#dont you guys dare start calling her agatha from wanda vision
your-ne1ghbor Β· 7 days
Now Introducing...
the one
the only
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Lets talk about her now shall we?? 😘
Before we begin, Agatha is by no account, Amaya's replacement. Now here is the thing. Amaya is really cool...in drafts. But in cannon, Amaya is nothing more than a plot device to get the teens in the castle and only exists to be Magnifico's replacement in the cannon film once the whole kingdom goes down so Asha doesn't take up the reins of being Queen. Not only that she didn't have a lot of personality or any character in the film. In all honesty, although she is inspired from the drafts of Amaya, her character conflict is very much different and not on par with the drafts. She also has more to her backstory that was not seen in the original drafts or even thought of. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I go in depth to her character. But lets get to the outfit, cause I think it was a pretty interesting thought processes ;)
Plus have you seen the jokes about Amaya or why I barely talk about her?? ITS BECAUSE SHE IS NOTHING. ZERO. EGG SHAPED. Why should I care about her when I barely know anything about her like bro, giving her a moral delehmia of staying with Magnifico or joining the resistance would have been so much more interesting and gives more substance. Probably why I dont like Amaya at all. She lacks substance.
Agatha has Greek/European inspirations to her design! I had a ton of problems when getting the design together, merely the fact that I didn't like the outfit given in film or didn't find any that really fit her for what I was going for. Even though I didn't know what I was going for, I just didn't like that style given in the films, or hell, even in the drafts (the dull colors didn't even help since there was so much vibrancy in medeivel times)
Thats when I had the most randomest idea and just said: "Fuck it" and then I decided to combind Greek and European outfits into one.
My inspirations were from these images I found on google and pinterest:
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So this is how the dress works or merely my thought process on how it came out this way!
Numro Uno
As ideas was setting into place, I noticed a trend among both sets of the outfits. I'm mainly refuring to the top shape to the outfit.
When taking a look at the European Outfits, that have what I would say, a more triangle shape, which the same can be applied to Amaya's outfit as well.
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Meant to put curves down, but you get the point.
For Greek outfits, there was more of a square shape doing on at the top of the outfits.
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Not only that, but the Greek clothing does not have the dress open up unlike some European outfits I saw. (not all of the European outfits I saw opened up near the bottom of the dress, only most of them did)
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Either way, what I am trying to say is:
Greek Outfits = Square
European Outfits = Triangle
So when combinding them, I simply thougt of it being like this
Top: Square Shaped
Bottom: Triangle Shaped
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ofc this is the final design...
What you guys want was my drafts!
In my sketches, at first since I didn't like how outfit wise, dresses didn't seem too work, so I wondered what she would look like if she wore pants 🀯
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(You will notice that I kept the transparent cloak the entire time)
Although she looked BADASS (fucking hot oml) it felt more like smth she would wear during travels. That's the main ick, it just worked for something else, but not for what I am going for. However, Agatha does wear pants, but mainly when she is getting materials for her potions that are acessed outside the kingdom. And yes, I even thought about giving her a tail coat, but it wouldn't work for the time frame πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€
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For these 2, I started playing with the top to get ideas and see if I wanted the transparent cloak at all (I did ofc she looks so badass (hot) in it)
I also drew her comforting Asha! (Which I will talk about her in the backstory section since I had to change it)
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Hmmm this one does seem familiar now does it 🀨🀨
For this one in particular, although this was one I chose as a main base for the final draft, her top was more triangle shaped than square, which is what I was going for in the final design.
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Thats when I started worrying about mobility. How much room would that dress have when she is moving quickly?
This one was to see what it would look like if she had more mobility in her outfit. Although she would...it didn't sit right with me. It just felt off. It could be the more triangle top I went for in this one, it just didn't work and didn't look good.
The one in the corner was me playing with "WHAT if Asha inspired outfit" lmao.
Nah didn't work.
So between those 3, a friend from my ASL 2 class saw my drawings, and I asked for his opinions on it. He said to go with the one I chose for the base. Although I don't necessarily remember much of what he said, he explained why this one was more appealing soooo thanks Z. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
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This one was more of ofc using the drafts, but if she had sleeves. I intentionally removed them because it clashed with the cloak and didn't look good or work with what I was going for.
Now let's talk about color pallet! (Ik I'm going so much in depth than what I did for Asha, but imma be honest the whole process in on my tumblr. The amount of times I changed that girl's outfit is unfathomable 😭😭😭😭)
I'll be short, but the frills on her dress (the gold part) is supposed to signify a yellow rose. Cause...ROSE-AS ROSAS 😜😜😜
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I did see if blue worked for the outfit, but for the warm toned color pallet I did for her, it really clashed. Soooooo GOLD FOR THE WIN BABYYYY
She also wears this gold leafy crown and it was between green and gold, and I'm still stuck between that, but this was the crown ykyk
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Yes it is a Greek one, I just REFUSE to give her a ugly ass crown like I did for Maggy. (IM SO SORRY MAGGY I SWEAR ILL MAKE YOU A BETTER ONE)
Can we talk about her face?
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So there is a stark difference between her past self and her current self when it comes to certain features.
For example, in her past, or "I am not at the brink of insanity" saga, her hair is braided, telling us she is in a good mental state at that point of time before her eye was scratched out (a dagger like cut through her face through her eye, literally popping it πŸ’€). In the one I show you above in the "My eye is missing" stage, is what she would look like in her "Im not at the brink of insanity" saga minus the overlapping hair strands and the obvious missing eye. Also in that image, she has ash stuck in her hair from...THE INCIDENT (cough cough).
In her current self, her hair is obviously not braided actually showing us her current mental state. She is literally a huge mess, and her trauma has a huge effect on her mental health. She literally is not doing to well...until she met Asha (I'LL GET TO THAT I SWEAR). Agatha also has a white streak in her hair from a experiment gone wrong type of scenerio, where the potion she was brewing exploded something and landed on her forehead, hense the burn mark underneath the hair. Which is what gives it's unnatural hair color.
I was going for a beserk evil scientist vibe with her design, because she does go a bit crazy later in the story obv
Some other features I added was just adding a overall added sharpness to her, to actually resemble something like thorns in a way and to she perhaps she was EVILHSJkDLMNJHK 😜
The only features I sorta kept was her overall color pallet from Amaya for her hair, skin, eyes and her mole below her eye cause I thought it looked really cute.
And lastly, he is the character sheet for Agatha <3
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Now that is out of the way, I'll get into the backstory portion...kinda...
I still wanna save some things for her for the story, but here are some notes/things you SHOULD ABSOUTLY KNOW about her
Agatha is the oldest sibling out of her 3 siblings. Her sister is really a few years younger than her and is in her young adult/late teens age wise. Her younger brother is in her pre-teens.
Her parents cut her off from all forms of contact after...yk...so she knows things about abandoment and how she felt, especially at the worse time in her life.
She and Magnus did NOT kill Asha's parents. IN FACT, they were very close friends, and met during their travels with Magnus! (I am firmly debating if Magnus ever founded a kingdom or he is royalty but I am not entirely sure yet but it would fix some weird things I found in the story)
She is a more organized person than her husband lol
Potion making is what she excels at ( one of the potions she made can blast lightning (inspired from hogwarts legacy))
She deeply cares for both Asha and Magnus with all her heart <3
Thats really it. I am ofc holding things close to my chest for backstory reasons and for story reasons since we will learn more about her from that point.
This is the part where for what I need to talk about, which is the Hamlet.
The Hamlet idea is so cool, I will admit it, but for how the story is progressing or my thought process of it, it creates plot holes. Not small ones, but GAINT plot holes.
I noticed this back when I was writing out the Magnifico Angst, which was why I put a hold on it to think about it. This was also when I was also concidering the duration of time taking place in my AU (which I am still having trouble with). I think past me did a pretty good job of explaining the way I felt about the Hamlet overall in my AU (this is from my 20+ drafts help):
It boils down to my dilemma with Asha's character right now. It's when she meets Maggy and Amaya and going off topic to talk about Asha too, is how she can become a better person after learning everything she knew is a lie.
Plus noticing some other plot holes like "how does maggy know dark magic kills stars?" Cause if he knows that dark magic kills stars, that would mean he had done it before so it is like 🀨
And it is very important to when Amaya takes in Asha. If Asha was one of the citizens that was there when the kingdom was destroyed, that is just...tragic overall and breaks some things 😭
I'll explain. If Asha saw everything that happened to Mag or basically was there to witness said event, she would have seen her parents basically evaporate into thin air as they shielded her. It makes some good trauma, and it does justify her reasons for not liking stars, I just don't like how it would play out in the story personally. It's good, but wouldn't it ruin the relationship between Star and Asha? PLUS, why would she wish on a star for things to change...oh wait that would make for a really good villain au fuck-
ANYWAYS, if it isn't...well then why was the hamlet there? I mean I could say that after decades of the kingdom going to shit, the citizens fled to the forest to hide in, but that brings up: why did Mag and Amaya destroy it in the first place? I entirely know why Amaya took in Asha, (it breaks me everytime help) but the whole hamlet thing in my au just kinda breaks. It also begs the question: why didn't they do anything to change what is going on in the kingdom, how did maggy and Amaya find out about it? And if they murdered some people, why not Asha (even though i know why Amaya took her in, doesnt it sound hypocritical? Like why spare her? Maybe they spared the children...idk) And going back to why Mag and Amaya destroyed the hamlet, if they did, it would be because they dont want any heretics, or a revolt. But if it is a revolt, it slids into why didnt they do anything to change...UNTIL THAT TIME IT TAKES PLACE?? And just the overall why of it all. And how it impacts Asha overall. I mean sure, she might remember some parts of her early childhood being in the hamlet, but she was six. She might not even remember all of it. So wouldn't ruin the pacing? Plus her character doesnt really resolve around the hamlet much if I'll be honest. I mean yeah, that can change ofc, and if it ends up her having to remember stuff from there, would it be significant to the overall plot??? For her character? (Idk her age, but) if she ends up being 18 in my au (its going from 18-19 rn lol), she has basically been living at the castle for 12 years πŸ’€. Why would she want to remember things she wouldn't want to remember?? I guess maybe for wanting to learn the truth πŸ’€πŸ’€
Lots of why's lmao.
Which is why I have to remove it. For pacing reasons, character reasons, and story reasons.
Agatha took Asha in for reasons. Not stating it here since I would like to make a animatic for that...but...man... :(
Kinda hurts for Agatha and Magnus since they KNOW HER PARENTS.
Massive womp womp
Yikes sorry for making you read through that, I also felt like I was on the brink of insanity just talking about her.
But yeah what do you guys think about Agatha? Personally, she is my pookie wookie
Im finally going to draw her more since honestly I dont draw Amaya a lot, but with Agatha
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hell yeah
@oh-shtars @rascalentertainments @spectator-zee @annymation @tumblingdownthefoxden @chillwildwave
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