#don't quite have it flushed out yet. just had yo put it down somewhere.
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akingdomscrypt · 10 months ago
I have only one thing on my mind rn. And it is definitely NOT what i need when trying to write an angst scene.
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bnhaohmy · 5 years ago
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Summary: You transferred to UA, being shy and not very talkative. With this, not many kids wanted to talk to you except for 3 third years, one of which falling for you once he laid his eyes on you.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, very soft, it's kind of a jumbled mess but I love it
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this story! Also I gave the reader a cat quirk like my own personal OC. So you're kinda like Tsuyu but with Cat features.
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You sit quietly at your desk, looking around the classroom to everyone else who were all much more focused on their conversations to notice the new girl. You were thankful for it, your anxiety would not be able to handle an entire class' focus being on you.
You played quietly with your fingers, small little lesions showing up as your blade like nails scraped at your skin. You looked up as 3 students walked in right as the bell rang, two of them talking and laughing loudly as the other kept his head low and only contributed whispers to the conversation.
The girl was the first to spot you, letting out a large gasp as she did. "Ooh! And new student! I'm Nejire!" She spoke, her hands clasped behind her back as she tilted her whole body to the side as to smile at you. You freeze instantly and shakily waive at her "Y-Y/N..." you spoke softly, catching the attention of the two males with Nejire more than you had had before. "Aw, you're like our little kitten Tamaki! I'm sorry for being so straightforward with introducing myself Y/N and for getting attention on you." She spoke, her tone getting softer as to make everyone look away from you.
You smile gently at her actions "it's okay..I just don't like the attention or meeting people to be honest.." you murmur out as he glance over to the navy haired boy whose eyes were focused on you. Once his eyes met your gaze, he blushed and instantly looked away as his body began to shake.
Nejire nods before she points to Mirio, "this is Mirio" she said with a smile as the blonde male waves "hey there!" He said before sitting down at his desk with Nejire following after. You watched them and smile gently before looking to boy you now knew as Tamaki. The first thing you noticed was his pointy ears, your smile growing softly as you felt your own cat ears flatten against your head.
Soon enough your home room teacher stepped in and you pulled your notes out to start doodling. Soon you felt a small tap on your shoulder from Nejire "so, Me, Mirio and Tamaki have to head to the first years to explain work studies and talk with them. From what everyone has been saying...you were the top third year at your old school?" She asks and tilts her head, her hair following behind her head.
You look up and nod "I was. I think I'm number 4 at this school behind you 3" you speak softly and smile.
"Awsome! Why don't you come with us and talk with the first years. You still have your work study right? That's the reason you transferred was to get closer to it?" She asks softly with a bright and happy smile
You nod to her words "that would be amazing Nejire. And yes, I transferred to be closer with my work study. Now that I think about it, there was another third year from U.A. in the agency I got approved for.." you speak softly.
Mirio and Tamaki both perk up hearing this "who did you get approved by Y/N?" Mirio asks as he turns to look at you
"Ah, Fatgum" you say softly and smile at him "I just don't know who all is under the agency yet" you speak softly
Tamaki hesitantly opens his mouth "I'm the other third year..." he speaks quietly as he keeps his head down. You turn and smile "well...at least I have met you then" you speak softly and rub his shoulder which only made him tense up more.
You pull away slowly and offer a gentle smile toward the timid Male before focusing on class until you and the other three left class for head down to the first years.
Once you all had finished introductions, you all went to the gym as Mirio wanted yo see just how tough this class was. Tamaki was almost instantly glued to the wall as his anxiety had sky rocketed with all the kids.
You quietly walked over to him and leaned against the wall as you sighed "are they always like this?" You ask softly and he simply nods "Mirio had a reason for this, he must gets carried away" Tamaki murmurs to you as he turns and looks at your face.
You nod before playing with your hands "will you introduce me to everyone at the agency?" You ask softly as he bit down on his swollen and chapped lip, nodding shortly after "O-Of course.." he whispered
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You walked quietly beside Tamaki through the school halls, the two of you not wanting anything to do with the gym training that Nejire and Mirio were doing with the Students that had taken under their wings so to speak.
Tamaki kept his eyes on you the whole time you walked together, your entire presence captivating the male. He was so intrigued to find someone who was like him, that wasn't loud and outgoing and that was really sweet as well.
"Does that sound okay with you Tama?" You ask, snapping Tamaki from his daze.
"H-Huh?" He asks softly as he looks down to hide is embarrassment of missing your entire question.
"I asked if it sounded okay for us to go to my place to study since you brought up that you needed somewhere quiet to study. Mirio and Nejire don't know my dorm number yet so we would be in a safe and quite place~" you chime out to him, a smile dancing it's way across your lips
"T-That sounds perfect Y/N..I would r-really appreciate it" he says, looking up to me your happy gaze which only causes a small smile to tug at his own lips.
You giggle softly and nods "come on then slow poke. We have to get there before everyone starts coming home.." you say softly and hold you hand out for him, offering another gentle smile to the male.
Tamaki blushes but takes you hand and starts walking a bit faster as to keep up with you as you lead him to your dorm room. You smile and rub the top of his hand with your thumb as you could still feel his nerves going crazy.
Soon enough you were at your dorm you and you opened the door before moving to let him in. "It's a little messy but we can still get work done.." you murmur as you follow behind him before sitting down on your bed, him following and sitting next to you.
You smile up at him and pull all your homework from your bag before starting to work on it. You felt his gaze on you, but didn't want to make him more anxious so you kept your gaze on your work.
After a few hours of working, Tamaki looks up when he feels a sudden heavy weight on his left side, mainly his arm. He looks down and his face flushes when he sees you had fallen asleep on him, pencil still in hand. "Y-Y/N..." he whispers and shakily brushes your hair from your face.
He bites his lip and slowly sides your homework from your lap and moves it to your desk. He then puts his back in his bag carefully before laying down onto your bed. He pulls you with him as he curls up to keep you warm as your blanket had been moved to the floor already.
He sighs softly and smiles gently as he looks at your sleeping form "you look like a little bunny more than a kitty.." he murmurs to himself before his own eyes close and he falls asleep with you close in his arms.
You yawn as you wake up, looking around before you finally felt the weight of someone next to you. You started to panic before looking up, your mind instantly easing when you saw Tamaki sleeping soundly next to you still. He curled up close to you, his hair covering half of his face but you could still see how cute he looked as he slept.
You slowly get out of his arms and pull your phone from your bag, looking to see a few messages from Nejire.
🦄 Nejire-Chan
Hey have you seen Tamaki? (8:30 pm)
Y/Ninnie? Mirio and I cant get a hold of Tamaki at all...I'm getting worried (10 pm)
Ah, he finally answered! Sorry if I woke you two~ didn't know you were having a little date! Don't get wild on our Kitten okay? (2 am)
You roll your eyes at the messages before grabbing a hoodie from your floor before heading down to the common area to make breakfast. You finished up cooking and headed back up to your dorm, not wanting to eat downstairs where it was all quiet and alone. You opened the door to your dorm and smile to see Tamaki awake, rubbing his eyes.
Once his eyes landed on you, his face flushed red "Y-Y/N...why do you have my hoodie on?" He asks softly
You look down and blush "ah I-I had just grabbed one from the floor. I'm sorry Tama! I'll take it off." You say softly but he stops you before you can even set your food down "K-Keep it on. You look c-cute" he said with a big smile.
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After a few weeks and getting to know everyone in the agency, you were allowed out on patrols with Tamaki. He was very hesitant at first to have anyone but Fatgum with him, but with Kirishima now in the agency, someone had to help and train the first year.
You happily walked next to Tamaki and looked around, "it's different doing Hero Studies over here. My last hero study was just paperwork.." you sighed out, your tone of voice much louder since you were just around Tamaki, spooking the male a bit.
Tamaki looks to you and tilts his head "really?" He asks as he looks down at you "t-they should at least let you watch patrols even if you don't do anything. F-Fatgum trusts us rather well but most heros get to do patrols by their third year.." he spoke and then looked up when he heard a scream that was just around the corner.
You both rushed around the corner and Tamaki instantly looked around before he saw a woman on the ground. He walked over and began to assess the wounds she had as you looked around to find any culprit. Soon enough, you had your answer as you were grabbed and pulled down the alleyway.
You squeal and try to fight back before looking to Tamaki, making eye contact and seeing his body start to panic before everything went black as a hand holding a rather soaked rag was placed over your nose an mouth.
Tamaki stood still in shock, his body unable to move as he watched you get taken. He shook himself back to reality and instant pulled his phone out to call Fatgum and then Neijire and Mirio.
"W-what do I do..?" He whispers into the phone as he starts rushing around to see if he could spot you at all.
"Well, calm down first off. You won't do anything good when you're panicking Tamaki. We all know that.." Nejire said as she sighed, Mirio leaning to speak up once she was done.
"You need to look down alleys and inlets mostly. It sounds like the villain that took Y/N doesn't have a quirk since your victim had been cut and then Y/N was drugged. He couldn't have gotten that far.."
Tamaki only nods before shakily sighing into the phone "w-what if she's really hurt..its our first patrol and she's already gotten taken and she's gonna be hurt and hate everything." He said as fast as his mouth would allow him and felt tears start streaming down his face
"Tama...calm down. Me and Mirio will come help look for her as well as some of the other heroes okay? She'll be just fine!" Nejire said as she tried to cheer the anxious male up, but it only made his stomach churn when he heard the words "She'll be fine". He knew you would be fine but he could only think of the worst and he didn't want you to hate him or not trust him anymore.
After 5 hours and a few pros coming in to help, you were finally found. You were bruised and bloody, but mostly okay. Tamaki looks at your body and starts whimpering, his whole body shaking as tears start falling down his cheeks.
Nejire looks over and runs to hug him, pulling his face down to her shoulder to let him cry. "She's okay Tamaki...I promise. I know you care for her but you need to calm down. Everything will be okay..." she murmurs and runs his back before taking him over to one of the cars that had been called "let's head to the dorm.." she whispers and pulls him into the car with her.
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Weeks pass and you were still holed up in your dorm, not able to do anything as you were waiting on your broken ankle to heal. Nejire and Mirio were persistent on bringing you any homework you guys had, and always told you what had happened in class before giving you an apologetic look when you asked about Tamaki.
You knew he had felt bad for what had happened but you missed him, you didn't know why exactly as you had never felt this way about anyone but your heart hurt when you were away from him. You had never thought about loving someone as you were focused on school but you just felt complete around Tamaki and you needed to see him.
You grab you phone and pull his contact up, before hitting the video call button. You attempted 3 times, the first 2 times being rejected before he finally answered.
"W-What do you want Y/N?" He asks quietly as he laid his phone on his desk, so you were only able to see the ceiling of his dorm.
"I want to talk to you and I really want to see you Tama.." you say softly and adjust yourself on you bed. "Come to my dorm..please" you whisper and get a pouty tone.
"Why..? I-I let you get hurt and y-you're broken now..." he said and you could hear his hiccups, your heart breaking know that he was crying.
"Tamaki, broken bones heal and bruises disappear...please come see me..I need to see you..." you whine out "I don't like hearing you cry..."
You were only met with the video call ending. You looked at your phone surprised and sat there stunned on your bed before you heard a knock at your door and then the door opening. Tamaki walks in quietly and looks at you before he completely breaks. He starts shaking and crying, covering his face as he does.
"Oh Tama...come here.." you speak out and open your arms, the male instantly coming over to hide in your neck, his sobs calming down as he did.
"Its okay...I'm here okay? I'm not dead...I'll be fine soon." You hum before looking down to him.
Tamaki looks up to you and whispers "Y/N...I'm so sorry. I didn't want to see you because I felt so guilty about getting you hurt but the guilt was worse than just that. I-I think I l-love you.." he finishes and his face flushes red. "My h-heart started hurting when I let you get taken and not seeing you for these weeks has only made it worse.." he whines out
"I love you too Tamaki...my body can't handle being away from you. I hope you will come see me more now..." you say with a gentle smile
Tamaki nods "I-I'll come see you if you'll be my little bunny?" He asks with a sweet smile
You laugh and nod, smiling brightly as you press a kiss to his nose.
"Of course I'll be your Bunny.."
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