#christ though getting a kitten seems like so much fun in theory
captainclickycat · 16 days
Sure, you might find it annoying when your newly adopted Little Bastard keeps hurtling around the room at breakneck speed attacking everything in sight (including you), but the really troubling moment is when everything suddenly goes quiet.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 84 Xs1) "14Hours"
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It feels good to have Colson's heavy body thrown over her when Luna wakes up. She closes her eyes, breathing him in. His scent is a mixture of weed, sandalwood, whiskey and a left over hint of the Jean Paul Gaultier cologne he wears. Laying in his arms, Luna doesn't ever want to move.
It's the knock on their door, that disturbs her bliss. Don's calling an hour before wheels up. They have a 14 hour ride from New Jersey to Chicago on Colson's day off. Fun.
"Mmmm... Kitten..." He moans lowly, pulling her closer to him.
Naked, Luna can feel his hard dick resting against her ass cheek. Colson nuzzles through her hair to the back of her neck. His light kiss gives her goosebumps.
"Morning, Bunny." She coos, bringing his hand up to her mouth to kiss it.
"You're up?" He asks surprised, slightly lifting his head.
"Mhmm." She murmurs as she rolls over to look at him.
"There's that beautiful face." He grins sleepily, pecking her lips.
"We got an hour... You wanna do it here or in the shower?" Luna asks as she adjusts under the weight of his leg over her waist.
"Both." He answers, lifting her face towards him by her chin.
Their kiss is deep and passionate. Both enjoying loving each other without the drama.
Colson moves his leg to run his fingers down the curve of Luna's body. Making her twitch from his light touch. Dipping his fingers between her folds, he grins wider.
"Dirty girl." He comments on her already wet pussy.
Drawing her in, she slides her leg over his waist. Colson lazily fucks Luna on their sides. Facing each other, Colson watches Luna's pleased expressions in the morning sun. They're quiet, except for their moans.
"Fuck I missed her..." Colson's heart thinks as his dick throbs inside of Luna.
Pulling him closer by his shoulders. She shifts her hips up, matching his rhythm. Kissing each other's mouths and bodies while they easily cum for the other. Bodies going weak. Heads light.
"Good thing I'm fucking marrying you..." Luna breathes out, once she rolls over. Splaying her body across Colson and the bed.
"Why's that?" He chuckles.
"Because your dick has seriously ruined me for anyone else!!" She laughs, rolling back onto his chest.
"Good. That means you'll never divorce me." He quips, kissing her head.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna laughs to his chuckle.
"Round two?" Colson asks.
"Burn as we get in?" She responds.
"THAT, is why you're the only woman who could ever be my wife." He states, sprinkling her face with kisses. "I fucking love you, Loons."
"Love YOU!" She grins as she slips out of their nest of blankets to roll a joint.
"You really are something else..." Colson muses over Luna like he did the night of his birthday.
"The ONLY, Bunny." She grins, leaning her naked body over to kiss him. "Ready?" She asks.
Lighting the joint and hitting it a few times before she passes it to Colson. Inhaling deeply, he exhales another I love You.
"Come on and love me in the shower." Luna coaxes.
Luna and Colson walk into the lobby, free hands laced together. Everyone else is already there.
"Awwww... Did we make uuup?" Baze teases them.
"Shut up, Truck." Colson laughs as Luna rolls her eyes.
"Aww, coooome on... You know the kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight." Baze laughs, throwing an arm around them each as he comes in between Colson and Luna.
"Ugh.. That's so gross..." Luna shudders as she tries to shake Baze off of her.
Luna has a Daddy Kink she's explored with Tommy but won't with Colson. It's Casie's fault. The first time she heard her call him Daddy, it weirded Luna the fuck out. Realizing in that moment he's actually someone's DAD, she just can't get passed it. Luna picturing Casie's face the one time she tried. Deciding NOPE. Right then and there. Plus, she's really not about that Kid Life. She loves Casie but the idea of being a mother makes her want to vomit.
"You don't wanna be somebody's Mommy?" Baze wiggles his head as he makes sucking noises.
Colson's laughing as Baze taunts Luna. She's still stuck under his arm.
"Fuuuck nooo." Luna says. Dipping down, under and away from him. "I ain't bringing any crotch dropplings into this fucked up world!"
They all look at her. Sam exploding into laughter, she's heard Luna's rant about kids before. Ashleigh turns and cocks her head to the side. Perplexed at Luna's vocabulary.
"Crotch dropplings, though!? That's one for the books, Loons." She laughs, shaking her head.
"Yo. My kids would be Assholes. True crotch dropplings." She replies, throwing her palms out.
The Boys can't help but giggle over her word. Luna's always spouting out some type of crazy fuckitude.
"Case isn't an Asshole..." Colson shakes his head, debating Luna as he slaps her ass.
"Oh." She hops and grins at his authority. "Yeah. Because of Emma. Anything WE.." Luna flicks her thumb between herself and soon to be husband. "Spit out, would be a straight up Dickhead. No doubt."
Colson rolls his eyes as he kisses the top of her head. He doesn't know if he wants another kid but half of him would bet he could get Luna to do it if he really wanted too. The other half of himself laughs "You're a Fucking idiot." Knowing Luna would never do anything she didn't want to because someone else did.
"Fucking crotch dropplings...?" He laughs. "Something's fucking wrong with you, yo."
Luna nods in agreement as her theory is met by laughter and talk of Truths and Facts from their friends as they all walk out together. Luggage in tow with wild theories of this imaginary kid drifting in the air.
Ashleigh informing Luna, that you don't SPIT them out as she laughs at her ridiculousness. Catching a shrug with an I Don't Know, Ashleigh rolls her eyes as they head to The Bus. Clearly Luna does not.
Once settled, they burn and drink coffee as a group. None of them really breakfast eaters.
Ashleigh, Colson and Luna sit on one couch together. Luna's leg draped over Colson's thigh. Sam and The Boys are scattered around, chattering on about last night. They had hit a local bar with some of The Crew, closing the place down.
Ashleigh mentions the Massachusetts merch to Colson. Deciding on XL hoodies, she tells him they should be in by Thursday. Colson nods his head. Kissing Luna on the cheek, thanking her for the idea.
She tells him it's No Big Deal as she leans over for another kiss. Standing up, she tells them she's gonna call Monica before heading to the back of The Bus.
Monica is not surprised by Luna's news but she is annoyed by it. Her client has always been a handful but this last month or so seems to have been a free for all. Monica scolds Luna on how she can't assault high profile people without consequences. That she's gotten really lucky and has to stop it.
Luna only pays her half a mind until Monica tells her she's nervous regarding Luna's other ventures. That she needs to be extra careful now that she's more publicly visible. They don't want ANY police looking at Luna for ANY reason.
Understanding, Luna agrees to Calm Her Tits. Apologizing to Monica for worrying her. They move on to the listings Monica sent Luna.
"Fuck... I totally forgot all about them. I'm sorry." She apologizes again.
Luna's digging under the bed as she continues to talk. Looking for something she grabbed in The City, she wants to bring it out when she's finished
"Maybe if you didn't spend so much time beating people up." Monica zings.
"Fuck you, Mon." She tells her, unamused.
Pleased when her hand touches the box, she pulls it out. Luna grins looking at her treasure.
"Alright, pass me to Ashleigh." Monica responds.
"Wait? What? For what?" Luna asks, caught off guard with a slight attitude.
"These NDAs... The fucking dual residency you asked for.... I don't know... Your non stop bullshit... What else would it be for, Jerk Off?" Monica deadpans to Luna.
Monica's choice of insult cracks Luna up. She truly appreciates anyone who speaks their mind.
"Okay... Okay... Fuck. I'm sorry." Luna laughs as she walks to the front of The Bus. "Here she is..."
"AND STOP FUCKING HITTING PEOPLE!!" Monica can be heard shouting from the phone as she hands her to Ashleigh.
"Jesus Christ." Colson looks at Luna with wide eyes.
"You think she wants me to stop hitting people?" She smirks as they both laugh.
Luna walks over to the table. Grabbing everyone's attention with a Yo, she shows them her prize.
Sam hangs back on the couch. They've already taste tested most of it.
"WORD!!!! We almost out. Good look, LunaTic!" Slim nods to her as he tosses her an elbow.
Luna steps to the side as they all come in to smell the different strains of bud and wax. Each highly impressed with the quality and grateful for the vegetation.
"Aight, Kitten... I see you." Colson says, wrapping his body around hers in approval.
"We got Backwoods?" She asks, referring to a particular cigar brand.
"I got the rig!" Rook shouts, lifting up the glass smoking apparatus.
He sets up it up on the counter, turning on the electric needle. Benny and AJ start rolling blunts as Baze and Colson twist up joints. Sam pulling together supplies for the wax.
"You and your bestie good?" Luna teases Ashleigh when she hands her back her phone..
"Yeah..." She laughs. "I'm gonna express her the NDA's and Kells water bill I got you on once we get to Chicago. She's ready to file the paperwork for the dual residency and needs it...."
"Shit, really? That was quick. Thank you." Luna kisses her on the cheek. "Anything else to do?" She asks to Ashleigh head shake. "Then let's get fucking HIGH, Bitch!" Luna laughs, showing her the case.
Once the rig is hot enough, they all take large dabs. Coughing until they almost choke. Setting the expensive glass piece to the side on the bumpy bus.
Luna sits on the floor between Colson's legs as she hits her first joint of their session. Ashleigh and Slim are on one couch with him. Benny, Baze and Sam on another. AJ's lounging in one of the chairs as Rook stretches out on his back on the floor near Luna.
Passing blunts and joints around, occasionally taking more dabs, they are getting high as FUCK.
"I wanna do a new cover with you..." Colson says in a low, stoned voice.
Turning to him, Luna asks what he's thinking. Hitting a blunt, he's quiet for a few minutes.
"You're All I Need?" He asks with red eyeballs.
"The Meth joint?" Slim asks with a scowl. "Nah, Dawg... I'm not feeling that one."
"Yeah..." Luna agrees with Slim. She has an idea. "You want fast or slow?" She asks.
"Hmmm... I don't know." He ponders.
There's so many blunts and joints going around, everyone has something in their hand at all times. Smoke filling The Bus.
Luna gets up and grabs her guitar. It's the acoustic one she made sure to pack. Sitting back down, crossed leg in front of Colson on the floor, she begins to strum.
"What about Sublime?" She asks. We could turn What I Got or Bad Fish into a duet..."
🎶When you grab ahold of me🎶
🎶You tell me that I'll never🎶
🎶Be set free🎶
🎶But I'm a parasite🎶
🎶Creep and crawl🎶
🎶I step into the night🎶
Luna sings, nodding for Colson to step in. He's sweet face lighting up as he does so.
🎶Two pints of booze🎶
🎶Tell me are you🎶
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
Luna slides in the second.
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
As Colson continues.
🎶Ain't got no money🎶
🎶To spend🎶
🎶I hope this night🎶
🎶Will never end🎶
They blend together. Eyes watching the other. Smiles playing on their lips as their voices harmonize simultaneously.
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
Grinning at each other as Luna slides the guitar strings. Colson starts the next verse. Alternating with Luna every two. She backs him during the line.
🎶Underneath my bed🎶
Coming back together, they sing the ending chorus. By the second round, the whole bus is singing together.
🎶Ain't got no quarrels🎶
🎶With God🎶
🎶And got no time🎶
🎶To grow old🎶
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
They happily belt together. Finishing up with laughter. Still passing around rolled up weed.
Everyone thinks it's a great cover. Colson isn't sure about the energy though. Luna agrees, it's more jam seshy. Probably because their baked off their asses. Luna offers trying What I Got if he wants.
"Nah, let's chill out." He leans down to kiss her forehead. "Y'all wanna kick on a movie?" He asks.
Stoned, they all agree. Laughing and loudly quoting How High as they watch it. Luna eventually climbing onto Colson's lap to cuddle. Giggling as they drop sporadic kisses on each other.
Everyone too stoned to move, they put on Anchorman next. Smoking almost a half ounce between them in less then 5hrs.
Most of them nodding out before Baxter gets punted off of the bridge. All of them knocked before the end of the movie.
They wake up around 830Pish. Beers already cracked. Drinks made. More weed flowing along with music. Sam finds the Magic Slushies when she goes to look for ice.
"What is this?" She asks, intrigued as she pulls out the large jar.
"We had a Tea Party." Luna tells her from across The Bus.
"And THIS was left over??" Sam asks being very familiar with Luna's Tea Parties. "Can we eat these right now?"
"Can we wait? I don't know if I wanna be stuck on The Bus and I'm still kinda recovering from Saturday night...." Luna groans. "Wanna play a game instead?"
Luna heads to her and Colson's room after Sam nods. She comes back out with poster board and art supplies. Truly packing everything but the kitchen sink.
"What 'cha thinkin', Loons MaGoons?" Baze asks her.
Luna grins at him. "I'm thinking a good 'ol American drinken' board game.... There Truck. What do you guys think?" She asks.
She's met with amused Okays as her and Sam set out on a gameboard. Turning to Colson, she asks him to have the others find themselves pawns. They settle on quarters with their initials drawn on with Sharpie.
Most are obvious, like C for Colson, L for Luna and R for Rook. Ashleigh takes the A as they squeeze AJ onto one. Sam gets the S, Benny the B, while Baze uses a Z and Slim settles for BA. For BlaqAbe.
"How's it look?" Luna asks, displaying her and Sam's finished project.
"You tryin' to get us fucked up, Brooklyn!" Benny laughs at their creation.
"That's my girl." Colson says kissing her head.
Cracking more beers and grabbing a bottle of tequila. Gathering around the board on the floor, they use one die. Starting counterclockwise from the youngest. Rook goes first. Rolling a 2.
"Truth or Dare, Rookie!!" Slim laughs.
Shaking his head, he chooses Dare. Who knows what the hell he's in for.
Colson speaks first.
"I dare you to give our Newb a proper welcome..." He says mischievously.
The Boys whoop as Ashleigh shakes her head.
"And what is that?" Luna asks thinking of her friend.
"A lap dance" Colson shrugs with a smirk.
"Well, in that case..." Luna laughs.
She gets up to change the music. Turning up Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me.
"BRING IT OOON!!" Sam laughs as Rook turns bright red.
Initially shy, Rook's got moves once the 80's hit kicks on. Sam laughs and squeals as he snakes up her body, then slithers down it. Opening her legs as he leans into her chest.
Everyone cheering him on as Luna passes Sam bills. Taking his shirt off, he jumps onto the couch. With Sam between his legs, he pulls her by the neck using his shirt. Grinding his hips in her face as she tucks bills into his waistband with encouragement. Hopping down, Rook shakes his ass against Sam's tits. Grinning and fully enjoying herself, she slaps it as he asks The Bus if they want One Lump or Two.
It is a phenomenal performance. Ashleigh, Sam and Luna clapping and whooping when he finishes. Rook beaming as his cheeks blaze maroon.
"Drummer Boy got them moves like Jagger!!" Sam teases him.
Sam has to take a shot when she rolls a 1. Ashleigh the same when she rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces. Benny rolls a 1 also. More shots, while Luna rolls a 5.
"Group selfie!!!" She shouts as they all pile in.
Somehow squeezing all nine of them together. Colson rolls a 6, landing on a Drink Water spot.
"This is bullshit." He complains as he chugs a bottle.
Baze rolls a 4, picking Rook to Colson's steady complaint.
"You have a beer in your hand, Ya nut!" Luna laughs at him as she kisses his cheek.
AJ rolls a 1, taking a shot. While Slim rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces for his own shot. Everyone drinking but Rook when he rolls a 4. Sam drinking water when she hits a 5. Colson laughs at Ashleigh when she rolls another 5, having to drink water too.
"I don't mind, dickhead." She snarks back with a smile, welcoming the water.
Hotel Diablo is bumping as they swig beers and pass joints. Everyone laughing and talking as they take their turn. Benny chooses Colson to take a shot on his 3. Luna having to talk in an accent for the rest of the game when she also rolls a 5.
"Blooty 'ell wit these fouves, Mates!" Luna horribly imitates Dom.
Colson starts to pout again when he only rolls a 2, until he realizes he gets to Make A Rule. No one is surprised when it's: He and Luna take a shot whenever ANYONE else has to drink anything.
"You fooking lush..." Luna slurs trying to perfect her accent.
"You're such an idiot." Colson laughs kissing her head as she nuzzles into him.
"Fucking water!!" Baze shouts out when he rolls a 2.
Colson and Luna taking shots with his water. Slim laughing at Luna's fucked up accent. More shots for everyone but AJ as he hits a 6. Slim being another victim of The Water with a 5. Luna and Colson taking a shot with him.
They carry on, laughing and teasing each other. Rook choosing to thumb wrestler Luna on his 2.
"Ahhh!! You're a cheater!!" Rook laughs as Luna swoops her thumb and pins him down.
"Ya got a Sweep the leg, Johnny!!"
Luna wiggles in happiness over her win. Making Rook laugh at her shitty accent.
Sam's 3 gets her dominated by Colson's big hands when she choses him as her opponent. Already feeling tipsy, Ashleigh's relieved when her 1 forces everyone to drink but her. Benny makes the rule that anytime anyone says Fuck they have to drink off of his 4. Things are gonna get wild now. Luna's forced to rhyme on a 2.
"Oi tell ye well. Burds loike me, go straight to blooty 'ell." Luna spits out as the room laughs.
Rook tosses her an approving elbow. Colson reminding her of his rap battle plans.
"You're an idiot." She laughs as she kisses him.
"Your idiot." He confirms with another kiss before taking his turn.
"FUCK yeah!!! Two shots!!" Colson stands up shouting when he rolls a 6. Benny reminds him of the Fuck Rule making it three.
"Word." Colson grins, lining up six shots.
Luna downing three with him. Taking another with Colson on Baze's 5. Laughing and talking, Sam and Slim get stuck with an extra shot for the Fuck Rule. AJ's 5 demands more shots from him, Luna and Colson. Making a Rule on his 2, Slim wants them to Caw-Caw like birds anytime Colson kisses Luna.
"That's not fucking cool, Dawg!" Colson exclaims.
That's another shot for them both. Stupid Fuck Rule. Rook rolls a 4. Making him, Colson and Luna pound their beers. It's a double round of shots for them also when the space makes him move ahead one too.
"Fucking, Eh... I mean Blooty 'ell!!" Luna tries to correct herself.
"SHOOOOOT!!" The Bus laughs at her.
"I was walking down the line. Feeling just fine. Till this ugly boy grabbed my behind. I had to drop him quick because, Bitch I'm a dime." Sam spits as her 3 makes her rhyme.
Luna laughs as Ashleigh high fives Sam. With The Boys impressed, Rook let's a Fucking Awesome slip. One, two, three... More shots for him, Colson and Luna.
"This efff ruullle is haaard, my dear boy." Luna complains to Benny, drawling out her letters and twisting her wrist in the air.
Benny laughs at her tipsy eyeballs. She leans into Colson, causing him to instinctively kiss her cheek. His whisper is interrupted by a rule.
"CAAW-CAAWW!!!" Slim drunkenly shouts as the room mimics The Caw-Caw Rule. Things are getting ridiculous.
"Oh Fuck..." Ashleigh sighs as her 6 makes her pound her beer to Colson and Luna's second. Plus, three shots each for the space jump and Fuck Rule.
Benny's 6 has the three of them down another two shots. They're all getting wasted. The Fuck Rule coming in so hardcore, they have to open another bottle of tequila. Luna's 5 requires a prank call. She decides on Pete.
"Elllllloooo!!! This is blooty Keith Mooon cawlling from the graave, Mate. Hoooow dooo you doooo?" She howls into the speaker phone.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pete asks Luna, laughing.
"SHOOOOT!!!" The Bus screams making him understand.
Hanging up after a few minutes, Colson gives Luna a side eye when his 4 lands him on SAFE.
"What kinda shit is that?" He asks her drunken shrug.
Baze lands on Truth or Dare with his 4. Colson daring him to give Sam a Racer Shot. Luna lightly threatening him to leave her friend alone after she basically watches him spit a shot into her throat. Sam rolling her eyes and laughing at Luna. She's not worried about these Boys.
"NEVEAHHH!!!" Colson cackles, pulling Luna onto his lap.
"CAW-CAAAW!!" The Bus of drunks explodes as their lips meet. Laughter interrupting the kiss.
Another pounding of their beers and two more shots as AJ's 2 forces them on.
"I tink I'm blooty druuunk..." Luna laughs, accent taking on a life of its own. Now she sounds Irish. Or maybe British... They're all too drunk to care.
"FOOKING 'ELL!!" Luna exclaims with wide eyes.
Slim rolled a 5, landing with AJ. Another pounded beer, round of shots and an extra for Luna and the Fuck Rule. Joints are still flowing, everyone's having a good time making their way around the gameboard.
With another 4, Rook lands SAFE with Colson. Sam's 3 gets her hit with a Truth or Dare. Choosing Dare, Luna cuts in.
"Oi daaare you, koind laaty to allow me to give you a Sharpie Facial." Luna drunkenly dares her.
Sam accepts allowing Luna to give a wicked, twisted mustache and goatee on her face. The Bus erupting into laughter. Rook shouting CAW-CAAW!! as Colson tries to tell Luna he loves her.
"What the fuck." He complains to another round of shots for him and Luna.
Ashleigh slides into SAFE on her 4, Benny's Shot Whore means another round for Luna and Colson also. Luna hits Never Have I Ever with a 5.
"Neva ave oi eva fooked..."
"Shot!!" Sam yells at her.
After slamming it with Colson and trying to hold any kind of accent Luna starts again. "Neva ave Oi eva BANGED a midget while blooted owff caCANE." She grins as she raises her hand.
Roaring, everyone raises theirs but Benny. They all look at him.
"What? I like small bitches and it snows a lot in NYC." His explanation met with snorting and howling.
They're almost halfway through and everyone's pretty wasted. They've switched from Hotel Diablo and are blaring Outkast's Aquemini. The southern groove catching their hips. Joking and smoking, they try to proceed on.
Colson rolls a 5, landing on a space that kicks him back ten. The new space calling for him to down his drink and move forward to two more shots. Lining 'em up, Luna follows behind him. This being around the fourth or fifth beer she's pounded.
Rolling a 1, Baze pulls who's ever closest to him for another selfie. AJ, Rook, Slim, Colson and Luna. They look trashed.
AJ's 6 knocks him back one, calling for shots from him, Luna and Colson. Slim grabs a 3, choosing to Prank Call LaMar. Laughing so hard, he can't make it through the call.
Mar calls back confused with another What the Fuck? The drunk friends not making any sense and screaming SHOT at him, he hangs up.
Rook rolls a 3, his space demanding whoever has the most beer to Neck It. Down goes Ashleigh, Luna and Colson's beers. Sam's 5 has her Move Back One to Shot Whore. The couple follows her down her shot hatch.
Everyone is loud and laughing. Baze falls out of his chair with a Fuck and 3 shots. Forgetting about it, Colson almost spits out his beer when he catches Sam's facial art.
"CAW-CAAW!!!!" They shout as he kisses Luna over her masterpiece.
Ashleigh was safe until she rolled a 5. Knocking her back ten spaces with Colson. The three of them pounding their beers and slamming another round of shots as called for.
"Fuuuck..." Escapes from her mouth as she wipes the tequila off her chin. That's another shot for the three of them.
"Oi blooty ate yooou!!" Luna laughs.
"You gonna eat her?" Slim teases. "That's a show I never thought I'd see!" He laughs.
Forgetting to use her accent, Luna laughs out a Fuck You. That's another shot for her and Colson. They're about to crack their third fifth of tequila. Landing on Flip a Coin with his 5, Benny lands on heads. Six more shots. Two a piece between him, Colson and Luna.
"You really fucked us." Luna drunkenly kisses Colson afterwards.
"SHA-CAWT!!!!" Baze screams.
Placing her face in her hands, Luna laughs uncontrollably. It takes a moment for her to take her Fuck Rule shot. It's another two shots for her, Ashleigh and Sam when Luna lands on a 3, making only the girls drink. And Colson.
Word limit...( 1 of 2 )
To be continued...
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Cant help what you feel #604
1:44 am, 2 January 2022
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I think I think too much. Whenever I think of everything others have, I get upset. When I think of what I have, I feel nothing. What do I have? A lot more than the poorer half of the population. I live in University City, one of the most famous tourist hot spots, yet it doesn’t feel like it though.
Parr called me yesterday afternoon and told me he loved me - platonically and he’ s glad that we’re friends. He also told me that Chak liked me, and that he understands that after my ex I’m afraid of relationships and I think all men are trash. 
I’ve been thinking, am I in vain for not liking Chak back? He is a sweet guy, he is loving, respects my space and in all my life, I think he’s one of the very few dudes I vibe with. I low-key think it’s cause we’re both depressed as fuck. Sure, he has a nicotine addiction and doesn’t seem to be extremely concerned about his health, but whenever I think of a boyfriend, I have always wanted it to be someone healthy, gym going, veggie loving guy. Someone who still knows how to have fun on the weekends, someone who pushes me to be better everyday, while at the same time going easy on me. In idea and theory, he is just a great guy -Chak, but I am just not physically attracted to him. There it is! I said it, what I really have not been wanting to tell anyone out loud. I just don’t find him sexually attractive. When I look at him, sure, I want to spend hours talking to him, but I don’t feel this undeniable urge to kiss him or anything else. Parr told me he thought Chak was ‘the one’ for me. However, as rude as this may sound, I feel like I’ve been through so much, I deserve better. 
For Christ’s sake, Chak has already had an amazing three year old relationship with this girl who was way out of his league. He would tell me about them dating and all of their stories sounded like something out of a fairytale. He got his ideal queen. Fuck, off, he doesn’t get to have everything he wants now. Him and I have a similar filial condition, but at least he had a long term girlfriend at one point, bitch, I never even had that! 
Now, I need my ideal prince charming. I like boy band guys for fucks sake! One Direction and these other K-pop boy bands have ruined my standards for men. I’d rather date Jungkook from BTS in my head and be single IRL than be with someone I’m not that attracted to. Yup. That kitten is out of the bag.
I’ve been feeling so bad about this the whole day, I thought I was a vain human being, but I can’t help it! I really can’t help it! I need my guys to look cute or else I don’t want them. I know, I know, beauty fades over time and true beauty is on the inside, but I just can’t help it. 
Now, since I have admitted to myself that I am in fact a little vain bitch who wants a 4 pack, 6 foot boyfriend with a cute smile, who might be out of my league, I can finally have a little bit of peace. Sucks for Chak, but hey, I guess he’ll find someone like his ex someday and I’ll find someone who makes me wanna jump their bones.
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oscarlovesthesea · 8 years
11 facts meme taggity thing + 16 facts about me or whatever these things are called
the amazing @gay-trash-cats always tags me in things and then I forget which is how I ended up owing them 27 facts about me. Let’s see! (This thing was so long I needed to make a cut :O)
1.I love my friends, online and real friends alike. They’re amazing people and there is almost nothing I wouldn’t do for them (almost because I’m excluding stuff like genocide or killing a kitten? sorry friends I love you but cats are the best)
2. my favourite sport has always been horse riding and I’ve done it for 9 years, even doing competitions at national level. between studying a lot and not really having the money for it I haven’t been riding in like 8 months now which is probably the longest I’ve been without it in years and I am actually feeling like I’m going through withdrawal. 
3. speaking of riding, the first horse I ever really got attached to was this tiny and full of rage Shetland called Caramella (Candy). The two horses who taught me the most were called Perla (Pearl) and Daimon. When I started competitions I first had a crazy pony I loved very much called Asterix, then moved on to this super sweet mare called Ghira, then to a black cutiepie (who was probably the best one in terms of technical abilities) called Kibor. The only actual horse (meaning, not pony) I’ve had for long was a beautiful mare called Actionmaid Z, but since her name was too long I called her Arwen.
4. in 9 years of riding, I’ve only had one bad fall, from this huge horse called Amadeus - it was before I got Arwen and he was scared of everything and definitely too big and strong for my tiny arms, so when a car passed in front of us (the car, funnily enough, contained my best friend’s boyfriend) and he got scared I just splattered to the ground, cracking a few ribs. I’m an idiot and I just got back up and completed the jumping routine I was doing ignoring the fact that I could barely breathe, which probably made it worse, but at least I didn’t go through “fall induced trauma” or whatever. i swear i’m done with the riding facts
5. my friends Clelia and Ionita are horrible people who got me into anime and then told me all the characters who died in Death Note when I was only three episodes in. I’m still not over it.
6. I’m Italian even though my skin is like a ghost’s . I was born in Rome but I moved into the countryside when I was about four, which was possibly the best decision my parents ever made. I still live really close to Rome though so I still go at least once a week.
7. I am currently living in Scotland, near Edinburgh, where I’m staying with a host family. I arrived about four months ago and I’m going to stay at least until June and I’m loving every second of it.
8. I have a dangerous addiction for brownies, crisps, parmesan and ham. I’m serious, I need help.
9. In theory, I speak Italian, English, French and Spanish, but even though I can understand and make myself understood I’m not really confident about my Spanish and my French.
10. To be honest I’m not really confident about my English either especially because when I’m tired I tend to mess up the grammar and mispronounce things
11. which reminds me, I find it incredibly hard to say the word ‘references’. I don’t know why.
12. I love acting and I’m a huge theatre nerd. I’m going to apply for an acting academy this year even though I’m definitely not gonna get in but one at least makes a nice experience right?  but it took like five different people to convince me to do it.
13. my musical taste is the weirdest shit because it goes from Italian folk music from the ‘60s/’70s, which is what my parents made me listen to as a child all hail Fabrizio de Andrè to musical theatre with little to nothing in between.
14. my favourite musical is Les Mis (as pretty much everyone who has opened this blog even just once knows), followed by Next to Normal and Jesus Christ Superstar. I do love Hamilton but I can’t manage to choose where to rank it.
15. I can’t stand love stories. Meaning, I can’t read a book where if you take away the love story you have nothing, but I do enjoy them if they are of some addition to the plot. At the same time, pointless romanitc subplots are the least interesting thing in the world (I’m looking at Sharon Carter in Civil War and pretty much every James Bond movie ever made).
16. Shinya Hiiragi is my actual son and I’m going to protect him.
17. I actually have a full battalion of fictional sons and daughters that I adopted because I just have mum instincts with anyone and  anything. I think the latest addiction was Ciel Phantomhive.
18. Every year I take part in a Harry Potter themed camp which is a lot of fun because we’re all friends and huge nerds and we just love each other. I went for the first time at the first edition of it when I was 14 or 15 and it probably changed my life.
19. there I met my friend Franz who is like a big brother to me and looks A LOT like Shang from Mulan.
20. I am the actual definition of mum friend which is pretty fun but also a bit stressful lol
21. my favourite character from Les Mis is Enjolras because I see a lot of myself in him. There is also a bit of Jehan Prouvaire in me and I guess some Combeferre as well.
22. throwback to those good old times when the SuperWhoLock fandom seemed to rule Tumblr, I actually wrote a SuperLock fanfiction on an Italian website. I only need to publish the last chapter which is already half written, but the thing hasn’t been updated in two years.
23. I don’t really play videogames but I bought Life is Strange about a week ago and even though I’ve only had time to get to the beginning of episode 2, I’m really enjoying it.
24. I am currently reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and I’m loving it. Aziraphale is the cutest thing, I swear but sometimes I feel like I’m reading a Castiel/Crowley crack fic. The book is amazing though!
25. I’m definitely a cat person and my biggest aspiration in life is living on my own, on an island, with infinite amounts of tea and cats everywhere.
26. My grandmother was a quite renowned writer in Italy (at her time), and her books won quite a lot of awards. My mum is a writer as well but she doesn’t really feel confident about it and has never published anything but i’m determined to get her books published because they’re great and she deserves it.
27. I am a huge nerd and I can’t choose a favourite between sci-fi and fantasy. I love space facts but I also LOVE dragons and unicorns (dragons especially. I have a collection.)
Ugh, I didn’t think I was going to manage to come up with enough stuff... whoever has read everything will be given a virtual toast, I swear. I’m tagging @unicorn-gureshin, @gureshin-trash, @sjexokm and @sparkleofstardust. Enjoy!
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