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Elia and her nice Arianne. Elia Martell week 2024, Day 3.
@eliamartellappreciation @elia-martell-creative-fest @arianneweek2020 @ariannemartellprincess @dornedaily @dornishdrxgon @dorne-source @dorneuniverse @martelldaily @martellsource @sunofdorne
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like mother like daughter
@eliamartellappreciation @rhaenysmartelltarg @sunofdorne @sunsdragon @thesunsdragons @thesunsprince @dornedaily @dorne-source @dorneuniverse @rhaenysmartell77-blog @dornishdrxgon @dornishdrxgon-archive @dornishdragcn @martelldaily @martellsource @housemartellofsunspear @love-dragoneyes @askmamaindia @thelastdragonsnet @sundragonofdorne @forcesmuggler @joneryskingdom @elia-martell-creative-fest @eliamartellnetwork @thelastdragonsnet @makaria13 @irisewithsunyourisewiththemoon @thenoteofdeath @asongofmothers
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swordknown · 4 years
@dornishdrxgon​​ said: 012. piggy back ride.
(meme ;; accepting)
“I’m getting too old for this, and so are you!” Arthur complained, even as he obligingly crouched low enough for her to throw her arms round his neck and plaster herself to his back. His words were the truth though. If it were any other world, a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms would never be clinging to a knight, even a Kingsguard knight, and be near screaming with laughter as sand and ocean mist sprayed over them.
But then, a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms would not be on a beach in Essos, would not have taken a fake name and acted common for the last decade, if not longer. Spitefully, his mind rebuked any protests the more rational side of him might have made. Who will be there to judge if she acts a child? She’s hardly had a childhood and she deserves what little happiness she can take.
Perhaps it’s that thought in mind, perhaps it’s just a mischievous way to get payback for the fingers she was digging into his collarbone, but instead of carrying her back towards home, or what passed as home, he turned about face and brought them both directly into the Summer Sea, dropping her the moment they were deep enough. Of course, she was well equipped to give as good as she got and kept hold of his neck, dragging him down with her until they were both sputtering water and flicking salt from their eyes.
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vaedar · 4 years
" happy name day, my love. " - xoxo your long lost wife 💞
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░▒▌╳▐ ᴅ ʀ ᴀ ɢ ᴏ ɴ ʟ ᴏ ʀ ᴅ
     A NAME DAY, to some, is just as any other day that passes in the same manner but it's never been such for Vaedar. Be it a joyous occasion or a daunting one, there was always something different and this marking of another transpiring year of his life, was certainly one of the best. The grandest of gifts returned to him.
        ❝ Happy is an understatement, ñuha jorrāelagon. ❞ He murmurs to her lips, the sheer joy lighting up the violet of his eyes. ❝ Welcome back home. ❞
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killthebxy · 6 years
🌺 Send this to ten other blogs you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. 🌺
// @dornishdrxgon
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          asfjfdudfudffd lia actual love of my life!! look at you being the sweetest bean on this earth as usual?? thank you so much for this cute thing and please know it is so mutual, as i have endless amounts of love for Jon & Rhae and most of all for your beautiful lovely self! and speaking of wonderful people:
@killedinstead & @hefzyisback & @ofcongress & @starkmatriarch & @thesellsword & @boltxnbastard & @turnedsteel & @wolfqueennamedstark & @impiae & @bleedsrot
          there’s also these sweethearts that bless my existence and make my dash so much better with their writing & portrayal, and i hope they are all doing well and having a great day & weekend!❤
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rosauream · 6 years
❝ ‘cause really, i don’t know what the fuck i want. ❞
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   The luxury to decide what she wanted was not something Margaery could always experience herself. Her family had plans and it was her duty to follow those. Sometimes in the midst of all that it was easy to lose track of what she wanted. “Take your time to think about it. Reflect on what it is you truly desire and what is what others around you told you you want or need.” While she spoke the smile never disappeared from her face. Keeping up a confident demeanor could convince most people - of of her grandmother’s lessons. “You will find it’s easier than you thought.”
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ashccra · 6 years
dornishdrxgon replied to your photoset: So… I can’t believe I have the icons of Ashara,...
nice. needed some pain. thanx.
always here to give people love. 
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steel-winter-rose · 6 years
“ The pain, their loss it’s all I have left of them. ”
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How much suffering had this child endured? How much pain had she lived through and seen all because of the choices of a foolish girl years ago? It was because of Lyanna and her lack of better judgment Rhaenys had seen such a life of tragic loss, though the Stark was all too familiar with loss and tragedy it could not compare. At least that was how she felt. There was no kindness that Lyanna deserved let alone to be in Rhaenys’s presence and yet here the young dragon stood speaking of her pain. She’s unsure what to say, or what to do in fear of rubbing salt further in the wound which is the last she wishes to do. “That’s not true...” Her voice is but, a shaky whisper as she finally finds the courage to speak. “They live inside of you each and every day, especially your mother. I see her now looking into your very eyes.”
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rhaegxr · 6 years
IM CRYIN CAUSE THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW AMAZING YOU ARE VDKDBDIGDOSVDLGSHDIFHEODHD *enters lady gaga gif* talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping spectacular ❤❤❤❤ seriously though you're too good too pure and too talented we dont deserve you [ lmao at least I dont ] truly one my absolute faves - ILY
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humcniisms-a · 6 years
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          the prince strolls in long strides, fluid movements carrying him EASILY across the terrace, and he reaches up to pull a blood orange from an overhanging tree, mercifully SPARED the terror of dorea’s morningstar, dark eyes TURNING towards his niece daughter as fingers trace along the skin of the fruit.     ❛ If you would HAVE ONE, you may wish to do so now---I fear they will NOT LONG SURVIVE Dorea’s excitement. ❜
     ▬  rhaenys  /  @dornishdrxgon  →  starter call.
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dornishdrxgon replied to your post: #▌┋❛ ������������ ���� ������������ ― house stark#this reminds...
// I cannot get over the fact that this is a possibility. It needs to be a possibility. IT NEEDS TO BE CANON. THE POSSIBILITIES OF ANGST ARE ENDLESS.
I’m having intense feels and it’s @withanarmy ‘s fault.
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Elia Martell and her douther Rhaenys
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@thelastdragonsnet @desertspaceship @thesunsdragons @dornedaily @preasoiafsource @asoiafwomensource @rhaenysmartell77-blog @rhaenysandbalerion-blog @rhaenysiii @rhaenysmartelltarg @martelldaily @martellsource @forcesmuggler @askmamaindia @love-dragoneyes @eliamartellappreciation @her-gentle-prison @ofthcsun @thequeenthatcouldhavebeen @fyeliamartell @sunofdorne @yukiminamoto @asoiafrarepairs @thesunsprince @sayruq @asoiafrarepairswap @dorneandthenorth @sunofdorne @sundragonofdorne @dornishdrxgon @thenoteofdeath
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swordknown · 6 years
“Where are we going?”
question starters ;; accepting!!
“What? No sense of wonder? No sense of mystery?” Arthur asked, hand between her shoulder blades nudging her ever forward, ever up the seemingly endless steps. He couldn’t help but tease, “Surely you’re not complaining about the steps? Come now Princess, I’m an old man and even I can manage them.” Then, as added encouragement, he commented, “We’re almost there.” 
Finally back in Westeros, finally back in Dorne. On their way to Sunspear where Rhaenys could meet what remained of her family. But first, Starfall. And oh, there were so many things he wanted to show her and so little time to do so before they moved on. It’s why he’d stolen her away and rushed her up the stairs of the tower.
“Welcome to the top of the Palestone Sword. The highest point in Starfall.” Arthur leaned forward, arm outstretched, “The Torrentine. And the Summer Sea.” Obviously. Oh, he could tell her how he and Ashara used to go diving off the cliffs. How they’d needled Elia and Oberyn into doing the same, just about sending Princess Loreza into a fit about the safety of her children. 
“The markets look tiny from up here, but in truth they’re always packed full of merchants and their wares.” He remembered Elia always begging blood oranges off fruit vendors, people who were only too happy to oblige their Princess. How she’d force him to share with her, despite his insistence that she eat them.
“The bridge.” he pointed out, “Where the island connects to the mainland.” Whenever they heard Elia was visiting, he and Ashara would beg their parents to let them go meet her on the bridge. And whether they got a confirmation or not, more often than not, the Martells would find two eager Daynes waiting on the edge of the bridge to greet them before the rest of their household. 
Gods, the memories though. Despite his best efforts, he’d been remiss. He hadn’t spoken to Rhaenys much about her mother. It hurt too much, even after all these years. He’d shared stories here and there when she needled him for information, but he’d never done right by her, never let her truly know the woman who had loved her so dearly. 
“It’s better at night. That’s when the stars come out. Elia and I used to spend hours up here, pointing out the different constellations. She was always more clever than me, knew the skies better than most. She was kind though, and when I acted the fool and didn’t know anything, she suggested we create our own names for the stars.” The time with Elia up in this tower…he’d give near anything for just one more night.
Blinking away the thought, he glanced to Rhaenys, so much a mirror of Elia, “Your mother loved it here. Starfall was always like a second home for her. My twin Ashara was practically her sister. And I…well, Elia and I were family too.” Just of a different kind.
He’d seen the way his sister Allyria had looked at Rhaenys when they first arrived. Looked at her and turned pale as a ghost, before looking back at him. It all but confirmed his fears. Those outside of Dorne may look at Rhaenys and write off her look as simply Dornish, but those from the country itself may be able to recognize that oh, she was Dornish, yes, very Dornish.
Nonetheless, Arthur remained numb, had simply raised an eyebrow at Allyria until she pulled herself together. Dorne wanted their justice. They wanted Elia’s children to have the throne they deserved. They were loyal. They wouldn’t speak of any observations they may be uniquely skilled to make.
Realizing he’d been lost in thought, Arthur pulled himself out of it to comment, with a slight shrug, expression shifting to contrite, “Ah, I’m sorry for dragging you all the way up here. It’s rather boring during the day I suppose.” A beautiful view, but perhaps not worth the journey all the way up those stairs. 
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vaedar · 6 years
📱 ( -- imagine if she's going through all the photos he took with balerion and it turns out he took like 1000 of them 😂)
Send ‘📱’ for my muses reaction to catching yours going through their phone.
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░▒▌╳▐ ᴅʀᴀ ɢ ᴏ ɴ ʟ ᴏ ʀ ᴅ
      PRESSING A TOWEL to his wethair, Vaedar walks out of the bathroom wearing only his underwear.He’d just returned from swimming a few laps down at the pool, havingleft his cellphone at the kitchen counter after having come up behindRhaenys, pressing a sweet kiss to the back of her neck. He recalledin the middle of his shower that Jaelyx had texted him but when hestepped into the kitchen, his phone wasn’t there. Frowning, he letsthe towel hang on his shoulders and heads to the living area,
         ❝ Hey, babe, have you seen my– ❞ Hiseyes fall to her lounging about on the couch, a cushion on her lapwhere Balerion is laying on and his future wife going with his phonein her hands. No, the man is not upset but he is not exactly happythat she took his phone without first asking ( he wouldn’t evensearch her purse without doing so or unless she asks him to getsomething for her ). Vaedar has nothing to hide from her however, sohe just arcs a brow and flops down on her side only to see on thescreen that she’s swiping through the approximately fifty pictureshe’s taken with her cat. There are many but he’s only sent her theones he thinks are the very best, of course.
         ❝ I’m definitely the most photogenic.That evil spawn of a cat wouldn’t stay still. ❞ He comments in aplayful, sarcastic tone. Either ’evil’ or ’devil’ spawn is thenickname he calls the feline by and curiously enough, the black catdoes respond when he feels like it.
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killthebxy · 6 years
[ lit ] your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . [in reverse just to have rhae acting out a bit too]
non-sexual acts of dominance (accepting) // @dornishdrxgon[ lit/reverse ] Jon lighting a blunt for Rhaenys    
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’ just chill. ‘
          ironic advice from one who so clearly needs anger management sessions, borderline hypocritical. and does he care? no. tattooed arm reaching over, he lights her cigar first and then his own, not bothering to hold back a sigh of CONTENTMENT as the initial drag hits his lungs if not yet his brain. bless the person who had the genius idea of rolling leaves of cannabis into an actual lifesavior. flopping down unceremoniously, now sprawled with his back over the freshly cut grass, Jon slips a lazy arm under his head to find a comfy position.
‘ you’re away from the crazy fuck for a whole weekend, i’m not gonna let you ruin it by thinkin’ about ’em. ‘
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rosauream · 6 years
‘ some names will always be cursed ’
                 POETRY STARTERS – The Princess Saves Herself In This One
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     Everything could be cursed, if you just believed in it being cursed. “Are the ghosts of the past haunting you?” That was a silly question, at this point every living person in Westeros probably had some burdens they carried, all of them did or lived through something that would come back to haunt them one way or another. Even at such a young age, Margaery already learned that. “It’s up to us to face our fears and conquer them. Or live a life dominated by our fears.” Margaery slightly tilted her head, looking at the other woman. “The choice is all yours. Those names don’t have to stay cursed.”
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