#donna watches campaign 3
onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
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2023 Fic Masterlist
Happy New Year! It was my first full year of writing "The West Wing" fanfic and I loved every minute of it. Aaron Sorkin's work has me by the throat... so behold: the fic round-up for the year.
Works in Progress (WIPs)
An Idea, Whose Time has Come (3/20 chapters posted) - "Could always run for President." It’s been twenty years since CJ Cregg joined Jed Bartlet’s campaign, and with another election looming, Danny makes a suggestion: CJ should run for President. So she does. And on the campaign trail, along with a new staff, a hostile incumbent, and a familiar rival candidate, CJ also has to grapple with the legacy and impact of her twenty years in public service – good, bad, and ugly – while preparing for the most important election of her career. CJ/Danny, presidential campaign shenanigans. also side Josh/Donna, Will/Kate, lots of original characters. Some smut. 14k so far. (A present for my dear friend miabicicletta 💜)
None of Us are More Than Caretakers (12 chapters) - “The president’s dead.” Three weeks before Inauguration, things appear to be running smoothly. Transition is going (mostly) well, Kazakhstan is (mostly) stable, and CJ is (mostly) happy with how things are going with Danny. Everything is taken care of. And then former president Gerald Ford dies. Set between "The Last Hurrah" and "Institutional Memory". 66k.
Off the Record (22 chapters) - “And this… thing… would be…?” “Off the record.” (Or, one missing scene per episode). Season 1 missing scenes. 31k.
A Night to Watch - “So how does it feel, watching yourself become unemployed in real time?” Tag to Election Day Parts I & II. 6k.
Fallout - It’s only been a few hours, but already the dinner with Danny feels like it was an entire lifetime ago. Tag to "Duck and Cover." 3.1k.
our secret moments (in a crowded room) - Secret Dating. Tag to "Drought Conditions". Written for the twwpress Wheel of Destiny 500 word Drabble Challenge. 500 words.
The Fall - “What do you want, Danny?” “Saw you on C-SPAN this morning, Sundance. Wanted to see how you were handling the rise to power.” “You mean you wanted to see if the fall killed me.” Tag to "Liftoff." Butch & Sundance Part II. 2.6k
You're Gonna Die Bloody (and All You Can Do is Choose Where) - The hearings will turn over every rock in her life, every email, every phone call – and of course they’ll see Danny’s name – but she can’t drag him down any further. Tag to "The Ticket", "The Mommy Problem", "Mr. Frost"/"Here Today". Butch & Sundance Part III. 2.7k
Fight or Give - Glory days are over. Nothing left but the ending – nothing left but the fall. Tag to "Internal Displacement", "Requiem", "Institutional Memory". Butch & Sundance Part IV. 2k.
The Goal for Which We Long - And then she notices the note left in the middle of her desk. Not a note, really, but one of the dignitary bingo cards she’d passed out – the one she’d given Josh by the looks of it – with the middle row filled in. She wonders why Josh would leave it there, before noticing the handwriting along the top. Tag to "The Wedding". 5k.
The Day on Which They Shall Give Their Votes - Election Day, 1998. As the votes come in, the staff of Bartlet for America waits with one question in mind: Who will be the next President? Pre-Canon. Gen. 3.3k.
When it Rains, it Pours - Or, what happens in the motel after they get out of the rain? Well, wet clothing mostly. Josh/Donna. Tag to "20 Hours in America" Parts I and II. Written for the "Woulda Coulda Shoulda: a Fest to Get Josh and Donna Together" challenge. 2.6k.
Two for the Road - “It was a tough race.” “They’re all tough races.” Or, doing the same thing multiple time and expecting different results (1992-2018). CJ & Toby friendship fic. Gen. 5.3k.
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ferdieinceladoncity · 10 months
-okay, for one I am not as averse to the bi-regeneration as some people have been. I saw that leak detailing it waaaay earlier, and I was honestly excited more than disappointed. As long as they don't do this every single time future doctors regenerate- which would suck-it was fine as a one-off thing, and made sense for the iteration of 14. Of course he would be brought back so that he could go home and stay there. And 15 gets to go gallivanting off and start off the new season, so alls well. I dont think it takes away from Ncuti's arrival as the doctor at all because he had most of the focus of the episode from when he split off and became real.
-I could not help but draw parallels between all the people of earth thinking they are right and denying wearing the... whatever they were called, the rings- and covid and masking stuff and whatever which I guess was the point. The toymaker referencing 'cancelling' was so cringe though lmaoo
-Kate Lethbridge Stewart you are my wife forever <3
-what the fuck was that robot there for. the vlinx. This is like, for suuuuure we are getting a UNIT spinoff soon and the inclusion of that weird robot is gonna be part of it. Literally everything is pointing to a UNIT spinoff and that was so obvious in this episode. I don't have opinions for or against the existence of a UNIT spinoff, btw.
-the callback to the Moffat companions was great. Shame he mentions Amy but not Rory?? hello? he was very much touched by a weeping angel too.
-Overall, I didnt hate the toymaker as a villain, but it was like... i don't know. a discount master. I guess he was fun, but I wouldn't be too keen on seeing him return anytime soon.
-that being said, spice up your life was very fun :3 Oh I'm going to have that in my head forever, aren't I..
-Please don't reference the year as a big speech in the episode of television you're making. Yes I understand it's because it's the anniversary but does nobody else find it super cringe when they're all like.. oMG.. 2023... maybe that's just because im super tired of that trend back in 2020 where verbalising the fact it was 2020 was used as like the marketing campaign of every single brand
-mel bush was certainly there! for, I guess, reasons! maybe I'd care more if I'd seen her back in the like... 80s, but I didn't, and so it was like. okay. were there any classic fans watching jumping out of their seats when she was on screen? I just feel like when the doctor reunites with an old companion, it always feels shallow. Like when 13 reunited with Tegan and ace in power of the doctor. It just felt like she didn't really know them anymore and we only really saw 14 exchange pleasantries with Mel as if they were friends meeting back after a couple years in a grocery store aisle. I think they more or less got it right in school reunion, seeing ten with Sarah Jane was so wonderful. But that was a whole episode centred around their reunion and when you're introducing a past companion as part of a special or big anniversary episode you kind of have to push it aside in favour of the other stuff you have to show, making it feel like, what was really the point? a companion is such an important person in the doctors life and it feels narratively unsatisfying to bring them back to satiate or entertain older fans but not really centre any part of the episode on the doctor and this companion they formed a real bond with.
-if I was donna I would have stepped right on that doll the first time I saw it and smooshed it into the floorboards like a spider
-I feel like they played catch too fairly. For one, why even bother throwing the ball back and forth between yourselves? dont tempt fate like that. take all your shots at the toymaker. surely it wouldn't have been hard to just lob it a little bit to the left and off the edge a lot sooner. He'd say you were a bad throw but I doubt he could prove it
-I liked the imagery of the rose petals shooting out of the guns I dont know I just thought that was neat
-oh, speaking of! Rose mention! the doctor said he loved rose in 2023. Well, in a stilted way (next point) but man I guess this can be considered a timepetals win???
-the dialogue just didnt crackle and to a point and with a few expeditions this has been the case for all the specials. I don't know if im looking at it all the wrong way, but there's something a little bit devoid of life when compared to earlier seasons. It's not deal-breaking for me. But I think it was especially potent this episode.
-The TARDIS having a ramp is pretty great but why not let her in it?? why show her ( cant remember her name but the UNIT officer in the wheelchair) you show her it has a ramp now and she's happy about that, but nah fuck it you can't come in and have a look.
-The TARDIS also looks so much better with the warm yellow lights and I'd have warmed to it a lot more if it ALWAYS had that warm yellow lighting instead of the sterile whiteness 14 was kicking around in.
-Seen many people mention it already but the fact that was 14 was going commando after the regeneration because 15 got the underwear is hilarious. and he had the dogs out and all. my man. only in doctor who can the climax of an episode be the protagonists and the villain saving the world by playing a game of catch and one is barefoot and the other is literally in his undies. huh
-tentoo did not win ffs. just one mention. just somebody asking how he's going where he's at. just someone considering him at all. a fucking throwaway line. DONNA KNEW HIM. im going to bite my hand off and rtd better have something planned, some good reason for acting like he doesn't exist in these specials. Like even if when they were talking about the doctor settling down and having a domestic life, even if donna had said like "like that other you did" and then we all moved on. but literally act like he doesn't exist I guess
-I'd probably sooner kill myself than live with Sylvia noble but good for 14 for his ending. it was cheesy as all hell but whatever. it deserved to be. It was sweet. It was nothing I'm going to go crazy over but whatever. sure.
-I'm excited for 15 because I do love what we saw of him here. he's fun and he seems to be a bit more free of all the baggage his prior incarnations held which is good. I'm interested to see what he's like but this ep sets him up as quite promising.
-alright, wrapping up, this episode was by far the worst of the three specials, and left me feeling unsatisfied with some things and happy with others. overall, im not taking it too seriously because the episode itself wasn't doing that, it was just a bit of fun and flashy and a bit stupid but it had to be because it's tennats proper sendoff and an anniversary special. It was fine. And I'm glad, im so glad overall that we got these three episodes. I do think that doctor who is so back and im so happy to be a fan.
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
campaign 3 episode 51: like a fucking fiddle
I am Afraid
sam riegel has never played a video game in his life
dslkjfskl he has to read all the disclaimers for the audio-only people
oh nooo
laura you're the main character how could you
"polishing the knobs"
I got distracted playing with my moon lamp
I can theoretically make it red but eh
the monitor I'm watching on trends warm so the lighting tonight is gonna be fun for me
do we need a deep dive on fcg right this fucking instant
donna noble voice: sometimes you need someone to stop you
poor laura
she probably had so much tea that day. or that weird chinese cough syrup they seem to swear by
stop spending all your spells on sending
"that wasn't an accident"
ira's gonna kill xandis and gank the ship
like I'll be very happy to be proven wrong but magic 8 ball says Unlikely
"sam did a lot of pharmaceuticals before this game"
threaten ira with nana morri
sam suffering for his art
sam's gonna fuck with laura about her voice all gd night isn't he
am I the only person old enough to remember Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
I'm a simple bitch, I hear "three-pronged claw" and I think Doctor Loboto
someone get him some tinfoil
him leg too big for him got-dam robit
"how do I see - " "take the glasses off"
damn, nobody can talk tonight
okay where's the bioshock au fanart
they're ALL gonna fuck with laura about her voice
sam's fuckin gas can
"traveler's garments" they're all wearing green cloaks
oh shit
dunamis bunny
oh somebody finally commented on the warder/water thing
not the "son"
oh that's not great
ngl I dozed off until everybody yelled @ initiative
I am saving my attention span for when the moon hatches
"wiz kids exists!"
this can obviously only end well
"I'm going to then shit"
rapidly hiding and scarfing food OR me playing breath of the wild
"massive explosions" found caleb
it was a good idea tho
[puts xandis in a bubble]
pls no break ryn
not the Guess I'll Die
who left the robot unsupervised
we need the Marisha Convergence
every time with the petrify and the arms
"and that's when scanlan shorthalt arrived" listen I'm still crossing my fingers for kiki to bring grog
fcg! buzzsaw!
oh thank GOD xandis booked it
correct response
fucking reddit atheist bro
that was a hair you didn't need to split
oh cool now I'm crying
"looks important, better push everything"
matthew you have to drive home with her
he's gonna be in so much trouble with his mom
liam piecing his brain back together in real time
"he's just so attractive~"
I need this animated. vax as described in the dalen's closet one-shot but animated
nooooo he was so close
god there's not even half an hour left what happens
"let a monkey end this"
okay that was a good line, I'll give chetney that one
like a bird off a windshield
hey I hate it
god I'm so glad my kid's off school tomorrow, no way I sleep after this
they fucked with keyleth to draw her in bc they knew it'd bring vax in??? is that what fucking happened???
oh we have LAURA book-on-head
that's never good
somebody get liam a goddamn fainting couch
they just got fucking BLASTED
is robit on moon???
they're on WILDEMOUNT???
what the FUCK
okay I mean this very legitimately somebody get liam a bottle of water and a blanket. like shit.
somebody get ME a bottle of water and a blanket.
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So, after 2 and a half episodes/sessions and a super long break, because of... things, I'm trying to start the Critical Role watchparty and crafting meet-up back up!
I'll watch CR with headphones and on my own, while streaming my knitting and you can watch with me and join the chat if you want
We can talk about Campaign 3, current projects, all forms of crafting, and life in general
I'll start in one hour, with the beginning of Campaign 3, Episode 3
Hope to see someone there <3
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fagdyk · 2 years
Holy shit. Goosebumps and tears when FCG messaged Dancer
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kiss-me-muchoo · 2 years
𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐝𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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✿ Synopsis: While working you discover Eddie Munson had a date with a cheerleader when you were supposed to be trying for a serious relationship. What’ll happen when he see you at the Halloween party?
✿ Warnings: not really, just sex insinuations, but no actual smut.
✿ A/N: this is NOT part of my pumpkin series // I was inspired by that ep of PLL: Original Sin when the girls throw a Halloween party to save Imogen’s house. Reader gives me Faran and Mouse vibes <3 oh and, BAD GRAMMAR 💀 oh all the mentioned songs are in the playlist below
It’s the start of the spooky times of the year!!💀👻🎃
Pumpkin series is NOW COMPLETE here👇
Playlist for Eddie here 👇
Halloween was your favorite event of the year, no doubt. Hawkins was also a fan of the tradition, decorations started in mid-September, and lasted until the first days of November.
You worked at the local theater, and during that time, it was the best job, the theater had orange lights, fake webs, and apple caramel popcorn. Sometimes you’d let Steve and a random date have free entries, sometimes it was the bunch of kids; Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and the hellfire club, also your friends. It was curious, that Eddie and you never watched a movie together in the theater, because he preferred to stay with you in the cashier, eating popcorn, and switching the songs that played at the entrance, he mostly played rock music since you told him that metal didn’t fit the vibe of the vintage theater.
He would drive you home and watch you bake a pumpkin pie for his campaigns. Even so, you weren’t dating yet, which awakened some insecurities in yourself. Not that you had tons of insecurities, but sometimes it felt like Eddie wasn’t sure to start a serious relationship with you. He liked you for sure, it felt so real when he flattered you and made time to spend with you, but, it wasn’t official yet.
Carrie was set to be the movie of the day, it was Tuesday the 29th, Halloween was on two days, and you didn’t have any plans, you hoped to spend the night with Eddie at his place, maybe even go out trick or treating. Anyways, it was Tuesday, almost 6:00 pm, and people were buying their tickets to see Carrie.
“The movie wasn’t even that spooky” Robin sighed behind you, seated on some small stairs beside the popcorn machines.
“I think girls liked it more than the guys…” you say pointing at the variety of girl groups. “Thanks and enjoy the movie…”
The customer smiled at you and walked away with his food.
“Oh shit, I’m not here!” before you can understand your friend’s words, you see the guy who just bought you food walking towards the hallways with more people, and you notice the red-haired Vicky, Robin’s crush. Then you look down at Robin, she’s clinging around your right leg, making you laugh.
“Dude, she’s gone. Don’t worry” your friend shrugs relieved, and you laugh patting her hair. When you turn again to attend to the next person on the line, you’re surprised to see Chrissy Cunningham greeting you with a cute smile.
“Hi, Chrissy!” she smiles and you’re surprised to see she’s not wearing her usual cheerleader attire.
“I knew you worked here but this is the first time I see you” her kind tone makes you realize how sweet she is, no wonder why she is so popular and had tons of friends.
“Curious, I feel like I’ve been here forever… apparently not” you respond giggling and she joins join, she chats a little, and at the end she asks for a blueberry slushie and the apple caramel popcorns. “I wanted to come yesterday with my friend Donna but she had this date with Eddie Munson”
“Donna and Eddie? That metalhead! he didn’t said anything!” you try to sound calm and fun, but your anxiety and jealousy are creeping over.
“Yeah, she said they had a good time, and Eddie wanted to teach her to play guitar” you smile and exchange some words with the blond girl, then, she thanks you and walks away. Robin stands beside looking at Chrissy going away while she mumbles with a negative sound.
“That asshole! he and his mop hairs think they can play with your emotions?” you stay quiet, processing what just happened. Yesterday Eddie drove you home and said he would call you in the night, as usual. But he never told you anything about Donna.
“Maybe it wasn’t a date…” you try to reason, but she gently pushes you, so you look at him.
“Dude, it’s Donna Benson. Like, the second most popular cheerleader with the hottest lips in Hawkins” she yells whispering. Making you grab a cloth to clean the counter, unconsciously making it a little harder than you should.
“Thanks, Robin. That makes me feel so much better, for sure” she sighs and makes you stop cleaning, putting a hand over yours.
“What I meant it’s that she is a girl that every guy and girl wants, I wouldn’t be surprised if Eddie was a womanizer. But, you are you, you are amazing, you have more than just physical beauty, so fuck Munson. If he calls, you tell him that whatever was going on between you two, it’s over.” you knew she was right. You felt pretty enough to not care about Donna’s beauty, but your heart clenched a little over the fact that Eddie was playing with you.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s just… I thought he was the one” thankfully there were no more customers, the movie had started, it was only you and Robin.
“I know, I saw you together a lot of times. It’ll get better, just before August, you weren’t even friends.” it was enough for the day, you didn’t want to think about Eddie for the rest of the day. You grabbed your stuff and turned off the machines with Robin’s help, you would wait for the movie to be over and get a bus with your friend, who miraculously lived in the same apartment complex as you.
Laying on your bed while watching a Casper marathon you roll your eyes as you hear your phone ringing again. You know it’s him, it’s Eddie.
You had ignored him all Wednesday, he gave you some space in the morning, but after watching your empty seat during lunch, he was literally begging you. He chased you like a lost puppy, appearing outside of the restroom every time you asked permission in class, then he would run to your car calling you, but you ignored him.
You sigh frustrated, it’s enough after the fifth time the phone rang, you answered.
“Thank God, What’ the fuck is wrong, angel? You have ignored me for more than twenty-four hours!” you want to laugh at his exaggeration, but you’re upset.
“Eddie… If you weren’t sure to give it a try with me, you should have told me.” he is surprised by your words, especially your calm tone.
“What?” he asks in confusion, you sigh lowering the volume of the tv.
“Yesterday Chrissy Cunningham told me that you were on a date with Donna Benson.” you could feel the embarrassment and jealousy emanating from your pores.
“Oh no, no, babe!, We went to see a movie because she didn’t have any cash to pay for some weed. She had this coupon! she even brought his baby brother!” the way he sounds, makes you wonder if he’s actually desperate to convince you or not. “It wasn’t a date!, and of course, I’m going serious with you”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” you take his little sounds as stressed sighs. Makes you feel nervous and twirl the cable of your pink phone.
“Well, yeah…” you really wanted to spend Halloween with him, you thought that he was going to ask you to be his girlfriend since the start of October, but he kept brushing away every opportunity to make it official.
“We’ll, no. How do you think I felt when Chrissy said that Donna was over the moon for you? she was dying for you to teach her to play guitar. Great job, Munson, now you have a new girl crushing for you.” as you seat straight at the edge of your bed, you hear him lighting a cigarette, you hate how often he smokes.
“No, honey pie. You’re not understanding, I lov-“ your heart races, you weren’t sure but it sounded as if he was about to say “I love you”.
“I don’t want to understand anything. I can’t trust you if you’re gonna randomly accept girls to hang out with, including their baby siblings, that’s not fair.” it wasn’t immature your reaction, you felt your right to feel betrayed because you two said you were on a level of exclusivity.
“So whatever was going on between us, is officially over.” before he can finish saying your name, you slam your phone back in its place. For some reason, you didn’t feel like crying all night and going to school all depressed on the day of Halloween. You wanted to feel great, have fun and forget about that stupid metal head. So you grab your phone again and call Robin.
“Hey, is our third musketeer there?” she laughs.
“Steve? yeah” relieved, you stand up, instantly feeling better.
“Tell him I changed my mind. We’re going to the party tomorrow” you hear Robin telling what you just said to Steve.
“Did you cut it off with Munson?” asked Steve suddenly, making Robin yell at him. Steve’s cousin was throwing a party, he was seventeen too, so you knew half of the school was going to be there, including Eddie, since he used to sell some drugs to the guy before he joined the Waterpolo team.
“We weren’t dating yet, but yeah. We need to go to find some costumes, honey” it wasn’t a secret that Steve didn’t like Eddie, especially after seeing how well he was getting along with the boys. But in your situation, you felt a little glad, because it mean no more grumpy Steve.
“That freak doesn’t deserve my best friend. Get your ass up, we’re picking you in fifteen”
You wanted a cool costume, you could bet every girl was going to wear a black leotard and cat ears, some angels, the cheesy vampires, and this girl with vulgar bikinis.
You wanted to look hot, but mostly pretty.
During school hours, you spent the day hiding from Eddie, with Robin’s help, she sneaked you to his band practice, where you were safely hidden from the evil dungeon master.
Steve picked you up from the back doors since Mike told you that Eddie was waiting for you at the entrance. And then, you went straight to Robin’s house to get ready for the party because your mom let you know that Eddie called her to ask if you were coming home.
You were looking at the dress on her bed, a red ridding hood costume. It was slightly very short, puffy, and red with black over the ribs and chest, with white, alluding to a gown from the 1600s of the early colonies in America.
“Maybe the undergarments are too much” you state, Robin picked the black undergarments that barely reached your thighs. She grabs the towel on your hair and lets it fall, giggling.
“No!, it’s perfect. You look hot but cute at the same time” she grabs a brush and tosses it to you with a hair tie and a red ribbon. “I know we’ve talked about this, but… What if I see her?
You knew she was talking about Vicky, and you didn’t like the idea a lot, the girl would flirt with Robin one day, and appear with some random dude the next time. You didn’t like how much power she had over Robin, especially when they weren’t exactly friends.
“Well, you can pretend you didn’t see her, or you can say hi. I know you like her, but you have to know if she’s going to make a move, or it’s just gonna be you all the time…” she nods seating on her bed. You know she feels weird about it, she gets very nervous trying to talk with girls. But she’s your friend and you don’t want anyone to break her heart.
“Apparently it’s easier if you like dudes” you raise an eyebrow and she laughs, hinting at your point. “Okay, maybe not always is easy”
“Boys can be worst than girls, believe me. Girls are just… complicated” she nods again, and your rest an arm around her. “I suggest we shouldn’t think about it tonight. Plus, if we talk about love problems with Steve again, he’s gonna get drunk and tell us all of his failure on dates”
Robins laughs veryhard. She agrees with you and your supposition, Steve might still be a famous guy but lately, he didn’t have a lot of luck in love.
It was 8:40, and Eddie hadn’t seen you at the party. He asked all the Hellfire club members, including Mike and Dustin walking around the house looking for you, and Garret waiting near the entrance with Jeff to wait for you, but there was no sign of you. He wanted to see you, wanted to make up everything before the party ended. When he turned to the living room of the house, his eyes opened and he leaned on the frame that lead to the crowded living room. He spotted you dancing with Robin Buckley, Into the Groove was on some stereo, it was loud and there was a lot of teens dancing, but from all the guests, your shiny red cape was like a mirrorball, gaining more attention than the new hit from Madonna.
He could see you were wearing a mini dress, with a medium red cape and the hottest black undergarments he’d ever seen, including your black converse. You were probably drinking, because you had an orange cup in your hand, and he thought you were the prettiest girl at the party. He was glad that he did some research on your decision for the costume.
He saw Donna, who was wearing a tiger leotard, but he didn’t dare to talk to her, her friends were the jocks, the drama kids and the cheerleaders. Donna was the ideal girl; athletic, perfect hair, perfect skin, popular… but nothing new, she didn’t have anything exciting. She was just the ordinary popular chick, she wasn’t you.
Eddie kept his distance for some minutes, watching you laugh and dance. The way the cape covered your head made you look so freakin’ cute to him, he just wanted to grab your cheeks and give you the biggest kiss ever. He remembered the day you two confessed you had feelings for each other. Back in September, when homecoming was coming, you told him you liked him, and he said the same. You went together and after the event, you had the longest make-out session in his van. That night you’d agreed to give it a try to have a formal relationship.
When his mind is back at the party, you weren’t dancing anymore, Eddie looks around worried, but he realized you just were seating on the big stairs near the kitchen. Robin was gone, and it was dark enough to light up the house with purple and orange lights, with fake webs and pumpkins scattered around the house. It was perfect to approach you, but that didn’t stop Eddie to feel his hands sweaty and his heart pounding so fast.
Eddie never felt so nervous about anything, except for you. Approaching you when he knew you were mad at him was very hard, he didn’t feel like the dungeon master, he just felt like a shy little boy.
“Hey…” it’s the first thing he says, his shyness is notorious. You shriek at his sudden appearance, but finally you just give him a little glance, nodding and trying to hide how nervous you also were.
“Hi…” you don’t know what to say, but you decide to look back at him when you see his outfit. His wearing some black jeans, a black sweatshirt and a lumberjack sweater, his usual rings, and accessories but… you laughed so hard when you noticed some werewolf ears and his nose painted with a little circle on the tip. “Wow, very much a coincidence that you are a wolf and I’m red ridding hood”
“Yeah, well…” he got so blushed when you pointed at his costume. “Let’s say mini Wheeler heard his sister jumbo Wheeler that you told her you were gonna be dressed as red ridding hood”
“Good for you, Munson” you state, still laughing, standing up from the stairs, trying to make your way downstairs, away from him. You loved the idea that he basically sent Mike to stalk you and Nancy but, that didn’t change anything.
“No, wait” he slightly pushes you back, stopping you by grabbing your arm. You roll your eyes, obeying him, taking a seat on the stairs again. “I was gonna tell you yesterday, but thankfully you hung up before I said it”
“I really like you, angel. I trust you and you demonstrated how much you care for me since I met you. I swear to you that I’m not interested in having a bunch of girl fans behind me, I only want you” he smiles looking at you pouting, he knows you do that when you’re feeling emotional. So he carefully grabs your chin to make you look directly at him.
“I know, it’s just… you are my first love, Eds. I’m scared to get hurt, all the books I’ve read have given me the highest expectations, and reality thought me it’s the opposite” you sound calm, but a little worried, choosing the best words to make him understand you.
“I feel the same, I’m not good with emotions, and suddenly you are the first girl who cares for me, wants to see me succeed, who makes wanna take a daily shower” the way you start laughing makes him go all heart eyes for you.
“Eddie, that’s gross.” he takes a seat beside you, taking your hands. You can feel a lot of eyes on you, there’s no secret that you’re almost relationship with Eddie Munson was so startling for half of Hawkins.
“I’m even willing to quit smoking for you, I know how much you hate it” your eyes go wide open, so you stroke your hands on his.
“No!, just… just do it when you really need it, like a serious stress or relaxing moment, You know?” he nods, smiling while looking at the crowd, for some seconds, he forgot he was at a Halloween party.
“Oh yeah! What I was about to say when you hung up yesterday was that… I love you.” instantly, you go and hide your face on his neck. He laughs and makes fun of you. “ Aw, babe! you are all red! You look so fucking cute” his arms trap you, but you are still able to playfully punch his chest.
“Shut up!…” then it hits you.
He just said he loves you.
“I-… I love you too. But I don’t want to see you taking any more girls as payment for weed” he nods constantly, and when you separate, his hand is at your cheek, and you know he’s about to kiss you. “Not that I’m showing how toxic I can be, but… you’re mine”
“So… Would you officially date me?” you nod happily, connecting your lips together.
Oh my god, Eddie Munson is going official with me. He’s kissing me with Lay All Your Love on Me playing at the party!
“I can taste liquor from your mouth” his lips were soft and he tasted like alcohol, and chocolate, making your heart warm.
“And you taste like vodka, honey pie” he kisses you again before standing up and offering you a hand.
“I wanna go dance before the song is over. I need to show Donna that you’re already taken” Eddie laughs very hard at your words, and pull you closer, whispering in your ear.
“I’m serious, I only have eyes for you” turning to your right, you leave a little kiss on his cheek. Then you grab his hand and pull him to dance.
Eddie Munson is the worst dancer, but you love it. It’s perfect, as he spins you and constantly kisses you on the cheeks, forehead, or lips.
You can see Donna Benson looking at you two, and you know she’s pissed, but it’s not your fault, she just choose the wrong metal head to like.
In a matter of seconds, you completely forgot about the party, Donna, everyone, it’s just you and Eddie. The way he caress your hips as you sway to the old tune of Five Ten Fiftyhold, and his sneaky hand starts to go up, through the curve of your waist, his chest against your back. The moment makes you rest your head on his chest, and then his hand is brushing over the edge of your breast, landing on the cleavage of your costume. You open your eyes when you realize you were about to let out a moan.
He set you on fire, and he knew it.
You turn to face him, and your smash your lips against his, its a dirty kiss. The way his hand gently takes your neck, and your fingers sliding through his hair, makes you wonder how badly he wants you. So you stand on your tip toes, with your lips barely touching his neck, near his ear. “I want you to make love to me, Eddie”
“Holy shit…” he whispers, squirming. He knew how hot you could be, but this was the the most intense moment of all. Nothing could replace the strong urge to take you, the way he was already throbbing at your touch and words. Since you started courting, he never pushed you to have sex, at the end, he was a virgin too. He wanted to make it special, or let it happen in the right moment. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, Eddie. I feel on fire” that’s enough for him, he takes you hand and makes you exit the party, directly going to his van. “I want you to make me yours…”
“Fuck, let’s get the fuck out of here” You don’t worry about Robin or Steve, they look too drunk at one table, with piles of beer, they look like they’re laughing and crying at the same time.
When you get into his van, he stays quiet for a couple of minutes.
“I can’t believe this” you glance at him, as he turns on the vehicle.
“What thing?” he shrugs giggling.
“This, you and me.” his hand lands on your thigh, making you moan in the darkness of his car. “I’m am going to make you so happy, love”
“I can tell. But go on, this dress is not going to disappear by itself” he gives you a dirty look, and you pat his hand away.
“Ew, creep” he starts driving as he laughs and puts some of his cassettes.
“Oh, but you are the one making nasty comments that make my dick get hard as a rock” he looks at you as you stay in the red light, and he knows he’s so deep in love.
“I’m excited to meet him for the first time” you two burst in laugh.
“Okay, but those undergarments stay on” you nod and remember something else.
“Oh and the lingerie too!” Eddie pretends to be shocked, but in reality he is shocked, he was so hard that it was becoming painful.
“There’s also lingerie?” your fake innocent nods are tempting, and the way you are pulling up your dress to let him see a bit of your exposed legs, with the contrast of the black undergarments. It’s killing him.
“Red transparent chiffon” he pretends he dies and then wakes ups when the traffic light goes green. “And what about some red ridding hood role-play?
“I’m going over the fucking speed limit. We need to get to your home as soon as possible” his joke causes you to giggle. “As ridiculous as it sounds. I’m gonna make love to you, but I’ll fuck you so hard too”
“Oh my god! Eddie just drive and shut up” he loves your laugh, he loves to tease you, he loves you so much. “Anyways, keep teasing me… I love it”
Halloween of 85’, was such a dream.
Next thing I’m planning it’s this two parts fic about ballerina reader! x vampire Eddie!
(Pls don’t steal my idea yet)
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Incorrect BatFam Stories Part 2
Jason: You look beautiful, by the way.
Donna: Thank you, as do you. How long do we have to stay?
Jason: Aw, Dick did you hear? I'm beautiful!
Dick: Until the party wraps up, Donna. Thank you again for coming with Jason. We needed the "committed heterosexual relationship" box checked after his interview.
Tim, coming up behind them: Which wouldn't have happened if you let me run the campaign.
Dick: Tim! What are you doing here?
Tim: I'm here for the same reason you are.
Jason: You're running for Mayor too?
Tim: To make you Mayor, Jason.
Donna: But not really right?
Dick: Of course not. Now Jason, we have a lot to do and a lot of people to woo so stay focused. Houser has a lead on us. As soon as you have a chance, that's our host and birthday girl, Sophia Starr. Husband died two years after they got married, left it all to her. She has a yacht and loves deep sea fishing.
Jason: Got it. Starr, murderer of husbands and fish.
Babs: Mayor Linseed of course. You'll want his favor, but not his endorsement. There are a lot of people wanting to "drain the swamp" this election and association with him could wreck you. He has a weakness for brunettes, of all genders.
Jason: I'll bat my eyelashes like I'm Baby trying to get Swayze in my corner.
Tim: Watch out for the stuffed mushrooms. Its a scam, looks like sausages, but its actually vegetables.
Jason: That is outrageous. Dick, add "ban carrots" to my agenda.
Dick: Jason, no-
Jason: Donna, a dance?
Babs: We need to speak to Starr.
Tim: Houser is soaking up the press with his daughter. Some shots of Jason and Donna wouldn't hurt us, and speaking business to the birthday girl on her birthday isn't going to get us anywhere.
Donna: I vote dance. Don't worry I have a plan.
Babs: How in god's name did a dance turn into Houser attacking you on the dance floor?
Donna: It was just a shove, and its not entirely a mystery. Jason has a very punchable face, and I was steering him into Houser every chance I got.
Tim: Jason is polling at 60%, this is a good thing. If Houser is dirty, he's about to get desperate too.
Dick: We didn't want it this way. He's polling high now. What about tomorrow if Houser tells everyone why he shoved Jason?
Damian: He won't.
Dick: How are you so sure?
Damian: I've reviewed the footage of the event. While Todd repeatedly bumped into Houser on the dance floor on purpose, it appears to the viewer that he is simply clumsy. Which will endear him to the public. Shoving someone to the ground because he's clumsy isn't a good look. Houser will likely issue an apology statement.
Babs: IF that happens and Jason's numbers stay up, and I stress if, we'll get a debate scheduled. Line you two up and see how it falls. We have three weeks until the election.
Damian: And what then?
Babs: What?
Damian: Has no one thought this through? If Houser is dirty, then he's arrested and Jason is elected Mayor.
Dick: Babs, we thought about that, right?
Babs: New plan, I run as a write in.
Tim: In the mean time, I'm just going to pray Houser is saint.
part 1 part 3 part 4 part 5
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sarunskale · 2 years
Ask game!
thanks for the tag @seapasture 🥰
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with
Last song: Cold Blooded by Jessi (i just have all my music on shuffle right now but i love her!!)
Last TV show: i'm a gremlin who doesn't really watch anything other than youtube lately. it's probably one of the realities i watch from netflix if it counts as a TV show, the last of which would've been Get Organized with the Home Edit i'm pretty sure (i just checked the name on netflix and found out s2 of Bling Empire is out, so it's actually about to be that one)
Currently watching/listening to: Critical Role campaign 3 (i'm finally trying to catch up but i have many MANY hours ahead. loving it though)
Currently reading: The Little Friend by Donna Tartt (the last novel of hers i haven't read. devastating), Bluets by Maggie Nelson (...freeform poetry? idk it's weird and i'm really liking it so far) and The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern (reread. i love this book and i needed something i already knew i enjoy to get me through exams)
Current obsession: i'd have to repeat Critical Role bc now that i got back into watching it i literally don't want to do anything else
Tagging: with absolutely no pressure, @iernos @totsukuni @midoriya @yujikuna @dulcesia @kenma-bot and anyone who wants to do it too!!
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Guiding a Local Focus On Climate Education
by Patrick McShea
During the last three days of July more than 330 educators from across the country gathered virtually to learn how to more effectively teach about a topic generating increasingly alarming headlines. The event, titled Summer Institute for Climate Change Education, operated with three principle hosts, Climate Generation, a St. Paul, Minnesota-based educational organization with a national reach, the Youth Climate Program of The Wilds Center in New York’s Adirondack State Park, and the Climate Office of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
On the middle day of the Institute, participants remotely joined one of a dozen sub-region programs for a more local focus on discussions, resource sharing, and reviews of potential classroom activities. Pittsburgh was the center of one such sub-region, and the host for our region’s day-long program was Katie Modic, Executive Director of a small and innovative organization known as Communitopia.
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Image by Bruce Emmerling from Pixabay.
Communitopia is a 12-year-old organization, whose ongoing efforts to slow climate change and create healthier communities through new media and project-based campaigns have been distilled into a three-word mission statement, “Making Green Mainstream.” The 501(c)3 nonprofit operation is well served by the experience Katie brings to her leadership position. She is a University of Wisconsin-Madison alumni (M.S. in Education, B.A. in Spanish and Anthropology), whose work experience since graduation includes a two-year Teach for America middle school assignment along the US/Mexico border in Donna, Texas, public school teaching experience in Colorado and Florida, international teaching experience in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and the sharing of many of her first hand learning experiences with undergraduate education students as a professor at Central College in Pella, Iowa.
In planning the day’s schedule, Katie worked with staff from both Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens and Carnegie Museum of Natural History. In carrying out her role as a Zoom screen host for a territory that encompassed nearly all of Pennsylvania, she was able to direct attention to the revision of Pennsylvania’s academic standards for science as a current issue relevant in every corner of the state.
Katie’s position that the standards revision process creates an opportunity to strengthen how climate is addressed in both Science Standards and those for Environment and Ecology is outlined on Communitopia’s website. During the Summer Institute she was able to explain how her opportunity observations were largely based upon her experience in working with students at Woodland Hills High School in Pittsburgh’s eastern suburbs. When biology teacher Margeaux Everhart invited Katie to present Communitopia’ s classroom program about the local impacts of climate change, the session sparked a student-driven grassroots movement that eventually led to the Woodland Hills School District adopting a formal Climate Action Plan.
For many of the educators who participated in the Pittsburgh-based day of Summer Institute programs, watching and listening as some of those students made Zoom speaking appearances was an inspiring and empowering experience.
Patrick McShea works in the Education and Visitor Experience department of Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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Did Bobo really create the Wayward Sisters? If so, why weren't Jack and especially Cas included in that episode? That's my biggest issue with that pilot honestly, I mean, the fact that the show abandoned Claire and Cas' bond after season 10 and gave that storyline to Salmondean. Her bond with Cas is more interesting because of their connection to the Novaks. I also think that Claire and Jack would've made a more engaging dynamic and spin off together, I think they're strong characters & actors
Hi there!
Bobo isn’t the “creator” of Wayward so much as it can even have one, as it was a very organic idea, which even involved a healthy amount of fandom input. The original campaign in season 10 was for Wayward Daughters, and the idea picked up so much steam the altered title for, I guess, a mix of copyright and thematic relevance was the Sisters one. I’d say 10x08 was the real genesis of it as something that could be really solid. Once Kim and Briana were put together the chemistry and star power they could have had together was really meteoric as far as our small SPN world was concerned. Phil Sgriccia directed 9x13 and wrote 10x08 and was more of the parent of Wayward than any specific writer in that sense. Jody and Claire were pretty much common property of the show by that point. Claire was really introduced again in relation to plotlines and questions about Cas and less to do with them really going out of their way to re-launch her. I think they’d have been much cornier about it from the start and while YA protagonist diary writing her way through the end of Wayward Sisters was cute, it’s the sort of cutesy that really has to be earned. If she STARTED that way, like maybe me and 3 friends would be stanning her and everyone else would be revolted :P
(I am a YA fantasy novel author, but I do think everyone should make room in their hearts for this level of cheese)
In any case, Bobo just threw his hat into an already crowded ring with Alex, but obviously loving the characters and having his own personal wayward child to contribute did help elevate him to the prospective showrunner seat, but also all the other writers who’d written these characters except Dabb had left at that point. If Bobo was going to shepherd them through to their new show, he’d be the legacy writer, even though he was a new baby writer in the season Donna was introduced... Attrition aside, he did genuinely write them very well, loved their stories and was great with writing Jody when he could get her, so he would also have been a good choice even if all the others were left still... 
But anyway. Season 10′s subplot for Cas was about Claire and learning some stuff about himself along the way, but she was used very much for his personal development and for Dean as well, being a mini Dean herself in a season where he had lost a lot of his sense of self. It’s a total accident of scheduling but Angel Heart (10x20) being the last episode before 10x22 is a nice touch in that regard. And while Cas tried really hard with Claire and awoke his inner Dad side so that he’d be more prepared for fatherhood next time, it was pretty insurmountable between them to have anything more than a bittersweet relationship where the best he could do was make up with her and see her somewhere safe. The fact of him looking like her actual dead father is horrendous the more you think about it and while she managed to see him for who he was instead of a horrible monster, that’s more than enough trauma to inflict on an already traumatised girl for the sake of helping Cas’s manpain and tidying up the sticky question of Jimmy and Cas’s right to the vessel. 
Angel Heart very specifically ends with TFW mailing Claire to Jody because they know she’s already good with Alex in a genuine way and can handle these sort of issues and has done it before. And also because she can be a guardian who will not constantly remind Claire that her father is dead but something is walking around wearing a perfect reconstruction of his face. Carver era did a few things here and there with bodily autonomy and the problem of angel and demon vessels, but it was also really hit and miss. They’d get random waves of feeling guilty about it but then by necessity go back to stabbing angels in their still-living vessels an episode later. Claire was a way to address at the very least that whatever Cas was being put through was only a punishment on Cas and not on Jimmy as well, which is probably why we got such sappy Heaven scenes. We NEEDED to be shown he was in Heaven and largely okay with what was going on so that the show could justify using Cas at all as a character without breaking the code of ethics they tried to make their own characters adhere to. Aside from that it also gave Cas a side plot for when he wasn’t needed in the main plot, and any emotional connection to anything that wasn’t Sam and Dean.
Anyway 10x20 caused this huge fandom high which was followed by one of the lowest lows of the fandom immediately after, and both centred on female characters (in fact, now we know, 2 lesbians even! Though I’d wonder if, The Gay Agenda aside, Bobo spite-wrote that specifically because of the roots of Wayward) and I think that galvanised the whole movement of fans and hopefully some self-reflection in the show. They DID start making an effort in season 11, which shows some of the early signs of better inclusion but also backtracking or edging nervously away from the more intense Carver era stuff. Not just because Dean didn’t have the Mark any more but in general it was like someone had opened a window and let in some fresh air... Even before Carver bailed somewhere around the midseason to go do a different show and Dabb started to step up. 
All this to say that the Wayward stuff was always about the female characters and making up for the past sins of the show. It’s even a riff on the “wayward son” line which obviously centres around male protagonists and their journey. Claire stumbled into being a part of it in the lucky way of being in the right place and time, but the journey had already started even in the season 10 momentum with earlier work and it was that which suddenly made the prospect that Jody had two young women living with her now seem like a starter for the next generation of the show as it was a mirrored format to season 1 in a way, if you took Alex and Claire as the new Sam and Dean. It was exciting but people flipped out after Angel Heart because stuff had been bubbling since season 9 and earlier in season 10, so this was just pouring more candy into an already visibly full bowl of potential tasty gems. It made a possibility seem real that hadn’t before because we already had Kim bitterly complaining that the CW refused to hear the case for a Jody spin off because she was too old. The next best thing was a Jody spin off where she was the Gandalf to some CW age appropriate characters.
(the CW is and always has been garbage)
Anyway in season 13 Jack was introduced as a Claire 2.0 but as a male character with staying power for that reason, but he was filling the space she left for Cas. He couldn’t be a father to her and neither really wanted that set up anyway. But thematically it had created the possibility of Dadstiel and the space he had in his heart for that. Since the show was in its waning years they would be looking for endgame and handing Cas an easy win with a son he could unconditionally love who would love him back unconditionally absolutely filled that gap. It was a non SamnDean thing that Cas could have for himself outside of whatever happened with them. Not sure the memo came back that he was supposed to have mORE than that but oh well it’s not real if you don’t watch it :))) But yeah Jack was always going to be linked to Cas’s endgame, he wasn’t a free-floating character such as Jody who could go where she wanted and do as she pleased. He was main story relevant from start to finish and tied inexorably to another main character’s fate. Because the show wouldn’t do that with its female characters they could be bundled into spin offs but in practical terms Jack was both never what the Wayward as envisioned by fans or writers was about, nor would he have been free to go. 
Since it would have been about centering the stories of people overlooked by the main story, Claire a case in point that she had her life ruined in season 4 and it was a footnote until season ten, and then metaphorically more the concept of having queer and non-white characters in the mix of main characters, it would have represented a future of the story where the main show was unable to tread. Probably because of the CW. Also inherent biases in the writers. Bad cocktail. Jack is both too white and too male to fit the brief to ever leave SPN, and not only that but he is so as a precise mirror to the main white male characters, being passably any one of their sons if you squint, and meant to be instantly instinctively read as such... he was one of the safest bets of representing the show as the network wanted to imagine its target demographic.
So I really don’t think that Jack has any place being in a spin off of the show unless you want more of the same. They tried to give us something different and the CW didn’t like it because it wasn’t more of the same. Ironically a Jack spin off, with or without Claire, would have more chance of being greenlit and more chance of success. But the spin off they put their heart behind was Wayward Sisters as it was. And I think it was absolutely correct that never mind leaving Jack out of it after his work was done in the lead up episode to help set the table, but honestly they could have cut all the middle scenes of Sam and Dean wandering in the woods and gained precious seconds with the girls and still had a functioning story with those guys. It was like some cowardly missive was sent that the show couldn’t actually go more than 10 minutes without showing a flesh and blood Winchester or the whole thing would spontaneously sizzle out of syndication and the money tree would wither on the spot. And in the mean time, we could have been having Banter with the girls. Or Claire and Kaia holding hands some more. The good stuff :P 
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fdrlibrary · 4 years
Festivus For The Rest Of Us!
Happy Festivus for the rest of us! Today we are featuring our versions of the Festivus customs:
Our Festivus Pole is a utility pole built by the Rural Electrification Administration (location unknown). The aluminum poles in our artifact collection were too distracting. 📷:Px 53-227(1668)
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Festivus Dinner: it's breakfast for dinner with Soya pancakes! Be sure to be generous with your seasonings. Learn more about this #WWII poster: https://fdr.artifacts.archives.gov/objects/25856/cooking-with-soya-flour- 
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Everyone's favorite tradition: Airing of Grievances!:  With "genuine indignation," Ms. Todd makes it clear that no one wants to hear about Fala’s love life. "I beg that the White House gets out of the dog business and on with the war."
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And Mr. Phipps doesn't hold anything back when he calls FDR a “smiling, wasteful and fickle Prima Donna politician.”
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Let’s show off our Feats of Strength as demonstrated by the gentlemen competing in this game of "Are You There Moriarty?" at a picnic at Val-kill on September 3, 1934. Watch more: https://youtu.be/K5t8tMLn_6Q 
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Lastly, it's a Festivus Miracle! The graphics for our upcoming exhibit "FDR's Final Campaign" are up. This exhibit explores FDR’s vision for the future and the campaign he undertook during his last months to secure it. Unfortunately we do not have an opening date but you can learn more here: https://www.fdrlibrary.org/exhibitions
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thxngam · 3 years
Sam Seaborn for the character thing (of course)! Maybe also his best friend Donna Moss.
1. Sam is not neurotypical. I’m sorry but this man is just…not. I think he’s scared to get a diagnosis but when he does it’s either OCD or something else and I just-fuck this man is not neurotypical.
2. Sam drives like a crazy person. He grew up driving in CA with its stupid stupid freeway system and he merges across like three lanes without turning his indicator on and it gives his passengers heart attacks. Josh refuses to drive with him ever, though he’s honestly not much better.
3. Sam doesn’t really have a sweet tooth (dental hygiene, hello?) except when he’s super super stressed, in which case he will eat an entire cake by himself. He’s also a bored eater. During slow weeks there will be absolutely no snacks in the entire comms bullpen because guess who ate them? Sam. Sam ate EVERYTHING.
4. Sam’s parents are either conservative Democrats/moderate Republicans and when Sam turned out to be a die-hard gay liberal Democrat his parents were…reasonably shocked. Family dinners when Sam was a teenager were pretty much HORRIBLE. (Cmon. Can you imagine bby Sam arguing with his entire extended family about healthcare? I can and it is a beautiful image)
5. I think Sam went to a public school! Ik a lot of people headcanon him as coming from a very wealthy family, etc etc but also Sam is SUPER passionate about public education in canon! I understand people caring because I think the staff isn’t stupid, but the level of caring Sam has seems to me slightly more than just. Being sympathetic or something. I mean there’s gotta be a reason he cares sm. I mean, he went to a nice public school bc he grew up in a nice county but it’s still public school. Sam tells Josh about the pacer one time and the look of horror on Josh’s face lives in Sam’s head rent free.
Donna Moss!
1. Donna is the only competent driver of the senior staff. Toby has been taking public transportation his whole life, Josh has INCREDIBLE road rage, CJ refuses to drive because she’s tall and she hates having to adjust the seat a million times, and Sam has literally never heard of using his indicator. So. Donna drives.
2. Donna has a sweet tooth! If it’s sweet and available she WILL eat it. Doesn’t matter what it is. (Except baked Alaska bc I don’t get baked Alaska. Cmon. It’s just ice cream and egg whites)
3. Donna LOVES horror movies. Anything creepy and terrifying, Donna will watch it. She’s watched so many that her “scary” meter is super skewed. The one time she convinces Josh to watch a scary movie with her (“it won’t be that bad!”) Josh is literally SO FREAKED OUT and Donna is just. Munching on popcorn.
4. She’s an only child! I just can’t imagine Donna with siblings. She doesn’t seem like the oldest, youngest, or middle child. She did want an older sister when she was a kid and was very very disappointed when she found out she couldn’t manifest an older sibling into being.
5. I just had the funniest thought that Donna is lactose intolerant. Like. Josh heard about it on the campaign trail and straight up works it into every conversation he can for like a month.
“Did you hear Donna is from Wisconsin and lactose intolerant-“
Donna sighs.
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jessbakescakes · 4 years
For the prompts! Josh/Donna - 3) “things you said too quietly.” Thanks, love your stuff!
Thank you!
3) Things you said too quietly - from this post.
Another pre-series Josh/Donna!
She hasn’t been hungry the whole trip. She stopped at a small diner for breakfast on the way in this morning, but only picked at her food, unable to set her nerves aside long enough to force herself to eat. 
Donna takes a deep breath and pulls at the door to the Bartlet for America Campaign HQ, hoping it would be locked and she could turn around and try again later, when there were more people around. But she knows she won’t be able to get him off her mind until she does this, so it’s best to rip off the metaphorical band-aid. 
It’s eerily quiet. There are no phones ringing, no shouting across the room, no spirited debates in progress. She limps toward Josh’s office, feeling more light-headed with every step. Donna arrives at his door and peeks in his office only to notice he’s not at his desk. She closes her eyes for a moment, trying to run through Josh’s morning routine. He drops his stuff off at his desk, then goes to the coffee maker before he gets the newspaper from the front door. Then he’ll drink his coffee, read the paper, and wander over to Sam’s desk to talk to him about whatever he read while Sam puts his things down. 
Sam isn’t here yet, and the newspaper was still out front, so she heads toward the coffee maker. He’s punching at a button that doesn’t seem to be doing anything, grumbling at it as he tries to troubleshoot the seemingly uncooperative machine.
Donna sees the problem right away - it’s unplugged. He’s obviously not been sleeping. She slides up next to him and plugs it in, giving him a small smile as she watches the tension melt away from his shoulders.
“Thank god. There’s a pile of stuff on the desk.” 
She nods and makes her way toward Josh’s office, grabbing a few folders and labeling them before properly organizing the paperwork on his desk. 
“My schedule’s kind of a mess, but you may want to check to make sure I didn’t double book myself,” Josh says, slipping past her and sitting down in his chair. “We’re headed to Texas and Arizona over the weekend so I crammed all my local meetings into the next few days.”
Donna takes his calendar and scrunches up her nose when she sees how he’s kept track of his appointments. There’s no rhyme or reason to the way things are ordered, and some are just written in the margins of the planner with arrows pointing to the corresponding day. But she notices that he’s written it all in pencil - a habit he picked up from her before she left. 
“You actually listened,” Donna says under her breath. She looks up at Josh, who has spread the newspaper across his desk and is sipping his coffee. 
He sees her looking at him and turns the page of the paper. “What?”
“Nothing,” she says, reaching for a legal pad and re-ordering his appointments so she can copy them onto the calendar. 
Her cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling.
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quolant · 3 years
3, 4, 9, 16, 20, 23, and 39 for the fic asks if that’s not too many :)
thanks so much!
3. yes!! there are so many lovely fics and amazing authors that inspire me but for brevity, i'll list three lol
- a form in wax by @scientia-rex / kristophine. holy shit this fic. if you hear about the 70k+ sports night fic on tumblr it's probably going to be this fic. there are so many things i love about this fic but one of the parts that gets me the most is how it's not afraid to dig into casey's flaws and realistically depicts how he could learn to be happier. also the romantic/friendship dynamics are so good and really invoke the show while also progressing past it and being better (also the fics in dan's pov for this fic are also so so good)
- send a postcard from down the street by @cauldronoflove / thegoodthebadandthenerdy. the prose in this fic really, really gets me. it's winding and intimate but not tangenty and it's like the donna&sam fic if not the donna fic period. i love how it depicts the changing nature of their friendship and donna's professional life and is probably one of my favorite depictions of donna hands down. this is very much a gen fic but the romantic elements are also executed amazingly and integrated into donna&sam's convos super awesomely.
- the family amidala by @ink-splotch. / dirgewithoutmusic. ok i love this fic for the way it warps and changes canon — like it's based on the premise: "what if padme survived rots and escaped with the twins & obi-wan?" and it really intertwines that with their eventual involvement in the rebellion, the return of padme's handmaidens, and anakin/vader. one of my favorite parts of this fic is that it deals with complicated emotions and peels back the layers in them like, for example, padme's emotions regarding vader/anakin and reconciling them with her raising luke and leia to fight against him and what he caused. also padme and obi-wan in this fic are incredibly lovely and the depth of their friendship is also explored! it's awesome
4. i'd probably go w a form in wax, killing elvis by david hines (a hilarious epistolary alien fic about a bunch of weyland-yutani scientists getting screwed over) and an avalanche of detour signs by @gyzym (a gigantic, lovely molly hooper character study)
- @giidas (her tenet protagoneil stuff IS SO GOOD we need more tenet fic but i just. Her fic is lovely)
- @princesspatria / shewho (the two fics in the '98 campaign series are amazing and the characterization of josh is so good)
- @sarapod (circle game and don't know when i'll be back again are genuinely amazing and break my heart)
16. it... depends? like i think it depends on the scope of the fic! in general, if i'm reworking canonical events i tend to rewatch the material or do a lot of wiki research. for outside research uh... like for, bifurcate i did a little research on saturday night live and sketch comedy shows and how they work, but for a dawning day unfurling @thxngam and i have unexpectedly done like a ton of research. i think one of the farthest rabbit holes we went down was like when we were trying to figure out timelines and i had to rewatch (and still watching!) a bunch of s6 so i would know what happened and thxngam had to remind me of stuff that happened earlier and later in the show so the timeline can stay as consistent as it probably can. oh and we had to find out where the dnc took place in either 2000 or 2004? @thxngam has a running joke that she's got a list of all of the stuff we looked up so yeah, it depends
20. i love brainstorming, outlining, and coming up with dialogue! it helps to kinda get me in the mindset for a fic if i have the general plotline/key lines already plotted out.
23. best friends to lovers! i love reading/writing fics about people with an established close friendship falling in love (cough cough all my sports night bookmarks) probably because i'm a sap, but yeah i love it!
39. i think i really like the way i write internal dialogues of characters! when i write a fic i like to try to understand the characters and where they're coming from and how their minds work a little, and how that can come to play with their relationships with other people! i also really find dissecting emotions (esp complicated emotions) pretty interesting so i think that helps! i think that also helps with setting the tones of my fic because i don't think my fics have like a distinct style or tone or something and are pretty dependent on the characters!
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Critical Role Watch Party
So hi! I’m Donna and I love knitting, sewing, embroidering and all that. But it can be a bit lonely, especially since the start of the 20s, so here is my idea and hopefully a few will join: I’m gonna watch Critical Role Campaign 3 from the beginning and will craft on Twitch, while doing it and invite you to join! Everybody will watch their own video of CR, I’ll put links in the description, but I won’t show their content, just me crafting and reacting to the show and we can chat about what’s going on and swear when the craft has a mind of it’s own xD Let’s start a Twitch Stitch’n’Bitch! https://www.twitch.tv/donnatimeknitter
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fagdyk · 2 years
Holy shit. Goosebumps and tears when FCG messaged Dancer
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