#dorian has been my favorite character since before i even knew what was happening
catpeachnoodles · 25 days
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I just want them to be friends
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rhonuscorner · 1 year
That moment when you think you’re finally fully satisfied with your canon DAI worldstate, when suddenly, LI doubts
Ugh I need to rant 😂
So I finished my Bullmance playthrough yesterday, I updated the keep and figured I’m fully ready for DAD now.
During that last scene with Solas in Trespasser yesterday I was really feeling the Solas feels again, but no. Not happening. I did his romance with Tae once years ago, I enjoyed it, but ultimately I prefer him in a good trusted friend and mentor role. I went back to Bull, who was my first choice for Tae way back on release day and figured not even Dorian could change my mind.
I’ve done a Dorianmance too and I love him, but ultimately, I prefer him as one of Tae’s closest friends as well.
And I do really love Bull, I always considered him a really good fit for Taerel (no pun intended) and he’s still one of my favorite characters... but there was this nagging feeling in the back of my mind during this playthrough that I couldn’t really put my finger on and was difficult to ignore. I knew it was related to the romance because I got the option to lock in a romance with Dorian before Bull and I agonized over it before I told myself no, stick with the plan.
It’s been almost 10 years since I first settled on Bull for Tae, and Tae’s grown so much as a character even to this day, especially recently now that I’ve started working on his story again and I always figured... if not Dorian and Solas, who else is there for Tae to romance? As in, characters that I like as well?
I was on AO3 just now and somehow I ended on the Male Lavellan/Cullen tag aaaaaaaaaaaand here we are. Doubting.
And I don’t need this right now! 🤣 I’ve done three different romances with Tae but Cullen was never a real part of that picture and neither was Blackwall. Yet I just took a moment to envision what it would be like if Cullen and Tae were close in that manner and... it actually has potential. And I dunno how I feel about that.
I never much cared for Cullen before, I didn’t dislike him, I was just... neutral about his character. But I really enjoyed him this time around, and maybe it’s because I’m older too compared to the last time I played this game (2016). I guess that makes sense.
Just the whole... Elven mage who is an important religious figure and actually converts to Andrastianism one day... plus disgruntled ex Templar who is very religious and also has massive magic related PTSD. I could really do a lot with that and my brain is trying to run away with it.
So now I am very conflicted lol. I know there’s a bi Cullen mod on nexus, I don’t know if it still works (the comments on the mod page make me question) but I kinda wanna try it out, even though I JUST finished a playthrough.
On the other hand I’m like NO. STICK WITH BULL.
On the other other hand... I could have Adoribull in my game >3>
I dunno what to dooooooooo. I NEVER for ONE second since I first played DAO waaaaaaay back when... that one day I’d be considering Cullen as an LI. What the fuck lol
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I’m gonna sleep on it and give it some more thought tomorrow but... yeah, I may actually try it out and see if I really like it or if I can really rule it out. >>;
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calicostorms · 1 year
hihihiiiii calico i am here to ask for all the dragon age plants for my two babies nydha and fen'an <3333 bc i couldnt pick :'D
HIIII putting under cut for length
Rashvine: Who/what is the one thing or person your character simply cannot stand?
Elfroot: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
Nydha's got a little stuffed nug made by Krem that he likes to keep in his room. It gets an honored spot on his bed, or occasionally gets set on the dresser.
Blood Lotus: Is your character a lightweight when it comes to intoxicating substances? How did they come across this fact?
He's a lightweight. Everybody know it, and he doesn't mind. Nydha knew he was a lightweight because he drank dandelion wine at the Arlathven one night so he usually steers clear of any heavy alcohol.
Spindleweed: Had your character ever been grievously wounded or ill before? What was their memory of that occasion?
Oh yeah, definitely. Nydha is a good mage, but he's still pretty untested in battle and gets injured a LOT. After escaping Haven he nearly lost his feet and hands to frostbite and wasn't stable for a while because of it. He doesn't remember it well but Rajmael carried him back to camp and Lark, the main spirit healer he'd picked up, spent a long time trying to heal partially dead nerves so he wouldn't lose limbs. He was alright in the end, but delirious and in fits of fever for a few days.
Deathroot: What is the most horrifying thing the Nightmare can cause your character to see?
His entire clan consumed by red lyrium, his Keeper a shell of herself and his favorite hahren (Yuo) slaughtered in a battle to save his wards.
Deep Mushroom: What act does your character consider morally foul but practically necessary? Does your character condone morally foul actions for practicality’s or necessity’s sake at all?
He doesn't really condone morally foul actions for necessities sake until later on, which is unfortunate. Leliana does a lot of her work without telling him until his Clan was in danger because it will upset or anger him.
Embrium: What is the kindest thing anyone had ever done to your character, and do they remember or even know it happened?
Rajmael, his personal guard, gifted him his hart when he joined up. Nydha thinks of this as the greatest gift he's ever been given and treasures and spoils her all the time.
Nydha doesn't handle being stuck in fancy clothes, especially not Dalish ones. It makes him feel uncomfortable and out of place, and he usually steers clear of anything that isn't super functional.
Arbor Blessing: What is the happiest ending you can think of for your character?
Sera discovering some of his Clan has survived, particularly if his sister and Yuo survived. Being able to shelter in Tevinter with both his lovers (his sworn shield, Rajmael [OC] and Dorian) while he recovers and gives up the mantle of Inquisitor completely.
Vandal Aria: How well can your character bounce back from personal tragedies?
Badly 😶 Nydha doesn't cope well with personal tragedies and becomes somewhat revenge focused and gets a one track mind about it.
Elfroot: What is a small, mundane thing that brings your character great comfort?
His embroidered clothes! He feels that by using his gifts from June, it will cause the gods to watch over him and it comforts him knowing June will guide his hands while he creates things to protect others too.
Blood Lotus: Is your character a lightweight when it comes to intoxicating substances? How did they come across this fact?
Fen'an can hold liquor pretty well, though he isn't usually a heavy drinker! He prefers ciders but doesn't get drunk often because he likes feeling alert and able to fight if needed.
Spindleweed: Had your character ever been grievously wounded or ill before? What was their memory of that occasion?
He probably has a few times! The most memorable is defending Haven when Corypheus marched down on it since he was on the front lines when it happened. He got a pretty nasty arrow to the shoulder right beneath the end of his armor and it nearly got infected in the aftermath. He remembers it well and has nightmares about almost getting killed when he was trying to get others to safety then. He doesn't talk about it, but he privately mourns the few recruits he knew and couldn't get to safety in time.
Deathroot: What is the most horrifying thing the Nightmare can cause your character to see?
His sister and clan being chased and slaughtered by his former master in retribution for his escape :(
Deep Mushroom: What act does your character consider morally foul but practically necessary? Does your character condone morally foul actions for practicality’s or necessity’s sake at all?
He dislikes deception, though he understands the need for it. He considers things like blackmail to be pretty morally horrible and would never engage in it himself, but understands the need. He prefers not knowing about it, though.
Embrium: What is the kindest thing anyone had ever done to your character, and do they remember or even know it happened?
Though his birth mother sacrificing herself to let him escape Tevinter is up there, I don't think he remembers it all that clearly. He remembers her and misses her, he was old enough for that, but it's hard for him to conceptualize of what she may have lost by escaping for him.
Rashvine: Who/what is the one thing or person your character simply cannot stand?
He HATES people who act like his sister, Dhaveira, isn't smart/is stupid. It irks him endlessly, and puts people on his shit list faster than anything else.
Arbor Blessing: What is the happiest ending you can think of for your character?
Frankly, a universe in which he manages to topple slavery in Tevinter and is able to be with his sister again. It won't happen, but theoretically that would be the most happy ending I could see for him.
Vandal Aria: How well can your character bounce back from personal tragedies?
Fairly well, all things considered. He's been through a lot and handles grief and pain well, even if it is hard for him sometimes.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Lipstick Print
Dorian Gray x reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: heavy insinuations to smut,
Author’s Note: so is this one of my favorite things ive written? Yes.
Requested: by @russian-soft-bitch, Okay, since I send 2 asks, you can choose between them. The idea with Dorian: reader met him on one of Lord Henry's parties when she was only 17 and he just moved to London. They hit it off right away but lost the contact. And then she meets him again when she's 40, married and with kids. And she falls in love again. Thank you in advance xxx
Summary: the request
Song: Extravaganza by Charlie Mole
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)(your honor im in love with him)
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No one quite knew who Dorian Gray was when you first met him. He had just moved into his new home and was still being introduced to everyone. You had heard rumors about him of course. His handsome features were the talk of the ladies in town, that was for sure.
You were curious, that wasn’t a lie. You quite enjoyed a pot stirrer but tried not to get caught up in the drama yourself. That would be unladylike but more importantly, a sticky situation to get out of.
You sat in front of your vanity, fixing your hair up so that it waved just the right way. Your friend Rose was standing beside you, also doing her hair in the reflection.
“I thought you didn’t like Lord Henry’s parties. You said they were boring if I recall correctly. “
“You would be right. But I’m bored. Who knows, maybe going to see those boring old people and boring Lord Henry will make me feel less bored. Plus, I have to say I went twice before I leave London” You turned around to her, grabbing the back of the chair and setting your head on your hands. “Why are you going?” you questioned.
She shrugged.
“I always go to Lord Henry’s parties. They make me feel better about myself. And they have the most wonderful drinks there. I believe he’s an alcoholic,” she mused. You laughed a bit and shrugged. “Especially if this is your last time. Need to make it memorable.” The two of you were the young age of 18. You should have been searching for husbands but those days were long and even more boring then what you usually did. They were for the future.
You stood up from your chair.
“Well then, go on and lead the way Rose.”
You arrived at the party soon after that. You were stunning. Likely the most attractive people at the party, or at least the most single. You had an inkling Lord Henry’s wife didn’t like many unattached ladies coming to the party.
“I’m going to go and find some drinks,” Rose whispered to you. You nodded and then she disappeared into the crowd. You let out a small sigh. You had forgotten how truly boring these parties were. You walked through the crowd and managed to find Lord Henry, speaking with a young man you did not recognize. Henry parted so you walked over, standing keenly beside the man.
“He’s an acquired taste,” you whispered. He looked over at you. You gave him a kind smile. “I’m Y/N. I like your hair,” you muttered. He smiled sheepishly as you held out your hand. He shook it.
“Dorian Gray.”
“Oh, Dorian. You’re the talk of the town. I suppose you do live up to expectations though,” you told him kindly as you looked him up and down. “I hope no one else has gotten the chance to spoil you yet. Has Henry taken you to the parties that happen after these boring old ones?” He shook his head. “You’re lucky to not have been corrupted yet.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean he’s just...rather aggressive. I won’t tell you what to do of course but I’d advise against it.”
“And what authority do you have to suggest I don’t go?” You shrugged.
“Authority of someone who was once invited by Lord Henry and wanted to leave the second I walked in those doors. Although I don’t know much about you. You could very much enjoy a place like that.”
Dorian watched your face rise and fall with emotion. He enjoyed the look of it. You were very pretty but there was a delicateness about you that he had yet to see on someone who had such a mouth.
“I may,” he told you. You stared at him for a moment, studying his features.
“No. I don’t believe you would after all.” Dorian turned around to the crowd and then looked back at you.
“Well then what do you suggest I do after this?”
“Usually I eat and go home. Rather that than be caught up in the drama of the people around here. But you Mr. Gray are a man. The drama gets caught up in you.”
“I-I very much like you,” he whispered. You smiled a genuine smile that made him recognize the other ones you were giving people were completely fake.
“I very much like you as well, Dorian Gray. Would you like to go and get some drinks with me?” He nodded stiffly.
“I would.”
Later that night you and Dorian sat on the steps of his new home. You hadn’t gone inside, you didn’t really need to. You just preferred the speaking to having to go inside. Dorian had mesmerized every inch of your face. He loved the way your hair moved in the wind. He could already recognize the difference between a fake and real smile on your face.
“I’m leaving London tomorrow,” you told him out of nowhere. His eyes went wide and when you saw his expression it made you think of a sad puppy dog. It broke your heart.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. This was my last hurrah at Lord Henry’s boring parties. Damn you for making my last one not boring. It’ll make me want to return.”
“I wish you could return.” You locked eyes and held each other's gaze for a moment. He had extremely delicate eyes.
“Me too.” You looked over at him and kissed his soft lips slightly. He brought his hand up to your cheek and held it for a moment. This was Dorian's first kiss in London. You would later learn it was far from his last. You pulled away and brushed his hair behind his ear.
“Are you sure you have to go?”
“I’ve already answered that question. It was a deal made months ago. I wasn’t ever going to protest it.”
“You could now.”
“Dorian, I've known you for a mere few hours.” He nodded a bit and looked down at your lap. You grabbed his hand and kissed it gently. Your lipstick mark was clear on his lips along with the side of his hand.
“What if I say please?” You laughed gently. That was a genuine laugh, he decided.
“You’ll love more than me. Much more if you’re lucky. Then you will forget all about this girl you shared one kiss with on the steps of your home after your first party in London.” He brushed his finger across your lower lip. You let him.
“I won’t forget.”
“Dear, yes you will.” You stood up. “I won’t forget you though Dorian Gray. Who knows. Maybe one day I will be in a lifeless marriage and only remember that one kiss as the one I did happily.”
He stood up quickly and grabbed your hand. You squeezed his palm and then walked away down the wet cobblestone streets of London. He sat back down on his stairs and watched you go until you were out of sight. You didn’t look back at him. He imagined it was because if you did, you would come back and never leave. He whispered it to himself as he sat there.
“Turn around. Turn around.”
“Turn around!” Dorian yelled at the lady in front of him. She turned around to face him, kissing him sloppily. Dorian didn’t remember her name. He imagined he would never learn it. She would be gone and then he would see the next one and he wouldn’t learn her name either. It didn’t matter to him.
She moaned against his touch and he enjoyed it. The stimulation made him happy and he didn’t think she minded that he didn’t know her name.
It had been over twenty years since he last saw you. He thought about you every once in a while but not often. You were right. He had loved many. Perhaps you were a fortune teller, he would think. Maybe you were good at reading characters.
“Oh Mr. Gray,” she whispered. He barely even registered her voice.
After he was done for the night he crawled out of bed and threw on a robe. A woman was asleep on his sheets. He’d have to go and find somewhere else to enjoy himself. He left her alone in the room as he walked to his closet. He quickly threw something on before leaving his home.
He rode into town. The night was still young. He wondered if he should go to another pub. Perhaps he should just walk around a park and wait. He decided that he would go to another ladies home that he knew.
He walked in without announcing himself and found Rose, an acquaintance of many years waiting for him.
“Dorian, now is not a good time,” she said, standing from her chair in her living room.
“Every time is a good time my dear,” he said. He turned the corner and looked at the rest of the room.
You stood up quickly. He recognized you in a heartbeat. Your face had not aged as much as he imagined. He knew that he didn’t age but for a moment he wondered if you also had a haunted portrait of yourself, you looked that good.
“Dorian Gray,” you whispered. “Rose has just told me all about you. I suppose I was quite right when I said you would love more than me,” you said sheepishly. The shyness was new. He remembered you being quite bold.
“Y/N.” He walked up to you and almost kissed you but held himself back. Instead he just hugged you tightly. You hugged him back.
Rose watched and tried to hide her jealousy. If it had been her, he would have kissed her. Somehow the hug seemed more respectful.
“I’ll give you both a moment alone,” Rose said as she left the room. You watched her go and then gestured to the spot next to you. He sat down close beside you, holding your hand on his lap.
“How are you?” he asked. As he held your hands he felt the wedding ring on your finger. It stuck out like a sore thumb.
“Married. A mother. How are you?”
“Neither of those things,” he said, laughing a bit.
“I suppose not,” you muttered. “You seem to be having as much fun as you could manage. I don’t blame you. I wish I could still do that.”
“You can.”
“I’m married Dorian.”
“Who is he?” he asked. His voice seemed horrifically jealous. He had to retain his emotion the second he realized it.
“A man I met in Paris when I moved there. His name is Louis.” Dorian nodded a little bit and sat up straight in his chair.
“Tell me, does Louis have the same passion?”
“As what Dorian?”
“As me.” You smiled a bit.
“You’re different. Much different.” You raised your hand to his cheek and he barely reacted.
“I do parties now, not Harry. I would love it if you came.”
“I have children I can’t-” He grabbed your hand tightly.
“Come. If not for me, for old times sake.”
You had to buy a new dress but you were glad you came. When you walked into Dorian’s party you had what you had been craving at age 18; chaos. Women clearly were all too familiar with him. You were willing to bet there wasn’t one woman there who had not slept with him except you. Likely even a few men. Perhaps more than a few.
You saw Dorian dancing with a couple of said women in the middle of the room. The moment he saw you he stopped and rushed over to you.
“Does Louis have this?” he asked, gesturing around.
“Louis is a frivolous man. Just like you Dorian.”
“But does he love you?” he questioned. You raised an eyebrow.
“Do you?” He grabbed your cheek expertly. Much different from the man who nervously kissed you on the steps of his home. He kissed you gently but didn’t hold back on the passion.
“Yes,” he whispered in your ear.
“How on Earth am I supposed to believe that?” He held your hand and looked into your eyes. You held each other's gaze in the middle of the room with every single person moving.
“I believe it’s the last human emotion I have left that isn’t lust,” he whispered.
He turned to walk away but as he walked you noticed a lip print on the side of his hand. Rose rushed up to you afterwards.
“What happened?”
“What’s that on his hand?”
“The lipstick print? Oh he has the first girl of the night leave a distinct print on his hand right there, every time. It’s like an honor.”
You felt your own lips and smiled.
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 2 years
Unpopular Critical Role Opinion: Imogen is an annoying character
Alrighty Critical Role fandom, let’s talk about your favorite telepath: Imogen.
So. Imogen. 
Aberrant mind sorcerer, resident moon lady, rock collector, and honestly, I could do without her. I’m normally apathetic to boring characters because they’re just characters, but Imogen...she is easily the flattest D&D Player Character I have seen Laura Bailey play, and that’s unfortunate, as I appreciate how she played Vex and Jester. She brought life to them and carried an energy to the table that completed the group during those two campaigns.
Imogen though, is none of that. To me, she’s boring, annoying, and comes across as self-entitled. She has a “holier-than-thou” and “I could never do anything wrong” attitude that is frankly frustrating to watch and wouldn’t look out of place on a high school campus. Her immaturity can be explained by the lack of life experiences she has had (similarly to Keyleth in C1), and it's fairly early in the campaign, but my read on the group says that she’s going to have to acknowledge her own flaws and how they impact people, and then deal with them on her own before anything can happen. I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future. In each campaign, there has been one character that just sits wrong, and this campaign, Imogen is holding that title.
Events in the most recent episode have only highlighted this more, particularly the quote-fight-endquote between Imogen and Laudna. Let’s take a look at it.
When Laudna broke her gnarlrock, she didn’t even allow Laudna to explain what happened, and allowed the awkwardness between them to fester. The rock may have been influencing her mental state, but there’s giving enough time for a cooldown, and there’s awkwardness growing because neither character knows how to approach the problem. You can be not ready for a hard conversation, but from what I can see, Imogen has been sitting and stewing, disregarding Laudna’s feelings as she stressed about actions she had no control over.
In this group, Imogen and Laudna have known each other the longest; Imogen should know Laudna is strange and things happen around her that can’t be explained (Laudna is literally a corpse moving with a soul). She may not know Laudna's full backstory, but Imogen is refusing to talk about it and she, for some reason, believes Laudna intentionally broke her gnarlrock. It’s interesting that she believes “that dead lady with a lot of love in her heart” would do something malicious like that. Playing devil’s advocate briefly, even if she secretly acknowledges it may have been an accident and Laudna didn’t do anything, she’s certainly not spinning it that way to Orym and the rest of Bell’s Hells. The refusal to talk has finally been brought up by the other characters, because it has gotten that bad. Imogen makes her problems everyone else’s problems and expects them to fix her problems for her.
If Imogen knew-knew Laudna, she might consider that while Launda may be smiling and laughing about being with Dusk (Dusk, ooooh boy, that’s a whole topic), it is because Imogen is not allowing an explanation and it seems like Laudna has no other allies in Bell’s Hells since Dorian left, with the exception of sometimes FCG and Ashton (there’s ANOTHER topic for me to talk about). Imogen’s acting like a kid who had her favorite toy got taken away, which might be because of her immaturity and lack of experiences. Her actions are causing Laudna (who already has HORRIBLE self-worth issues (hello, the “let her step on me” and “I’ll die for her” comments)) to believe she is a horrible friend. How long will it take Imogen to get off her high horse and let there be talk about it? Laudna got her the ptotholder and pencil, the start of an apology, but did Imogen ever say “thank you,” “can we talk,” or anything like that?
Imogen needs to bond with other members of Bell’s Hells who actually challenge her and do not automatically take her side. She needs to grow beyond what she has with Laudna before she be an interesting character for me (the Laudna/Imogen relationship is going to be discussed at a later time, because it’s a whole can of worms). She needs to consider other points of view and realize that she is not the only interesting individual here, far from it. All the characters in this campaign have their flaws and problems, but Imogen’s have gotten to the straight-up annoying point to me. Character development may be a thing, but of all the current characters, she’s going to have to work the hardest for it, and even then, she’ll likely remain the character I care the least about.
All of this isn’t helped by the fandom’s unhealthy obsession with Imogen.
This was written after episode 25 (Taste of Tal'Dorei), I have not seen the most recent 4-Sided Dive, and please note that this is my opinion.
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Empty Walls {Sirius Back x Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 2380 Summary: A lot of the order is pretty untrusting of any Slytherins joining their midst - but there is one person who accepts you. Warnings: Mentions of character death.
Molly Weasley shoved a plate of food in front of you, so harshly that little puddles of gravy spilt onto the table, making a small mess. You thanked her regardless of her hostility, and cleaned up the gravy with your own napkin, embroidered with your initials. She was a wonderfully sweet woman most of the time - but you just so happened to be a Malfoy. Despite your loyalty to the Order of the Phoenix, many of its members still didn’t trust you yet, because of your surname. It was more about that than the fact that you had been in Slytherin, while everyone else around here seemed either to be a Gryffindor or even a Hufflepuff. You tied your blonde hair out of your face and started to eat self-consciously, knowing that there were eyes on you no matter what. Sirius Black’s to be specific. He always seemed to be watching.
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The room filled with the sound of eating as everyone dug into Molly’s delicious food. You were the first done, vacating your seat quickly and washed the dish - by hand - in the sink. You had grown up completely spoiled, with the house elves doing all of the cooking and cleaning, so earning your place here had been difficult at first. You didn’t mean to be spoiled. You just couldn’t help how you were raised.
Grimmauld Place. It was dark and it was dingy, but there was one place in this house in particular that you were drawn to. The wall with the family portraits - your own included. All of the little faces of your family, and then the burned out one of Mr. Sirius Black. Your eyes went to your brother and you smirked to yourself. He was painted in that little hat. He always hated that picture, which made you love it even more. You then saw your parents, Lucius and Narcissa. They both looked a little snooty, which was how they tended to appear to the world. But they were never like that when it was just the family together. Your fingers graced your mother’s face. You missed her, a lot. She still sent you owls, and your father would always add his own little notes. They loved you, despite the fact that most of their friends saw you as a traitor. That your actions nearly put a bounty on their own heads, like the rest of the order.
But you were going to help take him down before he could try to collect.
“Do you really like staring at your own face that much?” A deep voice came from behind you. You didn’t turn around. It was Mr. Black himself. He always seemed to be following you around. He was probably the most mistrustful of the lot. You just ignored him, and put your fingers over your father. You missed him as well. His opinion was the one that you had been most scared of - but you were doing what he was too cowardly to do. You were making the right choice.
You didn’t even pay attention to your little portrait. You knew what you looked like. You didn’t give into the vanity that the rest of the Malfoys seemed to have. You preferred knowledge over looks.
“It’s not that bad of a picture. Mine was awful. They made me cut my hair for it, so I looked like some dapper gentleman,” Sirius said. He had come and stood right behind you. You didn’t realize how close he was until then. If you took even one step backwards, you would have bumped into him.
“So it’s a good thing that your place is burnt out then?” You asked.
“I like to think of it more as an empty space,” Sirius said. “I’ll probably paint over the whole damn thing one of these days. Most of these people, I don’t feel like I’m that related to anyway. Like you.”
“We’re  hardly related. It’s like ... many branches away,” You said with a shrug. He may be some sort of cousin but it never felt that way to you either. When you looked at him, you saw ... well, a handsome man, even with all of that hair and those tattoos. You had seen photos of him when he was younger and you had some pretty obscene thoughts one should not be having over family members. He’d been, to put it roughly, a hunk. “Why haven’t you painted over it by now?”
“The room needed some sort of decor,” Sirius shrugged. “I don’t know what I’d do with an empty wall.”
“Well, knowing you, I’m sure you’d hang a very flattering portrait of yourself,” You mused, clicking your tongue. “Dorian Gray style.”
“What?” Sirius asked. You laughed then, remembering that someone like him probably hasn’t picked up a book since his time at Hogwarts, let alone one written by a muggle.
“Nothing,” You said, shaking your head. “So what can I help you with? Does Molly need help with something?”
“Why would Molly need help with anything?” Sirius asked, taking a seat in one of his favorite chairs in the bedroom.
“I don’t know - you all seem to think that housework is female only work-” You started but Sirius cut you off.
“Not at all,” He said, shaking his head, those unruly waves flying around him. “I actually wanted to talk to you myself. And it’s really not about housework.”
“Well, talk away,” You said, settling into a chair of your own, facing away from those painted walls.
“I’ve been keeping my eye on you for a while now. I knew your father back in school and-”
“Yes, I’ve heard some of the stories,” You interrupted, crossing your legs. “There’s no need to go into a lot of backstory. I know you don’t trust me and that’s what you want to talk about, isn’t it?”
“Do you always go around making up all of these assumptions?” Sirius asked, curiously. “I don’t distrust you, I actually wanted to tell you that I think you’re doing an amazing job. Especially for someone so young.”
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Your mouth went dry at the unexpected praise that he was bestowing on you. “Well, thanks. That actually means a lot to me. It’s been hard, since I had to give up everything but saving the world seems pretty worth it. Wanna tell Molly what you think, because that woman has had it out for me since day one.”
“She’ll come around. She’s just mistrustful of Slytherins, that’s all.”
You were quiet for a couple of minutes there, thinking about all of the times that you had tried to proven yourself to the Order. You had gone out on dangerous missions without hesitation. You had fought people who had once been dear family friends. You were trying to protect the world, which seemed bigger than just one family.
“Guess I just have to give it time - and hope that we have enough of it,” You sighed, realizing there wasn’t much in this situation that you could do. “You’re not so bad yourself, Black. Even if you come from a family of, well, us. Snakes and all.”
“Thanks,” He chuckled. “I’ll take that to heart.”
Since you had already graduated from Hogwarts, you spent a lot of time among the rest of the adults. Molly was finally warming up to you just a little, if only because she had no children to keep her busy now that they were all back at school. You were one of the youngest in the Order, having just left school the year before, and so she doted on you. Or, at the very least, she didn’t make a mess of your food anymore.
“Fancy taking me for a walk?” Sirius asked you one day, leash in hand. You laughed, knowing exactly what he had meant. It was the only way that he could leave this house. Being disguised as Snuffles, the big black dog. And the only way not to get Animal Control called on him was to have someone walk him around.
You nodded, also feeling the need to get out of the stifling nature of the house. Get away from the screams of the portrait and the gloominess that clung around every corer despite you and Molly’s attempt to cheer the place up a bit. Sirius turned into his dog form, and you put the leash and collar on him - which always felt weird, no matter how many times you did it. His tongue lolled out as he grew excited for the fresh air and it was enough to make you laugh.
These walks became more and more frequent - especially because sometimes, when you were in a more isolated part of town, Sirius would turn back into his human self and you would have a coffee and sit in a park, enjoying the early fall nature. You ended up having some really long conversations. About everything. You told him some stories about his godson, Harry, and his friends at school - they were rather infamous and it seemed like you knew a lot about them despite not being in their house. And your brother’s complaints, of course.
It didn’t take long for you to realize that you were falling for this much older man, despite the age gap and the fact that he had been in Azkaban for years, and that this was hardly the time for love, given the fact that there was a war that was growing in importance more and more each day.
“To the ones that we have lost,” Arthur Weasley said, raising his glass in toast over his head.
It was  not a happy occasion that you were celebrating here tonight, back at Grimmauld Place. “To the ones that we have lost,” you toasted back in return. And then you drank deeply from your flask - Firewhiskey having become a solace these days.
Sirius was taking things particularly hard - the war may be over, but the cost of that victory was entirely too high. He was tearing himself apart about it, but you couldn’t blame him. He lost his only other best friend. And the Weasleys had lost two sons - one to death, and one to the attack of a werewolf, though Bill was pulling through swimmingly.
You stood up slowly, which garnered the attention of the rest of the people around you. “I can’t be here,” You admitted, finding it too hard to be around loved ones, when they weren’t exactly the ones that you wanted.
You went down the hallway into the room with the family portrait on it, your wand in your hand as you closed the door, but you did not lock it. “What have you done to be remembered for?” You asked the portrait of yourself, and of your parents.
“I think this is a long time coming,” Sirius said, staggering into the room. “Patat Pingere.”
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“What are you doing?” You asked, as the paint started to peel off of the walls, and then dissolve into nothing, leaving only the bare baseboards that they must have been before the family tree. You watched as you, your parents and the rest of them just seemed to disappear, like you never existed.
“You deserve to be remembered,” Sirius said, leaning against the doorframe, taking in the sight of all of that white. “So we’ll repaint you now, as you are. And... and Remus. And Tonks. And Fred... the others...”
You nodded, looking at the potential of it now. All of the noble house of Black had disappeared, and most of them were better off being remembered - entirely unlike everyone that you had just lost, and whose death was still pulling at your heart.
“And yours,” You said, looking over at Sirius. You were surprised to see that his head was down, and a sob racked through his entire body, and he was barely keeping himself upright.
You rushed to his side and took his weight upon your shoulder, half-dragging and half-carrying him to his favorite chair and helped to lower him into it. He didn’t let you go, so you had no choice but to sit with him. You curled up in his lap like a kitten, and he held you while sobbing into the shoulder of your robes.
You were through with crying - you’ve made yourself dehydrated with it and nothing ever seemed to get better, but seeing Sirius like this was still draining nonetheless. “You’re not completely alone Sirius - you have me.”
That seemed to help somewhat, for his shoulders stopped shaking as much, but he did continue to hold onto you tightly, making sure that you could not leave, even if you had wanted to. You didn’t want to, you wanted to stay and make sure that he knew - that he knew that you would not leave him.
“I love you.”
You weren’t expecting that from him, especially not at this time, but you began to run your fingers through the dirty, straggly hair.
“I love you too.”
“Don’t just say that if you don’t mean it. I can’t take anything more, I just-”
You’ve never seen him so vulnerable before. Even when he was in the middle of a fight, with spells going around him, narrowly missing him, he usually had some excitement showing on his face. But this was a defeated man, who seemed ready to break at the slightest negativity.
“I mean it, with every bit of me. I really, truly do,” You told him, detangling a few knots with your fingers, your wand having dropped on the floor when it seemed like he was falling. “I love you, Sirius Black.”
“Can we fix this - these empty walls?” Sirius’s head rose just a little.
You nodded, looking into his dark eyes, which had the same expression as a dog that had just been kicked. “Yes, I think we can. I know we can. Let’s start tomorrow.”
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writtenonreceipts · 4 years
Square One
Of all the tropes I love the most in fanfiction, single parent au’s are at the top but they are few and far between. I took matters into my own hands here.  IDK how many chapters this will be to be perfectly honest.  IDK how consistent I’ll be on updates, so prompts are always welcome for this fic or just in general too.  Enjoy. Based on characters from the Throne of Glass Series
An Elorcan fic
Warnings: None
A warm breeze billowed around Lorcan Salvaterre as he got out of his weary old truck.  The door creaked loudly as he slammed it shut and moved through the parking lot of Riftfold Elementary School.
As he popped the collar of his jacket, Lorcan muttered a curse.  The last thing he wanted to deal with was picking up his son early from school.  It wasn’t that Lorcan didn’t love his son and was eager to see him.  But the circumstances were less than ideal.
Running a hand through his hair, Lorcan entered the front office of the school to find his son slumped down low in a chair.  His son was distinctly looking away from everyone.  Especially the girl beside him.  At six years old, his son had too much attitude for his own good and Lorcan wasn’t sure how he was going to handle it.  Tavish, unfortunately, was more like him than Lorcan wanted to admit.  He had the same black hair, same broody temperament, same penchant to get into trouble.
Really, Lorcan shouldn’t have been surprised his son had ended up in the principal’s office in just the second week of school.  It was a miracle that Tavish had made it this long.
It was of course Lorcan's fault too.  He didn’t know how to be a father and it showed.
Principle Havilliard, who had to be at least three years younger than Lorcan stepped from his office.  He was dressed in a blue button up and slacks looking far more pleased about the day than anyone should.
“Lorcan, thanks for making it so quick,” Dorian said.  He extended a hand, which Lorcan shook hesitantly.  The two were barely acquaintances and if Lorcan was being honest was fine with that.  “We’re still waiting for Marion’s mom.”
Lorcan glanced at the girl and froze.  Another curse rose on his lips.  He knew exactly who the girl was and who her mother was.  Marion had her mother's large brown eyes and thick dark hair and pale skin.  Despite the serious expression in her eyes she seemed like a sweet girl.  As far as Lorcan could remember, Tavish hadn’t had any issues with her before.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” a woman burst into the office.  She was small, her dark hair swept into a messy bun.  She still wore a black apron slung on her hips, a myriad of pens and straws sticking out from the pockets.
“Hey Elide,” Dorian greeted.  
She shook his hand and offered another apology before her eyes landed on Lorcan.
Elide Lochan was an enigma.  She was smart and capable with a silver tongue of fire.  And yet, Lorcan never knew for sure what she was thinking.  He didn’t really know how she ended up barreling into his life but he did know neither of them were comfortable with the other.
At least she managed a slight smile in his direction before she glanced anxiously to her daughter.  Marion quickly became invested in her shoes.  Lorcan felt his gut drop when he got a good look at the woman and he realized that he knew who she was.
“What happened?” Elide asked.  She only spared a brief look to Lorcan before turning away.  It was easy to see the discomfort in her eyes.  Not unexpected.  Lorcan was nearly six-foot-seven, built to play football and had plenty of scars from a rough childhood.  He wasn’t the kindest looking man.
Dorian sighed and stuffed his hands in his back pockets. “Marion?  Would you like to start?”
“She’ll tell it wrong!” Tavish exclaimed.  He finally unwound himself from his seat and sat up.  His hair fell in his eyes but he hastily brushed it away. “It wasn’t my fault.”
Marion shrank back into her seat, finally looking at her mother.
“Tavish,” Lorcan warned, “Principal Havilliard asked Marion to speak.”
His son sighed far too loudly and flung himself backward into the chair.
“It’s okay, baby,” Elide said softly as she knelt next to her daughter's chair and patted her knee gently. "Tell me what happened."
Lorcan watched the girl sit forward in her chair, instinctively leaning towards her mother.
"They took my stuffed animal," Marion said.
It was then that noticed the small plush dog clutched beneath Marion's arm. Elide let out a long breath.
"They threw it in the mud." Tears began running down Marion's cheeks. "I asked them not to, I used my words like you said."
"I know baby," Elise whispered. Lorcan could see the sorrow and pain flash across the young mother's face. He'd never officially met Elide Lochan before. Only once  and Lorcan had made himself look like a bigger ass than usual.
"Tavish told them not to," Marion added. "But they didn't listen."
Tavish sat up a little straighter at Marion's admission, slight pride on his face.
"They were being really mean," the boy said. "And we're not supposed to be mean. Even though you brought a stuffed animal to school."
"It was for show and tell!"
"You're supposed to bring something cool like a rock or a worm."
Marion made a face and shook her head rapidly. “Ew.”
While Tavish threw his hands up in an exasperated sort of way, Lorcan noticed the small smile flash on Elide’s face as she stood.  She was young, younger than Lorcan had initially realized, but that didn’t seem to change the hard resolve she held on to.
“So, what’s the plan Dorian?” Elide asked. “It doesn’t seem like they actually have a problem with each other.”
Lorcan tried not to react to the casual way Elide spoke the principal's name.  Of course she knew him.  If Elide Lochan was friends with the same people Lorcan knew--she would know Dorian.
“Right,” Dorian said, clearing his throat.  “Let's go into my office for this.  Candice can watch the kids for a minute.”
The receptionist gave a little wave from behind her desk and brandished a few coloring books and crayons.  This wasn’t good.
Lorcan glanced at Tavish who did not seem pleased with the arrangement.  But the only other option was to take his kid and run.  Which admittedly would not reflect well on him.
It seemed Elide held the same reservations as she wound her fingers together.  She ultimately agreed with a nod and untied the apron from her waist and folded it the best she could while following Dorian into his office.
Once the door was shut and they were all settled in their seats, Dorian spoke.
“I don’t really know how to say this,” the young man said leaning forward slightly, “but from what Mrs. Talon has said both Marion and Tavish struggle with making friends.”
Lorcan was glad he wasn’t the only one who winced.  Beside him, Elide pursed her lips as she stared at the principal.
“They would both benefit from having someone to talk to in and outside of class,” Dorian continued, “and I think they could potentially get along pretty well.”
“Really?” Elide asked.  She crinkled her nose and jutted her thumb at Lorcan. “Because I hate him.”
“You know the fourth of July thing wasn’t my fault,” Lorcan said with a glare.
“Oh do I?”
“Please Lochan.”
“You’re just mad because the girls soccer team kicked ass this summer.”
“If I remember correctly, you did a lot of heavy flirting with the refs all summer long.”
Her dark brown eyes bore into him with enough intensity that Lorcan was sure he would combust.
“Seriously?” Dorian asked.  He had a slightly bemused expression on his face as he glanced between the two of them. “Maybe I should assign the two of you as buddies for the school year.”
“No.” Lorcan and Elide said at the same time.
Dorian grinned. “Fine.  But I do think you two should make an effort in seeing if Tavish and Marion can be friends.  It might make them do better in class and stay out of trouble.”
Lorcan loosed a breath.  He wanted what was best for his son.  He also knew that his son, like him, struggled with basic human interaction sometimes.  And if this would help Tavish bridge gaps in how he interacted with other kids--well it was something Lorcan would see to.
“We can try,” Elide said finally.  She ran a hand through her ponytail, trying to keep the loose tendrils under control.  
“Sure,” Lorcan said.  
Dorian nodded.  “Good.  Let me know how it goes.  If it’s an utter disaster, I know Mrs. Talon will let me know and we can try something else for them.”
Lorcan decided then and there the arrangement would only last a week.
Of all the humans Elide had to deal with she would have rather it be someone other than Lorcan Salvaterre.
As she left Dorian’s office, her stomach cramped with unease panic.  Marion was struggling more than she’d realized.  Why had she brought her favorite stuffed animal to school?  Usually Marion was more cautious than that.  The girl was absolutely obsessed with the thing and would never want anything to happen to it.
“Momma?” Marion chirped.
Pulled from her thoughts, Elide looked to her daughter.  The girl was already standing with her backpack ready to go. 
“Is it time to go?”
Elide wiped the worry from her face and nodded. “Of course, baby.”
Still stretched out on the floor, Tavish scribbled all over his piece of paper with a black crayon.  He did so with such fury that it was a miracle he didn’t rip a hole in the paper.
“Black’s his favorite color,” Marion said.  She tilted her head to the side and puckered her mouth. “I dunno why.”
“It’s a blackhole!” Tavish yelled.  He very carefully ripped his black picture from the coloring book and held it up. “It eats everything!  Like a vacuum.”
Elide was surprised when Marion let out a giggle and shook her head softly.  Oh dear.  The two of them were going to become friends and then Elide was going to have to deal with Lorcan Salvaterre for the rest of her life.  Oh hell.
It wasn’t until they were out in the parking lot that Elide turned to Lorcan.
It had been a few weeks since she’d seen him.  Not since the last game of the little league soccer tournament.  And of course her girl’s had kicked ass.  But being so near Lorcan again was unsettling.  Mostly because she never knew what he was thinking.  He was impossible to read, to know.
“I’m taking Marion to the park on Saturday,” Elide said reluctantly, “to kick a ball around, have some fun.”
Lorcan raised a brow. “Not working?”
Sighing, Elide shook her head. She tried not to let the comment bother her.  It was common knowledge to anyone who knew her, even briefly, that she worked multiple jobs.  She didn’t have a choice, really.  But it was not something she liked talking about.
“No,” she said lightly. “Not this weekend.  You and Tavish are welcome to join us.”
She watched as Lorcan ran a hand over his stubbled chin. 
“You really want to go along with this?” he asked.
“If it means helping my daughter, yes.”
“You hate me,” Lorcan reminded her.
Elide cracked a smile while Tavish and Marion examined rocks piled at the edge of the parking lot.  She had the sense that he was teasing her because for all of Lorcan Salvaterre’s bravado--it was obvious he cared for his son and would walk through fire for the boy.
“And you hate me,” Elide said.  She called out for Marion while turning to her beat up car that could possibly break down at any moment. “At least we have something in common.”
Marion ran over and tossed her bag into the car before settling in her seat.  Elide offered a brief, pained, smile to Lorcan before getting in the car herself.
She was able to hold herself together until she pulled out of the lot and onto the main street.  It was then that she let a tear leak from her eye.  Breathing heavily, she brushed her cheek.  There was no reason for her to be upset.  Marion wasn’t really in trouble at school.  Work was fine with letting her leave her shift early.  Salvaterre hadn’t been a complete ass.
There was no reason for her to be upset.
Elide looked at her daughter through the rearview mirror. “Yeah baby?”
“I’m sorry I got in trouble.”
“No baby, you did nothing wrong,” Elide assured her.  
“Then why did you come?” Marion asked.  She was taking care to pick off dried mud from the stuffed animal, her little fingers making very little progress.
“Principal Havilliard just wanted me there, to make sure you were okay.” Elide wiped another tear from her cheek.
There was no reason for her to be upset.
“Mommy, why are you crying?”
Elide bit down on her lower lip and did her best to laugh. “I just missed you today, that’s all.”
Marion made a small noise before speaking again. “Can we go to Auntie Manon’s?  I wanna see the puppy.”
“I’m sure you do,” Elide chuckled.  Her best friend had adopted a new dog and puppy was not an accurate description for the creature.  Putting on her best smile and cheery voice she glanced back at her daughter. “Let’s go see that puppy then.”
Again, I’m not sure where this is going, but felt the need to write elorcan and a single parent au, haha...thanks for reading! My ask box is always open for this fic or any other too.
tags:  @tottenhamboys20 @morganofthewildfire  @aelinchocolatelover @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx
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blarfkey · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
I've been tagged by like ten people for this so thank you everyone who tagged me! @redinkofshame, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold, @kunstpause Consider yourself tagged if you see it and like it.
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 wordcount?
702,253. I would love for it to be more but I am a slow writer lol
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Woodstock 83 --3480 Kudos
Xmen fic set after Apocalypse where Peter keeps getting these golden opportunities to tell Magneto/Erik that he's his son, and keeps chickening out at the last minute.
I know I wasn't the only one who walked out of that movie theater pissed that Peter came so close to admitting this secret since the previous movie and never did, so I wrote a fix it.
2. The Sun Will Shine When Morning Comes -- 2567 Kudos
The sequel to Woodstock 83, told in Magneto's POV where he's coming to terms with being a father while he cares for his sick son. This is probably my fav X-Men fic I've ever written because I loved having these two figure out what their father/son relationship would be like long after Peter has grown up and how Erik has wanted a child again but doesn't know how to process having one.
3. Jail Break -- 2488 kudos
The first Peter & Magneto fic I ever wrote and the first fic I ever published! This takes place post Days of Future Past and it shows how Magneto could have found out that Peter was his son and build that reluctant connection. Peter has a lot of freaking out about whether or not he wants to accept a supervillain as his father.
4. Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right -- 2396 Kudos
The third part of the series Jail Break Started. For some reason this is the most popular one shot in the series. In it, Peter has a huge fight with Magneto and then gets kidnapped by The Bad Guys and doesn't think his dad will come bail him out. But of course he does! And murders everyone in the compound to do it.
5. Two Lonely Souls in a Fish Bowl -- 2361 Kudos
The direct sequel to Jail Break where Magneto keeps showing up in the dead of night to visit Peter as they both figure out how they want this weird parent relationship to be.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! Even if it takes me a while. I love the interaction and I want people to feel noticed and appreciated.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Um, i don't really like angst. I think it would be Spark Me Up for Xmen. Professor X/Magneto angst with my first ever written smut. It was a remix of another person's fic for an exchange and they had an angsty ending so I kept it.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
The last installment in the Jail Break/Come Together Series -- Shine On You Crazy Diamond. In it, Peter's little sister Wanda comes into her powers and they go through a lot of pain before she settles into them. It ends with Peter's mom coming to stay with them and her, Peter, Wanda, Erik, and Charles becoming one big family. I've had several people tell me it made them cry lol.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I'll write something like a set of characters from one fandom in the set up/premise of another fandom/piece of media. Like Dear Fen'harel is a crossover of Dragon Age with an old book called Dear Daddy Long Legs. But I don't combine different universes of different fandoms, it's too weird for me and I can't buy into it.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
took over and finished. We have an AU in our plans but so many other fics keep getting in the way! Sort of? I wrote the first part of a Solas/Maria/Varric series that@cartadwarfwithaheartofgold
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I did receive a weird, angry message on one of my Xmen fics because they didn't like a fight that had happened between two characters but didn't read till the end to see it resolved so the bitched at me for the fact that the fight was mean? Which made no sense. But other than that, nope.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! Though it's not as much as my non-smut. I didn't write smut for so many years because I didn't think I knew how. I tried to write some out a few years ago and kept it to myself until one of my tumblr friends read it and said it was really good! So shout out to @salexectria, you're the reason why I write and publish smut!
I write all kinds of smut, from dub con to vanilla, from f/f, m/m, and ace spectrum characters. Its all about the characters and what would fit them/the situation more than it is about a specific type of sex.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it.
What's your all time favourite ship?
Ummmmmm, that's hard. I don't think I have an all time favorite. I will say that Charles/Erik (Professor X/Magneto) was my first ever "otp" that I got completely obsessed with. Actually, I have never been that obsessed with another pairing. I write pairings that I enjoy or that I want to see a certain dynamic from, but that doesn't make them my favorite above all others.
I do really love Solas/Cadash and I prefer Solas rare pairs like Solas/Dorian, Solas/Cassandra, and Solas/Josephine over Solavellan.
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I will never not finish a WIP. I hate it when it happens, even though I know IRL gets in the way, but it's so frustrating for me as a reader. So I will finish all my fics. However, I am very slow and very busy so it may take a while.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and character voice. I also am really good at developing friendships and platonic bonds or the slow burn get-to-know-you part of a romance. Apparently I write good smut, though its very hard for me lol.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and transitions and pacing.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
The only thing that bothers me is if they never put in a translations somewhere and you have to just kind of guess. I don't care about reading something in another language and having a footnote or a note at the end of the chapter. I do it all the time in DF. I do think that putting "said in {insert language here}" is a bit of a cop out.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The first ever fandom I wrote for and never published was Harry Potter at 13. I wrote a story about a muggle neighbor who had to emergency babysit the baby Weasleys and was shocked by the magic. But I tried to submit it to a website that only published fic by application and it didn't get in and I was like "whatever, I'll just read fic" and then didn't touch fanfic again until I was . . .24 or 25 lol. I mostly focused on my original fiction.
What's your favourite fic you've written?
I can't possibly have one favorite. I do really love my Peter fics, especially The Sun Will Shine When Morning Comes. I love my ACO fic with Apollo!Alkibiades. I love my Solas/Cassandra friendship fic Time Does Not Bring Relief. And I love Dear Fen'harel, of course, because it has so many things I wanted to change for Solavellan or didn't find, as well as a good analysis of myself and how I deal with anger and sorrow and homesickness, ect. through Ellana.
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pikapeppa · 5 years
5 Questions For Writers: Lovers In A Dangerous Time
Part 2 of this meme because I’m greedy. (Part 1 for Where The Winds Of Fortune Take Me is here!) 
Tagged by Genius Meme Inventor @serial-chillr​ and also by the bevvy of babes including @johaeryslavellan​ @faerieavalon​ @elveny​ @dafan7711​ @solas-disapproves​!
Tagging forward to @myfeyrelady​ @lethendralis-paints​ (I know you’re going to say your pumpkin brain has no words, but YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF SO MANY GOOD IDEAS SO TELL US ABOUT THEM!!), @tryvyalsynnes​ @irlaimsaaralath​ @charlatron​ @wardsarefunctioning​ @dickeybbqpit​ @galadrieljones​ @thevikingwoman​ @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul​ and anyone else who wants to play!
Here we have it for Lovers In A Dangerous Time (i.e. Fenris the Inquisitor), with beloved at by @lethendralis-paints​!
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1. What was the idea that started the story? 
I think I’ve said this before, but someone in a DA Facebook group shared some snapshots of banter along the lines of ‘what if Fenris was the Inquisitor’ and my brain was like: [lightbulb] lol. I had a clear idea of how Fenris would become the Inquisitor, and I had a very powerful image of Fenris and Rynne Hawke getting separated just before the Conclave explosion and then finding each other at Haven, and I just really wanted to write those two moments. The rest of the fic sort of took off from there. 
This is also not an original idea by any means, since others have written Fenris the Inquisitor fics already. But as with anything in fanfic, different people have different takes, and this is my take on it through the lens of Fenris and his relationship with Rynne because I’m utter trash for them, and I’m thrilled to be writing it.
2. Did you make an outline? Have you stuck to it? 
Let me start by saying I did not intend to novelize the game; I only really meant to do a few oneshots of memorable moments in Inquisition. But after writing the first two chapters, I knew the format I’d started would not lend itself to disconnected oneshots the way my canon FenHawke stuff did. 
So yes, there is an outline. It started out with those few big-moment ideas I wanted to do, and it’s evolved over time into a document that’s currently 61 pages and will get longer, since I have yet to flesh out the JOH DLC chapter(s? not sure how I’ll deal with JOH yet) and there is more still to flesh out for Trespasser. As to whether I’ve stuck to it... largely, yes! Sometimes events get shifted around, and some chapters have gotten split into 2 or even 3, but I have largely stuck to it. 
 3. What’s your favorite part of your story? 
THE FENSHIPS (i.e. friendships with Fenris HAHAH) and the PARTY BANTER. It has been such a joy developing his relationships with the Inquisition crew. I think this is part of what makes Fenris such a compelling idea as an Inquisitor: his Tevinter background, personality, and complex attitudes about mages make him so much fun to write into conversations with the Inquisition crew, particularly with Cassandra, Dorian, Solas and Cole. I’ve especially loved writing his relationship with Solas because I’m convinced that it could go either way for so many reasons (I won’t ramble about this at length LOL, I’ll spare everyone this). Indeed, Fenris and Solas have had both their disagreements and their moments of camaraderie in this fic, and both have been a joy to write.
Blackwall, Bull, and Sera have had less facetime in this fic, but parts of their histories are obvious mirrors of parts of Fenris’s past as well, so they’ve each had at least one chapter to shine with FennyFen. 
Finally, and obviously, writing Fenris and Rynne’s relationship. Keeping an established relationship interesting can be a challenge, but Fenris and Rynne are constantly clashing and growing together as they keep running into shitstorm after shitstorm in this fic, and I hope (HOPE HOPE HOPE???) I’ve been able to keep them both grounded/realistic and interesting. 
 4: Who is your favorite character and why? 
The usual suspects: Fenris and Rynne, obviously, since I am garbage trash for my babes. And everyone already knows that Solas and Cole are my Inquisition favourites.
 5. Did anything happen that surprised you as you were writing? A plot point, or characters’ actions, etc?
Dorian! When I started writing this, I was actually pretty uncertain how Dorian and Fenris would get along. I was hoping they would eventually become friendly or at least cordial, but I didn’t want to force it to get there. At the point where the fic is now, Dorian has become one of Fenris’s closest friends in the Inquisition (though Fenris would probably roll his eyes if you ever said so), which was a true surprise to me. Getting the chance to write Dorian and Fenris hanging out together has made me love Doribae even more. 
The thing that happened to Carver also came to me out of the blue. I knew I wanted him to join the Inquisition, but at the point when I actually wrote him coming to Skyhold, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with him from there. His arc was a stroke of... madness? genius? masochism? TAKE YOUR PICK.
You can read Lovers In A Dangerous Time here on AO3!
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tiadres · 4 years
Pre-Inquisition Character Study
I was tagged by @noire-pandora​ thank you! Filled this for my both Inkys since I have one for both my worldstates now, so I guess this is the official introduction of my boy Tris ^^ Also my cat almost ruined this whole thing by sitting on my laptop while I was typing lol 
Anwen Lavellan
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Layer 01: The Outside
Eye Colour: sky blue
Hair Style / Colour: blonde, short. I imagine she used to have something like that bob hairstyle I used for her in-game before I started modding. I’d say around the time of the Conclave her hair was about the length like in this picture. 
Height: 155 cm
Clothing Style: Relatively simple and comfortable; pretty much what you’d expect a Dalish mage to wear
Best Physical Feature: Her pretty eyes: when she smiles her eyes are like little, bright sapphires 
Layer 02: The Inside
Fears: Something bad happening to Clan Lavellan 
Guilty Pleasure: Going to skinny-dipping in the moonlight 
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who think they’re better than everyone else
Ambitions For The Future: Becoming a good Keeper when it’s time for that
Layer 03: Thoughts
First Thoughts Waking Up: “I wonder what good will happen today?”
What They Think About Most: Magic, stories
What They Think About Before Bed: What she learnt that day/if something specific happened, that
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Curiosity, kindness
Layer 04: Either Or…
Single Or Group Dates: Single dates
To Be Loved Or Respected: Loved
Beauty Or Brains: Brains. Beauty is nice but she appreciates the smarts (then in Haven she sees Cullen and is like “owo what a handsome man” and forgets her priorities lol) 
Dogs Or Cats: Dogs. Anwen likes both but if she had to choose she’d pick dogs because they keep the Dread Wolf away ;--) 
Layer 05: Do They…
Lie: Not really; Anwen is a terrible liar and doesn’t like doing so
Believe In Themselves: Yes
Believe In Love: Yes, even though she’s never been in love yet
Want Someone: She doesn’t have anyone specific in mind but occasionally she wonders what it would feel like to fall in love with someone and want to be with them. Most of the time she just focuses on her studies and spending whatever freetime she has with her friends. 
Layer 06: Have They…
Been On Stage: As the Keeper’s First she’s had to do some “public appearances” in the clan like teaching the others about something, but I’m not sure if that counts as having been on stage. She is relaxed when speaking to a familiar group but at the early steps of the Inquisition she is a little nervous about addressing all those people (mainly humans) who think she’s the Herald of their Andraste. 
Done Drugs: Elfroot? :--D 
Changed Who They Were To Fit In: Nope
Layer 07: What’s Their…
Favourite Colours: Green, blue
Favourite Animal: Halla, owl
Favourite Book:  Hmmm probably a book about Elven history, supposing her clan has something like that? Anwen loves reading so it might be hard to say just one favorite book. She mostly reads about history and magic but in Inquisition she will start reading stuff like Varric’s books, too (she and Cassandra have a little book club ^^) 
Favourite Game: Wicked Grace, and also some Dalish game she used to play with her friends and family but I’d have to think more specifically about what kind of game that would be. 
Layer 08: Age
Day Their Next Birthday Will Be: I hadn’t really thought about this before! But if I read the calendar right I’d say her birthday is sometime in Nubulis/Drakonis (the third month of the year). I chose that because I looked into this project about Thedas astrology and decided that Anwen’s sign could be Fervenial/The Oak. (if I’m reading all this correctly, I often feel confused by Thedas calendar and stuff like that for some reason ^^) 
How Old Will They Be: 24 
Layer 09: I…
I Love: “My friends”
I Feel: “excited about seeing new places”
I Hide: “my insecurities; I have to be strong for the sake of others”
I Miss: “My clan”
I Wish: “I understood the mysteries of the world”
Tris Lavellan
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Layer 01: The Outside
Eye Colour: Green like emerald
Hair Style / Colour: Silver, long-ish and often messy because he’s been climbing trees or going trough some bushes. 
Height: 160 cm
Clothing Style: Simple, practical. Tris likes scarves. 
Best Physical Feature: Tris isn’t sure what he’d say his best feature is. Anwen says he has a nice nose so he’d probably go with that. 
Layer 02: The Inside
Fears: Messing up 
Guilty Pleasure: Sweets, wandering away from the camp when almost everyone else is sleeping (not sure if it counts as a “guilty pleasure” but it’s something that the Keeper has asked Tris not to do too much for the sake of safety). 
Biggest Pet Peeve: People who are cruel to animals (is pet peeve strong enough a word? Because people hurting animals makes Tris FURIOUS). 
Ambitions For The Future: Find a way to compensate for lack of magic (Tris always wanted to be a mage but wasn’t born with the gift of magic, and he was a little jealous to his best friend Anwen who became the First. In Inquisition he picks the Tempest specialization and and is happy to work with alchemy, which is the closest to magic he’ll ever get.) 
Layer 03: Thoughts
First Thoughts Waking Up: “I wonder what’s for breakfast”
What They Think About Most: There are many things but one would be his loyal hart, Assan
What They Think About Before Bed: All the new and exciting things he saw during the day, like a colorful bird or a rare plant
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: He is patient and skillful with animals
Layer 04: Either Or…
Single Or Group Dates: Single dates
To Be Loved Or Respected: Loved
Beauty Or Brains: Brains. Tris enjoys aesthetically pleasing things but he does love a smart person. Later he could listen to Dorian or Solas for hours. 
Dogs Or Cats: Cats, but he likes dogs too. When he’s in a relationship with Dorian he’ll realize Dorian reminds him of a cat... 
Layer 05: Do They…
Lie: Not really
Believe In Themselves: In some matters yes, but he does have many insecurities
Believe In Love: Yes, even though his heart has been broken in the past
Want Someone: Yes
Layer 06: Have They…
Been On Stage: No, and he doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention
Done Drugs: Elfroot...
Changed Who They Were To Fit In: Not really. Even if there have been times when he’s been uncomfortable with himself he has never tried to pretend to be something he’s not just to fit in. 
Layer 07: What’s Their…
Favourite Colours: Green
Favourite Animal: Hart
Favourite Book:  He likes reading about a variety of subjects but his favorite is probably the Tale of the Champion. Cassandra isn’t the only one with a small crush on Hawke lol 
Favourite Game: Do riding competitions count? Because Tris is very good at that and he enjoys the sensation of galloping trough the woods with a hart
Layer 08: Age
Day Their Next Birthday Will Be: His birthday is in Frumentum/Harvestmere (his astrological sign, according to that one interesting fan project, would be Silentir/The Silence). 
How Old Will They Be: 25
Layer 09: I…
I Love: “a good trick”
I Feel: “overwhelmed about all the strange happening in the world”
I Hide: “my envy: I can’t help it but it’s an ugly emotion to have”
I Miss: “My clan”
I Wish: “I knew what it’s like to have magic”
Tagging @samwis​ @lootusemilia​ and @dragonageoutlet​ as always do it if you feel like it, and please tell me if you feel annoyed about me always tagging you dearies ^^” 
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
Rooftop Talks (Platinum, F!Raleigh x MC)
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Since I noticed so many fics starring M! Raleigh but none with F! Raleigh, here’s my attempt to fill that void. Inspired by the rooftop scene, this is my entry for the prompt “ honesty” of the @choicesjulychallenge hosted by @kinda-iconic !
In short, Raleigh and Rachel (Dorian, MC) grow closer as they make a habit of meeting on the abandoned building’s rooftop to avoid paparazzi and spend with each other. Then one night Rachel has a question for Raleigh...
Prompt: Honesty
Discalimer: mild use of bad words and hispano hablantes over here: I tried to incorporate some occasional Spanish in here - I wanted to incorporate that trait in Raleigh’s character- so please tell me if I messed something up with the language (I took Spanish classes ages ago) or in general and I’ll fix it!
Word Count: 2328
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @melodyofgraves @bhavf @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @begging-for-kamilah @kennaxval @strangerofbraidwood @crazypeanat @desiree-0816 @universallypizzataco
F! Raleigh x MC Tag: @hellospunkiebrewster @furiouscloddonutpeanut
The night of the charity gala none of them would have expected it to happen again but Raleigh and Rachel made a habit to sneak away from the paparazzi and hide on the rooftop to catch some breath. They would chat and flirt, share takeaway food and views and suggestions about each other new songs. Some nights they would even bring their guitars and jam together: most of the times they would end up playing and singing their heart out silly hits of the past or campfire songs only to laugh till their cheeks hurt as if they were teens at a party their parents knew nothing about. Other nights they would be a soundboard for each other, especially Raleigh: she would listen to Rachel's ramblings and second-guessing herself and offer her advice: how to keep the tune on that note, a better rhyme, a few sick moves for her next video...even how to make the right impression during interviews, because Raleigh was a professional, not just her rebel stage persona, and she had been around journalists and paparazzi way more than the new sweet shining star. 
In return, Rachel would suggest new kinder strategies to deal with fame and fans or to call home every once in a while: even if she left when she was fifteen, she must have someone who missed her. The thought made Raleigh smile, but in a good way: it was almost painful to see how genuinely good the Dorian girl was.
"Are you homesick, Rachel?" she inquired to divert the question.
"Hm, not really, no...” she said, stirring her noodles as she considered her answer. "But I've lived with my parents longer than you did. I just wanted to break free and find a place of my own after I got my high school diploma. I mean, I love them but at a certain point in life, your roads need to part, so to speak, right? But you, it was different for you...that's why I asked. I hope I didn't overstep though"   Raleigh shrugged and took a bite of sesame chicken.
"I talked with dad a couple of weeks ago. It was his birthday, mom and the whole family squad set up a party for him. And just so you know, he hates parties. He's a good ol' grumpy fellow"
"Aw cool! I bet he's your number one fan even if maybe he doesn't show it much? I mean, your whole family should be your number one fan!"
"Nah, papi sticks and will always stick with the classics till the end of time and mamita y tìa were and still are -I guess- huge fans of Ricky Martin, el Rey del Pop Latino" Raleigh explained.
She didn't realize until the day after that she couldn't remember the last time she had talked about her family with someone. Everyone always asked her about future plans, career path, tips maybe, but private life? Never. Unless it meant asking out on dates, heavy flirting or scandalous gossips about a former lover. Only Rachel asked her about the life she had left behind in Puerto Rico and everybody had long lost interest in.
"You don't strike me as a fan of Ricky Martin" Dorian chuckled.
The R&B singer flashed her a wide grin.
"Not exactly, but thanks to them I can make quite a good impression of him. Wanna see it?"
"Is that even a question? Of course!"
Raleigh laughed and reached for her phone as the new star put down her empty food box and shifted to sit more comfortably. She scrolled down a YouTube playlist then her eyes met Rachel's again.
"You ready?"
As the young woman nodded she pressed play and ran her hand through her hair and produced her best puppy dog eyes, making Rachel laugh. She put down her phone and walked backward theatrically opening her arms.
Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa'lante María Un, dos, tres Un pasito pa' atrás
Then as the tune became more upbeat she produced herself in a complicated yet effortlessly fluid sequence of hands clapping, swirling and hips swaying. Latin Pop may have not been her favorite genre but damn, she owned the choreography just as she owned the stage during her shows.
Así es María Blanca como el día
She sang quickly stroking Rachel's cheek with one finger before spinning and turning away.
Pero es veneno si te quieres enamorar Así es María Tan caliente y fría Que si te la bebes de seguro te va a matar
After striking a dramatic pose, she winked just before bursting into laughter.
"Oh my God! That was everything, Raleigh!" Rachel enthusiastically applauded.
"Muchas gracias, nena" she said ruffling her hair and taking her seat beside her.
"Now I'm living to see a Ricky Martin and Raleigh Carrera duet"
Raleigh looked at her and snorted.
"I don't see it happening but paradoxically my team might love the idea so never say it out loud when they're around. Never!"
"A girl can dream, right?" Rachel shrugged and giggled.
All of a sudden way less bubbly considerations crossed her mind and she lost in her own train of thoughts. A girl can dream...she had repeated those few words in her head so many times lately. Every time Raleigh absentmindedly stroked her arms on a fake date, every time she caught her looking at her from afar, every time they kissed.
Then the night of the gala happened. When the two of them sneaked away and hopped on Raleigh's motorbike. She still remembered the cool breeze of the night caressing her skin as she held herself to her "girlfriend". That was a moment of rare perfection: the two of them finally alone and careless, the adrenaline of the ride, the warmth of "the R&B time bomb"'s body pressed against her. When they arrived on the rooftop and she admired the breathing view of New York skyline, her head almost started spinning, just like when Raleigh twirled her in her arms on the gala dance floor.
But what made her heart skip a beat was hearing Raleigh talking about that place, sharing memories of her past, when her teen self felt lost and lonely in the big city...and her project to turn the abandoned building into a community center for kids.
"You make me feel like I want to tell you things. I don't know why" Raleigh confessed that night.
That was when a familiar warmth settled into Rachel's chest. The same feeling she experienced when her high school crush caught her singing to herself in the auditorium and told her that she sounded like an angel and stopped to chat. She didn't ask her out before leaving - Rachel Dorian life had never been a romcom so far- but the little casual talk stole her younger self's breath away.
Rachel instinctively knew that Raleigh never shared that with anyone else. It was just her tone, the way she said it. And she couldn't remember a single interview or tweet mentioning it. So...Raleigh's walls were crumbling down? You don't share secrets, very private secrets with anyone!
Maybe I was just being paranoid as my usual...maybe I didn't misread the signs, she thought as Raleigh not only accepted but enthusiastically returned the kiss that followed. And took her to the railing, her lips never leaving hers or her neck.
But later...
Raleigh suddenly making a loud noise with her soda breaking her train of thoughts.
"Earth to Rachel"
Avery's protege turned to see her looking at her with a slightly amused grin on her face as she played with the straw.
"Sorry, I spaced out" Rachel smiled shyly, avoiding eye contact.
"No biggie. Just glad we're on the same planet again"
Rachel looked at her sideways: Raleigh was happily humming one of her latest songs. She seemed to be in a good mood, she always was in a good mood when she was on that rooftop. Or so Rachel could tell by what she saw over the past few weeks. Which lead her to summon up her courage and ask her a question that had been troubling her for a while.
"Why did you bring me here the night of the gala?"
Raleigh was probably caught off guard by that but concealed it well. She shrugged again and leaned down on the carpet, propping herself up on one elbow.
"I told you, I had to take a break from those stupid fraud activists and this is where I go to catch my breath. We were at the gala together so it made sense to ask you to join. Lie to me and tell me you don't like it here" she said, flashing her signature grin.
"Of course I do" Rachel gave a quick smile.
Maybe that's the problem. I like it here, when it's just the two of us, no one else in sight...probably I like it too much.
But this conversation was going nowhere. So she sighed and spoke again, hoping to find answers and hopefully reassurance:
"Our time is ticking out, right?"
When Raleigh looked up to her, the usual cheerfulness of Rachel had been replaced by what looked like...melancholy?
"What? It's barely midnight, the night is still young, Rachel!" she joked to clear the mood.
Then she gave another grin and reached to playfully bump the other girl's arm.
"I have a bad reputation in case you haven't noticed. You should know that I'm not the kind of girlfriend who respects nor gives a damn about curfews."
But Rachel didn't play along this time.
"That's not what I meant" she said as her eyes met Raleigh's again.
The Puerto Rican singer knew what she meant. The big issue that had been lingering between them for a while and that was written all over Rachel tired face. She felt a pang of pain at the thought of it and she decided to conceal it as she always did.
"Oh well who knows, Rachel? I haven't spoken to my PR manager about it on our last meeting"
But the other woman didn't seem satisfied with that brief explanation.
Raleigh grimaced and sat up. It actually hurt more than she thought. She reached for Rachel's hand.
"Hey, we both knew the deal. Start a fake relationship and get a career and reputation boost"
"It's all it is, huh?"
The Dorian girl looked at her with painful expectancy. Gosh, I knew this is what we would get out of this, Raleigh thought.
"Well, yes and no. I mean, I like you, Rachel, I'm glad we got closer. You're shockingly pleasant to have around, rising star. And you've been...well yeah so far you're the best fake girlfriend ever, seriously. I hope we will still be friends when this...you know..."
"Yeah, sure"
Rachel diverted her eyes as her chest tightened. She misread the signals, shit. She kept fantasizing and being oblivious of their current situation...but she couldn't blame Raleigh for it. That night, their first night on the rooftop, when the kisses grew hungry on the railing, the Puerto Rican star too soon parted and told her to follow her, she wanted to go on another ride on her bike. Rachel reached for her.
"We don't have to stop, you know..." she noted, gently stroking her hip.
"What? Too scared to admit you might be catching feelings?" she teased, since the other woman just stared at her in silence.
"Whoa, there. Let's not get crazy. I'm a seasoned professional" Raleigh interrupted her, walking backward.
What a stupid I am! What was I thinking? That she, Raleigh Carrera, might fall for me?, Rachel grimace, her face hidden from the R&B star's view. Your life is not a romcom, Dorian, and you have embarrassed yourself already. God, that night she might have...she totally thought I was taking advantage of the situation? Oh shit shit shit!
Her phone beeped. She picked it up as a deep blush spread on her face: Low battery warning.
"Rachel, are you okay?"
The girl didn't turn but she felt the weight of Raleigh's concerned gaze over her.
"Yeah, I'm good...I just-I just forgot that I have a meeting with Avery early tomorrow. Very early. Like dawn"
"Why so early?" Raleigh gave her a quizzical look.
"Oh it's Fiona's doing actually" she said as she stood in a swift motion and gathered up her belongings. "She just want to introduce us to some yoga routine or something like that. She said it stimulates creativity... the point is I gotta go. I'm sorry"
She gave a quick apologetic smile and moved towards the staircases.
"Oh, okay" Raleigh was visibly confused by the sudden change in her "girlfriend". "Do you want me to give yo-"
"No no, I know the way! I'll call a cab!"
Before she opened the metal door leading downstairs, Raleigh spoke again.
"You sure, you're okay though? Did I say something wrong? About the-"
Rachel stopped and slightly turned her head.
"No, of course not. It's just...my silly little head that keeps forgetting things. How things go. Buenas noches, Raleigh"
That said she speed up down the stairs and only the echo of the door resounded on the rooftop, "their place", before the other woman could say goodnight back.
Something doesn't add up, Raleigh thought, still struggling to make a sense of the last few minutes. What did I-
Then her eyes fell on the purple guitar she gave Rachel sitting not far from the wooden bench. Dorian jealously kept her ever since the first day they met. She wore it on every show, even in the music video they filmed together. She even caught her smiling down at it as she strummed a new melody. She really made her happy with her guitar: Rachel would never go anywhere without it, even the press noticed...and now it was there. Did she forget?
"Oh crap!" Raleigh sprinted to the staircases and opened the door, calling her name.
"Rachel hold on, your guitar! Rachel!"
But her words were welcomed by silence only.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
ooooh i'd love to hear G, I, J, and M for the ask meme! (I also want to ask about K but i'm genuinely afraid for the answer)
BLESS YOU it was so sweet of u to send me this many
G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?
as a rule i don’t do crack exactly but my favorite funny fic is…from marvel, and It’s The One About The Cow. if you were even vaguely into the fanfic scene post winter soldier, i promise you have read it. here it is. the author sure does have a way with words, i wonder whatever happened to her
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
i do but i don’t know what to call it or how to describe it. in fanfic there seems to be like…a tag for every genre/trope but there is not one for mine! but anything that’s like really super emotionally intense or fraught without being out of character or turning someone into a woobie - for instance, a demon and a hunter fall in love despite the fact that they should hate and fear one another, or a werewolf and a hunter, or a mage and someone who abhors magic, or a sorcerer and a king who banned sorcery…i just listed like half of my otps i’ve ever had and i still haven’t gotten it across quite right, but you get the idea. i love Heavy Shit and Exploration Of Trauma and Reluctant Emotional Vulnerability. sometimes people tag this with hurt/comfort but as a rule i really hate h/c particularly because of woobism so ??? what’s the tag for that, no one knows 
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic]. + K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
im gonna cheat a little and combine these two because the best alternate idea & angstiest idea are the same one. it’s the au for cambion in which jesse does in fact ditch ben and claire at the roadhouse and never sees them again and sam and dean stay in purgatory for all 50 years, eventually coming back to bobby’s to find an aged ben and claire still living there, married, having never expected to see them again. i have a post about it here but here’s an excerpt: 
it’s just ben there alone. and he’s MOVED ON, he’s given up on this, he’s accepted he’ll never know why or how, and he’ll never see them again, and he grew up and he did good without them, and suddenly they’re HERE, and this old man all arthritic and wrinkled with age is a little bit sixteen again
just a guy who really, really missed his dad
dean, just like in cambion, doesn’t recognize him right off, it’s not until the rib-crushing hug and “dean, it’s me” that he understands who it is and hugs him back, this old man he knew as a boy, ben braeden, who is now older than his father
this jumped to my mind IMMEDIATELY - i don’t think i will ever come up with an idea worse than this even if i live to be 99 years old. jesus fucking christ, imagine being older than your own father
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
SOOOOO FUCKIN MANY ok here’s a list
(abandoned, outlined but w/ no intention to write it) a shadowhunters fic in which alec learns to be a better boyfriend, because i think he’s a bad one, abandoned in a fit of rage upon viewing season 3
(abandoned, outlined but w/ no intention to write it) the episode of spn where john comes back except actually taking the child abuse into account and also the real castiel is there, abandoned after they murdered my MOM mary winchester in cold blood
i have an Original Novel that i’m quite excited about. i’m not planning on showing it to anyone or attempting to get it published or anything like that because then i’m allowed to do whatever i want to do with no pressure as a means i actually teaching myself to write something from scratch…it’s still all outlines at this point but i LOVE working on it
i have been meaning to write a dragon age fic for dorian/cullen for YEARS because when you like rarepairs you gotta do it yourself but i just keep having other things to do first
similarly, the very first fanfic i ever wrote was a novelization of the legend of zelda: ocarina of time for the n64, and it has always been a very dear wish of mine to go back and rewrite it someday with my grownup liz skills, but i don’t have time/energy to prioritize it, rip
in the same vein i would really kind of like to do a dishonored 1 novelization one day…idk, i think it could be fun, although my interpretation of corvo is probably not as close to the canon one
i really would very much like to finish my detroit become twink fanfic…every time i read it i remember how excited i was about it & how close i was to the end. i just got wrapped up in other stuff and then lost my ability to write
i have a teen wolf fic about my secret rarepair written entirely from outside pov and the pov character is scott. im having a tough time bc im not good at humor fics but that was what i was working on before i left for florida
envesseled. thats been a BARREL of laughs and not at all emotionally taxing
since i didn’t have enough to do i may have uh…turned one of these things here into…a proper outline…for…a show i happen to be watching…will i finish it? will i post it to allow human eyes to view it? only time will tell
(FANFIC MEME, pls send me questions)
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My Top Ships 2018
I really enjoyed writing this article last year. So here we go again. Check out my favorite ships from movies and TV this year. 
12. The Goldbergs-Erica and Geoff
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The Goldbergs has been one of my favorite sitcoms for a couple of years now and I have loved watching the development of Erica and Geoff’s relationship from a simple high school crush, to Erica discovering her feelings, to them now in the current season feeling like an old married couple at times. While they may still have their ups and downs I love how they are always there for one another and they are just adorable. Hope they’re in it for the long run like Geoff assumes they will be!
11. Throne of Glass-Chaol and Celaena 
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At the beginning of 2018 I started reading Sarah J. Maas’ fantasy novel Throne of Glass. Instantly I could see the love triangle emerge between the assassin Celaena, the crown prince Dorian and the head of the king’s guard Chaol. While book one looked more like Celaena and Dorian would be together I always held out hope for the latter. And then I read Crown of Midnight! That book was one of my overall favorites and I got to watch this relationship form. It was beautiful and then everything blew up. I started the third book in the series and was instantly disappointed because it felt like an entirely new series. So while I have stopped reading it since then Chaol and Celaena will forever be one of my favorite ships. 
10. Supergirl-Kara and Mon-El
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Mon-El returned to Supergirl last season and while Karamel was apart for the majority of the season viewers got to see a more mature Mon-El. There has always been much debate over his character as well as his relationship with Kara, but I have always been a fan of the Daxamite. In this season he returned to the present from the future where he was a part of the Legion of Superheroes and he was married. Kara, still recovering from the aftermath of season two, was thrilled to see him, but much had changed. While moments of this season were aggravating the two still had some great chemistry on screen. It was still very clear of their feelings for one another, but yet again Mon-El had to leave. This time taking Winn with him (which is a rant for another day). So while they might not have a future this is another ship that will always be one of my favorites. 
9. Victoria-Lord Alfred and Drummond
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This ship instantly pulled my heart strings and ultimately (SPOILER ALERT) crushed my soul. Lord Alfred and Edward Drummond’s relationship started in season one of Victoria, but truly got its own story line in season 2. As expected in this masterpiece drama there were twists and turns that kept this couple part. Given the time period two men could not be together and Drummond was engaged to be married to a woman. But what none of us saw coming was his death. I still cannot believe it. He will be truly missed in the newest season which will air in the new year. 
8. Anne with an E-Anne and Gilbert
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Netflix’s Anne with an E returned with a second season this year and we were blessed with more Shirbert moments between Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. While the beginning of this season saw Gilbert at sea (going off from L.M. Montgomery’s novel), there were still some great moments between the two characters from Anne writing him letters about the “gold,” to Gilbert not noticing her hair and letting her know it was good to see her. And who could forget this important moment (above) from the finale. Fortunately for us the series has just gotten picked up for a third season. I cannot wait to see what’s in store next!
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7. Daredevil-Matt and Karen
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While against popular ships I found myself shipping Matt Murdock and Karen Page hard as I began season 1 of Daredevil this past spring. In season 1 I took every moment I could get between the two of them and then I was a little too excited when they got “together” in season 2. While it didn’t end well for the two of them there were some really great moments I find myself reliving on YouTube. I have not watched season 3 yet (mainly because I want to continue to watch the Marvel Netflix shows in order and I have only just finished The Defenders). With the recent news of the show being cancelled I can only hope these two end on good terms. (Even if it is not romantically as I may hope. Please no spoilers.)
6. Set it Up-Harper and Charlie
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This romantic comedy quickly made its way into my heart and into my top 10 favorite movies (I KNOW). This is all thanks to its lead characters Harper and Charlie. These two assistants were witty, relatable and just had an overall great chemistry that I am upset they are not together in real life. I have honestly watched this movie far too many times and each time my love for this ship gets stronger. I feel like the movie ends too quick because I want to know more about what happens to them. It might ruin it but would it be too much to ask for a sequel, Netflix?? 
5. Legacies-All of them
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Okay, so by saying ALL OF THEM I don’t think I’m necessarily cheating. This show is still in its beginning and still establishing itself. They are still finding their ships and we are discovering the characters. But I have to say I like so many of them that it’s hard to choose just one pairing. Julie Plec has done a FANTASTIC job of having a lot of her major cast interact with one another and they each bring out something different in one another’s characters. One day I’m shipping Hope and Josie and the next I like Hope and Raphael. You can really tell good writing and characters when you can like so many different combinations and not feel mad about it. If you aren’t watching Legacies make sure to tune into the CW because you are missing out. 
4. The Originals-Klaus and Caroline
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Yes, you did see this ship on my list from last year and that is because Klaus and Caroline are one of my top OTPs. I was excited to see Klaus on the Vampire Diaries so it is no surprise that I was beyond excited to hear of Caroline coming to the Originals in its final season. It was great to see the pair in the same room again. They were both parents now and had grown so much. Every time they recognized that in each other I got chills. So [SPOILER ALERT] while Klaus “had to die” I am extremely glad that he and Caroline got closure for their ship. In a way they were endgame and as a Klaroline fan, always and forever, that’s all a girl could ask for. 
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3. Dawson’s Creek-Pacey and Joey
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Dawson’s Creek was my summer binge this year. I wanted something “retro” that was just about regular teens (no superhero powers or magic). Going into this show I obviously knew a good amount of spoilers seeing as how it started in the late 90s, so I knew that Pacey Witter and Joey Potter would eventually become a couple. I now just had to wait for the when...and while at times it might have felt excruciating, I took any and all moments between the two characters (even before season 3 when things really get set into motion). There is just something so great about a ship between two characters who “hated” each others guts and tease each other constantly. It was well worth the wait because these two have become one of my favorite all time ships. While I am permanently paused on season four (pre their first break up) I have watched a bunch of spoiler videos to know that these two wind up together, which warms the heart. 
2. Brooklyn Nine-Nine-Amy and Jake
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While looking for a new TV show to watch earlier this year it was suggested to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (Only once I started binge-watching the show did it get cancelled and then thankfully renewed by NBC.) What a great choice it was to start watching this show. The void that was left by The Office and Parks and Rec was instantly filled by this sitcom. The characters and story-lines were hilarious and of course I couldn’t help but fall in love with the slow-burn of Amy and Jake. Again due to spoilers of coming into a show that already exists I knew the two would wind up together, but it was still so great to be a part of. The two are adorable and while the story line does not always revolve around their relationship you know they are still together by a quick line they say in a scene or two. They are just so right for each other. Right now I am catching up on season 5 (about mid-way right now) and I cannot wait to watch the next season premiering in January. So excited to see where their relationship is headed.
1. THE 100-Bellamy and Clarke 
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That’s right last year’s number 2 became my number 1 in 2018! While separated for 6 years with Clarke on the ground and Bellamy in the sky the two found their way back to one another. You could definitely feel the tension between the two, which made complete sense after all their time apart but there was still something that brought them back together. My heart still melts when Bellamy finds out that Clarke is alive from Madi and seeing Clarke’s face when Bellamy tells Diyoza that she matters. This ship is the slowest burn of my life and while Jason Rothenberg may still claim that the two will never be (and that we should read the books for that) this latest season gave us Bellarke fans a reason to hope. From Octavia calling out Bellamy’s feelings and saving the traitor who he loves (OMG) to Clarke’s looks every time Bellamy and Echo were embracing. They are the first two to wake up out of the pods and meet Harper and Monty’s son. They are deeply connected and I can only hope for moments like this next season. For now I’ll just re-watch my favorite to hold me over (and that includes Bob and Eliza’s SDCC interviews which were adorable). 
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 Here’s to another year. Cannot wait to see what is in store for 2019!!
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sueboohscorner · 5 years
#Legacies Season One Recap
Okay, everyone. Let’s talk Legacies. It differs so much from TVD and The Originals, that much is clear. It seems that Julie Plec is going back to her old ways, and trying to market to a younger crowd, much like in TVD…but maybe for an even younger crowd. Since I have so much love for the TVD universe, I have to give my all to Legacies. I’m not crazy about it and it’s not my favorite – but given my love for all things Mikaelson, I will keep on with this series until it ends. 
So, this series is focused around Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner’s daughter, the infamous tribrid, Hope Mikaelson. Now, where we left off after season 5 of The Originals. Hope triggered her werewolf side, and to survive her first transition after she consumed all of the Hollow, Klaus had to absorb the dark magic and dispose of it…the only way possible (or at least, quickly) and that was for Klaus to take it in, and then kill himself to save his daughter. Elijah joined him, as this was the only thing he ever wanted for Klaus, his redemption. I say that, and Julie would probably say that as well, but I would say that another reason (maybe not as big) Elijah simply couldn’t cope with aiding in his one true love’s death. I for one don’t like that Julie felt the need to kill Hayley.
I understand that it was almost “necessary” for character development, and a possible explanation why Hayley or Klaus would not appear in Legacies and let’s face it Mikaelsons or whoever they love/are involved with usually end up dead, so maybe Julie was just keeping up with the tradition. I still remember when it was leaked that Hayley was going to die in season five, and I honestly thought that because it leaked before filming was finished/aired, that Julie would change her mind, but she kept it in. At the end of the day, I suppose I do get it because there’s nothing like loss and darkness (albeit tremendous loss) that shapes a character, especially a Mikaelson.
 In season one, they had an interesting “schedule”. Each week, there was another “monster” that came to the school to wreak havoc on everyone. If I remember correctly, there was a genie, a unicorn who carried mind-controlling slugs, a dragon, a mummy, a giant spider, a gorgon, a weird fish monster, a human tree, the Necromancer….annnnd I think that’s it. All of the monsters seem pedestrian, but it’s still cool to see Hope and the others fighting them.
They all have a very interesting dynamic. There’s Alaric, MG, Kaleb, Josie, Lizzie, Penelope, Dorian, Landon, Rafael, and Hope. Caroline is still mysteriously missing, but we’ll get to that later. Now, as we all know, Hope is a tribrid. Lizzie and Josie are both siphoner witches, Rafael is a werewolf, Kaleb and MG are vampires, and Penelope is a witch. Landon, we found out towards the end of the season is…a phoenix? Nothing has been talked about in terrible detail (yet) and we don’t know what his powers/abilities are other than when killed, he bursts into flames and comes back to life. 
We find out the big baddie in this season is a creature called Malivore. Centuries ago, a witch, a vampire, and a werewolf banded together to wipe out supernatural beings (I’m assuming except vampires, witches, and werewolves) by creating a creature called Malivore. These beings, “monsters”, would terrorize villages (dragons, for example) and Malivore would deal with them. Malivore consumes them, and when he/it does, something strange happens – they are completely wiped from the collective conscience…so it’s like they never existed, which I guess explains why The Originals never knew anything about them. Once a certain artifact was ”activated” all of these monsters were drawn to the school to take it, and return it to Malivore. So, each week when a new monster arrived at the school, they would all have some sort of connection to the artifact, or…one of them. It’s all very interesting. A bit juvenile, but interesting nonetheless. 
Now, a common question is, where the hell is Caroline? Last time it was addressed, Caroline was out in the world looking for information about the Merge. This doesn't quite hold up – unless a certain someone would be returning, Kai. Now, think about it. The entire Gemini coven was killed at Alaric’s wedding in TVD. Why would the twins even need to merge? I have a feeling that one of them is going to end up going up against Kai. I also have another theory. Candace is done playing Caroline. This means…pretty much only one thing. They can’t keep her away indefinitely saying she’s looking for more information on the Merge, and I don’t think she would just give up her position at the school, so I think that Julie will eventually kill her. Now, she MAY end up appearing in season 2. Lizzie has spent time with her over break, and Candace was also on a Legacies season 2 panel at Comic-Con. So…we’ll see. It’s also been revealed that a Mikaelson will be making an appearance, and it will be none other than Riley Voelkel who played Freya Mikaelson. Now, at the end of Legacies season 1, Hope sacrifices herself to Malivore, thinking that the only way to destroy it/him is her, being that he was created by a witch, vampire, and werewolf, and she is all three. That’s where Hope will be forgotten, and that will extend even to her family. So, we will see what happens! Legacies return October 10thon the CW. Come back here for a recap on the new season! 
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nomattertheoceans · 6 years
My thoughts on Kingdom of Ash
Ok I just finished the book (and yes, I slept no more than 5 hours since Friday night, but hey, what are you gonna do?) so all my thoughts may still be a bit raw, but I need to talk about all of it!!!! All of this will be extremely random though.
Ok so first of all, thank you thank you thank you Sarah J Maas for giving us once again a very well crafted story that satisfied me so much, that allowed us closure for every storyline and character arc established in the books. I loved every second of it.
So, where to start?
Lysandra disguising as Aelin: Ever since the end of Empire of Storms, I knew it wouldn't work, and it was likely to fall apart at the first battle because of Aelin's power (and the lack of it in Lysandra), and I was hoping Maas wouldn't find a weird reason for it to hold when it was destined to fail. She didn't, and the disbelief and betrayal the soldiers felt was very realistic and very sad.
Speaking of Lysandra: her relationship with Aedion was... I have very mixed feelings about it. I'm very glad of how it developed (honestly I never saw much development between them before so that felt good). Aedion was... such an ass. Like, I get he's pissed and all, but come on, you don't throw someone naked in the snow because they lied at you, that was such a dick move. But this allowed for a development I loved, the dynamic between them throughout the book: Aedion being an ass even though Lysandra tries to explain, then he realizing how wrong he was and going to her, and then her being all "are you kidding?" And refusing him because he was such a dick. I loved it, Lysandra held on to her pride and didn't crawl back to him the second he wanted her to. Instead they rebuilt a mutual trust together. So in the end I managed to be happy about their love, and I know I wouldn't have been if she'd accepted his first apology, because he wasn’t worthy of her affection at that point.
Aelin in the coffin: ugh every second of this broke my heart, it was awful all along.... the idea of her suffering so much that they had to rebuild her body was... oh everything was horrible. The worst, I think, was when Maeve told her Rowan had been spotted in Terrasen, and Aelin admitted to herself that she'd hoped he would come for her. I literally was talking to my book going "noooo he's coming, don't lose hope!" It was so painful. But the way they freed her was amazing, the fact that their plan allowed her to free herself at first and then they helped her, all this was the best way it could’ve happened. Also, the scene where she yelled to take off the mask and the chains was... again heartbreaking but necessary I think.
Her relationship with Fenrys was EVERYTHING. The fact that they supported each other for all this time, the bond it built between them through their trauma, I loved it all. The scene in the cave when they say they'll be here to listen if the other needs to talk about it, it was great. Also, I loved the fact that it helped them in the end, with her helping Fenrys against Maeve. Amazing, all of it. And Rown wasn’t jealous or anything (maybe a bit hurt at first because he thought Aelin might not want him again, but then it got resolved quickly enough to not ruin anything).
Rowaelin. Oh these two gave me ALL THE FEELS. At first when Rowan is low-key afraid that Maeve broke their relationship, but then Aelin gives him the wedding bands 😍. And then their entire conversation about Lyria and the mating bond was perfectly crafted. But oh my god did my heart break when Aelin was on the verge of dying and Rowan felt the mating bond slowly disappear... awful. I loved it haha. Rowaelin always made me feel a lot, and this book was no different.
I have too many thoughts honestly, I might forget a lot xD
Aelin losing her scars and then later her human body was so sad.... Rowan describes her as haunted and it's heartbreaking.
I can't remember in which chapter it was, but can we agree that we had a scene where Fenrys describes being raped by Maeve whilst his brother’s blood was still on the ground? It wasn't that explicit, and I can't remember when exactly it was, but it was awful and made me cry.
Oh and I don't understand how Dorian's shape-shifting power works? Like, Lysandra always swaps back naked, but he somehow manages to keep his clothes and his sword and all? I don't get it. Maybe I missed some kind of information?
The wave of power in Anielle: I loved the whole scene, Aelin's power was amazing (I saw it coming from far away but it was still good. I'm generally surprised by Maas' twists but this one I knew was going to happen ^^)
Oh Anielle makes me think of my lovable married couple chaorene: the pregnancy thing was... very cliche, but I didn't mind it. I want them to be happy and hey, if they're happy with getting married and having a kid this fast, I'm fine with it. I'm a sucker for fluff anyway so I loved it even if it was cliche 😂 I was low-key terrified that they would survived but she would lose the child somehow... thank God that didn't happen!
Another thing I'm once again very happy with one of Maas’ books: she is not shy around the idea of her characters having healthy, enjoyable, sexual relationships. In this book, I loved the way she described Manon and Dorian in particular. Throughout the whole first part, they sleep together just because they want to, they're not in love, they're not involved in any other manner, but they enjoy each other and they both want it, so yeah, they have sex and nobody blames them or demands they be more "serious." It's great.
Dorian deceiving Maeve so easily was soooo satisfying XD
The King of Adarlan being able to replace his son because he'd been cursed to forgot his name was a bit... far-fetched? But it allowed to save Dorian's life so I'm not complaining ^^
Aelin trying to exchange Elena against Erawan annoyed me. I know we're probably supposed to consider it this grand noble gesture but... Come on, Elena died literally a thousand years ago, and destroying Erawan has the potential to destroy his whole army (and as we see in the end, it does), so no, saving Elena's soul was not a good idea from Aelin's part. And we don't know if the Gods wouldn't have betrayed her anyway and not upheld their end of the bargain even if she hadn’t asked for it, but I totally get why the khagan royals are mad at her. It was a reckless move and she's very lucky it ended well after this particularly bad decision.
Completely change of subject, but.... Nox was back!!!! I'm so glad we got to see him again even if it was a small role!! Great callback to the first book!
Speaking of cameos..... Feysand!!! I loooooved it  XD Mainly because I’m in love with every little mention of Feysand because they’re perfect  😍 But also because it definitely disproves any possibility of their story happening in the same world but at different times. I never very much liked these theories personally. But the idea of them in different worlds connected was so good. Plus, it gave me this new headcanon that maybe this happened during Starfall in the Night Court, and that the spirits might be indeed travelling like Aelin was in that case. There’s no evidenceof this but I love the idea (and it would strenghten the reaon why Amren prefers to stay alone during Starfall...), so I’m keeping it ^^
Manon once again was amazing. Her character proves once more that she's not perfect, she's willing to sacrifice some witches to gain their trust, but she still grew into a better person in the end and she does manage to reunite the clans. She learns to feel even more than in the previous books and I love it. Her letting Dorian hold her and telling him that she misses the Thirteen was a perfect moment of sadness.
I kind of knew some of the Thirteen would die but.... all of them?!?! I cried during the whole thing.... All of them looking at one another, Asterin smiling and saying goodbye, the collective yelding while Manon shouts for them from the city, and then the whole homage... all of this was so emotional....
I was also very sad when Gavriel died.... less emotional in a way because we know he died proud of his son and happy that Aedion accepted him, but ugh still so horrible when you understand he's sacrificing himself.... right in the feels :(
On a happier note, this book was so full of love, it was like an giant balm to my heart. Chaorene are the sweetest; Rowaelin are the most intense and perfect couple; Lysaedion were just the right amount of angst I need, with Lysandra being a badass; Nestaq was awesome through and through. I'm glad Manorian didn't exactly go canon in the end, the future is open for the both of them and I love it. Elorcan... I never cared much about their relationship so I would have been fine if it had been only left as a possibility, but hey, I'm still glad they found each other in the end.
Yrene is such a great character. She's soft, she loves her husband very much and needs him when she's afraid, she's very happy to be having a baby and to build a home for her family. And yet she's an amazing healer, she's not easily afraid, she's strong and willing to risk her life for the greater good. And those characteristics are not in contradiction to one another, they fit perfectly well. I love her, I think she might be my new favorite character.
Chaol telling her "Go save the world, Yrene" gave me life. Before the release of the book, I saw a lot of posts criticizing Chaol, people being sure he would ressent her for taking away his ability to walk when she worked, and not wanting her to risk her life. Those posts annoyed me a lot because Chaol is (was haha now it's his wife) my favorite character, and though he deserves a lot of criticism, I feel like a lot of people hate on him for no good reason, and will take the opportunity to hate on his character even if it forces them to criticize things completely out of character for him. And him resenting his wife or prohibiting her to do anything would have been so out of character. Anyway, I'm glad Maas included this awesome line for them!!!
Also, the two Valg royals being killed by the powers of the healers was amazing. But I was glad Fenrys got the first blow at Maeve. God knows he deserves it.
Ok I'm going to stop here I think. I'm sure I forgot a looooot more but I can't remember everything ^^
EDIT because I already have more to say xD
Dorian mourning Sorcha was so on point, it felt strange to me that he seemed to not think about her in EoS but his grief in this book was very well written.
And also
The scene at the end with only Dorian, Chaol and Aelin. THAT was perfect.
Overall, I'm very, very happy with this book. The happy ending was just amazing, it made me so happy myself (and honestly that's all I'm looking for in a book, to all the characters to get their HEA after all their sufferings). Some small points gave me mixed feelings but honestly, the rest was so satisfying that I don't even mind.
I loved it.
Don't hesitate to tell me what you thought, I want to talk about this book so much!!!! I would love to hear what you all thought so if you want to write to me about it (by ask or by message) I will be thrilled!!!!
If you want to read my other thoughts on stuff
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In-Character Interview
1. Choose a character
2. Answer as them
3. Tag 5 people!
I consider myself tagged by @allisondraste because yes.
I will probably be returning to this later on because, honestly... I have too many OCs and love to talk about them all.
I’ll tag: Uhhhhhh I don’t actually know how tagging works?? (RIP me). An also I feel like I’m so late to this that everyone has done this already, so... I’ll tag whoever wants to be tagged! Because honestly that’s how I ended up doing this so might as well, right? Spread the OC love! <3
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Elisse Cousland is up first~!
What is your name?
"Elissora Eleanor Valerie Margaret Cousland! Or, um, Elisse for short. Yes, Elisse will do just fine! Honestly...”
Do you know why you are named that?
"Father had a penchant for overly long and complicated names, I suppose? I do notknow, to be honest. Fergus likes to tease that he, Aedan, and I were all named this way so our first initials spell FAE, but... That cannot be true, right? Right?”
Are you single or taken?
"Umm both? Maybe? I am uncertain. It’s... a tad strange, being in a relationship with a spirit-- Ah, former spirit, sorry Cole! Still, I would not trade him for the world. Whatever the state of our relationship, I am quite content with it.”
Have any abilities or powers?
"I can shoot really well! It’s funny, I picked up a bow after the whole ordeal with Arl Howe because it reminded me of Mother, but after a while I felt... empowered? Yes, that is the word. It feels good to be able to protect yourself for a change, and protect others, too. I will not be a child in need of a rescue again.”
Stop being a Mary Sue!
"Why, I would never! What has Mary done to you, anyhow!? You leave her alone this instant! If you have a bone to pick with me, that is one matter, but I will not have you dragging some poor girl’s name through the mud! Humph!”
What’s your eye color?
"Blue. Mother used to say that mine looked like a calm midsummer lake, while Aedan’s looked like ice. ...Fergus has brown eyes. Teehee.”
How about your hair color?
"Hazel brown, thank you very much! All Couslands are brunettes, though I happen to have the lightest shade of hair between my siblings. Too much time spent in the sun, Mother used to say.”
Have any family members?
"Plenty! Is... what I would like to say, but at this point... It’s just Fergus and me. He’s doing rather well with his new wife, so maybe there will be more little Couslands running around soon? It would be lovely to hear children’s laughter in the old castle.”
How about pets?
"Leo offered to give me Aedan’s old Mabari, Pup, but somehow that doesn’t feel right. He chose her as his new master, you know? I wouldn’t want to break that bond. But she did promise me a puppy as soon as the new litter is born, so hopefully someday soon!”
That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
"Tight spaces. Dungeons. Fire... Those things bring back some bad memories. I’m sorry.
Also, Queen Anora. I really, really hate Anora. Humph.”
Do you have any hobbies/activities that you like to do?
"I practice my archery skills quite often. Sometimes Sera and Varric join me, and Mahariel showed me a few neat tricks that one time. Other than that... Pulling pranks with Sera is quite a bit of fun, though it does get us into trouble a lot... I spend much of the remaining time in the infirmary. I may not have magic, but my first aid skills have improved considerably since I joined the Inquisition.”
Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before?
"I... hope not. I’ve tried my very best to leave no reason for anyone to be upset with me, and yet... I am certain there is someone, somewhere, who was hurt by something I - or the Inquisition - have hurt. Inquisitor Adaar says it’s unavoidable, but still, it’s not a pleasant thought.”
Ever…killed anyone before?
"Yes. Out of necessity only, and never out of selfishness or greed. I will not allow myself to sink to the level of Howe and his men.”
What kind of animal are you?
"A hawk. Aim far, strike fast, spread your wings and fly away from things that hurt you.”
Name your worst habits.
"I, uh, may stick my nose where it does not belong... I just can’t help it! What if someone is hurting and I don’t know about it? What if someone is upset at me!?”
Do you look up to anyone at all?
"Oh, plenty of people, of course. I am still young, still inexperienced, and thus I have much to learn from people greater than me. My parents and my brothers were my greatest source of inspiration growing up - and still are, in many ways. Warden-Commander Amell is another, and so is Inquisitor Adaar, and the Hawke twins, and Lady Vivienne, and Dorian, and... Oh, but I’m rambling, am I not. Sorry.”
Are you straight, gay, or bisexual?
"Neither. I am proudly asexual, thank you very much. After everything that happened to me in Howe’s dungeon... I think I would prefer to relationships of the mind and soul, and not the body.”
Did you attend school?
"When I was a girl, I was taught by Aldous, the old historian in my parents’ employ. After the Blight, Cousland sent me on an exchange program to a girls’ school in Orlais. The education was... decent, but the company rather horrid. They thought me strange when I refused to wear a mask and went out to practice my archery! Hmph! Stuck-up aristocrats!”
Ever want to marry and have kids some day?
"That’s... I know it’s expected, me being a noble and all, and if Fergus cannot produce an heir then it will be up to me to fill that role, but... I would rather not. Have kids, that is. At least not at this time. There is too much turmoil in the world, and I would not want my children to suffer the way my brothers and I did simply because the world is not a kind place. As for marriage... Maybe, someday. I admit, the thought of walking down the aisle in a while gown does make my stomach fill with butterflies...”
Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
"Do supporters of the Inquisition count? I know those are not strictly mine - if anything, they cheer most for Inquisitor Adaar and Felandris - but still. I have received several offers of marriage recently, but those hardly count, no?”
What are you most afraid of?
"Sometimes I think that this is all a dream. That one day I will open my eyes and I’m a little girl again, alone in Howe’s dungeon. Except this time, Leo doesn’t come barging in through the door to rescue me, and my brother doesn’t kill the Archdemon, and I will just die in that dungeon, without anyone ever knowing where I am or what became of me...”
What do you usually wear?
"If there is anything good about Orlais, it’s their scout uniform. It’s so sleek and yet so practical!”
What is one food that tempts you?
"I would die for just one more taste of Nan’s home-cooked pig roast. No one makes it quite like she used to.”
Am I annoying you?
“No, of course not! What would make you think such a thing?”
Well it’s still not over!
"I’m ready and willing to answer all your questions!”
What class are you (low/middle/high)?
"Technically, the second highest after the King and Queen. The Cousland family is quite renowned, and quite close to the Crown, after all. Especially after all Aedan did to save Ferelden from the Blight. We live in a castle, we have servants - all the typical assets of a noble family.
“But as for myself, I would like to think I can live a middle-class lifestyle quite well. I don’t much care for the fanfare and ceremony of the upper class. Especially the Orlesian upper class. Ugh.”
How many friends do you have?
"Good question... Does the entire Inquisition count? They are all such good people, and they have been so kind to me this entire while... And of course there’s Leo, and Alistair-- er, King Alistair, and all of Leo’s Warden recruits, and... even Teyrn Loghain, I suppose. Okay, I know he supported Howe and what he did to my family, but still... He died a hero. And that’s what counts. Aedan believed in him, I think, so I will too.”
What are your thoughts on pie?
"Mmm, pie... Oh, dear me, I didn’t mean to drool!”
Favorite drink?
“Lemonade! It’s so refreshing in the scorching heat of summer.”
What’s your favorite place?
"Back in the day, there was this tree in the back of Highever Castle. The branches up high were bent in a weird way, almost like shelves. I used to climb up there and watch the servants scurry around trying to find me for hours. Aedan was the only other person who knew about how I hid up there, and he used to sneak me snacks and random things to play with. It was almost a second room to me.
“Nowadays, I like to sit on the roof of Haven. Watching the Inquisition members from up there is just as entertaining. Aedan is gone, of course, but... Sera and Cole bring me snacks now.”
Are you interested in anyone?
"W-Well, I...! Maybe...? It’s... quite complicated, but... A-Ahem, might we change the topic, please?”
That was a stupid question…
"Aww, don’t feel bad! It was a cute question! i’m just... not good with being caught off-guard, you know?”
Would you rather swim in the lake or an ocean?
"A lake. I’ve done so quite a few times when visiting Redcliffe, too! The ocean, on the other hand, looks quite terrifying, and far too deep for me to ever hope to find a foothold. What if it carries me off? I am quite fit, but not to the point of being able to swim for days!”
What’s your type?
"The slim kind with feathers at the tip to silence its movement through the air! You look confused. We are talking about types of arrow, aren’t we?”
Any fetishes?
"Nope. End of topic.”
Camping or outdoors?
"What fun! I can run around outside for hours! Or, at least, until I trip over something, or a branch whacks me in the face... But I do love to camp.”
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