#donald pierce x female reader
e-dubbc11 · 8 months
Always love a good sleepover 😆❤️
So.... I hope you're ready to have another go at Donald Pierce, cause I would love to request "Ah, so you aren't heartless after all" and "Whatever happens, don't let go of my hand."
And twist? Reader is a mutant... pretty please 🫣❤️
My lovely Lily,
I do love how you like to push me out of my comfort zone just a little bit. I had a hard time coming up with a mutant power for this but once I figured it out, I got really excited! So you asked for Donald Pierce and a Mutant Reader, I hope I did justice to your ask. 😘♥️
Under the Influence
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Donald Pierce x F! Mutant Reader
Warnings: SMUT! (18+ PLEASE or I’m telling on you!) Oral F! Receiving, P in V sex, some fluff, some angst, some swear words.
Word Count: 3.2K-ish
Summary: Living a low key life in Mexico, you meet Chief of Security at Alkali-Transigen, Donald Pierce. But you haven’t told him what you are, you’re afraid to.
A/N: This is my second time writing for Pierce. I hope you like it!
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The business card you were holding in your hand felt expensive, thick card stock, raised lettering, but there wasn’t a lot printed on it.
Donald Pierce
Chief of Security
The card had two phone numbers on it, his cell phone and the main phone number for Alkali-Transigen. Aside from being a little bit scary, Donald Pierce was very attractive, charming, and sweet, although he would NEVER let anyone else see that side of him.
He put on his tough exterior when he barked orders at his Reavers but with you, he turned on his charm and that southern drawl pulled you in like a moth to a flame.
You worked at a local school, teaching English and after a particular tough day, Donnie and his Reavers walked into the bar you and some co-workers were having a drink at.
It didn’t take him long to approach you and even though he wasn’t necessarily your type, you felt butterflies in your stomach when he did. His mechanical arm startled you at first, the sight of it made you recoil slightly.
“You ain’t gotta worry about that, darlin’. It ain’t gonna hurt ya. I’m just a little bit enhanced, is all.” He said with a sly smile, moving the fingers of the bionic arm back and forth as he talked.
It’s only natural that being in Mexico, the drink of choice was tequila and Donnie liked good tequila, the kind you can slowly sip on, let it roll around on your tongue, and enjoy. You let him choose the tequila and it did not disappoint.
His sky blue eyes gazing at you as he took a sip from his glass, he never looked away from you, and hung on your every word.
After a couple of drinks, he and his Reavers left but he left you wanting more. That slow sexy voice sent shivers down your spine as he traced a line from your shoulder to your wrist with just one finger. ONE FINGER had you falling apart, had you clenching your thighs together, and had you desperately wanting to see him again.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, you stared at that card, your fingers gently brushed against the raised letters and you said out loud, “Transigen.” Suddenly your eyes welled up with tears and you gnashed your teeth thinking about that place, thinking about what they do to the children in there and remembering what they did to you when you were inside those walls.
You still had nightmares sometimes, waking in the middle of the night to find your sheets and your clothes soaked with sweat and rubbing your wrist like it was still attached. The bracelet they had put on you to prevent you from using your powers on anyone.
They weren’t obvious to anyone now but when you were a child, you would use your powers of manipulation to get what you wanted. Once, your younger sister was bothering you so you put your hand on her and told her to go out back and run around the tree until you told her to stop.
You parents came home to find her running in circles around the tree and so dizzy, she couldn’t see straight.
“Sissy told me to do it! And I tried to stop but I couldn’t!!” She had sobbed to your parents.
Eventually, you had become too much to handle. You set out to try and control anyone that you could get your hands on, literally, and your parents had enough of your antics.
Listening from the top of the stairs one night, you heard your parents talking, your father holding a piece of paper in his hand.
“Maybe we should call them. They could help her; it says so right here.” He said, pointing to the flyer.
They didn’t want to “help” you but they were very interested in you and promised to take VERY good care of you. They had never seen someone that could influence someone just by putting a finger on them so they wanted to study you, they ran tests, hooked you up to machines, and took your blood.
Even when they didn’t need you anymore, they didn’t let you go.
You had to escape and you did. The only time they took your bracelet off was when you were showering. Manipulating your handlers was easy and you couldn’t believe you didn’t do it sooner but the damage was already done.
That place was wretched; you were elated and relieved to have escaped but you felt terrible for the other children that were still there and you can’t imagine it’s any different now than it was then so you were torn.
On one hand you hated that place and everything to do with it but you also really liked Donald. What were you supposed to do? Damn him and his handsome face and sexy smile.
You dialed his number and he answered right away.
“Well hey there, y/n.” He said.
You could tell he was smiling.
“How did you know it was me?” You asked.
“Oh I didn’t know for sure, but I was hopin’ it was.” Said Donald.
You chuckled into the phone and felt yourself running strands of your hair in between your fingers while talking to him. He wanted to know if he could take you out after work tomorrow and you happily agreed.
In the corner of a dimly lit restaurant, you had a nice dinner and talked…a lot. You asked him what exactly he did for work.
“Well that group that came into the bar with me, the Reavers? Yeah, anyone that escapes the facility, they send us out to bring ‘em back. A bunch of years ago, a teenager escaped from right under their noses and since then, security has been really tight. I don’t really care for mutants all that much but I guess I wouldn’t wanna be stuck in that place either.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
He was talking about you. Your muscles stiffened and your face went stoic. “I don’t really care for mutants all that much but I guess I wouldn’t wanna be stuck in that place either.” His words were cold but with just a hint of compassion. He was making this really difficult.
“Ah, so you aren’t heartless after all.” You said with a warm smile.
Donnie let out a little laugh. “Nah, I’m not heartless darlin’. Sometimes I have to use a little force bringin’ them back, I don’t like doin’ it but if I don’t bring ‘em back, I don’t get paid. It’s…well, it’s my job.” He said.
How would he react if you told him what you are? You had gently touched him at dinner, nestled next to each other in a corner booth but you hadn’t even thought about manipulating him once even though you had plenty of opportunities to do so.
Donnie asked you questions too, but you had to lie about certain parts of your life; you just weren’t ready to tell him yet. How could you after what he told you? After finding out who he works for and what he does for them, there was no way you could tell him just yet.
Your relationship with Donnie escalated pretty quickly after that first date. It was hard to stay away from him. He would show up at the school where you worked, the kids all loved him and he was really nice to them.
He didn’t brush them off or ignore them, he would ALWAYS talk to them when he visited. They all loved his bionic arm and his skull and crossbones tattoo, they thought he was absolutely fascinating.
It made you fall for him even harder.
“Lemme see your eyes, Donnie.” You commanded. “You’re always wearing those sunglasses, I wanna see those dreamy blue eyes.”
“Well sweetheart, you’re the only one that I would take orders from.” He said with a smile, his gold tooth shining in the dim light of your apartment.
Gently cupping his cheek, you leaned over to kiss him, the bristles of his beard scratched your chin as he kissed you back and your heart fluttered when he pulled you into his lap.
Parting your lips with his tongue, he kissed you with passion, cradling your head with his hand and his mechanical hand touching your waist. The cold metal still surprised you every time especially when it touched the warm skin on your stomach.
“Ya know somethin’, darlin’? When I’m with you, I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be. I can’t explain it.” He said.
You knew you never ever used your powers on Donnie, you’ve never made him feel anything for you than he already did so what was this feeling that he was experiencing, that he couldn’t explain? Love? If you didn’t want to use your powers, you didn’t.
The control you had was perfect but you still wondered in the back of your mind if somehow you were influencing him in any way without knowing you were.
Moving to your bed, he explored your body with heated kisses from your lips down to your core. Taking his time, he makes sure you let out gasps of pleasure as his tongue circled your clit causing a hot fire to burn in the pit of your stomach before cries of his name fled from your mouth, soaking the sheet underneath you.
Settling himself in between your legs, he leaned down to kiss you, the taste of you on his tongue, he entered you slowly, stretching you out until he was buried to the hilt, your thighs clenching around him, waiting for him to move but not before you let out a strangled moan.
Buried deep in your pussy, he fucked you slowly, making sure you feel every inch of him before picking up the pace. Pulling almost all the way out before slamming into you again, your walls started to flutter around him. Growling in your ear and biting down on your neck, he praised you, telling you how good you feel and how tight you are.
“Don’t come for me yet, baby. You feel so good.” He said through clenched teeth.
Donnie’s metal arm felt cool against the soft skin on the inside of your wrist as goosebumps erupted across your body. He had both of your hands pinned above your head, his grip on your wrists tightened, your orgasm still building, you were so close.
Arching your back away from the bed, his head buried deep in the crook of your neck, you felt his warm breath fan across your throat and chest.
His name escaped your mouth over and over again, and your knees started to tremble from the overstimulation. He ceased his movements every time he felt your walls flutter around him, grinning like a devil because he liked delaying your gratification.
You whine softly in his ear.
“Donnie, I’m so close. Please!” You begged.
“Come for me, darlin’.” He purred in your ear.
Your release came hard and fast like a wave crashing on shore, making you slightly dizzy. Sinful noises escaped your lips as your body continued to spasm uncontrollably. His climax wasn’t far behind yours and he cursed out loud before collapsing on top of you.
Both of you breathing heavily, Donnie moved a stray hair away from your face, fiercely pressed his lips to yours and gave you a sly smile.
It was probably the best sex you’d ever had…and he knew it. The last thing you remember is falling asleep with your hand on his chest and a smile on your face.
You felt rough callused fingers on one shoulder and cold metal on the other, a distant voice saying, “Wake up, darlin’. You’re havin’ a nightmare. Come on baby, wake up.” Your eyes flew open, panic washed over you, the sheets getting tangled up in your limbs as you thrashed around. Donnie was trying to calm you; he didn’t want you to hurt yourself.
“Look at me, y/n! You’re safe, it’s ok.” He said with concern.
Panting, you replied, “Donnie? You’re here.” And pulled him into an embrace.
Smiling against your shoulder, he said, “Well of course I’m here, sweetheart. Where else would I be? Can you tell me what you were dreamin’ about?”
Holding onto him tightly, you realized that you shouldn’t keep it from him anymore.
“I have to tell you something, baby.” You said in a serious tone.
You started to explain yourself, how you were the one that escaped Transigen all those years ago, about the powers you had and how you used them to manipulate your way out of the facility.
Donnie looked at you in shock, almost like he didn’t believe what you were telling him.
“No…you can’t be her. Are you messin’ with me, baby?” He asked.
“You don’t believe me, do you.” You said, sternly.
He shook his head furiously.
“Pick up your knife, Donnie.” You commanded.
When he picked up the knife, you extended your hand and cupped his cheek. Silently, you told him to hold the knife to your throat and he did.
Donnie started to panic, watching himself hold a knife to your throat scared him. It was written all over his face.
“What’s happening, y/n?!! Why am I doing this? Stop it, stop it now!!” He shouted.
You touched his cheek again, this time telling him to drop the knife. Tears streaked down your cheeks and he recoiled from you, getting up off of the bed and continuing to shake his head in disbelief like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, what he was feeling.
“I-it was like I-I wanted to stop but I couldn’t, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t put my hand down. Have you been usin’ that on me the entire time?!!!” Shouted Donnie, angrily.
Visibly upset, you replied, “NO!! I have NEVER used it on you until just now, I swear! The day I met you, I didn’t touch you at all. I can’t influence people unless I touch them.”
“But after that. You didn’t make me, ya know, feel things for you? I don’t normally develop feelings like this.” He said.
“Feelings like what, Donnie?” You asked.
“Feelings like, well, like I think I might be in love with you!” He said, his voice trembling slightly.
“Might be?” You asked.
He stepped closer to the bed again. “I’ve never been in love before, I don’t know what it feels like.”
“I’ve never manipulated you, baby. Not once. I’ve never done it to someone I actually care about, well not anymore. Before I went away, I would mess with my parents and my sister ALL the time.” You said, letting out a little laugh.
He cracked a smile but his face went serious again and he told you he needed to clear his head. You begged him not to leave but he did anyway. You couldn’t blame him, actually. That’s a lot of information to take in especially knowing what he does for a living.
He hunts people like you, children like you and brings them to a facility where they’re experimented on. Was he supposed to just forget that you’re a mutant?
You were scared that you’d never see him again…he didn’t know but you loved him too.
It was quiet the whole next day. No texts came in, no phone calls…nothing. Until later on that night, after your shower you heard a few knocks on your front door.
“Who—who’s there?” You asked with a hitch in your voice.
His slight southern drawl echoed from behind the door.
“It’s just me, darlin’.” He said.
“JUST you?” You asked.
“Of course, just me.” He said, curtly.
You unlocked the door, took the chain off and opened it. He stormed through with a look of anger all over his face.
“Why would you ask that?!” Asked Donnie.
Nervously, you replied, “I-I don’t know. It’s just—you work for them, Donnie. Your job is to bring people like me to them.”
“Sweetheart, I would NEVER bring you to them, EVER!” He said.
A deep exhale of relief escaped your lungs.
Donnie inched closer to you, the cold metal from his bionic arm touched your cheek and you didn’t flinch. It was the first time your reflexes didn’t get the best of you and didn’t retreat away from him.
“I’ve seen the others like you.” He said softly, gazing into your eyes.
You thought he just meant other mutants.
“Well yeah, Donnie. There are mutants all over that place.” You replied.
He shook his head, still holding your gaze.
“No, I don’t mean it like that. I meant the others with your…ability. They all have…” He paused.
Brushing his beard with your thumbs, you asked him, “They all have what, baby?”
“They all have…your eyes.” He whispered.
Your legs immediately started to shake and a rush of warmth moved across your chest. With sweat on your brow, Donnie immediately snaked his arms around your waist and led you over to the couch where you tried to process what he just said to you.
“What?” You asked.
“I asked around today. They’re not as powerful as you are but they were created from…your DNA. They got what they wanted from you so that’s why they never bothered to try and bring you back after you escaped.” He told you.
A wave of nausea hit you like a ton of bricks and your insides felt like they were twisted in knots.
“I never told anyone what happened to me in there because I just wanted to forget that place but we can’t leave them in there, Donnie. I have to go to the authorities or go in there myself—“ You said before he cut you off.
“Whoa, no—no, I am not lettin’ you near that place, darlin’. Absolutely not.” He said. “I will go with ya to the authorities and then we are leavin’.”
“Leaving? Where are we going?” You asked.
“Wherever ya wanna go.” He said with a wink.
He cupped your cheeks with both his human hand and his bionic hand and leaned in to kiss you.
“Donnie…are you—?” You paused, biting down on your lower lip and looking at your hands resting in your lap. “Are you really in love with me?” You asked.
“Oh I am, baby. I love you very much, y/n. So these powers of yours…what else can you make me do?” He asked with raised eyebrows.
You rested a hand on his wrist, he captured your lips again, parting them to allow his tongue to tangle with yours. His kisses were hungry and possessive.
Breaking away from the kiss, you said, “But I’m sure you wanted to do that anyway, right baby?”
“Oh I did, sweetheart. Ya know I did.” He replied.
Outside Police Headquarters
“Deep breaths, darlin’. You ready to do this?” Ask Donnie.
You nodded.
“I am but…I’m a little scared, Donnie.” You said with a crack in your voice.
He took your hand in his and replied, “Well, whatever happens, don’t let go of my hand.”
Others that might enjoy: @ilovewhiteroses @pnwdagnabbit @gijos
If I tagged you and you didn’t want to be, just let me know and I’ll never do it again. As always, thank you again for reading!
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toxicbrothel · 8 months
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f!reader x Donald Pierce (Logan 2017 villain)
I8+ Dark fic, captivity, noncon touching
A pit forms in your stomach when the nurse calls your name. It’s the same nurse you’ve observed stuffing rolls of cash into her purse, thinking no one could see her do it. Dirty money for sure, and you have a feeling you’re about to find out how she gets it. Someone is here to pick you up, supposedly to transfer you to another hospital to confirm your non-mutant status. The shady nurse takes you gently by the arm and walks you to a room with folded chairs and photography equipment scattered around. You've been through that whole process already, and being back in the room makes you uneasy. It doesn't help that the handsome man reclining in that chair doesn’t look like hospital transport at all. He’s wearing two big rings, smoking a cigarette, and has a tattoo on the front of his throat.  
“Mr. Pierce,” the nurse admonishes him. “Can you please put that out?”
He pinches out the lit end of the cigarette with his thumb and forefinger, flicks it to the floor, then raises his hands in defense. That's when you see his bionic arm. He uncrosses his legs, and the clap of his massive boot on the floor makes you jump. Now he’s manspreading with his large hands clasped in his lap.
The nurse thanks him and walks toward the exit.
“Pleasure doin’ business,” he mutters under his breath as he shamelessly checks you out. The deep, smooth voice has caught you off guard. A gold tooth sparkles from the front of his mouth. He claps his hands down on his knees and asks, “What do we got here?” as he stands up. He’s massive, towering over you. He’s wearing a black tactical vest under his long, dark leather jacket. He is sturdy, and your body reacts in a way you wish it wouldn't.
You stand in the middle of the room, helpless in a hospital gown. He clasps his hands behind his back and slowly paces in a half circle around you, his eyes eating you up like a piece of meat. “Not every day I pick up a woman,” he murmurs. “Normally, people know before adolescence if they’re a mutant. . .” 
“And I’m not,” you mumble futilely. You’re not even sure how you got on the list.
“Well, we’re gonna prove it,” he tells you. For a moment, you’re unsure if it’s a threat or reassurance, but your gut tells you it’s not a good thing. The air around him radiates violence. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go.” He extends his hand for you. When you not only don’t reach out, but also shake your head no, he loses patience and mutters, “Alright, c’mere. Damn.”
He lunges toward you, bends his knees, and uses his bionic arm to hoist you over his shoulder with much less effort than it would take with flesh and muscle. It gives you butterflies between the legs the way he does things with such ease.
“Ow,” you whimper with the crook of his metal elbow pinching your side as he carries you. 
“You’re alriiight,” he sing-songs, then reaches his non-bionic hand under your gown and stabilizes the weight with a hand on your ass, cool rings pressing into your flesh. He walks slowly toward a huge, armored vehicle. Its double back doors are already open. He nudges his thumb into your panties while he's at it, and you gasp at the feeling of him prodding your wet little hole. “Mmm,” he hums. 
“Don’t,” you whisper. He removes his thumb from your panties and hoists you off his shoulder and into the truck. There’s lab equipment, medical supplies, and a cage. Your eyes fixate on the enclosure, and your heart races. You try to back up out of the truck, but his bionic arm lets him wrangle you back with ease. You struggle as he forces you into the cage. 
Once he has you sitting still, his bionic hand around your jaw makes you look at him, only a few inches away. His gold tooth sparkles menacingly and his stare is ice cold as he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head forward. He lowers his voice. “You need to be good,” he warns.
tysm for reading! and a big ty to @clawdee for the options. 💕
Most of my fics are on main, @toxicanonymity
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Ahhhhh Boyd Holbrook characters from my favorite thirst writer! 😍
Can you please do something with a sweet Donald Pierce having a meet cute with reader? ❤️
It’s not that thirsty but I had fun with it. I hope you like it, this is my first time writing Donald.
No real warnings it’s pretty fluffy (as fluffy as you can get with Donald Pierce.)
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“What’s your name?” You pull down the bridge of your sunglasses and look up at the looming figure blocking your sun.
He’s an intimidating figure, for someone wearing black and red beach shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, with a cybernetic arm and a tattoo of a skull on his neck. “Uhm, my mom told me never to talk to strangers.” He smirks and drops in the sand beside you, you sit up and holds out the flesh hand.
“I’m Donald Pierce, see now we’re not strangers anymore.” You take his hand and it’s warm and callused, this man has done some hard labor. You tell him your name and he repeats it over and over again, your name drizzles like honey between his lips. “What are you doing later?”
“Why? Plotting to murder me? Stuff me into a freezer?” You really need to stop listening to so many murder podcasts. He laughs and plops down in the sand beside you.
“Well they do have freezers, but it wouldn’t be very clever to hide a body in such an open place as a Baskin Robbins.”
You chuckle and look down feeling a little shy with all the attention. “I-I guess I could go get an ice cream with you later. What time? I can meet you there.”
“Well I actually have no plans until four so how about I stay here and get to know you a little better before we head over to the freezer.” You laugh and he nudges your shoulder with his own, for someone so menacing he’s surprisingly charming.
You lean back on your beach towel and he lies beside you turning his head to stare at you. “Okay Donald, what do you do for a living?”
“Private security.”
It goes on and on for hours until you spend the whole day with him talking. He takes you out for ice cream and then you get to sample a whole different delight at your hotel that night. This could be the start of something, and you couldn’t wait to see where it leads.
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slasherbaby · 3 years
Slasherbaby’s Masterlist (under construction, last updated 3/4/2023)
Stranger Things
➔ Oneshots
Hit Me Baby (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson) Tumblr | AO3
Different (Eddie Munson x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
➔ Series
Easy Work (omegaverse steddie)
Munsons, not Harringtons (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson) | AO3
Domestic (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson) | AO3
Avocado (Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson) | AO3
Dead by Daylight
➔ Oneshots
Cherry Pie (Danny Johnson x afab gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Lip Service (Danny Johnson x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
Puppy Love (Danny Johnson x gender neutral reader) | Tumblr
Memories (Danny Johnson x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Love You (Danny Johnson x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Got your Tongue (Danny Johnson x afab gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Call Me (Danny Johnson x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
Zippo (Danny Johnson x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Knife Play (Danny Johnson x gender neutral reader) Tumblr
Good Boy (Danny Johnson x male reader) Tumblr | AO3
Soft & Sweet (Dwight Fairfield x female reader) Tumblr | AO3
The River (Quentin Smith, no ship) | AO3
➔ Headcanons
Frank Morrison Kinky Alphabet | Tumblr
Danny Johnson Kinky Alphabet | Tumblr
Random Danny Johnson headcanons | Tumblr
Rough Frank Morrison headcanons | Tumblr
Trans Frank Morrison headcanons | Tumblr
➔ Oneshots
After Midnight (Charles Lee Ray x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
The Collector/The Collected
➔ Oneshots
Cherry Lipgloss (Asa Emory x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
➔ Series
The Collector’s Favorite
How You Love Me (Asa Emory x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Burn (Asa Emory x gender neutral reader) Tumblr | AO3
Grishaverse/Shadow & Bone
➔ Oneshots
Quickie (Jesper Fahey x male reader) Tumblr | AO3
Death Machine
➔ Oneshots
Sugar Sugar (Jack Dante x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
Lord of the Rings
Wild Thing (Grima Wormtongue x trans male reader) Tumblr | AO3
The Old Guard
➔ Series
Omegaverse Immortal Husbands
Permanence (Yusuf Al-Kaysani x Nicolò di Genova) AO3
Burn up With the Water (Yusuf Al-Kaysani x Nicolò di Genova) AO3
Big God (Yusuf Al-Kaysani x Nicolò di Genova) AO3
Resident Evil
➔ Oneshots
Sing for your Supper (Karl Heisenberg x trans male reader) | AO3
Far Cry 5
➔ Series
Soft as a Peach
I'm Here (Jacob Seed x (oc) Jude Holliday) AO3
Habits (Jacob Seed x (oc) Jude Holliday) AO3
Love Me (Jacob Seed x (oc) Jude Holliday) AO3
Luxuria (Jacob Seed x (oc) Jude Holliday) AO3
If Things Were Different (Wheaty x (oc) Jude Holliday) AO3
Red Dead Redemption
➔ Oneshots
Ain’t Mine (gen, trans John Marston) AO3
Cyberpunk 2077
➔ Series
The Life and Death of V: Vincent Hayward
Fine Dining (V x Johnny Silverhand) AO3
Just Ride (V x Johnny Silverhand) AO3
Dirty Biz (V x Johnny Silverhand) AO3
Sweetheart (V x Johnny Silverhand) AO3
Free of Charge (V x Johnny Silverhand) AO3
Like Minds | Muderous Intent
➔ Multi Chapter Fics
A Merging (Nigel Colbie x Alex Forbes) AO3
➔ Multi Chapter Fics
Lucky (Donald Pierce x trans male reader) AO3
Alternatively, you can find all of my tumblr writing here!
My AO3 account here!
My matchups here!
And all of my WIPS here!
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thebaileybugle · 3 years
Don't Deserve You
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Pairing: Adonis Wilson (Oc) x fem!reader
Warning(s): Implied sex, nothing else other than Adonis being a great husband
A/N: A filler in the new starting series “In Unity”
Y/F/D = Your favorite drink
Y/F/C = Your favorite color
Adonis was so very bored with the conversation he was in. He was forcefully pushed by Hotch to conversate with his fellow Section Chiefs, which were just self-absorbed, woman-degrading pricks. I know what you’re thinking, Is Adonis like them? No… his mother would kill him if he spoke one word against a woman. But these men were obviously taught differently.
“...then one of my old Agents cursed out the victim… I knew straight away that I had to set her straight, I mean the female Agents always get so emotional.” Section Chief Donald Roberts, classified womanizer, and beater, and if Adonis could, the old bastard would be down a few six feet.
But unfortunately, he can’t
Completely ignoring the crude conversation, Adonis’ gaze shifted across the room until it landed on you, sitting at the bar and drinking Y/F/D. Hairstyle framing your magnificent face as always, gorgeous Y/F/C dress complementing your curves flawlessly. Make-up was done just right, not too much, not too little, perfect. The man couldn’t help but unsubtly drink in your appearance, your beauty utterly shocking him to his core, quite literally…
You were feeling very uncomfortable as this was your first FBI charity event. All these agents dressed to the nines, champagne, speeches, fake smiles, toxic bosses… ugh, you didn’t like it one bit, but Adonis seemed to be in his element talking to all of his fellow chiefs and the Directors.
You were about to order another glass of Y/F/D when you sensed someone staring at you, so you scanned around the room until you matched the gaze of piercing brown eyes. Comfort was what you felt instantly when you met his gaze.
Your husband looked at you in the most flustering way. Eyes beaming in adoration and love, his lips held a boyish smile that made you let out a chuckle. The man was about ten seconds from scooping you into his arms and capturing your lips in a kiss that would leave you breathless, right in front of everyone in the ballroom. Why not? Why not show off his Earth-shakingly stunning wife to people who wish they could have a woman like you.
An intelligent, talented, strong, gorgeous, skilled, independent woman. No one could compete.
You gave him a small smile and he almost fell to his knees right then and there. Instead, he fixed his tie and stride over to you with his usual confident and powerful strides. When I say women and men were jealous of you, Mrs. Wilson, I mean their looks could kill.
“How are you feeling, Angel? I know this isn’t exactly your scene.”
"I’m fine." You put on a fake smile not wanting to ruin his night, he could tell. You cursed Sherlock under your breath when you saw his warm smile fall into a slight frown.
"Baby, if you want to, we can leave. We can have much more fun at home. A nice glass of wine with my special New York strip and roasted potatoes. Maybe I could have dessert..."
"Oh, and what about me, Mr. Wilson." You leaned into each other, his mouth coming to your ear.
"You are the desert, my sweet, sweet Y/N." With that you groaned lightly, and he pulled back, though kept his face close to yours. His hands griped the counter on either side of you while yours went to his neck to play with the short hairs that rested there.
"I just don’t want to ruin your night Donny." You pout and he shakes his head.
"But you won’t. A night with you alone? That sounds like the best idea of fun and ecstasy I could ever ask for." It felt as if you were swept off of your feet, but with just words.
“I don’t deserve you.” You say in a whisper. Adonis chuckled and took your cheek in his warm palm.
“You’re wrong Mia Regina, I don’t deserve you.”
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rexsjaigeyes · 4 years
Just a Taste
Donald Pierce x female reader | NSFW, 18+
Words: 1,655
Warnings: a really nice blowjob and some cum eating yum (I need jesus)
A/N: This is just porn without plot, but I think a lot of my Pierce fics are gonna fit within this universe/storyline so enjoyyy
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“Y’know, I think this calls for some celebration, don’t you think?” You looked up at Donald as you spoke, quickly packing away your rifle in the meantime.
His back was turned to you, but you knew he was smiling at your words. This wasn’t your first time working with the Reavers, and this surely wasn’t your first time suggesting some alone time with their leader. You and Donald had been down this road before, always trying to fit in a quickie between missions.
You weren’t a Reaver; Rice had hired you for a one-time operation, but Donnie had taken a liking to you and hired you whenever he thought the mission required a more skilled marksman. He needed a sniper for this one, and your skills were unlike any of his men, so it was no surprise he called you for the job. It also wasn’t a surprise you were giving him that look that said you wanted a reward for your hard work.
“What kind of celebration were you thinking of?” He asked as he watched his men take away the mutants they had caught.
He turned to you, eyes twinkling with mirth and his mechanical hand clenching by his side. He loved playing these little games with you, but this was the first time you did it so openly in front of his men. Luckily, the last of them were heading to their cars, and you saw your opening.
You walked up to him and grabbed the lapels of his jacket so that you could lean up to whisper in his ear. “Well it’s hot out here in the desert, and I’m thirsty.” You ran your hands down his body, enjoying the way he looked captivated by your words and your touch.
He grinned and ran his tongue across his teeth before suggesting, “Get in the car and we can grab a drink on the way back.” You weren’t sure if he was playing coy or really offering a drink, but either way you had him where you wanted him.
“Oh no, that’s not what I’m craving,” you replied as your hands made a path down to his pants.
Donnie grunted when you palmed him through his pants, and he quickly looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching.
“They left. We’re all alone now,” you whispered seductively and unbuckled his belt. “No one will see if I just… unzip your pants and take what I want.”
He stayed still, watching you with an amused expression and eagerly waiting to see what you had planned. Smirking, you got on your knees in front of him and ran your hands up and down his stomach. Your eyes were locked onto the bulge in his pants as you licked your lips in anticipation. He still hadn’t said anything, so you took initiative and slowly unzipped his pants while biting on your bottom lip. He brushed the hair out of your eyes with one hand, his gentle touch causing your stomach to do flips.
Steadying your breath, you pulled his cock out above the waistband of his boxers. The sight of it made you salivate and you couldn’t help but let out a soft groan as you noticed a bead of precum leak from the tip. Your eyes flickered up to his face, realizing how heavy his breathing sounded as he tried to hold himself back. His willpower impressed you, but you were also enjoying how riled up he was as he waited for your next move.
Cupping his balls with one hand, you ran your other hand up and down his length, teasing him with feather-light touches. His head tilted back and you swore you heard him let out a soft gasp from the way you brushed your thumb across the tip of his cock. You took your time drinking in the sight of him, your eyes lingering on how one of his veins could be seen on the underside as he throbbed in your hand.
Not able to take your teasing any longer, he clenched his jaw and groaned, “Well? You gonna tease me all day or are you gonna use that pretty mouth of yours?”
Chuckling, you gave in to his command and stuck your tongue out so that you could lick a stripe up the tip of his cock. He shook above you, his metal hand lightly gripping your hair and the other holding your face almost lovingly. His thumb rubbed your cheek as you swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, savoring how sweetly he touched you.
Praises fell from his mouth when you finally closed your mouth around his length, taking as much of him as you could. He held your hair away from your face as you bobbed up and down on his cock, your spit dripping down his skin.
“Fuck, you’re doing such a good job, baby,” he sighed and bucked his hips slowly.
Normally, he’d be fucking you roughly by now, but you knew he was being gentle this time since you did well on the mission. You massaged his balls and willed yourself to take him deeper into your mouth, your eyes watering from the effort.
“Is this what you wanted, hm?” He muttered as his hips jerked and you bobbed your head faster. “You’re so desperate for my cock you couldn’t even wait until we left the damn desert.”
You moaned loudly around him in response, knowing how much he loved when you were vocal for him. He tugged on your hair and looked down at you. You could tell from the look on his face that his orgasm was building.
Fueled by your desire to taste his release, you sucked faster, your eyes silently begging him to cum in your mouth. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment, but then his jaw tightened and he gave you a devious look.
“Stop,” he groaned and gently pushed on your shoulders.
You furrowed your brows in confusion but pulled away from him, releasing his cock with a ‘pop’. His left hand left your shoulder and quickly worked on stroking his cock in front of your pouting lips. He grunted and pumped himself faster, getting closer to his release. Licking your lips, you leaned forward, trying to take him back into your mouth. His mechanical hand stayed firm on your shoulder, keeping you in place.
You huffed in frustration, wondering why he didn’t want you to finish him off. “Let me taste you,” you whined.
His hips bucked from the way you whined for him, and the gears in his hand whirred as he gently tilted your chin up to look at him.
“I know, baby,” he grunted and brushed the soft pad of his thumb against your bottom lip. “I’m gonna give you what you want,” he panted heavily. “I just wanted a better view.” He tapped on your bottom lip and muttered, “Open your mouth.”
He stroked himself erratically, the tip of his cock prodded your lips before you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, desperate to see him come undone in front of you.
“That’s it, good girl,” he moaned, his words of praise going straight to your core as you looked up at him with innocent eyes.
His mouth opened in pleasure, the sun glinting off his gold tooth as he threw his head back slightly. Within two more passes over his length, he was cumming on your tongue and groaning your name. The sound of your name falling from his lips made you clench, and you felt your body shake from how turned on you were. You kept your tongue out, catching almost every drop as he came undone.
He shuddered and looked down at you, a soft growl escaping his lips as he saw the evidence of his pleasure splattered on your tongue, lips, and chin. You heard the soft whir of his mechanical hand as he pushed your chin up to close your mouth.
“Swallow,” he demanded with a satisfied grin.
Without hesitation, you gulped, letting his hot load trickle down your throat and trying not to grimace from the taste. Keeping eye contact with him, your breath hitched from how gently he touched you with his metal hand. The hand that you knew was strong enough to wrap around your throat and kill you in seconds, but instead he touched you as if you were made of glass.
His thumb smeared across a stray drop of his cum on your chin, and you opened your lips to bring the cold metal into your mouth and suck it clean. You knew he couldn’t feel it, but judging by the way he raised a brow at you, he got the message. He chuckled before pulling his thumb out and caressing the side of your face.
“Jesus, baby,” he groaned, “seeing you like this is enough to make me hard again.”
He let go of your face and tucked himself back into his boxers, smirking at the way you watched him with dark eyes. As he zipped up his pants, you got up, dusting the sand off your pants where you were kneeling. He didn’t wait for you as he started walking towards his car.
“Come on,” he called over his shoulder, “If we leave now, there’ll still be time for a real celebration.” He threw you a suggestive look over his shoulder as he slid his rose-colored glasses over the bridge of his nose. “Since you did such a good job on the mission n’ all,” he added, as if he needed a reason to fuck you.
Smiling, you followed him to the car and tried not to show how much his words excited you. “Oh yeah? And what’s your idea of a celebration?”
“Well I’m thirsty too, darling,” he said with a lopsided grin, “and there’s something I’ve been waitin’ to taste for days.”
Let me know if you wanna be added to my Donald tag list!
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geniedocroe · 5 years
(eugene roe X reader)
wc: 2000
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being involved in the war was never ideal to you. however after fleeing from france to america in may of 1941, you thought you would be safe. you knew that you wanted to help people but you didn’t know how. becoming a medical assistant wasn’t your brightest idea but it would have to do. you were surprised that they even let you in the military. helping american soldiers would be your calling. you knew it was what you had to do.
when you arrived in georgia it was clear that you were the only female in your company. that terrified you. however, you didn’t have much time to fret because you were almost immediately introduced to the medic that you would be assisting. now he made you feel a little less terrified. and he had nothing against you being female. he was actually very kind.
you had followed a man into the “medic building” when you first arrived at camp toccoa. inside was a very pale man with incredibly dark hair. once he saw you, he stopped what he was doing and stood to greet you. you were intimidated at first because of how tall he was. he towered over you. you timidly stretched your hand out to shake his.
“doc, this is your new medical assistant.” the man that escorted you to the “medic building” stated. you thought he had a very funny accent. when you asked him about it, he said he was from philadelphia. you didn’t have a clue where that was but you also didn’t catch the mans name.
“thank you.” doc said to the funny accent man. the two of you watched your escort leave before doc turned to you. “my name is eugene.”
“nice to meet ya. what do you think of guarnere?”
“huh?” you looked at eugene with a dumbfounded expression.
“guarnere . . .” eugene motioned to the shrinking figure of the funny accent man.
“his name?”
“yes.” eugene gave you a quizzical look. “you aren’t american?”
“no, no. um . . . france?”
“you’re from france?”
you nodded hesitantly.
“pourquoi es-tu ici?” he asked you in perfect french.
why are you here?
“ma maison n'est plus en sécurité. ma famille a été tuée mais je me suis échappé. je suis là pour aider.”
my home isn’t safe anymore. my family was killed but i escaped. i’m here to help.
he could read the shock on your face when you realized he spoke french. he felt sorry for you. fleeing your home could never be easy.
“je suis désolé.”
i’m sorry.
“for what?” your french accent was strong as you spoke. “you did none.”
eugene’s gaze shifted to the floor. he thought you seemed nice and he was glad that you would be his assistant. he knew you wanted to help people. the soldiers of easy company were lucky to have you. both of you.
after jumping into normandy you had unfortunately lost easy company. without you they were having trouble. they were having trouble because eugene was so worried about you. every couple of minutes he was asking someone if they had seen you and the answer was always no. some soldiers had tried to reassure him but it was no use. it was like he had lost his other half.
you were not having a great time to say the least. you had landed in a tree and slashed open your leg. you quickly patched it up with shaky hands before climbing down from the huge tree. you definitely had a visible limp. a part of you knew there was scratches on your face but it didn’t hurt enough for you to care.
you felt like you had been limping around for hours when you came across someone you recognized. joe liebgott. you weren’t close with joe and you didn’t think you ever would be but you were tired of being alone. if you were being honest you were a terrified of joe. after the fight he had with the funny accent man (bill guarnere) on the boat, you strayed away from the other men.
the only other man you liked (apart from eugene) was donald malarkey. he was always very kind and there for you when you seemed uncomfortable. he had tried to get you to warm up to the other men but failed. you were very shy and perfectly fine with two men being close to you.
“flash!” liebgott whispered, pointing his gun in your direction.
“thunder!” you responded quickly. joe immediately shifted his gun to the ground.
“doc y/l/n?” he questioned.
you nodded and stepped forward hesitantly. you wished eugene was around but he wasn’t. joe was scanning you for injuries and you did the same to him.
“your leg . . . you were limping.” joe pointed out.
“i am okay.” you said slowly. everything you said in english sounded like a question because you didn’t understand the stupid language. “you . . . are not injured?”
“i’m just trying to find easy company. come with me. i think i’m getting close.”
you reluctantly followed the intimidating man. you were struggling to keep up because of your limp. besides joe was a lot bigger than you so it made sense for him to move faster. occasionally joe would glance back at you to make sure you hadn’t fallen too far behind but you never noticed him doing so. you were to wrapped up in your head.
by the time the two of you found most of easy company your leg was burning. you knew you had a gash but you didn’t know how deep it was. when you had patched yourself up the first time it had been very dark but you did the best you could. however, as you sat on the floor, pulling up the bottom of your pants you could see the blood seeping through what you had previously done. before you could even pull away your bandage, eugene came running over. he didn’t even say anything to you. he took one look at you leg and sat down next to you. your hands were already covered in blood from messing with the bandage so when he slapped yours away, the blood transferred to his own hands. little did you know that your hands wouldn’t be free of blood for a long time.
you watched as eugene quickly stitched up your leg and bandaged it back up. you winced every time the needle pierced your skin. it was a very uncomfortable feeling so you decided to focus on something else. for a minute or so your eyes followed passing soldiers. your gaze soon shifted to studying eugenes face. suddenly all the pain in your leg faded away. you never noticed how much you liked eugenes face. in some weird way it calmed you. apparently you spaced out as eugene finished applying the bandage because soon he was looking up at you. he didn’t say a word as he stated back at you until you snapped out of your daze.
“done?” you glanced down to your leg and back up to eugene’s face.
“uh . . . yeah. don’t put too much pressure on it. you might make it worse.” eugene stated, eyes still trained on your face. you gave him a puzzled look. eugene’s accent made it difficult to understand him sometimes. he often had to repeat or explain things to you. “rest.”
“medic!” someone yelled towards the two of you.
“how do i rest here?” you asked, using eugene’s arm for assistance. you knew this is how things would be. how could you rest when others need your help?
a soldier had fallen onto a sharp rock. it had pierced his abdomen. there was a large wound where flesh should have been. the other soldiers watched as you and eugene worked quickly. it put a lot of pressure on you but you did what you needed to do. in the end the soldier couldn’t be saved. knowing that you failed at saving someone’s life weighed down on you.
eugene wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you away from the corpse. blood stained your hands. nothing could take away how much guilt you felt in your gut. that soldier would never be returning home to his family and it was because you couldn’t save him. you didn’t know how eugene felt but you were sure it was the same as you.
eugene shared some words with a few other men. you trailed after him, gripping onto his arm. you were always following him around. that wasn’t anything new. when eugene spoke with bill guarnere and joe toye you shrunk back a bit. they were tough men and they scared you.
“are you okay?” guarnere asked, motioning to your leg.
you nodded slightly and hid behind eugene’s shoulder, hand still wrapped around his forearm. your small frame was completely hidden behind him. toye and guarnere gave each other an odd look before thanking eugene for whatever he had done and began to walk away. you now stood beside eugene. your hand was creeping closer and closer to his. you didn’t know if you wanted to hold it or not. why would you anyways? eugene had to have been thinking the same thing because he shook your hand off his wrist and took it into his own. the two of you shared a smile before hearing shouts for a medic once more.
war was tough. there was no doubt about that. people died everyday but it was different because now you had to save them. it had definitely taken an emotional toll on you. your heart constantly felt heavy. you didn’t know how to feel. occasionally it felt like you were back in france, trapped in a prison of your own fear. other times it felt like you were back in camp toccoa, dreaming of what life would be like without war. you couldn’t help but dream of how things would be when the war ended. where would you go? who would you know? you couldn’t even begin to imagine how difficult life would be. a part of you counted on eugene. you hoped you could go wherever he was going after the war.
eugene had realized very quickly that he was always gonna want you around. he appreciated every moment with you and honestly he knew he had fallen in love with you. every single thing about you was perfect to him. even your flaws. he loved your accent, the way you followed him around, how you could calm someone with just one touch . . . you truly were an angel.
you couldn’t help but feel the same way about eugene. he would lay down his life for a lot of people and you admired that. he did what he could to please everyone and when it wasn’t enough it was okay. he was so nice to you. he had been quick to become your friend. you truly did love him. you loved him from head to toe. and somehow . . . he knew it.
“y/n?” eugene asked, sitting down beside you.
you didn’t look your best. the events of bastogne and foy truly messed you up. every inch of you was caked in blood and dirt. nearly everything made you jump. your hands had bern shaking since guarnere and toye lost their legs. eugene placed his hands on top of your own. the shaking was driving him crazy.
“je t’aime.”
i love you.
“je t’aime aussi.”
i love you too.
the two of you shared a radiant smile. your smile had been vacant from your face for too long and eugene was glad to be the one that brought it back. he brought you back. maybe you did know what you would be doing after the war. maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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crazyfreckledginger · 6 years
Donald Pierce x Reader - “Till Death Do Us Part”
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Requested by @fanatic-fanfic:  “Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for replying to my post! It’s so hard to find Donald Pierce fanfics on here, so your page was sooo refreshing to see! I had this idea for a fanfic where Donald Pierce is hunting an OFC (Oh yes sorry! It means Original Female Character) white mutant powers, told from her perspective. And then he captures her and day in and day out he questions her and she gets experimented on and what not. (The only twist is that I don’t want them to fall in love because I want it to be that she absolutely hates him). Again thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it!"
A/N: There is no romance in this, and I hope you’re okay with the simple edit, I didn’t want to keep it too lively, I wanted to maintain the gloomy atmosphere of the pic. Also, I don’t really write first person point of view anymore but I kept it focused on the reader, hope you like it! ^^
The sound of crunching leaves was the only thing that could be heard in the obscurity. But the girl was sure that her ragged breathing as well as her thumping heart could be heard from miles away.
“Come on, come on, come on,” She mentally repeated, letting her feet guide her away from the trucks. Her irises flickered to an intense white colour, suddenly seeing in the dark perfectly. Everything that used to be black was now different shades of white and grey, she wished she could bend her life in the same way, seeing the light in the darkness. But that wasn’t the case, not after her secret was unfolded. 
Her powers were a gift -- that was what that man said when they first crossed paths. She thought he could understand her, and her hope in herself was nearly restored.
Until he stabbed her in the back, both literally and metaphorically.
She understood that the words he said to her, that he wanted her to go with him to do good for humanity, was only manipulation. He didn’t lie, he simply left out the fact that it was for ‘science’. (Y/N) despised his guts with all her being. She was toyed with, controlled by that monster.
Yet, she blamed herself for letting her guard down, could she ever forgive herself because it was out of desperation? Craving to be approved of and understood when no one else did?
Her breathing hitched as she stopped in front of a tall tree, scanning around to see if any of them had caught up with her before jumping on the trunk, escalating it with ease and shielding herself behind the thick foliage.
“Find her, don’t let her get away!” The familiar voice ordered. Her eyes closed, head tilting to the side slightly as she let her other senses take over.
She could feel the cool breeze pinch her exposed skin, the slightly pungent smell of cigarettes, guns and sweat stung her nostrils as the obnoxious, growing sound of artillery, metal and most of all, crunching leaves from the countless footsteps. 
The familiar smell of the authoritative figure made her heart drum in her ears as she stopped breathing completely.
He was standing right below her. 
Once fall move and everyone would know where she was. 
It felt like an eternity before they were out of range. She dropped down, skillfully landing on her feet with the faintest of sounds before racing through the forest, neither in their direction nor away from them. They could be anywhere and she had to be cautious. 
(Y/N) couldn’t risk anything, especially since she nearly got caught a while ago.
“What was that?” a voice asked. Her breathing hitched once again as she stopped her footing and nearly tripped to stop cease in her tracks.
“Fucking finally!” Another chuckled, she felt a hand clasp around her throat from behind as a mask was forced onto her face. Her (E/C) eyes widened, immediately ending her breathing to not give into whatever gas was being released from the mask. 
The voice cursed, before a buff figure released a blow at her stomach. She groaned loudly, breathing in sharply from the pain until she felt her throat and eyes burning. Slowly, her body fell limp against the person’s frame, eyes closing and vision blurring, until she completely collapsed and succumbed into darkness.
A strangled breath escaped her lips as she shuffled lightly. The cold heat bit into her skin as the intense neon glared down at her. Her eyelids slowly opened, blinking repeatedly due to the merciless brightness. 
She frowned, fully understanding her surroundings.
Where am I?
Her heart rate increased as if on queue.
Where was she? She was locked in, how? The girl had no recollection of past event.
The door opened suddenly. (Y/N) jumped out of her skin, how did she not see that coming?
“Well, well, you’re awake!” The familiar figure chuckles. She didn’t dare answer, “now, normally we would have a welcoming party for you, but because of all the...trouble you caused me and my men, we’ll have to skip all of that and get down to business.” He smirked.
“Who are you? And what do you want with me?” She mumbled, even though her voice was soft, the hardened expression on her face made her attitude to the situation distasteful and venomous.
“Donald Pierce, at your service,” He chuckled sarcastically, bowing mockingly. The girl gritted her teeth.
“Tch, asshole,” She grumbled under her breath.
“I don’t think you should have that kinda attitude around me doll, you don’t wanna mess with me,” His eyes glazed over, the used-to-be-pure-amusement was now disgust and suspicion, “so, for your own sake, keep that little mouth of yours shut,” The words dripped with venom, she gulped nervously, not knowing what to do.
“That’s more like it,” He smirked softly before turning on his heels and exiting the room.
“Why was I on the floor and not the bed?” She abruptly asked. Pierce stopped in his tracks, turning his head slightly to have her in his peripheral vision.
“Where would be the fun of putting you somewhere a little more comfortable?”
She growled softly, looking away from him.
“Have a nice stay,” He hummed, shutting the heavy metal door behind him.
“Come, hurry, my patience is running thin,” He snapped, pulling her arm roughly. She only whimpered in response, letting her feet being dragged behind her.
“S-stop, p-please,” Her head swayed side to side because of the dizziness.
“Just because you’re still under anaesthetic from the experiment, doesn’t mean I’m going to carry you every time, now hussle!” He replied disgruntledly, pushing her to her room as he nodded to the guard. The man obliged, unlocking the steel door and opening it.
Donald Pierce grunted as he pushed her inside, her legs giving in. She collapsed to the floor.
“You better recover before tomorrow, we don’t need more weak people in this place,” He still held the same look of disgust on his face since the first day. She gulped, yet again under his hard gaze as he slid out of her cell, his presence disappearing as the door locked shut. 
Silent gasps escaped her lips as she hugged her knees against her chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she trembled softly.
Four months, four months she had been in this hell and the tests on her by the cruel scientists only got worse as the days went by. Why were they doing this?
She couldn’t believe people would be so cruel, especially on people who were much much younger than her. A shiver taunted her, running up and down her bruised spin.
“P-please,” She could only pray now, everything else she had put her faith in had vanished over the course of her stay here. (Y/N) had become so heartbroken, she never knew she could hate a place this much -- let alone Donald, her entire being hated every single inch of them. He was a monster, a complete heartless masochist who fed off of other people’s misery.
She could only hope someone, anyone would help her escape, because she was one hundred percent sure no one would try and bring this firm to justice.  
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I Never Miss. [Donald Pierce x Reader]
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[ @labeteenmoi request: Donald Pierce / ‘I never miss.’ with smut and a badass reader.]
Warnings: NSFW. 
Note: Smutty smut smut. 
You didn’t hate mutants, in fact you probably hated everyone just the same amount – mutant or not. You were more likely to judge people on a person to person basis, but this new training program had that underlying current running within it. The more you hated mutants, the further you would get. Really, they were looking for strong people to be trained as fighters against mutant kind and you were alright with that, given that you had been looking for something like this for a while. And so, like any other person your age with a thirst for amazing combat training, you signed up. However, you soon found that you would be training alongside dozens of men. This would be fine, but given that you were particularly attractive, these men took their turn on a daily basis to try their best to win you over. Each day, one of them would make their way across the training room and try some awful line on you, only to be shot down. You weren’t interested.
Until you met a Mr Donald Pierce.
Part of your training group, Donald played along with the hungry glares of the other guys, but you knew he was different. In practice, he treated you like any other fighter. He gave as much as he could, and you enjoyed the challenge. The other men often went easy on you and allowed you to win. But not Donald. And that’s why you liked him.
 “Was that meant to hit me?” He asked, one day while you shooting at a target that he happened to walk by.
“No, if it was meant for you, you’d be dead,” you replied, smirking. “I never miss.”
“Oohwee, miss smarty pants,” he scoffed, taking up position next to you and grabbing a gun of his own. “First one to hit outside the bullseye, buys the other a drink.”
“Fine,” you agreed, lining up to take the shot. “Me first?”
“You first, sugar,” he cooed, watching as you took aim and feeling completely impressed at your technique. Just as you went to shoot, Donald knocked your hand and the bullet hit just the edge of the target.
“Are you serious?” You asked, looking to him as he smiled like a dork and shrugged his shoulders.
“You owe me a drink,” he said, winking before he shot the target right in the middle and wandered off.
Watching him walk away, you bit your lower lip while smiling slightly. You shook your head, attempting to shake any feeling that may have been developing for him.
 Catching him in the hallway, you grabbed his arm and fully caught his attention too. He shot you a smile, which made your heart beat just that little bit quicker. Together, you walked through the facility chatting about how hard training had been before you found yourself in the corridor full of dorms.
“How about that drink?” You asked, stopping at your room door and leaning against it.
“You snuck booze in?” He asked, impressed as he eyed your door.
“They hardly check my room,” you whispered, leaning close to him now. “They trust me.”
“My, oh, my, you are just full of surprises,” he chuckled, before motioning for you to open the door – which you did.
Tossing your stuff to the side, you offered Donald a seat which he gladly took, but not before watching as you bent across your bed, giving him full view of your butt – which he more than enjoyed.
“Scotch ok?” You asked, facing him with a near full bottle.
“Wow, really? I’d have never taken you for a scotch drinker,” he replied, getting comfy in his seat as you poured the drinks.
“An old friend of mine used to drink it,” you admitted, before turning to hand him his glass.
“An old boyfriend?” he asked, and you half spat your drink out.
“God no. When I said ‘old’ I meant ‘old,” you informed him, and he nodded taking a sip.
You watched as he enjoyed the alcohol, taking pleasure in the faces he was making as he savoured the taste in his mouth. Being in the training facility meant that alcohol was only available when a long break came up – this was one of those times.
“A lot of people around here like to assume things about me, because I’m a female,” you huffed, relaxing onto the edge of your bed as you pulled your legs up and crossed them under you.
“Like what?” He asked, just as something caught his eye on your pinboard. He stood up and wandered over, taking a look at it as you spoke.
“Like…I’ll be a lot weaker, or I’m not as good a shot,” you began, taking a sip between assumptions. “Oh, or that I’ll fall for just about any man who tries something with me.”
“Really?” Donald smirked, now facing you as he leaned against your dresser – his mind now totally on you, the pictures on the pin board could wait.  “The other guys have tried, huh?”
“You know they have,” you insisted, and he chuckled while looking into his glass. It almost seemed that he was embarrassed for his friend’s failed attempts.
There was a short moment of silence as you watched Donald swirl his scotch before he tossed the lot back, swallowing deeply before placing the class on the dresser and turned back to you.
“Tell me,” he began, moving across the room to bend down in front of you. Gently, he ran his fingers over your legs, slowly tickling them up over your knees before sliding them up your thighs. “Did they try this?” His eyes shot up to yours and you swallowed hard before shaking your head, remaining silent, simply taking the moment in and trying not to get too excited.
Donald smiled and slid his hands under your legs, uncrossing them and pulling them apart so that he was now kneeling between them. Hooking his hands behind your knees, he pulled you closer to the edge of the bed, as your feet touched the carpet. Kneeling up, he came face to face with you, as he looked over your face with the most charming smile you had ever seen. His eyes caught sight of the whisky glass still in your hand before he looked back to you. “How about this?” He whispered, before dunking his fingers into the Scotch only to run them over your lips, coating them in the amber drink. Seconds later, his lips took up the place his fingers had just been, as he kissed the Scotch from your lips. During the kiss, he took the glass from your hand and placed it to the side, allowing you to slide your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him further into the kiss, and onto you as you laid back.
He chuckled slightly against your mouth, while his hands gripped the hem of your shirt, pulling back to yank it off, immediately returning to your lips. The whiskey was gone, but now he craved the taste of you. Gently, you pushed him back and as you got rid of your bottoms, he quickly stripped down too before joining you on the bed, leaning over you and admiring your body as you laid back, feeling a hunger for him now. Your hands grabbed at his sides, as your eyes pleaded him to return to your lips.
Obligingly, he returned to your mouth, this time his hands getting tangled in your hair for a moment before he slid them down, his hand cupping your cheek as he pushed your head to the side, allowing him access to your neck. His lips left kisses in a neat trail from your ear, all the way down to your bellybutton before he stopped at your panties, looking up at you to smile again and you ran your hands over your breasts. With a tickle of a touch, he pulled your panties all the way down and repositioned himself between your legs again – only this time he wasn’t playing around. Donald dived right in, his tongue finding its way to your clit as he traced circles around it, being a little tender at first – but when the mixture of your taste and scent finally caught him, he went into a frenzy. His arms hooked around your thighs as he lapped at your folds, moaning as he went and enjoying your reaction even more so. However, the longer he spent down there, the more the need within you grew.
“Donald, please,” you begged, looking down at him. He brought his face up to look at you, before he returned to his former position – leaning over you.
“This what you want?” He asked, and you felt him rub the tip of his cock against your clit.
“Mhmm,” you moaned, trembling slightly at the thought.
“I don’t want to just assume, after all, baby,” he whispered and you gave him snake eyes. Before you could say another word, he glided in filling you completely and causing you to throw your hand across your mouth to stop anyone else hearing just how good he felt inside of you.
Moving slowly at first, Donald’s hips made magic as he lowered himself closer to your face, moving your hair away to get a better look at you. Quite tenderly, he kissed your cheek and pressed his forehead to you, as he groaned against you. You moaned while running your hand through his dusty blonde hair, gripping it when he moved in such a way.
Donald kissed your cheek one last time before he straightened up and picked up the pace, holding onto your hips. His dog tags bounced against his chest as he pumped, reaching for his end – which you were more than ok with.
“Don-“ you moaned, interrupted by the sensation that was pulsing through you. It wasn’t quite an orgasm- no, more like a shockwave of pleasure that felt incredible. If he had kept going, you were sure that you would come, but he came just as your sensation faded.
Falling down next to you, Donald tried to catch his breath again – his chest heaving from the workout. You needn’t worry about getting pregnant – the facility had already taken care of that in terms of birth control. The last thing they needed was a soldier down due to a baby on the way.
“I’m sorry you didn’t finish, baby,” he apologised, leaning over to kiss you. “That is usually what I’m best at.”
“It’s fine,” you breathed, as you looked into his eyes. “You can get me next time.”
“Now I definitely like the sound of that,” he replied, pulling you into another kiss as you snuggled on the bed.
This wasn’t exactly what you were expecting when you joined up for training, but you sure as hell were not going to argue with it.
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e-dubbc11 · 4 months
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I Hate Myself for Loving You
Your new job at Alkali-Transigen has you crushing on the head of security
Under the Influence
Living a low key life in Mexico, you meet Chief of Security at Alkali-Transigen, Donald Pierce. But you haven’t told him what you are, you’re afraid to.
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