#dont have to match length
themickey · 2 months
open starter @woodrowhub when: saturday morning (or any time saturday really if your muse gets there later) where: the kitchen
it was strange to be back in woodrow and have the other wards start to trickle into the house. mickey wasn't a stranger around the house, always coming to visit richard every few months, but typically there was only one or two wards left over or timing their visits at the same time. now, it was richard who was missing while the wards all come back together after years of being apart. there was an emptiness to the house and in mickey's heart without richard there.
she left late friday night to go back home, not wanting to stay in the apartment with jessica after what she had said and risk another fight. she was greeted by hank and gus as she pulled up to the house around 9pm before crashing for the night, allowing herself to feel her feeling in the privacy of her childhood room. now as more of the wards trickle in and return home, mickey felt like she had to put on a happy face despite her puffy, tired eyes from crying so much the night before. she was pouring a cup of coffee for herself when she hears someone else enter the kitchen. "salut, want some?" she asked as she held up the coffee pot, turning around to see which sibling it was who had come to join her. the smile on mickey's face was more forced than her usual.
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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random note about king on that animation, i got really lucky with how simple his animation was and how clean my sketches were to begin with that i was able to do very minimal cleanup on what i had sketched (and add back. his horn. it's supposed to take place just after echoes of the past, Oops) and call it done that way instead of having to redraw the entire thing like i had to on his dad
first sketch > line cleanup > nearly final animation (i'd added slight eye movements last-second but otherwise that's the final)
#toh#the owl house#animation#gif#king clawthorne#the lineart slightly flickers on his one paw where i had to erase the tag and i thought it would bother me a lot more#but most people seem to use the internet on their phones - coupled with the darker palette and color of his fur#it basically completely hides it#based on feedback i don't think a lot of people realize i made that and it's not a gif from the show lmfao#BUT ITS STILL REALLY NICE THAT PEOPLE THINK IT IS!!!! I AM NOT AN ANIMATOR I AM JUST A HOBBYIST...#i animate like once a year... shits hard man.... but apparently when i do animate. its extremely good :) proud of that#even if i have an extremely unhinged way of animating#i don't have an animation program i draw everything individually frame by frame in photoshop#each character had their own psd file with the same background and every frame was its own group. twice. one for sketch one for colors#i do test takes with gifcam (there are literally 55 WIP gifs in my documents folder rn) by switching between layers and taking a 'frame'#and i compile in blender's video editor and to move things separately i save each character's frame in its own .png 'cel'#so luz was her own 'cel'. king was his own 'cel.' etc. and then i have to manually slide the lengths of the frames around#to match the right framerate. traditionally animation is animated at 24 FPS on 2's - so 12 frames a second. i go on 3s. 4 to slow down#anime-ass framerate. i'm insane apparently but its what i like to do#i dont understand real animation programs they have too many pieces but i DO understand photoshop and my funny brushes#imagine having Digital Programs and Still basically doing ye olde traditional animation method just in the computer#if im Just making a gif then i only use gifcam and switch between layers. like digital stop motion. somethings wrong with me
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rodismancave · 2 months
[ Starter for @for-the-better-and-worse ]
It takes Rodimus very little time to find what he assumes is the hole Prowl enjoys burrowing himself in. A place like this isn't all too hard to find, especially when all you have to do is find the last building you saw him in, and look for the one single hallway people avoid walking through at any given time.
The whole place is desolate. Perhaps a little more now with Starscream in charge. Rodimus has seen people, and he's certainly heard people, but it all feels superficial. Mechs he doesn't know, and won't ever bother getting to know.
In all honesty, Rodimus had been in Cybertron for nearly two days now. He hadn't want to give Prowl that satisfaction, and he would frankly never admit that Megatron and Ultra Magnus did, in fact, let him go without much trouble. He'd say his excuse of 'Urgent call from Cybertron, Prowl won't stop bothering me to help. Says only I can do it,y'know how he is' had been convincing, but he can never tell these days. He could've probably just left without saying anything and Rodimus is sure they'd only notice when they realize the quiet. (and the missing vessel)
When he knocks on the door and there is no answer, Rodimus simply makes himself at home. The door is unlocked (which shocks him to a degree, he'd expect Prowl to be better than this) and the inside is dark and gloomy and ridiculously organized, a feat Rodimus both appreciates as familiar, and is repulsed by due to the simple fact it reminds him of who lives here. Making sure not to leave a trail (Prowl is a detective, but Rodimus is stealth-- he knows not to be obvious when he wants to), Rodimus goes through a few surface level items, checking everything he can, gathering whatever fucked up personal information he can while Prowl is away. He's not trying to find anything to blackmail the mech, he is Prowl, after all, and everyone's got something on him, but he does enjoy going through people's things, reading things he is probably not meant to. Simply taking his time exploring his surroundings.
His (very careful, very methodical) research gives him a single screaming result: Prowl is boring, and he works and works and works, and doesn't even give himself the pleasure of having doodle pads. It's almost sad, really.
Disappointed but not deterred, Rodimus is quick to find a nice, cozy spot to wait Prowl in. (Which happens to be a particularly tight closet. er. He's not picky.) The runaway Captain inspects the door, shrugs, and closes it, trying to wiggle into a comfortable position, and promptly getting the edge of his spoiler stuck in-- God, he doesn't even know what it's gotten stuck in, but it hurts like a motherfucker, and he can't do anything about it now, because the more he struggles the worse it gets wedged in there. Oh, yeah, and he hears someone come in.
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carpedeb · 4 months
Deb woke up first on the twenty-eighth and slipped out of bed to go sit in the rocking chair by the window with Emmy who she had taken out of the bassinette. She was just about a month old and got up every few hours to eat. Deb loved the bonding time. "Mommy and Daddy are getting married today," she whispered to their daughter. She didn't want to disturb Liam who still appeared to be sleeping. "We should be celebrating our anniversary but here we are. I really hope your daddy and I make it this time. It still really bothers me that he left so easily last time and I still don't think he understands the lasting damage it did to me, but I want our family to work. I want you and your sister and brother to grow up in a home filled with love. I don't want your father to ever resent me for making him unhappy with his life... or for pushing for you." She knew that Emmy wouldn't understand nor remember anything she was saying but it felt nice to speak the words to someone about her insecurities. Part of her felt like Liam was tired of hearing them and defending himself.
Once Emmy was done eating Deb changed her diaper and laid her back in the bassinette so she could go shower, shave and start getting ready. She also had to get the kids ready and didn't want to be rushing to shower last minute. She was in the bathroom for about an hour and when she came out she was in her bathrobe and her hair was wrapped up in a towel. She went downstairs to start making breakfast so everyone could eat something before they got dressed.
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classiqals · 1 month
status -> closed starter for @flcralhaze {kaito}
setting -> near the end of the betrothal celebration for emperor angelo, on the longways path from the banquet hall to the guest castles for japan
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attendance was mandatory for the court of china, so tian feng had donned his party attire, and arrived for the celebration with a fake, stiff smile && tense shoulders. seeing the man he'd once followed into battle smiling at the head of a table - it threatened to crack through tian feng's brave exterior, fracture the barely held together demeanor that he'd so carefully cultivated, and bring a scream from his lungs.
so he'd left early, restless && cranky, buzzed from the booze, and hoping to outrun his thoughts that refused to cease their swirling around her. an idea was hatching; and ideas made with the help of ale && regret were never ideas worth pursuing, yet tian feng's feet were winning over better judgement. he couldn't do nothing. not anymore. even venturing near japan's quarters was dangerous, but before he could even arrive, a group of recognizable guards in formation proved to the naval commander that his time to change his mind had ran out. the man he sought was coming directly his way, regardless if tian feng was ready or not.
" it is commander zhang of china - " he announced himself carefully, slowly, hands coming up as a sign of non-aggression. " i am unarmed, save a concealed blade in my left boot. your guards may remove it, but i ask for just two minutes of your time after, emperor kaito. i come in peace. i- it's about midori. " he swallowed hard, forcing the next word out. "... please. "
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365partygrl · 2 months
growing pains, ethel cain. ౨ৎ @spoiliage
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it's a routine at this point. something abby's grown used to. waiting around the house until khalil comes back from whatever he likes to do. and in the last thirty or so years since she's been dead, she's never felt something this close to home. feet tap against hardwood, combat boots she never takes off thudding in rhythm. adorning her body is a jacket she found rummaging through khalil's things. she liked that he didn't mind her curiosity, but she's a little afraid of how he'll feel about her wearing his clothes. honestly, she's just hoping he'll think she looks cool. despite the garment obviously drowning her, she feels cool. because khalil looks cool. khalil is cool, according to abby. and yeah, she's never been a good judge of character and this is the first person she's interacted with in decades. but she think's he's so fucking cool. head tilts at the sound of the door. she's quick to her feet, knees wobbling awkwardly. ‟ hi. ” it's mousey. she tries speaking up. ‟ have a good day today? ”
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liquidstar · 1 year
i was talking earlier today with my brother about what im going to do with my hair and he was like "you know what would look cool? if you did it half and half. like half black half white." and i was like "that DOES sound cool. but i have a character i made that has that hairstyle actually. i dont wanna copy him." and my brother looked at me and was like "you dont want to copy... the guy you made?"
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ofiends · 3 months
Who: Yelena & Boudhayan (@fvllensouls) Where: Yelena's Flat When: After the Event
"How long is this going to take Bo?"
She was getting bored now. Yelena could really only take so much silence and Bo seemed to thrive in it. They worked better when it was quiet, they had told her after she had done nothing but yammer on about her latest job. A nasty kill down in Harrow. He was a squealer, Yelena told Bo with a smile.
It was only a stupid computer, Yelena thought bitterly as she watched Bo tinker away with a flathead. I mean it wasn't like it was that hard to get up and running again. When did you last update this, Bo had asked and Yelena couldn't even meet their eyes when she mumbled something that sounded like "Dunno. Maybe 2014."
So here she was. wandering around her own living room, picking up little trinkets of a book shelf and inspecting them carefully. She had turned the radio on, half way through her wander and Bo had given her a look over their shoulder. Yelena made a face at them before exhaling loudly. She stomped back over to the desk they occupied and folded her arms. Peering over their shoulder, all of those little plastic pieces and gadgets set her teeth on edge. Yelena didn't like not knowing what was happening, and that included things she couldn't make sense of at all.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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@ordinariums (crowley) liked for Post Season 2 starter [x]
starter under cut to avoid spoilers.
Aziraphale had been doing his best to fit into his new role as Supreme Archangel but whatever he did, he had this nagging feeling in the back of his head that something else was going on. That something wasn't right. Oh, he already knew that the other Archangels didn't particularly like him, but there was something more than that. Aziraphale wanted to do good & make Heaven better, especially if the plan was to go forward. But he just didn't feel completely right. Like there was something else making him stay there.
Then there was the fact that he couldn't stop thinking of Crowley. The demon had kissed him. Him.... Everytime he thought about it, Aziraphale entered an almost daze. Losing track of things around him. There had even been times when he had been discussing things in a 'meeting' with the other Archangels and his mind had drifted to Crowley and how things had been left.
Despite being eager to make a difference in Heaven, Aziraphale was already beginning to miss his life on Earth. The food, the hot cocoa, his bookshop, his demon.... oh. When had he started to think of Crowley as his demon? He swallowed and became focused on that, oblivious to what was being said. Aziraphale was broken out of it only when Metatron handed him a coffee and he gave a smile as he took it. Coffee hadn't really been his 'thing' on Earth but Metatron had been bringing them to him since he had come back to Heaven and, well, he hadn't wanted to be impolite. He was actually starting to rather like them as well.
The meeting continued as he sipped his coffee, suddenly perking up at the mention of someone checking in on Muriel in the bookshop. His bookshop. Oh, his bookshop.
"I could check in on them." Aziraphale said quickly, trying not to have his eagerness at the idea creep onto his features too much. He would love to see his bookshop again, he had been missing it so. And, well, there was the possibility of seeing a certain demon again. "I mean, I did reside there before, it would less conspicuous for me to visit. Act as if I were checking in on it and all that."
The other Archangels rolled their eyes but eventually agreed that it was the best idea. And so Aziraphale headed down to Earth, making his way to his wonderful bookshop with an excited look on his face. He waved to Maggie and Nina when he saw them though frowned when he saw the unamused and possibly annoyed look upon their features. What was that for? Aziraphale shook his head and went to enter.
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haildioson · 10 months
[ starter open to: all! ] [ location: amphitheater! ]
holli had taken the liberty of unofficially booking the amphitheater for the after olympics celebration--she sent out invites and made arrangements approximately 40 mins ago and was now hosting a raucous crowd on stage, a collection of whomever came along or showed up when she decided to keep the party going. actually appearing inhibited by intoxication just a little, which was more than usual, holli was struggling to keep control of this particular mix of substances. but she would ride it out, as she always did. she found the mic with significant feedback, drowning out most of her own loud laughter, and started a toast to her very best friends gathered around (whether she'd talked to them before today or not):
"to everyone left after this latest draft, i want to congratulate you. us. and i want to assure you all, when you're laying in bed tonight, late, thinking..." she closed her eyes a few beats too long here, "dark night of the soul. and i want to assure you...it's because you're better than any of them. any one who has gone, you're better. because you are stickin' it out! and it's not that everyone you ever get close to here will abandon you, it's that you're better. that's it. okay? i love you, winners."
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midncghtrcin · 12 days
@careol Said: 15. gently tracing their fingers on one of mine’s scars. (for daryl, i'm ignoring the rules)
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He'd been asleep when he felt her finger tips lightly tracing over the scars on his back. "Mm..." He jumps awake, but doesn't turn to face her just yet. "Got those from my dad, Merel had 'em too."
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legaciestold · 5 months
thread: the prismya incident tuesday, july 25th-friday july 28th, 2006 @everythingheard (leon) also featured in overall incident: @myersbprd, claire, ingrid, mara, & jill
tuesday, july 25, 2006 4:45am (stateside local) mild rain, gray morning skies, humid
the screen is eerily blank for multiple seconds, the sounds of clattering items all that's emitted above the gentle static. muttering comes next, a woman's frustration coming through with no visual to accompany it until a silhouette appears, out of focus.
'come on, come on, yes! it worked!'
emits the voice, hushed but triumphant as what can be assumed is keys of what might be an old keyboard by the heavy sounds of it are pressed in the audio. the picture is grainy, as if there's some kind of interference yet it does finally come into focus to display a woman looking at the camera and addressing an agent with a name hunnigan hasn't come across before. the name is typed into a second monitor upon her station though a voice on the phone she's balancing on her shoulder halts her. tells her to wait and watch. the woman on the screen looks a bit worse for wear. there's a small gash on her forehead that looks as if it's scabbed over and the scrubs she wears look wrinkled and disheveled as if they've been worked in a while. it's not what's shocking about the video. hunnigan has seen a lot both in her own field experiences before she'd taken a desk job and in the displays from messages from various agents she aids who are in the field.
she's seen kennedy a hell of a lot worse for example.
what's shocking comes from the words which emit from the woman's lips. she speaks quickly, to the point, an attempt to relay as much information as possible in an efficient manner. hunnigan appreciates it. a final stage of a virus is synthesized and will have enough produced for the final stage of an attack within forty-eight hours. possibly less, most likely less. she's only piecing together what she's been able to hear and catch glimpses of. she's being monitored constantly but one of the other scientists speaks to her as they work, whenever they get the chance to, and he seems to be an ally. the process appears to be faster because of the nature of vampiric materials.
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the camera is shifted, loses focus for a moment when it's lifted and redirected over a blurry file that hunnigan already knows is going to have to get sent for enhancement. she can just barely see the name claire red.field on it though ingrid isn't sure if she actually saw the name clearly or if it's her brain piecing it together by virtue of the fact the woman voices the name a moment later. the camera pans too quickly over a separate video feed, camera on camera distorting the picture with lines-- yet, some can be made out. maybe the worse of it is the sound.
there's screaming. wild, scared, pained.
there's frenzied movement on the screen of the screen. there's what ingrid thinks is a woman attacking a man in scrubs and then her being forced back down and injected with something and she thinks the woman cries something to the effect of 'not again' after some profound swearing in-between. maybe that's really the most shocking part because ingrid has never met redfield but she's seen agent kennedy's file and seen claire's picture in it because the girl and leon had escaped raccoon together and as distorted as the picture may be, ingrid understands in the pit of her stomach what she's seeing is the same woman.
the camera pans back once more to the woman sending it with her rattling off something about redfield having been the key to the virus and a location. about something being wrong. she shouldn't have been able to get to this terminal let alone send this video she's not sure where the guards are but she's uploading the communication now and praying they get it. to please send the bprd or anyone they can. there's a sound, a groan really, which emits somewhere in the room the woman is in and she looks away before turning back and starting to say to 'tell leon...' something... but it's cut off with the transmission going dark and somehow, that's when something else connects in ingrid's mind and she chastises herself for not having realized it sooner. she's seen this woman's picture in leon's file too. it's his cousin that survived the attack on their family when agent kennedy was a child.
okay. ingrid thinks. okay. okay.
the voice on the phone begins speaking again, giving ingrid little time to recover even as she begins opening various windows at her computer station. it reveals more information to her. information about the bureau of paranormal research and defense. of an outbreak in a polish village the year before, about redfield being part of the bprd-- which doesn't exist on paper except as the fbi's special operations division. it tells her mara a kennedy was an informant in a company run by fucking vampires. vampires! it tells her a select few members of the bsaa, valentine and the other redfield have been contacted and are deploying with bprd on route to prismya where there's been some strange reports of attacks in the last twenty-four hours. they'll meet agent kennedy there and she needs to relay all this information to him and get him on a military flight leaving in two hours. it's a lot. it's chaos. but it's a chaos she can handle. she has to. first, however, she needs to finish dialing agent kennedy's number.
she does and takes an unusual step further, tells him he needs to get to headquarters immediately, with no delays. she needs to meet with him in person. and someone needs to meet with him, a bprd agent myers who'd be going on a mission with him, reinforcements already on-route to meet them there. she doesn't tell him why but her vocal pattern shows the seriousness of it. she greets the bprd agent in a room off the corridor of the building where the light always flickers and the work order for it has gone into the abyss of low priorities. when agent kennedy gets there she tells him all she knows, she shows him the video, and she lets the bprd agent tell him the rest of the pertinent information as she goes to gather more information for herself to aid them in the field.
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'leon, be careful.'
she calls out to him as she watches him and the other agent leave for the military base (that transport would get them to europe faster than other means). ingrid, rarely calls him by his first name but this was uncharted territory. this was personal territory, at least for him. almost twelve hours later hunnigan has some communication with the bsaa, redfield and valentine, helps them navigate a nightmare on the ground that they'd flown into. she's not usually involved with the bsaa but this whole mission was.. well, there was a lot of players in the game at once and they all had the same ultimate goals. she had the feeling she'd be patching them all into each other the whole time.
fifteen, almost sixteen hours after leon leaves, when hunnigan gets word from that leon and the bprd agent have gotten separated after they'd gotten to one of the companies' facilities where he thinks the outbreak started (an outbreak that wasn't part of the main plot and shouldn't have happened) and that they'd found indications mara and claire had been moved to some location in the countryside but then leon and myers had gotten separated after a car crash outside a local village she's not surprised so she helps him navigate as far toward the castle facility as her access to sat feeds will allow. somehow, this feels a bit like spain all over again. she certainly thinks the stakes are just as high for her agent in the field. this wasn't the president's daughter but it was his family and his friend and a hell of a lot of innocent people's lives at stake.
wednesday, july 26, 2006 8:13am (prismya local) prismya countryside, mountain valley filled with small villages and an expansive castle complex which used to house the local ruler of the region. has held an increase in activity, construction equipment, and people to the area in recent years. also many disappearances. rainy and dark gray skies, foggy, cloudy, low visibility
she's cold. then she's hot. both make her hurt like a fucking train is chugging through her blood stream and making her want to tear into something but they've taken everything away she could possibly break after she'd managed to turn a part of the bed into something she could stab with. it'd been a blunt edge but she'd still managed with a spirt of strength to impale one of the people that'd come into the room to sedate her with it. her mind is scattered, hair messy and in all directions around her shoulder's when she awakens in a new place. mara's no where in sight but claire is sure she'd seen her. she's positive. she wasn't losing her mind. she wasn't. she'd seen her. she had! metal surfaces are around her, there's a camera too. she attacks it with her bare hands. they come into the room. she can't remember what happened after that. she thinks she drew blood. or they drew her blood? no, she'd hurt one of them. she's sure. the feel of a badge, a key.. she'd hurt him, the man injecting her, but he'd slipped her something. why? she doesn't understand. was he the one mara said was a friend? is she imagining it? but he hurt her. did he have a choice?
wait.. then.. now. then wasn't now. that already happened. key.. badge. her body hurts. she's thirsty but she's not supposed to be. she can't let herself be. remember. remember to fight it. mara had said the longer she does the slower the infection will move through her. she'd said that, back at the other place. where is mara? where is she? her body shifts, rolls over where it'd passed out before. flashes of memories playing at her mind. she tires to piece together her memories. her eyes aren't open but she sees....
there'd been a mission. she can remember that. but then.. so much death. she'd fought. injections.. experiments. she'd fought. she'd screamed. she'd attacked. it hurt. her mind scatters. she remembers a desert. no, that was a long time ago. she remembers a police station. no that was further away. blonde hair.. she remembers a dinner with a child laughing and the surprise on their faces when another person had shown up at their door with pizza from that hole in the wall place she'd taken sherry to and mentioned. it wasn't an every-day thing, the three of them getting to spend time together and so they'd held on to it at the time. a thread, it forms a thread into another string of flashes. a chip. anger... understanding.. an email.
'stop being like that claire, just send the god damn fucking email.' she'd told herself.
the thread.. mission. facility. he'd slipped her something to escape. she'd gotten out. they'd chased her. a crash. something spilled. screams. zombies but.. different, she thinks. had to find a lift. had to find a way up. a way out. metal turned to stone. corridors. maze. castle? they'd found her. blood. she'd stabbed. she'd stabbed them, not bitten. she hadn't bitten. but they'd stabbed her too, she thinks. maybe? find somewhere to hide. hide first. figure out next step after. there'd been a room. supplies in it. boxes. she remembers boxes.. utah had boxes. rebecca had gotten shot. the boxes had fallen. circle the memories back. boxes in front of her. climb. hide on top. she wants to see her brother. she wants to see leon. to not have how they last saw each other be the last... claire passed out.
it's cold against her skin but her body feels hot. sweaty, clammy. dark veins creep along her arms. she's only wearing a thin tank top type shirt with pants, she should have tried to find something but there hadn't been time. it wasn't as much of a concern as escape. the blood across her top is crusty. how long as she been there? there's no wound... it healed. but she'd been stabbed.. she can't think about it. not yet. not yet. find mara. get a cure. escape. no she couldn't.. mara had said something about them releasing it.. hadn't she? or had she imagined it? claire's clearer now then she was, and yet not fully clear either. it's hard to keep a hold of her thoughts, takes effort. she can do this. she has to do this. there isn't a choice. one step at a time.
there's sound. a scuffle. a grunt. gun shots. something had spilled before.. she remembers it.. kind of, sort of. outbreak. shit. she thinks there'd been one before too. back wherever she'd been but now.. had she caused this one? in her attempt to escape? or had it come with them like it had antarctica from rockfort, along with the personnel? shit. shit. shit. another gun shot. wooden door splinter's below, figures move into the dark room, crash across it like godzilla to a city. someone hits the boxes, they all fall down with her with it. ouch. pain radiates and blood fills her senses. someone's bleeding. she knows it like she knows what air is. in a way that unsettles her. it makes her mind go fuzzy, the veins on her skin burn. there's fighting in the low light, another gun shot. one of them stops moving.
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claire reacts.
she lifts herself from the tangle of boxes and launches herself at whoever still stands with a sudden fury and strength she shouldn't have. she feels like it's temporary. it's not going to last and some part of her seems to realize the more she exerts herself the more the infection is going to take root but she has to get away. and to do that she has to stop whoever else is there. so they can't take her away again. so they can't hurt her again. so they can't make her veins feel like they are on fire and her so thirsty. it's all nails and desperate punches when she lands as if she's a wild and wounded animal backed into a corner. hair blocking her face as she attacks. she remembers the feeling of the injections. she remembers the experiments. she's angry, it's taking hold. it's overwhelming her, clouding her mind. she can feel it. but whoever she's fighting is strong. they react too and her arms are suddenly being forced to halt, her struggling wildly until some of her hair that was blocking her vision shifts and she sees eyes. his eyes and now a war is happening within her. something inside wants to fight. wants to hurt. but she. claire. she sees his eyes. she sees them. she knows them. she's crying. it burns her eyes. it's his blood she smells. she wants it. no. no. fucking hell no! she's not lost yet. she won't let herself be. this fucking infection wasn't going to take her. she wouldn't let it. she wouldn't hurt him. why is he there? her mind starts to clear, a little. she stops fighting and fear laces her features.
"l--leon?" this is real. he's real. she can feel him. and yet it almost comes out as a question as if some part of her is suddenly scared she's imagined this whole thing to cope and is still in whatever room they locked her in for their experiments. "i-- i'm sorry! i'm sorry.. i-- couldn't... stop.. i thought you were.. i thought they found me.. i thought they were going to take me back.. oh my god.. did i hurt you?" horror washes over her.
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hermidetta · 1 month
@laruarva, balling from here
"alive? cheeks? well, um—" alive was one way to put it. "i guess? you were good-looking before but—i mean, h-hah, haha, water?! water! love that stuff!"
speaking of which. she really needs to gulp down hers and shut her mouth before she says something stupid again. but bernadetta does not get to, no. not when arval extends a catlike finger and tips up her chin, dumping a bucket of oil onto the fire already lighting her face. and no amount of water will save her, sparkling or flat.
"bernie, bernie's not," she is sputtering, sputtering like a madman, even as arval rescinds their touch and her body nearly tips over from following it, "bernie should be saying that about you! b-bernie is saying that about you!"
her eyes squeeze shut, a gloved palm patting at her heated cheek. there are a million things running through her mind in that moment, all ridiculous and utterly pathetic, ranging the gamut from her calm-down-bernies to some other words the knights of seiros could not waterboard out of her if they tried.
but. thankfully, arval snags her attention with that question. twin grays blink back open, wide and ever doe-like. "huh? my dress…?"
they flatter her, truly. arval has had many the chance yet they have never called her interests strange, whether that be carnivorous plants or silly needlework. while granted she can be an easy fiddle to play, arval is a quick study, and they have caught onto the machinations of her mind well enough. they have made a fine habit of disarming her fears and rerouting her attention to something far more productive.
"um, i did! bernie did. y-you really think i'm skilled?" her head perks. she sips from her sweet drink and clears her throat. "it was just something simple and quick, since i wasn't really planning on going to the ball. people like bernie don't belong in balls... oh, but she did get this thing!"
her free hand gestures to her brooch before fingers retrieve one of its crystals. she offers it to arval just as readily as the sparkling water. "here you go! i think we're supposed to give these out."
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balaclava-marks · 2 years
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beach boys themed old man west coast road trip around the us gp
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turojo · 7 months
@aetherceuse asked:
"Your work is commendable, professor. You cannot expect the average mind to grasp your achievements. Worry not."
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" Unfortunately. It's not uncommon either in my field as you suspect. " A theoretical physicist by trade and a systems engineer by hand; a mix that opened incredible possibilities the likes thats yet to be seen...! He knows it too - pours over every equation, blue print, and bevel down to quantum weight to see it's real possibilities. The soft whirring and hum of his intricate workshop was testament to that. No where in the world will you find a more efficient or mechanized laboratory and all built by his hands and knowledge alone.
Ah. But with ingenuity came frustration --
" People fear what they dont understand. Since the dawn of time man feared shadows until knowledge made them see light. Worrisome however is the amount of ignorance that could hold humanity from true renaissance. " He dreams of a future where there was no such thing as fear. A Utopia. A Paradise. Not when it can so easily be solved with ingenuity.
Turo presses enter on the keyboard; the room wide screen in front of them miles long with intricate code coming to life with lights and the base it connected to thrummed. Materials rearranging into familiar but transformed polygons that blinked back at them with life ... until settling back down on the ground still.
Hm...almost. Turo nodded and looked back at Lusamine finally with resolve.
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" And I suppose only the enlightened can hold steadfast the future then; you and I. " He does acknowledge the incredible feat the Aether Foundation and its president was. " We'll have to make it count for everyone else then as their founding engineers. Don't you agree? "
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malumxsubest · 8 months
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Send 🫦+ a location to bite my muse (send bite+ a location if you can’t see the emoji) || accepting!
their newfound relationship was something for amelia to acclimate to. for the longest time, she had never entertained on the idea of entering into another romantic relationship, especially considering it had been several centuries since the last one. it was simply not in her interest. however, it was steadily becoming an interesting dynamic where she felt she was in a chokehold. something that never was done before up until recently. despite her not being able to sleep like any other creature on this wretched earth, she'd lay awake with eyes unblinkingly staring into nothing in particular. in was startling, to be honest, since raven was like an aqua regia melting away those serrated edges of hers. only for it to subsequently fade away into the ether.
in short, she truly loves likes him.
still, it was a weird thing for her to get used to. for example, here he was with his face pressed against her neck while she smoothed a hand on his back in languid circles as they both lounge on the chaise near the stain glass window. thankfully she keeps the doors leading into her office locked and secured. lia breathed steadily with her eyes shut, allowing herself to become comfortable with their position - her on her back whereas raven was situated on top of her between her legs. but then - b i t e - and her eyes flew open while simultaneously a choked out moan escaped her. she felt herself tense a little bit. she could practically feel a blush beginning to form against her better wishes. she was quick to click snap her mouth shut since she became aware of her fangs elongate in response to his bite. it was embarrassing because she considered her neck to be one of her erogenous zones...
" did you just bite me? "
@atrickrtreat asked : bite+ shoulder (ravelia)
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