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lovingcare-1210pro · 2 years
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If you see this don't take it! And, also, don't kill their mother...🙏k
Those are octopus eggs 🐙 The mother who laid them is underneath, keeping watch, and doesn't move from there even to forage for food. Somehow she's incubating them and they wouldn't survive without her.
Let's take care of nature this summer, we can still have fun and be responsible🙏
Photo Credits: Respective Owner
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rigzinmusic · 6 years
For those of you who have been around here you know of my mad ninja fly catching #skills Our first #vow is #donotkill when we take a beings life for no reason, mindlessly, it sets up a habit in our mind to kill. The more we kill, the more we become ok with it, like it;s no thing. If on the other hand we respect and nurture all life, this too creates a habit pattern in our minds. Which habit do we want to create, to imbue into our mind stream? It is all a practice, to develop our compassion, our recognition of the equality of all things. #weareallthesame #dountoothers #thegoldenrule #protectall #weareallone #catchandrelease
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pastordotunsalako · 5 years
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Killing Abel does not make Cain the choosen one....Gen 4:8 #dontgiveup #stopbullying #donotkill #loveyourself (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxIc0-l_vf/?igshid=17kk3aynsktcq
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jmwart · 3 years
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do no harm.
this phrase can sum up the first of Five Precepts in Buddhism that lay Buddhists follow. though, the precept consists of a prohibition on killing, it is often generally interpreted as a prohibition on harming.
most of us aren't running around killing others. most of us understand the harm that causes, but if we allow our awareness to open, we may see that there are many types of death, and this precept invites us to investigate the more subtle ways we harm and destroy with our thoughts, words, actions, with our consumption, our indifference, our non-caring.
the Precepts aren't commandments in our traditional understanding of that word. they are more like guidelines for living a life that is beneficial and non-harming. Buddhism is concerned with recognition of suffering and then acting in ways to reduce or end suffering. the Five Precepts beginning with the First Precept, are basically saying, "Don't do this and you'll reduce suffering."
this view of non-harming includes all life - including ourselves. we can look into our lives and ask ourselves if we are acting in ways that bring harm to ourselves or others, how can we change this to bring benefit?
i see the Precepts as an invitation to practice having an open heart and embodying love for myself and for others. and the key word is practice. we aren't looking for perfection - to be perfect or without fault, or being right or wrong, we are looking to reduce our participation in harm and suffering, we are looking to engage our loving, empathetic hearts, to live with compassion in this world.
*if you like this art, you can have it as a variety of prints and products found at JMWart, my online Redbubble store. you can visit directly at JMWart.redbubble.com or via my website (link in bio) 👍🏻🙏🏻
#FirstPrecept #FivePrecepts #DoNotKill #DoNotHarm #nonharming #OpenHeart #empathy #compassion #lovingkindness #love #Buddhism #path #practice #Zen #calligraphy #art #JinpaLhaga #JMWart
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terronbattle · 6 years
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#donotkill https://www.instagram.com/p/BqhwqXjAavo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x1q0wx5wsep8
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msv-photography · 7 years
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Fuzzy status no. 606 "Don't kill" #fuzzystatus #picoftheday #art #photooftheday #igersmilano #instagram #urban #cityscape #italy #italia #graffiti #igersitalia #moodoftheday #massimovolontefotografo #instagrammers #igersdaily #donotkill #architecture #milanocity (presso Casa della Memoria Milano)
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andreakladar · 5 years
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A bit of perspective. #vegan #plantbased #veganfortheanimals #nomeat #dairyisscary #vegansofinsta #vegansofinstagram #plantpowered #saveanimals #loveanimals #govegan #ditchmeat #ditchmilk #mothersagainstdairy #veganism #morality #dotherightthing #compassion #empathy #kind #kindness #ethicalvegan #ethics #donotkill #thoushaltnotkill #love #mercy #mercyforanimals @vegansidekick https://www.instagram.com/p/B1AoLApjTSa/?igshid=1jmum9yckfvdx
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rangkalaglassdesign · 5 years
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Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventure, and for hides and furs is a phenomena which is at once disgusting and distressing. There is no justification in indulging is such acts of brutality.
#animals #save #adventure #donotkill #justice #justiceforanimals
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rigzinmusic · 5 years
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Year two with no garden. But going to make 2 beds soon for winter. Have to. But getting veggies from friends. Is it me or does it look like it’s levatating? #foodismedicine #youarewhatyoueat #eatyourveggies #homegrown #growyourown #donotkill with my own “radiation mitagation powder”. I started making it at #fukushima #kelp #burdock lots of powdered mushrooms. #chagamushroom #reishimushroom #turkeytail #garlic onion ginger. Other stuff. You get the picture. I should make more. #seaweed #greens #eatyourgreens https://www.instagram.com/p/B2iSljkBVaO/?igshid=n80ragy3d8ql
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mmorot · 6 years
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#humaneslaughterdoesntexist #govegan #donotkill #meatismurder
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I found out who was responsible of eating my mom’s citrus tree... of all things edible, why the citrus tree mr caterpillar? It was about to die! #caterpillar #citrus #culprit #donotkill #futurebutterfly (at Lancaster New City)
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rigzinmusic · 5 years
I do my best to not kill things... but it sure makes my life a lot more labor intensive. What to do... #donotkill https://www.instagram.com/p/B2kmxNvhvDR/?igshid=tfuu6w8g0iwu
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ravenwestminster · 9 years
Dear Police
You should not shoot white people. You should not shoot black people. You should not shoot light brown people or very light or however someone can possibly look like. YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE ANYBODYS LIFE ! If you have to shoot do it into the leg. A harmed leg is not even a quatrillion ways as bad as a dead human being, animal or whatever gives you the need to shoot. (If there is even a need) Just saying!
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danilosantili · 10 years
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Não Mate
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