#don't worry he'll be fine...maybe
marclef · 11 months
a little comic thing based off more of my writing stuff, hopefully it makes enough sense without context.
....... something of a peace treaty.
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oh, uh..... whoops.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
Donnie and Raph treat
I didn't really have anywhere to state this exactly but this is set pre-canon, Raph is 13 and Donnie is 12 here.
Raph's halfway through his workout when someone knocks on the wall outside his room. "Buzz off!" he yells.
The knocking becomes more insistent. He grits his teeth, not putting his weights down.
"Whatever it is, deal with it yourself."
"Oh Raphala," comes Donnie's voice through the curtain. "I require the assistance of my one and only older brother."
Raph sighs and puts the weight down, getting to his feet and yanking the curtain back with a snap.
"Someone better be dyin'," he says, before his eyes trail down from Donnie's face to the ziploc baggie he's holding in his hands. "...Is that hair?"
"Fur, to be precise. Rat fur." Donnie shuffles his feet. "...Splinter's fur."
Raph drags a hand down his face. "What did you do?"
"Well, I've been testing my new DNA analyzer. And Papa wouldn't give me a sample of his fur, so I thought I would procure one myself while he was taking his post-milk and cake nap, and... it would seem I... miscalculated and cut too much." He half-bows, imploringly. "I need your help to fix it."
"Yeeeaaah, this doesn't sound like my problem," says Raph, turning to go back into his room.
"Raph, wait! If Splinter finds out about this, he won't take me to the junkyard later! And I need parts for my new battleshell!"
"Still not my problem!"
"You're really going to abandon your little brother to his fate?"
"...Well, I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice: I'm telling Dad who broke his life-size Lou Jitsu cardboard cutout."
Raph whirls on him. "You swore to secrecy!"
Donnie crosses his arms. "That was before you turned me away in my hour of need, brother."
"...Argh, fine!" Raph waves Donnie forward. "Let's see the damage."
Immediately, Donnie is smiling. "Thank you for your cooperation."
Raph follows him to where Splinter is asleep in his chair, his snores echoing through the room. On his forehead is a very noticeable bald patch, jagged and uneven from Donnie's hack job.
"Why did you need to get so much!?" hisses Raph, voice low.
"I wanted to run several tests," Donnie answers, doing a terrible job at volume control. Thankfully, Splinter is too deep under to rouse at that.
"You couldn't just take it from his back!?"
Donnie holds up a finger and opens his mouth, then seems to think it over. Raph watches the gears turn, impatient.
"...An excellent suggestion that I'll remember for the future."
"Fine, whatever." Raph rubs at his temple, trying to think of a solution. He's too young for the wrinkles he's already getting. "Look, just... go to Mikey's room and grab some duct tape, then go to the bathroom and get that fancy hair gel Pops says he's saving for a special occasion."
"Duct tape, hair gel. Got it."
Donnie retrieves the items quickly enough, and Raph puts his plan into action. He folds the tape in a circle and presses it gently to the bald patch on Splinter's forehead, careful not to wake him. Then he sticks all the fur he can onto the tape. It doesn't all stick, but enough does that the spot is... mostly covered. Then he uses the hair gel to slick all the hair on Splinter's head down, so it's laying flat to match the taped part.
"There," he says when he steps back to admire his work. "It looks, uh... good?"
"I guess... it's not obvious... from a distance," says Donnie, uncertain.
"Look, it's just gonna have to work, because-"
"Mmwah... Purple? Red?"
Raph and Donnie both jump as their father wakes up, looking at them both suspiciously. "Why does my forehead feel... wet?"
"Oh, that's, uh... Donnie and I were just... givin' you a makeover!" says Raph quickly.
"What? Is that what we're going wi-" Raph elbows him quick in the side, and Donnie hisses a breath in before standing straighter and nodding. "Ah, yes! A makeover. That is definitely what we were doing, no ulterior motives here."
Splinter looks between them, his suspicion still evident. "A makeover...?"
"Uh, yeah!" Raph casts his gaze around, then grabs the first reflective surface he sees - an old hubcap they were using as a frisbee the other day. He lifts it, holding it out for Splinter. "See? Looks great!"
"Hmmm..." Splinter leans in, tilting his head this way and that in the improvised mirror. Raph holds his breath, and he can feel Donnie doing the same next to him.
"...Ahhh, I see!" says Splinter at last, grinning, and Raph sinks in relief. "I look even more handsome now. Thank you, sweet boys!"
"Heh, glad you like it, Pops!"
"I like it very much. I will look veeery spiffy for our trip to the junkyard." He looks at Donnie, still grinning as he tosses the hubcap aside. "Speaking of, I'll be ready to go soon, Purple."
"Yessss," says Donnie, doing some happy wiggles with his hands. Splinter nods at both of them, then hopes down from his chair and heads toward his room.
Raph watches until he's gone, then lets out a sigh of relief. "Can't believe he bought tha- oof."
He's cut off by Donnie suddenly throwing himself against his plastron, arms wrapping around him as much as possible. Raph can't help the rush of surprise at the gesture; Donnie hugs are rarer and rarer these days.
It's nice. Raph wraps his arms around Donnie and gives him a quick squeeze, only as tight as Donnie will allow, and thinks that maybe he doesn't mind helping him.
(In the end, his little brothers have him wrapped around their fingers.)
"Thanks, Raph," says Donnie when he lets go.
"Heh, yeah, yeah, just don't do it again." Raph shakes his head at him.
"I won't," says Donnie, and Raph knows that's absolutely a lie but doesn't call him on it. He glances back in the direction their dad went, and grimaces. "What are we going to do when he showers, though?"
"Let's just hope he forgets about this by then..."
It's the next morning when Splinter walks into the kitchen, still a bit damp from his shower and wearing one of his fluffier robes. Leo snorts as soon as he catches sight of their dad, bits of his frosted flakes spraying the counter.
"I didn't know rats got receding hairlines," he says, and Splinter glares up at him from the floor.
"What are you talking about, Blue?"
"I'm talking about your bad combover job," Leo says, his grin huge. "Come on, Dad, we're all bald, just own it."
Splinter frowns at him, reaching up to touch his head. "You are talking nonsense, Blue. I am not... not..."
He freezes when he touches the bald patch. Raph catches Donnie's eyes, but luckily Leo and Mikey are too busy looking at Splinter to notice their expressions.
"What... what has happened to my hair!?" Splinter yells, before running back out of the room. Leo cackles after him, and Mikey joins in with laughs of his own.
Donnie and Raph look at each other again, then both decide to become very interested in their cereal.
"BLUE!" Splinter comes back into the room like a whirlwind, leaping onto the table and smacking Leo across the wrists with his tail ("Ow!"). "What did you do to my hair!?"
"I didn't do anything!" Leo protests, but Splinter isn't having it.
"This is not a funny prank! You are grounded!"
"What!? But I really didn't do it!"
"No comics, no TV, no going to the surface!" Splinter continues, ignoring his pleas. "Not until my hair grows back!"
He storms out of the room, and Leo gets up and scrambles after him, continuing to protest his innocence.
Donnie crams one more big bite of his Cheerios into his mouth before looking at his bare wrist and saying, "Oh geez, is that the time? I have to go do something somewhere that isn't here." Then he flees the kitchen.
Mikey looks in the direction Leo and Splinter went. Then he looks in the direction Donnie went. Then he looks at Raph.
Raph sighs.
"There's ten bucks in my teddy bear stash."
"Thank you!" says Mikey in a sing-song, hopping off his stool and disappearing toward their bedrooms.
Raph runs his hands over his face.
Definitely wrapped around their fingers.
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 4: Fake Dating] Fidelity
This is from the Comic!Hob x Show!Dream and Comic!Dream x Show!Hob AU, inspired by @alexxuun 's art. I'm interpreting 'fake dating' to mean miscommunication between 3 parties, where one thinks that the other two are dating, but they're really not.
This is the continuation of (and the actual happy ending I imagined for) The Burning House (AO3 | tumblr).
CW: Comic!Hob being mean, angst (heartache) with a happy ending.
Dream watches Hob, his Hob, the one he has been in love with for a long time, walk away and close the door behind him.
And he cannot, he cannot...
Dream of the Endless does not need to breathe, but he thinks he might be hyperventilating.
"You okay, sweetheart?"
He flinches and shakes off the hand that the other Hob has placed upon his shoulder. "Do not call me that."
"Do not call you--" This Hob, the other, more arrogant one, who does not look like his Hob at all, laughs in his face. "So, what, now that your Hob is back, you're just throwing me away?"
Dream raises his chin. "It was your decision to stay. Not mine."
And it was. He had said and done nothing to convince this Hob to stay or leave. He had still been reeling from the feeling of his Hob suddenly disappearing from this universe, and he had been waiting by the portal that appeared, hoping against hope that his Hob would return to him.
And every second the portal remained open and his Hob isn't stepping through made him think, 'Have I not suffered enough? Am I fated to lose everyone I love?'
Hob, the one constant in his life for 600 years, suddenly taken from him. Not by his sister, but by the universe itself. He had been unable to withstand it.
And then this Hob came and swooped him up. Promising to stay. And Dream, heartbroken beyond fixing, allowed him to touch and to do to him what he wanted his Hob to do to him. He had been held and kissed, and he had received the other Hob's touches like a lifeless doll.
And then his Hob returned.
Returned and seen, misunderstood and left.
Dream cannot take any more heartbreak. He doesn't think he has enough of his heart left to break, but apparently, there are still large enough shards to be crushed under a heel and ground to dust.
This Hob, the other one, the one he does not even love, has a cruel smile on his face. "Fucking typical behavior from a Dream of the Endless," he says, his even teeth bared like fangs. "You're a real piece of work, you know that? You, and the one from my universe."
"You should leave," Dream says.
"And go where?" This Hob asks. "Do you see a portal back to my universe anywhere, sweetheart? Can you conjure one up? You seem pretty helpless awhile ago, looking at the portal like a heartsick maiden waiting for her one true love to come back from the sea."
"The rest of the world is wide enough, is it not?" Dream says. "And if you and my Hob have a similar history, then you must have also sailed around the world in the 1700s."
This Hob snorts. "'My Hob,'" he repeats mockingly. "He's not yours, Dream. Weren't you paying attention? He thinks we're together now."
"And yet we are not."
"You know, this reminds me of when we met in the 1800s, when you claimed you weren't lonely. Well, newsflash, Dream of the Endless, you're so fucking lonely that any Hob would do for you. If my counterpart had not returned, you would have happily spread your legs for me and wept so prettily while crying my name."
Never. Dream would have wept, but he would not have accepted another Hob that isn't his into his body. "An eventuality that will not happen," he says, "since my Hob has returned to me."
This Hob shakes his head, chuckling. "Again with the 'my Hob.' He's not yours, darling. And having seen him for myself, seeing how he looked at us, I know he's never going to take you back. I wouldn't, if I were him. And," this Hob pretends to think about it before he snaps his fingers as if he just remembered something. "Oh yeah. I am him."
"He is not you," Dream says, though he feels himself wavering. The two Hobs might not be the same person, but they still have a similar enough history. Would Dream be able to claim he knows his Hob better than Hob's own counterpart in another universe? "I will...I will talk to him." He will do anything for Hob to look at him again without heartbreak clear in his beloved brown eyes.
This Hob looks at him derisively. "You? Talk about feelings? Not exactly your strong suit, but alright. I'll wish you luck with that, sweetheart." He smiles savagely. "You'll need it."
Dream looks away from him and stands up, not bothering to smooth out his wrinkled clothes and instead just uses his sand to do it for him. A second later, his clothes looked impeccable once more. "You should go, Robert."
"You sure you don't want me to stay and offer you a pity fuck when my counterpart eventually throws your feelings back in your face?"
Dream ignores him and walks down the same path his Hob took and goes down to the Inn.
"That was quick," was what his Hob says the moment he spots Dream sit down on one of the barstools. He says nothing else and goes back to repairing the beer tap.
"Hold on, I need to concentrate on this for a bit or it's gonna spew beer all over the counter."
Dream obeys and watches him fiddle and tinker with the thing in silence. It looks pretty old by modern standards, but Hob still handles it with care.
Just like he handles everything with care.
Dream watches Hob's handsome features, brows furrowed in deep concentration, his rough, capable hands and the muscles on his forearms, the width of his chest and the lock of hair falling down his face...
Hob does not see, but Dream's hands are slightly shaking. He is terrified that anything he says will push Hob further away from him.
That he has all the words in the English language available to him would mean nothing if he cannot put them in the right order to make Hob understand that it's only him for Dream.
He needs to be honest. State his feelings clearly and earnestly so that when his words reach Hob, he will feel the sincerity in Dream's words.
He needs to be brave, even when he's fucking terrified. He thinks inanely that walking through hell isn't half as difficult compared to this.
Hob is sticking his tongue out a little as he concentrates on turning a bolt, spanner in hand, and it draws Dream's eyes to his tongue, then to his lips.
It looks redder than usual.
Dream's nostrils flare in anger as he catches the feeling of something other that clings to Hob's lips like a miasma.
Had the other Dream..? Had he dared--
But of course he did. Dream could not think of anyone who would let his Hob go unkissed. And were he braver and more honest, he himself would not have let Hob depart in 1789 without kissing him senseless. He should have. He had thought of little else ever since Hob came to his defense. It had rained flower petals in the Dreaming for an entire decade. Jessamy had said nothing, but if ravens could smile, she would have worn a shit-eating grin on her face. Mervyn certainly did, while Lucienne had the best poker face of them all.
"Alright," Hob says, a few minutes later, when the beer tap looks in a slightly better condition and he had asked the bartender to call for an actual professional to either do longer lasting repair work, or advise them on the technicalities were they to upgrade to something more modern. "You wanted to talk?" Like his counterpart, his Hob sounds dubious about Dream's conversational skills.
"I will try," Dream says honestly. At least Hob knows not to expect much from him. It's a little disheartening, but Dream hopes it would mean that Hob would forgive him if he comes across like a bumbling fool rather than the actual Prince of Stories. "But before anything else, I would like you to know that you are the one I am in love with."
Hob trips a little on his way to sit on the barstool next to Dream's. It would have been funny had Dream not felt so desperate. "What? But...but you and the other me..."
Dream shakes his head. "I thought you were never coming back," he says, tears once again brimming from his eyes at the thought of Hob being gone from him forever. "I thought...The other you said..."
Hob clenches his fists. "What did he say? That I'm never coming back for you? Is that what he said?"
Dream hesitates, then nods miserably. "He said that you would not want to return because of how I treated you, and that you would pick any other Dream other than me. That I had been too cruel."
The other Hob said many other things, but that was the one that stings the most. The one that hits too close to home.
But Hob is seething in his seat, a coiled snake about to strike. "I'll kill him," he says. "I'll fucking kill him for saying that shit to you." He looks like he's going to get up and leave Dream to do just that to the other Hob, so Dream darts a hand out and squeezes Hob's hand in his.
Hob freezes at the touch, and Dream realizes that this is the first time in 600 years that the two of them had skin-to-skin contact. Hob is looking at their joined hands in shock and wonder. "Dream..."
"Stay with me," Dream says. Pleads.
"Alright," Hob says easily. He sits back down and intertwines their fingers, as if he's afraid that now that Dream has gotten him to stay, he's going to let go of Hob's hand. If it were up to Dream, he'll hold Hob's hand forever and never let go again. "Alright," Hob repeats. "He can live for one more day."
Dream huffs a laugh at the unexpected statement. "You should not kill yourself."
Hob scrunches his nose at how strange the sentence sounds in this context. "Trust me, Dream, if it's that bastard, I'm sure killing myself would feel cathartic."
Dream looks down and huffs a laugh again. He'd laugh a full-bellied laugh if it were just him and Hob in the room, but as it was, he'd rather not frighten both the employees and the customers of the New Inn.
Hob is smiling fondly at him when he looks back up, then clears his throat awkwardly when their eyes meet. "So. Just to be absolutely, perfectly clear on this, you definitely, definitely prefer me over that asshole?"
Dream nods shyly. His heart feels like it's beating too loudly that Hob must hear it. Or at least feel its frantic beat against their intertwined fingers.
He must be courageous and speak his mind. Hob will appreciate it. Hob has always been truthful to him, even at his worst. "It's not just prefer, I'm afraid," he says, slowly and carefully. He wants his words to convey the depth of feeling he has for this man. "I have been in love with you since the 1600s, longed for you the entire time I was imprisoned, especially on the day we were supposed to meet in 1989, but I only realized that it was love I felt for you when I saw you again in 2022, beautiful and waiting for me."
"Fuck, Dream." Hob tightens his hold on his hand. "You can't say things like that and expect me not to kiss you."
Dream unconsciously licks his lips and sees Hob watch the flick of his tongue with avid interest. Fortune favors the bold. "Kiss me."
'Please. I long to feel your body against mine and bask in the warm sunlight of your soul.'
Hob sways forward, but hesitates at the last second. "You're absolutely sure it's me you want?"
"Hob," Dream says, already leaning forward himself to lessen the distance between them. "You, this you, are the only one I have ever loved."
Hob makes a wounded noise and leans the last bit forward to capture Dream's lips in a perfect kiss. Dream kisses him back with all the passion he feels, and perhaps it is a bit too desperate for their first kiss, but he cannot be expected to hold back now. He wants this, has needed this, ever since he saw Hob again after his imprisonment.
Someone wolf-whistles in the background, and Dream realizes that they are still in the Inn. Hob moves as if to break the kiss and Dream whines, gripping Hob's coat tighter.
Not yet. He can't let go of Hob's lips just yet.
Hob calms and returns to kissing him back, and pulls Dream closer to him until they're both just standing in between the two barstools, lips locked like a pair of lovers who have been separated for far too long.
They'll be fine. It's not like anyone would kick Hob out since he owns the place, and Dream doesn't think Hob would let anyone kick Dream out. And besides, they deserve this. It's been a long time coming.
They kiss until Hob has to lean away to take a much needed breath of air, and once that's done, he leans in to kiss Dream again.
They kiss until Dream is satisfied that the other Dream's taste is gone from Hob's lips, until the two of them are wholly each other's Dream and Hob again, as it should be.
"I love you," Dream says. He does not know how much time has passed since they started kissing, but his lips are tingling pleasantly, and his heart feels lighter than it ever has in centuries.
"And I you," Hob says against his lips. There are tears in his eyes as he says this, and Dream leans up to kiss them away. "Gods, Dream, I think I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you."
Dream knows he does not deserve this wonderful man, but he's working on becoming someone who does. He's going to make Hob the happiest person in the world. "I apologize if I took too long to return your regard. I--"
Hob laughs and interrupts him with a quick peck. "Hey, none of that. We both got here in the end, didn't we?"
"We did," Dream says. He could not bear to think otherwise. He kisses Hob again to banish any remaining negative thoughts and doubts, and Hob happily returns his kiss.
Hob, his Hob, has chosen to return and come back to him. And Dream chooses him as well. No other Hob would do.
They are both right where they should be.
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ghostie-gengar · 1 year
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i drew N ibuprofen on the windowsill at school
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captainclickycat · 16 days
Sure, you might find it annoying when your newly adopted Little Bastard keeps hurtling around the room at breakneck speed attacking everything in sight (including you), but the really troubling moment is when everything suddenly goes quiet.
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whatacartouchebag · 1 year
Oh hey, long time no words, so to make up for it, have a heaping helping of a certain witch being a bit of a silly muffin as he trips over his own caution and self-preservation, and absolutely refuses to and does not think about how a certain someone is confusing him to no end by being utterly wonderful and kind ♥
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franeridan · 10 months
nearly done with my op reread and for the longest time my theory was that the d marked the descendants of the people native of the island that eight hundred years ago fought the twenty nations, but rereading the part about lili I thought maybe it's more lax and it marks everyone who opposed the current government in general, not just those from the island - she was the queen of one of the twenty kingdoms after all, and imu didn't seem to know the nefertaris had a d in the name as well, but before the war there would have been no reason to hide it? so i think it's something they added to their names later, maybe to recognise each other as allies? or something? the kozuki were obviously allied too and don't have a d though, so I can't say this theory makes a hundred percent sense. also i find interesting how law is hiding the water part of his name too together with the d, i wonder if that has any further meaning? another interesting thing is that there seems to have been some form of prophecy or prediction about what's currently happening in the manga, since oden knew he had to wait twenty years and the sea monsters in the oden flashback on fishmen island were talking about it too... maybe a prediction about a war? since oden wanted to unleash pluton. I wonder what exactly they found out on laugh tale that made them all laugh when the events the wg is keeping secret seem to be this tragic... also, i think i never even noticed during my first readthrough of egghead but there's someone offshore with blackbeard's flag? a small boat, it seems, but I think atm we know all blackbeard pirates are either on the pirate island or fighting against the hearts (;;;) so I wonder who exactly that is? also, I didn't catch this either first time around but I feel like the germa might just be heading there as well right now lmao the thing with kuma returning to mariejois happening so soon after vp talked about the ancient robot attacking mariejois and no one knowing why is also suspicious to me, I wonder if vegpunk used data from that robot to turn kuma into a cyborg and that's tied to why he returned there for apparently no reason...?? anyway I thought rereading would help me clear up some questions but instead it left me with even more kkkk should have figured
#I'm about ten chapters away from the latest one im so sad#im also sad cause i just saw kidd and law lose once again but that's beside the point maybe#luffy is headed to elbaph next i wonder if he'll find kidd there...#i love shanks sm and i get why he protected his own but i love kidds crew i hope they're okay 😢😢😢😢#the hearts too but i trust the hearts will be back#bc the manga used the word destroyed for kidd and defeated for the hearts#defeated sounds a bit less........ definitive#and also cause we know at least bepo and law are fine and bepo said to trust the crew to be fine too so#i don't think oda would be that big of a bastard#maybe blackbeard took them hostage hoping for law to be back since he obviously wanted the ope ope fruit?#maybe theyre with pudding now and they'll help her escape#maybe i need to stop setting myself up for disappointment lmao#but yes i trust the hearts to be back for now but im worried about the kidd pirates ;;;;;;#i hope shanks didn't kill them kidd had just become one of luffy's friends 😭😭#also hoping garp didn't actually die but that's........like............... hoping in a delusional sort of way yk#on punk hazard kuzan told smoker to trust that his sense of justice is still intact#and i sorta like kuzan's morals tbh so i trust he knows what he's doing when he stands between blackbeard's crew#i just hope he won't regret it yk? man just maybe killed his life techer for this i hope this is worth it for him#also straight up i just don't want luffy to lose someone else like straight up my son doesn't deserve this#and dragon doesn't either!!!#i love dragon so much........i hope he'll be luffy-relevant soon..........
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mister13eyond · 2 years
still relationship ranting forgive me (it's all positive, more or less?)
it's also why it is really funny to me that people constantly talk about like 'i want to be in a relationship but i don't want [one specific part]' and it's like
you can just... you can just NOT do that part, then.
you can NOT cohabitate, if you think living with someone would take away your comfort with your living situation. you can not have sex if you don't want to have sex. you can use or not use any label, you can use or not use any terms of affection, you can choose your level of consistent contact you can choose your level of physical affection you can choose whether you want to make any long-term decisions like pets or marriage or children. you can choose whether you want to be exclusive or monogamous, you can choose whether you have multiple people involved, you can choose whether you make plans now or talk it out later, you can have an ongoing, long-term conversation where you check in periodically to see if anything has changed or if you want to change something.
like! i know the cishets tell us 'you fall in love with ONE person and you will KNOW when you are in love and you will ONLY ever love them FOREVER unless you FALL OUT OF LOVE and then you will be DOOMED TO A TRAGIC BREAKUP OR CHEATING'
but like in my personal experience... it's more like.... 'you will meet someone and you will feel like you are really connected to them and you get along well and you are attracted to them. you can then either nurture that feeling by spending more time together and testing out whether your initial connection is sustainable or you can let it pass through you and simply let things go wherever they go. then you can tell them how you feel, talk about what you think you'd like or not like, decide whether you want to prioritize your relationship and your time together over other, more casual connections in your life, and try it out. and you can talk about this any time something feels off. and you're not going to fall out of love spontaneously and for no reason when you were happy before; most of the time you'll notice that there's more distance between you and you're not as close or communicative as you were previously pretty early along that path. and you can THEN decide whether you want to say 'hey let's do more things together to help us bond and feel close and open up to each other' or you can say 'i think we've probably changed in a way where we're no longer on the same page with our relationship, do you want to figure out what we both need and adjust accordingly?'
which is like. it sounds so sterile and clinical but it's actually GREAT? feelings aren't this great big overpowering beast that you cannot wrangle; love is not a thing that will just spontaneously stop one day despite your desperate desire to still feel it. the more time you spend with someone and the more you support each other, the closer you will feel. the less time you spend and the less you support each other's needs, the further you will drift. you can 100% grow that garden to your own specifications and you can simply choose not to include sex or cohabitation or monogamy or labels or WHATEVER else and it's great because it's YOUR garden.
there is no one hard definition for any relationship and there is no one specific way to have a relationship. it's literally just seeing what feels right and then describing it in whatever terms feel right.
#like idk sometimes i think i sound incomprehensible#but also i've been with one partner for 13 years now and we have changed IMMENSELY as people#and every time there were points where we didn't feel close or comfortable we just like#figured out what we needed or wanted and talked about how to do it best#and the entire reason i'm with my other partner to begin with#is that he and i have REMARKABLY similar feelings about relationships and we could have a long ongoing conversation about comfort levels-#and boundaries and what he wanted out of a relationship#and that lack of pressure let him actually feel comfortable enough with me to explore relationship aspects he had felt super uncomfortable#with previously#and also the entire conversation is STILL ONGOING and Will be In Perpetuity#there might come a time when he wants to change something or he no longer wants the same things out of a relationship!#there might come a time when he needs to pull back and can't give as much time or emotional closeness!#i don't think he has to Love Me Forever but as long as he WANTS to do this and feels GOOD doing it then#i'm enjoying myself!#and if there comes a point where he doesn't we can figure out what to do#maybe we'll just need to redefine things or maybe we'll need to change something like how much time we spend together#or maybe he'll need something from someone who isn't me or maybe he'll find#that he grows close to someone else and is more comfortable in a monogamous relationship with THEM#it's fine? it's not a worry because i trust him to tell me#i like him and i know he cares about me enough to communicate and to check in#god it's 5pm and i'm ranting again#slaps my hands off the keyboard#anyways love is actually great and good and fun and if you find a person who communicates and works well with you#then you'll figure it out together#it may take time but you'll figure it out!#loong post#long post#long tags#personal#relationships
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eorzeashan · 2 years
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Eight: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Lana: That doesn't mean you don't have to tell us!
Eight rebels against Lana part 285476, continued...why does this look like that one meme where you stare at the tiddies. Theron you're distracted
He really does do whatever he wants, again! Show up 3 hours late with Kybucks Coffee, Lana is 2 seconds from grabbing him by the collar and shaking him, I swear. No Context King.
He doesn't like to explain if a) he gets to annoy a superior and b) it doesn't feel life-threatening so this happens often. it might have something to do with how he doesn't think twice about others concern for him if they're more in the vein of using him for his skills too, so there's that.
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Also, he picked Kaliyo to go into the Spire because he knows her best. I was surprised she made it 3 levels away from the goal, which was way better than Jorgan's record for all my other runs, so you can imagine how pissed Eight was when Jorgan didn't even wait 3 seconds to charge in and potentially ruin everything when he told him to let Kaliyo handle it.
He's also not a big fan of being talked down to as if he did that on purpose and immediate disobeying of orders. That kind of thing gets operatives killed, despite his own record, so he feels a bit strongly about that. There's no way he'd show it, but when Aric comes back he's gonna turn that on him for disappearing for 48 hours when he only disappeared for three.
Not pictured offscreen: Eight patiently waiting for Aric to come back so he can judo flip him into the cold hard ground.
He won't hold it against him after because he's not a revenge person unless it's incredibly drastic and personal, but that's exactly why he doles out beatdowns instead of verbal punishment, lol.
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sparky-is-spiders · 25 days
I don't think I'm going to get today's prompt out on time either. Sorry guys...
I can offer a snippet instead?
Warnings for:
Dissociation (Jon is. Jon is really really out of it.)
Mild mention of blood (he has a giant bleeding chest injury the entire time)
There's one line that could be interpreted as suicidal ideation.
Drifting, close to drifting, but not there yet. The pain is too sharp. It sits heavy over his heart. The world around him is a distant mirage, faded into nothing in the face of his injury. It has devoured all his perception. He doesn't understand why it won't fade away too. Surely it should kill him? Surely he should go numb to it too? Surely he should at least pass out? From very far away, there is a sound. Or perhaps the shape of one? Everything hurts. There is something warm on his cheek. (blood without slickness, the only thing that wasn't pain). Everything hurts. There are words too, maybe, but they are soon lost to him utterly. Everything hurts. And finally, singing above the pain and the warmth and the words that might not be, the knowledge that true eyes are upon him now; that he is Seen, and Known, and now he can finally rest. Jon slips away again.
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skrunksthatwunk · 10 months
ranting for like an hour with my roommate about rascal's owner bc i do not understand her behavior (<- furious).
#like ur fine with letting us (basically strangers) take him for weeks at a time with little communication but you still call him your son??#you leave him alone with your physically abusive roommate (knowing what she does to him) all day and still he's your son?#you tell everyone you and roommate are the dysfunctional/deadbeat/abusive parents and we're the loving foster parents and you feel no shame#you dont try to change this? you don't take him to a shelter or clean up your act or change roommates at all???#and yet you still act like he means something to you when the only time he is cared for is when he's in our home#he is a sweet little boy who you took in on purpose and chose to keep and choose to keep every day#and you're fine with dumping him on us for weeks only seeing him for minutes at a time and now youre gonna take him home over break to get#him used to your pets?? like you want to keep him???#i feel like ive been played for a sucker. like yes i inserted myself in this mess and i feel idk like. arrogant? for judging her#but at the same time i can't look at her roommate locking him in a dark closet full of his own shit or waving a taser at him or throwing hi#across the room ('look' metaphorically; i was told afterwards and they acted like it was funny) and go#yeah well. maybe we're all bad parents. YOU LEAVE HIM WITH HER? ON PURPOSE. EVERY DAY FOR MANY HOURS#like im glad to take care of him i will and am doing it for free i love him dearly. but watching her come back for him like it doesn't#matter that shes been gone this whole time and like it doesn't matter who he's with or how they treat him after we mop his shit up for week#like goddamn. ive been doing you a favor haven't i.#ive been a free cat nanny and at the end of the day he'll go right back into that shitcloset. and you won't bat an eye.#it's worth it to get him out of there even if im being taken advantage of but i fucking still don't like it#but im worried that if i confront her she'll take him back for good. aughh Hes Literally Not My Cat I Don't Have Any Right To Take Him#But He Needs Somebody Who Can Take Care Of Him. and im not even sure that person's me but fucking. at least i try#at least i give a shit about how he is and spend time with him and be patient with him and. god. i need to pack im stopping here#it makes me mad okay. he deserves so so much and they give him nothing. like i can't understand getting a kid/pet on purpose and not even#trying to understand or care for them or even Resenting them. theyre innocent and they need you. they're yours. be theirs. but seeing it in#person and having this stupid fucking mental custody battle is just. really frustrating and disheartening.#im going to go kiss babycat on the forehead now. fucks sake#edit day after but i went off about this to my mom and she pointed out that his owner kinda put her roommate in that situation too#like her behavior toward rascal is unacceptable but shit she Didnt Want A Kitten In Her Room#and shes probably the one who has to take care of him. at least we opted into this#like if my roommate got a high maintenance pet who fucking bites me all the time that i didnt like without asking and then made me take care#of it alone all the damn time In My Room bc it's a dorm so you can't escape like shit id be pissed too#and the owner just foisting him off on whoever not giving a shit about whose care he's in or how good it is like.
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Never really fit back in
aside part 1
(Stories that I just can't get out of my head but don't forget in main plot)
Damian and Danny act like feral fucking cats thrown into an enclosed room together. The others have learned quickly that the boys CAN NOT be left in a room alone together or they'll both end up bloody and bruised. Well Danny will end up blood and Damian will end up bruised. But! If someone else is in the room they are the sweetest brothers to each other. Laughing, jokingly, hell Damian smiles, but once they're alone all hell breaks loose.
It's worse than when Damian used to try and kill Tim. At least then he at least tried to be sneaky about it but with Danny? No, Damian will walk up to Danny and just stab him for no other reason than he can and Danny, Danny just laughs and takes the blade saying something like "it's in me so it's mine now" then going to throw Damian in a choke hold.
At first the family was worried and confused because why the fuck are they so aggressive towards each other?? Yeah the bats all stalked Danny, yeah the bats were almost about to destroy the Masters and Fentons but that's supposedly water under the bridge now. Danny said he wasn't mad at least, he just wanted to spend time with his brother again. SO WHY WE'RE THEY ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER??
Dick was the first to see this happen. Dick was with the boys, Danny and him making stupid jokes, Damian groaning, and they'd laugh. Then he left to grab snacks. Only to run back when he heard something crash, in the 5 minutes he was gone, Danny was impaled with a sword, with multiple batarangs sticking out of him! One was even in his eye!! Damian wasn't looking any better, black eye, split lip, bloody nose, and beaten to hell while Danny held him by the throat dangling him above the ground. Dick screamed and went to pull the boys away from each other which Danny allowed easily. When he asked WHY?? the boys only shrugged. Then began to argue about who kept the sword. Danny says it was in him so he should keep it and Damian saying it's his sword. Dick looked at the both of them and sighed taking the weapons for himself much to the protest of the boys. Now he had a head ache and a long conversation to have later.
Bruce almost had a stroke when he was told about it. He nearly fainted when he did see it for himself. HIS BOYS FOUGHT LIKE THEY WERE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER. So now they couldn't be left alone together someone always had to make sure they didn't kill each other during their visits. Which is fine the Master's Manor was much more suited for their fights anyways hell maybe they could have their mother come watch them fight. It's been a long time since Danny has seen their mother after all.
The reason: That's the only way they know how to act together. They trained together when they were small and it's still just habit. Plus now that Damian knows none of his weapons can really kill Danny he goes all out to stay sharp, to Danny this is just ghost bonding. Ghosts do love fighting after all. Maybe one day he'll actually go full strength on Damian just for fun, just to see how his weaker, still mostly mortal brother will react. After all none of the bats have ever fought him in his ghost form.
Damian and Danny being left alone for 5 minutes:
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yeyinde · 4 months
Ghost has a thing for fucking you when you're asleep—
(—and maybe one day he'll get around to telling you about it, too.)
noncon/dubcon somnophilia. spit kink. brief anal.
He likes you like this. When you're soft, pliant. A malleable little doll under his hands that he can shape to his will. Bend.
You're so small compared to him. Tiny. The difference unmoors the chains keeping his vile, nasty urges at bay, until they spool—horrific and depraved—around him. Unleashes the need in the back of his head that screams, howls, and tells him to own, possess. Claim.
Ruin you—
And you belong to him. Everything. Every part of you is his, down to your goddamn marrow. Your bones are marked with his name, false starts carved into milky bones.
he doesn't really see the problem with taking what is his.
—and so, he does.
His sweet, sweet girl who can barely take his cock when you're awake—too much, too fat—and so he makes do with slaking his hideous, bestial need on your body when you're asleep. When he can fold your knees up to your ears, and fuck you as deep, as hard, as he wants without worrying about you seeing the want rotting in his eyes, and run—
The stretch, you whine. He's too much for you. The biggest you've ever had. It isn't meant to stroke his ego, he knows this, but still. He preens when you add, liquid and pained, by a considerable margin, Simon—
Like this, asleep, you're relaxed. Liquid. 
And with the sleeping pills crushed into your bedtime tea you always (always) take an hour before bed, he can do whatever he wants to do. However he wants. 
Splits you open with his tongue, fucking into you until you're sloppy and wet. Spitting on your cunt and pushing the foamy glob into your tight hole at his own leisure without having a rain of indignant fists come down across his shoulders, disgusted by the degrading action. Don't spit on me, Simon, that's gross—
(but you swallow it like a good girl when he grabs you by the neck, thumb digging into the dent of your larynx until you open nice and wide for him, tongue sliding out like you're begging for it—)
His little hellion awake. But asleep? 
He gets your pussy messy with his spit, fucking it into you with two fingers—another benefit to fucking you asleep is that he doesn't have to bother with building up, can stretch you out on two fingers without those breathy little mewls spilling out, telling him it's too much. Then three with his mouth glued to your clit, feeling your cunt clench down on him as he bullies it with his tongue. The pressure is too much, too intense. You'd be howling if you were awake, but—
You're not. 
The only sound is the lews squelch of him fucking you open with three fingers, sucking noisily at your pebbled clit. 
Music to his ears. 
And if he's in a hurry. Well. Skipping foreplay all together is fine. Just has to spit on his palm, coat it over his shaft, and make you open up for him. Splitting you open on just his cock. All tight—agonizingly so—around him. 
You can take it. 
He knows you can. You take everything he throws at you—knees pushed to your ears, cock bulging out from your belly. Head buried in a pillow as he flattens his body over yours, and ruts into your cunt while he smothers you under his bulk. Indescribably tight like this with your thighs squeezed together between his own. On your side with your leg thrown over his hip, or held high in the air. 
He likes it best when you're on your back, though. Soft and sweet. Little hiccups leaving your slack lips as he forces you to take every inch he has to offer. Bullying his fat cock into your pussy. Over and over again—
Quenching his unbearable lust on you until it's slated on your flesh, cunt stuffed full of his cum.
Or your ass. 
You're wary about him burying his fat length into your ass. It'll hurt, is the biggest excuse you like to give, hands tucked against the swell of your bottom as if that would be enough to keep him away. You've never done that before and taking him in your pussy was already a lot, you couldn't imagine taking him there, too—
It's a problem. Too bad for you, he has always been task oriented. Someone who likes the squash issues under his thumb. 
And that's exactly what he does. 
Starts with his thumb shoved inside your hole when he's fucking your pussy. Then a finger. Two. Likes to lick at your cunt before shoving your knees to your chest, lifting your ass in the air, and devouring it with the same rapacious appetite. Tongue fucking into you, getting you all sloppy and wet, stretching you open so he can seat you down on his cock. All the way to the base. Stretching your rim wide around his girth. Pounding your tight little ass until he cums inside of you. Filling you over and over again until it leaks out, soaking into the sheets below. 
His pretty little doll. All fucked out and messy. 
With you asleep, Simon can take from you—as much as he needs to fill this greedy, gaping maw inside of himself—without burdening you. Scaring you away. 
And he'd rather not have to chase you down like a dog—
It's the perfect arrangement that lets him exorcise himself of the horrible, awful, things he wants to do to you. Quench the bloodlust, the violence, that drums up in the back of his head, ugly and noxious, that leaks poison into his blood. Makes him see you torn to pieces by his enemies, wrenched away by the people who think they know what's best for you. Taken. The urge to claim you is animalistic. Primal. 
This is bloodletting. It's spilling the rot from inside himself so it doesn't fester. Turn septic. Gangrenous. Eating at his tissue until his hands no longer belong to himself, but to the mercy of his monstrous need. 
It lets him ruin you, tear into you like a beast, without worrying about you running from him. Fleeing from this rapacious green he holds deep in the fibrils of his chest. Hewed into his essence, subsumed into his marrow. 
Simply put: he needs this. Just like you need him. Simon. Need him like the air you breathe—
(And sometimes, sometimes, you get this peculiar look on your face before bed. A frisson. Unease, pensive. It splits over your brows, an evanescent tremor. He thinks you might be more aware than you let on. That you know about this hideousness inside him, this putrid greed that sloshes around the edges of his eyes sometimes, trying to bleed in, trickling down over his periphery before he can stop it. 
But it dissolves into complacency before he can chisel into it, leaving nothing behind but a faint stink of stale smoke. Acrid—like doused embers. Burning his nose, his lungs—)
And when he's had his fill—stuffed that chasm inside his belly with your flesh—he cleans you up, and pulls you tight to his chest. Satiated for the time being. Falling asleep with the taste of you on his tongue, locked tight in his embrace. Tenders to your aches the next morning, as soft and supple as he can ever allow himself to be. 
There’s a place for him, he’s sure, when he lies to you, and says that you must have slept the wrong way. That maybe he was a little too hard on you the night before. And maybe if he were a better person, a better man, he might have felt some sense of guilt for it. Shame.
But instead, he coos at you and says:
It’s his fault, pet, but don’t worry he’ll take such good care of you. Licking your sore cunt all day until you grab him by the scruff of his neck, and tell him no more, please, Simon, stop, stop—it doesn’t hurt anymore, please—
He relents an hour before bed and takes you to the kitchen where you sit and drink the tea he made without a word.
Like a good girl—
And then you slip into bed in nothing but his old shirt, curling up against his chest, and whispering—soft and sweet—into his ear, "good night, Simon."
(his sweet, sweet girl.
like you're fucking begging him for it—)
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cheapshrimpysheep · 14 days
Yuu Needs a Hug 2
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SUMMARY: What their comforting hugs are like when you're feeling sad or under the weather? And how would they behave if you started crying in their arms?
CHARACTERS: Scarabia (Kalim; Jamil); Pomefiore (Vil; Epel; Rook); Ignihyde (Idia; Ortho*) & Diasomnia (Malleus; Silver; Sebek; Lilia)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Comfort; Bullet Points; In a Relationship
WORD COUNT: An average of 370 words per character.
COMMENTS: When I feel a little sad and down, I often imagine these things to help me fall asleep. I thought you might like them too. 😘
(I don't know why I keep increasing the number of words as I go through the dorms.)
Yuu Needs a Hug 1 (Heartslabyul / Savanaclaw / Octavinelle)
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CONTEXT: This is what they would do if they were already in a relationship with you. Except for Ortho, he's more like a cute little brother.
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Of course Kalim already hugs you on a daily basis. And in public or private it is completely indifferent to him. His hugs range from casual (as if simply standing next to you wasn't an option) to loving and affectionate.
And it's more towards the latter that he tends to go for when you ask him for a hug. His arms completely wrapped around you, his cheek touching yours. His reassuring smile asking you what you need. "You can ask me for anything! You know that, right? Oh! I know! How about a carpet ride? Do you think that might help?"
Let's face it, he's not the type to cuddling with you while the two of you are lying on a couch resting (Jamil would love that, less work for him) No. He's the type to cuddling with you, yes, but lying on a flying carpet who knows how many meters from the ground. Or maybe lying in the Oasis if you show him that you're afraid of being that high without safety measures.
He will hug you like he never wants to let you go again. He will offer you fruits and other things to snack on, talk to you, etc.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, part of him will panic, but the big brother part of him will stop him from showing it so as not to worry you even more. He will hug you tighter and kiss your forehead and cheeks. “Don't worry, you can cry as much as you need. Everything will be fine in the end, you'll see.”
When your crying calms down or stops, he will take his magic pen and, with his water powers, make a rainbow appear over you. A way for him to try to make you smile again.
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Jamil ONLY hugs you in private. He hates being the center of attention and/or showing his feelings in public, especially affection. BUT when he hugs you when the two of you are alone and he can finally rest, his hugs are charmingly peaceful.
He loves to lay with you, wrapping his arms restfully around you. He's always stressed, but with you, he can rest, and his cuddles show that.
He likes both having him lay on top of you with his head on your chest, letting you play with his hair, and having you lay on top of him and him being able to caress your head. He's also not at all shy about giving you kisses, quite the opposite, he likes to be himself with you, even if it means being naturally seductive.
But when you are sad, he will restrict himself to being sensitive and reassuring. He will probably prepare your favorite food or dessert to make you feel better. And, while hugging you, kiss your forehead.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, he will panic a little (as you are used to seeing when Kalim does something that puts himself at risk) You're the one who's going to have to calm him down first before he can calm you down. “*Sigh* Please don't do this to me.” he'll say with a subtle pout, which might make you smile a little too. He will hug you tighter, something that is extremely rare for him, and let you cry all you need.
When your crying calms down or stops, he'll use his magic pen to bring tissues to you, so he doesn't have to move away from you. And as you wipe your tears, he will pat your head and say: "Whatever is worrying you, I'm sure it will pass." in a reassuring, loving voice that only you know.
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Vil just doesn't hug you in public because he's a public figure and he prefers not to be the target of gossip, much less involve you in it. He doesn't hide that you're in a relationship, but you know, the less people see about the two of you, the less headaches you'll have. If it weren't for this, he would have no problem showing his affection for you. So he just demonstrates it in private.
However, he is more of a kisser than a hugger. It's more characteristic of him to kiss your cheek, or hold your chin to kiss your lips, than to hug you. Which ends up making these comfort hugs even more special and exclusive.
He'll start hugging you standing up, but if you really want to sit down then he'll let you sit on his lap. This will probably wrinkle his clothes, but he knows his priorities, and you are at the top of his list right now.
Just like him, his hugs are delicate and elegant, but firm enough to convey the feeling of protection and care. One of the arms is always around your waist, while the other is always on the top of your back or on your head, to be close to your face. That way he can caress your cheeks. And he will always plant a kiss on your forehead here and there.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, you’ll probably have the reflex to move away so as not to stain his clothes, and apologize. But at that moment you will feel his hand, stopping you from moving away. “Don't be silly.” he will tell you “And honestly, it hurts me a little that you think I value my clothes, which can simply be washed, more than you.” And he will encourage you to cry on his shoulder, remaining calm and understanding.
When your crying calms down or stops, he'll get all the tissues he needs and start explaining all the steps of a facial cleansing routine for when you cry. If you ask him how he knows so much about it he will answer you with a smile: "My sweet potato, don't tell me you think I never cry."
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In public, Epel likes to hug you as a way of showing off your relationship. But cute, comforting hugs? These are only for when you are alone.
This is one of those moments when you bring out his prideful side. You wanting him to be the person who comforts you when you're sad is a way of showing that you see strength and reliability in him, right? And it makes him proud of himself and happy that you can feel safe with him.
He will be extremely sweet and cute with you. He knows that this is what makes other people, especially you, more calm and comfortable.
He doesn't like hugging you standing up, especially if you're taller than him, even if it's just 1cm. But, the same, or worse, happens if he lets you sit on his lap, so it's most likely that he'll sit next to you. OR if you can and want, he prefers to lie with you with your head on his chest. If you're shorter than him, scratch everything, he'll hug you in any way.
After a while, he will probably get distracted by something else that doesn't stop the two of you from holding each other, like reading a book or studying a little.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, he'll panic a little, to the point of asking you what's going on in his dialect that you barely understand. What he needs to know most is if you're crying because of him. He'll be very relieved to know it wasn't him, and will hug you tighter.
When your crying calms down or stops, he will ask you how you are feeling and suggest that you two do something he used to do with his grandmother or his parents when he was also sad and needed to feel better.
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Few things are as indifferent to Rook as showing his love for you in public as he does in private (with just a few reservations). So he will hug you whenever you ask, regardless of where you are, so be careful when and where you ask.
Despite everything, it's rare for him to kiss or hug you. It's not that he doesn't like it, quite the contrary, he likes doing these two things so exclusive and special that he ends up keeping them as a "reward" for the two of you.
But this case is an exception to his love game. After all, one of the players is injured.
His comforting hugs are full of love and care, yet gentle despite so much emotional intensity. He will gladly hug you however you wish, standing, sitting on his lap, lying under the shade of a tree or anything else, even if unusual, he will do it with pleasure.
And of course he will use his charming and flattering vocabulary to try to help with your emotional recovery.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, you will feel the surprise in his body, and he will hold your face with both hands to gently move you away from his chest and look at your face. If you try to hide your face he will say: “Oh non, trickster! Such a display of feelings is beautiful. Such a neglected and hidden beauty. Please allow me to appreciate it for a moment.” he will caress your cheeks with his thumbs “I promise this will only make me love you more and better.” and he will kiss your cheeks, also tasting the saltiness of your tears.*
He is extremely patient and will do nothing but hug and cuddle you until your crying stops completely and/or you are the one who breaks the hug when you feel better.
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It's OBVIOUS that Idia doesn't hug you in public. He can barely SHOW UP in public. All your hugs, kisses, flirting, etc. are TOP SECRET!
He loves it when you sit on his lap while he is at the computer, especially when he is playing. You can sit however you want, but what he loves most is when you have your back to the computer, your chest against his, your legs behind the chair and your head lying on his shoulder. Or your chin on his shoulder while you play on your phone. The naturalness and relaxation with which he has you close to him like this is quite reassuring.
1000% chance he created a new chair with a design that both of you are comfortable in that position.
There's a good chance he'll simply respond "Same..." if you mention that you're sad or depressed. If you laugh, he might say "Hey, weren't we supposed to be sad together? Traitor! You literally just did the IRL version of sending a crying emoji while you were actually laughing behind the screen. Like, who does that? What is socially accepted is for you to pretend you are happy when you are sad.” And if this makes you laugh even harder: “Stop laughing! It's contagious! Hee hee hee.”
If you happen to be so depressed to the point where you suddenly start crying on his shoulder, he will PaNiC! He’ll immediately let go of the mouse and keyboard and hug you! “WHAT?! WHAT DID I DO?!” You'll have to calm him down first before he can "try" to calm you down.
He will completely understand, even if you don't even know why you're crying. But he won't know how to console you and he'll admit it. He will simply hug you, not tighter but more affectionately. And bury his face in your shoulder too, and whisper a muffled: "...Same...".
You'll probably laugh at the same time as you'll be frustrated with him. “It's true!” he’ll say “Why do you always laugh when I share my sadness with you?!” he says knowing it's not true “What do you mean the WAY I say it? ... Weirdo~” he says smiling.
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Unfortunately Ortho cannot hug you. At least not how he would like. The flame in his chest can burn you, and the heat exhaust ports too.
The first time he saw you sad and in need of a hug, he was also sad for being unable to hug you and then he had an idea: "Let's ask my brother to make huggable gear!"
“What do you want me to do? A teddy bear gear or something?” Idia will say, but then he will realize that if he does it HE will also be able to hug Ortho. “I’m on it!”
If Idia starts working on it, but for some reason he runs out of motivation because he thinks it's boring or a useless gear, Ortho will choose one of the following 2 options: A) convince him to do it because he reeeeeally wants to hug you and his big brother. Or B) He will say that if Idia doesn't do it, whenever you are sad Ortho will force him to be the one to hug you.
"I wouldn't mind that much..." Idia whispers. "What?" Ortho asks. "NOTHING, Nothing... I’ll make the gear."
After Gear is ready, whenever you feel sad and need a hug, Ortho will be very happy. "YAY!!! HUG GEAR TIME!!!" and will take you to Ignihyde to change gear.
Your comfort hugs will end up being three-way hugs because Idia also wants to hug his little brother. And maybe after a while he'll start hugging you too?
Ortho will also suggest you play with him to cheer you up. That and he also loves playing with you. And suggest other ways to cheer someone up, which he found on the internet.
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Malleus has no problem hugging you in public. He just doesn't do it because everyone who cares about him (especially Sebek) says that, in his position, it's better to keep these romantic gestures private. A way to prevent annoying gossip.
He doesn't initiate hugs, but he absolutely loves it when you ask him for them (And they are always the best solution for when he has his "tantrums") Your wish is his command. He's just sorry that he can't hug you with the same strength that he loves you. But with each passing day it seems that he gets better and better at measuring his strength for you.
He loves to hug you in anyway. Even if he has to use his magic to levitate you if you are both standing, due to the great difference in heights. But comfort hugs are special, and whenever you ask for them, he immediately stops whatever he might be doing and sits on a couch so you can sit on his lap and lay your head on his chest or shoulder.
Whatever you ask he will do. “What do you need to feel better? Would you like me to create a fireworks show? Make flowers grow and drawing your image in a garden? Order my attendants to create a show to entertain us, and a banquet? ... What? You just want my company?” he will laugh with joy, not only because you ask little of him, but because you simply want him.
All his attention will be on you. He will talk to you, suggest that you have tea together, and kiss your forehead and cheek from time to time.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, he will look at you on maximum alert! “What is wrong, my love? Did I make a mistake? Am I hurting you in some way?” He will loosen the hug out of fear that he might be hugging you too tightly without realizing it.
After you reassuring him by telling that it's not his fault that you're crying and that he's doing everything right, his questions will change to: “In that case... is it someone else's fault you're crying?” You will hear thunderstorms forming outside. “You can tell me the name. I will make sure they never disturb you again.” You will have to calm him down again and explain that it is no one's fault.
Only then will he relax a little, hug you again with care and affection and let you cry on his shoulder, while stroking your head. “And he will tell you that IF one day someone hurts you, no matter how small the damage may be, you can tell him, okay?”
"Or you can simply mention how close you are to Malleus Draconia and they will run away screaming for forgiveness and mercy." Lilia will say another time.
Malleus won't let go of you until he's completely and absolutely sure that you're okay again. Or not, the truth is that he likes having you like this in his arms. (Just five more minutes~)
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Silver is not the type to initiate hugs because he's to oblivious for that. But he always hugs you when you ask, regardless of the reason. You may not even have a reason, you want a hug so it's a hug he delivers.
And he's also not the type to change his behavior towards you depending on whether you're in public or not. He gives you all the hugs you want anyway.
Normally what happens is that you'll ask him for a hug, he'll say "Sure, but is there a reason?" and if you answer that there is none in particular, he will simply smile (that rare smile that only those closest to him know exists) and accept your answer, opening his arms so you can hug him.
If you say you want a hug because you're feeling sad, he'll continue with his natural poker face, but anyone who knows him will know that he's worried, but calm so as not to worry you.
He will hug you any way you want. If you want the two of you to sit down so you can sit on his lap, he will do it. He might even pick you up to do it, and if you ask him why he's taking you to a bench or couch like that, he'll say something like, "Oh, I thought you wanted to sit down because you were feeling tired. Sorry." If you say it's no problem, he'll smile and continue carrying you in his arms until you both sit down.
He'll just hug you like he normally does. Despite his strong arms, he hugs you with care and affection. Having you like this in his arms puts him at ease, to the point of... zzz... where he fell asleep, with his arms without letting go of you.
But if you start crying on his shoulder, he'll sense it! He will wake up faster than any alarm could wake him up. And when he sees you crying, he will immediately ask what happened, and apologize for sleeping when you needed him.
Even if your answer is that you don't know, that will be enough for him. He will hug you again in a surprisingly sweet and delicate way, and somehow, he won't go back to sleep until you feel better. He is now on guard!
In the same way that he only hugs you when you ask, he only lets go of you when you tell him to let you go. If you tell him he "can" stop hugging you, he won't do it until you are absolutely sure that that is what you want.
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If Sebek is dating you it's because he adores you as much as he adores Malleus and Lilia. In a different way of course, but if he got to the point of becoming your boyfriend it's because he went through the phase of seeing you as an "inferior human" and somehow you turned a switch in his head that made him start to adore you.
There are times when he still treats you the way he did before, but when you need him, like when you're sad and need a hug, he becomes your servant (practically).
He will treat you like royalty in much the same way he treats Malleus. The difference is that he sees you as someone "weaker" who is incapable of changing the fact that you need his protection and so he ends up being more caring.
He doesn't initiate hugs even if he wants to. First he will flatter you until you want a hug from him, even if it is just to thank you for your compliments. Basically, he only hugs you after you give him your consent.
Just as he has no shame in showing the respect and adoration he has for Malleus and Lilia, he also has no problem showing affection for you in public if you so desire. But there are still certain things he prefers to do when it's just the two of you, like these comforting hugs. He also lets you sit on his lap if you want, but it will take him a long time to get used to it.
Since he has always dedicated himself to his training as a soldier and guard, he is not very good at hugging. You will always feel that he is a little tense due to his lack of experience and you will have to be the one to relax him if you want better hugs.
Even if you suggest that he read a book while you're hugging on the couch, he'll decline it. If you're so sad that you, don't want, but need a hug, it's because you need him, and if you need him, he'll automatically enter his guard mode, which means all his attention will be on you.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, what was once the closest thing to a relaxed hug becomes tense again, and he will panic in his own way, controlling himself so as not to accidentally raise his voice. “What happened?! Is there something wrong?! Did I do something wrong!?” You'll have to calm him before he can calm you... or at least try.
If you say that you don't know why you're crying or don't have a specific reason, he'll sigh in frustration and say: “You can't just start crying out of nowhere! I mean... you can, but... I wasn't trained for this. I don't know what to do.” You explain to him that you don't need anything special, just him, but this may take longer than a simple explanation.
He will guard you in his arms until you are both absolutely sure that you are feeling better.
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Of course Lilia already hugs you in public on a daily basis, out of nowhere, and often he is the one initiating the hugs, knowing of course that you also want to receive them.
And of course he knows very well how to give comforting hugs. After all, he’s a loving single father.
Many times you don't even need to ask, he will simply look at your face or posture and offer it. “Aw~ You are not using your usual smile. Are you feeling well?” and even if you barely answer he will understand “No? Does my little thorny flower need a hug~?”
But if you're the one asking for the hug, his eyes will widen in surprise and then he'll break into a huge smile. “Awwww~ But of course I'll give you all the hugs you want! Khe he he. You really can surpass me in cuteness sometimes. How could I say no to you~?”
Even though he likes to give you hugs in public, he knows that these types of hugs are better in private, so you feel more comfortable too.
He gives one of the best if not the best hugs. They are firmly affectionate. At the same time that you feel his arms comfortably wrapping around you with a light loving grip, you also feel that they are strong enough to protect you from anything.
He's more of a hugger than a kisser. At most, he can give you light kisses on the cheek from time to time.
If you happen to be so depressed to the point of crying, he won't panic at all. He will simply and calmly look at you, tilt your head up by placing his fingers on your chin and ask: “Aw~ What's wrong, my thorny flower?” as he wipes away one of your tears with his thumb. “Is this moment too cute to handle? Khe he.”
Regardless of your answer, he will say with a reassuring smile: “It's okay. You can cry on my shoulder all you need. As long as I can glimpse your wonderful smile again.”
After you feel better, he will suggest cooking one of your favorite dishes or desserts to make you feel better. SAVE YOURSELF!
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*Don't look at me like that. We all know Rook is weird. I'm just trying to be true to the character.
If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 500
warnings: soft!rafe, established relationship, childhood stuffed animal, mentions of sex but no smut
“wait!” you gasp, suddenly pulling away from the kiss.
“what, what is it?” the worry is evident on rafes face as his eyes widen, not sure what he did wrong. maybe it was all moving too fast for you.
“i-um.” your hands splay against the door behind you, the same door rafe pushed you against and captured your lips. “i need to move some stuff in my room before you come in.”
rafe rolls his eyes. “i don't care if it's messy.”
“it's just some um… personal stuff.” you giggle awkwardly.
“come on baby, you're my girlfriend now.” rafe knows it's probably nothing, but there's something inside of him that's desperate to know what you're attempting to hide, to learn all your secrets.
“fine, but if you make fun of me rafe cameron-” you hold a finger up to his face. “i won't break up with you but ill be very pissed.
“no laughing, got it.” rafe nods.
you sigh and open the door behind you, letting rafe step past you into the room. his eyes sweep over the floor, expecting to see something embarrassing, but there's only a bit of clothes tossed around. 
he shifts focus to your desk next, but it just has perfectly organized makeup. he looks at your bed last, a smile stretching across his face.
“i said no laughing!”
“im not laughing baby, this is so cute.” he coos out, stepping closer as he picks up the teddy bear, clearly old and well loved.
“be careful!” you squeal without even meaning to, rushing to stand next to rafe as he holds your childhood teddy.
“what's his name?” rafe asks.
“sunny.” you reply, pointing at the small embroidered patch in the shape of a sun, now faded to a pale yellow.
“this is what you didn't want me to see? baby, this is so cute. do you still sleep with sunny every night?”
“maybe…” you mumble. you don't take him on trips anymore like you did as a child, but he'll always have a place in your bed until he literally disintegrates.
“adorable.” rafe carefully sets the teddy bear down before turning to you, placing his hands on your cheeks. “you're the cutest.”
you roll your eyes. “i said no making fun of me.”
rafe shakes his head. “baby, it really is adorable.”
you furrow your brows, looking intensely at rafe, waiting for him to burst out laughing, but it never comes.
“you're seriously not making fun of me.” you hum out.
“in case you weren't aware by me asking you out, im kinda obsessed with everything you do.” rafe chuckles softly. “it's adorable, you're adorable.”
rafe glances at sunny, sat smiling on your bed, his brown fur carefully brushed through to keep it from matting. “but we should turn him the other direction when we have sex. it feels wrong.”
“oh, i got it!” you pick sunny up and move to your closet, opening it to reveal a small chair fit for a baby as you place him on it and shut the door.
“perfect.” rafe smiles. “now should we get back to what we were doing?”
you nod rapidly. “yes, absolutely.”
sfw taglist: @juniebugg @bejeweledreverie @ladyinbl00d
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strawberrygyuuuu · 4 months
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Genre —> Fluff
—> how they'd react to their s/o holding the hem of their sleeve / shirt.
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
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• will actually explode
• who said you could be this fucking cute? Huh?
• I actually believe this man does the day you start doing this and continues to die every single time
• his heart just melts for you okay?
• I think he tries to contain his feelings but you're just so cute he can't help but to show it
• like he'll literally look at you in that fond lovesick way with a dumb little smile on his face
• maybe a little blushy as well
• because to him it's like you feel safe with him so you're holding onto him so you don't get lost in especially big crowds
• hold onto him for as long as you want, he thrives for it...it's a bit of an ego boost as well lol
• he'll think sum is wrong at first
• he'll look at you and scan your face to see if there's any distress or discomfort or anything
• but once he sees you're okay and just hanging onto him Soobin will smile his cute lil dimple smile
• little sparkles in his eyes because you're adorable wtf dude !!!!
• "you're okay?"
• you just smile and nod at him, "mhm!"
• I think he adores your habit because it's you and he adores you
• sometimes I think he'll gently take your hand and replace it with his so yours are intertwined with his
• idk man he might die from heart attack tho cause how cute you are
• so be careful pooks ‼️
• when he's in a playful mood he'll make a big deal out of it
• "hmmm??? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
• "you love me THAT much? Woah!"
• he giggles but he is slightly worried
• but when he's not, it's either he doesn't say anything and just has this smug look on his face
• or he'll look at you to make sure you're alright and pull you closer to him but that's more in way too crowded areas
• idk it's like a dice roll lol
• you might get a smug reaction, a concern reaction or he'll tease you
• but he does care I swear
• it also makes him feel proud because like...you feel safe with him and he can protect you
• he's so in love with you girlie
• once y'all are more comfortable in the relationship he'll learn to enjoy it
• he has boundaries and although he does love you vv much those are still in place
• but when you did it it was more out of instinct
• tae def looks at you, then your hand, back at you before smiling fondly
• just a small smile
• "everything good, Hun?" GHFF PLS I NEED HIM🙏🏻
• when you confirm you're alright, he figured you were js anxious or to not lose him or sum
• lets you be, but will tease you sometimes
• only because he thinks it's endearing
• he trusts you when you tell him that you're fine so he doesn't push or anything
• fosho wants you to do it more often, if you ask if it annoys him he'll simply shake his head and tell you it doesn't, because it really doesn't
• probably encourages you to keep doing it tbh
• idk pooks
• you're endearing to him
• is soo blushy and shy it's cute
• you're cute
• like omfg???
• he adores you sm n I genuinely think he'd love when you do this little habit of yours
• he snickers and smiles so wide
• boy is ear to ear smiling he's so happy n in love 😭🙏🏻
• probably tried to be normal about it and not make too big of a deal about it but you can tell he's over the moon
• because again, it's like,, you trust him ??
• ARUGH he can't take it pooks
• when y'all get back to the dorms or your apartment or sum he'll be squishing your cheeks
• rubbing his cheek against yours squealing about how cutie you are
• full on fanboy
• but I can also see him silently being happy about it
• and maybe probably possibly tease you later on just to poke fun
• but nothing serious; please keep doing this !
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