#dorne solstice
fuckyeahdindjarin · 2 months
🌞📖 Summer readin' 💕🕶️
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It's been a loooong time since I've indulged in reading fic. Time is always the biggest issue, but if I'm being really really honest, I have a bit of a complex when it comes to reading. I never feel like I read enough, or I don't read widely enough, and the guilt got to a point where it's been been easier to not read anything at all.
I'm trying to reconnect with the joy of reading, so I picked a selection ok more like a smorgasbord of writers that I've always wanted to read but haven't yet (or in a couple of cases, to read more of). I had the best time delving into these amazing fics, and I will queue up my reblogs over the course of the week, in no particular order ❤️ I hope y'all get to read these gems too, and don't forget to reblog if you do 🥰
@guiltyasdave - Delicate | Modern!Oberyn Martell
@frenchiereading - Resting Eyes | Joel Miller
@schnarfer - The Cowboy & the Thief | Jack Daniels
@morallyinept - Till Death | Marcus Acacius
@trulybetty - Sequins | Joel Miller
@artsy-girl-76 - Date Night - An Evening at the Arcade | Frankie Morales
@perotovar - ásjá - A Winter Solstice Story | Pero Tovar
@sixhours - Looking for the Light | Joel Miller
@burntheedges - Good | Clint
@aurorawritestoescape - Hot For You | Joel Miller
@thosewickedlovelies - Press Play | Tim Rockford
@sawymredfox - Moonlight Flight | Pero Tovar
@wordywarriorwrites - Feels Like Home | Javier Peña
@ghotifishreads - A fake date with Joel Miller | Joel Miller
@missredherring - Dieter does Dorne | Dieter Bravo
@thelightsandtheroses - Everywhere, Everything | Joel Miller bouncer!AU
@604to647 - Hold On | Tim Rockford
@pascalispretty - Each Man's Mad Desire | Marcus Acacius
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 10 months
Hello M! I saw you were open to writing for characters for GOT/HoTD, so I was wondering if I could send in a request for Aegon the Conqueror x fem! reader (non-Targaryen - maybe Nymeria's sister?) with the prompt 'Gift giving'? As for smut level, if possible lemon please, if not default or lime are perfectly fine too! Thank you and have a great rest of your day :)
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Hello! Nymeria actually lived and died long before Aegon’s birth, and the princess ruling Dorne during Aegon’s time was already eighty or so, so I will write this fic with the reader being princess Meria’s great-niece instead. I hope you like it.
Pairing: Aegon the Conqueror x Fem. Reader (House Martell/Great-niece of princess Meria | Second person POV)
Themes: Soft | Smut
Warnings: Size kink | Kissing | Penetrative sex | Cream pie
Wordcount: 1.3K words
Summary: The day after his return to Dragonstone, Aegon receives his first gift on the day of gift giving
Rating: 🔥🔥| Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume.
A/n: In this version, Visenya and Rhaenys are merely Aegon’s sisters, and not his wives. I also write the seasons running for three months each, instead years and years.
Divider by @estrelinha-s
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The Dornish custom of gift giving during the winter solstice was not unheard of in the other kingdoms, but they, besides the Northmen, were the only people to practice such a custom. Once King Aegon took a Dornish princess to wife and adopted many of their ways, his own kin started to exchange gifts as well.
The dreary holdfast that was Dragonstone was awash with black and crimson banners bearing the three-headed dragon of House Targaryen, and black and crimson bunting besides. Sprigs of evergreen clung to columns and windowsills, adding to the color that cut the chilling white of snow.
When Aegon opened his eyes, it was to the sound of a bell chiming. It was still dark out; the sun was obscured by thick clouds bearing more snow. Aegon hoped it was morning and that he had not slept through an entire day. His journey to Volantis was a triumph. It was also long and tiresome. Now he was home, and he did not have to think of leaving again for quite a while.
“Good morrow, my love.” Relief surged through him when he heard your greeting. It was indeed morning, and he had not, as he had feared, slept for a full day. “Did you sleep well?”
“Like the dead, sweetling.” Aegon threw back his pelts and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. The room was still warm; someone had added fresh logs to the fire. He suspected it may have been you, and he was grateful for it. “Is everything ready for tonight’s feast?”
“It is.” The featherbed was comfortable, and the pelts were soft against your skin. Still, you opened your eyes and sat up in bed. The appointed hour for the giving of gifts was still a long way away, but you wanted to give Aegon his before breaking fast. “And I have something for you.”
“You need not trouble yourself, my lady,” Aegon replied. He watched while you slipped out of bed and slid into a thick robe. He felt a stirring in his blood, a yearning. He decided the first meal of the day would have to give way to more pleasurable diversions. “I have a great many treasures already, you most of all.”
“True, my lord,” you agreed, and then blushed after hearing his praise. Aegon was now king. The immense wealth of gold and jewels of House Targaryen was his to use as he saw fit. Nevertheless, today was the day of giving gifts, and you padded across the room and opened the doors to your wardrobe. There, safely concealed between gowns of velvet and silk, was a heavy object wrapped in leather. The king sat up in bed, his eyes full of ravenous curiosity. “But I thought of giving you this all the same.”
“What have you there?” He inquired. His fingers twitched in anticipation. For nigh on half a year, the two of you shared the same chambers as husband and wife. You dined together and shared the triumphs and trials of ruling a great kingdom together. This, however, was his first true festival with you, and he did not know what to expect.
“I carved this myself,” you confessed, and you placed the parcel on the bed. Worry consumed you the entire time. Aegon had received many a fine gift in his life, and you prayed your own would pass muster. “It took quite a while, and I had to make sure you never came upon me making it.”
“Oho! You made it yourself, is it? Now I have to see it.”
Despite the many cares and expectations that came with wearing a crown, Aegon still possessed the enthusiasm of one free of such. He loosened the thin ribbon and drew away the leather.
“It is you and Balerion,” you explain, and run your finger along an unfurled wing. They were the hardest to carve. One night, you despaired that you would not get them right. “That was how I remembered seeing you for the first time. When you arrived at Sunspear, to ask my great-aunt Meria for my hand.”
Aegon lifted the piece of carved wood and studied it intensely. He admired the embellishments along Balerion’s body: the scales all over his underbelly, the horns on his head, and the sharp spines going down his tail. Then there was Aegon himself, perched on Balerion’s saddle, his crown atop his head. The king was deeply moved. All the wealth he possessed did not compare with this.
“I will treasure this always.” Aegon placed the carving on the chest of drawers next to his side of the bed. He decided to have the carving placed in his council room, on the mantle beside the painted table. “And I have a gift for you as well, my lady. For now, come here.”
He did not give you time to frame a reply and pulled you back into bed. Thoughts of gifts and feasts and celebrating were all but forgotten after his kiss. He was exceedingly gentle as always, stroking your arms, your thighs, his mouth hot and sinful while it plundered yours. Your hands found their way into his hair. He trembled and kissed you harder, moaning into your mouth when those same hands moved lower and clutched desperately at his back.
“Temptress,” he growled when nails dug into his flesh. Aegon slipped his hand over your belly, and loosened the sash of your robe. The rush of warm air made goosebumps prickle all over your skin. He trembled again, this time when you slipped out of it and wrapped your legs around his thighs. Your husband was big, and wonderfully so. You felt it even more when he slid that rigid part of him inside of you.
It hurt a little, even though you were more than ready. And it felt glorious at the same time. Every time he drew his erection out and then pushed it back in, flames sparked to life and surged through your veins.
“It is wonderful to be home again,” Aegon whispered in your ear. And it was not just him who thought so. You felt the same, and you reciprocated his sentiment by kissing him with fire and passion. Aegon nearly faltered, his hips and back now burning with effort. The room felt hotter, and the air was thick and sweet. His cock twitched within the warmth of your body when he felt a coiling deep in his belly. Faster he went, driving you deeper against the featherbed as he chased his release. It was too much. The pleasure was too much. The sensations that came whenever he pushed himself in were too much. Bliss—pure and otherworldly—rose and dragged you into a dark tunnel you did not seek to escape from. You could not think. All you could do was feel: the trails of fire that lashed at you and left you weak, and your very body slowly dissolving into a kind of pleasure that had no name. Then you heard it—your name spilling from your husband’s lips, and the deep, guttural cry that followed. Aegon thrust one last time before he stopped, and went still. 
Later, after he forced himself to move away from you, he admired his gift once more and then inquired after his sisters.
“Rhaenys has built a small mountain of gifts, her ladies tell me.” Aegon hooted when you told him. “Most of it will be given away to our guests during the feast. Visenya has only prepared tokens for us, for Rhaenys, and for no one else.”
“At least she has crafted a token for you, which is a miracle in itself.” Visenya, having expected Aegon to wed her according to the traditions of their House, was wroth when he chose a Dornish bride for himself. She had been cold and aloof for most of your marriage to her brother, but during the the last turn of the moon, there was a softening in her stance, an attempt to meet you in middle ground. It gave you hope for a much stronger bond with her in the future. “Send for the servants, sweetling. I think it is only proper for you and I to share a bath.”
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quietbluejay · 15 days
Solar War 2
I'm here for Layak stalking Abaddon, this is beautiful
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layak pulls a "we're not so different" and needles abaddon about killing the loyalist sons of horus at isstvan iii
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and layak pulls a batman lmao on the one hand, he's an incredibly irritating coworker on the other hand, i think it would be funny to stick these two in the pear wiggler together, and i think canon will give me what I want there i'm really hoping the people reading this are familiar with that meme otherwise I sound like a lunatic Boreas is dying one of Sigismund's comrades in his fight
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yeah he's kind of…haunted by that
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Mersadie is kind of grim, lol
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depressing lol but she's had a bleak seven years
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honestly i kinda…want to drop this book this is just…it's like trying to bite a windshield there isn't anything in here that really compels me to see what happens next
does my bestie andromeda show up more search says no boo!!!!
ok im giving it another shot Mersadie's subplot is at least somewhat gripping and now, over to the Emperor and Malcador there's a planetary conjunction and the time is at the turning of the year which has significance but like, the winter solstice is when things start getting lighter
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also i can't believe there's been so much about wolves and winter in a book where I'm pretty sure Russ never shows up
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IGNIS HES HERE and Menkaura is slowly transforming into what we see him as in the Ahriman series
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okay i guess i am a bit curious as to where this is going and also how French writes pre-Rubric Ahriman man Mersadie is picking up a whole group I'm really hoping the kids survive this I thought they were dead for sure
i…what what
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are you serious
So just…lock them all in a room???
I'm going to leave bite marks on every stone in your walls
things are not going so well on earth
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FINALLY we're getting a human face on things (got to see this guy's nightmare of his undead mother) ah time for malcador to go hard men doing hard things (loken's mad at him)
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he's going after Mersadie
aah Forrix POV even Space Marrines get fatigued after a while hm
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ominous forrix also really doesn't think highly of the EC and the NL which is especially funny for the NL
man, no matter what, French always writes Ahriman as a sad wet beast, a poor little meow meow i mean okay i guess McNeill did it too this bit was a little funny to me
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like Ahriman of all people thinking something is ridiculously pretentious ah tension between the WB and the TS
there have been some shreds of what could have been an actually good book buried in here I'm sorry I haven't really been doing a detailed breakdown lol
that one review was right (about a different John French novel, lol) "John French takes an overly verbose axe to anything resembling a cohesive plot in this book."
I'm not sure how I'd fix this one aside from getting rid of half the descriptions lol I know 40k as a setting is about armies and not individuals but this is a book I swear a good chunk of this stuff read a lot like it was taken from campaign fluff not sure that's the correct term I finally got around to reading most of the TGS fluff and it clarified a lot of things for me in terms of wtf Thorpe was doing and why his writing was so weird in Ghost Warrior
hm I think I'd cut all the stuff that happens on Terra, it belongs in a different book or do it as a short story
I'm not sure about the Mersadie subplot tbh but honestly I think that one deserved to be a novella it's one of the best parts of this book ah Mersadie and Loken are reunited!
French, seeing my aggravation, immediately decided to attack my weak points
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that's what this book is trying to be about, isn't it it's not doing a great job but the parts that hit, do it well ah classic ahriman
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yeah this whole thing has been a word bearers teamup which has been…interesting, for ahriman, lol
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Mersadie accomplished something!
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oh yeah she also has a lot of flashbacks and at this point I'm wondering if it's not just the trauma oh ok the memories didn't actually happen yeah I'm worrying about something spooky
visual representation of the traitor command centre before the battle
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hah it's actually really funny, I was reading about this recently and thinking about it w.r.t. to what Haley was trying to pull off with Wolfsbane
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so the traitor forces were only doing all this to get this planetary alignment
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you know things have finally been picking up …starting at the 70% mark
im also sitting on my hands to not quote TS Eliot's Four Quartets, I know I overquote it agh I'm weak, I give in
Garlic and sapphires in the mud Clot the bedded axle-tree. The trilling wire in the blood Sings below inveterate scars Appeasing long forgotten wars. The dance along the artery The circulation of the lymph Are figured in the drift of stars Ascend to summer in the tree We move above the moving tree In light upon the figured leaf And hear upon the sodden floor Below, the boarhound and the boar Pursue their pattern as before But reconciled among the stars.
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless; Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance. I can only say, there we have been: but I cannot say where. And I cannot say, how long, for that is to place it in time. The inner freedom from the practical desire, The release from action and suffering, release from the inner And the outer compulsion, yet surrounded By a grace of sense, a white light still and moving, Erhebung without motion, concentration Without elimination, both a new world And the old made explicit, understood In the completion of its partial ecstasy, The resolution of its partial horror. Yet the enchainment of past and future Woven in the weakness of the changing body, Protects mankind from heaven and damnation Which flesh cannot endure.
back to book
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(i thought dorn had lighter eyes lol)
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anyways i guess i should actually finish Flight of the Eisenstein at some point it can't be more tedious than 75% of this book ugh samus is here ah so that's the twist in the mersadie plot
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i know she's being controlled or possessed or something but that's a fun image so the "keeler" in the visions was…Samus I think
so back on the vengeful spirit maloghurst did a sorcery to turn Mersadie into a sleeper agent uh huh [press x to doubt] Mersadie left right before Isstvan III!!!!! unless this is trying to tell me that idk Erebus was secretly tutoring Mal in dark magic, something that makes absolutely zero sense in the time frame we're looking at i can't believe it yeah okay some of the elements in here are fun horror stuff but I can't focus on that because I'm too irritated to quote that one reviewer "Samus is here and I wish he wasn't"
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florencemtrash · 7 months
Our poor librarian is probably wondering if she should expect a second sibling lmaooo
All that and I’m imagining just how she’d navigate the reveal with Helion and Lucien poor thing >:)))
Lol! She’s just doing the math in her head of the chances of another bastard running around the courts. Someone else mentioned how the Day Court is basically GOT’s Dorne and that’s a personal head canon of mine now 😂
And yeah she has been through a hell of a lot since the Summer Solstice ball ☹️
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Shahana does find out eventually that Cersei wants her head thanks to Ellaria sending a coded message, that being said she doesn’t tell her boys. She does however start sending correspondence with Ellaria and the Sandsnakes about main land happenings to gauge Cersei’s movements, by this time she is swollen with child and while her boys try to keep her off of her feet she is worried. Her nephew is on Dorne and while he has been safe the death of Myrcella has put Cersei in a rage. The next few ravens have been few and far in between and during this time she has given birth to a son named Milad (it means Son of the Sun) in the morning of the summer solstice, the same day that Cersei had officially declared war on the south by sending Shahana’s nephews head in a box. The summer solstice is considered holy to the people of the summer isles and for such a heinous act to occur means no turn shall be left unturned against her. At this point she has no choice but to form a war council, the last person to form one was her mother against King Aerys II when she had found out that her only son had been slaughtered. At this point her lovers know and while she wants to fight rationally she’s filled with emotion and pure rage, Jon and Theon can’t calm her down, you would think that Ramsay encourages it but he doesn’t he reminds her of their son but that’s not enough she sees red but she can’t see anything else that Cersei can loose as she’s lost everything -🪡
What's she gonna do omg
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wlwocprincess · 2 years
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Dorne Solstice: Elia Martell week 2022 - Elia + song lyrics
Daughter of the Sun by Naomi Sharon / Heavenly Mother by Pip Milette / I Was Here by Beyonce
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nocheiraia · 2 years
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History of Dorne: Nymeria of Ny Sar
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Elia Martell Week: Piece 2/3
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themockingpoint · 2 years
where was oberyn during the rebellion? He was there in the aftermath but I can't imagine him staying in Dorne while his sister is being held by Aerys or that he wouldn't join the Dornish army led by Lewyn
I always assumed he was in Essos. Communication wasn’t easy and Oberyn probably didn’t hear and get back to the 7K until after the Seige of Storm’s end was broken. Part of his very legitimate anger is directed at himself due to survivors guilt and not being there for Elia and her children.
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dorneuniverse · 2 years
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Dorne-Solstice: Elia Martell
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bi-alinaoretsev · 2 years
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Dorne Solstice: My Ideal Ending
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sayruq · 2 years
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Dorne-Solstice: Week 2: (in order of appearance) Elia Martell, Ashara Dayne, Ellaria Sand, Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand and Arianne Martell
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dorne-source · 2 years
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Day 32 - Doran Martell
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Dorne Solstice: Oberyn Martell and his daughters Nymeria, Sarella, Tyene and Obara Sand.
Inspired by this post : https://dorneuniverse.tumblr.com/post/687969270449176576/sand-snakes-week-day-2-symbolism
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wlwocprincess · 2 years
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Dorne Solstice: AU - Quentyn survives and becomes known as the dragon tamer, he abandons the game of thrones for a life searching for these ancient beasts
The hero sets out with his friends and companions, faces dangers, comes home triumphant. Only some of his companions don't return at all. The hero never dies, though. I must be the hero.
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nocheiraia · 2 years
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Sand Snakes Week- Day 1: Family
"Tyene and Arianne"
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