#dootle bin
blairbeau · 8 months
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The Hazbin hotel finale Hazbin’d me so hard I have brain rot now fckin thanks viv
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norcumii · 5 years
Tag Game
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people
tagged by @cuzosu-blog
Nickname: just Norcumi
zodiac: Sagittarius
height: 5′2″
last movie i saw: Captain Marvel (loved it!!!) was the last thing I saw in theaters. I think the last thing I was poking on Netflix was The Mummy Returns?
last thing i googled: “CT tax code change” because I might’ve been doing taxes
fave musician: No way I can pick just one. Current music I’m hitting hard: Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park, The Score, TMBG, Panic! At The Disco
song stuck in my head:  Linkin Park’s Nobody Can Save Me (thanks, Crack!Vader)
other blogs: I’m over on dreamwidth and pillowfort, though I keep not having enough oomph to update them. Technically I’ve got a DA account I can’t recall the last time I used.
Followers: ...you know what, I’m gonna break my own habits. Back before it got deleted, I somehow, gods alone know how, hit 1519. Y’all blow my mind. Nowadays it’s hovering around 350, which ALSO stuns me and makes me want to wibble and hug anyone who wants hugs (all in a good way).
following: 42
amount of sleep: never enough. Maybe average of 6, 7 hours?
lucky number: don’t really have one
dream job: I...don’t have any idea anymore.
what i’m wearing: jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt, fuzzy vest, and boots-what-keep-my-feet-warm-unlike-the-(intentionally)-ridiculous-looking-fluffy-slippers-I-would-otherwise-wear
favorite food: sushi or McDonald’s french fries
can i play an instrument: Not really. I tried poking the piano as an independent learning thing in college (didn’t last long) and I dootled around on a recorder some but those classes got cut between the time my older brother took them and I got to the right grade. I’ve also been informed that I’m tone deaf, but given who said that, I dunno if that’s accurate or if the person was just being a dick (again).
Language: English. I putzed around with Latin in high school, and I love picking up random words in different languages when I encounter them often enough. One day I hope to learn Brazilian Portuguese, but I never seem to sit down and apply myself.
fave songs: uuuhhh – lessee what springs to mind immediately. TMBG’s Birdhouse In Your Soul, Pop/Stars, Walk Through The Fire, Still Alive (from Mirror’s Edge), Zombie. Ok, that’s a nice selection of stuff that I’ve been listening to a lot lately. I sincerely doubt you’re ever gonna get the same answer twice from me.
random fact: *searches around for something interesting* Hm. *rummages around in the storage bins* Uhh. *shrugs* I am fascinated by tattoos as a concept, but I am a wuss about pain and even more so about needles so it will prolly never happen. (As a consequence, I tend not to think about any tattoos characters might have. It just doesn’t even enter my brain most of the time.) If I did get one, it would probably be Jaig eyes on the upper left arm, because while I might not need the reminder now, back during the bad times it might have helped.
describe urself in aesthetic things: Warm cookies with bitter dark chocolate chips; a vague sense of hopeful melancholy; old plushies strewn on the couch, threadbare and lumpy and great for hugs; cool summer twilight, lakeside by a campfire after a long day of canoeing and long portages, bracketed by many stars and backs to comfy tents; a techno-gothic cathedral, lined with looming gargoyles and robots with sharp edges, containing softly lit stained-glass windows and comfortable nooks stocked with various media.
I have no idea if I did that right, but it was fun!
Tagging (no pressure as always): Anyone who wants to play!
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blairbeau · 6 months
Happy birthday my silly little clown slut <3
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blairbeau · 1 year
Major spoilers for 108, Fyodor is actually Lovecrafts son
Ft. Me fearing for my life that the narrative is going to erase Fyodor’s character depth by revealing him to be some ability or nonhuman being and having that justify and explain his actions; instead of just letting him be a human with complex dark psychological problems and maybeeee some religious trauma.
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My Fanon/personal headcanoned babygorl fedya is all I have right now man-
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blairbeau · 11 months
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Was a silly billy an watched digital circus, was a fun watch very nice. Like the vibe of the place and accidentally created a oc whilst procrastinating writing a college paper… ehhhhhhh
The greys look weirdly dark here, I’ll add to it later. She’s quite fun to draw.
Since I made her up on the fly I have no idea who she is. Whether human or another AI? Dunno, just that if she was in the show she’d probably be an emotional support to Pomni.
She can’t talk, she can only hum, fun gimmick she hums morse code but nobody knows morse code so they just guess what she’s saying. (In this doodle is not actual Morse code idk what she’s actually sayin)
She’s also kinda like that bubble guy, in that segments of her are semi clear. Those being her torso and skirt.
A goofy goober, give her nuggies when she’s sad, and the only way I can truly describe her is with a vine; (My name is ChakaOOFka and my dad knows god =D) Animatic coming soon~
Also her name is literally [] cuz I do not have any clue what to name her-
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blairbeau · 1 year
I submitted my gay clown fan art piece for a portfolio scholarship competition even though it said they recommend no fanart and properties the artist doesn’t own but it was one of my strongest pieces and even my admin counselor was like yeah that one, so now I’m thinking over my life choices because I have essentially given 5k in the hands of Gogol to see if he’ll make or break my submission
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