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lovegypsygirl-blog1 · 7 years ago
Say NO to the HPV Vaccine!
The HPV vaccine is supposed to be a vaccine that is given to someone before they become sexually active. The recommended ages is between 11-26 for women and 11-21 for men. HPV is a sexual transmitted disease that affects the genital areas, mouth, and throat. HPV will go away on its own in 2 years without symptoms or health issues. In worst case scenarios, if the HPV infection continues and does not heal on its own, it will cause genital warts, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer (throat cancer), anal cancer, vulvar and vaginal cancer, and penile cancer.  I am concerned about the risks, dangers, and cons about this vaccine, because of the history behind it. A lot of girls and boys are being affected negatively by this vaccine. Doctors and nurses keep pushing young teens to take the vaccine no matter what the risks are. The HPV vaccine should be discontinued, because of the the dangerous health risks, the negative impact the vaccine has caused to the person and his/her families, and what it is portraying to our upcoming generations. The vaccine should be taken off the market until they can provide a vaccine that will not cause damage to a human.
Because I am looking at the cons and dangerous health risks, my research does verify that the HPV vaccine does have mild and/or extreme side effects. The mild side effects are pain at first injection, fever, and fainting. The extreme side effects are autoimmune and neurological disorders, anaphylaxis and death. Some have experienced chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and sudden premature menopause. Although the HPV vaccine does not contain any live, killed, or weakened virus, it contains tiny proteins that look like the outside of the real human papillomavirus. If you have a weak immune system, the antibodies will not be able to fight off the proteins. It is believed that the HPV vaccine might cause the Immune System to attack the body. It is similar to molecular mimicry which is the possibility that the immune system will mistake a self-structure with a foreign (usually pathogen derived) peptide; therefore, causing auto-immune harm to the body. I found a case report of the HPV vaccine that killed a teen girl. A lab scientist found HPV DNA fragments in the blood of a teenage girl. The girl died in her sleep six months later after receiving her third and final dose of the HPV vaccine. “Sin Hang Lee with the Milford Molecular Laboratory in Connecticut confirmed the presence of HPV-16 L1 gene DNA in the girl's postmortem blood and spleen tissue. These DNA fragments are also found in the vaccine. The fragments were protected from degradation by binding firmly to the particulate aluminum adjuvant used in the vaccine.”  
The HPV vaccine has caused numerous negative impacts to the receiving person and the family. Here are three true stories about those who took the vaccine and it ruined their lives. In the first article i read, a mother is concerned about her daughter. The daughter took the HPV shot, and she noticed some changes in her daughter. The daughter is a honors student and an athlete. She is always fatigued and achy, and her menstrual cycle started becoming irregular. They went to countless doctors, but no results or diagnosis. A couple of doctors believe that the vaccine has triggered something in the autoimmune response. “The family plans to file a claim with the Department of Health and Human Services' National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which has recorded 88 injury and 8 death claims related to the HPV vaccines and two legal settlements.” Although the mother is not against the HPV vaccine, she justs wants it off the market until the vaccine has safer reviews.
The second article I read, a healthy child took the vaccine. The parents were told the only symptoms the child will receive will be flu-like symptoms. A couple of days later half of the girl’s face was paralyzed. They rushed her to the doctor but the doctors could not find the reason why her face was paralyzed. The parents assured the doctors that it was the HPV vaccine, but the doctors would not listen. The doctors were convinced that the problems are mentally caused, because her grandmother died a couple of months before. The doctors believed the death triggered the symptoms. As time goes on the child started to have poor memory, heart palpitations, stabbing pain in her chest, and sometimes breathing difficulties. She has pain all around her body, and is bedridden. Her legs go weak and go numb. The nurse who forced the vaccine against their will came and told them not to mention their story to anyone, because it will scare away people who are afraid to take the vaccine.
The third article I read was from the Doctors website. In this article two girls are suing the makers of Gardisal claiming that they took away their motherhood. After they took the vaccine they both have now POF. It is a condition that the ovaries do not produce any eggs. Everywhere they go, they are saddened that they will not have the motherhood experience that a pregnant lady will have. This is proof that the vaccine has ruined people’s lives.
Even if there was no side effects, the HPV vaccine sends a wrong message to our upcoming generations. Because the vaccine is supposed to stop HPV from forming, The doctors, nurses, ect are basically telling us that having sex with numerous partners is alright. Why don’t we teach kids to abstain from sex or teach them how to have safe sex and stick with one person instead of numerous partners. Forcing a vaccine on young girls and boys will give them the idea that going out and having sex and orgys is alright. If you are going to have sex, wear a condom or just do not have sex! It justs shows you that you are not responsible enough to have sex.  
Before you take the HPV vaccine, please do your research online or wherever you can get the information. In the beginning I didn’t want to take the HPV vaccine when i was a teen, because I felt like I was being forced to. It looked to suspicious for me. I was not even planning on having sex, and the nurse made me and my mom feel like that I was lying and having sex behind her back. I am so glad I did not take the vaccine.
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epicrealistyoutube · 6 years ago
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Y'all better wake the fuck up. #dontvaccinate #fuckvaccinations #wakeup #think #toxic #chemicalwarfare #conspiracy
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chrisbird1978 · 8 years ago
#Repost from @c1tygotyou @macc_nicholson (@get_repost) You know somethins up if Bobby D speakin on it...... #dontvaccinate #fightthestate #endthestate #endthefed #vaccinationcausesautism #wakeup #staywoke
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its-feena · 4 years ago
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#Repost @vaccines_are_toxic @download.ins --- The adult community is largely unvaccinated, as they are not up-to-date on their vaccine boosters. So there is not even the possibility of herd immunity even taking place. Yet, this is the reasoning behind vaccine compliance, to protect the herd. Not only is the herd not protected, but either are the vaccinated. Live viruses and bacteria from vaccines shed/spread and infect others. The additives used in vaccines are highly toxic, and are purposely used to trigger an immune response in the body. But as the body works to fight off these foreign matters, suppression from fever/pain reducers etc takes place and causes an autoimmune response. Thus, the exponentially growing number of chronically ill children. Asthma, diabetes, food allergies, ear infections, learning disorders, cancers etc are at a historical high. We have traded mild childhood illness for life-long health problems. If we stick to natural immunity, acquired from mild childhood illnesses, without the added toxins from vaccines, we'd be *much* better. We no longer live in the dark ages. With access to clean water and proper sanitation, proper diet and nutrition, we simply don't have the need for concern like we used to. Our bodies' immune systems are powerful gifts, when properly cared for. Synthetic, untested and dangerous medicine isn't the answer. Words from @dontvaccinate #vaccinesaretoxic #vaccinesarentvegan #vaccineskill https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBVMqdHdez/?igshid=1r97uni06ats0
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healservdoctors · 5 years ago
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Healserv | Dr Manoj Kr Gupta in Noida-18 | Areas best General physician | General physician in Noida 18
Infections in human wounds cause tetanus due to Clostridium tetanic bacteria. This bacterium produces venom in the wound or injury, which causes tetanus. Slowly this poison spreads throughout the body, causing the situation to become fatal. Areas best General physician
Types of Tetanus
Local Tetanus: - This is the most common tetanus, in which the pain is felt in the muscles of the wound or around the muscles.
Head Tetanus: - It spreads rapidly after a head injury or ear infection. It affects many muscles at the same time. It also affects the facial muscles.
Infant Tetanus: - This type of tetanus is more in children who are unable to get immunity from the mother in the womb or have not been vaccinated during pregnancy. In such a situation, it takes time for some newborns to dry their umbilical cord.
Infant Tetanus: - It is the most occurring tetanus. Its effect starts from the head and spreads to the rest of the body. Under this, the jaw of the person stops, face tightness in the face muscles. Book Online General physician
Tips to Prevent Tetanus
· Any wound that breaks the skin should be cleaned immediately with water and soap.
· Never leave the wound open. The risk of open wound infection is high.
· If the wound is bleeding, then tie cotton and dry cloth on it.
· To prevent blood, put pressure on the wound, causing blood flow to stop.
· The injured person should immediately vaccinate tetanus. Top General Physician Dr near me
Treatment of Tetanus
· Wash the wound with hot water and place some antiseptic cream or powder.
· Massage the body with the oil of turpentine; massage it with a light hand on the legs, jaws, and neck.
· Heat the oil over the wound and mix it with turmeric.
· Candle wax can also be melted and applied to the wound.
· Applying Neem oil to the cut-off area also does not cause fear of tetanus. Best General Physician in Noida Healserv also Provides 24X7 online appointment facilities of Hospitals for healthcare
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 #Tetanus #antivaccines #flatearth #vaccines #art #xbox #antivaxxer #measles #lol #globetards #funny #dontvaccinate
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sjweminem · 8 years ago
everybody here is depressed bc they mistakenly cultivate an entire identity around around the wrong traits, like feeling sad, instead of going my route and forming a healthy identity around being somebody who, say, has a tooth fetish and wants to fist pete wentz. #recovery #loveyourself #holistichealing #makeyourownhappiness  #youcandoit #mentallillnessmyth #dontvaccinate #jillstein2020 #mindovermatter #iamstrong #justbreathe 
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asideofcrunchy · 5 years ago
Yes!!! #educateyourself #dontvaccinate @delbigtree https://t.co/TNCB7F6ySw
— Doula Carmen Edwards (@asideofcrunchy) January 9, 2020
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spanky606 · 6 years ago
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(In that old Tom & Jerry cartoon voice) DON'T U BELIEVE IT!!😀😂😁 @Regran_ed from @kundalyna @conscious__vibrations - @dontvaccinate 😥😥 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqqAJivngv3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ydnl14vjhd2z
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runtrees · 11 years ago
do the math...the population can't keep growing like this...enlighten yourself, take care of your body.
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