#dont need to thread with me to use the venue
dylandunsmore · 2 years
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A Dunsmore Thanksgiving
Set November 24th
Every year Thanksgiving comes around and the doors to Jack Dunsmore’s home are left unlocked for the strays to come in. His home is nothing flashy, but Southside has never worried about that. It wasn’t about the creaking floorboard and cracked window, it was about the people that pushed tables together with mismatched seats and filled the room with laughter and cheers; a found family mixed with orphans and those often disregarded. 
The door swings open to reveal a new face, whether they’re attending lunch or joining them much later in the day. Those who come for a feed, no plans of their own to scurry off to, find the kitchen, though small, is taken over by the youngest Dunsmore and Anderson; Dylan having roped DJ into the tradition she’d started years ago. Anyone who dares sneak an early bite faces the wrath of them, knowing all too well how quick it will go once it’s time to eat.
By 2pm the tables are crowded, everyone called to eat as dish after dish is brought out to sit along the odd tables. The roast sits in front of Jack as he calls the misfits to attention, shutting them all up with his bellowing tone. He takes a moment to thank all that came, call out jokes on those he knows and think of those who are no longer with them. Whilst he argues the chefs should handle the carving he takes the knife in hand, carving into the succulent meat, slicing enough to fill everyone’s plate. 
As some leave after lunch others linger, having nowhere else to be. Many come later, finding some leftovers to fill up on as they join in the various groups that have broken up throughout the house. There are the football watchers in front of the TV, smokers out back by the firepit, someone’s started a card game at the table with cash thrown in the middle. Music is playing somewhere and there’s kids running between the adults. People move from one group to another, catching up and making new friends. For one night the door stays unlocked, everyone in southside and those who call them friends are welcome in the Dunsmore household. It might not look like much from the outside, but it holds so much inside.
ooc: The Dunsmore household is available for anyone seeking a venue for Thanksgiving plots. There will be photos posted on the day for some inspiration on setting. 
Some points - there is only one bathroom, the house will be rather busy and loud at lunch then mellow out as it turns into more of a gathering, picking back up later in the day. Jack will fall asleep in his chair. Dunsmore siblings will be sneaking off later in the night to get high on the roof as tradition dictates. If anyone is caught purposely stealing or damaging Jack’s place they will have to deal with all the Dunsmore’s. You do not need to be a southsider to attend, but you should at least know someone attending to have heard about it otherwise. Bring your own booze if you want to drink. Kids are welcome, they can be put in a bed to sleep at any time. There is a backyard they can run around too but keep in mind the weather - dress according to that on the main (snow/winter).
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 years
can you imagine tony telling peter to dress up for an event or something or like peter shows up to the lab with a half torn bag or sOMETHING and tony’s like wtf
so he buys stuff for peter and peter’s kinda uncomf at first but leans into it more n more and then at some point peter just asks for stuff that he wants and it gets bETTER and better like from a sensible jacket to designer bags or something
and thEN, if you wanna write smut, tony’s like hey dont you think i deserve a thank you? WINK WINK
-still not h
Oh did you mean your personal fantasy?
Peter's stomach dropped at the way Tony stood, blinking like he was trying to clear dust from his eyes. It was a long minute, or maybe it was only a second, either way it felt like forever before Tony's mouth curled into a fond smile.
"Is it that bad?" He'd tried to replicate a look he'd seen on the cover of one of Tony's fashion magazines, but he didn't have a lot of money and he'd gotten a lot of it at the thrift store. He'd thought he looked good but now he wasn't so sure.
"You look great, Pete. I swear." Tony crossed the floor and gave him a reassuring kiss. Peter felt himself calm a bit. Tony grabbed the faux leather bag on his shoulder. "Would you mind if I replaced this?"
"What? I just got it!"
"It's just that it's not very in season." He twisted it in his hand and Peter could see a tear along the bottom that he hadn't noticed before.
"Maybe I'll just forget the bag. I didn't realize how bad it was." He grimaced.
"No, no. We've got time, sweetheart."
"We needed to leave like ten minutes ago."
Tony waved his hand. "The party starts when we arrive, baby. They'll wait for us."
Peter rolled his eyes as Tony grabbed his wallet and jacket. He didn't resist as Tony linked their arms together and lead him to the elevator.
Back in car with a new Prada bag in his lap, Peter felt guilty. He never wanted Tony to think he was in it for the money. He loved him dearly. But he also really liked the bag.
He tried a little harder the next time. He found a nice cream colored sweater and the slacks were only a little loose... Yet, when they got in the car Tony turned in the opposite direction of the venue. Peter sighed.
Tony picked up his hand and kissed the back of it. "Only the best for my baby."
Peter rolled his eyes. "Just replace my whole wardrobe while you're at it."
"We can do that."
"What? I was joking!"
Tony smiled. "You look gorgeous, but the jacket and the pants..."
Peter crossed his arms. "Fine."
He didn't know how Tony did it. He barked orders at the shop workers and had them running around grabbing specific items that he knew all by name. They all looked like things that shouldn't go together but when Tony put him in front of the mirror he looked really good. Felt good too. In fact he couldn't keep the smile off of his face.
He left in a new outfit with a second in the bag that Tony carried. Peter was still a little overwhelmed by the total. Over 3 grand? For two outfits? Were they threaded in gold? Okay... maybe he liked the sound of that more that he should have...
Then Peter noticed one day that his shoes were looking rough. Tony was going to end up replacing them anyway, right? So it was okay if he just asked him, wasn't it?
He stood in front of the man, blushing and nervous. Tony knew what he wanted, he could tell he did.
"Something you want, sweetheart?"
Peter chewed his lip and twisted his fingers together. "I don't want to be a bother..."
"You're never a bother, Peter."
"Well... Since you don't mind buying me things... I thought maybe you might want to get me some new shoes?" He stared straight at his chest, only daring to look at his eyes after a moment.
"I would love to."
Peter couldn't say he wasn't excited as they passed through the glass doors at the entrance. A woman hurried over to greet them, but Peter ignored her, drawn to a display off to the side. They had new watches with real silver bands and little diamonds around the face. He didn't even wear a watch.
Tony's arm wrapped around his waist.
"Which one?"
"What? No, I can't. They're way too much."
Tony scoffed. He pointed at the one Peter was looking at and the woman ran around the cabinet to take it from the case. Tony took it from her and Peter obediently held out his wrist.
"There. It's gorgeous on you." He smiled. Peter couldn't help but smile back. He really liked it, but those were real diamonds. "We'll take it. Anything else you want to look at?"
"We just came for shoes..." Peter blushed again. He twisted the watch on his wrist. It felt so heavy, but it didn't exactly feel bad either.
He ended up in front of the mirror again, decked out from head to toe. He looked really good. He felt really good too. And he swore Tony only looked more excited the longer they browsed. The shop lady had started a pile at the counter for them and Peter couldn't help how exciting it was. Tony never said no even though he asked again and again if he really really sure. But he let Tony coax him into leaving with another three outfits, two pairs of shoes, and the watch.
He kept fiddling with it on the drive home. It was so pretty.
Tony carried his things into the house for him. He hadn't been planning on staying the night, but he certainly had clothes for tomorrow now. Sheesh.
"We spent quite a lot, huh?" Tony said as he placed the bags on the coffee table.
"I hope that's okay."
"Of course it is. I take care of you, you take care of me, right?"
"I-" Peter froze, unsure what to say or if Tony was implying what it sounded like he was. He looked... excited. He came into Peter's space, hands on his hips, and backed him into the wall while Peter scrambled to figure out what the hell was happening.
"Are you happy with your gifts, baby?"
"Of course I am. They're really nice."
"Why don't you show me how happy you are? I was so good to you after all."
It took another second before it clicked. Oh, you like buying me stuff. "You're right. I should make it up to you." He gave him a coy smile. He sunk down to the floor. His hands slid up his thighs to reach his belt.
"That's a good boy," Tony encouraged.
Peter was surprised at just how hard he was. And how impatient. He must have been thinking about this all day. As soon as Peter's mouth was open, Tony pushed his way inside. Peter gagged, unprepared, but he settled with his hands on Tony's thighs. His new diamond watch glittered on his wrist. He looked up at him and found dark, almost cruel, eyes looking back. He didn't want Peter sucking him off, he wanted to use him. He was more than happy to give the man whatever he wanted.
"Let me see how grateful you are," Tony purred. "You love being spoiled don't you?"
Tony pulled out so he could answer. "Yes, sir," he said. He let his mouth hang open, tongue out, inviting him back in. Tony pushed in until he choked, grinning as he gagged and fought with himself not to push him away. When Peter pulled back, Tony followed until his head was against the wall with nowhere to to. He was drowning in spit and suffocating around the cock that forced open his throat and he felt his mind slipping into something soft and warm and hazy.
Tony took his cock from Peter's mouth, spit hanging from the tip of his cock to his lips. Peter only moaned as he smeared spit on his cheek before stuffing his mouth again. Tony fucked his mouth, right there on the edge of his throat and felt like a fucking g-spot, making him tingly and his cock throb and every time he lost it and gagged it just made him want to cum.
Tony pulled out, leaving just the tip of his cock resting heavy on his tongue. "You with me, Pete?" Peter made noise in answer. Tony lightly slapped his cheek. "Wake up, sweetheart."
Peter blinked away the haze and smiled up at him. "I'm okay." He licked his lips.
Tony smiled. "You're fucking incredible." He stuffed his cock in Peter's mouth again, fucking the perfect O of his lips and over the soft heat of his tongue.
He pushed in as deep as his throat would allow and this time, Peter couldn't help the reflex to push him off, but Tony just grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head. He kept fucking his throat and all Peter could do was squirm when it was too much and he couldn't breathe, but Tony didn't let him pass out and Peter never stopped opening his mouth for more.
"Fuck, such a good boy. You're gonna make me cum, sweetheart."
Peter was buzzing waiting for it, ready for Tony to cum right down his throat. And he did, pinning Peter hard against the wall and moaning deep in his chest. He let him go and Peter sucked the last of it from the end of his cock. He didn't know what to do now, too hazy and still kneeling on the floor, but Tony bent down and hauled him up for a kiss.
"You okay? I didn't hurt you?"
"Only in a good way," Peter laughed. He held onto Tony's arms.
"Good." Tony kissed him again.
"You know you bought me like a lot of stuff." Peter could stop himself from grinning even as he talked in his broken raspy voice. "I think I'd better keep showing you how much I like it."
Tony nodded solemnly. "I wouldn't want to think you're ungrateful."
He picked Peter up off of the floor and tossed him over his shoulder as Peter giggled, "We've got a long night ahead of us."
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hanatagami · 1 year
Dad! All Might x Ojamajo! Reader (Part 3)
 i try to use “-” a lot and it may not be successful
https://youtu.be/didH5tJIGUU - the song that inspired it all, dont know it’s saying but the vibe inspired this story
Part 1  Part 2
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It was the day of the wedding. Yagi was so excited he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, this is the happiest day he’s had…in awhile. He finds it very fortunate to be here and to be marrying the most perfect woman he’s ever met. To be gaining a family again, a kid again. Although if you’d asked him he’s had a lot more kids then that, the students he taught were all like his children. And they were all here at the wedding!
Well, all but one. But your picture was there, that he made sure of. It’d be in the first row, so it could see everything that happened.
Izuku, the best man but also the one to give his mom away, was currently helping him get ready in his room.
“You’ve gone through how many press conferences and meetings, and you can’t tie a damn tie?”
Bakugou was also there.
All might could only chuckle and rub his head sheepishly. It was true, he had never really been able to tie his tie. He always got someone to tie it for him, it was hard to do in his muscular form so he just never learned how.
He was lucky Bakugou had mellowed out in adulthood some, or he may have gotten a much worse scolding then that one. Or maybe it was his husband, Kirishima, standing in the room that gave Bakugou some much needed restraint.
“Give him a break, Kacchan, he hasn’t had a conference in awhile.” Izuku had chimed in from his position, having had just finished helping Yagi with his hair.
“And lets face it hun, it’s better to let a perfectionist like you do it anyways.” Kirishima joked from his position in the doorframe, already having gone through the same thing himself with his own tie.
“Whatever...” Katsuki had only growled in response.
“Ochaco just texted, apparently some more guests have arrived. I’m gonna go see if they need any help.” Izuku informed.
“Go, we don’t need you here anyways.” The snarky remark from Katsuki, as expected. He heard Kirishima trying not to laugh as he scolds Katsuki growing more quiet as Izuku walked down the hall. 
He took the moment to himself to admire the venue his mother and Yagi had picked out, it was really quite beautiful. It had a reception area just outside, all set up and ready for use.
Walking up to some of his old classmates, Izuku gave a brief explanation to them, instructing them to head towards the actual area for the vows while he took their gifts outside to the reception. He had gone outside and expected to be the only out there, but...
“Excuse me.”
Izuku jumped in surprise. He quickly turned around to see a (height) figure standing in front of him.
“Sorry, you startled me. Did you need something?” He was surprised that he didn’t hear you come up, especially since his senses had gotten pretty good since his time as a hero.
He didn’t recognize you. You weren’t a classmate or a family member, at least not any family member he knows of.
“This is the table for gifts, yes?” The mysterious stranger tils their head at him, hair falling gently over their face. His eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to the interesting clothes they had worn and the crystal that hung on a thread around their neck-
“Oh, uh, yes! You can set it anywhere on this table.” He inches to the side a little, to stay out of the way of you placing your gift in its desired spot. Izuku was trying to wrap his head around your presence, a little difficult from  a little paranoia. What were the odds you were a villain, or the child of a villain coming to take revenge on the former number one hero?
But the security at this venue was tight, they made sure of it. There were a lot of heroes attending tonight, old and new, so it’s a prime event for disaster if a villain happens to hear of it. But observing your body language, your mannerisms, it didn’t seem like you were a villain, but then again you could just be a skilled actor. 
“So how do you know the bride and groom?” He asked in hopes of getting more information, and from the way you inched your head towards him and the expression worn on your face, it didn't come to a surprise to you.
“My parents are friends with the groom, they were close when I was younger, so I’m embarrassed to say I actually don’t know him too well.” You had given him an answer with closed eyes and an embarrassed look on your face, “They weren’t able to make it, so they had me come in their stead. I have the invitation if that helps? I understand its probably concerning for a stranger to be here in such circumstances.”
“O-Oh no! I wasn’t trying to imply something like that, I was just curious is all! I-I’ve just known the two for awhile and just haven’t seen you before...”
Why were you making such a face?
“Yeah...I guess you could say we grew apart.” The wind had picked up slightly, enhancing the mood in the conversation. There was a story, an unspoken one that he couldn’t catch. A sad one. “Well, my family and him anyways.” You gave a sheepish chuckle and sent a smile his way, but it didn’t reach your eyes.
“Did you want me to tell him? He may be glad to see you.” Izuku couldn’t help but try and suggest a solution, he was a hero after all. Seeing someone in front of him hurting left a bad taste in his mouth.
“No it’s fine. No need to bring up such things right before the ceremony, I’m more then happy to speak with him afterwards.” There was something off about the way you said it. Maybe you didn’t want to speak with Yagi?
“I’ll see myself to a seat, I’m sure you have things to do as the son of the bride?” You chuckled as a way to ease out any creases that may have formed as you put a halt to the conversation.
You gave a smile as you walked past him, and something about that smile felt familiar. He just couldn’t tell why.
“Hey Deku! Can I get a little help?” He had heard Ochaco’s voice in the distance, and quickly his attention had drifted back to his to do list, the former encounter shelfed in his mind.
And for the day it stayed shelfed, it was easy to forget such a thing in all the excitement of the wedding. It was beautiful, and definitely one of the most exciting days of his life. He had never seen his mentor or his mother so happy before, and that made him happy too.
The vows were very wholesome, as expected of the couple, and as some may have guessed Yagi had a small hiccup, dropping one of the cards where he had written his self-made vows, but made a quick and goofy recovery.
The reception was beautiful too, the likes of Toru and Mina had made sure of that. The highlight was definitely the speeches though, every 1A graduate had one prepped, and although some were a little...interesting (cough cough Katsuki and Shoto), most were guaranteed to enact smiles, laughs, and even tears from the newly-weds.
It wasn’t until the end of the night, when his mother and -now- father had gone to the gifts, that Izuku even remembered his encounter with the mysterious stranger earlier that day. Because when the couple had reached your gift, no one had come up to say it was theirs, and Izuku had to explain.
“A former friends kid, you say?” Yagi had looked down at the wrapped gift in confusion, his wife looking at him in curiosity. It seems that all former friends were accounted for, if at least all the ones who had kids at some point.
“Well why don't you open it and see, maybe there's a card inside?” The bride has suggested, sending a smile to her husband.
He can’t help but smile back at her, before gently unwrapping the gift.
In his hands sat a brown box, which upon opening revealed a small porcelain fairy in a dancing position. He gave the cranks a couple of turns and watched as the fairy begin to spin in place, as a soft and beautiful melody rang through out the room.
It carried a feeling of nostalgia, of love, and of longing. It was a simple song, but it carried impact.
Yagi’s grip on the box became firmer as the song flowed softly into his mind, bringing a rush of memories with it. Images of small hands, so small his own could eclipse them. He could remember how those hands showed him this exact music box so long ago, and he could remember so vividly the warmth of those hands when he gently took it from their hands. 
He remembers hearing the excitement in the child’s voice when he walked up to purchase it, and how they talked about it all the way home. So excited, so happy. The sound of their glee with the music from the box was one of the most perfect sounds he had ever heard.
He could see in the child’s face, a face imprinted in his mind to never be forgotten, how truly happy they had been when listening to their favorite music box. Without fail he could see the peace this song had brought that child every time they played it, which in turn brought him his own sense of peace.
The music rekindled a warm feeling in his chest he had forgotten he was missing. No, it wasn’t forgotten. Just put to rest.
The music told him a message that went unheard by others, because they didn’t understand what this box -this song- had meant. 
It told him that that child -his child-  had been here. They had entered this building and he was completely unaware. It had told him that his own kid had been watching over him from afar, just far enough to where he couldn’t notice.
 It had told him to spread the same joy this song had for his old family, and share it with his new one.
It had told him
 “ I’m happy for you Dad ! “
“Dear, are okay?” His wife, his beautiful wife, had called for him concerned but he almost couldn’t hear. His vision was blurry, tears clouding his eyesight and falling onto the fairy who had now stopped moving. He couldn’t stop the sobs that raked his body, but he tried so he could ask...
“Izuku...did they look healthy...happy?” Yagi had asked through heavy breathes.
Izuku seemed to have pieced something together that others hadn’t, or that others couldn’t. He remembered the distance the strangers voice held when speaking of the groom, the sad smile and look they had carried on their face. Most importantly, he remember the sad story that had been confided in him and his mother, of Yagi’s biological that had disappeared.
“...Yes.” Izuku could see the relief that fell over Yagi’s body upon hearing that. The weight that he had somehow been carrying for years had been lifted, if only by a little. 
The music had began to softly play once more, turned for Izuku had assumed was comfort. Yagi softly dropped to his knees, silents tears falling once more. It seemed his mother wasn’t too far behind himself in piecing things together. She held a warm smile as she crouched next to her husband’s shaking form.
“So they were safe. I’m so glad for you Yagi.” She had whispered gently in his ears as he leaned into her, the music box held dearly to his chest. 
Izuku had looked up into the night sky, it was covered in stars and it seemed to him like the moon was smiling from way up high.
“(Y/n), are you okay? You didn’t want to stay...?” Soso’s small form held your shoulder to provide her witch some comfort. You were flying high above the venue, using magic to help listen in on the events happening below.
“No. I’m fine. This way was...for the best.” You given your small fairy companion a soft smile. You didn’t acknowledge the small stream of tears that had run down your cheeks, surely illuminated by the moon glowing softly behind you. Soso didn’t acknowledge them either, instead holding her tiny form to your cheek to show her support.
You pat yourself lightly on your cheeks, making sure to avoid your fairies small body, “Well. Shall we get going?” 
“I’m ready if you are.” Soso had responded.
“Lets us go then.” You turn your head towards the smiling moon and began your flight back to the witch world, satisfied with your short, but eventful, visit.
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localmagicalboi · 4 years
✨ local unfriendly black hottie.
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———  BASICS! ♡
name! ♡     rae or diren or i don’t care, im gonna pull a prince and turn my name into a symbol u can’t even pronounce. dont perceive me. im holy and gorgeous. pronouns! ♡     i dont!!!! give a shit zodiac sign! ♡     capricorn sun, leo moon, leo rising, scorpio venus. we’re mean over here! we have ego! we dress very well! and we love it! taken or single! ♡     engaged to this dumbass  fuckwagon ~> @notevenjupiter​ <~ that’s the dumbass fuckwagon in question.
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     not to toot my own horn ( tooooooooooooot ) but i really am that bitch at music. flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, saxophone. by saxophones i mean the only ones that matter, the tenor and the baritone. no offense to alto sax players out there but r u aware that ur playing a police siren. french horn, trombone, sousaphone, all the keyboards. im talkin marimba, vibraphone, tubular bells, glockenspiel. snare drum, bass drum, quads, timpani. ur other percussion but who cares about that unless ur a big ass fan of the bongos. or gongs.
i only fiddle on the piano these days tho no more of that for me. i am, tho, working on my digital production! buy my beat tape when i drop it in the year 2038. i havent opened the files for it since 2017 and i think that’s very sexy of me!
2! ♡    i know over 100 kinds of flowers and plants by appearance, alone. i was captain of the floriculture team against my will! however i kept up my studies and i keep myself sharp on the flower world™ for some reason. who knows. guess ill open a greenhouse. sell nothin but venus flytraps
call that the trap house
ba dum tsssssss.
3! ♡     i can lift about 200Ibs. don’t be fooled by my selfies, i’m actually built like a tank glkfjglkdfjgdflgdf. i once broke someone’s nose in one punch. contemplated going to wrestling school but my sensitive side said ‘u should…… do art or music or something……’
bonus fact! ♡ i used to run an improv comedy club in middle school! doing stuff that’s basically ‘whose line is it anyway’ except we werent as funny and we were inexperienced since we were... kids lol. but it taught me a lot on being creative and cohesive on the spot. speaking of improv i wrote an entire, plot hole free novel with a friend using two notebooks and our free time for fun. we had our characters and the basics with what we wanted. one of us would write like 5 pages, pass the notebook to the other during lunch, and then back-forth like that. ‘til we were done.
platforms used! ♡     currently? tumblr. overall? i’m not going back to 2001 to list off all the horrible forums, shoutout to aol babey,
gender! ♡   female muses, actually! :/// hmu @ deadblush my daughter deserves love.
least favourite face(s)! i never wanna see jake gyllenhaal dopey lookin ass ever again
multi or single! ♡   single. i need a one solid, streamlined motif and focus.
fluff / angst / smut! ♡    
fluff:  yeah sure! but it has to have comedy in it or something, ya bih get bored
angst:   yeah! but it has to be angst with a reason??? i dont like that angst for the sake of angst, lets give it an anchor and a reason for existing pls.
smut :   sure thing babey but vi hasnt had a sex in like 84 years so who’s gonna smang him
plot / memes! ♡   im gonna be honest, i dont like memes because a lot of people dont know how to make them work. you end up with like 6-10 replies in to a thread w. no solid location and its like? lol. and my muse is too erratic for plots. i dont like being tethered to plots either, not when my muse is unpredictable as fuck. i like on-the-fly, on-the-go improv. we have a solid location, a solid motive to start with, and we improvise from there. either learn how to keep up or dont.
✨ TAGGED BY: i stole it :) ✨ TAGGING: im lazy so anyone that wanna do it
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ignitesthestxrs · 5 years
do you or ur followers perhaps have any advice on getting a twitter especially/other social media going as a writer? i was told to ~develop a social media presence~ but like. i don't even know what my *thing* is and i feel kinda dumb tweeting into the void w no followers and blogging about random shit
tbh i have no fucking clue beyond ‘produce interesting content’. people follow me by and large because of my fic. i also am pretty open about my anxiety and coping mechanisms, which led to people sending me advice asks, and answering THOSE led to...more advice asks lol. in general, i try to keep stories about myself to what’s going to be interesting or helpful to other people. i also produce (or have produced) a lot of meta content about the shit i’m into, which is mostly me screaming about the things i like in a way that’s accessible but hopefully meaningful to people who stumble across it, and people who like what i say there will ask me to say more things.
twitter is harder? my transition to twitter relied a lot of friends tbh, and on people following me from here to there. i don’t really tag my content there, but i have friends who like what i say and will retweet that shit. i also participate in writing games that float around (#1linewed etc).
probably my core piece of advice is to use your own tweets to talk about your own shit and the things that you’re interested in - keep it as a space to talk productively about things! note, this doesn’t necessarily mean positively - you can be critical of things, you can do big thinkpiece threads on why you didn’t like something if you wanna - but you should be saying something, i guess? in general, try not to use it as a space for Complaining/being mean etc.
DONT reply to other people to talk about your own shit. like if someone is tweeting about something they’re doing, or something they like, don’t drop in to tell them about how you’re writing something that they’ll juST LOVE. instead, ask them about that thing they love! the rules of social media aren’t that different from the rules of life tbh. listen to what people are saying, and then ask them things about what they are saying. use your space to talk about what you like, and use their space (replies etc) to talk about what they like.
(the reason i’m very bad at giving advice on this is because i personally employ a venus fly trap system of making friends and getting followers that involves looking as appealing as possible [producing interesting content] and silently hoping that interesting people will come close to check me out so that i can eat them. it is working so far)
ultimately tho like, not having a social media presence isn’t...going to hurt you. you can get published without a twitter. one might argue that it’s a very good thing to get published without a twitter. then you dont have to deal with twitter! it can be very useful to have a social media presence, sure, but it’s not a requirement and you don’t need to stress out about it.
if anyone has any other tips plz rebagel/reply in the notes!
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moontaeilll · 6 years
by twitter user @sugnsook​ // @yudotaeil 
Hello~ so i am not that good at explaining/vlogging or writing stuffs but in this thread? or blogpost or wherever u guys reading this, i will try to describe my experience as much as I can. Also for now, I am dividing this post, FAQ-style  according to several topics, and I will put a separate detailed post on my own Neo City: SEOUL experience. I hope this will help for u guys deciding to splurge a bit on concert/global package!
Disclaimer: In the past, I got a few ccs complaining about my fangirl related-expensive expenses, I just want to note earlier here that as the whole prior to the actual concert, I was a part time student & working 30+ hours a week, working every chances I get. It was also my last semester of undergrad studies & I have been wanting to attend NCT’s first ever concert since 2017 and been really saved up since then, so I consider the large expenses is pretty much a treat for myself.
Tl;dr: if you worked hard enough and really wanted to attend your faves event, just go for it, as it was really worth it.
— General
What is included in Global Package?
Concert ticket (depending on days u wanna go), a good quality hotel for your stay, return transportation to & from the concert venue - hotel, preorder access to official merchandises, NCT 127 theme global package-special merchandises, NCT 127 theme snack boxes (after the concert), One themed lunch, a half day tour with tour guide before the concert, special event (varies according to what concert) - for NCT127’s we got a photoshoot session with NCT127’s life-size standee in SM’s infamous practice room itself.
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How much does Global Package cost?
All i can say first thing first is….it IS costly. The ones I am paying is $949USD for Superior Single (Course C) as shown below:
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The difference between the prices & packages are it depends on which hotel they will locate you & your seating in the concert. They also have Course A, Course B & Course C which depends on the concert days you are attending. Because I am flying out to Seoul just for the purpose of concert so why not just buy the two days ticket? And yeah that is why I chose Course C.
When does the ticketing open?
Usually the global package ticketing will only open at least one month prior to the actual concert, just like the concert announcement itself.  Basically right after SM announce the concert, just be prepared as the ticketing will be shortly after it, right before the general ticketing starts. My advice is just, save up save up and save up as it is really well-known super costly.
How competitive the tickets are?
It is less competitive than general ticketing for sure, but pretty competitive in between ifans itself. When I bought mine, I initially planned for just economy ones but the ticket sold out WHEN i clicked “payment”. So, be quick or you might need to wait a bit more. I’m the type to be anxious if I dont have my ticket yet so I really want my ticketing matters to be settled up as soon as possible so-- when I figured out the economy package got sold out I quickly clicked on superior option - impulsively hehs.
During that ticketing, SM allows you to hold your payment up to 2 hours, as for twin package buyers can split payment. So if the tickets sold out, you might be able to get it after 2 hours. NOTE THAT: SM changed the policy from 2 hours to 30 mins now.
Eventually SM will release more packages and you CANNOT change your options once you have buy it. The packages will be available up until a week/or two before the concert, but the type of packages is really depends. I would say, Course C - Economy package sold out pretty quickly because that is what most people aiming for.  
*also, keep refreshing the page if you are buying at the exact ticketing open time! The ticketing for mine opened 3 mins before the actual time so yeah….
How is the payment made?
Paypal only. Just be sure you have signed up to smtown travel account, and link you cards or have paypal balance to get your payment completed smoothly. Your package will only be confirmed once you get the payment confirmation so, having a working payment method is important. SM’s cancellation policy is ridiculous so I recommend everyone who is interested to join GP to do a thorough research beforehand.
Can international fans join general ticketing?
Yes, but not really feasible, as Yes24 sites require verification, unless you have connections with korean verifications or buy from 3rd party. The downside of 3rd party is you might get even more expensive ticket collectively compared to what Global Package has offered.
How good the seats are?
It depends on your luck as you will only draw your ticket basically the day before the concert. The more you paid for the package, the better the seats. For standing you might get a better queue number and in korea concerts you strictly go in by queue number. I chose seating, so for luckily one of my seat was right next to extended stage, and another seat was on the other side but center view. Also i luckily got both sides of seating so I can enjoy the concert with both views.
It is possible to trade your ticket between other global package holders tho - bcs i saw people did this at my hotel lol but you cannot ask sm to change your ticket. The concert ticket will be written as “해외팬투어” (intl fans tour), instead of your name.
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My seat on the first day
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My seat on the second day, center view
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My seat on the second day, side view
Is there a customer service page i can rely to?
Yes. If there is one thing i would applaud SMtown travel for, it is for their customer service. I used a lot of their “Q&A” page and they typically will reply you within one business day. If you ask on weekend, they will respond to you as quick as on Monday. So if you have any like literally, ANY question about your package, just send a question to them and they will reply personally as soon as they can. And it is in english.
— Logistics
After you have bought your package, SM will update the logistics & schedule 2 WEEKS before the concert. So don’t worry if they ghosted you out before that 2 weeks lol.
Technically, they will divide the hotels according to the package type (dlx/superior/econ), then they will divide you into bus numbers, according whether you are seating/standing. Also your schedule will depends on the bus number you get. And this is non-exchangeable, as they prepared everything according to the list that they grouped you out.
How is the hotel?
For me, i got located at Ibis Styles Ambassador Hotel in Gangnam. Because I got single package, i got the whole hotel room for myself, lol what a new experience, as for my solo travels i only go for budget hostels 🤣. The hotel location is only 15~20mins subway away from the venue, and it is walking distance from COEX. There are a bunch cafes & convenience store nearby so it is pretty easy to get something. The only thing is SM’s booth opens at 8pm, so because I arrived early, I just roamed around until the booth opens. At SM’s booth, it is where you pick up your preordered merchs, sm’s merchs and most importantly draw your tickets. Also I took the chance when gathering with fellow global package goers to trade anything i needed to exchange while everyone is there.
I dont know where to put this under, but for GP, We were given a greeting card from the boys, bunch of stickers, a letter set (with colour pencil), L-holders, bunch of posters and nct127’s moodlight. For the letter set, you can decorate and write fanletter to the members and hand it to your tour guide at the time they ask you. I bought some masking tape and stickers beforehand to decorate my letter, u can prepare it ahead too and transfer it to the letter they give as the time frame is really short.
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Can I go to the concert by my own?
Yes you can~ Be sure to tell your tour guide so that they dont waste time waiting. You also have to tell them whether u want to go back to hotel with them or not, as that is when they will hand you the snack boxes. If you are not certain of travelling alone in Seoul, i recommend to travel by the bus they provide, because the tour guide will bring you right until the concert entrance. For me, I wanted to join fan-events and roam around the venue more, so I decided to go on my own. (Best thing about it was when you’re in a train with fellow NCTzens they just airdrop you a lot of nct related stuffs — including the selfies they airdropped at the venue!).
— Itinerary
How tight the schedules are?
It kinda not as tight as I thought? Except for pretty early schedule on the first day, also Maybe because I got a seating ticket so I dont go to venue after the tours right away (standing fans had to queue right away after the tour)
And for me, this was my schedule —
25th 8pm: pick up merchs, ticket etc from SM booth 26th 10am - gather at hotel lobby 10:30am - depart for lunch (at Bulgogi Brothers), it was NCT127-theme and they play nct’s songs! 11:50am - depart to COEX artium - u get 1 hr to roam around there, I chose to roam around smtown museum 1pm - depart to SM C&C building in cheongdam, for special event Around 2~ish - depart back to hotel
U get free time in between and gather back at 4:30pm to depart to concert venue as concert starts at 6. As concert ends around 8:30pm, they give you about 45mins~ to get back to the bus if you wanna go back with them. 27th Bus departs at around 2 pm if i recall, as concert starts at 4pm. I went out at 10am lols (also tell your tour guide!) and bus departs around 7:30pm after the concert. 28th - check out around 12pm.
Detailed itinerary will be updated in my experience post.
The best thing about the concert period was they give you discount on some SM-related stuffs. For example, they give 30% off (?) for beverages at sm cafe for ticket/GP holders, and also discounted smtown museum admission. There were also new merchs got released that time, and some other promotions going on.
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Snack box after the concert!
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Merchs I collected from kfans giveaways at the venue
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The best part was NCTZens spreading out the fanproject - sing Paradise during Encore; using Airdrop. NEO indeed 😎
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The amount of memes & stuffs being airdropped - lol 
— Budgeting
General budgeting for my trip:
Flight - around 1.6K MYR return trip with 20kg luggage & meal (AirAsia)
Hotel - i only went during my GP stay period so it was all inclusive (hotel + concert ticket) with that $949 USD
Other expenses (tmoney, food, additional merchs) - about $250 usd is enough for me for 4 days, considering I spent on buying cosmetics & merchs a lot. My own preordered merchs was separate amt too, it depends on what u do/willing to spend around that period.
— For Muslim Fans
Do they provide halal meals?
They dont provide halal meat, but you can request for vegetarian option or seafood. During lunch, I got vegetarian bibimbap set. And for the snack boxes, too bad SM provided ham/bacon in the sandwiches, which I am not confident in removing it so I decided to not eat, just eat the cookies. Also they offer late-night meals after the concert (separate pay), but I didnt opt for that one and only went to eat at nearby places.
Can I pray before the concert?
Yes~ as I mentioned earlier, there are a few hours gap before you depart to concert so you can pray at your hotel beforehand. Or if you dont mind, like I did as I went to venue early on the 2nd day, I went to pray at Olympic Park area itself, there are a lot of benches or u can walk a bit further to isolated places to pray. I just sat down at some bench and pray while sitting down.
These are what I can think of, and as I said earlier I do have another separate post regarding my own NEO CITY: Seoul experience, and I will update under a thread. If you have any questions feel free to contact me via twitter (@sugnsook/@yudotaeil) or  curiouscat.me/6sungjae.  Also for neo city fancams/random pics about my trip, it will be updated eventually under the main thread where this entry is posted :) Hope it helps!
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maariku · 7 years
He’s Well Hung & I Am Hanging On [Rockstar AU Prequel]
[Rockstar AU main thread] ; done with @oregashujinkaku​
[jheeny3000 has joined the chat]
[PABLOO has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: pabloooooooooooo
jheeny3000: he in yet
PABLOO: nah man
PABLOO: but i got updates too yo
jheeny3000: yeah?
PABLOO: ye my bands playing at charlie's pub this friday
jheeny3000: noice u gotta tell skeeter
[noranora has joined the chat]
PABLOO: ye i will
PABLOO: yo nora
PABLOO: saw u the other night that was a sick show!
jheeny3000: yo noraaaa
noranora: hey
noranora: omg thanks
noranora: i didn't see you there!
noranora: is skeeter here yet?
jheeny3000: nah but yo pablo's band is playing at charlies on friday
noranora: sweeeet when? i'll drop by!
PABLOO: prob like nine that would be cool ye
noranora: jon hows your music coming?
jheeny3000: fucken stalled girl
jheeny3000: mikey bailed so we need a new drummer
PABLOO: what a fag
noranora: oh shit :( good luck with that
jheeny3000: yeahhhhhhhhh whatevs he was a dick
PABLOO: didnt he try to hook up with that guys sister
[princemalik has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: idr probably lmao he hooks up with everyone
[skeeter has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: SKEEEEET
jheeny3000: skeet man
PABLOO: yo skeet what up
skeeter: sup what i miss
noranora: pablo's playing at charlies on friday! :)
skeeter: sick gig man
jheeny3000: yo skeet u know a drummer? ours bailed
skeeter: nah man sorry
jheeny3000: shit
skeeter: karim might
jheeny3000: truuu
noranora: hey who is princemalik
PABLOO: idk hasnt said anything yo skeet u coming to charlies for me?
skeeter: i'll try man
princemalik: hey
noranora: hi :)
PABLOO: yo wtf wheres karim i got fken class in an hour
jheeny3000: dont sweat it pablo we'll tell him about charlies
jheey3000: you dont gotta spread it out to everyone like a flier lmao
PABLOO: shut up man karim got me this gig
noranora: oh cool! is he playing too?
PABLOO: idk i think so
jheeny3000: well now im def going
PABLOO: ur a faggot man fuck you
skeeter: just texted him he's coming on
noranora: he's in uni pablo he's probably busy
PABLOO: we're all busy damn man
jheeny3000: skeet did he get a new phone
skeeter: idk
jheeny3000: i asked his number he said he lost his phone last week
PABLOO: lmaoooooo you fuckin got skid man
jheeny3000: asshole wtf i cant believe him
[mkarim has joined the chat]
jheeny3000: fuck him
PABLOO: lmao nice
noranora: omg
noranora: hey karim
jheeny3000: yo man u fix ur fuckin phone
PABLOO: dude
PABLOO: duuude dont
PABLOO: karim yo i got that gig on friday
jheeny3000: IGNORED palbo damn
PABLOO: palbo
PABLOO: yo where is he wtf
noranora: you guys have no chill
mkarim: hey nora
mkarim: nice pablo thats sick im gonna be there all night my boys are getting trashed haha
PABLOO: sweeet hey man i'll see u there
mkarim: for sure
jheeny3000: karim u got a drummer i can use
mkarim: what happened to mikey
jheeny3000: got enaged r smth
mkarim: aw
noranora: awww thats sweet
mkarim: hey whos princemalik
jheeny3000: no its fukn gay
jheeny3000: dk he doesnt fkn talk just sqautting
mkarim: doesnt malik mean king
mkarim: prince king?
mkarim: your highness do you play or do you watch
princemalik: i play
princemalik: someone in another chatroom told me to join this one
princemalik: something about this song i wrote
skeeter: oh yo that was me hey man sorry i blanked
skeeter: karim dm him he has some stuff you should hear sounds like yours
noranora: ooooh can we hear it?
mkarim: oh yeah? cool okay
jheeny3000: sounds like his how
jhneey3000: like rip off or like what
skeeter: like style man
PABLOO: i gotta go to class
PABLOO: see u guys friday?
PABLOO: charlies?
jheeny3000: jfc pablo we'll be there fk off with the self promo
noranora: we'll be there! :)
mkarim: see you man
[PABLOO has left the chat]
jheeny3000: karim yo you never told me about the drummer situation
jheeny3000: you got one?
noranora: i think he’s afk again
jheeny3000: jfc skeet can u text him or smth
[princemalik has left the chat]
jheeny3000: skeeeeet
[mkarim has left the chat]
jhneey3000: r u fuck serious rn
noranora: i'm sorry j :/ i'll try to be on the lookout for you
jheeny3000: fucking faggots jfc
[jheeny3000 has left the chat]
[private message: mkarim@ princemalik]
mkarim: hey your highness
mkarim: so you got a link to these songs?
princemalik:  yeah, hold on
princemalik:  https:youtu.be/dQwwWgXcQ
mkarim: I like this
mkarim: I really like this
mkarim: you do this alone? how long have you been playing
princemalik: yeah
princemalik: oh man idk since I was a kid, I started taking singing lessons when I was eight I think
princemalik: you?
mkarim: christ lmao
mkarim: one of those kids huh
mkarim:  I started like fifteen or something I think
mkarim: no I like this though skeet was right it does sound like my stuff
mkarim: kind of punk right?
princemalik: yeah, alternative I guess
princemalik: so, do I get to hear some of your stuff or what?
princemalik: so you started at fifteen... how old are you now?
mkarim: yeah sure here
mkarim: https:youtu.be/dXwqQjXcX
mkarim: thats one of the newer ones
mkarim: 20
mkarim: u?
princemalik: yeah, me too
princemalik: holy shit, this is really good, you have like a band or something?
mkarim: yeah we play a bit in bars and stuff
mkarim: small venue stuff
mkarim: we're playing at charlie's on friday after pablo's band, you should come, are you in LA?
princemalik:  nah I don't live in the states, actually
princemalik:  that sounds really cool though, maybe you could get someone to record it for me?
princemalik:  that's not weird to ask, is it?
mkarim: no we post live vids on our channel you can check it out
mkarim: we're called endeverafter
mkarim: shame youre not close would be cool to jam sometime with a guy with music like yours
mkarim: you thinking of starting a band of your own?
princemalik: yeah absolutely I'll check it out
princemalik:  I've been talking to some of the guys in my class about it, the guitarist's dad owns a bar in the city he told us when we get some songs together we can play there
princemalik: so, do you speak Arabic or did you google my name?
mkarim: right on you gotta take him up on that let me know how it goes
mkarim: lol I speak it I was born just outside cairo
mkarim: I take it youre native too?
princemalik: yeah, I will.
princemalik: hey, me too.  When did you move out to the states?  What's it like?
mkarim: maybe five ago
mkarim: its amazing I love the city here
mkarim: so much to do, tons of clubs, people are just generally into more stuff
mkarim: I could never go back after being here its like a whole other world
mkarim: its expensive though
princemalik: yeah?  Worse than Cairo you think?
princemalik: I've always wanted to visit, it seems like everyone is more chill there, more accepting, y'know?
mkarim: definitely steeper. I got an apartment I share with three other guys rn
mkarim: they definitely are
mkarim: are you in school still?
princemalik: oh wow that's a lot, sounds like it could be a lot of fun tho
princemalik: yeah I am, you?
mkarim: yeah, second year. I think I'm done honestly though getting tired of this and the bands doing so well, we're getting signed in a few months, probably start touring
princemalik: holy shit you're getting signed?  That's amazing, good for you guys.  You gotta make sure the tour comes through here lol
mkarim: lmao yeah just for you your majesty
mkarim: what are you studying
princemalik: that's right, a private viewing just for me lol
princemalik: music theory
princemalik: what about you, something boring?
mkarim: yeah
mkarim: the only way my dad would pay for me to move here and go to school was if I studied what he wanted
mkarim: worth it to get away from him so I figure why not I can drop it out once I save up my own money
mkarim: sorry you don't need to know that shit
princemalik:  it's alright
princemalik: don't get along very well with your dad, huh?
mkarim: no
mkarim: do you live at home?
princemalik: that sucks, sorry man
princemalik: yeah, with my father and my sister
mkarim: older or younger? she into music too?
princemalik: older and nah not really
princemalik: she's more into like clothes and stuff
princemalik: you have any siblings?
mkarim: ooh fashionista lol
mkarim: no its just me
mkarim: that I know of lol
mkarim: isn't it late there now? youre like ten hours ahead aren't you?
princemalik: yeah she makes her own jewelry and everything she's pretty good at it
princemalik: yeah but it's the weekend tomorrow I'll just sleep in
mkarim: fair enough
mkarim: so what else are you into
princemalik: not a lot, with school and practice that takes up most of my time y'know
princemalik:  I read a lot, mostly keep to myself
princemalik:  what about you, you seem pretty outgoing.  I bet you have groupies already
mkarim: hahahaa yeah I guess kind of
mkarim: we go out a lot here like I said theres a lot of places to go
mkarim: do you party?
princemalik: yeah, sometimes
princemalik: there's some really nice clubs here but my dad is pretty strict so I've gotta get creative
mkarim: lol youre 20 man why do you stay at home? move out, get your own place, party any time you want. why let him rule you?
princemalik:  I don't really have a job right now, I couldn't afford living on my own anyway.
princemalik: he's not too bad
mkarim: if you say so
mkarim: I gotta get going. rehearsal. i'll talk to you later, prince lol
princemalik: alright lol see ya
princemalik:  you up yet?  How did your rehearsal go?
mkarim: hey sorry I hardly go on the chats here
mkarim: jon keeps bugging me about everything hes really annoying lol
mkarim: you can text me though that might be easier?
princemalik: yeah absolutely just send me you number
mkarim:  5552814
Hey it's the king.  So how was rehearsal, you go to any wild parties?
the king huh lol it was fine, just practicing for friday. probably having an after party then we'll see we'll see ;)
Hey, I didn't name myself lol.  Nice, have fun.  I'm going out Friday night too, it's not gonna be anywhere near as wild as your party though I'm sure.
whats your sisters name I bet its like Amira or something lol. you gonna party or got a hot date?
No lol it's Ishizu.  Just clubbing with some friends, I'm not really dating anyone right now.  What about you, you got a girlfriend or something?
or something. nah not really with anyone now.
so I listened to a few more of your songs on your yt, you've got good chords man. i'm still reeling that you put all that together by yourself.
That means a lot, especially from someone with as much experience as you, thank you.  Hey, if you ever need some guest vocals you know who to call lol
haha yeah if you ever flew to LA to sing. wouldn't be bad though we all suck, we could use someone like you. shame. what do you play most?
Mostly just sing, keyboard.  I started learning guitar years ago but I'm kind of a wuss with my hands I hate he callouses lol. What do you play?
lol aw the poor royal hands. I love guitar, i play bass mostly though.
Got the short end of the stick huh?   You're really good at the vocals too, you have a good voice for it.  You could be lead if you wanted to.
nah i don't think ive got the right stage presence for lead or something. i like bass its ok
That's something you learn, though, right?  You seemed to handle yourself pretty well in those videos.
ahh you watched those eh yeah they're kind nsfw I guess but so are the songs
Yeah they were really good though, you're very good looking.
ahahahaa thanks. You make any videos?
What, of just me?  Nah, that's kind of weird and embarrassing lol.  Maybe if the whole band thing takes off we will.
nah do like acoustic stuff. Girls love that shit. Besides, if you're good looking too it'll get you more views
Do they? lol  Yeah, maybe I'll try it.  Something with my keyboard, maybe.
yeah and then link me. That's not weird to ask right lol
Nah it's only fair I guess.  I'll have to borrow my father's camera no way my phone is gonna do it.
lol okay well good luck with that I look forward to it
Did you still wanna see that video?  I'm kinda nervous about posting it honestly.
what video?
oh yeahhh oh yeah send it over
I sent the link in our chat.  Promise not to laugh too much.
i promise
damn thats good man.
i mean it sounds as good the camera allows but you look great too man lol your views will definitely skyrocket if you post that
Oh wow thanks lol.  Yeah I think I'm gonna do it.  May as well start getting myself out there, y'know?
you absolutely should. i swear its a lot easier to get noticed here though i think, like we've only been playing a year maybe and we're growing fast. it's just LA
A year??  That's so fast.  Man I've gotta get out there some day.
you sure do. how was your weekend?
Boring.  I spent most of it helping my father clean out the garage, wrote some new stuff.  What did you do, Mr. Rockstar?
lol what happened to that party you were going to? i went out man I don't even remember what I did last night we got so fucked
I didn't end up going we'll probably go this weekend instead.  Actually I might have some friends over Tuesday while my father's out of town.  It must've been a lot of fun then lol.
that sucks. sounds like a shitty weekend. does your sister live at home with you guys i can't remember if you told me
Yeah, I did she does.  If I'm extra nice to her she won't tell on me lol
lol better start doing her chores then. you wanna show me some of your new stuff? do you start with lyrics or music?
I already did her laundry today lol.  Sure, how do you want me to show you?  I always start with the lyrics, it helps me get an idea of where I'm going.  You write any of the stuff for your band?
yeah some of the lyrics but the lead does most of the music, he's just got an ear for it. whatever is easier for you, depends on how much you have I guess? we can call if it helps.
Not too much, its mostly bits and pieces.  Yeah we can call if you want that would be cool.
Alright give me a sec
[Incoming call: Karim]
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no2da · 7 years
dream diary,  my guys have fun
i was in a friends home, it was at night and i think i was supposed to cat sit? no one was at home (to my knowledge) but im talking to someone? probably myself?? the apartment was so huge and some of the rooms looked like the original walls had been removed and new ones been built to change the layout completely and i was asking the person who i was talking to where the bathroom was cause i couldnt find it and then i looked into the parents bedroom and theres just a doorway arch without door and a stair leading down and the steps are laid out with tiles and at the bottom i can see a bathroom and im just thinking, oh wow i thought this was a flat, also. lol they have no bathroom door you can hear everyone shit from the beds. and i wanted to go down there and i thought, must suck for the parents to have everyone go through their bedroom to go use the toilet. and when was downstairs i realized the bathroom wasnt a bathroom but just a narrow hallway and there were some doors leading into rooms and one rooms door was slightly open and light was coming out and i was like, shit!!!! and i run upstairs and when im in the bedroom again i whisper really angrily ‘why didnt you tell me theres still someone here ???!! ‘ and then i go down again cause i wanna know who is there and i peak through the gap between the door and its some kid watching tv and she turns around and looks me straight in the eye and i fucking run away that was so scary. i run into one of the other rooms and barricade the door and sit there and im having the image in my head of me cutting the throat of that kid with a sickle and hearing, that would solve the problem, and then im like, no!! and see myself cutting my own throat with the sickle and im like, THAT would solve my problem you sick fuck, and then i can see whats happening out the door and theres the kid standing with a sickle about to ram it into the wood and then im outside again but she didnt notice me and i grab her arm and softly say, no, and then im in another room and theres someone with me and also a cat and the other person is doing embroidery and im playing with the cat with their yarn and i try to roll the thread back and the other person says they dont want it anymore cause the cat had it in its mouth.
i woke up for a bit cause the dorm next to mine is getting renovated and they made some noise but i fell asleep again
all the characters from naruto where having like a banquet for borutos anime debut, and they werent animation but real life people, like sasuke was some middle aged dude wearing the shittiest wig and tenten a rly tall black girl, also tenten was the owner of the venue where the party was hold. this was in the late evening it was dark already. then everyone noticed that boruto wasnt even there so they started a search for him. this lead out of the city. there were like only two locations (it was around sunset now), one was a still picture of a highway crossing and the other was a highway along a huge field of wheat. boruto was in that field for idk what reason, there was also a black kid with bleached hair and a rifle sneaking around in there. the search troupe werent aware of them and were looking on the other side of the highway. then there was a small explosion followed by a gun shot  in the field. at one end we now could see a couple police guys swat gear ?? and a drone was flying over the field. could see boruto dodging the shot from the swat guys but couldnt dodge the drone. the kid with a rifle was standing a couple meters away not being fast enough for any real reaction. then choji and his mom and dad were there, jumping in and like, matrix like blowing the fucking bullets away, ,,. then everyone was like lets go back home we saved boruto blah and some guy was like, anyone know this kid (with the rifle) but no one knew him but they took him back to the city with them, and on the way back there was the still picture of the crossing again and someone commented, hey, the sun hasnt moved one bit but our search lasted hours? also didnt we start the search at night why is it still sunset? 
idk who made this comment but naruto tried to dismiss it and then we were back at tentens restaurant and someone (I Cant remember) was leading shikamarus child in there (still like a toddler) cause they thought the father was in there, but tenten told them he wasnt there but they were like, oh well lets still let him wait for him here and brought him to their usual table and josuke and okuyasu (whatefuck are you guys doing here) were sitting at the table and okuyasu gave tenten a compliment on her new suit. when the person who brought the child was gone tenten went into the kitchen and talked to one of the waitresses about how weird that was and she was really worried about something called an ACADEMIA and suspecting something to happen, then the kitchen door opened and some huge ass slimey meat blob came through and it had a mouth and when it opened it we could see its tongue and its tongue had a mouth again (haha) and shikamarus kid was like, slowly coming out of that second mouth and it was crying and the thing was starting to talk and it said it was an ACADEMIA (my guy thats the name of this fucking alien thing what the fuck ,mind the capital letters) and how it needs to kill all life forms that arent ACADEMIAs and then the waitress started screaming and took one of those huge metal trays for baking and just starts beating the alien with it and it was just like fucking putty but the thing about those aliens was that they could regenerate if left alone, so tenten and the waitress shoved the thing under a pantry so it wouldnt have the space to become big again and they also folded the edges of the, flat putty thing over, so it coudlnt grow limbs?? (it didnts even have limbs in the first place waht) and after that was done tenten realized that shikamarus kid was gone now too, killed along w the alien and she had a come up with something now
and while this happened in the kitchen >>I<< (but, i wasnt watching the whole thing from >my< perspective i was still watching it all like in a movie and suddenly i am an actor in it) showed up at the restaurant and just started, grocery shopping there?? i bought a weird moldy lemon (only because a waitress convinced me to buy it and i cant say no), a lemon the size of a melon, a pack of tiny muffins and one huge muffin, and chocolate covered biscuits, white chocolate and some weird ass red one. and i stole the shopping cart i just took it home with me, and i lived in some weird ass run down shit house with a netto right next to it and i fucking go grocery shopping in a restaurant instead, i bring the fucking shopping cart with me into the kitchen and a family is there while i unpack the groceries, and im. like. posing for one of their family members. i dont know these people and they dont know im not really the person they think i am but im not even in disguise. so i put the muffins on the counter and say i bought the huge one for (i forgot the name) and the white chocolate biscuits for (i forgot the name too), they were the two daughters. muffin was the younger one and biscuits the older one, but then older one comes up to the counter and takes the muffin and looks at me really knowingly and says thanks in a rly weird way and im just, shit. i fucked up they know now im not the real thing. and i just try to play it cool take the lemons and go back to my room.
and my room is . the set for a historical play about suffragettes im writing and and all the actors and technicians etc are there  and deedee is there too and shes asking me to give her a role in the play and i want her to play one of the suffragettes (note: the costumes for the suffragettes were mainly made out of belts, weird) and of course the character deedee plays must be a lesbian too but my director says she can only have a crush on another woman whos already married to a man, no requited romance cause i already wrote another gay couple in the script and there cant be two according to him and that pissed me off so i want to take it out on his favorite male character. he was supposed to have a party hosted at his house and i change the scene so the party is somewhere else. i put down the lemons on my bed and climb on it to take down the wall carpet, which was like, essential for the guys party scene, idk why my bed was in the scene. the carpet was super gross like tons of dust and lady bugs and there were even. tiny plants sprouting from it and i verbally let my anger out on the guy and he gave me a vacuum cleaner so i could clean and while i try to suck in some lady bugs  and in that moment the bag is apparently full and so fucking full that the shit comes out at the tube and the end piece and there are tons of bugs and i just let it drop cause it scares me and the older sister who exposed me tells me to change the bag and takes my lemons and i just wanna cry cause the fucking bugs are on my bed and i dont wanna open that thing and she took my lemons!!! but im strong and go get a new bag and open the vacuum and cleaner and for some reason i have a pair of scissors now and cut open the old full bag (WHY WOULD I DO THIS) and theres bugs crawling everywhere, silver fish and lady bugs and im just sitting in this pile of shit, good morning
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nchyinotes · 6 years
How to turn your activist goals into reality in 2018
February 6 2018
Thoughts: They were all so funny and real and genuine, and it was a pleasure to hear their honest accounts and journeys to where they are now. The Q&A was very helpful and rich with advice. Really motivating, felt a very encouraging “just do it!” push.
Carys Afoko (Levelup) - “Full time feminist”
4 stages:
1) Idea
Most ideas are simple, don’t be too obsessed with being new
Look for closest examples of your idea that exist + rip it off
For her: ultraviolet (US), ultra gender?? (aus), 38 degrees (UK)
Trying to think more broadly about other groups that inspire me
2) Team
Very important in early stages
People who share and believe in your vision - Co founders, or people who generally support you
Women of color in leadership positions was very important to her
3) Testing
Get it into the world ASAP
Pays off 100%
Hard if you’re a perfectionist
Just trick yourself into it by reframing it! Say it’s in beta mode or something
It’s how you learn + find other people + get more confident
4) Funding / resourcing
Don’t be embarrassed to say that you want to pay yourself! Plan this! Don’t martyr yourself!
Biggest lie people tell themselves: I can just do this stuff for free
Gendered stuff about people who can (afford to) work for free
She was glad to take the risk + bet on self
Fuck it, just do it
Paula Akpan (I’m Tired Project + gal dem writer)
Microaggressions photography project
Social media → real life: exhibitions + workshops in schools in NY and Nairobi
Way to bring this art to the real world!
Arts council funding (ask for tips!)
Nicole Crentsil (Unmasked Women)
Exhibition of mental health in black community
Safe space to openly talk about it with different artistic mediums
Spent a lot of time talking to people, hearing their stories
Got too immersed in research + stats?
Always mentally doing so many things
Expectation management → to follow how great it is, not just stop
Curation, art, cultural research, public speaker
Nicole & Paula - story of the first black girl festival
WOW @ southbank (angela davis, chimumandah)
So many black women! Electric energy
Exhilarating to feel that energy
“We should do a project” —> 2 hour phone call, do a festival, googlesheets
Left it, knew they were sitting on a gold mine
Got approached for a venue (unrelated)
Black history month = 7 months to plan this
With only a spreadsheet + venue
Approached friends at ICA, southbank, was told that name might be controversial & that black women dont want to come to the southbank, come back when its successful, etc
Had to fund it themselves
Took domain and social media handles just in case
Made the crowdfunder - 3 hours work, tips on website, so easy
Critical point: will people actually give money?
2 days and (30 pounds) later, crowdfunder website co founders wanted to meet because thought it was a great idea, envisioned 10k + success, gave them tips (ie. facebook is the way to make community), really gave them a mental boost
Both working full time jobs
Actually had to check in with each other, were only whatsapping each other about work
Ended up getting lots of support online, breaking goal, stretched it - to make sure to pay every black woman who helped out
Free, community festival for all ages. 350 capacity, 4000 tickets sold
Best thing they’ve ever done
Engaged with so many different organisations, sponsorships, so many people wanted to support in some way
Paula induced anxiety by downloading kickstarter / eventbrite apps (looool, so relatable)
Emotional, cried so much during day
Getting over anxiety hurdle for putting idea into world?
Lowering stakes for self - doing a small version, iteration (lean startup) + improve
You need people who will tell you you’re great OR to do it as a team
Your tone + way you market need to come off as confident, so people believe in what you’re doing
Should come up with 1 strap line to not waffle (one mission / vision statement?)
How to get past people critical of what you’re doing?
Was asked: What would you do if it was called ‘white mans festival’ (actual reactions)
Mayor of paris, feminist festival? Something?
Assumption it’ll exclude other people, but is actually not? For anyone who celebrates black women. No racism, etc
Why are you not doing it for all women? Because i want this specific conversation.
But if someone is asking you questions like that, is not for them
Issues of inclusivity - role of white, middle class women?
The change needs to be in the way jobs are applied for and advertised (HR and directors)
In creative industries, an issue is that people don’t actually know what the roles mean
Creative mentor network
Access for young people to creative industry
Everyone experiences privilege and oppression
Most things are not in your experience
Allyship should really be about ‘creating space’ - bringing someone else’s voice in
When should i be opening out the convo, rather than speaking for
When challenging someone on their power = defense mechanisms often go up
How to be valued + not exploited for my work, but to work with new people and organisations?
Morally align with ethics? Orgs that work alongside what you believe
Black pain is now cool to talk about / monetise
You should tell your own story, champion yourself, create that work
Think about how do people approach you - do they talk about fee / payment / budget, or just “exposure”?
You need to value yourself (time, craft, expertise)
Be smart about how much you’re giving to people (writing everything on a twitter thread vs a piece you can pitch)
You can’t keep giving out of an empty vessel - it’ll deplete yourself, you need to look after yourself!
Fundraising is a feminist issue?
Definitely had sexist / racist reactions
How people perceive your ask, steeling yourself for this
There is the expectation that we should just do for free
Lessons from fundraising
Facebook, videos = more money
Went to people in network with a high ask (100+ pounds)
Crowdfunding is tied to your social network
Have your people primed to share it - don’t be embarrassed of that!!
You have to be a good listener - why they’re giving, motivation for it, what will get us both excited
Personal relationships matter
Person most likely to give you money has already given to you → more sustainable model
Project based vs idea based (different difficulties)
How the platform you’re using works + how people engage with it
Crowdfunder UK for the community aspect
The more it gets shared → bigger community
Keep engaging, re engaging, thank yous + pay attention to high donor
Doing things (imperfect testing) vs selling the idea
Nonny + Sophie: positive money = economic reform for fairer, youth network, dominant voices are white old male, we experience the brunt of the stupid decisions made  race/gender/class blind
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jessieyardley · 6 years
Astro fanatic
So recently.. I have been crazy about astrology. I mean I have been truly studying it. I did hit a point where I just find it too complex for me. That pissed me off. And that episode about his fake age in a way added to it too. But its just so me that I need to get it figured out. So being a google expert.. I did manage to go pass that hurdle.
It has been surreal. I mean I didnt know how close this astrology could really have a break down of my character. I sort of understood myself. My weakness as well as my life purpose. I finally understood what was my issues in the past. Its so enlightening that I felt its as though its a religion. Lol.
I cant say that it's spot on but the general gist of things are there. I have this fire inside of me that kept me going all along. I think thats the Aries fire. I used to hate being an Aries because that makes me a fiesty girl but now after the analysis, I realized its the Arian spirit that keeps me alive. That wrapped up all my weak pieces and protected me. That kept me going despite hanging by the thread.
All I can say is that.. You have no idea what I have gone through in life. You cant see whats hidden behind my sweet smile nor my air of confidence at times. My mentality have went through hell and back again. Am I still sane? I dont know. I guess nobody is, nowadays.
Back to the topic, and I always thought my appearance sorta portray the Aries side of me like a trailblazer that why sometimes I turn heads. Well, its actually the Taurus rising sign in me. Thats why I never really like bold dressing or red color like an Aries. I resemble the bull, ruled by Venus. So I have this earthly quiet presence with a graceful elegant walk. I know I sounded like bragging but please theres so many pretty young things around. What I am saying is that its my sensual nature that attracts people. Not my looks. I never find myself pretty. Attractive yes but I dont know why do I appeal. Maybe its the vibe.
I remember I made a splash with my online profile by using the word sensual to describe myself. Apparently men dont know the meaning of this word. I think 99% thought of sexual and that got them real excited of the prospect of bedding me. Sensual gotta do with physical pleasures not limited to sex. I am sensual becos I feel so much more than an average human being. When I am happy, I am at my top of my world.. When I am down, its just like I am crashing down. Simple joys like eating my favorite dessert just makes me so happy. It can really make my day. The whole freaking day becos I used all my senses to just devour it. A simple movie touches me because I feel deeply for the characters. Even Toy Story could do that to me. I just feel so much. And that's not just the Taurus in me.. I have Venus as my chart ruler and she is in Pisces. So I am an emotional train wreck. Oh boy. Theres just too much weak pieces inside. Thankfully I have both my sun and mars in Aries. Thats the life saver that makes the fiesty part in me. Thats the part that makes me feel like a Superwoman from the Amazon. And the final piece of the puzzle is that my destiny lies in people. I will find true fulfillment in work, in my career. People would energise me. So it really feels like Superwoman needing to blend into mankind. Lol.
It sounds silly that I spent so much time reading on Astrology but its really cool. I feel like I am looking into myself while I was piecing everything together. I still cant make sense of it all. But super fulfilling.
I actually wanted to know the compatibility between us but I realized what is the point when I dont understand myself. And what is the point in knowing about us when its intangible.
I have come to a point I dont wanna think anymore nor act like I am ok with this situation between me and him. It has come to a point that I think its going too far. I dont know exactly what's going on over there and our connection has always been important to me. Maybe not to him. It comes to a point we ain't getting any closer. We dont even have regular communication that I think its getting absurd. When I needed someone, I dont think he is around. I dont have a shoulder to lean on to. And I never know how it feels like. And who am I to make demands? So ironic.
I wanna defy my neptune in 7th house. I wanna conquer the demons. I wanna say no. Its enough. I shall not let myself be in disillusion anymore. I want my badass Aries back to show me the light. It will hurt because I feel so much. But its ok. Nobody died from pain in the heart. I always survive for another day.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
This is why SXSW still matters
Moments like this.
Image: lance ulanoff/mashable
Hugh Forrest sounded like he just did a spit-take on the phone. I was telling him how I wanted to explore South by Southwest Conference (SXSW), the music, film and interactive event that kicks off March 10 in Austin, Texas, in a fresh way. Imagine, I explained, a guy walking up to you on the streets of Austin and saying, Why does SXSW still matter, man?
SEE ALSO: Theres more than meets the eye at the 2017 SXSW Mashable House
Forrest, who has long served as SXSWs chief programming officer, collected himself and quickly rattled off five big-picture reasons why the long-running conference that sometimes seems over-stuffed with brand activations cans still pack a punch.
Full disclosure, Mashable is a SXSW partner. In fact, you can find us daily (March 10-12) hosting a Twitter Live show from the heart of Austin.
SXSW informs
Former United States President Barack Obama (r) and CEO and Editor-in-chief of the Texas Tribune Evan Smith (l) at SXSW 2016.
Image: W. Smith/Epa/REX/Shutterstock
SXSW, which has 11 keynotes and over 2,800 sessions, is, predictably, about information. I think our role now is similar in many ways to what it has been throughout: To inform people, said Forrest. He added that SXSW can give context to developments in our rapidly-changing world, especially as they relate to music, film, startups and technology.
There will, for instance, be two days of panels devoted to Technology Under President Donald Trump, even though no almost one from the Trump Administration will be attending the event in any official capacity.
Whether you like or dont like Trump administration, he said, theyre still in a state of flux, trying to figure out what theyre doing, pulling things together, pulling their cabinet together. Given that kind of flux, I think SXSW is the last thing on their mind, at least I hope it is.
SXSW inspires
Meeting of the minds.
Image: lance ulanoff/mashable
SXSWs most popular speakers are the ones who inspire people with creativity innovation, new ideas, and new ways theyre connecting ideas, said Forrest. Its especially inspiring when they present innovative ways of pulling all those threads together to create something new.
That need for inspiration is more vital in 2017 than ever, said Forrest.
SXSW is networking heaven
We all just met (at SXSW 2016).
Image: lance ualnoff/mashable
SXSW offers unparalleled networking, Forrest told me. Meeting new people who may or may not be directly connected to your area of interest, but can still offer insight and inspiration, makes the networking aspect one of the most valuable pieces of the SXSW experience.
Its a great venue to meet creative people from all over the world, said Forrest.
SXSW helps you discover
I found this storm trooper and tie-fighter last year and took them home. Tell no one.
Image: lance ulanoff/mashable
SXSWs 24 content tracks have not changed much in the last few years, but they all offer an opportunity to find new ideas and people in your area of interest.
However, Forrest offered some seemingly counter-intuitive advice for SXSW attendees. If youre an expert in health, dont go to health panels, go to startups, foodGo to where you will get new ideas, outside your expertise.
SXSW is still about serendipity
Yes, you can do some very random stuff at SXSW.
Image: lance Ulanoff/mashable
Owing to the scale of SXSW, Forrest always encourages attendees to look at the schedule, download the app and arrive with a plan.
That said, most likely the most meaning you will get at the event, is something that will happen serendipitously, he added.
You might meet someone in person whom youve long-followed on social media. Or you cant get into one panel (a common occurrence), so you wander into another and learn something completely new.
Its hard to plan for those moments at SXSW, you must let them happen.
Most others I spoke to echoed Forrest’s sentiments.
When I asked internet entrepreneur and Vayner Media CEO Gary Vaynerchuk, whom I spoke to via Twitter DM, if he thought SXSW has been overrun by brands, he said, “Everything gets overrun by brands.”
However Vaynerchuk, who this year marks a decade of SXSW attendance, still sees value in SXSW:
[SXSW] matters cause of the scale of people that attend.
At the end of the day Conference’s and events are hugely ROI positive if you are capable of networking and being efficient with maximizing your meetings in a weekend that would have taken 6 months to accomplish.
It may not be as indie, but it’s made up in scale of serendipity of networking and new connections.
Chief evangelist of Canva and former chief evangelist of Apple, Guy Kawasaki has been attending for 6 years and told me via email SXSW is his favorite conference “because there are no billionaires and few venture capitalists. Most of the attendees are doers, not pretenders. Its the people who really do the work, not their bosses nor their investors. Brands arent ruining SXSW. Theyre providing the food and drinks that power it.”
Hilary Corna, five-year SXSW vet and author of One White Face was no less positive about SXSW in 2017 and told me via email:
The multi-faceted nature of SXSW means the more you go into the festival knowing what you want to get out of it, the better.
The festival is relevant if you wish to have access to people and meet people in person that you otherwise would have a hard time meeting. Its relevant if you wish to be exposed to the most extra-ordinary projects, thought-processes, and cross disciplinary technologies and conversations being had in some of the most upper echelon organizations (and also the coolest startups youve never heard of). Its relevant if you have specific goals in current companies or solo adventures you are pursuing such as knowledge transfer, networking, or understanding competitors.
Knowledge, opportunity, serendipity remain linchpins of SXSW. And even amidst all the brand activations, crowded streets, and surfeit vats of queso, there will be some show-making moments.
For his part, though, Forrest is most excited about Professor Jennifer Doudnas keynote. The chemistry and molecular and cell biology scientist will be talking about her groundbreaking work in CRISPR-mediated genome-editing.
When I asked him why Doudna’s talk so intrigued him, Forrest offered a surprisingly personal reason:
Ive been doing SXSW for way too long and have some built up some proficiency over the years in slotting panels, but my dad [Dr. Hugh Forrest], who is now retiring, was a geneticist for 50 years. So having someone like Jennifer Doudna at the event is like the closest to me having a similar trajectory to my dad. Its something he and I can talk about.
Which may be the main reason why SXSW still matters: It invariably starts a conversation.
WATCH: This hair dye changes color based on your environment
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2mNey9x
from This is why SXSW still matters
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