#donatello's duplicate
getindumdums · 11 days
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Evil Clone 87 Donatello from Donatello's Duplicate for @cupcakeslushie DTIYS! I saw this DTIYS and somehow this is what first came to mind.
In the episode Donatello’s evil clone commands a rat army, rats at first provided by the rat king, hence why they’re here. I just loved his cocky attitude. I could write a whole episode of this bastard returning as a viable threat. I COULD-
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whattraintracks · 9 months
ain't he one of them juvenile karate lizards?
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Donatello’s Duplicate”
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Season 5, Episode 13 First US Airdate: October 12, 1991
Pinky McFingers teams up with an evil clone of Donatello to generate an army of rats.
The fifth season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles continues with “Donatello’s Duplicate”. This is the first episode of the series credited to the husband-and-wife duo of Jack and Carole Mendelsohn, who have both contributed to the show individually in the past.
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Donatello finds himself burdened with fixing all of the Lair’s electrical equipment, including the faltering TV and the malfunctioning pizza oven (a small call-back to Carole Mendelsohn’s debut episode, “Raphael Versus the Volcano”). Leonardo steps in to defend the team’s genius, pointing out how hard he works, only to turn around and ask for his electric toothbrush to be repaired. This is the final straw for Donnie, who declares himself to officially be “on strike” and storms off.
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Later, Splinter finds Donatello tinkering in his workshop, and remarks that he’s “reconditioning [his] old cloning device”, although it’s the first time we as viewers have seen it. Donnie reveals that he plans to create a clone of himself that will perform mundane tasks around the Lair, freeing him up to focus on loftier pursuits. Splinter cautions his student that “it’s not nice to fool mother nature”, and when Donatello points out that he’s referencing a slogan from a TV commercial – a long-running campaign for Chiffon margarine that began in 1971 - he goes on to add that “wisdom can come from many places”. 
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Elsewhere in the sewers, the Rat King is seen meeting with Pinky McFingers, returning after his debut last season in “Raphael Knocks ‘em Dead”. Pinky, voiced today by Cam Clarke instead of Peter Renaday, strikes a deal to have the Rat King’s minions descend upon the city, driving out its residents and leaving them free to “take the gold, the jewellery, and the cash”. The emptied-out city will then belong to the Rat King and his rodent army, becoming a “Ratropolis”.
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Back in the Lair, Donatello tests out his cloning device on a rat, assuring the small animal that he won’t do it any harm. While firing up the machine, Donnie manages to get his own hand caught in the ray. Things seem to work out as planned regardless, with one rat becoming two, and the two rodents being released back into the sewers.
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While wandering around, the cloned rat discovers that he can talk, sounding exactly like Donatello. The clone winds up among the crowd of rats listening in as Rat King continues his negotiations with McFingers, and the two humans are shocked to hear a rat talking in plain English. When the Rat King suggests this must be the work of Donatello, Pinky asks if he’s “one of them Juvenile Karate Lizards”. (I have to say that it feels weird that he doesn’t know who the Turtles are considering he captured one of them last season, though admittedly he had no direct interaction with Donatello in that go-around.) The mobster goes on to suggest that if they could obtain this cloning device, they could generate an even larger army of rats and take over the entire country.
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Satisfied with the results of his test run, Donatello generates a clone of himself, immediately putting his double to work. The clone refuses to be pushed around, declaring that thanks to a glitch in his creator’s “algebraic equation” he’s ten times more intelligent. The two Donatellos do battle, with the clone adding that he also has “ten times [original Don’s] ninja skills”. After easily winning the fight, clone Don ties up his predecessor and locks him in a nearby closet.
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Donatello’s clone wanders into the living room area of the Lair, his arrogance quickly raising the ire of the other Turtles. After the double points out Raphael’s lack of intellect and declares Michaelangelo to be even more of a dope, Leonardo steps in, announcing Donatello is “way out of line”. All three Turtles get into a fight with Clone Don, winding up piled up against the wall. The new Don makes his exit from the Lair, but soon crosses paths with the Rat King before Pinky McFingers and his men step in. The mobsters carry the captured Turtle away, as Pinky declares that his alliance with the Rat King is called off: “now that I’ve got him, who needs you?”
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The gangsters return to their secluded hideout, where the clone Donatello insists that he’s ten times as smart and strong as the original Don. He goes on to demonstrate his power by breaking out of the chains that were restraining him, and when challenged by Pinky to build a cloning machine and generate an army of rats, insists he can do it within the space of two hours. As Pinky and his goons laugh behind his back, duplicate Don almost instantly assembles a new cloning machine, before beginning to generate a wave of rats.
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While Mikey, Leo and Raph struggle to fix things up around the Lair, Pinky and the Clone Don unleash their rats upon New York. As predicted, the city’s residents soon begin making their exit. April interviews the mayor – who looks nothing like the one who kept popping up through season four, I guess they’ve had another election since then – and he urges his citizens to stay calm, assuring them that they “have nothing to fear but fear itself”. This all goes out the window as a group of rats gather around his feet, leading him to run away in terror.
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April is stunned to see Donatello marching down the street, commanding an army of obedient rats. She alerts the Turtles, who are in the middle of struggling to change a lightbulb. Convinced that Donnie is actually in his workshop, they head off to find him and clear things up. Eventually, the team find and free the real Donatello, who explains that he was overpowered by his clone. Our heroes realise that they’ll need to move quickly to stop the evil duplicate.
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Pinky, his henchmen and “Cloney” are seen walking off with their ill-gotten cash as the residents of New York continue to panic. In their limo, Clone Don explains to the crooks that he’s not interested in money, preferring to have recognition for his accomplishments.
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The Turtles head out in their van to track down Donatello’s clone, but find their equipment is actually getting a lock on the real Donnie. Meanwhile April travels by news cycle, following Pinky McFingers back to his home. Upon arriving there, she’s accosted by the criminal kingpin’s henchmen, losing her Turtlecom as she’s carried away.
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Our heroes begin their journey back to the Lair, and along the way encounter the Rat King. The team are initially hostile, but their old foe assures them he means no harm, providing them with a map to Pinky’s hideout that doesn’t look like it would be particularly helpful. (Given that it’s the same place he was operating out of in his first appearance, and Raphael had already been there, I suppose it doesn’t matter that much.) He goes on to explain that he’s out to get revenge on the mobster for his treachery by “ratting on him”.
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April demands that Pinky take her to Donnie. When he complies, she’s mystified by the change in her old friend’s behaviour, and upon finding out that he’s willingly partnering with the crime boss, bemoans that “if Donatello’s gone bad, there’s no hope for the world.” Meanwhile the real Donatello confuses Pinky’s henchmen, arriving outside the hideout with the other Turtles and hurling the underlings into a trash can.
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The Turtles make their way into Pinky’s home and confront the clone Donatello, who now has April locked in a cage with a group of cloned rats. “Cloney” announces that he was expecting the original Don and the other Turtles to foolishly make a move, and evens the odds by generating evil versions of Leo, Mikey and Raph. The sinister Turtles easily defeat their good counterparts before the original Donatello goads his double into making a mistake, insisting that he could never have built a cloning machine. The prideful Turtle flies into a rage, insisting that he could easily reverse its effects if he wanted to and having his machine do just that, causing the duplicates of Leo, Mikey and Raph to vanish before disappearing himself.
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In a news report, the cloned rats are seen vanishing from the streets of New York one by one. Meanwhile, April reports on the arrests of Pinky McFingers and his underlings. Back in the Lair, Donatello is eager to fix the broken belongings of the Turtles, but soon finds himself face-to-face with another double of himself; this turns out to actually be Raphael, wearing a purple mask over his own. (Please ignore the fact that he briefly somehow also had a “D” belt, as well as purple elbow and kneepads.)
“Donatello’s Duplicate” comes as a welcome change of pace after the drudgery of “Landlord of the Flies”, a compelling exploration of how the worst aspects of Donnie’s personality could prove disastrous if magnified and left unchecked. Helping, too, is the fact that this is a beautiful-looking episode, the polar opposite of the one that preceded it. Donatello (both of them) and Rat King particularly benefit from some great, expressive character work here, although everyone gets at least something of a glow-up out of it, with the possible exception of Pinky McFingers, who’s so boring to look at that even this team of skilled animators can’t do much with him.
Pinky has become something of a Turtlethon running joke, a shorthand for characters that no-one likes that somehow keep coming back, but he’s at least handled well here, having the much more engaging Rat King to bounce off of in the early goings. Regrettably, this is the beginning of a run of More Pinky, with a new episode featuring this underwhelming bad guy popping up roughly every five to ten shows, from now until the end of season six. If it’s any consolation, Shredder and his bunch will be back behind the wheel of villainy next time, as we explore “The Ice Creature Cometh”.
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sodaspons · 11 months
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found em all
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gornackeaterofworlds · 6 months
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@tizeline 's ctiys!!! THE BABIES!!!!
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bulbabutt · 1 year
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these duos have the exact same fucking dynamic
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gonetoforks · 5 months
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My first post on here, hello!! 👋 These drawings are from what I call my ROTTMNT Haunted! au!! Below is a pretty long explanation ⬇️
When Casey jr went through the portal, as the lone survivor raised by the Hamato clan, all the spirits from the timeline he knew went with him. After the movie, on the morning of halloween, Michelangelo wakes up to discover the undead spirits of himself and his brothers from the Darkest Timeline in his house. He can talk to them, touch them, but nobody else except Draxum can even see them.
Future Mikey, who has been affectionately dubbed “Uncle Angelo,” has a theory for why they aren’t at rest; Hamato souls have specific slots in the ninpo family line. Since their exact souls already exist in the good timeline, they’re duplicates who don’t have anyplace to go. So he devises a plan; create a mystic spell to add additional slots to the family line to let the Dead Dogs lie.
Casey jr has almost nothing to do all day, so he’s been spiraling lately, not getting sleep and constantly looking for things to do. Every time he finds something enjoyable, he just wishes his family, the family that raised him was there to see it. He always tags along on missions to create and fulfill the slot spell, even if it hurts.
Future Leonardo (“gramps” to Mikey,) tends to fixate on Jr, how/what he’s doing. He’s pleased to see his mental health in a good state, but that’s only because he saw him when other people were around. When the truth about Jr becomes clearer to him, he becomes more.. reluctant about the spell.
However, as time passes, the veil between the spirit world and the mortal plane begins to thicken, and the lines between the present turtles and their future counterparts begin to blur. Mikey starts dreaming about fights he never fought, older than he ever was in kraangified wastelands he’s never seen anything close to. He’ll wake up in a cold sweat, thinking like an old wizard before he remembers he’s 15, he lives in the sewers, and he stopped all that stuff from coming to pass. These nightmares are becoming more vivid. Time is the one luxury they do not have.
Will the spell work?
(Additional context; Donatello can move things with his pointer finger slightly, like that politician character from that Ghost show. Additionally, Leonardo can try to deliver messages to people in their dreams, Mikey has some control over wind, Raph can make things rattle a bit, and April, they don’t know where she went. They know she’s here, where is she?)
These drawings are from months ago, I’m reposting them here because I’ve given up on revealing the lore through comics 😭😭😭 it’s easier for me to write it out. I can’t keep the Thoughts a secret anymore, I have to talk about it aksjakshaj, textposting save me textposting
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
Thoughts on 1987 tello?
mostly emotions tbh (I love him very much) (thoughts and nonsense rambling under the cut)
He's so dramatic, he loves singing and dancing, if he puts on a trench coat he has to narrate everything in a noir voice,
He is the most likely out of the 1987 turtles to choose violence. He becomes the Dark Turtle and goes after Shredder. He's ready to leave the punk frogs in danger (I don't remember the situation) and when Leonardo pushes that they have to help even if the frogs still try to attack them, he gives the most "well okay you're the leader" shrug. Like 'I explained our strategic advantage to you plainly and it was clearly too advanced for you to understand so I guess I'll be nice and go along with what you say"
it's not uncommon for him to split off from the group because he'll think of something and have to go get the parts for it. He also just goes off alone sometimes, like as the Dark Turtle or when his car got stolen so he stole the car thief's car in order to chase them and was then himself being chased by the police because the whole reason they stole his car was because they stole something else first and the police recognized the car they were in previously. And he refuses to explain to his bros what's going on because he doesn't want them to know the turtle van got nabbed from him after he spent so long fixing it up. Which situation leads to one of my favorite Raph and Don moments (I have a lot of those aksjfjsj)
Donatello, hanging up the phone: Great, now they guys think I'm a crook. Won't they feel bad when they find out I'm only a liar!
Later, when they find out
Michelangelo: I knew Donatello wasn't a crook!
Raphael, feeling the least bad he's ever felt in his life: No, only a liar
I love how much he wants his bros attention, he's so middle child y'all.
Another favorite moment, in the episode where Splinter becomes human for a day, at the start of it when they're all noticing he's sad (im paraphrasing the heck out of this scene)
Raphael, Leonardo, and Michelangelo: Ohh Master Splinter didn't eat his sushi ☹️ Sushi is his favorite ☹️☹️
Donatello: Well of course he doesn't want sushi, who would want to eat raw fish?
Raphael, Leonardo, and Michelangelo: Our Sensei who loves sushi is not eating sushi... this is such a travesty we must find out what made him sad
Donatello: I hate raw fish so very deeply much
He's so stupid I love him so much. And! He is egotistic and can be quick to anger and does sometimes ignore/not notice other people's feelings, but. He is also truly deeply and believably a sweetheart! He would do anything for his bros and he mostly shows his love through actions.
Like when they all wanted Leonardo to lighten up some, and he had a machine that would supposedly (and did in fact) do just that, but he insisted it was not safe and they were not to use it on him (they did anyway but that's not the point akdjsja). Or the fact that he made the health-o-meter. Or when Michelangelo is crying over the stove and he hugs him so gently and pats him on the back "I know" fjksjfj stop it 😭. Whenever the 87 turtles hug I die from the cuteness and come back to life from the cuteness. you know the saying, cuteness killed the cat but cuteness brought it back, or something like that
Or in Donatello's Duplicate where it's shown that besides his inventions he's doing a lot of little household repairs for them, which gets him frustrated when it piles up too much and is why he makes a clone, who turns out to be evil and by the end of the ep he's like 'I was so silly why wouldn't I be happy? I love fixing things and I love helping my family and I'm so lucky I get to do both!' And I definitely have some feelings about them ending the episode this way (the big donatello crossover involving a karaoke night is to address this), but it is really sweet regardless, he really loves them so much
Okay this is half-formed and mayhaps confusing but you gave me an opportunity so here's a thought that's been in the back of my mind. I like thinking about the ways later cartoons drew from 87, especially balancing it with Mirage. Because Mirage Don is the pacifist. He hates guns. In the mirage comic the 03 HATE episode was based on, it ends with a little speech from Donatello about how he feels bad for killing the terrorists, even though they saved more lives by doing it. When Raph wants to go back to NYC to face the Shredder but Leo insists they (he) needs more time at the farmhouse, Don backs Leo up saying "we aren't the keepers of society, Raph. We never were."
And that's very different from 87 Donatello. But at the same time you can see their similarities when a situation comes up in mirage and Raph (and sometimes Leo) go straight to "We gotta help!" and Donatello counters with "Do we? Can we? What if we make things worse" 87 Donatello has that same pragmatism, even if he feels deeply about a situation he's gonna look at it and say What can I do, not necessarily What should I do. (this works in the positive and the negative akdhsha)
... Anyway that wasn't the thought I was thinking of. The thought I was gonna and will now share is like this: you know that 2012 episode where they go into Mikey's psyche and meet a bunch of different Mikeys? What if 87 Donatello's psyche and the different hims are the other Dons
Because out of all of them I feel like he encompasses something from each of them
So it's like
87 Donatello: Welcome to my Mind. You'll meet all the sides of my compelling and complex personality here. This is my nurturing side
03 Donny: Hey guys! Why do you have your initials on your belt buckles lol
87 bros:
Donatello: He's usually much nicer than that. This is my theatrical side
Rise Donnie, has not noticed guests, strumming imagine guitar: past corridor B, down the stairs past the ibis tapestry--
Donatello: This is my sarcastic side. He also usually covers hormonal stuff
12 Don, tongue stuck out in concentration while he draws himself with big muscles:
Donatello: And this is the part of me that likes to annoy Raphael.
Bayverse D, slurping from a juicebox: :)
Raphael: Well that's all fine, but can you show us the Donatello in charge of all that science genius stuff so he can show us a way out of here?
All Donatellos gathered around like a fairy circle: 👁️ 👁️
87 bros:
Donatello: Oh, they all do science. It wouldn't be fair to the other guys to give it to just one.
Raphael: Of course, that makes sense (hates his life rn)
ALSO guys guys I should probably wait to say this since I don't even have a draft yet akdjshaj. But if you've read this far I think you'll appreciate this: Donatello is going to sing My Way at karaoke night 💜
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kittykittyanon · 22 days
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click on the image and up your brightness for the second pic!!! it came out darker than i expected it to LMAO ((it looks lighter on my laptop screen :<))
@starsinthenigth i'm not sure what the context of this is,, maybe your sona got caught snatching donnie's stuff (つω`。)?? it's supposed to be present dontron,, but he looks like future donnie so i guess he can also be that...? whatever you want!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ(((o(*°▽°*)o)) (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
((alt context could be that steren accidentally vwooped themself into the bad end future and was noticed by future purple man? (•⩊•)))
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from left to right;; it's the reference i used for the fisheye lens thingy ((brock lee,, found it after searching 'fisheye' on pinterest HSHFKDJF)),, the original donnie looking down at steren before i realized it doesn't quite make sense and extended it with the addition of tilting everything,,, and the height difference between steren and donnie ((6 inches is 15.20 cm and 5'3 is 160 cm)) that i used!!!
sorry if i'm annoying you with these random art posts,, i don't want to make you feel like you have to respond every time (#><) (#><) !!!
i remember seeing you say something about a first-person g/t horror game and i thought of this a while after!! i think i drew this two to three days ago?? i drew steren first then donatello;; but after that i realized that if i wanted it to be from the pov of steren looking up at him; i'd have to either redraw the entire thing ((i realized it only after i finished rendering)) or duplicate everything and use the transform thingy to fix the perspective and move the color layers to fit into the lineart :PP
it made me take a break from it for like a day or two cause i got a little overwhelmed after shrimping over my pc screen for a few hours but i finished it!! ta-daahhh!!!! it still kinda doesn't look right to me ((i feel like donnie should still be a little bigger than that..? not sure though,, i can't exactly visualize how it would look very well)) but i don't feel like editing it a second time (ノ*°▽°*) (ノ*°▽°*) !!!! /lh
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trashlama · 1 year
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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2018!Donnie: Okay, pause for a moment, just what is you two's issue with our 80s duplicate? He is a lovely addition to the team who truly understands the need to combine function with theme on inventions!
2003!Don: Look, it's not that we don't like him, it's just that... well... he simply doesn't make sense!
2012!Donnie: NONE of the guys from that Turtle Power troop do! Their Donatello can just hit things and they suddenly start working, each of them can pull objects from nowhere and they all just start talking to space sometimes for seemingly no reason! And everyone in their dimension treats this as normal! It's like the laws of reality don't even apply to them!
2018!Donnie: *crosses his arms and looks utterly unimpressed*
2018!Donnie: Oh I'm sorry, you were expecting universal laws to still apply to people from a different universe? You honestly expect me to believe that either of you are men of science when your first instinct to someone breaking the laws of reality was to dismiss their entire existence instead of studying it??? You both are a disgrace to the Donatello name.
2018!Donnie: *turns to 80s!Don, who's been in the background the entire time working on the most 80s-ass ray gun you can possibly imagine*
2018!Donnie: Come, mini-me! We have SCIENCE to do and laws to break!
80s Don: That sounds as fantastic as a Fibanocci sequence! Wait what type of laws-
2018!Donnie: Don'tworryaboutit let's GO!
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getindumdums · 16 days
Hiya! I’ve recently started watching 87 tmnt (out of order, but so far haven’t run into any issues with that), and I was wondering if you had any specific episodes you’d recommend? Whether it’s because it’s got really good writing or it gives a good understanding of a specific character or it’s just generally enjoyable - whatever the reason may be, I’d be interested to hear. So far it’s been a really fun time and I’m excited to keep watching!
Ohhh! Ok. So let’s see… you definitely want to watch the 1st season, it’s only 5 episodes. I think I’m gonna recommend too many here… But!
Splinter No More
The Big Blow Out (has my favorite Brains and Brawn moment) though you may need to watch the previous episode or two since this is a season finale and you might be a bit confused
(Enter the RatKing, Enter the Fly, Return of the Fly, Invasion of the Punk Frogs, Leatherhead Terror of the Swap, 50 Foot Irma, Casey Jones Outlaw Hero, Yusagi Yojimbo, Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko, Raphael Meets his Match (Mona Lisa), Slash the Evil Turtle from Dimension X, all seem like good episodes since you see these characters in other iterations.)
The Making of Metalhead (I really like this one)
Take Me To Your Leader, The Four Musketeers, Leo vs Tempestra, Leonardo Lightens Up, Beware the Lotus
Splinter Vanishes
Cowabunga Shredhead
The Big Cufflink Caper
Donatello’s Duplicate, and Night of the Dark Turtle (also the episode with Triceratons)
Dirk Savage Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Invasion of the Krangazoids, Shredder Triumphant
I love a few of the Red Sky episodes like Cry H.A.V.O.C! And Cyber-Turtles! But they do attempt more of a serialized story here. So I would watch from the beginning.
There’s a bunch of other episodes I want to see like Raphael Knocks Them Dead, Back to the Egg, Adventures in Turtle Sitting, Michelangelo Meets Bugman, Enter Mutagen Man, What’s Michelangelo Good For, BugMan, Planet of the Turtloids part 1&2
I’ve referenced The Ninja Sword of Nowhere, Raphael Turtle of a Thousand Faces, and I plan to reference Donatello Makes Time, sort of in a future chapter
@iztarshi @snoftshell-snurtle @yellowhollyhock @pumpkinpie59
In case you want to add some ideas!
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dragonslaved · 2 years
I am once again thinking about the mystic weapons and how they reflect the turtles individually because it’s been 3-4 years since the Rise series started.
Of course you have the obvious with Raphael's duplicating his physical force into a duplicate form (and in the s2 finale literal duplicates). He's big, he's an overpowering presence, he wants to be everywhere at once to be able to handle everything. He's always trying to protect everyone, trying to be seen so they know he's there, always.
Then you have Donatello, whose mystic force is more like a manifestation power. His specialty is his brain, his thoughts, what he creates and comes up with. Naturally, his mystic power reflects that. It allows him to create whatever he needs - missiles, drills, even the more subtle battle shell to replace the one he lost in the film. The only real limitations that we see are what he limits himself to - which is apt considering he's pretty strictly science and technology focused. There's no worry of him being overpowered af with this because the idea of actual magic, fantasy style things are not in his wheel house.
You have Leonardo, whose mystic power shows as short range teleportation. It's a reflection of his planning, being able to see further ahead than anyone else around him. He has to have the spacial awareness to not let his portals impact someone else (like portal-chopping Raph's mystic arm when he wasn't paying close enough attention). And when utilized fully, he can coordinate with his brothers to make multi-use attacks (see: deleted fight snippets from the Krang fight). He's quick on his feet, he's adaptable, and Leonardo having quick portals is a perfect reflection of that.
Then you have Michelangelo. Free spirited, creatively thinking baby brother whose mystic power is a long chain kusari-fundo. It allows a full range of movements for his acrobatics, along with strength for his whipping around entire cargo ships and (later with his nunchaku) sky scrapers. Mikey's fighting style and way of thinking is perfect for this; he needs to be able to jump around freely, he needs to flip wizard mcgee everywhere so a free range weapon that extends as much as he needs it to for full range of movement? Exactly his style. His nunchaku being able to do the same in the finale and movie is only a further extension of that.
I think it's also worth noting that Mikey was the first to use any mystic power (unlocking the portal to the Hidden City where Raph couldn't), he's the first to unlock his mystic weapon (the first fight with Draxum), so it's only natural that in 2044 he's become the most powerful Mystic warrior the world's ever seen.
Idk I just think weapons and powers that reflect the user's personality and way of thinking is really fucking neat.
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dysfunctional-doodle · 10 months
For 1987 tmnt, do you ever think that the clones (from the episode Donatello’s Duplicate) just sort of hang around Donatello as ghosts? Like they just try to haunt him and he’s perfectly fine with it.
I love your idea this is my new favourite headcannon
I must draw this
(I’m going to 100% steal this for the fic if that’s okay IM IN LOVE)
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
watching a very specific episode of tmnt 1987 but not in order or anything (i cant watch episodic shows in order sorry) and its reminding me why i liked old cartoon so much. they could just say whatever and not worry about it not Making Sense cuz they were aware the concept was absurd in the first place.
donatello made a mistake in his *checks notes* math or something and now his clone is *checks notes again* twice as smart and twice as good at Ninja Skills than him. Also a rat can talk cuz when donnie was duplicating it as a test he accidentally stuck his finger in front of the Science Ray. also the rat king is so funny. Also a weird goon man said "juvenile karate reptiles" it's so good.
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gornackeaterofworlds · 2 months
Tumblr media
And finally, bay Donnie redesign
Click for unfuzziness
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