can one get hasperat here?" Crowley interjected. "My partner has been dying to try it.”
“Indeed,” Garak's eyes locked on Crowley. “Julian rather enjoys hasperat, don’t you Julian?”
“I heard it’s rather spicy,” Crowley interrupted. “I’m surprised a young man such as yourself would enjoy something so well-seasoned.”
“It does have a rather pungent flavor, I’m afraid," Garak replied. "Although I’m sure Mr. Fell will find it satisfying.” 
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bijoumikhawal · 2 years
(Lazily lifts my head from my dumspter doven chaise) something something the inherent class violence in Tain having Pythas spy on Garak and report information that ultimately gets him exiled when both Pythas and Garak are service class. The betrayal of trust to climb the social ladder while using your former bosom friend as a rung that ultimately ends with you maimed, much in the way he almost was during your schooling together by the machinations of another upper class man. The further betrayal in the Calling of condemning him to a permanent coma as a mercy instead of killing him because he disrupts your ideal and definition of unity (and because you all decided he should be your spokesman when he's barely holding it together). The unspoken and implied manner this could intersect with either Pythas being service class and NOT of Hebitian heritage or being like Mila, completely willing to leave that behind.
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Round 1a Results
the fights of round 1a have ended, so its time to list the winners along with who they will be fighting in round 1b!
Just Got Paid, Let's Get Laid by Millionaires won their round, and will be matched up against So Much (For) Stardust by Fall Out Boy!
Hell's Kitchen Angel by MAX ended up pulling through and will next be against Hot Mess by Cobra Starship!
Lazarus by Travie McCoy won easily and will be next against Enemy of the World by Four Year Strong!
Night Shades by Cobra Starship won something finally and will be against A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! at the Disco!
Hold On Tight by Hey Monday beat their EP and will be against Like Vines by The Hush Sound!
Whisper War by The Cab also beat their EP and will be against As Cruel as School Children by Gym Class Heroes!
Vikings by New Politics narrowly won and will be next against Pretty. Odd. by Panic! at the Disco!
I'm Alive, I'm Dreaming by The Ready Set destroyed their competition easily and will next be facing Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy!
No Introduction by Tyga also won easily and will be facing While The City Sleeps, We Rule The Streets by Cobra Starship!
Santi by The Academy Is also beat their EP and will next be facing MANIA by Fall Out Boy!
Round 1b polls will start to go up either tomorrow or the day after, depends on when i get all the polls done. theyll be posted in two halves, with each side being posted on a separate day. Both polls will run for 24 hours.
wish them luck. It will only get more brutal from here.
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heatherra · 1 year
predicting that the romcom episode is the double elimination
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According to Challonge, Double Elimination means Double Elimation, so SUDDEN DEATH MATCH!
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This is actually the 3rd time this match up happened.
The Hero of Time won back in round 1
And the Hero of Twilight won today.
So who will win. Mentor or Student?
I'll make it a 24 hour match to avoid dragging things out too much
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citrusacidic · 9 months
worst possible outcome for next eps is zee elim or ripaxel double elim, like for srs, ill keep yall updated 🙄😒
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ladyylavenderrr · 6 months
Re: Garak and psychosis
Hi! I do a lot of thinking about Garak, and I also read a lot of psychotic traits on him! I think while they didn't write him thinking of textbook psychosis, a man who has lied so much he can't really tell truth from lie because, to him, "truth is in the eye of the beholder" has to have some level of separation from reality. This is a rather looooong analysis, mostly of events that happen in "The Wire",  but I promise I have a point lol. 
So. I've been thinking about his "lies" to Bashir about his past, and one thing that caught my attention was the hesitation at calling Elim "... my friend"; 
once we found out that he is Elim himself, some stuff from the infirmary monologue got very curious: "we grew up together", true; "we were closer than brothers", true, in a very literal way; "for some reason, Enabrin Tain took a liking to us" well, the reason is that he is his father, that's some reason; 
Now, I'll address his separation of Elim from Garak: I'd say that growing up keeping the secret about who his father was, living a double life from the beggining, then such a split of the ego is almost inevitable. 
Elim is the son, the one who knows the truth, the one who knows Cardassia's love of the family and the people is a lie told to keep powerful men powerful; Tain was the Order, the Order was Cardassia, thus Cardassia's symbol is a man who is a hypocrite, one who betrays his own family- And Garak is the spy. The citizen, the servant of the State. As Tain says himself, he never had to ask Garak to put the implant in his brain, or to do anything - he was so eager to please, and that's what made him special. 
He would keep the truth, one that would make his work unbearable, as something of Elim, while he would be plain and simple Garak, the muscle, the man who did the dirty work without asking any questions. The man to whom family and state, two things he was alienated from from birth, were everything, regardless of how much his work went against that.
Onto the next bit, now: in the end of his monologue, Garak tells a more complicated story to fit into this analogy- he says he faked records to incriminate Elim, only to find out in the end that Elim had beaten him to it; Elim had destroyed him, and before he knew what was going on, he was sentenced to exile; 
But once we know that he is Elim, and if we keep the same logic that Elim represents his inner sense of truth - of knowing he is being used in a very cruel way and that none of that makes any sense - then it's logical that he would sometimes be one step ahead, and sometimes be killed by Garak in the blindness of duty; sometimes watching in horror as he let himself be driven by hunger or fatigue instead of seeing his duty to the end, for he knew the consequences; 
Then, it would be Garak's inner sense of truth, of reality, what destroyed him as the soldier, the spy. Maybe he actually did let those bajorans go for any reason whatsoever, maybe he framed himself for it- I'd say he broke down, some way or another. And he says he deserves it for what he tried to do to Elim, his own screaming sense of reason; much like Marritza killed his past self to die as Darheel - it is the coward, who covered his ears because he couldn't stand to hear the screams for mercy of the Bajorans, who couldn't stand to look at the truth and do something about it, the one who deserves to be punished. 
He became a man who is distressed and anxious during an interrogation, willing to take any answer no matter how irrelevant, just so he doesn't have to keep torturing someone he's kind of friends with, like what happens with Odo later on. We didn't see him do any torturing before that, so maybe he wasnt capable of doing it like he used to before he was exiled, not as a consequence of it; Imo life on DS9 made it "worse" as he became, slowly, part of a community like never before. 
And then, there's Bashir. Again, Garak is a man who adores the state and the family, and has neither. A man who spent his life having no ties to anyone that he couldnt cut immediately, sometimes by killing the person if it was the most efficient way.
On his deathbed, after being really rude and hateful towards Bashir while Bashir lost sleep and thought of nothing but saving him for days, he comes up with this magnificent story, that ends with something that can be interpreted as "I deserve this. Not for betraying Cardassia, the State, but for betraying my best friend." And as he says "my best friend", he stares at Bashir. He then asks for forgiveness, as if he was also asking for Bashir to forgive him for his betrayal of their friendship, for the things he said. He needs to know that, if he can't forgive himself for the horrors, at least someone is capable of forgiving him.
Always full of layers to his half truths and truthful lies, even when he really thinks he's gonna die. He haf-believes it, as a half-truth, even the bits that are made-up; That's where I'd say his link to reality is broken. Idk if any of this makes sense, but this is how I read into it, as someone who has psychotic symptoms and traits, but also as a nerd who loves to nit-pick complex characters like him. 
Peace and long life 🖖
I think it’s always really interesting if Garak truly does believe some of the lies he tells, at least partially. I really like your analysis!!
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paras-atashnak · 1 month
if i was on production, i’d do a double eviction but instead of a week of big brother they eliminate someone with a callout comp like danielle’s elim on reindeer games. that episode was genuinely one of the most compelling hours of big brother i’ve ever watched and i think watching it happen LIVE would be even crazier.
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reformedmercymain · 2 years
Man I’m proud of everyone Widowmaker was killing it for a while but we got sigma to 39%
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