#don't think about the dream you had of your boss railing you against the windows
theincuhusbands · 4 years
Christmas Decorating - (Sam x Reader)
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Summary - When the boys and Y/N finally get around to decorating for Christmas this year, nothing will stop Y/N and Sam having some Christmas fun!
Warnings - LONG, Kissing, Snow-violence and Cheesy
Word Count - 1818
Erik passed the last box down the ladder to Matthew as I squealed in excitement “That's the last one, right?! We can start now?!” James laughed a little as he climbed down the attic ladder “Yes Miss, we can start now.”
I had been waiting all of December for this! James had been away on business trips and Erik's business had been busier than ever so if we decorated it would have been without them and so we were all waiting until we could do it together. Which now happened to be Christmas eve.
I desperately grabbed the box of tinsel at my feet and hurried down the stairs. I swooned around the main lobby with idea's running around my head about how I could decorate this already gorgeous mansion and make it the most magical, winter wonderland anyone had ever seen. I was determined to make this the best Christmas I ever could. The boy's deserved the most magical first proper Christmas they could dream of, even if they don’t understand the holiday.
Christmas been a favourite holiday of mine, not the day itself, spending a day with my Father and having to pretend to enjoy it sucked, all while he goes on and on at me about school and my studies and most dreaded of all… ‘my future company'.
However, I loved the season. The snow, the going shopping with friends, the drinking hot chocolate by the fire, the decorating and everything else festive about the season but this year was different, this year I had someone special to spend it with.
I looked up the top of the stairs to see Sam leaning with his arms on the banister, holding a box filled with decorations, staring at me smiling. I shout up at him smiling “Don't drop those! Read the box their fragile!” Sam rolls his eyes as he stands up laughing “Can't read Doofus.”
Sam and I weren't official but we've been on a couple “hangouts” which more closely resembled dates and we'd kissed a couple times. It was pretty well known I liked him and I've walked in on my fair share of conversations I wasn't supposed to which included incessant teasing about his feelings. I had never had someone to share Christmas with like this. I mean I've had Naomi and Suzu to celebrate with but this is different. it feels more like celebrating with family than it ever has with the boys.
Matthew ran down the stairs, brushing past Sam and up to me holding three boxes. “Where'd you want these boss?!
I giggle as I point to one of the tables next to the staircase. “Over there. those are decorations for the tree! So, keep them close too here” Matthew nods like he’s on a mission and puts them down on the table. Erik smiles as he brings down a couple more boxes from the landing. “Is that why we bought that tree? To decorate it?” I nod firmly smiling as I start to wrap some red tinsel around the stair’s railings. Damien smiles at me as he passes more tinsel up to me. “From what you think about Christmas it must be the most amazing time ever.”
James clears his throat, bringing all our attention to him. “Alright, I think it would be more productive if we divide and concur.” I clap my hands in excitement as I back down the stairs. James smiles as he picks up a box. “Erik and I will decorate the dinning room and the kitchen, Matthew and Damien can decorate the main hall and Y/N and Sam could do the outside?” I smile brightly. “Yeah sounds great! I’ll go get my jacket.”
The cold winter night was bitter and chilly as I rubbed my hands together. “You cold?” I turned to face Sam who had a small worried smile on his face as I shook my head. “Let’s get started. Ours is going to look the best” Sam gave me a devilish grin. “You bet it Doofus!”
I’m a little bit shocked at first at how quick Sam is decorating until I hit myself and realised, incubi. Duh. I grab some of the Christmas lights and start wrapping them around a window when I realise Sam is preoccupied setting up some plastic reindeer on the drive. I slowly lean down and grab a handful of snow and shape it into a ball. I aim it ever so carefully and throw it with all my might.
I snicker as I turn around back at my lights as I hear Sam turn around in confusion muttering to himself “what in the hel-“ I hear the penny drop. “YOU!” His voice dripped with venom and anger as I burst out laughing and start running away. Sam gives chase as we run around the garden throwing half made snowballs at each other laughing and mucking around.
Sam bends down to make a snowball and I take the chance to jump behind some of James’s gardens, hidden by huge bushes. By the time Sam finishes and stands up he’s lost track of me and I’m perfectly hidden by the bushes. I sneak quietly to where he is looking around for me and calling out for me suspiciously. “Y/N? Y/N?”
I take my moment and lunge out the bushes jumping on him and push him to the ground and into the snow. “Got ya’!” I shout giggling as he bursts out laughing. After a couple moments the laugher stops at, we’re left smiling like idiots, looking into each other’s eyes. I start to blush realising I’m straddling him. I sigh leaning in and resting my forehead on his “Merry Christmas Sam”. He smiles sweetly looking down at my lips for a second before letting his eyes meet mine. “Merry Christmas Doofus”.
I gently lean my hands on his chest as I lean in for a short kiss. His lips are as heavenly as always and an amazing contrast of warmth against the freezing cold snow touching my legs and knees. As we finally pull apart, we laugh a little as we can see our breath in the cold air. “I can’t wait till you see what I got you” Sam said smiling affectionately making my heart skip a beat. “Y-You bought me something?” He gives me an amused smile as he laughs making his body shake and making my stomach tie itself up in knots. “What you didn’t think I’d get you something?” I shook my head smiling slightly “never thought about it”.
I stand up as I brush the snow off me. “Come on, we should get inside, it’s really chilly out here” I offer Sam a hand to pull him up which he takes as we start walking around the house to the front door.
As we walk up the porch I jump as I feel Sam’s hand on my waist as he pulls me into him. I must be redder than the tinsel right now. As we walk inside, my jaw drops. It’s gorgeous. The boys have made this so beautiful. The chandelier is decorated with tinsel and there are stockings hung over the railings along with candy canes and decorations set out all over the main hall. “wow…” I breathed out in amazement. It took me a while to realise all the boys were staring at me, or more specifically the hand that was on my waist. “This is amazing guys” I say as I move away from Sam looking at all the decorations. Erik laughs leaning against the bottom post of the railing. “I get that it’s snowy out there but you two are awfully wet.”
I smirk as I think about the snowball fight and I hear Damien’s laugh fill the room. “They’ve been having some Christmas fun of their own.” Matthew looks at me with an eyebrow quirked however all I do is wink back. I turn around and look into the dinning room when I see the tree we picked out standing up in a stand ready to be decorated. “Yes! This is the best bit” I run and hang my jacket up by the fire before running back to the tree skidding in my socks.
The boys crowd around the tree as we decorate it with tinsel, baubles, crackers and everything else. James smiles at me “You really love this Miss, don’t you?” I chuckle as I reach back into the box for the perfect decoration. “what gave it away?” James smiles charmingly at me “the stars in your eyes” I laugh gently placing the decoration on the tree when something catches the corner of my eye. A blur dashing out the room. “I’ll be back. Two moments”
I follow the burr out the room and up the stairs to my room. “Sam?” When I open the door, Sam turns to face me with a small present in his hands. “Hey… I couldn’t wait” He holds it out to me gently as I walk over and take it. It’s not wrapped very well and the green ribbon is a bit crumpled. It’s not hard to see he had to try and wrap this quite a few times but it’s just perfect.
I softly open the wrapping paper to reveal a flat green velvet box. I turn to Sam confused but he just smiles at me nervously “open it…”. I open it to reveal a brand-new shiny chain bracelet with a beautiful dog tag hanging from it. I gasp in shock and in aww looking at it. He bought me a matching dog tag, maybe some people would be insulted but it’s so cute. I hear him breathe shakely as he bites his lip. “So?” I lunge at him again wrapping my arms around is neck attacking him with hugs. “I love it Sam! Thank you!”
I feel him let out a sigh of relief and I hug him tighter. I eventually pull apart from him as I look down at the box. I open it and gently pull the bracelet out and put it on. It’s so pretty and sweet I could cry. I quickly stand up and lean under my bed pulling out Sam’s present. “This is for you” Sam looks at me cheerfully as he takes it -and not so gracefully- rips the paper off to reveal a framed photo of us two in the summer when we went on holiday to Hawaii. Matthew took the photo and I’m jumped up on Sam’s back as we’re eating ice cream. He looks at it and rubs his thumb over the frame before he looks up at me the hint of tears in his eyes.
He stands up suddenly pulling me into a hug so tight it almost smothers me. “Thank you… Y/N…” I smile into him hugging him tighter and breathing in his sent “anytime…”.
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Text Messages (2)
you're a blessing in disguise -SM
And you're still employed, pet~ -Jim
ain't that a damn blessing too, Boss all these things to be thankful for, huh? -SM
You're funny, Sebby (ᗒᗊᗕ) -Jim
ah jeeze, here come the punctuation faces -SM
Oh right, you're boring and not a fan. (¬、¬) -Jim
...they're KIND of cute, I guess -SM
Goodnight Boss sweet dreams or...you know whatever kind of dreams make you happy -SM
Goodnight, Sebastian. I hope you manage to get some actual rest. Can't have you dead on your feet. You're rather useless that way. - JM ♔
Morning Boss hope you have a good day today, whether you're working or staying home. I'm not exactly dead on my feet, but I don't exactly have a pep in my step, either. -SM
I'll take it. Just as long as you've manage to maintain some level of capability. The pep will find it's way back in due time. - JM ♔
day is going well; pep has been achieved through force of will and sheer need to be peppy -SM
Need to be peppy? What called for a need? - JM ♔
well, working with customers and doing my damnedest not to kill people at my secondary occupation, of course gotta put on my customer service face, Boss -SM
Sounds dull. Stir their day up. Pop off. Cut a throat or two. Escape via the nearest window. Happy Holidays. I'd be highly amused. - JM ♔
the nearest window is the front door, Boss ×-× but, all of that would be glorious hope you had a grand day -SM
My day was, as one would expect. Average. Well, my idea of average. Are you quite done with your cover job then? - JM ♔
yeah, cover job is done to the same level of excellency one might expect from my REAL job just finished showering, actually sorry your day was only average though -SM
have a great night, Boss get some rest and have the kind of dreams you enjoy, whatever they may involve I'll message you tomorrow -SM
I'll expect the message. Sleep well, Tiger. - JM ♔
made it to the cover job having some shitty breakfast of champions
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I'm all for sweets in the morning. But Sebastian, seriously? Monster? Just be an adult and slam a rail of coke if that's your personal method of bodily harm. It's about the same. Mmh. While I disapprove, I suppose that nothing can be done about it. The common people fancy that...battery acid in a can. Just don't make a habit of it. I can't very well have you dying on me. - JM ♔
no habit Boss just been up a helluva long time damn yappy mutts downstairs woke me up around 3 and I couldn't manage to ever get back to sleep it's pure necessity ...does it earn any points that it's the Irish blend? -SM
...Clever pet. Playing the Irish card like that. I'll mull it over and see how many merits that earns you. Perhaps that train of thought will be enough to keep me from dispatching one of my disposable pawns to go make slippers out of those mutts. - JM ♔
Beverage of choice aside did you sleep well? have any plans for the day ahead? -SM
I did sleep well. I usually do. I never have anything to worry about. And my plans for the day are to work. Last day of the week before I take my two days off. Well, I say off. There is always something else to be done. - JM ♔
No rest for the wicked 😉 I've got a shift at the cover job today and then I'm headed out of town for a little recon -SM
the cover job awaits and I must heed its call, disappointingly have a good day, Boss do your best not to get into too much trouble, eh? -SM
I never get into trouble. It finds me. Surely you know that by now. You're the one that should watch out for trouble, Tiger. I imagine you'll be in touch. Tootles in the mean time, Sebastian. - JM ♔
Out of the cover job but I won't be doing recon because of possible white out conditions in the area. hope your day went well -SM
made it home -SM
Good. Stay there. - JM ♔
Only an emergency can drag me from the warmth of the indoors now supposedly, we have 7-10" incoming tonight -SM
stay safe and warm Boss -SM
Leave it to you to get snowed in. I suppose it's not your fault. Just... Take your own advice. /You/ stay safe. And warm. - JM ♔
I'm freshly showered and gonna be off to bed. Hope you're having a good night sleep well when you do -SM
I'm getting to bed now. Rather, I'm going to try. I know you're asleep. At least, you had better be. Tigers up past their bedtime get Daddy's belt. No, I'm not threatening you with a good time. Cease that train of thought, you snarky git. ...I'm so tired, Sebastian. My eyes are heavy, and a tad sore. Yes. It's decided. I'm going to sleep. Goodnight. - JM ♔
Goodmorning D--Boss. Goodmorning Boss. Hope you uh...slept well. Are you alright? Not that I don't appreciate interesting messages because well, I do appreciate the heck out of the one I received but are you okay? -SM
You can't see it, Tiger. But I'm smirking at the thought of you almost allowing your fingers to type that word out. (You know the one.) But deciding against it last minute because you didn't want to have those respective fingers broken. Snap. Just like fresh carrots. As you can plainly see, based on the previous part of my message, I'm quite alright. Those early AM hours can be a bit tricky for me. I have people murdered in cold blood for a living, but I'm not completely without feeling. Not that you of all people would imply such a thing. No, I know better. You don't think I'm heartless. You went and got attached. Stupid thing to do. How did you sleep? - JM ♔
I think I slept alright my mind was in a bit of a state, what with that I was ready for the escape of a recon and then last minute don't get to go because of this damn snow that hasn't even decided to come yet No one ever said that I make the smartest of decisions, Boss though, I apparently made the smart decision on my earlier typing -SM
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