#don't worry I'm working on the other asks too🙈it just takes me some time to think and write
sketch-guardian · 1 month
Hii can I ask for an mc with a very strong oral hyperfixation like Demya? I don’t remember if that’s how you spell their name but I hope it is!!
Don't worry, your ask is valid and you wrote Demya's name correctly✨I'll do my best as always to satisfy requests💕also I assumed you meant every OC🙈:
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Well, a match made in heaven or in this case hell, because it would be a trait that Demya would share with MC. Demya wouldn't be sure how MC began to have a very strong oral hyperfixation, in her case it was due both to the premature separation from her family and then stay in a human circus as part of a freakshow before being freed and to her frequent hunger, still, unless MC wants to confide, Demya wouldn't ask too many questions, as it is by now a normal practice for her as well. Demya and MC would often be seen together chewing or licking on something with their mouths, maybe even kissing to keep their lips busy could work, but usually Demya would use food or bones to munch on, which she would share with MC, since they are her mate (MC perhaps, before trying, would like to know who those bones belonged to-). Basically, Demya would be very understanding and would be happy to have something more in common with MC
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At first Domnra would sigh in exasperation, since oral hyperfixation would remind him of Demya, that insuffarable gremlin, however since this would be about MC, he would prove more compliant (double standards-). Although oral hyperfixation is something Domnra is familiar with, he wouldn't know how MC deals with it exactly, so he would ask MC what they usually use to find relief and satisfy their urgent strong need. An attempt by Domnra to help and be supportive would be to buy crunchy or chewy snacks to relieve MC's cravings or if in a playful mood, Domnra would suggest asking Mobim to borrow one of its squeaky toys, which the little curse wouldn't be able to bite anyway due to its lack of mouth, Mobim only likes them for the sound (MC's allowed to slap Domnra-). Mobim would also like to be helpful and unlike Domnra, it would offer its toys very innocently, thinking of helping. Furthermore, Mobim hopes not to be bitten by the nape of its neck to be carried like a puppy, as happened with Demya once
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As already known, Azul raised Demya for a while, he bacisally grew used to being chomped on, so a MC with an oral hyperfixation would not only be a familiar scenario for him, but also child's play. First of all, Azul would focus on which methods MC prefers to use to deal with their hyperfixation, then at his suggestion, he would propose a chewable and suckable option, which can be both sweet and bitter depending on MC's personal tastes, that is, a chupa chups or a lollipop, to be used in moderation obviously, due to sugar. Azul would also volunteer to personally relieve MC, either through kisses, make-out sessions or lovebites (Azul is sadistic with his enemies, but masochistic with his lover, so his lovely star MC can go crazy with Azul, he can handle it-)
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Zuri would be curious about the origins of MC's oral hyperfixation if they feel like talking about it and would ask if MC's okay living like that or if they would prefer to see a specialist to try to get rid of the habit, in both cases Zuri would be able to adapt to the circumstances. Zuri doesn't open her mouth very often, but she has quite long fangs, so she would understand MC's likely discomfort in showing their oral hyperfixation in public. Zuri would suggest chewing on a gum or could personally sew a mask for MC so that they can carry out their methods to relieve their oral hyperfixation undisturbed.
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Odon wouldn't be able to relate to MC's oral hyperfixation on a personal level, seeing as they barely move their mouth, always busy forming a wide toothy smile, however as an understanding eldritch being, Odon would accept MC's peculiarity without any problem, as MC has ultimately done with Odon by accepting them as a friend in the first place. Odon would read books on the topic to give MC useful and appropriate advice, not knowing much on the subject themselves, moreover Odon would ask MC to explain to them how exactly oral hyperfixation works, what it feels like to have it and how they currently hadle it, they would also listen to the reasons behind the origin of the hyperfixation if MC wanted to share such story, Odon's a good listener. Odon's eye-like creatures wouldn't have an opinion about MC's oral hyperfixation, as long as MC doesn't bite them and make them think they want to eat them, they're fine with their habit
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Remiel would have her first approach to oral hyperfixation through MC, having never heard of it before, so MC should expect several questions, some unintentionally invasive, on the topic from the angel of death, who would only be attempting to better understand both MC and terrestrial issues. Remiel would do some research through tomes and if there weren't enough sources, she would also try internet, although technology isn't her strong suit, good thing she's a fast learner. However, since she remains quite dense, Remiel might take some advice too literally, so it would be up to MC to help explain better. Remiel is a rather understanding and soothing angel, so she would reassure MC that she doesn't mind their oral hyperfixation
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Nathaniel would believe he had seen similar habits in babies or in any case it would seem to him to be a typical trait of newborn animals, however as a very chill angel, Nathaniel would simply go along with it and not even pay too much attention to MC's oral hyperfixation, as if it were the most normal thing in the world, MC wouldn't even need to explain. Nathaniel would think about how to support MC in their daily oral hyperfixation and find pens as objects to chew on to replace finger nails or other possibly harmful habits, he would also suggest trying boba tea, given the gummy bubbles at the bottom. Basically, it wouldn't make much difference to Nathaniel if MC had an oral hyperfixation
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Uriel would initially be quite puzzled by MC's oral hyperfixation, unable to associate a logical explanation behind such habit, however she could reason and associate a similarity to her own need to physically vent through fighting when she is frustrated. Uriel would ask MC if their oral hyperfixation is something they want to maintain or get rid of, in order to decide whether to begin a training of resistance against temptation. If MC was okay with living like that, then Uriel would get used to it, throwing a glare with a veiled promise of smite to anyone who looks at MC strangely. Uriel would only ask not to try to chew on her armor, not only because of the hardness, but also because then she would have to clean it
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avonne-writes · 4 months
Hi! I don’t know if you’re taking asks or not but I figured I’d shoot my shot!
I’m a big fan of your Clegan stories. Reverie is my absolute favorite story in the fandom. I’ve re-read it twice already since you published the final chapter. It’s my bedtime comfort fic!
I was wondering if you had any advice for a first time smut writer?
I have a new series I started, exploring ‘firsts’ that Buck and Bucky experience and I know that Part Two of my series is going to be Gale and John’s first time. Which is also Gale’s first time doing anything sexual (Marge doesn’t really exist as a romantic partner in my series).
I’m an avid reader of explicit works, but have never even attempted to write one.
Yours come across so genuine and authentic and so I just wondered if you had any advice/tips? 🙈
Hi dear 🥰 Oh, thank you so much! Reverie is so precious to me, I'm glad that it's your comfort story. 💕 Yes, of course, my askbox is always open!
I'm no expert, of course, but I can tell you some of the things I consider while writing sex scenes. Writing a good sex scene is not as easy as it might seem, so don’t worry if you feel like it’s harder than you expected! And if it’s written out of love for the characters, I’m sure it will be lovely.
Some smut writing tips:
First of all, I think it’s good to decide what kind of smut you want to write and what the purpose of the scene is. If it’s arousal (e.g. a PWP fic), you’ll probably want to go into more detail of who's doing what and describe the physical sensations explicitly. If it’s the characters (which I think applies to your story), go into what it means to them to do this and what emotions the sensations evoke in them.
A well-written sex scene stays true to the characters. This is probably the hardest part, but almost everything works if you explain it. For example, if you have someone like Gale, who always talks calmly and confidently, and you want to write him stammering during his first time, the reader needs to understand why he’s so emotional and unsure about it. Example: perhaps he’s nervous that Bucky wants more than he can give.
Dialogue should be consistent with the scene and the characters. For example, a shy character won't start filthy dirty talk and characters won't moan loudly in pleasure if they need to hide.
It's better not to use euphemisms. Please no "love chamber" or "wand of desire". But I think you probably knew this already 😄
I also recommend not to use too many epithets (e.g. the blond, the taller man). I, personally, don't like to use them at all.
Especially with characters who don’t know each other's bodies well yet, leave them space to be surprised and to fumble. Example: Bucky might have had a lot of sex before but not with Gale, and perhaps he’s surprised by the way Gale moves against him, that he doesn’t just let himself be manhandled. Or the exact opposite, he expects Gale to push back but he’s pliant.
Have fun! If you struggle with a part of the scene, shorten it or skip it. You don’t need to describe everything if the words are not coming. 😊
These are the things I can think of at the moment, but let me know if you want to talk about this some more 🥰 You can also send me DMs. Good luck with your writing! I'm sure it will be delightful.
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cooki3face · 1 year
Hii, first of all I'm obsessed with your readings and your whole blog ♥️
Secondly, I want to share what is happening to me that I can't figure out. This is gonna be so long because it never happened sth like that in my whole life, hope you don't get bored by it 🙈
So, there's this person I started following at half year ago and basically fell in love, at first I was just start-strucked by his looks, then I got to know him a little better not directly tho just by crumbs like he talking with his friends and me watching from afar or how he posted on SM and what he wrote talking about himself and I started feeling even more attached because of his personality, so my love for him went beyond looks and day by day was getting stronger to the point that this year in May I started getting videos about how to manifest in general and there's was a particular tarot reader (my first one) I was fascinated by and started following her yt and then TikTok. This tarot reader posted a collective reading (not about love but I think it was work related) few hours before which it resonated with me so I started looking for others tarot readings in the search section and I suddenly got one while scrolling down which said "this person with blue eyes and that likes rock music is obsessed with you" the gasp I left and literally stopped breathing I was shook because she literally described two important details about my person "blue eyes" and "he likes rock music" and she said other things I resonated with. That's how started my obsession with tarots. And here started coming synchronicities which that time I thought they were coincidences and since May of this year I keep getting synchronicities about this person I'm so in love with.
Another thing which is not less important is that since he came into my life I can't love anyone else like I used to have many crushes and fell easily howevere none of them were mutual and didn't receive any synchronicities about them, but this person.. wow I can't stop thinking about them since August of last year and since May of this year it got "worse" and I keep seeing signs about them since that Month but sometimes they confuse me and sometimes it's like they ant to prove me.
Can you figure out what's that, which I've never ever experienced in my whole life I've never felt so attached to someone even though I've never met them but I saw with my own eyes two signs from them in April which made me scream inside bec one was too explicit but I thought it was a coincidence ngl. Also I've never dated seriously so I still have my V-card even tho I'm almost 30 yo. Oh, and I also got my spiritual awakening in May, as if he triggered it but he has still to have it I think.
Sorry for the essay but you don't have to reply with another essay, don't worry and take your time. I appreciate it 💞💞
ps. sorry for my english
Baby, this sounds like limerance. You don’t know this personal in real life, you only what you’ve observed about him online, you’ve never met this person nor spoken to this person from what I can see and understand. But you’re infatuated and obsessed with this person, so much so that you believe that you’re receiving signs from him or the universe that he likes you back or that you’re meant to be together.
Things like this are difficult to deal with especially when you are a spiritual person, believe in the metaphysical or something of the sort. You have to ask yourself where at some point your spiritual beliefs are crossing a line for you. You have to ask yourself if what you’re experiencing is really the work of your spirit guides or divinely guided or a symptom of child hood ptsd or something like it.
Limerance usually it caused by early attachment trauma, I know what it is, I know what it feels like because I’ve been there before. Someone or something that really helped me open my eyes up to this concept and digest it so that I can heal and understand what I was going through and what was really going on with me is The Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube. She has a beautiful video on limerence and she shares a plethora of examples on it by using letters from people who’ve reached out to her to help understand their own relationships.
She has multiple videos on limerence and this topic, now this is not to say that magical thinking or spirituality or my practice or lifestyle isn’t real or isn’t worth confiding in terms of relationships and connections but I think you may easily stumble into this direction at times to help validate what it is you’re experiencing, thinking and feeling, I’m sorry if this isn’t what you were expecting and I hope this this is helpful for you to some extent or at least gives you a different perspective. ❤️
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hyperbolicgrinch · 5 months
Im baaaaack 😈 Turnabouts fair play babe! Let's goooo !
1, 5 11, 12, 16, 22, 27, 29
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(don't ever stop!!!!!! ilysm!!! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)) (i did this instead of crying so forgive me for the mess?? 💓)
1. the last sentence you wrote -
woe, paragraph be upon you instead because that sentence alone would kinda be nothing???:
The waves are singing against the Sunny and the weather is kind. The crew lingers, their own ways to spend the day drifting on the breeze. The world won't go still, but it does, mercifully, slow down. His laughter trails off into deep, even breaths as he falls into a dream larger than you could ever know.
(messy messy messy but the zolu came upon me in the early hours and it had to go somewhere. 🤡) (ignore the second person, sometimes i have to start fics with it and then switch everything to third person later when i have a grip on it. i do not know why. 👐)
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP -
whelp, just have the whole paragraph again cause might be more mid otherwise, asdsfh:
There was another universe where, instead, Law gave in and headbutted him. Sent Eustass stumbling back, wiping the blood from his nose as he straightened from his recoil. Where they made eye contact as Eustass summoned whatever metals lay around the port and Law finally unleashed everything crushed inside his ribcage. Where they fought each other like they were taking down Emperors. Where their crews wasted themselves to get them free of each other.
(i don't know how I feel about it but hey, it's a wip for a reasonnnn. we edit for a reasonnnn. 🙈)
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday -
not fanfic, although i have many of them i wish could see the world, but i'd love to finish my werewolves in space wip. it rattles around in my brain constantly and the actors my mind cast for the main roles are inspiration alone. i am easily spooked by my original works tho so god only knows if it'll ever be seen. 🥲
12. a trope you’re really into right now -
finding each other in every life (whether familial or platonic or romantic or anything else). it helps me sleep at night. 🥺
16. favorite place to write -
in my bed, just before going to sleep, with something chill on the tv. the words flow better there. it's peaceful. 😌
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that? -
yeah. but also no, not really. by the time i'm in a position to be worrying about that, i've put so much effort and time into the thing that my delight at posting it, shuts off most of the bad what-ifs. i've been real lucky and only ever had nice experiences so far too. if i do worry about it before getting there tho, i hit up my sister or my other hype men and let them distract me from it with their biased povs. 😂
27. your favorite part of the writing process -
just the writing and editing in general, i guess. like when everything is starting to sing and you can add details and hidden gems. when you have a hole and you suddenly know how to fill it. matching words together that compliment each other and let the sentence paint the picture in a fun way. when the ideas elaborate on themselves and i just have to be the bricklayer. it's just really pleasing and calming when a piece starts coming together and you are running down that hill with all the momentum. 💪
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles? -
90% of the time? too easily. i normally have a title idea before i start writing or just after. or there's something i wrote and when i am reading through later & i see it, i go: "👀 free title real estate mayhaps? 👉👈". at the moment i have like two to three titles for all my fics and works in progress and could come up with more without being threatened. 😂 i'm going to have such a hard time of it when i have to decide. 🫠
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thank you for sending me some bangbang!! 💕💕 i'll try to get to the other ask soon. 🫶
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hihi! same anon as last time, wanted to leave my thoughts on the latest chapter ^^
something I notice, this taking place earlier on in the timeline than the other pieces in the series (of which I've reread a fair few times! hope that isn't an offputting thing to admit, I just really like your approach to these characters :D), is how lonesome and subdued he is at this time. I particularly really like that second paragraph listing off everyone's wishes for him that we've seen up to this point (and noting his parents' hpes too really sits with me- gosh, how worried they'd be for him over the past few years...) and I like as clumsily they go about it how determined his college friends are to cheer him up in some regard. even if they don't know the extent of hero's struggles, they invite him along and want him to have a good time too. it's for their benefit too but it's still sweet to see
my heart hurts for him in that stretch of them trying to sell him on playing the romance game, what a subject to navigate... I'm curious what CJ and Kyle took away from his mood slipping alongside his admittance of having been kissed, if anything. guess it'll be a wait and see :o
and even though as you've noted this is largely set-up to the party itself, I really like the hopeful note you close out on here. the smallest choices, little moments of courage, really add up. you just have to see where they take you, sometimes.
great work with this!! I eagerly await more however and whenever it works out, and I send my well wishes to the two of you- hope you both have a lovely day!! - 🩶
Oh my goodness! 🥺 Thank you so much 🩶Anon-Friend! Your ask was so sweet and means so much to us, especially after the struggle it has been to get this set of chapters ready for posting. It made our days to get to read your thoughts on the latest chapter! Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us!! 💖
Before we address your lovely specific points on the newest chapter, we wanted to reassure you that there is not and is never anything off-putting in reaching out to us and in telling us you have reread our little stories. It is so incredibly flattering to hear that not only did you give our fics a chance and enjoy them but also that you loved them enough to reread them. It's so encouraging and honestly has us tearing up a little! 🥺💙Seriously, it's the greatest compliment to hear that you were so impacted by something we created that you wanted to read it more than once. Do you have a favorite story in the series so far? (No pressure to answer, of course. We were just a little curious).
Thank you also for saying that you love the way we write the characters! We both love OMORI and all of its amazing, dynamic characters so much (Hero especially) so it is always our goal to do them justice whenever we write about them. To hear other people enjoy our interpretations and it's not only us who see these characters in this way is always so encouraging. Thank you so much for that!
Thank you again for supporting our “When Sun Shines Again” project and for reading our latest chapter! We apologize it was short and that not a lot happened (that's why we didn't have our word of thanks to you in the author's note. We were always planning to put it in the next one where things actually happen & apologize for the delay 🙈). After several months of writing and rewriting, editing and reediting, however, we decided to post some of it (if only so Acacia would stop editing and finally move on). It means so much to hear that you enjoyed it! We've addressed your specific points under the cut (because this post got really, really long), but thank you so much again for such an incredibly kind ask! We appreciate you and your support so much. Please take care of yourself and we wish you a fantastic day as well! 💙
Honestly squealing a little that one of your big takeaways from this chapter was how lonely Hero is at this point in his life. We tried so hard to make that a major theme in the work thus far, so it means a lot to hear that that stuck out to you especially in comparison to stories that take place farther in the future. One of the biggest inspirations for this story has always been this line from One Day Left:
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Hero really is so lonely, and it goes beyond just the loss of the best friend he had in Mari. He can't open up to others in the same way that he used to. He feels he has to protect Aubrey, Basil, Sunny, and Kel who are dealing with their own grief. He is terrified of worrying his family, and he struggles to tell any new friends he makes about his painful past. He doesn't show anyone the whole picture anymore--doesn't show those broken parts of himself. For any relationship to truly develop, there has to be a level of vulnerability, a moment where you allow someone else to truly see the real you. Hero doesn't want is anyone to see him anymore. By never letting anyone in, he thinks he is preventing himself from ever hurting or burdening others, but what he is really doing is preventing himself from ever being truly loved.
What was more important to both of us in writing this series wasn't that Hero opens himself up to romantic love again but that he opens himself up any love: to the love of his family and friends. We want him to allow people to know him, to see him, and to love him again, so he doesn't have to be alone anymore. We want him to heal his relationships with his old friends and his family, but also to open himself up to new friends too which is how the cast of this story became so much bigger than just one OC love interest. Yes, it's the name of the blog but we truly believe that Hero deserves to be happy and it's our hope that that he can find that happiness in building meaningful relationships with people who truly care about him (even in a purely platonic sense).
Hero's family & friends know and wish this too (in our opinion) which is why they are worried and why they want so desperately for him to make friends at school. It means so much to hear you specifically mention that second paragraph of this chapter where Hero thinks of his loved ones' wishes for him. [A/N: Sprinkles wants to specifically thank you for mentioning Hero's parents and how deeply worried they are about him as that's something that (we both feel) often gets overlooked or misinterpreted so it means a lot to hear that that really struck you! Always excited to find fellow "Kel & Hero's Parents are flawed (as all human beings are) but they genuinely love and care about their kids and are trying their best" Truthers out there!] All those wishes were all intentionally included in the previous chapters to build up to this section of the story and everything that comes after because Hero building these friendships, finding this sense of community, and opening himself up again is one of the most important themes of this story.
And in that way, you're absolutely right about Hero being much lonelier at this point in the timeline than in the other stories in this series. From the beginning we've had this detailed outline/timeline of the "When Sun Shines Again" universe and when we [A/N: mostly Acacia who has a bad habit of wanting to write out of order] work on spin-off stories, we tend to have a specific point on the timeline in mind to set that story in. It's so encouraging to hear that there is such a noticeable difference in how lonely Hero is in this early part of the timeline than in the later ones when he has cultivated these friendships and allowed himself to be vulnerable with them. That vulnerability is really the key. For instance, you mentioned Kyle and C.J. and their reactions to Hero's unexpected shift in mood, and the real issue for Hero there is that he can't explain because he isn't ready to open up about Mari yet. Eventually when/if he is ready to tell his friends about her, those kinds of misunderstandings will become less of a problem.
We loved what you said about his friends being determined to cheer him up a little bit. That's exactly what we were going for! And it means so much to us that you've mentioned Kyle and C.J. specifically here as if they are real characters. We worked hard on them so it really means a lot! Eventually they will learn at least some things about Hero's history and Mari (not sure if that's a spoiler or not), but despite them (especially Kyle) being goofs, they really do care about Hero and would be a lot more sensitive if they knew his past. In that way, it's kind of a good thing they don't know because the rest of this story kind of depends on them being a little more pushy (at least to the extent of getting Hero out of the house to this party, but more on that in the next chapter...)
We apologize for that the sadness in that bit about poor Hero remembering Mari and their relationship and kind of swearing off romance forever. We were kind of worried it would come off as a random tangent (even though we know/hope it'll be relevant later), but ultimately, we decided to keep it if just to reiterate the point that Hero is absolutely not ready for that right now and is not going to be ready for a long, long time (which I'm sure you know if you've read the other fics in this series). We actually kind of had to laugh about it the other day because we are now 43,805 words into this story and Hero hasn't even met the girl who will eventually get him to open his heart to love again. As Sprinkles says, "This takes slow burn to the next level."
But we feel strongly that it has to, just by the nature of what it is. Hero loved Mari so much. He wanted to spend his forever with her and genuinely cannot imagine ever wanting that kind of relationship with anyone else at this point. To gloss over that or speed through it really feels like a disservice to him and to how deeply he loved Mari and is still grieving her. Finding healing and opening his heart again is a very long, complex, and often painful process. It can't be rushed, and thanks to Sprinkles who insisted we turn this story idea into the proper epic it deserves, hopefully it won't be here (A/N: it was originally only supposed to be 5 chapters spanning the same length of time but just in less words/scenes, but Sprinkles wisely decided we needed to let the story breathe and take its time!)
Lastly, we are so thrilled to hear that you liked the hopeful ending of this chapter and the reflection on the small seemingly insignificant moments in life that have major impacts. We absolutely agree with your analysis that sometimes we really do have to see where those little moments of courage take us (and we absolutely adore the poetic way that you've worded that too). That's always been such a big takeaway from OMORI for us especially when we think about how (arguably) the most important part of the game (those Real World segments) are sparked by the seemingly insignificant choice to go outside with Kel. If the player chooses to ignore Kel's knocking, they'll end up in Hikikomori and the "True"/Good ending will be impossible to them which in a way (or at least in our opinion) makes it the most important decision in the game. But it's so deceptive precisely because you don't expect the most important decision in a game to be opening the door for your friend. We wanted to bring that kind of sentiment into "When Sun Shines Again" as well and emphasize these little moments that end up having huge impacts on Hero's life and his future.
You've probably guessed by the amount of music references in "When Sun Shines Again" that we have found a lot of inspiration for this series in music, and there is a song called "Something Changed" by Pulp [YouTube Link (A/N: The song title is the Spotify link)] that perfectly sums up this sentiment (A/N: Acacia listens to it a lot while writing). It's this love song from 1995 (so appropriate for the time period here) that's really about "perfect timing" and how it's not these little moments that bring these people together. The song is really the singer reflecting on these seemingly insignificant moments that unexpectedly changed his life and how he wasn't expecting to find love but somehow everything just fell into place and "something changed." Here's a few of our favorite lines:
"Oh, I could have stayed at home and gone to bed I could have gone to see a film instead You might have changed your mind and seen your friends Life could have been very different but then Something changed"
That's probably a good wrap up place before we start rambling about spoilers (not sure if you care too much about those, but we've tried to avoid them just in case 😅). We're hoping to get the next two chapters wrapped up and posted this week. We have no idea if this is even possible but we're going to try. (Acacia is determined to get poor Zoey into this book by her birthday so wish us luck!). The encouragement and feedback we've received from you is such incredible motivation to get these chapters finished and posted though, so thank you so much for that and for all of your support!
We are so delighted that you've enjoyed our stories and are so humbled and flattered that you think so highly of our "When Sun Shines Again" series. Merely saying thank you does not feel like enough, but thank you so, so much for this! Please don't hesitate to stop by our inbox any time to talk with us. We're always happy to discuss this project, our OCs, or anything Hero related (honestly, anything OMORI related within our blog rules really even though this is a Hero-centric blog), so please don't be shy or a stranger. Sending much love to you, 🩶 Anon-Friend!
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weanda · 2 years
He#18.2 The last part
This night has been over for months. As I write this, it's about three. My memories have faded... I think about the two of us a lot, especially because we wrote to each other for Christmas, but the truth is that we didn't talk for months...
So that night, on September 14th, after we greeted each other with the nice and hot kiss, I invited him for a drink. 🥃🍻 Then several more times during the night, and of course he took care of me too. We talked to each other, but also spent time separately with our colleagues. The atmosphere was relaxed, everything went well. Some of our colleagues asked me what was going on between us and they approved of our acquaintance. That made me feel good. But I had a female colleague who asked us the same thing when we were standing next to each other and he didn't answer... so I said "We just get know each other" and he nodded in agreement. It was an awkward and sensitive situation for me because I suddenly didn't get any kind of positive reinforcement. But the night went on, we were drunk and having a good time, so I got over the situation.
We were among the last to leave the pub. He was very drunk, unlike him I felt good because I drank little and slowly. He was very slouched and hiccupped, unfortunate and cute at the same time. We walked hand in hand to home, and I decided to accompany him home fully. I've never seen him like this before and I was worried about how he was going home, because I had to hold his arm very tightly and support him so that he wouldn't fall. He leaned on me the whole time, hugged me and stroked my hair. I felt like a caring girlfriend all the way home, but the situation was also strangely familiar (because my ex always drank a lot and this situation was not new for me)... He stopped several times on the street while we were walking and he asked: How will you go home? You don't even live in this neighbourhood. I said: Don't worry about me, than I smiled and invited him towards his apartment. Then he gently repeatedly asked me to go up to him. I didn't feel like it, but I continued to accompany him. At the door he asked again and I finally said yes...
He offered me a drink at his apartment, but I didn't ask. He didn't drink either, only water. I asked him for a t-shirt to sleep in then we went to bed... but of course it didn't take long for him to turn to me... I didn't think he had the strength for it at all, because he was very clumsy all the way home. ... But he was super sexy and passionate 💋 My story would take years to describe how captivating and overwhelming my experiences were with him. I've never experienced this before. We were in tune from the start, I was so wet I could hardly hold myself and he gave more of himself than I could have expected from him. He was perfect, his muscles were hard, his skin was smooth and soft, his chest and body was naturally barelly hairy, and he had such a taste that I couldn't even decide to lick or bite it! 🙈👄👅
As I write this, I'm shaking and clenching my knees, I feel such a throbbing from the mere thought of being with him that I think I'll go crazy if I don't touch myself todnight 🔥 We made love many times that night. Many many times, haha! We loved every little part of each other. He touched me in places that I didn't know how exciting it could be. I would have spent days and months with him like this... and even though we are no longer in touch, I still wish that he would text me one day and I would melt into his body... Unfortunately, I had to work the next day. And he was tired by the time I had to leave. I was late for work, but no one in the office said a word. When he released me, he kissed me. He was terribly tired and I rushed... I still regret that day ever since. If I had stayed with him, we would have made love all day and all the next night, I am sure of that!
The sad contrast in our relationship is that we were not together at the peak of our interest... The age of spending time together had already faded when he called me over. He was drunk and horny (of course I was too) but that night didn't improve our relationship. Since then, I don't know what he was thinking when my female colleague inquired about our relationship. My conscience is clear, I said what I really thought about us, after all I felt that we don't have a very serious future together, but I will always be interested in what he would have said.
Then we talked for a week or two. Sometimes he wrote to me, but it was very difficult for him to share information about himself or what his work and life were like. He just disappeared and I didn't write to him anymore. I'm not mad at him for a minute, because that's how it turned out, and I'm not mad at myself either. We dated for several months, he was very nice, he treated me well, he was attentive, kind and genuinely interested. He made time for me many times when he didn't have enough for himself, and I tried to return it to him. I still think of him as a warm hearted man that a girl will be very lucky to be with... but that girl won't be me.
I think we meant exactly what we needed to each other: we provided safety to each other's inquiring and torn hearts ❤ We both broke up with our ex only a few months ago when we met and suddenly fell in love. We were lucky to treat each other so fairly. It gave us back our faith in life and in love - at least for me for sure. We spent an insanely lusty and sultry night together, and the hot-breathed memory still licks my ears... and my... 👅🔥
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yoonlattesworld · 3 years
My love
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This cute request was sent by @flowerblu00 . Hey sweetheart! Thank you for requesting! 🤗 i really enjoyed writing it so i hope you enjoy reading it too! And i added something extra in the end hope you like it😉
And I'm working on the other requests so please be a little patient with me 😥 and don't think that I'm ignoring your request! Because I'm definitely not! Love you💕
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Yoongi masterlist
Main masterlist
CEO yoongi x soft reader
Summary: you had the most terrible week in your life. So all you needed was the comfort of your home and your boyfriend even if you deny it. And ofcourse yoongi wouldn't allow his babygirl to cry because of some stupid assignments.
Genre:angst,fluff,slight smut
Warning: some cursing , reader is drained but stubborn too. Protective yoongi is my favorite🙈,contains mature stuff, soft yandere yoongi
Author's pov
Yoongi looked up hearing the front door closing and placed his laptop on the coffee table. Standing up, he walked towards the front door to see you standing on one leg trying to get your sandal off instead of sitting on the small stool which he has kept there just for you,so that you wouldn't fall on your face everytime you remove your sandals. A frown made it's way on his face when he noticed how exhausted you looked. But soon his eyes widened and he immediately rushed towards you to hold you as you almost stumbled while dancing on one feet. "There there baby. Be careful " he said holding your waist to stable you but you didn't said anything instead only placed your hands on his chest to support yourself. He crouched down and removed both of your sandals then placed them neatly in the shoe rack. He stood up and took your chin in between his fingers and made you look at him because you were oddly silent today. His heart clenched when he noticed the dark circles under your eyes. Your face looked a lot thiner and paler too. "Rough day?" He murmured quietly and took you in his arms when you nodded sniffling quietly. You buried your face in his chest and wrapped your arms around his middle tightly. "What happened?" He asked gently caressing your hair but you only shook your head,scared your voice might break if you say anything. "Did your exams not go well?" You sniffled again and whispered "they did " he kissed the top of your head,swaying your body side to side. He understood that you might be tired because of studying continuously so he didn't asked anymore questions "let's go. I will prepare a warm bath for you and we can cuddle afterwards-" he words were cut off when you suddenly pulled away and shaked your head "i-i can't. I need to complete those assignments. My professor already made sure that everyone knew i was the only one who didn't complete the assignment." His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched seeing you pretending not to cry. He held your wrist when you went to walk away and pulled you back to him making you bump into him. You looked up at him surprised as he said "you aren't doing any stupid homework today. You already worked hard enough. You deserve some rest" your hands gripped the black hoodie he was wearing and you looked at him pleadingly "please yoongi. I need to complete them or else my professor-" this time he was the one who cut you off and gently yet strenly said "you don't need to worry about him babygirl. I will take care of everything. Now come here and let me take care of you" a surprised squeak left your mouth when he suddenly picked you up and started walking towards the staircase. You sighed tiredly and wrapped your arms around his neck,leaning against his chest and his arms around you tighten before he kissed your head. You always take care of him and he doesn't show his emotions easily. But this is his way of telling you,he loved you more than anything in this world.
You opened the bathroom door,still in his arms and he gently placed you on the counter before filling the bathtub with hot water. After the bathtub was filled,he took the bottle of lavender oil and poured a few drops in the water. You smiled looking at how he remembers how you like your bath. After he was done he turned around and look at you with soft eyes. Kissing your forehead softly he helped you take off your clothes and threw them in the basket. making sure you don't slip ,he carefully placed you in the bathtub . You immediately sighed as the fragrance of lavender filled your senses while yoongi smiled looking at you visibly relax. He sat besides the tub and rolled up his sleeves and massaged your shoulders making you sigh again. A few seconds later you looked at him with a soft smile on your face "thank you yoongs" he leaned forward and pecked your lips saying "you don't ever need to thank me kitten" as yoongi saw you finally relaxing, he started washing your long hair. His long fingers massaging your scalp gently causing you to close your eyes as a soft moan escaped your lips at the amazing feeling making him chuckle fondly. Yoongi stopped massaging your head when you almost feel asleep sitting in the bathtub causing you to whine but he just shushed you gently and rinsed the shampoo from your hair. After your bath,he drained the water of the tub after helping you out of it and went to pick some comfortable clothes for you while you dried your body. A few seconds later he came back with his hoodie and a pair of your panties. While dressing you,he asked "what happened today baby?" You sighed and decided to tell him everything because you know that he will know either way even if you don't tell him. "So you know how important these exams were right?" He nodded. Ofcourse he knew how important they were. He has seen you studying until late night almost every day since a month. "One of my professor had given us an assignment even when he knew we had exams. And i was going to complete it yesterday night after i finished my revision but i wasn't feeling well-" yoongi's eyes narrowed at that "why didn't you tell me angel" his voice was stern making you gulp "w-well you were already so tired and you were staying home after so long so i didn't want to bother you t-that's why..." he sighed looking at you but then gestured you to continue "yeah so that's why i couldn't complete that assignment and i told mr han i wasn't feeling well and because of exams too. And you know his daughter who is in the same class as me didn't completed her's too but he didn't said anything to her. Of course he wouldn't. But he also didn't need to shout at me and make sure that the whole class me that i didn't complete my work. I was already really tired from all the studying i barely managed to wake up today a-and then i started crying in front of the whole class like an idiot.." tears filled your eyes again as you remembered how everyone was looking at you while yoongi felt an overwhelming anger inside him. How dare that old hag humiliate his girl in front of everyone? Looks like he need to remind him to know his place.
Yoongi wasted no time in taking your body in his arms and kissed your head multiple time making you giggle. You looked up at him with a pout on your face causing him to chuckle booping his nose with yours. He pressed his lips on yours in a short yet sweet kiss making butterflies fly in your stomach. Pulling back he said "how about you build a pillow fort on the couch, while i prepare your favourite milkshake and we can cuddle the whole day while watching all your favorite Disney movies?" Your eyes went wide with pure child like excitement and you nodded eagerly almost bumping your head on his chin. He laughed and pinched your hip lightly then patting the area "let's go!" You said already running out of the bathroom with yoongi following after you. As he went to the kitchen, you grabbed all the pillows available in the house and almost fell because of the weight too. After setting the pillows you grabbed the biggest and fluffiest blanket you own and settled on the couch and waited for yoongi patiently. While yoongi came out of the kitchen with a tall cup of vanilla milkshake and a cup of coffee(an evil amount of bitter coffee like you say) in his hands. He chuckled when your head popped out of the pile of pillows and blanket as you looked at him with a bright smile on your face. You scooted a little to make place for him and he placed both cups on the table before sitting down. He opened his arms and you immediately invited yourself in his embrace, making sure to throw the blanket around him too. You also had another thin blanket around yourself like a burrito as you snuggled in his chest and sat in between in legs as he leaned against the end of the couch. "Comfortable much?" He asked teasingly as you wrapped your small arms around his middle tightly causing to blush slightly and hit his chest. He laughed as his arms around you tighten causing you to whine more. And finally after the movie started, (whose name he forgot) he stared at you fondly as you watched the mermaid meeting her prince for the first time. He has zero interest in Disney movies but if he can see you this happy everyday, then he will watch that stupid mermaid give up her voice for a boy she just met for the rest of his life. It seemed like you have forgotten everything that happened today but he hasn't. While you both were on the end of the third movie,which was rapunzel, you were scolding the evil mom in the movie for separating rapunzel and eugene and he was also a little annoyed at that bitchy mom. But as you both reached the fourth movie,he felt a weight on his chest. Looking down he chuckled softly, looking at you sleeping peacefully still holding onto him tightly. Fuck,you are too adorable for his heart. He was glad you are actually resting.
Placing a few kisses on your head he stayed like that for a few moments, just holding you. But then he looked at the time and saw that it was almost 6:30 pm. His eyes widened slightly as he didn't even realized how long you both have been sitting here. He slowly picked you up just enough so that he can slip from under you and after he managed to do so without waking you,he laid you down again and covered you with the blanket properly. As you slept soundly without a care in the world, he took the cups and walked in the kitchen to prepare some dinner knowing he has to feed his half asleep hungry girlfriend.
At about 8 pm,you woke up finding yourself drowned in the pillows and blanket. As your nose picked up a delicious smell,you sniffed the air and surely it was coming from the kitchen. After you managed to get out of the ocean of pillows, you made your way towards the kitchen to be blessed by the sight of your boyfriend setting the table. "Is that pasta?" Yoongi jumping slightly hearing your voice and turned around and surely you were hungry and half asleep. He bite back a chuckle and said "yes babygirl it's pasta. Sit down it's ready " you nodded immediately and your mouth watered at the sight of your favorite pasta. Yoongi sat in front of you with his own plate and waited expectantly to see your reaction but his eyebrows furrowed when you didn't eat instead looked at him "i-i don't deserve such an amazing boyfriend like you" his eyes widened when he saw your teary eyes and he was by your side in a second ,cupping your face in his large hand "baby you deserve everything in this damn world and i love you so fucking much. Please don't cry sweetheart " you know he hates seeing you cry so you nodded sniffling and wiped your tears "i don't know why I'm crying...i think my period is coming soon" you pouted causing him to chuckle quietly and he pecked your lips before going back to his seat "now eat" you didn't need to tell him that you love his cooking. Because he know from the look on your face that you loved it. After finishing your food,you insisted on doing the dishes but he shooed you away telling you to let him do his work
After doing the dishes,he went in your shared bedroom to see you standing in the balcony. Walking towards you,you flinched when his arms suddenly wrapped around you and he whispered "relax baby" he kissed your neck softly before placing his head on your shoulder and mumbled "are you feeling better?" You nodded and turned around, he took your hips in his large hands and you placed your hands on his chest "thank you yoon. I feel like i will be lost without you" he leaned his head against yours murmuring "I'll be the one lost without you baby" you pecked his lips,staring deeply in his eyes and whispered "i love you" something inside him snapped. He crushed his lips on yours making you gasp at the sudden force. The kiss was urgent and desperate, like he has been wanting to do this for so long. You wrapped your arms around his neck moaning softly in his mouth when his tongue caressed yours. He carried you back to bed and laid you down,breathing heavily he looked at you and growled "i love you so damn much" and attacked your lips again.
He undressed you with his lips,kissing your whole body as his long finger thrusted in and out of your wet hole and you could only squirm and moan his name helplessly when he added his second finger as you came all over his fingers. He made you cum again on his tongue, realising a deep groan at the taste of you. His one hand held your soft thighs as your legs wrapped around his face,and the other one was pressed on your lower stomach firmly to keep your from moving as he sucked your clit with his tongue fucking your wet hole. you came on his face again,whimpering because of over sensitivity. He pressed his lips on yours again as he entered inside you causing a few tears to escape your eyes because of how big he was. He panted as his cock worked in and out of your velvety walls , leaning down to kiss your breast that bounced every time he thrusted in. A deep growl leaving his mouth as he watched a small bump appearing in your lower stomach everything time he thrusted in. You gasped and screamed loudly as your fourth orgasm washed over you,and he came a second after you with a low moan of your name. He collapsed besides you and a few moments, took you in his arms whispering raspily "i love you so fucking much...I'd set the whole world on fire if somebody will hurt you" as you fell asleep tucked in the safety of his arms.
The next morning you woke up at the sound of shuffling "mmm...yoongi?" His hand pressed on your shoulder as he kissed your head and covered your naked body with the duvet properly. In your half asleep state,you could make out him standing beside the bed,dressed in his expensive shirt with his sleeves rolled up with his suit in his hand"where....where are you going?" He caressed your head in hopes of lulling you back to sleep "work baby. Go back to sleep. You aren't going to university today. I will be home early " you hummed and mumbled something incoherent with a few words he could make out were "drive safely and love you" "love you too" he whispered and kissed your cheek before fixing his tie, his rolex watch shining as the sunlight peeked through the curtains.
Walking towards his car with his secretary by his side, he said "let's pay professor han a visit" his secretary jimin nodded and opened the door for his boss. Yoongi sat at the back seat and cocked his gun with a smirk on his face which soon turned into a soft smile as he stared at his phone wallpaper where you were smiling brightly at him.
Nobody hurts his babygirl. And if someone does, they will have to face his warth.
Let me know if you want to be in my permanent taglist!
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chierry · 2 years
hi chierry! i’m currently reading khr and i wanna talk about it with someone but why do you think tyl-tsuna confided his plans to hibari when he didn’t even tell gokudera and yamamoto? i have always found this super interesting so i wanted to ask your opinion too 🙈 (i wish he had seen more of everyone ten-years-later 😭😭😭, khr has so much potential it really pains me that it ended the way it did)
Hi anon!
My personal theory on that is that Hibari was the perfect combination of several factors that other guardians might have, but not all at once.
1. The number one reason I think is that Hibari is simply insane in the best way possible. If Yamamoto or Gokudera heard Tsuna saying he would fake his own death the plan simply would have gotten scrapped because they are NOT accepting this. And if they DID, I don't doubt that the guilt of seeinf everyone grieve Tsuna would make them REAAAALY hurt. I don't think they would reveal anything, but simply they wouldn't be able to take it without a lot of damage. Hibari tho? I am not discarting the friendship he has cultivated with everyone in the future nor his feelings, but he would take it better than Yammu/Goku.
2. Hibari is REALLY hard to get information about. Both meta-wise and canon-wise. This plan could NOT work if anyone else other than Tsuna, Irie and Hibari knew about it. Everyone in the Vongola has a semblance of a past and family to serve as possible hostages in exchange for information, but Hibari? We legit don't know if he even has family. King of keeping his private life and work life separated. Pairing that with the fact that he is also a MIST now, it's straight up miracle work to get a hold of him if he doesn't want you to. With that, Tsuna didn't have to worry about any outside influences or enemies getting this information, probably not even Tsuna himself has a fool-proof method of getting to him lmao
3. Going back to the insane point, he is insane enough and smart enough to hear the kind of time-travelling BS Irie and Tsuna came up with and just go... Fine. Give me two real good fights and I'm in. I think that Gokudera could take the infomration well, but again, emotionally he wouldn't be able to take it for too long, and let's be real, Tsuna was ALREADY abusing their feelings there. He prob also didn't want to pile up those feelings even more.
4. It's not weird for Hibari to just be on his own. Wich means that he can be prepping A LOT of shit for this plan and nobody would suspect. Let's say, Yamamoto is missing for 4 months? Mh, weird... not out of the question considering their line of work but weird. Hibari missing for 8 months? Lil rascal is prob in one of his many mansions chilling. I feel like this privacy gives him an edge that is perfect for prepping for a super-secret plan with little suspicion.
5. (SPOILERS FOR SIMON ARC) Hibari has said he feels some kind of gratitude for Tsuna, and I don't doubt that this feeling grows in the future. Paired with all that above, I feel like Tsuna just legit felt like if Hibari was the one helping with it, he wouldn't fuck it up. That mutual trust thing going on you know?
6. uh this point is kind of stupid but he probably has counting on Hibari being able to go full-on nuclear in case everything else failed lmao
7. I think that, meta-wise, Amano wanted to show that Hibari, for as much as he denies being part of the group, still very much got attached to being a Guardian.
TLDR: I think that the emotional pain it would bring other guardians + his aloofness + his power + his relationship with Tsuna was the perfect storm to make him be the perfect choice.
(and don't tell me, I would legit kill for a future-only arc!! I LOVE LOVE seeing them grow and a good chunk of my mental space is dedicated for thinking the kind of adventures they go now. Like, please, the angst? the relationships? THE POWERS? THE A N GS T you have no idea how right you are anon. We were robbed of an arc of them being adults and I will forever cry obver the potential
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kodzuken-chan · 4 years
Yui chwan! Firstly Happy lunar new year! And.. i just wanted to ask for some hcs for the lovely trio and the doc. Can i ask for how they would first meet their S/O (or first kiss🙈). I really want to read the fluff you make. Please do ignore if you have other requests. Have a nice day!
A/N: Hello @vemuabhi ~chwaan, how have you been~? Tho its Late but Happy Lunar year to you too~^^
Ahem Fluff, its my game so let's do this~✨ but wait Law's turned out a bit Agnsty without me realizing it hehehehe i hope its okay~
I made it modern if you don't mind, bcs i got some good ideas for it~ *wink*
Here you go and I hope you like it~
Monster Trio + Law the First Meet and Kiss with their S/O. Headcanons
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So you were a university student, but since you have to pay for your studies, you were kinda forced to look for a part time Job and you found it
You worked as a waitress in one of the BBQ Restaurants in the neighborhood, and this is how you first met Luffy and become a close friend with him,
Since he was a regular customer at the BBQ place you worked at, seeing him everyday with his bashful smile made you think of him much more than a friend, you developed feelings for him.
But Luffy wasn't regular at this place until you started working at it, he came more often and especially when it was your shift, and not to make his crush over you obvious, he brought one of his friends each time
And just to stay as long as he can with you, he'd order tons of meat until he makes his friend broke, and as soon as your shift ends late at night,
he'd secretly follow you until he makes sure you reached home safely
Until that one day, you caught him following you , you muffled a giggle and then walked to him taking him in a warm hug
You got soft, you knew he had a crush over you bcs he was too obvious, but thought he hid it, he looked down at you in surprise then smiled widely,
he just normaly wrapped his arms around you and leand giving you a sweet kiss making you stand on your toes to reach him.
His kisses were alway soft and quick sometimes, but it never changed, it was always like the first kiss you had that day~❤️
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So Zoro was your neighbor in the apartment next door that you had a huge crush over
When he first moved in, the first thing he asked you when you rang the bell on him was " Do you know any good gyms near by?", And honsetly it was the weirdest question you have ever been asked when you met someone for the first time
You chuckled at his question, and told him about the gym you were going to, and this were you turned from just neighbors into close friends who lived next to each other
The more Zoro got to know you, the more he fell for you, you always made him a blush mess when you workout, he adored those hair strands falling on your sweaty neck from your pony tail
so on the weekend you two planned to meet at the gym instead of going together bcs you had sth to do first
But you never showed up and that had Zoro getting worried over you, so he made his way back to your apartment, when you opened the door he was surprised to find the bandage covering your ankle
" Oi...(Y/N)... What happened to your ankle are you alright?" He looked so worried, so you told him to come in and explained to him what happened with you spraining your ankle when you were warming up
" I was too embarrassed to tell you,I'm sorry Zoro....I've messed up our plan" you shyly said taking your gaze away, you thought that you messed up sth that seemed to turn out into a good date with him, but Zoro smirked
He came closer to sit right next to you on the couch, as if he was reading your mind, he grabbed your chin, leaned closer, and kissed you with his eyes open to see your reaction
He smirked even more when you got relaxed and kissed him back, soon it turned into a home date kissing session
His kiss lasted longer than you thought making you breathless and dazed, it was such an intense lovely first kiss, as if Zoro was engraving his emotions on your heart~💚
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You and Sanji have been working together for a while now in your tiny sweetshop in the middle of the city
Making sweets and dessert was your passion and bcs of it you decided to start your tiny sweetshop
But how did Sanji end up working with you? Well its simple, he was looking for a Job at any place requires cooking , so eventually your sweetshop was the one
Since you worked now together for quite awhile, Sanji built a huge crush over you, but little he knew that you had mutual feelings towards him
He loved the way you were so passionate about cooking and how excited you become everytime you succeeded in creating a new dessert, the same goes for you
Sometimes you even got so immersed in his hands moving swiftly yet smoothly as he prepares the dessert, when he notices you staring, you'd blush leaving him chuckling on you
One morning before flipping the open sign, you created a lovely new dessert, but you weren't sure if its good enough to be served in your shop, so you thought of asking Sanji about his opinion, bcs its the best thing to do
" Sanji~ would mind trying this for me" you said unintentionally offering him the bite with the spoon in your hand, His heart skipped a beat, but tried to play it cool and hide his blush
He leand down and took the bite with his mouth, making you now a blush mess, Now instead of waiting for his opinion, you were too focused with his whipped cream fill lips, you wanted to kiss them...
But before you can realize what were you doing, you have already pulled the blonde by his neck tie as you pressed your lips on his, when you realized what you were doing, you wanted to bury yourself in the ground
" I...I'm ...Sorry...I'm..so...Sorr-" you suttered flushed in red not looking in his eyes, Sanji of course was surprised at your sudden action but smirked
Before you could even finish your sentence, he leaned to you and pulled you in a deep warm kiss, and slowly it became heated, he moved his hand from cupping your cheeks to rest between your jaw and neck, with your hair strands tangled between his fingers. He titled his head to deepen the kiss as he slowly walks you back pinning you in wall
You melted at his tocuhed and mostly his tender sweet lips, it was your first kiss that you will never forget ~💙
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Law was working in the hospital as a specialist doctor, and you were his regular patient, and this is how you first met
You had a sensitive body, so any sudden actions, emotions, injuries or unsuitable food, can make you sick, allergic or worse, you would faint from pain
So as results you had to visit Law alot everytime you weren't feeling well or for regular check-ups, at first Law treated you like every patient, but Slowly he started to feel bad for you every time you visit him with a serious condition than the previous one
But now he doesn't want to see you in pain, it makes him sad and hurt, he wants to protect you and take over the pain, this is when he realized that he loved you
You too, everytime you visited him, you felt safe, you did visit many other doctors, but never felt the same, it was just about him, Law was only the one to make you feel like this.
So one day, he was summoned to the emergency room, and was told that some injured patients were brought due to a bus crash accident, his heart dropped in his feet when one of doctors told him that you his patient, was one of those injured people
He rushed to find your pale figure semi laying on one of the beds, blood dripping from your shoulders , " L-Law..sensei-...." You tried to call, and he immediately rushed to you
He immediately pulled you into a kiss not realizing what he was doing, your body was too weak to react, but his lips made you feel safe, so you tiredly kissed him back with barely opened eyes
" You will be alright, I will immediately treat your injury, don't worry okay?" He said as he careses your scratched cheeks.
True that it was a first kiss full of pain, but you will never forget the feel of peace that it brought you after the incident shock, you will always treasure this moment~🖤
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staysuki · 3 years
Hi hi👋🏼 How have you been today ?!
I’m back at it again with my incessant asks of Slc💃🏻
To start off,
I am intrigued 🔎 Jae worrying about Y/n attending this party with eonnie 👁 So it’s confirmed that eonnie will be there🤔 This makes me doubt that it’s eonnie who’s in cahoots with 😏Felix😏 BUT we haven’t seen any chats between the two thieves this time so it’s hard to say, maybe the mystery person has told Felix they were going and I’m rambling on a moot point!
On another note!
I’m quite proud of Lia for handling the whole situation with Jake so smoothly, although it may be hard for her (who’s to say it’s not hard to be rejected by your crush 🤧) It’s refreshing to see that go so well 👏🏼
And Seungmin ? Focusing on his school work instead of going to the party ? I have lingering feelings that this is more suspicious than it seems 👀 Or is he taking his punishment from his hyung seriously AGH it’s hard to say, I must say though....I see that little connection with the mystery person, they mentioned they were still thinking about going and here’s Seungmin trying to figure out if he’ll go 😩
Bestie I’m still leaning towards Wonpil but...🧍🏻‍♀️I’ll have to hold all this info for future parts and revise at a later date 🧐 And it’s interesting that Jake and Wonpil and encouraging Seungmin to go to the party when they’ve scolded him multiple times already for his less than desirable behaviour 👀
i'm good, thank you! hope you're well too, glad to hear from you! ♥️
your asks are always welcome! 🤧 they're not incessant at all, pls send more JSHWJSHSJ
the "😏felix😏" threw me out PLS. and yes, the party is indeed where things will go down, maybe we'll learn more about this thieving partners-in-crime or perhaps, like their confidence in felix, they'd be able to hide their tracks with the way felix is good at sneaking. who knows 🙈 parties are wild huh, maybe it'll be so crowded that they won't even see each other much.
and yeah, lia handled that rejection well. good sense of camaraderie probably from someone who's had a lot of experience with dating or perhaps she didn't really like jake too deeply in the first place (i mean, it hasn't even been a month 🙈)
hmmm seungmin huh 😏 inchresting. he's also been a bit passive with his friend group recently, maybe because he's busy with something else? hmmm~
also yes, wonpil encouraging seungmin to go to the party, maybe it's because seungmin showed his support in jake's showcase (in a tsundere way) and wonpil is rewarding him for being a good brother 🙈 or maybe there's some hidden agenda to it~
in the first place, we don't really know whether this partnership is just between two people. maybe there's someone else working behind the scenes or perhaps someone else they're secretly in contact with. felix is the "broker" and also the one who steals the artwork from time to time (because he's good at sneaking) the mystery person also seems to have a hand in stealing from time to time BUT we never really got the confirmation on whether or not they're also the appraiser, after all, they'd need to have a good eye for art to do that.
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akane171 · 2 years
Ehh, I think you're right that it was portrayed as "feelings=bad" but I'm not too sure either😅🤔 It's been a while since I've been THAT obsessed with Jedi😫🙈
Yuuuuup, that's why I actually like the Old/Original Jedi and Grey Jedi better since their codes actually acknowledge feelings, just focus on the fact there has to be balance🙈😁
Hahaha, yeah, those stories are fun😁😍 (Oh, that reminds me, do you know "Spy x Family"? A friend recommended it the other say, apparently it's about two spies kinda getting married and adopting a kid for a mission?🤔)
And yeah, the jedi (Esp. The council) REALLY need a therapist😅🤦🏻‍♀️ They should have kept the original code🤦🏻‍♀️
Ahh, yes😍 I love how we can agree that side characters and villains(😍😈) are usually SOOOO much better😉😁
Ohh, Green Tea😁
I don't need a line of defense since I'm innocent anyway😉😌
No, I'll start taking responsiblity for my mind once it decided to actually OBEY ME😖😂 (Mehh, can't right now but even when I have more time I should be sitting down to write the next chapter lf Vergissmeinnicht or finish one of the One-Shots instead of starting something else again😂😅🙈🙈)
Haha, well, sounds about right for a fandom with little fanfics😂😅 But ohh, yeah, Naruto fics were...WILD😅🙈
Yess, Finger absolutely crossed🙈 I'm SO damn worried about Mon in this Arc tho, not only because of what was ALREADY done to him but also because of what happened to Peeta in the books... Pretty sure Mon might end up being identified as an alien and experimented on (and maybe brainwashed) but AGHHHH, just thinning about that possibility and Kara's reaction and pain to that hurts like hell😭😭😭🙈
Ohh, a demon? Does it have a name?😍 Is it named Keith?😉😂
GIVE THAT WOLF A BANANA💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😍😍🐺🍌 I freaking love them by now🙈🙊😂💃🏻
HAHAHA, yes, that does sound fun af😁
Not sure too, I probably murdered the canon xD As much as I enjoy the lore, I can't tell a shit about it xD
I mean, I have always seen Jedi as creature who keep balance, so them acknowledging feelings, makes mroe sense than trying to not have them. I guess? xD
(I don't know it, is it a book/movie/show? Sounds.... promising?)
I mean, the fact ONE dude with feelings made the whole order fall, means that they maybe were not right about their no feelings policy xD But what can I know xD But imagine them all on some group therapy xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I can hear Qui-Gon's cackling in the afterlife xD
We need more stories that explore bad guys and stories that allow them WINNING. Set the world on fire! Screw the system! Kill teh younglings! Yay!
That's what murderers say :')
That.... doesn'r work like that. (I should work on the last chap of Definite but my Muse is probably grilling her ass on some beach, drinking fuzzy drinks under a palm tree, or sometinsg, sigh)
I think naruto was the first fandom that burnt my virgin eyes with the m-preg idea.
Well, I think Kara bieng the victim of brainwashing is a possibility too. I hope I'm wroooooooooooong. Not that i want Mon-El suffering because of that.... But well, it's a HG inspired fic sooooooooooooo =='
(btw, I have in my mind some idea about AU fic where Kara looses some of her memory, like a 3 years of her being with Mon-El and damn, that is angsty too)
I would need to ask LW for the name and I'm too scared to ask. Some things should stay secrets.
I love the weirdos on Eurovision and if the weirdos have cool banger songs? That's a cherry on the top! But I'm sad there were like 3 pianos and none was set on fire. Like, it's Eurovision... BURN THIS SHIT O.O
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sketch-guardian · 2 years
aight time for another ask!!! your OCs with a MC who works way too hard and barely gets any sleep at night? (also if you don't mind, platonic headcanons for Camy too because she's lovely and I want to hug her 😭) - Isa
Hello again!☺ It's always a pleasure to answer these questions😌they help me build the character of my OCs. However,I should seriously start putting reference images,so that people can recognize the characters🤔. Anyway I will do my best to reply!✨ (Also don't worry, I don't mind at all🙈in fact I'm flattered that you want me to write about my MC too💜).
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First of all,Demya's a free spirit,who has long promised herself not to take orders from anyone, given her past, which means that she often doesn't respect dates of delivery for tasks. She's also not too familiar with the concept of school commitment,compared to other demons,she even learned to read and write later than normal. That said,we can imagine how Demya wouldn't understand why her mate works so hard, putting their health at risk,but Demya knows one thing for sure:work is stealing MC's attention and Demya doesn't like being ignored, so an intervention on her part is needed. Demya isn't above threatening to eat MC's RAD homework and no, she's not kidding, she's eaten worse, challenging her isn't worth it. Demya's determined and good with in distractions, in fact she has two options: either to eat something together with her mate and then drag them to bed, fluttering her eyelashes while acting cute and whiny to convince MC to stop working and lay with her (she thinks that a full stomach makes you sleepier easily) or tire MC in other ways if they're comfortable with that ... like caressing them or straight up making out until they nod off
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Domnra isn't the best when it comes to work. He often doesn't do his homework ,due to him giving priority to other things, however he's quite lucky, because he has Mobim who takes care of notes when he's too busy. Don't get me wrong, he's smart and would be able to do his work on his own, it's just that he doesn't apply, so he quite admires a hardworking MC in that respect and can understand the issue of crossing the line, since occasionally he happens to do it with training, but he would be hypocritical enough to scold his partner for it (if MC points that out, they'll witness Domnra in all his tsundere glory). Domnra often has nightmares (about his fall and curse)and sometimes he happens to wake up alone in bed,with MC still awake. In those cases Domnra stands by MC until they have finished their work, perhaps giving them a hand to speed up and to distract himself, and if they fell asleep earlier, he would bring them back to bed in his arms. On other occasions, especially if in a calmer mood than usual, he would insist that they go to bed with him (which is rare, so it would be better to accept) and in the meantime he would decide to play some relaxing music and cuddle MC together with Mobim, who could try to reproduce sounds similar to the purring of cats to reassure MC. If all that doesn't work, then Domnra would suggest doing some exercise, to tire the body sooner
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Azul's a rather relaxed demon who does his work when he's in a good mood,otherwise when he's in a bad mood,he tends to withdraw into himself and let off steam until it passes. Azul thinks that MC should take their duties more lightly,it's nobody's death if they delays with delivering homework from time to time, life goes on and breaks are a must. He's also no expert on humans, but he's pretty sure that if little sleep isn't healthy for demons, then it's even worse for humans. So since he cares about his lovely star, he would try to convince them with sweet words, hugging them from behind and putting his head on their shoulder,maybe even gently rubbing their sore spots, he's good enough at temptation. If it doesn't work and MC desperately needs to sleep, then Azul would be forced to resort to magic (which would have been his first option since he always uses it, but obviously he wanted MC's consent)
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Zuri's a workaholic herself and always aims for perfection, so she spends a lot of time on her duties, having such high standards and doing everything herself, however she promised herself to keep fit and look after her looks, therefore she cannot afford to go to sleep late,except for some important events. She isn't a hypocrite and she knows that scolding MC for their behavior would be useless on her part,so she would just help them finish their work as soon as possible in an efficient way, so that they can get ready for the night. Zuri would prepare them a warm and flowers scented bath to reduce tension and then welcome them in her bed, with a hot drink on a bedside table ready to be consumed. After that she would gently put skin treatments on MC's face. And if her beloved still can't fall asleep, then Zuri would try to sing something while she holds them in her arms. She's good at singing and her voice is quite hypnotic
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A resolution of Odon has always been to live peacefully and with a smile, although aware that such a lifestyle is not for everyone, after all they too had difficulties when they were younger to see Devildom,Celestial Realm and Earth in a new light, but in the end Odon got where they're now, so they aren't the type to minimize the stress of others. Odon has no difficulty with work,they're very intelligent and adapt to circumstances, challenges simply fascinate them and they always face difficulties with a smile. Odon knows humans are much more fragile than demons, so it saddens them to see MC trying so hard, like they're trying to prove something. In any case, Odon would stroke or pat their dear friend's head, saying that they're proud of their efforts, but that it would be better to take a break with some good biscuits and a cup of tea to reinvigorate their mind, their work won't run away and Odon can leave the eye-like creatures there to supervise if it makes them feel any better. To make MC relax, Odon would make them rest their head on their lap and read them a book, keeping one hand free so they could hold it. (P.S.: Odon has a tendency to call everyone friend. Lucifer? To Odon it's "friend Lucifer". Beelzebub? It would be "friend Beel". For MC, once they become a couple, it would be something like "dear friend MC")
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Honestly? Mood-
All jokes aside, Camy's a person who spends many hours working and usually during the week, she sleeps only about three hours (the seven brothers do not approve-), so she understands MC's drama, having the exact same problem, which have been made worse since she became a council member and Solomon's apprentice... she finds all these commitments very stressful. Camy would be afraid to make MC's situation worse, not having exactly good advice to offer, but as a friend, she would do her best to support them, even staying up with them through the night if necessary, she doesn't mind anyway. What Camy would suggest would be to listen to some relaxing music: she has occasionally fallen asleep with headphones on after all (it was embarrassing explaining that to Lucifer) or to vent to each other by telling about their problems, that should tire them enough
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