#door frame metal detector
cropark · 8 months
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A door frame metal detector is a security device commonly used in various settings such as airports, government buildings, schools, and other high-security locations. It is designed to detect the presence of metallic objects on a person passing through the door frame. https://www.novusapl.com/Door-Frame-Metal-Detectors-In-Security-Systems.php
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smartsafetyindia · 11 months
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🌟 Dussehra Special Offer! 🌟 Celebrate the festival of Dussehra with our exclusive offer on All Products ❗ Get 10% discount on All products till 24th Oct 2023. 👉Call Now For Enquiry ☎9205009768 Visit:- https://www.smartsafetyindia.in
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chloedecker0 · 1 year
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plushtechnologies · 2 years
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Input voltage 100V-240V, 50/60Hz Working temperature -20℃~+50℃ External Dimensions2220mm(H)*930mm(W)*760mm(D) Channel Dimensions2010mm(H)*760mm(W)*760mm(D) Package Dimensions2300mm(H)*335mm(W)*800mm(D) Gross weight70kg.
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Helloo! I was wondering if you would make a pregnant reader with hyunsu! Since you’ve done some breeding fics (which I love) if you can ofc. Hope you have a good day or night!
Cha Hyun Su x Pregnant fem!Reader (part 4 of the small imagine I made)
Genre: Slight romance
Warning: None
Small summary : it’s been a few weeks since the last time you and Hyun su had sex , you the start to feel sick in the mornings , not really thinking much of it as you pass it as a small flu … 3 months later and you started to notice your stomach has a small bump
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It’s been three months since you were last sexually intimate with Cha Hyun Su … but it’s been a month since you started to think you might be pregnant , you tried everything in you to think it was no way… but the more you thought the more you realized you didn’t use protection
Getting out of the small full sized bed you shared with Hyun su , as you decided to head to a small pharmacy, that was only a block or two away from the small house you were now living in , grabbing your mask off the nightstand besides the bed as you head out of the bed room , down the small hall towers the front entrance
Sliding your feet in your shoes that were sitting by the entrance, it was normally blocked off with the dresser that we kept by the door , but since Hyun Su and Ah-yo were both gone you left the dresser against the wall
Once your shoes were on turning as you grab your bag off the top of the dresser along with your book bag you kept by the door for when you made small runs
‘I got to get back quick, since I don’t know when Hyun su or Ah-yo will be back’ you thought as you quickly walk towards the front door , slowly twisting to door knob as you pull the door open , slowly peeking your head out the front door as you look to your left then to your right
Seeing that the coast was clear as you hurriedly step outside , quietly closing the door behind you as you turn left quietly but carefully walking down the streets of grumble
Softly biting down on the corner of your bottom lip as you become slightly nervous , eyes scanning your surroundings as you started to come to the corner for the block , or what was left of it
Peeking your head around the corner , looking both left and right , seeing no sign of any monster a you let out a small shaky breathe , slowly continuing straight as you got closer to the pharmacy
As you walk past a few abandoned stores , stepping across a dead body , covering your mouth with your left hand as your right hand kept a hold of you metal bat
As you feel your morning breakfast slowly creeping up your throat , turning as you lean against the nearest building , your right hand still holding in to your bat as your left hand hold on to the building keeping your balance as you vomit up anything you had
Using your sweater sleeve to wipe around your mouth , standing straight as you sit the bat down against the building as you take off you sweater, throwing it on the ground as you let out a annoyed groan , picking up your bat as you walk for the pharmacy which was luckily beside the building you vomited next to
Coming to a complete stop as you look inside the pharmacy, seeing that the glass door was shattered allowing any one or any thing to come in and out when they pleased
Once you knew the coast was clear , carefully easing your foot as you step over the door frame onto the shattered glass as it make a small but loud crunch sound as you full step inside , holding your bat tightly ready to hit anything if needed
Walking through the broken metal detectors , as you quickly head for the isles , making sure to keep a eye on your surroundings
Stepping in to the first isle closest to you as you look through the half empty shelves, seeing that you weren’t the feminine section , placing your bat against the shelf as you take your pin bag off your back , sliding open your zipper to the book bag
Grabbing the last three bottles of shampoo, two bottles of body wash , conditioner, the last remaining pack of deodorant, and the last bottle of lotion
Zipping your book bag half way as you place it back on your back , grabbing your metal bat as you head out of the isle waking down isles as you stopped at the isle that was labeled ‘household’
Walking into the isle as you grab the last three dry towels and wash towels, placing down your bag again against the shelves as you take off you book bag unzipping it all the way as you take the dry towels and wash towels placing them in you back pack, ‘seems I’m a bit lucky today’ you thought as you zip the back pack half way again , picking up your bat as you head to the food section
Seeing that there wasn’t really any food left as you grab the last two cans taking off one strap to the bag as you place them inside , zipping it closed as you put the strap back on your shoulder
Heading for the pregnancy/baby section as you notice the shelves were still full , walking towards the pregnancy test as you scan through the different brands, grabbing three of a random brand from the top and middle shelf , opening the pack as you take them out , putting them inside your pocket throwing the empty boxes on the ground as you head out of the isle back for the entrance ,once you were outside you quickly head back home
Quickly opening the front door as you step inside the small house , closing the door behind you as you place your bat near the entrance, taking off your shoes as you noticed Hyun su or Ah-yi weren’t home yet , but you had a feeling they were heading home since it was starting to get a bit dark out
Once your shoes were off you quickly head done the hall making a right as you open the small bathroom door , closing the door behind you as you head for the toilet quickly pulling down your shorts and panties , taking a seat as you take the test out of your pockets
Making sure to pee on each test , placing them on the counter as you quickly clean your self flushing the toilet once you were done as you waited a few minutes the test , slowly pacing back and forth slightly scared that they would be positive
Don’t get it wrong , you would be over joyed to have a baby with Hyun su .. but not like this , you would have to go every day worrying about your baby , on top of it all you don’t even know if the baby would be human or not
Letting out a soft sigh as you start to worry a bit thinking or all the pros and cons of the whole situation
After a few more minutes of waiting you slowly look at each test , breathe getting caught in your throat as your eyes become wide , placing a hand on your chest as you felt like you couldn’t breathe
There each test showed the same results, Positive, you were pregnant without a doubt as your eyes start to water a bit , hand covering your mouth to hold in your soft sobs
‘What if I’m a bad mother’
‘Would my baby even like me’
‘Will my baby be okay’
‘What if I can’t protect my baby’
There was now a million questions running through your mind as your fears start to slowly build, the only thing you knew would come out of this is the Hyun su would be happy to know his going to be a dad , and that brought you a bit of happiness
As you were so deep into your thoughts you didn’t know the bathroom door slowly opened, as Hyun su looks at you with worry noticing as hot tears run down you face
“B-Babe” Hyun Su says softly causing you to slowly turn to him , tears still streaming down you face as you give him a soft smile
“What wrong” Hyun su says as he slowly walks toward you stoping only a few centimeters away as his eyes start to scan over you stopping once they landed on your hands
Looking down at your hands as you forgot that you had one of the test in your had while the other two were still on the counter , watching as his hand reaches and takes the eyes from your hands , staring at the test not saying a word
Turing to face him as you start to become nervous , it’s been 5 minutes now and Hyun su still hasn’t responded, after a few seconds his head slowly raises, eyes now shining a bright blue as he stares you in your eyes
“Your pregnant.. aren’t you” Hyun su says voice now deeper then it was before as he stares you in you eyes , slowly nodding your head as ‘yes’ as he also key gives you a wide smile , picking you up in a quick motion as he lets out a scream of joy causing Ah-yo to quickly rush toward the bathroom , mittens now off her hands ready to attack any one that would harm the people she cared for , quickly calming down once she see a happy Hyun Su and slightly nervous but happy Reader , placing her mittens back on her hands as she watches you both
“What’s going on” Ah-yo says now looking between both you and Hyun su who wouldn’t release you from a tight hug
“I’m going to be dad” Hyun su says looking at Ah-yo with a huge smile
“Wait.. I’m.. going to have a …sibling” Ah-yi says slowly complete in shock as she processes it a bit more before running to both you and Hyun su with a huge smile , slight tears running down her face
“Thank you so much” Ah-yi says not letting go
“I love you Hyun su” you say now hugging Hyun su and Ah-yi
“And We love both you , Ah-yo and our unborn child” Hyun su says looking at you through the mirror as you look at Hyun su seeing that his eyes were now normal again
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burr-sting · 1 year
Augie initially thought she'd reached a park as she exited the shadow of an alley, but a looming stone building sitting at the far side of the green space made it pretty clear she was looking at a lawn. The building stood out, as opposed to another miscellaneous skyscraper, so Augie knew that whatever she had just passed was something the Gamemakers wanted the tributes to interact with. It made her nervous, but so far no buildings she'd seen had been dangerous in and of themselves - it was just certain elements. A guard cat-mutt or a freezer that locked from the outside. And Augie wouldn't mind a place to rest away from prying eyes - at least, prying eyes that weren't the cameras. Somehow, she'd almost forgotten the cameras.
Augie had to stop to catch her breath twice going up the far too many steps to the building't entrance, but when she got to the top, the doors were unlocked. The lobby inside was empty, just an empty desk and a metal detector. She needed to go through it to get any further into the building, and she didn't exactly feel hidden in the open lobby right by the door. She knew the drill from work - bag and shoes go around the side, she goes through the electronic frame. Easy peasy.
As Augie stepped through, she was thrown to her knees by the loudest noise she had heard in a very long time. An alarm. She'd set off an alarm. She scanned her body trying to figure out what could have possibly set it off - was it the wristband that tracked her vitals? Was there somehow a bobby pin in her hair left from her interview? No, there was no time to think about it. She had to move. Now.
But the further she stepped into the hallway the louder the alarm got. She tried to endure but when the sound got overwhelming, Augie changed tactics. She tried exiting back out the metal detector but that didn't work either, and the alarm was still blaring. There was no button when she checked the desk. The only way to go now was back out the doors, where every tribute in the Arena now knew someone was inside. Augie couldn't - there were too many steps and she would be too exposed, especially in her black suit against all the bright posters.
No, Augie had to wait it out. The alarm would have to stop sounding eventually, right? Augie hastily put her shoes back on, grabbed her bag, and threw herself under the desk. It was the obvious hiding spot, yes, but it was the only hiding spot. The noise was too much and she couldn't think straight. Augie was out of options.
@caspianfirth @alecta-beckwourth @masonxxbrick
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thesiriusmoon · 1 year
The interview
Summary: Bonnie Mcbride is a young girl with her heart set on becoming an FBI agent, and has successfully secured an interview with the head of the BAU for an assistants job.
Main characters: Bonnie McBride (OC), Aaron Hotchner.
Side characters: Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Jason Gideon, Penelope Garcia
Other: platonic, just for fun writing
Word count: 2k
The first of many things to come for this idea
Well the building was huge first and foremost. Her pencil skirt tight over her opaque tights, white blouse tucked neatly, and her blazer freshly ironed and still warm. Her emotional support book back over one arm.
For a year now, she was studying. Criminal justice. It was a piece of cake really. Every single word she read tattooed itself under her eyelids, there wasn’t a single thing she could forget. Which is how she’s ended up so far ahead so young. She couldn’t explain it. She skipped grades and was in college before she even knew it. All with one thing on her mind. Justice. Just as the course said. Not for any terrible reason however. She wanted to give her mother a life. One she was never able to grab for herself.
It was Bonnies deep secret. Her mother was a prostitute. Amongst other jobs here and there. She wanted to see her mother in a nice house rather than the shabby one they lived in right now. And with the money made from this assistant job she could really help!
So in she stepped and was blinded by how white everything was. So clean it was intimidating. She placed her bag through the metal detectors and took off her earrings to pass the test. Nodding politely towards the security guard who towered over her small body, and took her bag to the lift and pressed the number six button, and held her breath.
“Hey, are you lost?” A pretty young woman with straight blonde hair stopped with a concerned smile.
Bonnie shook her head. “No. Well- kind of. I’m looking for Agent Hotchner, I have an interview for an assistant job.” The woman laughed.
“Oh right! Sorry, my mistake. If you would like to follow me I’ll take you.” And Bonnie gladly did that, while admiring the framed pictures of men and women in uniform all over the walls.
“What’s your name? Excuse me for being so rude there.”
“Bonnie.” She smiled with rosy lips, already liking this woman.
“Nice to meet you Bonnie. My names Jennifer but everyone calls me JJ.”
“Jennifer… that’s really nice.”
“Why thank you!” Jennifer giggled and led Bonnie through the glass doors for the BAU, and she was met with many people older than herself working at desks.
“Agent Hotchners office is that one at the top, just knock and he’ll answer.” With that, Jennifer gave Bonnie a supportive thumbs up before heading back out the way they came in.
Before Bonnie could thank her, being too overwhelmed with the authority surrounding her. Every person in here must have a gun on them, and she found herself standing and wondering if she made one wrong footstep would they draw them?
Eventually she knocked on the door, and a “come in!” Was heard.
This was it!
“Hello, I’m Bonnie, I’m here for your assistant interview?”
“Assistant interview? I didn’t know I had one.” Bonnie froze awkwardly, stroking the strap of her book bag.
“Oh… uhm, I have the paperwork here if you’d like to take a look sir.” She took the neat unfolded paper from her bag and approached the desk while this man stared at her confused, but took the paper.
“Oh… right well, have a seat then. Sorry for the confusion.” She tried to laugh it off but all the confidence she had seemed to drain out of her and was replaced with blush. “If you just give me one minute.” And he excused himself out of his office, leaving her to fidget with her bag strap once more.
He really did come back in a minute, and she jumped not hearing him come back in.
“So… I won’t lie to you I had no idea there was an assistant interview, it was my other coworker who decided to set it up, but I’m more than happy to follow through with this if that’s still what you want.”
Bonnie nodded. “I’d like that sir.”
“So…” he began to read her CV. “Bonnie McBride? Scottish?”
“Yes sir.” Her accent sounded thicker now that she were on the spot.
“Only eighteen?”
“Yes sir. October thirty.”
“And you’ve already been enrolled in criminal justice?”
“Yes sir. Started when I was sixteen in Georgetown. One more year to go if I keep doing what I’m doing.”
“And what are your plans for after?”
She felt a little embarrassed talking to the unit chief who was clearly very successful in what he did. “I wish to become an FBI agent.” To which she thought he almost smiled.
“Well you’re heading in the right direction that’s for sure… and why would you want to be an assistant here?”
“Because… I really appreciate the work that yourself and your team do. I would like to be able to give something back whether that be filing things so you won’t have to stress or always being on hand if someone needs something like a drink or-“
“Not because you’re a spy?”
Bonnies eyes widened comically and her jaw dropped. Agent Hotchner was so serious she thought he was going to draw his weapon until he laughed.
“I’m just kidding. You seem like a lovely girl but I’m worried that what you may see in here will affect you negatively.”
“Don’t worry about that sir! I wish to work in law enforcement and will have to get used to it sooner or later won’t I?”
“I understand… but what about your studies? We can be away for days, weeks, or even months at a time.”
“There’s the option of online courses which I’m set to apply for if… if I’m successful in this interview.”
“Well… convince me then. How will you assist us.”
Us. He said. Not just him.
“I’d get to know everyone. What they and what they dislike. I’m quick on my feet and make terrific coffee, best ever if I do say so myself. I can read a room like a book and I love organising and cleaning, one of my hobbies actually! I’m great with computers and my time management, I’m never late for anything only early. And if need be I can also stay out of the way, do my work until my phone pings for me to set off!”
Agent Hotchner listened intently before his eyes averted towards the blinds in his office.
“Come up here, and tell me what you see.”
Nervously, she followed and peeked through the window.
“The other agents?”
“Yes but, you said you could read a room. Prove it to me.”
She swallowed hard, and her attention landed on a skinny boy who was spinning on his chair.
“That man there, with the curly hair spinning on his chair, that must be a way to relax or concentrate as the motion of the air and dizziness of the head takes away anything else surrounding. His hand at clasped bear his face, he’s thinking. Oh- now he’s writing, very quickly at that. He’s onto something.”
Agent Hotchner nodded.
“And that man there.” Now she was looking at the broad shouldered man with a cup of something in his hand. “The way here hold himself, the mug in one hand the other on his hip. He’s confident. He doesn’t need two hand to steady whatever’s in his cup because he moves so swiftly. The hand on the hip can also be defensive. He’s brave and looking for danger, maybe even trying to be intimidating as if to say ‘don’t even think about it.’ And he obviously works out! His shoulders are very big…” she began to lose track.
Right up until she saw Jennifer.
“And there’s Jennifer! I met her after the lift up. She’s very kind and maybe even worries a lot about others, seeing as she had approached me to ask if I was lost. She cares a lot about others and is looking over peoples shoulders to make sure they’re working. Very passionate about her job and work, because she knows that what they do affects others.”
An older man exited one of the offices.
“That man… walks fast, he has places to go and things to do. Hardly takes a break. Maybe a little stressed but at the end of the day takes a lot of pride in his work because of how hard he works to help people. He looks authoritative, been here a while. Knows the place inside and out he doesn’t have to look where he’s going…”
“That’s Jason Gideon. Former unit chief. A legacy left behind but he’s still going.”
Bonnie felt very proud of herself.
“Oh! And what about her.” The agent pointed to a plump girl with crazy blonde hair and red high heeled earrings dangling over her shoulders, matching the shoes on her feet.
“Hm…” she thought hard.
“Unique. She’s herself at all times. She only cares about what she thinks of herself and-“ she watched the woman lean a hand on top of the broad shouldered man’s desk. “Fancies that man?” Agent Hotchner snorted, and physically wiped the smirk off his face.
“Yes it does seem that way doesn’t it? But I can assure you they’re just the best of friends.”
Then yet another woman who Bonnie swore would be the last she profiled was very attractive. Black hair curled not very long, but she couldn’t get anything for this woman. Nothing. “I have no idea about that woman.”
“That’s Emily. She’s sealed like a safe.”
“Secretive? Defensive?”
“Something like that yes.” The Agent sighed. “Well, now for the next test. How good is your coffee really?”
“Very sir.” She smiled, and he led the way out of the door and into the office again.
Each of the peoples heads she had talked about turned to their direction and she pretended that she didn’t notice how they all started whispering.
She only focused on the mug in front of her.
“Do you like it light, normal, or strong?”
“Strong.” She scooped three teaspoons into the mug.
“No thanks.”
She added a little hot water and mixed it was all dissolved.
“No thanks.”
“You look like an americano guy.”
“Oh really? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh sorry sir! I didn’t mean it as an insult.”
“No it’s fine. I’d like to know why though.”
Bonnie wished she hadn’t spoke at all.
“Well… you keep a straight face. Being the boss you have to remain on guard and professional. No time for fun and games when lives are at stake. And maybe the strong coffee keeps you up for the day and the lack of sugar and milk would mean that you just want to taste the coffee, rather than something else. Because the thought of drinking just coffee acts as a placebo to heighten your awareness. Milk and sugar would falter that.”
“I’m actually just lactose intolerant. But you’re right about the sugar. I like the bitter taste because it reminds me I’m drinking coffee which includes caffeine. The sugar distracts me.” The agent was smiling.
Bonnie laughed and handed the man the cup she had prepared after stirring more water in to almost the top, anxiously waiting his reaction.
He brought it to his rough lips and hummed. “That is quite good actually… Bonnie, I’ve made up my mind.”
Everything had went very well so far… she crossed his fingers.
Instead of speaking, she led her to the group of desks where the agents had disbanded back to their work after their boss began approaching. Except from the man called Jason Gideon.
“Everyone, I’d like you to welcome Bonnie to our team. She’s our new assistant.”
“Well done Bonnie!” Jennifer grinned.
“Welcome to the team kid.” Said the broad man’s who’s desk read ‘Derek Morgan.’
Then the spinning man, ‘Spencer Reid.’ “Good job!”
“Hope you’ll enjoy it here!” The attractive woman chuckled.
“It’s great! Never a boring day!” The woman with the crazy earrings clapped her hands.
“I knew you’d love an assistant Aaron.” Jason laughed.
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lanshappycorner · 11 months
Trick Or Treat!
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(Wiggly, Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
💌 that's cute :) here you go🍬🥰
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6 Zone ADA Compliant Walk-Through Metal Detector,Metal Detector Door Frame,Door Sensor,Detector Sensor,Airport Baggage Scanner Safety,Metro and Train Station Checkpoint Detector.
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dreamsofthejackal · 1 year
The ghost werewolf of the stone wind turbine
In a forest far away there is the worlds largest and oldest wind turbine. It is so big that that there is a village on top of it and it is so old that it is built from stone and grass has grown along one of its blades.
I went to visit it with a friend, we were going to do a report on it. Both of us were apprehensive as we both hated heights. Arriving at the base there was an open door in its thick castle-like walls and inside stone stairs that spiralled upwards.
We walked up the first flight of stairs to where there was a window, it had no glass or frame, just a hole in the stone to let the light in. I looked out, my heart sank as I already started feeling uneasy about the height and there was a long long way to go. Once reaching the top the village seemed normal, a pub, a church, a windmill and a few cottages.
We met up with one of the locals and he had something to show us. There was a hole in the ‘ground’ that had been dug. We were invited into the hole and the local man took a small handheld pick axe and tapped the stone floor of the hole. A piece of mortar popped through and sunlight beamed in. Looking through the hole I could see the ground hundreds of meters below and the sudden realisation that I was standing on a thin stone floor with nothing beneath me sent a shiver up my spine. That was it, there was no longer any need to be up there, we can interview the locals at the base of the turbine where it’s safe.
Once at the bottom of the structure my colleague found the piece of mortar that had been poked out to form the hole, I wasn’t impressed. We got talking about the history of the wind turbine and the village and one of the locals mentioned the ghosts. I questioned her more about it and she took out her phone to show me some of the videos. Each video I was quickly able to debunk as not being a ghost. Like the man in the orange jacket who fell behind someone only to disappear and then be replaced by a different ghost in a yellow jacked. I pointed out that you can see in the video that the jacket is reversible, orange on one side and yellow the other.
“What about the werewolf then?” The local girl said to me.
“What werewolf?” I replied, highly skeptical about whatever evidence I was about to be presented with. She showed me multiple videos of a large shadow-like figure, tall and broad appearing and disappearing in a way that my brain couldn’t comprehend. I was scared again, a creepy feeling crawling up my spine. As I watched the videos the girl explained that he takes supplies from the village. What sort of supplies I asked and she said they seemed to be supplies for a child so they didn’t try and stop the ghost werewolf.
We decided to stay to see if we could catch a glimpse of the werewolf for ourselves. It wasn’t long before we saw something moving in the tree line of the forest. It was like you couldn’t see it when looking directly at it but you could see it in your peripheral vision. Feeling exposed I got us to move inside the structure, back to the body of the turbine at to top of the structure.
I waited, knowing that the ghost would have to come through the chamber where I was to get to the village. Someone asked me something, taking my attention away for a moment and when I looked back it was there, standing right in front of me. For the first time my eyes focused on the creature as it solidified before me. It was tall, Broad and mostly humanoid with a seemingly hooded head. I didn’t see it move but somehow it got closer to me. Everything was black on the creature and any detail was caused but differing textures. It raised its head and our eyes connected, the long muzzle and sharp, black, metallic teeth made me understand why they called it a werewolf.
“I need to find my metal detector” I heard it say, but in my mind I could feel other things along with the words. It was a feeling of loss and sadness, a feeling of searching for something in the ground, in the forest. I felt a brain fog lift from my mind while looking at the creature; it’s form now more solid than I’d ever seen it. I could feel in my mind the pieces and understanding fall into place, this was neither a ghost or a werewolf but an entity not from this world, possibly not even from this planet. The creature was a parent, it was lost and trying to find the things it needs to get home. The fear was gone, replaced with a necessity to help.
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smartsafetyindia · 11 months
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🎉 Special Offer : ✨ 10% OFF on DUSSEHRA SALE! Smart Safety India provides the best offer on all products like biometric attendance, CCTV cameras, hand metal detectors, torch lights, Epbax intercom systems, mobile signal boosters, mobile signal jammers, electronic door locks,s, etc. ✔Call for the best deal ☎9205009768 Hurry up 👉limited period offer* For more visit:- https://www.smartsafetyindia.in/
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plushtechnologies · 2 years
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6 detection zones
100 sensitivity levels
LED display
Counter for alarm and people
Synchronous sound & LED alarm.
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kataskopeia · 3 months
A metal detector lovingly frames your office door. Judging by its hefty weight, it has every intention to stay.
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he's standing before the contraption with the skepticism of a vampire ostracized from his own home and unable to re-enter without express permission. whatever had brought this upon him ( there's likely a multitude of reasons ) doesn't matter much when he's already committed to beating this odd sort of challenge. a few options come to mind—none of them particularly sane. the mortifying ordeal of being beeped should be avoided at all cost, however, so what's a bit of vigilante justice in the grand scheme of things?
he leaves the scene for a moment; returns with a water spray bottle his neighboring colleague tended to use for needy, tropical room plants. he crouches down by the upgraded door, lowers the spray bottle to the next best electrical outlet and ... empties the whole thing into it. angered buzz that announces a pending blackout has never sounded so pleasant to his ears.
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essljpnagar · 7 months
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@eSSLSecurity WhatsApp: 8884406789
Visit:https://www.esslsecurity.com/metaldetector/d330-33-ip65 https://www.esslsecurity.com/metaldetector/d330-18-ip65  
D330-33-IP65 / D330-18-IP65
▪ eSSL offers you an exclusive range of door frame metal detectors used in different premises and places.
▪ We design and offer you Single zones, 6 zones, 9 Zones, 18 zones, and 33 zones Door frame metal detectors.
▪ A metal detector is an advanced machine that helps detect the existence of metal with any person walks through the door. Used as security measures against the entrance of people with dangerous weapons in public places.
▪ eSSL Door Frame Metal Detector offers security at the ENTRY & EXIT points of Factories, Metro Stations, Banks, Airports, Hotels, Shopping Malls, Offices, Colleges, Sports Stadium etc.,
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cropark · 8 months
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A door frame metal detector is a security device commonly used in various settings such as airports, government buildings, schools, and public venues to detect metal objects carried by individuals passing through the doorway. Here are the key components and features of a door frame metal detector. https://www.novusapl.com/Door-Frame-Metal-Detectors-In-Security-Systems.php
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jammydonut · 1 year
28 Days Haunted
this show sucked. we watched this because we love ghosts and ghost hunting shows are fun, but this wasn't even fun in the way that a bad show is sometimes fun.
in 28 Days Haunted, three small groups of ghost hunters have to spend twenty-eight days in three different haunted locations, and investigate the ghosts there every night. luckily, all three groups start getting results and making contact with ghosts immediately, so twenty-eight days is plenty of time to uncover all of the homicide, occult practices, and serial killing that took place here dozens to hundreds of years ago (the timelines are a little non-specific), defeat any evil ghosts hanging around, and send the good ghosts to heaven (a lot of christianity happens in this show) so they can finally rest. netflix isn't paying these guys enough!!
if this sounds like a mocumentary, that's because it almost is. though it's framed as reality, about five minutes in we had to pause and google whether it was supposed to be fictional or not. from what we could find, though, it seems to be a reality show.
my three main critiques of this show are:
they should lean harder into either fiction or reality. if the psychics really were able to accurately discover the details of the murders etc that happened in these buildings, if the cameras really did capture all the cupboard doors swinging open by themselves, or if the spirit boxes really did give such intelligent and informative responses - then that's huge! ghosts are real and all the gadgets and toys used to search for them are real too! you'd think with such compelling evidence gathered, the makers of the show might bring in some scientists to analyse the data, a historian to validate the "1600s metal pentagram" one guy found using his metal detector (it was buried in the only spot in the graveyard with bare earth instead of perfectly manicured grass btw), or even some police or something considering the investigators were smashing their way through decades-old cold cases at speeds Sherlock Holmes could only dream of. you'd think they would show us a shot of the cupboard doors opening without that pesky counter/bar thing that was conveniently in front of them. so what I'm proposing is: if you're not going to let your evidence be cross-examined (or even examined at all in the first place), then lean into the drama of it all. hype it up, turn it into a real-life horror movie. show me the furniture flying around the room instead of already on the floor, having been knocked over off-camera. show me that one guy who nearly got possessed by a demon actually get possessed by a demon. this is not a convinving realite show, so exaggerate it into an entertaining fictional show. right now, it exists in a grey zone somewhere between the two, and it is not interesting as either.
give the audience more to do. a lot of this show makes use of the the lesser-advised dramatic device of 'tell don't show', and happens only for the investigators. we watch psychics sit in empty rooms and tell us there are ghosts standing all around them, we watch investigators listen to the spirit box through headphones and tell us that they are hearing names and full sentences and coherent responses. trust them, they are, you're just not allowed to hear. we are told far too many 'facts' about how ghosts and demons work, with no further context and explanation given. in order to make the show more engaging, explain to us how being psychic works, let us listen to the spirit box too, give us some context as to why xyz is a 'known fact' about ghosts. the audience are expected to take things at face value, and watch the ghost hunters investigate without really being told what they are doing or what their evidence means.
this show is aesthically all over the place. there is no consistency between graphics, colour grading, etc etc. it's like every frame came from a different show.
also to clarify, I believe in ghosts and am always very interested to hear about parapsychology and ghost hunting. this show was just bad.
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picture: ghost stuff. still from the show. (actually koren helmets are pretty interesting and there have been a number of scientific studies attempting to replicate Persinger and Koren's original results. you wouldn't learn that from this show though)
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