#dont kill ranboo this time
cordyline-uki · 4 months
Generation Loss 2 is coming out June 15th!!!
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The hyperfixtation is making a comeback
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transbeeduo · 9 months
anyways whenever someone is weird about the stuff i talk about regarding beeduo with bug i DO have legal rights to hit you with hammers sorry
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loonfromq · 1 year
hey remember the
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yeah tht.
so we either have seen three eps of the total genloss saga, or, as i believe, one.
since what we just saw was generation loss: the social experiments. tse. and since that's the only one thats labelled, that must be what we saw. ofc hiccups bc a vhs tape can only have about 2hrs of footage on it, and there were more like four hours of total gl. still! we can only wait and see.
plus. i didn't want to divie up posts again and due to. complications. wont be able to add this to my gl masterpost. so!
nex theory.
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see those spike boys?
see the bottom edge of that box? none of that is long enough to actually hurt him.
i mean that might be just so, irl, it wouldn't actually hurt him.
that showfall didn't actually kill him.
he was their hero after all.
they're not going to let him go that easily.
and we've seen w/ sneeg and charlie and such that showfall can fake deaths (or possibly even brings them back(?)) with relative ease.
it wouldn't be a surprise at all if they brought him back without our input.
we've seen before w/ showfall that choice is an illusion
and that we're as much in this game as ranboo is.
(like when i nearly cried myself to sleep last night remembering how b!boo hadn't trusted us with the color codes like we don't see what you see, yes, but we see everything else we understand your predicament you just dont understand ours we saved your life like one, two, three, four times by then maybe mroe we care for you you're our little blorbo we want the best for you even when you cant see our words but lets just forget about that, no,; we're watching this bc you're there no othre reason, if this was really really real we would have got you out by now bc your pain is ours; but no, you can trust the stranger with the masks and cameras and obvious lies, you cant trust youre own fans we literlly know you better than you know yourself WHY CANT YOU EUNDERSTAND)
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showf4ll · 3 months
I really want to work on actually fleshing out a couple GL aus Ive come up with. I feel nervous about getting details wrong though. I haven’t been involved in the fandom for the year+ Ive liked GL so anything I know or theories I have are purely my own.
Anyways. Both of them are where Ranboo succeeds at getting out of the facility (or maybe gets the live option). But one just has him escape to a perfectly clear and uniform neighborhood void of any humans. It’s absolutely just another set. I havent decided the details of any of that one besides that he is under the impression that he got Charlie killed for nothing. Maybe Ill make Charlie still be alive. Who knows. Depends on my mood.
The other one is the same where he escapes, but this time he just sort of ends up in an apocalyptic world. I have even less figured out about that. I just really like apocalypse stuff. Maybe it’s something where Showfall is the only safe haven for people in all of that- but they either dont know what theyre getting into or their fate is just sealed the second they walk in.
ALSO maybe not for the 2nd AU but a thing I like a lot is the concept of the company taking Ranboo- and all of their contestants- because they did do something they deemed to need punishment. Of course nobody remembers what that is.
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infizero-draws · 5 months
oh hey, id love to here your labduo hcs
YAYYYY ok. i'll start off with the demon soulmate ones (not specific to them) since someone else asked to hear about that as well. this is very long sorry
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SO. all demons are born with a special kind of semi-immortality (able to be killed but unable die from age) where their lives are connected to a mortal soulmate(s). soulmate in this context has no inherent romantic or sexual connotations; soulmates can be strictly platonic, romantic, sexual, or anything in between. they dont even necessarily have to spend their lives with each other, it's purely the bond and the connections between their lives.
soulmate bonds exist from the moment all parties are alive, but the demon doesn't get the instinct to seek them out until the age of 18. the demon will follow this instinct and once they meet their soulmate(s), their lives will be connected from there on.
if the demon decides not to seek them out for whatever reason, they'll still naturally be drawn to them. however, if by bad luck or purposeful avoidance they dont meet their soulmate(s) by age 50, then they'll just Die. for this reason most dont avoid their soulmates but there are some who choose this lonesome dangerous lifestyle; choosing a set-in-stone 50 year lifespan over one tied to a mortal's lifespan, which could end up being cut short.
if the demon has already met their soulmate(s) before the age of 18, then nothing really changes. they still don't KNOW they're soulmates until they turn 18, and then once they do the connected lives come into effect.
these mortal soulmates have historically been humans, which is what led to the horned human variant coming into existence a long LONGGG time ago. these are different from demon-human hybrids, as over the years they've become their own subspecies. the horned human variant is still considered fully human, just with horns and a tail. this is what c!tommy is, while c!eryn is an actual demon-human hybrid. here's this old chart i made to illustrate the differences:
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demon-human hybrids don't have quite as good of a sense for locating their soulmate(s) as full demons; they'll still naturally be drawn to them but won't really be aware of it until the bond has been forged, unlike a full demon.
^ this is all obviously expanded upon from bad and skeppy's canonical soulmate bond btw.
ANYWAYS so that brings us to labduo. (i forgot they were called that btw. awesome) basically they're soulmates, but as per the way this all works, eryn doesnt realize this until they turn 18. and that's when he's like ummmm tommy. i think we're soulmates lol. and tommy is like wot. rlly? ok. and that basically is it LOL. tommy lives with tubbo and ranboo in the future to me, i dont think eryn and tommy would be attached at the hip soulmates. eryn would probably go off on his own adventures and come back every so often to catch up, rest at the benchtrio house, etc. rolewise they're like the distant uncle who randomly shows up from time to time LOL.
when it comes to other hcs for them ummm i dont actually have a lot. i think they figured out they were trans around the same time, like pre-puberty, and that was something that rlly brought them together. eryn tried to cut tommy's hair and it was a disaster. for anything more read this comic i made a while back
for me tommy was just this scrappy kid who showed up at the village stealing bread and shit, until he befriended eryn and was taken in by eryn's mom. ive never given tommy's actual origins much thought, as i dont think it rlly matters to me. the thing thats important is that he was an orphan from a young age. as much as i think the lab stuff can be cool i think i do just imagine him to have had normal parents and. Something happened where he did not have them anymore. young enough where he didnt have memories of them or anything. idk
OH and rq to explain this doodle in the context of all this. its basically just eryn saying that it's a good thing all of tommy's trauma and deaths happened BEFORE their soulmate bond existed or else it would've happened to eryn too lol
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thats kind of it...... thank you for your interest...
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cdroloisms · 8 months
ctechno was not the nice dude everyone wants him to be
oooh interesting take lmao. im gonna insert a courtesy "c!techno is generally a good person and does good" disclaimer bc like, c!techno is generally a good person that does good and cares about people and gets ridiculous amounts of hates for stupid things all the damn time, for the record, but also ... i cant say i dont get what you mean in part?
i think there's a phenomenon with c!techno sometimes where people can make him either too much of a paragon or strip him of too much agency in a way that's weird to me. i mean like, "he's canonically 3 years old" jokes aside, this guy isn't someone whos just doomed to be taken advantage of everyone unless they "respect his boundaries 🥺🙏" and can't assert himself at all and whatever, yknow? like, he can AND DOES assert himself when he thinks it's necessary. he can AND DOES act like an asshole sometimes!
like c!techno is a full, well-rounded character. he gets too angry sometimes and does shit he regrets. he has to make efforts to change. he has feelings, he gets hurt, he lashes out. he's too dismissive sometimes because he copes with shit through humor. he isn't perfect, and that's ... a good thing? it's a good thing that he's a full well rounded interesting character with flaws. but at the same time, pointing out said flaws and treating them as flaws isn't damnation!
like, for example, right, it's perfectly understandable for him to feel used and betrayed by c!tommy. was he also kinda mean to c!tommy in the aftermath in a way that can be pointed out? i mean. yeah of course! and like, of course he was grieving and hurt and in a lot of emotional pain when c!ranboo died and did that probably play into his attitude towards c!dream post-prison break? absolutely! was stripping a guy that is literally being chased down by his literal torturers and a server of people who want to kill him of his armor and telling him he can keep a weapon For A Favor and then going "awwh we didnt get him to use his necromancy powers :/" absolutely still kind of a generally asshole-y thing to do? i mean, YEAH ???? like, if they werent doing that bc of some kind of plan, that was still kind of a jerk thing to do? in a way that's very understandable, because c!techno is a character that becomes more of a jerk when he's stressed and in emotional turmoil. and this isnt about damning him or condemning him ... but i don't see the point of erasing said moments either.
shrug anyway i think c!techno overall was a pretty damn nice dude and a good guy and im kind of trusting that u dont mean this in the same way as certain c!techno takes ive seen back in the day that felt like crucifying him every time he made a joke that broke the fourth wall aSKFJLasf. c!techno should've been meaner, actually, for the record. and it's so awesome that he put c!sam in a prison and cask of amontillado'd that guy, GOD BLESS
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bonesandthebees · 24 days
Hey! Trying to get better at writing and honestly I thought World Forgetting was great! You dont have to answer this but what were some of the things you thought didn't work structurally?
aw thank you I'm so glad you enjoyed!
(first, this is not me asking for anyone to send me a ton of reassurance or fishing for compliments. these are just problems I have with my story from a writer's POV. don't worry about me, I know there's a lot of good stuff in the story. I just try to analyze my own writing objectively when I can to try and improve my skills)
now it's kind of hard to put all of my thoughts about my issues with WF into words, but I'm going to try so prepare for a lot of rambling under the cut
I think the most glaring structural issue is pretty much the entirety of the third act. it feels very rushed for everything that gets introduced in such a short span of time (for the record, when I refer to the third act I mostly mean all the plot events that follow after ch 12, when wilbur brings tommy to las nevadas and he nearly escapes only to choose to willingly stay)
everything past this just feels very... messy to me. we get introduced to the rest of the syndicate—Minos (Sam), Rhadamanthus (Puffy), and Aeacus (Ponk) and also get confirmation that Lethe and Styx are Ranboo and Tubbo respectively. then the only time Sam, Puffy, and Ponk feel even somewhat plot relevant again is when Hannah shows up at the sbi house and the syndicate has a whole meeting discussing wtf to do now. after that those three sort of just... disappear.
I was so caught up in trying to finish the story at the time that I didn't really care too much about it, but in retrospect that's always bothered me. why did I introduce Sam, Puffy, and Ponk in such a cool dramatic way if I was barely going to use them? Ponk at least has a function for being present in the story—they are the Syndicate's healer, which is undeniable proof to Tommy that the Syndicate didn't kidnap him for his healing abilities because they already had a healer. I mean, of course it's obvious why I threw them all in, it's a fanfic and sometimes you want to include every character you can even if they're not really serving much of a purpose. which is totally fine and there's nothing wrong with that, but for my longer stories that's not a crutch I personally like to fall back on. if I introduce characters in a way that makes them feel like they'll be important, I want to pull through on that.
at the same time, there's not really a place for those three in the finale. I needed to limit the amount of heroes and villains involved in the big final roof battle because if not I'd drive myself insane trying to write that many characters in a single scene at once. if I really wanted to fix that, the easiest and probably best way to be killing my darlings a bit. cut puffy out entirely (sorry puffy), mention that Sam is Minos solely because his tech manipulation power is necessary for tommy to get kidnapped in the first place but specify he's mostly retired, and probably mention Ponk in a similar position as not really being part of the syndicate but acting as their healer anyway.
also, I was in a tricky spot where I feel like there should've been more at least a bit more downtime between the syndicate meeting -> tommy confessing to wilbur he actually does have his memories -> hannah showing up and telling them about dream's plan -> tommy letting himself get taken by punz so he can confront dream. it feels very rushed to me, but at the same time the fic was already so long and there wasn't a need to drag it out even more, so that's why it's tricky for me to parse.
oh, and there are still issues before ch 12. one of my biggest weak points in world forgetting is how much time we spend with tommy just being trapped in the house/in his room. of course it makes sense, he's kidnapped. but it makes the story feel very stagnant that we don't get to see virtually anywhere else for such a huge chunk of the story as tommy works out his memories. tbh a lack of location variation is a weak spot in a lot of my fics. world forgetting isn't the worst example though. that award would probably go to stars, as much as I love the story I can recognize that it's pretty dumb that they virtually never leave phil's palace for the entire fic. but that's a ramble for another day. basically, even though there was a lot of emotional development going on for that chunk of WF, there's basically no real plot development. so that bothers me too.
also, while I really like the first act of world forgetting when tommy is still with dream and think it's the most solid, I do think it drags on for a few too many chapters. probably could've cut it down a bit.
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bugflies00 · 8 months
au crimeboys make me so so insane
it's not dadbur per say, even though wilbur does get custody of tommy and raise him, but tommy doesn't see him as his dad.
if anything, for a long time tommy didn't understand what a dad (or any parent) was supposed to do, because for him that was what wilbur did. so people would be like "dont you have a mum and dad?" he'd be like "no i have a wilbur" not because he sees wilbur as a dad but because wilbur is . wilbur. yknow? like his own category that's impossible to define by """normal""" family standards. wilbur is all of tommy's family at once, because he's all he's got, and he's his brother and his dad and his best friend.
because wilbur raised him, put him to sleep, put bandaids on his knees when he fell, taught him how to read and write and tie his shoelaces and not to chew with his mouth open and how to ride a bike and picked him up from school and went to parent teacher meetings.
but wilbur's also his brother, they're constantly roughhousing and punching each other and tommy's always trying to steal his stuff and get on his nerves and wilbur's always trying to get tommy a babysitter so he can go party and get drunk without his lame little brother.
but also wilbur is like. the most certain constant of tommy's life. i mean he was just two when they were put into foster care, he doesn't remember his parents, definitely not the social workers or foster parents who cycled every couple months, and he didn't make any true long-term friends until tubbo when he was about 9 or 10. so wilbur is like. the only person he's always known and will always know and that he's never doubted will be here forever. he's the first person he remembers!!!!
and so obviously tommy is absolutely ride or die for wilbur, even though he'd never admit it because he remains tommyinnit. they're also very codependent as you can guess.
tommy's really clingy but so is wilbur, and they kinda have a shift in their dynamic where like. when wilbur was a teen and tommy was 10-11, wilbur was trying to push him away for a while because yknow he was going through it (it being depression addiction the whole deal) and lashing out while tommy was trying to cling on. but then when they're a bit older, wilbur is the one who clings onto tommy because he's terrified he'll leave him too, especially when the prospect of tommy going away to college starts profiling itself.
that's something that wilbur takes a loooooong time to accept, because for a while he was flat out forbidding tommy from going off to college anyway further than a half hour ride. which is obviously. not very healthy. eventually he accepts but he completely motherhens the whole time to the point where tommy has to be like "im literally 18 ill be fine im not leaving forever" but wilbur still has a hard time the whole period tommy's away.
and anyway tommy doesn't cope well with it either, he had this whole idea of going off to college to try something new and make new friends, but once he's there he hates it. he realises it that he hasn't actually made friends since tubbo when he was 9 (he met ranboo through tubbo), because having his two best friends and his brother was always enough for him. and so he's completely alone with all these people he doesn't know how to talk to, and he starts spiralling and his grades start dropping, and he has the whole thing with dream. so eventually tommy does come back home because really he's just as clingy and he couldn't stand being away like that.
eventually when they're older they grow into something that's less... desperate i want to say? obviously they still love each other so much but they're able to hang out and spend time together in a way that doesn't feel like. "if im separated from you for more than two days i will literally die because i've been relying on you and defining myself around you my entire life" yknow?
it's a very complicated situation because they care so so so much about each other and would both kill and die for the other, but they've also hurt each other a lot. wilbur especially lashed out a lot when he was a teenager, and tommy often felt like it was his fault they couldn't stay in a good house for long, because he was too loud and rambuctious etc. there's also a whole bit with their last foster home that i want to explore but that is its own post
there's also an element of like. tommy feels guilty that wilbur had to put his whole life on pause to take care of him but wilbur doesn't see it that way. one day when they're having a really messy and bad argument he shouts something along the lines of not wanting the responsibility of tommy in the first place, which is something tommy takes a looooooooong time to heal from, and it's not even true. not just because he loves tommy, but because if it wasn't for that responsibility he doesn't think he would be alive. not in a metaphorical sense, as in very concretely, 12 to 20 yr old wilbur was in a daily mantra of "you can't kill yourself tommy is relying on you." and then it became "you can't kill yourself tommy and fundy are relying on you." and wilbur doesn't want to share that with tommy because in general he tries his best to never tell him anything dark like that (which on one hand yeah your 15 yr old brother isn't your therapist but on the other hand Do You Understand How Emotional Communication Works no he doesn't lmao) . but in the end he does end up telling him when he understands that tommy feels so guilty about him taking care of him and it's a very . important conversation in their lives . They cry a lot 👍
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luvpooks · 1 year
꧁༺ 𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓫𝓸𝓸 𝔁 𝓶𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 ༻꧂
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GᖇOᑕEᖇY TᖇIᑭ:0
summary: in which the house runs out of food and m/n and ranboo take it upon theirselves to restock.
warnings: he/him pronouns!! /// mentions sextoys (AS A FUCKING JOKE I PROMISE) /// kms joke /// i think that's all!!
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"fuck..." m/n muttered. to his dismay there was...no fucking food.
"rannnn!" m/n called out to his lovely amazingly tall boyfriend.
"yessss?" ranboo said as they walked into the kitchen.
m/n looked deep into ranboos eyes and said with the straightest face he could muster.
"there is no fucking food."
"oh..." ranboo responded.
"ran...do you know what this means!" m/n continued.
"oh god...not today i cant do it..." ranboo pleaded to the higher beings of the world.
"GROCERY TRIP!!!" m/n exclaimed.
m/n loved shopping especially walmart. he had no reason except that he loved to take photos of the most randomest things he could find.
(he usually made ranboo take pictures of him with the fucking sextoys)
he said that it was #relatable and #thefunniestthingintheworld
"god please spare me-" ranboo pleaded.
m/n grabbed ranboos arm and shook him around.
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!! FUNNY PICTURES!" m/n exclaimed once more.
ranboo was truly just sulking as m/n took hours of their time there just taking photos of random ass shit.
"let's go, let's go, let's go!" m/n said excitedly.
ranboo simply sighed and he finally accepted his fate and replied.
"...let me get ready..."
m/n was practically a fucking ball of sunshine currently, nothing could ruin his mood.
after ranboo got ready- which to m/n felt "like fucking forever"- they were off to the most wonderful place in all the lands of the united kingdom... WALMART!
m/n forced ranboo into his car- which was a matte black dodge challenger because yes.
m/n was practically bouncing in his seat as he got his seatbelt on.
"because i'm so nice ran- you can choose the music!" m/n said.
ranboo brightened up a little with that sentence.
god m/n fucking regretted that decision.
ranboo made them listen to the most depressing shit and then would switch to that damn peaches song by jack black.
"i'm actually gonna kill myself- this is it, this is my 13th reason." m/n grimaced.
"aww don't do that m/n that'll kill you!" ranboo joked.
"i'm going to fucking leave you in the walmart parking lot and let you get stolen into a white van that said leon kennedy was inside." m/n monologued.
"first off: i'm way to tall to be the target of a kidnapping. second off: i would go into a white van WILLINGLY if it said leon kennedy was inside." ranboo argued.
"you know what... i dont even blame you- bro is so fucking fine." m/n drooled.
finally after a good 15 minutes they arrived to walmart.
ranboo was preparing himself for this torturous journey. while m/n on the other hand was thinking about all the places he would go to take photos of.
to say the least... he was excited.
once that got out the car m/n immediately intertwined their fingers and dragged ranboo to the entrance of the store.
then m/n had the greatest idea to ever fucking exist.
"ran- ran- ran- im gonna get one of the handicapped carts."
"m/n please don't what if you just took away an elderly woman's only way to get around here." ranboo worried.
i reached my hands to lay on ranboos shoulders and spoke.
"this is far more- more important than an elderly woman possibly falling and fucking dying."
m/n instantly unplugged the cart and sat on it and he began rolling quite slowly.
"ran- you need to experience this... it's so fun please!" m/n begged.
m/n i love you- but hell no my morals can't do it." ranboo explained.
m/n gasped.
"this is a betrayal..."
m/n began dramatically tearing up as he rolled his way to the first place they had to go.
to m/n unbeknownst ranboo had taken a photo of him rolling around in the cart and posted it on twitters captioning it as such: they see him rolling- they hating!
they decided to go to the food isles first as they were going to be responsible adults for once in their lives.
they found the food that needed quite easily but then m/n found his first victim of his random photo terror.
the mr beast cookies.
"ranboo think about the clout we will get! and the funny's PLEASE RAN!" m/n begged.
"ok okok fine.." ranboo took out his phone and waited for m/n to get into position.
m/n opted for the best pose of the century.
the crab as he liked to call it.
you see m/n was incredibly flexible- so he was able to do very odd poses as is his spine was just nonexistent.
the only way to explain this pose is m/n spreads his legs out about shoulder length wide and he forces his spine to take his head to the floor as he held the bag next to his face.
"ranboo it's time! clout time!" m/n exclaimed.
ranboo sighed and took the photo.
m/n asked quite nicely for once in his life if he could caption it though he didn't exactly take no as a answer.
"can i caption it- k thanks"
m/n took the phone out of ranboos hands and caption the photo
'the crabs got out and they want clout'
m/n showed his masterpeice to ranboo and he let out a loud laugh.
"GOD, i forgot how funny you can be!"
"i know right!" m/n replied.
finally they were finished in the food isle but m/n had to make one more stop.
"ranboo... it's time." m/n said with upmost glory.
"please god no m/n please spare me from going there.." ranboo begged.
"i'm sorry my child... but it has to be done." m/n said.
they walk- well rolled thanks to m/n forcing ranboo to sit in his lap to roll along with him-to the area ranboo dreaded most- while m/n loved the most due to the opportunities.
the health and beauty isle.
to explain most walmarts have a place that people can go to to search for their- well sexual desires. in short their are sex toys there.
once they arrived to the area m/n couldn't help but grin.
"ahhh, my beloved area." m/n grinned.
m/n decided to make the trip quite to spare ranboo the embarrassment.
m/n slammed himself onto the glass that covered the lewd toys.
"take the picture just like this ran!" m/n smiled.
ran signed once more and took the photo and m/n once again took his phone and captioned the photo as a such
'i didnt remember toy story looking like this!'
m/n dramatically teared up as he said,
"it's beautiful ran- thank you.."
ranboo grabbed m/n hand and dragged him the the car and sat him down onto the seat and made him go.
"so forceful!- at least take me to dinner first!" m/n joked.
"shut up.." ranboo grumbled as they walked beside m/n.
they finally reached the self checkout center and bought their items.
it totaling out to be a whopping £112.43.
(which m/n paid for as he never let ranboo pay for anything)
m/n returned the cart and plugged it back up as he is a decent human being and they walked out back to the car.
once they both finally packed everything up they got into the car preparing to venture back to their shared home.
"i say that was a successful trip!" m/n exclaimed proudly.
ranboo just smiled and said,
"yeah, it was kinda fun..."
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Hi anon, sorry to bring the sbi family fanfic discussion again and for the long post , (your posts ware what made realize why i hated this thing so much)
I don’t know if is the same type of fans but i noticed that some ficwritters that are really foucused on philza and wilbur (and sbi family i think?) Are kinda trying to add cellbit to this situation? Like i read some philza focused fanfic where he interacts with cellbit and the ficwritters act like cellbit is his kid? Its weird idk how to explain very well (this is also the same people that kinda write cellbit as a native english speaker (american and european) and not a brazilian (its something that is too hard to explain right now)
And its kinda stressing me out because cellbit is written in such a weid way and its infesting the spiderbit tag lol and i dont understand what is going on half of the time since idk what the hell sbi even is (brazilian with 0 understanding about english speaking mcty)
Sorry for the long post
Oh yeah no I don’t really get it but like. I also do! Because q!Phil has become one of only a literal handful of people on the island to actually properly trust q!Cellbit and so they’re like. Friends. But obviously you can never just be friends with someone not your age and so. Fandom assigned family dynamic. It’s super weird and lowkey like. Idk it’s just weird lol.
A discussion surely must follow!
First, a brief rundown of SBI:
SBI is Sleepy Boys Inc., a group made of up streamers Philza, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, and Technoblade. (Originally it was just Phil, Wilbur, and Techno, but Tommy wiggled his way in somehow.) They’re Best Friends, but somewhere along the way their fandoms said. Fuck it. Family dynamic… mostly because the ccs lowkey thought it was funny and ran with it. Wilbur alone would rather die than not have Philza Minecraft be his father
This dynamic spread to their characters on the dsmp despite them literally not once ever referring to each other all as family; iirc Techno himself said he at least wasn’t part of the family because that dynamic would be fucked up after all the shit his character did to both c!Wilbur and c!Tommy. But c!Phil was c!Wilbur’s father even though he did fully murder his ass, and Wilbur and Tommy were brothers because they’re Wilbur and Tommy and you’d have to kill them to stop them from being brothers. Tommy was never established to be c!Phil’s son, and Phil never seemed to consider him one
But then the dsmp started dying around summer 2021 and everyone was kinda just left with fanon, and SBI fanon can get weird. I’m talking borderline fetishistic nuclear family stuff, especially when you get into ‘Dark SBI’ content with Phil kidnapping Tommy or whatever and forcibly making them family? It gets weird, take a look through the tag sometime
The thing with a lot of these fics is that like. It’s gotten to a point where it’s a fandomized version of both cc! and c!SBI with some really freaky characterizations and some really diehard fans. I’ve talked about that before, so I won’t do it again.
The weirdest thing I’ve noticed about these fics, though- and this goes back to what we were talking about with Cellbit inexplicably being added to the mix all of a sudden- is that everybody has to be a family.
You’ll be hard pressed to find a SBI fic where the characters have friends. Even Tubbo and Ranboo, usually delegated to a ‘Tommy’s friend!’ role despite them not interacting much like as a group ever are treated either as extensions of Tommy himself or as his found family ‘brothers’ who Phil also inevitably helps take care of rather than as friends, and they act that way. Niki isn’t usually ever written in as Wilbur’s friend, she’s Benchtrio’s sister/mother-figure, or she’s described as Wilbur’s found family sister. Jack Manifold? Lumped in with Niki with Benchtrio as their older brother/father-figure. Quackity? Either Wilbur’s boyfriend, thus a member of the family, or Tommy’s older brother/father-figure.
Even characters who never really interacted with SBI as a “family” on the dsmp get this treatment: you’ll read an SBI fic with c!Purpled in it and he’ll be Tommy’s brother figure. c!Sam is Tommy’s father figure. Schlatt is Tommy’s uncle or Wilbur’s brother. Puffy is an aunt. Sapnap and Dream? Tommy’s brother or father figures. Even Hannah is being written as Tommy’s cool older sister figure these days despite only really interacting with him once on the smp
And you can see this kind of behavior continuing now in the qsmp fandom… if the new ccs/characters in question aren’t “problematic”. Chayanne can’t see Techno as a personal hero, he has to see him as an older brother or an uncle. Tubbo is Phil and Fit’s son and Tommy’s brother. Niki is Tallulah’s mom. Quackity is Wilbur’s boyfriend.
What you’ll actually be hard pressed to see is this kind of dynamic with Phil and other, “problematic” ccs, aka ccs who aren’t like. English ccs.
Because you won’t find q!Forever included in the family dynamics despite him basically being q!Phil’s best friend and closest confidant. It took longer for q!Missa to be added to Phil’s wiki page than it did for Techno to despite them literally being explicit canon husbands, and you’ll be lucky if Missa is even mentioned in a “qsmp” SBI fic. Etoiles? Not even mentioned despite him and Phil more or less actually leaning into the family dynamic with the “brothers” thing. Even Tallulah and Chayanne are left out or mischaracterized in “qsmp” SBI fics, giving Tommy the spotlight.
You won’t find nearly anybody who isn’t an English cc in these fics, and this is NOT accusing anyone of xenophobia. It’s most likely just because the SBI people are used to watching only Phil or only Wilbur and they don’t speak enough of the other languages to really care about the non-English ccs and thus disregard their characters and lore. It’s not just SBI people who do this, it’s plenty of people speaking every language on the server not watching anyone whose languages they don’t speak. Yk?
But that brings us to q!Cellbit, and I’m surprised the SBI guys have latched onto him the way they did considering he’s everything they seem to dislike: his first language isn’t English, he doesn’t talk with Phil a lot, he and Tallulah get along really well, he makes fun of Wilbur being gone. And, honestly? The SBI guys did hate him for a long time because of those things, they constantly undermined his efforts and said Phil would be a better Order leader and said that he should never speak to Tallulah again because he was making her sad and he’s friends with their least favorite person ever, Forever.
But then q!Phil said he trusted Cellbit, and it’s like a switch was flipped. Starting around the Pills Arc when they first teamed up, SBI people were suddenly on board with Cellbit despite being part of the haters literally days before. Why? Well. Phil and Cellbit are friends now, and so now he gets the privilege of being in the fics.
The problem with this is that these people have never watched Cellbit. They’ve seen ten minutes of him total from Phil’s pov, and that’s all they’re going to use to write his character. So of course there will be mischaracterization.
And, of course, they’ll be family. Because, as I said, there’s this weird allergy to the concept of friendship in SBI fics. You’re family or you’re an enemy.
Constant fanon mischaracterization of Phil has basically turned him into a universal father figure even if he doesn’t have that dynamic with the characters he’s like the “father” of. q!Cellbit’s only familial figure outside of his actual canon family is generally seen as q!Bad, who even referred to him as family last night on stream. But, because Phil and Cellbit are friends now and Cellbit is younger than Phil is, they have to have a father-son dynamic, because that’s what Phil’s only character trait is in the SBI fics he’s in. He’s the dad whether it makes sense or not.
If that makes sense.
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homosexual-tommyinnit · 2 months
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c!Tommy and c!TNT duo headcanons? :3
Also, any DSMP AU’s you’d like to share? :}
*laughs maniaclly and ive lost all my fucking hcs bc i forget to write them down and i got the worst memory known to human kind*
Lets do some dsmp au's, i had this tnt duo time swap au, where it was like, 11 fucking pages of the plot, and it was (in a nutshell) C!Wilbur gets sent to QSMP because C!Karl is now a time entity engulfed in sorrow and greif and wants rveenge on wilbur you could say? But C!Quackity notices wilbur isnt there and basiclly goes to search for him with C!Philza, C!Tubbo, C!Nikki, and C!BBH, and leaves C!Slime because they need him in hte DSMP for like reasons for something i forgot, but theres an entire thing to it, and i really want to find the plot pgaes
Another DSMP au i have is like this dsmp centred around cbenchtrio where its like, the descendents of cbenchtrio go to this history meuseam for some trip, and find these disc things, and the ctommy descendent is like "what the fuck is this" and so later at night, all three of them break into the mesuaem and they almost get caught, but tommy tries to grab the discs, while also holding tubbo and ranboos hand, so they get transported back in time to the lmanburgian war thing, but theres a dream for the time where the descendant benchtiro was and that dream travels back to try and kill the decsendents bc hes like that
i got more aus but i forget them after a while
i have too many ctommy hcs so uhm ill try and list them
Transfem, Aroace (mellohi and cat obviously)
AuDHD, PTSD, Depression
They are ambidexterous and is extraodrianry at baking
They didnt know what was posinous plants and what werent so when she was in exile she tried to eat some of the flowers and she has a high poison tolerence now (i cant explain it but its like if you are opne to lots of germs at a young age you can develop a tolerence to it when youre older, so she has a high tolerence of poison ig)
She has a pet goldfish named brett and if anythings happens to it she'll legit flip out
has an rp account of her favourite character (dazai from bsd, account on tumblr [not projecting at all btw])
vegetarian (started being one around post exile)
prefers to sleep on the floor rather than a bed (no one knows why)
but i have a separatere post thats like a design of her and it has a bunch of hcs, ill link it here. But some separate hcs i have, is basiclly i stole cotas bc i can >:3
ctnt duo hcs...? uhmmmmmmmmm
movie nights, i dont care if their relationship is toxic, they have motherfuckin movie nights every saturday, wilburs favourite movie is labyrinth, quackitys is aladdin (im coming up with these on the spot), but if they cant decide, its immediatly falsettos
Wilbur preens quackitys wings when hes had a bad day (a common hc among tnt duo fans) but hes legit like amasing at it
Wilbur does like a bunch of physical stuff or smthn, and its like, his stiches quackity has to sew them like every month or two, yknow?
In their contacts, wilbur has quackity as "bbg" (then a bunch of emojis after that) and quackity has wilbur as "old ass bitch" (i love this dynamic mk??)
when they watched hazbin hotel, wilbur pointed out how radioapple was like them and quackity was like "oh yeah, i guess" and wilbur wouldnt stop talking about the similarities and now looks over his shoulder for a camera every five seconds (anxiety) so they didnt watch hazbin hotel again
when they go kareoke it litterally be wilbur dragging quackity to dance with him to the song, but the thing is wilburs making the dance on the spot so quackity is trying his best to keep up
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intertexts · 4 months
ALSO OOPS I DONT THINK I EVER SENT YOU THE TRIVIA FOR 27?????? UH OH. OUT OF ORDER. this one is a lot shorter though so it's ok
- bizly opens this one in a baby voice "wewcome to just wolled wiff it!" absolutely insane
- charlie makes excuses for his cracked energy was because he was in the UK and tommy and ranboo were in the other room (TOMMYINNIT JUMPSCARE)
- Jesus is canon yet again. but only in vyncents world
- CONDI THOUGHT HAMSTER DANCE WAS A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE AT MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCES. and not just like. a youtube video that everyone knows. they played hamster dance at his middle school dance.
- speaking of which they've been overlorded again because the hamster WAS NOT ORIGINALLY A HAMSTER bizly did that solely because he has never heard hamster dance and wanted to be in on the joke
- charlie gets so worked up over the william short leg thing again and it's REALLY funny. bizly is like "I'll stop bringing it up when you stop having hilarious overreactions to it"
- "why the fuck did william make ice copies of dakotas parents that's so dark man"
"HE DIDNT MEAN IT TO BE !!!!! i think william is not very emotionally intelligent especially when it comes to stuff like this and he wanted to do something sweet for dakota. 'i know. Christmas is a great time for him to see his parents again because it's family and it'll make him happy!' without thinking about the moral implications OR the fact that they would come alive and try to strangle him"
grizzly: "dakota probably doesn't even remember Christmas with his parents"
charlie, REALLY far away from his mic: "WELL FUCK ME THEN"
- that was CONFIRMED mal trying to brwak through the barrier! charlie is TERRIFIED for williams sake especially bc he can't use his powers anymore
- condi: "hes pissed william isn't a planeswalker anymore and thats all he wanted you for"
charlie: "yknow! I dunno if william is a planeswalker anymore! he might not be!"
- WILLIAM WAS ACTUALLY BORN WITH A POWER!!!!! I forgot about this omg. so the one he was born with is called true sight and it means he's always been naturally able to see ghosts and monsters that normal people usually can't. YIPPEE
- he's also still got Kemuri's (smoke guy) powers obv ("that he regrets deeply every day"). they ARE in the spirit world and usually william wouldn't need a guide but since the wisps left him their guide is now master cole! if he were to leave/abandon them or whatever they'd no longer be able to stay in the spirit world. even william
- there are full versions of the colestyle gaming videos hidden somewhere on the patreon. fun fact. they're also talking about now doing one where william plays phasmophobia. or doing one with all 4 of them playing a game and bizly being tide. i don't think they ever actually did that but GOD i would kill for it.
- charlie was being annoying and grizzly responded with "I hope william stays alive *forever*" which sounds like it should be a nice thing to say but the way he said it was so absolutely scathing . brutal.
- quick mac detour theyre back to the game thing charlie says he wants to do a video playing elden ring as gillion and i NEED THAT SOOOO BAD. I miss gillion so much :(
- speaking of gillion idk why there's so much gillion trivia rn but charlie says the inspiration for his voice was "a combination of the spongebob narrator and my himbo fantasy" hello?
HOW HAS BIZLY NEVER HEARD HAMSTER DANCE??????????? yes this is what i'm taking from this. hello. how.
im so delighted w/ william thinking it's a great idea to make ice copies of his friends dead parents. god. NONE of the fucking prime defenders are emotionally intelligent they all have so many problems. prime traumatic stress defenders!!
ive said it like a billion times but i'm so fucking excited for the mal shit!!! i can't waittt!!!!! shaking him back n forth!!! wiwi torment nexus now!!!! also him being born with true sight is REALLY cool actually i feel like. this has been referenced on n off but i didn't realize it was actually a thing.. huh. i wonder if that's why the wisps targeted him. except their entire thing Is being seen so i dunno.!! cool... god. wiwi i love u wiwi... i want to go to deadwood i have so many fucking questions!!! why is the trickster there!! rift between worlds thats just coincidentally in his hometown!!! also i was just thinking ab kemuri's smoke powers im so glad he still feels awful using them :]] "i hope william stays alive forever" MEAN TO HIM!!! holy shit!!! wheezing!!
im gonna have a great time w gillion whenever i get around 2 riptide btw thats so funny. help. spogebob narrator himbo fantasy........
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pearcethinks · 1 year
genloss episode 3 has me genuinely flabberghasted. /pos
genloss spoilers below
Find the founder, Kill the founder
you remember that, right? from the early videos on the youtube? well, hetch, the guy who claimed to try and 'help' ranboo? hetch mentioned about how the founder runs this all. and what im guessing is at the end of episode three, when its shown that it was on a tape recorder. that person that grabbed it? what if thats the founder. or is that the next person that will be taken here? generation 2? for all we know, this could be anyone.
ALSO. notice how squiggles came back in episode three ONLY at the end. when there was real content. when the show was able to go on. squiggles is part of this. we knew that, but still.
CHARLIES STREAM. i watched through it, and i believe someone in chat said that the wingdings said something about the colors, and blah blah you blah, i dont remember and was unable to decode the wingdings myself. What i did do was try and go to the video that charlie played. and i did get to it! as of writing this, posted 12 hours ago. 2-3pm eastern time! incase its important
that ending. where ranboo died. did he even die? i doubt it. either he didnt die or they died but are going to be brought back for generation 2. the show must go on. we have seen people die and come back. charlie. he died but came back next episode.
notice how the one time ranboo DOESNT listen to chat, everything goes wrong. like- literally EVERYTHING. but what if they did listen to chat? would it keep going as them being controlled?
the mask turned on and off at the end, but also that could be because of the mask malfunctioning. but also, he asked to die. he wouldnt do that, showfall media wanted him dead. while the mask was partially broken, it literally had a hole in it and you could see their mouth partially, ranboo was not acting himself still. ranboo was being controlled the entire time. hetch was part of showfall media. maybe the founders right hand man. great at manipulation. even if ranboo could make his own choices, hetch convinced him to keep the mask on. to stay in there. to 'save everyone' although it saved noone.
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st4rkissedwebz · 10 months
What *is* rts!hetch's deal exactly?
He is probably the only au hetch i have rn that truely despises the founder (if we dont count after dark!hetch)
Because he was manipulated and tricked into joining showfall media
By being told he had potential and that he could be a good actor,he got blinded by the idea of being famous,then getting masked once he joined and realized how shitty and fucked up showfall media is
Showfall media is a company made by an eldrict being that survives off of peoples fear,suffering and agony
Hetch ended up becoming only a bait to bring more people into the trap of the founder,tricking people into joining showfall media unknowningly
(example being the genloss mini game with ranboo where he looked after the dumpster after 'someone' told them,they heard something there and they should go and check it out)
Hetch was only kept in showfall media because he brought in more victims to the show and because he was pretty much an energy source for the founder since he is scared shitless of her
Hetch is unable to escape because of the mind control and the affects it left on him
In this au mind control is done with a smoke in tubes on the masks,instead of wires
The smoke is pretty much a drug that ruins the persons mind,making them inhumane,making them anything but themselfs,turning them into violent mindless puppets
For some reason hetch seems to be SLIGHTLY immune to it since no matter how much they mask him and give him double the dose of the drug he still somehow manages to break free and gain a little bit of conciousness (in this au he actually tried to help ranboo,before he lost control against the mind control once again)
The founder ran showfall for years not only for survival by feeding off of peoples fears and sufferings but ran it because she also found it entertaining to see people suffer,she enjoyed playing the god in this unfair game of hers
More facts abt the au
Security has the tubes with smokes around his arms and the smoke tank hidden on his back,incase an actor or employee breaks free escapes,Security is there to either kill them off or sedate them and drag them back to the facility
Ranboo's mask has filters in it that allows some air into the mask so the affects of the smoke will be less so he could snap back to his senses from time to time to break the fourth wall ,the mask was designed that way for the audiences entertainment
Charlie's horns arent actual horns,they are metal horns placed/nailed onto his head with the showfall media technology,it also has the same type of technology like the masks,but the smoke is affecting his brain directly
Sneeg is not under the affects of the smoke most of the time,because showfall media thought it would be a good idea to allow him to see the horrors and be violent,horrified and snappy since it entertained the audience more
Ill give more facts abt the au in another post
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maple-leifarts · 6 months
lg!ranboo death count :D
tse: 1 at the end obvi
gen 1: 1 technically needed to die again at the end to be found in the next gen
gen 2: 0 i dont think showfall wouldve killed him again just to mask him 🤷
gen 3: 1 died again for gen 4 :3
gen 4: 1 hetch killed him hehe ^^
gen 5: died and revived multiple times while being forced to watch the tapes (since he didnt eat or drink or sleep once that whole time) and you can only live 3 days without water so 3 years divided by 3 days is 365 deaths :D plus 1 at the end
gen 6: 1 per day so 1095 omfg
which all adds up to 1465 deaths how we feeling everyone
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fictionkinfessions · 18 days
cw for c!dream and c!techno negativity. im talking specifically about my techno and dream, no one else.
god fucking dammit man. i cant stop thinking about how fucking unfair my life was.
dream abused me, in so many fucking ways. he fucking watched me everywhere i went, he stayed in a hole in my fuckin wall. he punished me for things everyone else got away with doing. yeah i burned down georges house but it was an accident and took like 5 fucking minutes to fix! but because it was me i got exiled. no one even fuckin cared when my house was vandalized, but oh no tommy did something stupid and chaotic and against the rules so he needs to be punished bc fuck him in particular right?
ranboo, of course, went unpunished for it despite admitting to it bc dream didnt care that they were a part of it, he just wanted to punish me in particular. he wanted to isolate me from my friends and family so he could manipulate me, tell me they all hated me, that he was the only friend i had, the only one who would tell me the truth about what a horrible person i was. he would hit me, take my shit, take my food, destroy the land around me, kill any living creatures near me, burn my beach party letters, and take away any hope i had of getting away from him.
what sucks the most isnt even what he did to me, its that nobody fuckin cared. barely anyone visited me. fundy, jack, ghostbur and ranboo did and i really appreciate that. sure they only visited a handful of times and i ended up pushing people away but i still appreciate them being there. but then techno and phil did. my father and brother. phil didnt care to notice anything wrong but techno? techno just laughed at me. he saw me at my worst and he fuckin laughed. he said that it was all my fault that i ended up here, that i got what i deserved. and then, when i run to him for help and safety from my fuckin abuser, he has the fuckin gall to act like he cared about me. no you fuckin didnt man. i was a pawn to you. you whine about people using you, but you fucking used me. you let me stay in your house, sure, but you didnt care about me. you only gave a shit when i started helping you with your plan to destroy lmanburg. you even fuckin asked dream if he wanted to use his favour to get me back. you act like your such a loyal guy, like you’d do anything for the people you cared about, hell you even said you do that for me!
but you wouldnt. i know for a fact that if dream wanted to use his favour on me, you 100% wouldve given me back to him. we both know you wouldve. you dont get to act like youre on some moral fuckin high ground but youre not. youre just some bitter piece of shit who cant accept being in the wrong.
at least dream knows what he did and accepts that hes a bad person.
fuckin whatever. im just pissed. i didnt deserve to be treated like that - c!tommy
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