#dont care love the movement on lucio
m-v3nus · 1 month
>its not meta!
>im in quickplay
>that character adds no value!
>they make me happy
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devoraakss · 7 years
Okay but have you considered lucio and aveana actually having a baby
i have and its an absolute mess 
Gold and blue eyes stare up at the ceiling with disdain, full lips twisted into a scowl. Aveana had been trying to sleep for hours, and yet all she could accomplish was tossing and turning in a vain effort to rest. well… trying to toss and turn would be a bit more accurate. She turns her gaze to the swell of her stomach, glaring. “well i hope you’re happy, not even born yet and you’re keeping me awake.” the woman grumbles, running her hand over the bump gently,  still not used to the movement she felt beneath her palm. the baby wasn’t the only thing moving, however. a soft groan sounds from the man beside her, turning so sleepy silver eyes can look up at her from beneath tousled blonde locks. “‘Veana…?” Lucio murmurs her name, lifting his arm to gently run his hand over her own, eyes sliding shut once again as he curls closer to her. “who’re you talkin’ to…?”“this child of yours refuses to let me sleep.” She says flatly, comforted by the feeling of his hand on hers, but still uncomfortable. nothing about her body felt right, this constant state of discomfort and always needing to fucking pee was getting irritating. she was two days past her due date, and she just wanted this to be done. She didn’t even want to begin to complain about the cravings… Lucio snorts out a soft chuckle, lifting himself up a bit on his elbows to lean over and press a soft kiss to the swell of her stomach. “last i checked darling, both of us contributed to this..” Aveana huffs softly, glancing down at him. “yes, don’t remind me…” she shifts, an uncomfortable twinge in her back making her wince. “I need more pillows…” she grumbles, and a sudden need to eat something sweet follows shortly after. “and maybe some cake.” Lucio sighs tiredly, used to the odd requests at ungodly hours. “I suppose that means I am going to be the one to get you these things.” He sits up properly, an plants a soft kiss to her temple. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Aveana smiles as he gets up, shaking her head slightly at the sight of his disheveled hair. “I love you.” she calls after him, and Lucio just laughs, waving his hand. “Only because i bring you cake.” That brings a chuckle to her lips, and she rolls her eyes. “don’t forget the pillows.”~~~The utterly grating sound of his cell phone vibrating against the polished wood of his nightstand stirred Lucio from his slumber, one grumpy silver eye cracking open to glare at the offending electronic. never before had he ever regretted setting his ringtone to something as obnoxious as ridiculously autotuned rap music, but at… a quick glance at his alarm clock told him it was 3 fucking am, he didn’t want to hear someone screaming ‘TURN DOWN FOR WHAT’ on repeat. grumbling, he reaches for his phone and squints at the screen, trying and failing to read who the hell was calling him at this hour. he squints some more, his brain barely registering the name on the screen, and a jolt of anxiety races up his spine. ‘Aveana’ followed by several heart emojis, a rose, a dove, and a kissing smiley face.  He quickly drags him thumb over the small green icon, bringing the phone to his ear. “‘Veana?” his voice was rough and scratchy, and he cringed at the sound of it, gods he hated mornings… “Not quite, goatshit, get up and get dressed.” Asra’s deadpanned voice answered form the other end, and Lucio’s mood immediately plummeted, throwing himself back on the bed with an annoyed groan– he had half a mind to just hang up on him, but another thought struck him. “why the fuck are you calling from Aveana’s phone?” Asra snorts, and someone says something he cant make out in the background– were those sirens? “Well i would have called from mine but i think faust ate it, but thats not the point– Get up and get dressed in something thats mildly appropriate, i’ll be at your place in ten minutes.” Asra didn’t sound too pleased, and ten minutes???? he needed at least thirty to even begin to consider stepping out in public, something happened on the other end– someone that sounded like Julian, and then a loud scream in the background. Was that Aveana???“You need to breathe, you aren’t–”“I DONT CARE I WANT THAT FUCKING EPIDURAL!!” Lucio’s stomach jumped into his throat, and he nearly dropped his phone, lurching himself from the bed and startling poor Mercedes from her spot on the floor by the bed with a yelp. “Asra what the fuck is happening.”“See this is why i told you to get dressed, ‘Veana’s water broke and now we’re at the hospital and she’s–” Lucio drops his phone, nearly tripping over his feet to grab a relatively clean pair of sweatpants that he had tossed over a chair, and grabbing one of his shirts from the closet before he runs back to his phone. “I’ll be there in five.”Asra makes a sound somewhere between a huff and an annoyed sigh. “Whatever, just make it quick, shes… she wants you here.” ~~~Lucio couldn’t believe it. the small hospital room was silent, save for the soft drone of the tv mounted to the wall. the lights were dim, the room lit with a dim orange glow from the lamps, making it seem… entirely more peaceful than it had been mere moments ago. Aveana was passed out in the hospital bed, Lucio seated firmly next to her with her arms wrapped around his waist and her head resting on his chest– she wouldn’t let him go, and he couldn’t say he blamed her. 18 hours of hard labor, and the small child in the cot beside the bed was the outcome. Lucio was convinced he was dreaming, but the way Aveana stirred at the slightest movement, the flutter of her eyes when the baby made a noise… it was all real. “Luci… Lucio…” Aveana’s tired, hoarse voice calls to him, shaking him from his thoughts. “I’m here, dove.” he whispers, running his hand over her back gently, brushing sweat dampened curls back from her face. “You should rest.” Aveana doesn’t protest, leaning into his touch and murmuring something unintelligible before slipping back into unconsciousness. Whether it was real or not, Lucio didn’t care. for now, all that mattered was the woman in his arms, and the child sleeping peacefully beside them. And for now, that was good enough. 
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