#doris acgas
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a-casual-egg · 14 days ago
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starry-on-ao3 · 2 months ago
ACGAS deleted scene (5x2)
[spoiler warning for US fans - this ep only aired a few days ago so I'm just being cautious!]
This scene occurs at around the 43 minute mark - from the PBS version.
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fortytworedvines · 27 days ago
In the pub
For @myrandakali, prompt "Carmody and Doris, at the pub!"
“Evening,” Maggie says cheerfully as she pulls a pint.
“Ah, yes. Good evening.” Richard mops his brow.
“You’re back then?”
“For the holidays,” Richard confirms. “Mr Farnon has been so good as to make me feel like a member of the family.”
“Is it still as crazy as ever? Skeldale?”
“Mayhem.” He smiles. London and research is wonderful, but there’s nothing like being at home. Maggie is looking at him expectantly. “Oh, yes. Drinks. Um.” He glances back at the table. Doris is sitting there patiently. He couldn’t quite believe it, when he’d called her farm earlier and she’d agreed to come out with him. She smiles at him encouragingly and he turns back to Maggie.
“She usually has half a cider,” Maggie says, helpfully.
“Ah, that, then. And a … pint,” he finishes firmly. He’ll take it slowly. He’d rather not treat Doris to a repeat of last year, when he’d drunk too much and then wrapped himself around Mrs Hall, rather to her surprise.
Maggie passes him the drinks and he passes her the money. She leans forward confidingly. “Good luck,” she says with a wink, “I’m rooting for you.”
“I was surprised when you called,” Doris says after she takes a sip of her cider.
“In … a bad way?”
Her smile seems shy. “I thought you’d have found somebody, in London.”
“Oh, no.” Richard hastens to correct her. “I’m head down in my work there, it’s fascinating research and so important-” he hesitates and looks at her more closely. “And, of course, nobody could hold a candle to you.”
Tristan had shouted a lot of confusing advice to him as he left Skeldale earlier He’s managed to cling on to one piece of it: compliments. “You’re so beautiful,” he manages. “I thought that the first time I saw you.”
“Give over,” she ducks her head, blushing. “I was wearing me land army uniform.”
“I didn’t notice that,” he says honestly. “I just saw your eyes, and your smile.”
The smile she gives him now is beaming and she leans towards him. “Tell me about your research.” She twirls a strand of hair around her finger. Tris definitely mentioned something about this. Hopefully it’s a positive sign.
He talks to her about bacteria and testing and laboratories and she listens intentively and asks questions. “What have you been up to?” he asks when he’s run out of half-way interesting things to say. “How is farm life?”
Doris’s tales are funny and she can spin a good story. He can see it all in his mind’s eye as she talks and he feels a tiny pang for what he’s left behind. He could have been out here, lambing with a foot of snow on the ground. On the other hand, maybe he’s glad he wasn’t. He doesn’t tend to risk frostbite in the lab, even in the coldest months.
At some point, as they exchange stories and smile at each other, he spots her glass is empty.
“Another!” he says, plucks the empty from the table and heads back to the bar.
Maggie refills it and smiles at him. “She’s missed you, you know,” she says, nodding to Doris. “She’s always asking Tris what you’re up to. You should write, when you go back.”
“I should. I will.” He nods determinedly.
Later on, he’s drunk two pints and he’s only feeling a little bit like he’s floating off. They say goodbye outside the pub. He’s got another week of leave, and he’s taking her to the cinema tomorrow. He gathers up his courage, leans towards her and kisses her. She giggles and kisses him back.
“See you tomorrow,” she says.
“See you tomorrow, Doris,” he replies, and watches her cycle off up the hill before he heads back home to Skeldale, where Tris will be waiting to hear all about it.
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smallpotato80 · 5 months ago
Look back at ACGAS S5E2
A lot of Audrey/Siegfried shippers fondly remember this episode as the best! However, a friend of mine just shared something that made me re-look at the episode. This is the episode where Siegfried helps Audrey w/Bosworth's dog, Bingo. It is also in this episode where we meet Doris. On first watch, we assumed that Carmody may romance Doris, and we clung to the Audrey/Siegfried moments. It is this episode where Bosworth tells Siegfried that they are men of a certain age that surely have given up on any hope of finding a partner. Siegfried states he hopes there is still life in the old dog. Audrey assures Siegfried that he is nothing like Bosworth, that he has plenty of life left ahead and Siegfried remarks that it is time to seize the day while you still can.
After seeing how the series played out, my friend mentioned how this episode laid the seeds for Ms. Grantley. Siegfried realizes he doesn't want to end up like Bosworth - he DOES want to seize the day. It is Carmody's crush on Doris that leads him to talk about romance with Siegfried, thus leading to Carmody noticing signs of Siegfried's attraction when they meet Ms. Grantley at Grantley estate. Siegfried is taken by her and is keen to read the book she gives him. Carmody, of course, decides to take the position in London so it doesn't seem that Doris will be more than a passing crush. But we learn that Ms. Grantley is very much still on Siegfried's mind, and we learn from Tristan that he had been out to visit her to discuss "the book". Siegfried had been hoping to ask her to dinner before he made editorial suggestions she hadn't been open to. It's unlikely, in my mind, that Siegfried does not ultimately win Ms. G over. That she realizes that she may been alone too long and appreciates his interest in her work and, of course, does find him to be quite handsome as Tris said, women of a certain age do.
And so I'm now thinking I would not be surprised if Siegfried goes out to the Grantely estate to help one of Ms. G's dogs deliver puppies in the S5CS and they give one of those pups to Bosworth... that would tie it altogether.
As much as I hate this, it made sense when my friend and fellow Siegfried/Audrey fan shared this perspective.
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a-casual-egg · 3 months ago
Wanted to share some of queer (mostly aspec) acgas headcanons (:
Maggie and Arthur - Transhet (Maggie may be bi, but idk)
Annabel (Tristan's date in the Daffodil Ball episode) - Aromantic
Tom Chapman - Gay
Edward - Asexual (idk if he's gay or straight)
Helen - Bisexual
Doris - Trans Lesbian
Jenny - Nonbinary Asexual Lesbian
Carmody - Demiromantic Asexual (sex-repulsed) and Nonbinary
Tristan - biromantic or pan-romantic or aromantic asexual (sex-indifferent) and Trans Man
Florence Pandhi - Aromantic Bisexual
Mrs. Pumphrey - Trans Woman and Aroace (Her late husband was her best friend and platonic life partner (he was also aroace))
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starry-on-ao3 · 1 month ago
✨new fic!✨
Beyond All Reasonable Doubt
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Richard Carmody doesn't get the exam results he expected and isn't offered the Warner's Prize. Now, he must navigate life as a full-time veterinarian in charming Darrowby, along with the highs and lows that entails! Read along if you miss Carmody and want him back! <3 Rating: Gen Relationships: Richard & Tristan, Siegfried & Audrey, James/Helen, Richard & Doris, Richard & Florence, Tristan & Maggie, Edward & Paddy, Richard & Everyone, Tristan & Everyone, Richard/Tristan (eventual) Tags: (will probably update in the future) Fixit, Found Family, Slow Burn, Slow Burn Friendship, Can be read as Farmody or otherwise, Keeping it vague for now, But probably eventual Farmody let's be real it's me writing this, Roommates, Demiromantic Richard Carmody
Hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it!! This is the vibe we are basically going for here:
*bursts into ACGAS writers room and slams this manuscript down on the table, spilling coffee on some undeserving interns*
sorry about the coffee but YOU WERE CRAZY TO WRITE CARMODY OUT OF THE STORY SO SOON he had so much character development left to do SO HEAR ME OUT WHAT IF HE NEVER RECEIVED THE WARNER'S PRIZE AND INSTEAD HE STAYS IN DARROWBY AND WE GIVE HIM AND TRISTAN THEIR VERY OWN SPIN OFF SHOW okay we're all equally enthused let me give you the rundown--
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