#dood rant!
radidadood · 9 months
Neuvifuri rant with me rn but modern au.
Obviously childhood friends. They have each other at all times. They're both crybabies what can I say. Furina being the most expressive and sociable one she gets out a lot and talk shit to Neuvillette about everything.
Imagine it's like mean girls thing. Her being Regina George and him Gretchen Wieners. He can keep his mouth shut except about how great she is.
It got toxic as they grew up. Furina wanting fame and all the attention and Neuvi is there to satisfy her needs. In the end he followed her like a dog and do whatever she asked.
He soon realise how poorly he'd been treated after getting conscious by Traveller let's say. He wanted to rebel but afraid to hurt Furina considering she's his only true friend since forever.
Let's say one day she snapped at him and he started with another consulting once again. Constant begging. She only got worse and that's when he finally told her off which shocked her because he never do that. She ofc is in denial at first and call him exaggerated and so on and tryna blame others that may have been his other friends that 'brainwashed' him. But he really had enough. He tells her everything from top to bottom. Her flaws, what she did to others and him and especially his true feelings that he's been keeping for being her lap dog.
Stunned by this, hurt even, she was left speechless. He sighed, half relief that he finally get it out of his chest but also regret washed over him after seeing her hurtful face. It sting but he gotta do it. Someone has to. Well not like nobody even does but he's the only one who can get through her thick head. Exhausted, he left, leaving her mind to ponder.
For the first time she felt true guilt and having nothing since he's the only one who been filling the hole in her heart. She tried to make up for it. Sent gift, cards with big ass "I'M SORRY" "PLEASE COME HOME". He ignored her. If anything she's been begging on his feet at this point. Begging to do anything to get him back in her life and admitted that without him she's nothing. Now could how he ignore that ugly ass sobbing brat?
With a sigh, he give in and accept her apologies. But with conditions of course which she didn't hesitate as long as they can go back on good terms. So she try to do better. Be less mean and more humble. Taking other activities as coping mechanism like she did in canon. Luckily he's satisfied with the result and so did she <3
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obsmiechujek · 1 year
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Bubbline with some bubbles
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honeyspotpie · 2 months
Am I the only one who wishes the whole "the Doodler is an eldritch god with a mentality of a teenager who views the world AS THEIR FATHER" was expanded more on? Viewing the whole world as "your father" is such an interesting metaphor and I think they could've played with some unique concepts there. When the Doodler took a physical form I wish they made Dood be more curious about the world around them, viewing it as something greater than them (like a greater figure of authority, akin to a parent), basking in both it's positivity and lashing out at it's negativity (mimicking a teenager with a complex relationship with their father). Having Dood's viewpoint on the world and humanity parralel the teens own relationship with their dads. Or even reading Dood's "doodlerification" of humans as subconscious teen rebellion, a childish and naive way to cope with your troubles by releasing wrath upon other people. Getting angry at your "parents". There are so many fun allegories and metaphors that could've been expanded on imo that sadly didn't get a chance in the spotlight :(
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doodle17 · 11 months
Based off some of my better drawings (imo) how old do you think I am??
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bowtiestash · 1 year
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once you learn about bad infrastructure, it will haunt you for the rest of your life
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everwisp · 2 years
time to blast abba all day I guess
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
Y’all I hate my gym sometimes
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pandulce135 · 1 year
Loss (Rise!Leo & Reader)
Note: I wrote this as a way to cope with the fact that I thought my dog was dying please let me rant about my dog at some point I love that dood but we're (my parents and I) are thinking it was most likely just a stomach bug. Not exactly proofread, but not.. not proofread???
TW: loss of a pet, isolation
Word count: 1.3K
If you were being honest, the past few days were a nightmare for you. The worst thing to happen to a pet owner occurred, and the fresh wound to your heart ached more and more as you thought about your beloved friend. 
Your furry companion had passed. 
It was overnight and painless for the little guy. You woke up to the corpse of your childhood pet laying on the floor next to your bed. You didn’t even brush your teeth before collapsing to your knees, sobs wrecking through your whole body. It felt as if the world was beginning to crush you as your tears fell onto the limp body lying peacefully before you. 
So you took your pet to the local pet hospital, made arrangements, and got your pet’s ashes back in a smooth sealed wooden box. On the side sat a metal plate with their name. 
You’ve been an emotional wreck since. 
Two days had passed, your phone notifications blowing up in the meantime. You hardly noticed through your zombie-like state: tired with on and off crying, unable to sleep. You weren’t eating, you’d only throw it up during your sob sessions anyways. Your phone continued to buzz as you stared lifelessly at the spot where your best friend once lay. It wasn’t until the persistent buzzing stopped that you looked at your phone. 
Forty-two texts.
Twenty-three missed calls.
A long chain of unopened Snapchats.
Five different messages through Instagram. 
All of them coming from your favorite turtles and human.
You let them worry.
A sigh escaped your lips. You hadn’t told anyone of what happened just yet. If you were being honest, you didn’t even want to get up from where you sat on your bed, curled up against the headrest with your comforter wrapped around you. A few more tears streamed down your face before you put on a brave face. 
You opened the messages. 
Various mentions of movie nights and what the group should watch, who should bring what to the gathering, and invitations to hang out. Eventually, they turned into worried messages wondering where you were and if you were okay. You saw they had agreed on a movie night at the lair tonight. 
Your thumbs tapped on the smooth glass of the screen that illuminated your face. You knew the blue light did nothing to hide your tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. It's lucky you're here by yourself and that no one had barged in on your isolation of grief.
Hey guys, sorry to make you worry. I haven’t been feeling great but I’ll totally make it to the movie night. 
It took everything in you to peel off the comforter, navigate the growing mess in your room, and grab clean clothes to take a shower. It took everything in you not to cry. Once you had rubbed shampoo to your scalp, you ran out of everything and your tears blended in with the water running down your body. Your sobs echoed off the walls of the enclosed space and what you originally anticipated to be a ten minute shower turned into a 45 minute crying period. But at least you were clean.
With slow movements, you reached out and grabbed your towel to wrap around your dripping form before stepping out of the shower. Starting at your shoulders, you felt a chill move down your spine, little bumps accompanying it on your arms and legs. You looked at yourself in the mirror, water dripping down your face and onto the towel and floor. What was supposed to be the white part of your eyes were now tinted pink. The stinging in your eyes returned as your lips began to spread thin. You were so tired of crying, but what else could you do?
Your best friend is gone, how can you simply move along?
You heard a soft knock on the door to your bathroom and you froze. 
“Hey, you good in there?” You recognized the voice as Leo’s, the sword wielding terrapin who wore a blue mask. “Get dressed quick, okay? We all miss you. I miss you a whole lot more than the others though, obviously.” 
You thought back to your messages, most of them came from him. They probably thought you would respond to Leo easier as you were closest to him. There was a pain in your chest and a heaviness in your heart when you registered his words and you finally realized how your sudden disappearance affected the others. You felt your eyes well up again. 
“I will,” you said, your voice only just loud enough for him to hear and moved quickly to dry yourself off and put on your clothes. You tried to ignore the stray tears that fell onto the floor or on your bare feet. 
When you were presentable with brushed hair and a washed face, you exited the bathroom. The door creaking made Leo turn to look at you. From the doorframe of the bathroom, you saw him standing next to where your pet’s ashes sat. You looked into Leo’s eyes with your own eyes that were stained pink and felt yourself crumble. Leo managed to get to you just in time as you began to sob and held you in his arms. 
He was patient, and while he was cold blooded, very warm. You gripped the back of his blue hoodie that he wore as a disguise for dear life, like if you let go, he would disappear. He was now a lifeline, a preserver dragging you back to shore from large crashing waves that nearly drowned you. Leo’s large three fingered hand ran down your hair in an attempt to soothe your crying. 
When your sobs turned into soft hiccups, he spoke up. “Is…” Leo tried to figure out his wording. “Is this why you went off the grid?” You knew he meant your pet’s death and nodded into his chest. You felt bad, the front of his hoodie was wet with your tears. “Oh, sweetie,” he mumbled as he pulled away and pushed the wet hair that stuck to your face back. “You’ll be okay. It was just their time.” 
You couldn’t help but sniffle at his words. 
“Hey, come on. How about that movie night? It’ll help get your mind off of everything.” 
You nodded and hugged him again. “Thank you.” 
It didn’t take you long to pack up and get ready to head out with Leo on your metaphorical tail. 
“We were thinking something action but maybe an action comedy?” Leo looked at you as you put on your shoes. He was standing by the front door. You shrugged. 
“I can use a laugh.” With all the crying you’ve been doing, it’ll be nice to do the opposite. Maybe the ache in your heart will be lifted. 
Leo put a hand on his chest, feigning offense. “Am I not funny enough?” He scoffed, but you saw the corners of his lips perk up. 
“It feels like you’ve been walking on eggshells since you got here,” you felt yourself grow sad once more but decided to continue with a recovery line, “but you sometimes have a few good lines here and there,” you finished. You stood up from your spot on the couch. You felt a smirk of your own begin to grow across your lips. 
“Walking on eggshells? Me?” Leo scoffed for real but smiled widely at you nonetheless. You knew he was doing his best to try and cheer you up. 
“I know, it’s hard to believe.” You mirrored his smile as you made your way over to him. He opened the door for you and led you out of your apartment to begin your walk to the Lair. 
“Hey, Leo?” You turned to him as he placed his arm around your shoulder, holding you close. You welcomed his warmth with a soft hum. 
“What’s up?” His voice was soft again, kind. You smiled warmly at him. 
“Thank you.” 
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intercoursefluids · 6 months
BMFBMLBME Chapter 20
Damian sighed; the video camera propped up on the counter in the bathroom as he leaned against the bathtub.
He had doubled checked to make sure he was in frame, not wanting to have to film the video twice.
He wasn’t sure he could get through it once.
There were numerous videos on the camera already, just under half of the storage on the thumb drive was full. Some were of them together, some were separate.
They had stayed true to the plan, of filming everything.
The nice, quiet moments.
The moments where he would get her to laugh so hard she snorted and his stomach hurt.
The bad moments too.
This, was a bad video.
“It’s Christmas. We have been trapped here for 8 months and 13 days.” Damian started, biting the inside of his cheek.
“Marinette is still sick, she got sick in late November and she-” He took a shuddering breath. “She’s just been getting worse.” He finished, his voice cracking at the end.
“Mother won’t help.” He continued after a moment.
“She says that Marinette needs to get over it on her own, she refuses to get a doctor or any medicine for her. I don’t even have a, a thermometer to know how high her fever is. No one is helping and I- I don’t know what to do.”
Damian wrapped his arms around himself, staring at the ground before his feet.
“I want to go home.” He whispered.
If he were home, Marinette wouldn’t still be sick. Father would have called for a doctor immediately or figured out what was wrong and helped him herself.
No one would have let her suffer like this.
If he were at home, they wouldn’t be locked up like this. Surviving merely because it was his mother’s whims keeping them alive.
He felt helpless, and he hated it.
“I want to get some medicine, help Marinette get better. I want to get us out of here, back home where I can introduce her to everyone. Where we aren’t locked up and can actually do things and go places. I want to go home.” Damian ranted in the quiet room.
Damian stayed quiet for a while, staring down at the ground before he tilted his head, looking out through the crack in the bathroom door.
“Marinette’s still asleep, she’ll be up soon though. I’m sure she’ll want a bath so I should probably start running her some water.” He thought out loud, turning to look at the bathtub behind him.
“I have to help her get to the bathroom now; she can’t really walk or stand long enough to make it on her own. She won’t let me help her with the bath though, she says she can do it on her own but she’s always winded by the time she’s finished.” Damian said, sniffling as he tried not to think too hard about the state she was in.
Damian ran a hand through his hair, standing up and closing the bathroom door softly.
He walked back over to the camera, looking straight into the camera as he squatted before it.
“I’m terrified, honestly.” He admitted, doing his best to force the words out. “I’m not sure how long Marinette is going to last like this, and I’m not sure I can last without her.”
“The way I see it, this is going to go one of two ways. We are both going to make it out of here, somehow, or…” He paused, giving the camera a measured look. “Neither of us will. I won’t be able to stay sane without her, and Mother won’t keep her around if I’m not here.”
Damian paused, trying to think of what else he should say when he heard a faint rustling behind the bathroom door.
“Damian?” Marinette’s soft voice called out.
Damian whipped his head to the side, standing up and grabbing the camera with one hand.
“I’m right here!” He called back, switching the video off as he walked.
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Oh, you thought I was gonna stop at one post? I am far from done ☺️
Star is such a sweetheart. They are so nice and supportive! Like, just, they're gonna give me cavities! Their art? On point! I would do so much for them cause they deserve all the love and affection! We haven't interacted that much yet but every interaction we have had has been a total joy! They need to be spammed with love!
Sinna is a cool motherfucker. She is the coolest. Everyone admires Sinna. She is someone I am so thankful to be able to interact with cause like, damn! But she's also super cute and adorable, always full of affection to give. And her art? Oh wow! I wanna devour all of it! It's always a good time with Sinna around!
Rinzay is so sweet and has the cutest drawings. They are so so awesome! But like, seriously, they are so cute and adorable. Giving everyone love and affection and all that! I haven't known Rinzay for that long but I would do anything for them! Go to their Tumblr and spam them with love!
Pillow deserves all the love and affection with how sweet they are! I think this post is mostly just the sweetest people lol. Pillow needs to be wrapped in a blanket burrito. They deserve it. Their art style is so soft and comfortable, just like a pillow lol. All the comfy vibes. I just wanna give them hot cocoa and a bunch of hugs, your honor! Everyone go spam them with love.
Dood is the ultimate fan. They are so supportive of everyone. Have you seen the love attacks they dish out? It is always a joy whenever we interact and damn, they deserve all the love they give out thrown back at them ten fold! Their art style is also so nice! Have you seen their art? Just beautiful! Gives me great vibes!
Butters is so nice! Their art is amazing and just so so delicious! Butters is a really kind and supportive person who I wanna give the world to. Oh, and have you seen their backgrounds??? Like seriously, they are so talented! They have such cool and interesting ideas for their art and comics! Go give them love and reblog their art!
Poppet is adorable. She is such a cutie. She also is an amazing artist that is just so cute! I love how she colors things like- so delicious! She is just so sweet and I wanna pat her head and give her so much praise. All the love and affection for her!
Gum is so energetic and fun! She gives off such fun vibes! It might sound weird but she reminds me of a beach. Lots of fun and energy, really exciting to be around! But also has some chill moments where you're just enjoying the moment. You get me? Her art is also just- mmm, so beautiful! Oh, she also gives me bubblegum vibes cause she's just so sweet and bubbly??? Like, I just wanna hug her so bad!
These are just some more of the awesome people I've gotten to interact with! And guess what? I still have more people to rant about how awesome they are! For now tho go give these awesome people love and praise, cause they deserve it!
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doodle17 · 10 months
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I know we haven’t interacted much BUTTT for the Mutual Bingo >:]]
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Abansbsjsjaksb BESTIEEEEE
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astrum99 · 8 months
- pin post -
Hi, I post stuff here:’)
Am I good at writing/drawing? Who cares! It’s your problem now!
--- Tags used in this blog:
"az thoughts" - any brain words (writing, rants, longer pieces, etc.)
"az personal" - more personal writing pieces and daily life- in case you wanna blacklist if you don't want to see them:]
"az doods" - visuals (doodle/art)
“az asks” - answering asks
I tag all the Ultrakill stuff I made with "ultrakill"; the tag isn't used for reblogging, so feel free to use that when filtering
Feel free to interact w anything I post (reblogs, likes, mentions, asks, etc. are always welcome)!
You can send requests, but no promise on if or when or how I fill them:]
--- Series:
"az ultrakill in skirts" - doodles of the characters in skirts (first / last / all associated posts / character masterlist)
--- Blogs:
main: @soul-of-a-ghost
--- Note:
If you're reading this and you like my stuff, please note that I am holding your hands tenderly and looking like a drowned cat. If you reblog my stuff and go insane in the tags, know that you are sustaining my actual life. It brings me immense joy and keeps me alive and in love with the world a little longer. I am kissing you on the cheek and giving you a warm bowl of soup as well as a blankie.
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hyperfixozone · 1 year
Valvatorez is perfect for Halloween.
Okay, I dunno why, but I just wanted to talk about Valzy. He's so cool, and SURE, ALL OF THE DISGAEA CHARACTERS COULD BE AWESOME FOR HALLOWEEN- THEY'RE ALL DEMONS... "I'm a DEMON that's why!!!" -Laharl -Disgaea anime [guys its so good...]
ANyways, He's a silly vampire, and he used to have a hella scary tyrant form. Like....dood. Fenrich is a werewolf, so that would also be awesome for Halloween. Now also talking about the Deathsabers; as they have bat like ears!! But he's just your typical vampire and he's so freaking silly. I love him so much he's so silly. So I thought about drawing him in a lot of my Fixtober prompts!! WITH ARTINA of course . . . . I love them. I have no clue where this stupid rant or idea came from I just wanted to get it off of my chest hehe
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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This was a project that had in my back pocket for far too long and one that I’d chosen to complete, as a gift to the great Twitch streamer, Maximilian-DOOD.   For those of you familiar with him and the Yo! Videogames crew, this should be a fairly familiar sight.  Whether it's his staunch position that the Tekken series "is not hokey", his laughable double-standards of sexual exploitation in video games, his defense of titty-anime on the grounds that they "have good stories" or just anything in general that he chooses not to accept, Steve has a habit of flying in the face of reality by going off on nonsensical tears, determined to prove that his position is undoubtedly the correct one.  However, his arguments are never as insightful as he thinks they are, mostly because he either talks himself in circles, or ends up introducing arguments that have little or nothing to do with his original point. To that end, I chose to gift Max with a bit of artwork that I hoped he would also find to be quite useful.  The image is pretty much what you'd expect, with Steve subjecting Max, Benny the dog (R.I.P. Benny), Jae Jae, Kenny and Simmons with one of his trademark rants.  I also drew it in my DP style to add to the humor of the scene.  However, Max is holding up an Official Disclaimer to make it clear that Steve's views do not represent those of the group.  I also threw in a couple of Yo! Videogames Easter Eggs for those who are fans of Max's stream. All-in-all, I'm quite pleased with the end result.  And I hope everyone feels the same. ^_^
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quinn-cosm · 1 year
Hello hello :]
My name is Quinn, a pleasure to meet you~!
I create characters, stories, and whole bunch of little thoughtie-doods and daads pertaining to random subjects
Some that you may find frequently at the moment are DnD, Magnus Archives/Protocol, Welcome Home, FNAF, Moonknight, Mob Psycho, and many others along with a bunch of original stuff as well~!
I'm an actor/artist, and this is gonna be the place where I post rants, thoughts, sketches, drawings, etc.
Mostly just a dump place for all my rambles/art lol
For other places you can find me, Commission info, and Voice acting info, here's my link tree ^^ :
This is a place where you may relax and indulge in your own little paracosm's my dears, so feel free to ask questions, interact, or stay for a little while if you feel like it :]
I hope you enjoy your stay ^^
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theredflagman · 2 years
A little-known red flag is men who claim to have lots of enemies or be hated by all. Alot of the time he is the common denominator.
I once had the misfortune of dating such a guy. He constantly whinged about how everyone is jealous and tries to tear him down. He also ranted about how all his coworkers hate him and try to get him fired. He even told me how his ex was crazy and tried to cut his dick off and how he got poisoned 5 times by different unrelated individuals .
After dating him for several months, I eventually realized why people hated him. The dood was a verbal abuser (he screamed at me for the smallest things), a pathological liar ,a violent homophobe,a cheater and a sexual abuser(He ended up molesting a friend of mine to make her "more normal" b/c she's very obviously neurodivergent) and an all around asshole.
Your are 100% CORRECT! 
A big Red Flag is when I guy has no friends and no healthy relationships with his family. HE is the problem and not the reverse.
Glad you got out of it!
Wishing you good luck and be sure to go to Amazon to get my newly released book  THE RED FLAG MAN by Brenda Samuel
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