#dont get me wrong hes still my bbg tho
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tacharie · 6 months ago
HEY GUYS SO SO SORRY IVE BEEN LATE BUT IM HERE… ROGHT BEFORE EPISODE 9 😭😭😭. guys but for realsies I don’t really have much to say for episode 8 cause I mostly forgot what happened. TIME TO BRING OUT THE SCREENSHOTS. As always, spoilers ahead of you have not already read Tokyo Debunker Episode 8, and these were written in the order of my reactions, so you will be seeing how my reactions progress. There will be no more spoiler warning ahead of this soooo pls don’t blame me DANKE :3
ohhhhhh ok ok I see this and I’m kinda not liking it!! They’re pretty and all but like… I hate auctions cause it’s like geez louise. I’ve read so many zombie manwhas where they start selling people at auctions and it makes me so uncomfortable now that I see auctions.
ANYWAYS staring off strong with my boy RITSU!! I haven’t seen you in forever my lizard looking friend what’s happening !!!
this bitch is no longer my friend. WHAT ARE YOU BEING SO MEAN FOR DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF US TURNING INTO AN ANOMALY LIKE DANG. Like Ik you’re all head first into work or whatever but geez Louise, part of being a lawyer is being empathetic to understand how to get evidence from witnesses dumb dumb.
why is this LOSER. Not listening to my glorious queen. Just because it don’t follow the charts does NOT mean that it isn’t plausible like cmon think logical here. Also, when he’s like getting mad at Taiga without actually talking to him, I can just see him shaking his fist in the air lmao. Moving on from him… ROMEO CALLED US :3!!
HAIIII ROMEO MY NEW FAVORITE OF SINOSTRA WHATS POPPING!!! Also, NEW FACE!! NEW FACE FROM ROMEO I THINK. He has an angry one all the time last time, but now this one is more like… concerned?? Idk MOVING ON!! Also, I’m starting to like Romeo and I really want to know his lore for now. Cause look at this:
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Like who is doing this to you BBG!!! I kinda feel bad for him he’s js a lil guy sometimes :(
(NOT IN LIKE THE FANON MIDORIYA WAY BUT IN LIKE A he’s very pitiful sometimes)
Also dang what is with this tension between Taiga and Romeo bruh. Like they’re legit acting like exes. I DONT SHIP THEM DONT GET ME WRONG. But like… there was DEFINITELY SOMETHING. Especially since Taiga remembers his name/nickname.
Yuri and Jiro :(!!! I MISSED YOU TWOO HAIIIII!!! Guys they’re so cute lmao Yuri getting worried like a friend awwwwww… though I’m pretty sure it’s because Jiro is still his subject. ARGHH OMG 😭💕 “I was only there cause I was looking for you” AWWWWWWW THATS SO SWEET!! The whole vomiting scene was so funny and silly and cute of them I hope we see them more!!
WOAHHHHHHHHHH!!! AWOOGA HELLO 😍😍😍!!! GUYS THEY LOOK SO PRETTAYYYYY!! Dang Romeo hand selected them, no surprise there. They’re sooooo cute AND THE MC AHHHHHH SHES SO SILLY 😭😭💕💕💕!!!
“try not to be discreet” immediately grabs Taiga’s ear. Oh wow. Also Imma need Taiga to STOP WOTH THE KITTEN TALK. IVE HAD IT 😡😡. ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
WHAT. NO. NONONONONONONONONO PLEASEEEEEEE SPARE ME WHY ME 😭😭😭. WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH THESE THREE LUNATICS. BRUH TAIGA’S PROBABLY LIKE A SLEEP BITER. UH UH I REFUSE 😡. You guys are rich aren’t you?? Can’t we have separate rooms pretty please. Also besides from sharing, I don’t like the idea of staying overnight. Cause they told us nothing!! We ain’t got toothbrush, deodorant, NADA. It’s gotta REEK in there.
Ok so… Romeo knowing the password is not rubbing me the right way. I hate it actually. Romeo please don’t be TOO sketch!!! Please please please I BEGGGG!! Also woah… I don’t like how it looks!! Like the AI is so obvious with this one PLEASEEE INVEST IN A BACKGROUND ARTIST. It’s not that difficult I promise you. The music is hella nice tho MEAH MWAH LOVELYYYY!! Also if you screen record a video with the background, you can see they added a shaky effect which was cool!!
alright Romeo. How’s you come up with the name. Guys he might actually be in some dark shit uh oh. Chat I think my fav sinostra character is cooked. Taiga pointing that out makes js confirms my suspicions. Like guys. Sighs. Also, I highly doubt Gojo teacher is gonna bail us out of this one taiga 🙁… he’s … NOT THAT GREAT!!
Ok so we split up anddddd… Taiga went to a bar. Naturally. RITSU, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM. Like, I know he’s not personally insulting anyone, but like getting compared to Romeo is bad?? I mean, I guess they’re kinda opposites so IG!! Gulping down Taiga’s drink is WILD LMAOOO 😭😭.
ok moving onto their little exploration, Taiga, leaves his three blind mice looking glasses alone. It’s actually kinda cute that Ritsu is so sweet for his mom. ALSO HOURS??? FOR GLASSES?? I thought I was indecisive geez man. And oh!! They found the mask right? NOT TAIGA SUGGESTING THEY GANK THEM WHAT 😭 WHY IS HE SHOOTONG THE PLACE UP HELLO?? WHY DID HE SHOW RITSU TO WHACK THINGS WITH HIS BOOK OMG 😭.. IM DEADDDD.
alrighty now our side. Romeo and queeny let’s gooo!!! Romeo scamming some guy is actually crazy lmao. But like, he knew this guy?? Then why is this guy acting like he doesn’t know Romeo? That’s … STRANGE!! Anyways, AHHHH THAT ONE ART OF HIM HOLDING THE PAINTING WAS EVERYTHING :(!! So sweet so cute!! Other than the fact he scammed someone but I digress!!!
“There’s only a handful of people in this world that know the true vale of things.” Such an odd sentence to add, that’s more of an inner dialogue thing but he said it aloud. Maybe he meant smth else by it but like IM NOT THAT DETECTIVY GUYS!!
Romeo please leave my Boy Yuri alone 😭😭. They got that little man stressing fr. But I wanted to point out a few things from their conversation:
-“ Someone’s gotten cocky” (Romeo to Yuri) The word gotten changed the entire meaning of THSI sentence. They knew each other before… from Frostheim maybe?? Cause we know both of them have personal beef from frost heim, maybe they both transferred but were once close back then. Sounds kinda cliche but. Further evidence: “I remember when you ran off crying to the grubby old lab, now you’re playing king of the castle?” So maybe not together, but just what kind of connection did they have? Maybe Romeo was a bully :(
BUT WAIT !! THERES MORE!!! “ha ha. Fine words coming from a has-been like you. Why, I hardly hear anyone speak of you these days. I suppose your accomplishments were only possible before you relinquished your brand name. Oh, I suppose it’s more accurate ‘before it was stolen from you?’ “. … WOW!! Ok!!! So yeah Romeo was popular, he was .. maybe forced out of Frostheim because of his family situation… or maybe bullied out of it. With Romeo, a lot of times someone mentions something being stolen from him, which is probably why he’s so obsessed with wealth. Their relationship is so strange, I need to raise their affinities to see more lore.
Aw yeah, my queen got the lobster and pasta she deserved for her dinner!! I’m so glad that we don’t have to sleep with each other bro like legit JUMPING FOR JOY 😆😆😆!!!
Aw shucks Romeo is being shady once more ; “ Just relax by your little fireplace and I’ll bring you a nice souvenir. I’ll bring you back that mask so don’t forget our deal.” PROFESSOR HYDE. IK ITS YOU. WTF ARE YOU UP TO. Why does he want that mask, why does he need a mask, is he doing this against Darkwick or for them? Guys I need answers like urgently.
Oh no. It’s Taiga. Everyone smile and wave. Bruh why is he talking to us like he don’t know us m. It’s us, your kitty patootie. YEAHHHH HE RECOGNIZED US!! PROGRESS GUYS!! Omg wait he might actually remember the train… HE DID !! HE DID YES 😭😭!! TAIGA YOU ARE THE GOAT MY GLORIOUS KING TAIGA. Wait but he forgot where the monster went. Man… can’t do nothing fr 🙁. Uh oh :3 Romeo caught us!! DAMN TAIGA BEING SO MEAN FOR WHAT. “We were just talking about how gross you sound buttering someone up” like dang. We think that, not say that. What power does Gojo teacher hold to control Romeo so easily… I don’t get it :(.
phew day 2, auction day!! Taiga sleeping in the ceremony is so real. WHY IS HE SO READY TO SHOOT EVERYBODY GEEZ. Oh!! Romeo comes busting in… AHHHHHH MY GLORIOUS QUEEN MC IN THE BACKGROUND SUCH A CUTIE. Oh he actually started shooting ok!!! Awesome!!! OH WHAT THE… THEYRE ALL GLITCHING. RUN MC TUN. DONT LET THE OTHERS SLACK YOU!!
Ok so they got to the exit, and they won’t let us out… AWESOME. JUST AWESOME. Bruh Taiga is going on some riddle shit JS TELL US PLEASEEEEE. Bruh. Romeo. My guy. My pall. WHY TF DID YOU HAVE SO MUCH TREASURE 😭😭😭. WHY WOULD YOU THROW IT RIGHT AT RITSU. RITSUUUUU GET YO ASS HOME!! Oh wait his stigma nvm. He’s chilling. That panel of Ritsu saying his stigma goes hard though.
Oh we’re back at the Diner with Ritsu. WAIT CAN WE SEE OUR BOY REN :3??? BRUH WHAT. TAIGA ATE THE FUCKING MASK??? HUH??? Another probation is actually crazy dang…
Oh shit Taiga and Hyde. “Lay off Lulu” AWWWWWW HE CARES ABOUT HIS FRIEND. AWWWWW!!! Bruh Hyde is actually pissing me off bro tf you mean “The stage is nearly set” FOR WHAT??? FOR WHAT PURPOSE??? Guys 😭
ok so that’s that. Uhhhhh I might have skipped a few parts but this is merely going off on the deleted screenshots I took the time I read it. The only thing I do remember is what I was thinking on each scene. Honestly, not much was given in this one for like DARKWICK lore, except for the fact they work with underground connections as well as governmental. That’s actually so wild how powerful they are. I’m actually so excited to see more of Ritsu’s emotional side, and Romeo/ Taiga’s backstory, not just tightened but their personal ones too. Still don’t have Taiga’s unique magic womp womp :(. Hyde… is freaking me out a bit too. And nothing has been explained about why Hyde called Sho for a “special mission”. It doesn’t look like he’s gonna be a part of the next chapter too, so it’s making sho SUPPERRRR SUS rn. But anyways I hoped you enjoyed and I will make another one of these VERY soon for Episode 9 :3!! Ciao , until next chapter!!
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yaya-papayaa · 20 days ago
My personal ranking of the Yellowjackets characters
(Warning: s3 spoilers ahead)
Shauna- my beautiful baby girl with a disorder. Yes she’s crazy and sadistic and self destructive/destructive in general but I love her sm idc. Me and Melissa are twins fr
Taissa- she’s so fiercely loving and loyal to those that she holds close, but sometimes her edges are just a bit too sharp but ughhhh I love <3333 her sm for it! Especially her relationship with Shauna during her pregnancy era (secret taishauna shipper)
Travis- this may be controversial to some to have Trav be so high up on the list but I love trav 🥺 he’s so baby girl (to me) he’s actually one of the softest ones in the group imo and the wilderness keeps on taking from him and tormenting him anyways (and I hc Travis as a transfem character, but that’s for another post)
Jackie- never has there been a better haunter of the narrative.
Natalie- she has never done anything wrong ever and I live in delusion that she went on to have a happy safe life with her wife Travis after they were rescued! No but fr they need to let my bbg catch a break, it’s been so hard to watch her struggle in the role as new queen and having some of the other yj’s rejecting her especially knowing her fate in the adult timeline. She deserves to be loved and protected 4ever 🥺
Akilah- my fave side yj character <333 she’s so sweet and I just get so happy when I see her getting some screen time. But omg this last ep has me scared with all the extra time they spent on her and the berries?!!?!!!! AKILAHHH NOOOO!!! DONT GO TOWARDS THE LIGHT 😭😭😭
Van- my little toasty marshmallow 🥰 lol but fr I love her, her witty comments offer such good tension relief in this crazy ass show, but my favorite version of van is when she’s being a little bitchy tbh (looking at you s1 van), she’s such a chill laid back character but I love seeing her get riled up enough to bring the claws out.
Coach Ben- my poor Benny boy just wants to be left alone but these psycho teenage girls just won’t let him catch a break 😫 I love that canonically multiple of the yj girls had crushes on him lmaoo I fear that would’ve been me too tho 🤭 ugh but even after experiencing and witnessing the horrors he’s still so kind and good hearted (letting Mari go, saving Shauna, akilah, and van from the fumes while they are actively hunting him) and I fear it’s about to be him demise. It seems the wilderness def has a taste for innocence
Mari- she’s a brat, a diva, a hater, a bitch, but she’s 100% real at all times and honestly I find myself admiring her for it. Especially this last episode with her singing little songs while being held hostage, and having no shame in her flirting game lmaoo she’s really growing on me. Although I’m a bit mad at her for not thinking of a better lie while she was making her way back to the girls (rip coach Ben 😔)
Javi- omg my poor baby boy 😭💔 he did nawtttt deserve his fate, but again the wilderness does seem to have a taste for innocence
Misty- her intentions are good most of the times but my god is this girl a disaster. I hate to see her getting bullied/dismissed/used by the other girls, but then she does some crazy outrageous misty bs that I want to reach through the screen and strangle her myself 🤦‍♀️ misty, the most girl of all time
Crystal- my poor little canary 😔 she just wanted to sing her songs and put on little plays in the middle of the woods 💔 but can I be totally honest guys? In this a safe space? I’m still not completely convinced that she was real 👀🫢 especially with this new info about the gas, and she wasn’t mentioned during the mourning ceremony/festival! Idc I’m holding onto this theory with my life
Lottie- up until s3 I was pretty neutral on Lottie, I do think she had pretty pure intentions when she first started the whole wilderness religion thing and she just wanted to give the girls something to believe and hope in that’s bigger than themselves (although I was never a fan of how she would overstep Shauna’s boundaries while she was pregnant) but this season with her coercing Travis to try and connect with it and forcing him into these panic attacks and then putting THAT necklace on Callie??? She’s staring to pmo ngl, Shauna would’ve been completely justified in beating Lottie’s ass a second time for that imo.
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chernabogs · 10 months ago
wait wait let me submit another one from that ask game again ames if u dont mind XD 🧪 (esp this one since ur fae info in ur stories are quite elaborate :0✨) 💕 💛💭and 🎁!!
🧪 Do you research for your fics?
Chronically LMAO. I mentioned in other posts, but I'm a big stickler for factual information. If I'm drawing in anything from outside cultures or resources into my fics, I won't put it in unless I've absolutely covered my bases. I did this with the Sin Eater fic, and I'm currently doing it with Erlkönig, since both have things from cultures (in this case Celtic) I'm not personally involved in. Research is why I did that massive Styx and Fae write up too as a point of reference so I don't get it wrong when I write a fic.
Honestly, if I ended up writing plumbing into a fic somehow, I'd research that too LMAO
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Ohhhh probably Elegy... or the Monody series as a whole. I thought those were good 😌 I still like Mead & Ignocolists tho LMAO my Lilia fics... come back from the war bbg
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
You need to love what you're writing. Don't ever do a prompt, or a request, that you don't have a love for bc it'll be a drag for you and no matter how good it may be, it will never seem right in your eyes. Also do NOT force yourself to write. The same lesson can be learned if you're trying to get through burnout by just forcing the words out—it will never seem right to you. Plus it just extends the burnout (this I know ☠️)
Let sleeping dogs (or dragons in some cases lmao) lie for a while until you feel inspired to poke them a bit. And don't feel guilty about it, either. No one is mad at you or upset with you if you don't write 500 words that day—your brain is just being a jerk. A break is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself.
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
Me and my 20+ spotify playlists against the world LMAOO 😭 beyond that, a lot of real like things! The stuff I wrote for some fics (like Monody for example) come from friends and other lived experiences. My Maleficia fic drew from my great-grandmother and grandmother (had to get that g-ma mindset yk) and the rather complex stoicism they held (I get u, Malleus). Some of my Lilia fics drew from history I've read or stories of war-eras. Erlkönig is inspired by my own love of folklore and myth and my excitement to see it in a game like twst. Also the poem ofc.
So... a lot of things, really! Music, art, books, and history being the biggest ones!! (Music especially, though. A good song can generate a thousand ideas like trailers for a film in the brain)
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
Dcjejcjejf maybe... Levan WIP xoxo
His fingers dip into the black ichor that pools at the base of the mirror, his pale skin becoming stained as the scent of tar, and ozone, and everything man-made—foul!—drowns his senses.
"What is it that you seek?" The voice asks again, drawling out the words in a mixture of lethargy and resentment. Levan's golden gaze flickers back up to meet their void-like stare.
"... to try again," he exhales.
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