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thewomanbehindtheiron · 11 years ago
Pepper never thought one day she would be punching a sandbag with all her force. She hated sweat, but right now her face glistened with the shimmering liquid. Her usually professional attire was replaced with black yoga pants and a sports bra, her strawberry blonde locks tied back.
Her fate has been changed more than most. First an accountant at Stark Industries, a woman who had a sharp skill with money and math. She caught an error one day and after a bluff with pepper spray became Tony Stark’s personal assistant. She soon became CEO of Stark Industries, which felt like she became queen of an emperior. She has since resigned her position to become a co polite of the Iron Jaeger.
She wasn’t a hero. Tony always constantly tears at himself, claiming he was only a fragile man underneath the Iron. He confessed his darkest secrets to her. He blames himself for so much. He didn’t take the title of Hero, at least not with full honesty. She saw through his act more so than anyone else could imagine.
Pepper held an even bigger façade. She felt out of place there standing among the others. She was a business woman, not a pilot. She did notice however when she suited up, when she was in the Jaeger, her insecurities were left behind. Maybe that’s why she was so compatible with Tony. Maybe he did the same thing.
She heard the door and turned, a smile on her face. Leaning over she picked up her bottle of water, smiling politely as she took a well deserving sip.
“Good afternoon. I was wondering when you were going to come in.” 
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redroomdropout-archive · 11 years ago
escape || done-owing-debts
She does not have much to take. The clothes on her back and a small amount of food she had managed to take from dinner, are all she has as she made her way along the darkened corridors, pressed to walls where she'd known there were blind spots of the cameras and no guards on patrol. 
Faina could still feel Katya's blood on her hands, though they were long since clean as she pried open the entrance to the vents. It was the only way she could think to make it to the edge of the compound. If she stayed here, one day she would be the dead girl, killed so another could prove her worth.
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ihadfaith-archive · 11 years ago
"Pretty Please"
Put “Pretty Please” in my ask box and I’ll generate a number from 1-40 and see what prompt we get! Mixture of angst, silly, romantic, and NSFW prompts.
20. Your muse shows up on my muse’s doorstep late at night, wet, feverish, and covered in blood.
It was late, Peggy was awake only because she couldn’t sleep. She had a hard time falling asleep since coming out of stasis. But the one thing she hadn’t been expecting- the one thing she never really expected.. ever, was a knock on her door. Especially given the late, or rather early hour.
"Can I help-" she paused when she saw the woman hunched over, soaked to the bone and clutching her side, chest heaving like she was in pain. "oh good Lord, what the... what happened to you?" Peggy asked, better sense kicking in as she ushered the woman inside, having her sit at the kitchen table.
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capshowlingcommandos-blog · 11 years ago
+2 came to see the Commandos
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"if it's more paperwork leave it on the desk.  I'll get to it when I get to it."
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justthatidiot · 11 years ago
                       Где ты паучок?
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               [ he's taunting. the knife spinning                somewhat oddly in his hand. she                didn't have to use weapons of                higher caliber, she was good                enough with her hand]
                             I don't have time for this
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redroomdropout-archive · 11 years ago
Hi guys. I'm just... I'm sad right now. Too sad to be creative. So, pretty much nothing from me today. If you're tagged, you're in my drafts. If you're not tagged and I owe you please kick me.
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directorfuryisover · 11 years ago
Nichole, Tashy
Don't make me come down there!
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whateverxhappens · 11 years ago
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It was like he was seventeen all over again.  All it took was one look at her and he was lost in her.  She still had that spirit - that special something that made her awe-inspiring, even covered in dirt and unwashed as they were out on the Russian front.  Slowly, he approached.  ''....Natalia?''  He asked nervously, feeling like a schoolboy once more.
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bulletproofagent · 11 years ago
The Winter Carter || Winter Solider!Peggy & Natasha
The Winter Soldier stood stoically at ease while she waited for the new recruit she'd be training. She flexed the fingers on her bionic arm and then folded it carefully over her flesh one. When the woman walked in, The Winter Solider moved swiftly and seamlessly to attention. "Recruit," she barked, "State your name."
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redroomdropout-archive · 11 years ago
blood is thicker || done-owing-debts
A dead body and a live body are not so different. Electrical impulses cease to fire, organs cease to function, blood no longer flows, lungs draw no air. Yet, little fundamentally changed in the overall composition of the body. She wanted to hold it, to understand it, see why it was different… why was Katya dead?
But Faina was not allowed to stay with the body, it looked too much like remorse, like grief, like weakness. But they praised her, some small amount. She was not dead, she was not the weakest girl in her class. For now, that seemed to mean something. 
She was alive. But how was that any different?
The fluorescent lights overhead stung her eyes and she needed someplace to be alone. Some place that was dark and quiet.
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anyilherron · 11 years ago
The moral choice (closed)
It was unusual, but not unheard of, for a child to manifest a mutation very early in life. When they did, it could be under very traumatic circumstances indeed. Such was the case for the young pyrokinetic whose mother had been shot in front of her; unfortunately, such a powerful mutation, manifesting under such stress, was not going to be under much conscious control. As the girl began to burn the city down around her with insuppressable flames, trying to inflict some of the pain on the world that it had caused to her, SHIELD rushed in to try and calm the girl - or failing that, to stop her before the world burned down around her.
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thewomanbehindtheiron · 11 years ago
{{Just so you know I’m the worse with pictures, no lie. 4/5}}
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command-er · 11 years ago
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"So you on board t'go to Alaska t'check out the new base before it's finished?" "I dunno if Fury asked you already,"
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