#don't worry anon
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the-real-sasuke-uchiha · 2 months ago
I don’t mean to be weird but… is it like weird that I have a crush on your brother?
Look, anon, my brother is mine, ok? Like, I don't care what weird romance ideas you have in your head, I won't let you distract him from playing with me. Like, ever. Nii-san is for me, go away. 😤😝
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gwenimaru · 8 months ago
...Top Amy like porn?
I've got links- I'm just checking.
WHA- What do you mean The P-word Anon??😭😭
(lmao) what I'm saying, I just want to see her be more (ehem) Dominant (??) towards Shadow and maybe makes him all flustered and he became the obedient one aidbsksj-
(What am I saying 💀💀)
EHEM- anyways, back to the topic. I just really wanted to see Amy being the one taking the role of the Dom (like making the first move or something like that) and Have Shadow being the Sub (hehehe it sounds so weird but hella funny)
I think it will be fun and interesting to see Amy being the active role of taking control of things and Shadow just going along with it
Just Amy being "😏" and Shadow being "😳"
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distantkairi · 2 years ago
So, no BIG spoilers but how do we know Link lives in that house too? As of where I am now, nobody in Hateno even knows who my boy is 😭😭 Please tell me there’s an explanation or anything else really that confirm him acutally living there or nearby….
I have a long post coming of all the hints/evidence (that I managed to find), but it's got a lot of spoilers. But in the meantime, there is a well behind the house you might want to check out...
About the npcs, the reason most npcs don't recognize Link is because they wanted to make the game approachable to newcomers. In a recent video on twitter, the creators state they worked hard to make it so people could just jump in, and Fujibayashi had this to say in an interview:
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So yeah, that doesn't actually disprove they lived together. It sounds like they wanted to wink at people who DID play botw, but keep it subtle for newbies. This may even be why the champion's ballad photo is a save data bonus (if you don't see it in your game this is why). A reward for people who played botw, while newcomers don't have to question who Revali, Mipha, Urbosa and Daruk are and what the photo's about.
Also, people, let's just think for a second, how exactly did Zelda even get to that house after they defeated ganon and the game ended? A house that belonged to Link? Obviously, Link brought her back to his house after the end of botw. They walked away from the castle, together. I doubt he just dropped her off at the house right after the battle and left after everything they have been through together.
Master Works also had this to say:
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Some machine mistranslation here, but you get the gist. It states that Link stayed by her side and continued to watch over and support Zelda.
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aleksanderscult · 1 year ago
Also, the phrase "a second Ravka" is kind of chilling. Ravka back then was divided between otkazat'sya who lived in the open and Grisha who lived in the shadows. Two different worlds and the Darkling became the first person who united them for the first time.
EXACTLY and then antis say that he was the one responsible for segregation, he was the one responsible for anti grisha sentiments like pleaseeee shut up.
This seriously couldn't be further from the truth. In the books, we could see that otkazat'sya kind of held Grisha in awe.
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And they only despised the Darkling because of his powers and for the fact that his "ancestor" created the Fold.
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You can really see the difference of how Ravkans treated Grisha in the past and how they do now. There is still some contempt against them but now some are also fascinated by them, interested and kinda reminds me the way we look at celebrities.
It's the TV series that made all the otkazat'sya characters hostile against Grisha and it's one of my 717281 to hate that show.
In the books, they only truly feared and despised the Darkling because of his "ancestor's" actions.
And as for the anti-Grisha sentiment, it truly existed long before the Darkling was even born. Let's not forget what happened to his grandpa, huh? 🙂
No, he wasn't responsible for the way people treated Grisha. I'll even dare say that he was actually the one to give them prestige and was the one behind otkazat'sya's fascination towards them by putting them in the Second Army.
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(Rule of Wolves)
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cementcornfield · 2 months ago
No Joe'Marr white party moments this year 😫
this is devastating news anon, like i said earlier, it was SUCH a high seeing that they went to the party together and were basically by each others' sides all night. (joe dancing his big tall awkward body around while ja'marr stood patiently and proudly next to him is a highlight of 2024 for me)
tbh though ja'marr's friends on stream have given him a lot of shit for going to parties like that lmao in the wake of everything (and i'm assuming that's a large part of why it's getting called off this year) so who knows if ja'marr would have even gone again. and i do see it debated on the dash at times but i personally think joe actually does enjoy going to these industry parties. he's pretty low on the celebrity totem pole at these events, all things considered, so he actually gets to enjoy himself without everyone there in a frenzy over him! like if it's joey b and queen b at a party, joe basically finally gets to feel like a normal guy in comparison! love that for him tbh!
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actuallycassidyiambusy · 1 year ago
Luffy was thrown in a cage for almost crashing Buggy's ship😭 what's gonna happen to him dawg what's Buggy finna do I don't have the strength
WhAt's GoNnA hApPeN tO HiM 😭🤣
Guess you'll find out tonight, now won't you?
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omo-queer · 1 year ago
oh also! i'm gonna update my pinned to say this, but:
i've been very careful not to specify anything about my genitals. please don't refer to specific anatomy in my asks—whether i have it or not, i take care to write around not giving specifics in my posts. i won't post asks that talk about my genitals more specifically than "genitals" or "crotch" or any other nonspecific reference.
not upset with anyone because i didn't specify this earlier, but it's important to note! it takes me out of the headspace i'm in a little and some words actively make me dysphoric.
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listenupcupcakes · 11 months ago
How can you hear?? Doesn't it hurt your ears when close to rocket?? YOU ROCKET JUMP??HOW???
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coladaminx · 2 years ago
do you think someone will pick up butai ni sake and start translating the remaining chapters? i am really missing my little theater group •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
Hello anon :) I'm hopeful someone will pick it up we just don't know when lol i actually wanted to try translating but I'm afraid it won't turn out well xD maybe i'll try bit by bit until someone picks it up officially
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
Different anon, I don't think the western church is in charge of the holy sites in the kingdom. i recall the holy sites are under the central church but it's in a nobles territory (not WC territory!) so anyone who wants to visit those sites would have to deal with that noble. the WC tried to claim/occupy the holy site where Cichol and Cethleans sacred weapons were held though (with violence) which forced the Central church to intervene.
Tbh I don't mind that the WC mainly wants to kill Rhea over differences in beliefs/practices (their intolerance vs Rheas tolerance) because we got ppl IRL being like that. even if it sounds dumb to us its pretty realistic. Adding more reasons for their behavior would be nice for lore though.
We know the Agarthans played a part in influencing them but I think they mainly weaponized the WCs xenophobia similar to how Cleobulus/Cornelia weaponizes Dimitri's step mothers desperate desire to see her daughter. I mean If there's a weakness that's already there then why not exploit it ?
Oh yeah, I know about the sites, I was trying to think of another reason why the WC would diss and/or hate the CC for something else than their xenophobia lol
I know it's dumb and we sadly have a lot of real life examples, but it's the traditional honeypotting situation, when there's a doubt or possible empty area in the lore/worldbuilding, the fan explanation is always more interesting than the more or less canon one lol
But it raises another set of issues, if the kingdom noble wants to, idk, raze Lake Teutates to make a giant golf course, what can the CoS do ? If the Kingdom wants to make Rhodos' coast a giant resort and sort of get rid of the weird monument there?
It's kind of odd how Rhea and the CC didn't push harder to gain some sort of "right" to administrate those sites, if Seteth went to rekt people during his paralogue for trying to steal and seize his wife's tomb, it's because those people were randos from the WC. But if they were mere Kingdom randoms?
And it makes the Adrestian NPC's comment (the one about wanting to seize the weapons the saints used bcs they feel like they belong to them) even more, uh, interesting in this context, the Kingdom could have stolen Cichol and Cethleann's weapons if they pillaged a tomb, but they didn't. The legend about the giant turtle handing a shiny bow? It's a mere legend, we don't have, say, Rodrigue, going to investigate this rumour to gather more weapons that could be "useful".
So even without taking into account Dimitri himself (as in, the only Lord who doesn't want to terminate Rhea for the lols or bcs pointy ears, except for that blunder in Zahras), Faerghus seems to be the closest "ally" the CoS has, even if being "allies" only means, before the events of the games, not pillaging their treasures and letting members of the Church visit places.
I can only imagine how the members of the WC would have reacted if Rhea was revealed not to be a human - since everyone worships angels but the second one pops up in front of them they pick their spears in this verse, Rhea turning into the IO would be warrant a death sentence from the members of the WC?
We will never know lol
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inthecarpets · 1 year ago
I would first consider the implications of speculating that the nation that is literally run by the merchants is based on Jews.
I did Not mean that Kazimierz is based on Jewish people. I did mean however that Kazimierz is based on Poland and named after a district (though also on a catholic king) known to be historically jewish; And Polish and Jewish history mix together. (at least Arknights Kazimierz is supposed to be based on Poland but most people see it as based on China from what i heard)
Poland was the heart of lot of Jewish history and culture for centuries and like 70% of Jewish people worldwide used to live in Poland for centuries; So i'm not sure if it's this fine to quickly disregard this hc (in the end i suppose silly hc) for Arknights either, even though i can see where you are coming from.
In my post i did Not mention anything about who exactly runs Kazimierz. My post implied however that a part of Arknights Kazimierz could be Jewish. Just like they could be Polish. Or Jewish and Polish in the same time. Or jewish and catholic people in the same space, implying that jewish people and catholics can live together.
That being said if the hc i made up still does feel inappropriate then there is nothing i can do and i guess it's a weak hc, and it simply happens to not suit the game. Even if it matches the nation with it's irl historical context.
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xactodreams · 1 year ago
Dude, that's such a cool collection - thanks for sharing the photo and the story behind them! I remember loving many of these fics! Is Don’t Look Now But I Lost My Shoe the one where Quinn goes to Dalton?? I feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole haha!
Yeah! Don't Look Now is the one where Quinn goes to Dalton. aka one of the two major faberry fics that clued me into the fact that I am NB lol.
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askadrianalucardtepes · 2 years ago
So if we ever offend you, we have to sit in the corner and think about what we just said or did? PFFT. What are we, CHILDREN? HMM? ... *sits in the corner* You could also make us write 1,000,000 sentences about what we shouldn't do. Hang on... I won't backsass Alucard, I won't backsass Alucard.. *writing*
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"I expect you to finish that list. I could be a lot worse when people offend me, be glad I'm still playing nice. Act like a child? I will treat you like a child. Now write!"
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dorenarox · 4 days ago
Thank you for the instruction! ♥
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hornydilfsinyourarea · 6 months ago
please pelase please make a bot of us fucking the deep from the boys 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes sir🫡🫡
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mxrpchronicle · 2 years ago
ive been thinking about it for like the past 16 hours and i cant think of a single psychoanalyzable trait of mine that isnt boring and/or traumadumping. except for this that might count as both: i rp on mxrp despite HATING!!!! initiating conversation with people and immediately panic spiral every single time i connect with someone new but i used to do it anyway like ten+ times a day. for some reason
honestly? fair. this is something i used to be afflicted by and now i start all my rps. it was a several years long process to get over and it was tied directly to the rest of my mental illness.
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