#don't make me chuckle and giggle Harold
baerryjj · 2 years
Me when im completely reworking an OC story and I'm already imagining the main two characters love confession instead of establishing the world they live in
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silly-writes · 1 year
Heya! I just came across your content and I must let you know that the way you write the characters is very accurate and pleasing to read!! <333 Could you please write romantic headcanons for Gwen, Tyler, Harold and Cody with reader (fem or gn Idc) that is the goofy sweetheart kind? Like super fan of physical affection, sweet and super understanding and respectful of boundaries and who loves to make them smile and laugh (and who herself/themselves is always laughing and smiling).
Contestants with a silly sweetheart reader!
Omg thank you so much! I really try hard on my characterization so it makes me really happy to hear you say that :] and thank you so much for this request! I love this concept very much! Enjoy!
Gwen probably takes a bit of warming up to the idea of someone who is just so unapologetically themselves and respectful. She almost just doesn't trust it.
It takes her a while to warm up to the physically affectionate part, but you're super intune with other people's emotions so you know better than to overstep.
She's so in awe of how you find every single one of her jokes funny, you laugh at things she didn't even think were all that funny.
You live to make her genuinely laugh, it doesn't happen that often, and since she's pretty reserved she stifles her laughter a lot.
You always tell her that it might not be so bad around you.
"You know it might be nice to hear you laugh for a change," you say in a lightly teasing manner, after you had just died of laughter over a joke she told.
"No way, I'm mysterious and quiet, remember?" She says, jokingly.
You chuckle a little more "don't tell me, you're afraid of getting smile lines like Mclane?"
She always loved to make fun of Chris with you, and she's struggling to breathe after you continue to lightly razz him.
"You don't think I'm being too nasty do you?" You asked softly after saying something that was just a little rude, even if it was Chris.
She snorts "You? I don't think you're capable of being too nasty. Or nasty at all for that matter."
The two of you pause for a moment giggling softly, as she elbows your side "maybe I am rubbing off on you just a little bit though."
Eventually she would warm up to the physical affection for sure, you just feel so safe to be around for her it's kind of hard not too.
Tyler absolutely loves it
He loves your sunny and giggly disposition so much it makes him so happy to be around you always.
He loves physical affection too, and he loves even more than he doesn't have to be the one to start it.
I think he's probably used to being in relationships where he has to play the super manly role and do all the heavy lifting for a lot of the stuff, being the jock that he is.
But let's face it our boy is a big silly bimbo he just wants to chill and let you take the lead.
So he loves when you are super cuddly, and that you always ask to see what he likes, and that he can just be himself.
He'll laugh at every single one of your jokes, even if he doesn't get it at all.
"One sec babe, I gotta go to the bathroom," he said one day standing up from the couch
"Okay, don't fall in," You chuckle.
He laughed for a little bit until saying "I don't get it, fall into what?"
you just smile at him "don't worry about it, go do your business."
He smiles and jogs down the hall.
Harold likes to be taken seriously, surprisingly.
It's just that he's used to generally being treated like a joke, so he's really sensitive to being laughed at, something you pick up on right way.
You always make a note to make sure he really is making a joke before you laugh at anything he says, since sometimes with his past experiences it can come off (at least to him) as you tease him.
But he loves that you're always trying to make him laugh, with jokes that aren't about him, and aren't poking fun at him or his interests.
It takes him a little bit to get used to not being the butt of the joke with you, but after a while he gets it and feels much more comfortable with you.
He absolutely loves how physically affectionate you are, he is too, so it works out perfectly!
He loves holding hands with you, sometimes you'll take his hand in yours while he's talking.
He was rambling one day when you soundlessly slid your hand in his.
"What?" You chuckled softly "I was just getting invested."
"Really? You actually think this is interesting?"
You laughed a little bit and shrugged "well, duh."
He smiled at you before continuing his rant.
When I say this boy is obsessed.
He himself is always putting on his "cool boy" persona, so he very much appreciated getting to turn that side of him off when around you.
He laughs at every single one of your jokes, he thinks you're the funniest person around!
"I'm serious, you should do stand up or something," he suggests after absolutely crying laughing over a joke you told.
Despite having a very muted interest in that you smile at him "Really? You think so?"
"I do!" he really just thinks the world of you.
He likes being silly with you too, just leaning against each other, riffing off one another.
He likes that you're physically affectionate too, god please hold this boy.
He likes it best when you hold your arm around him when you walk, or when you two are talking slowly start to cuddle up against him.
You'll pretty much never hear him complain about it!
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victheclown · 1 month
The runt amongst his peers
"That's it! You're doin' great lil' guy! Just keep it up!"
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A demon cheered as he encouraged the kid to try and climb up a tree. While clearly nervous about it, the little demon was also determined to get up there, to prove that he could! He could do this! He just needed to get a little higher...
The much older demon heard his sister call out to him then, asking him to come over. His ears twitch briefly as he nodded over to her, looking at the kid attempting to climb.
"Good job lil' guy. Keep going if you want, a'ight? I'll be with yer' mother, we'll be right over there."
The man gave a brief chuckle in response as the child went back to his climbing attempts while he made his way to his sister, sitting down next to her.
"What's poppin'?"
"... Just wantin' to talk, I think."
"Well then ya know I'm your guy, shortcake!"
A giggle escaped her.
"Stop it Harold... We're a few years apart, I'm not *that* much younger."
"Lil' sister is a lil' sister to me."
He couldn't help but laugh. He always had a more lighthearted look on things... If only she could relate.
"Heh... Well... It's just..."
"Hm? Come on, I know I joke a lot, but you can talk to me."
"... I worry about him."
She quietly said as she looks over to the child, *her* child, just a little further away as he made semi-futile attempts at climbing the tree. The other demon was quick to follow that glance.
"... The lil' guy? What about him? Something wrong?"
"... Nothing that you don't already know."
It took a moment as he raised a brow, but then it clicked what she meant.
"Is it- Come on... I know the lil' guys a tad on the short side, but that don't gotta mean anythin-"
"... He should be at least half his size taller with his age, he should be able to use his wings by now- So many things are just… So far behind for him, and I don’t know for how much longer possibly-.."
The man frowned a tad as he placed a hand on her shoulder then, for comfort.
"Hey now, I get it- You're worried, I know. Just... It, really doesn't have to mean anything, he can still be a good kid."
"... I worry more about how others will act towards him for it."
He blinks a little as she said that, before looking back over towards the kid himself again, watching.
The child struggled, trying to claw his hands into the tree bark, before inevitably sliding off again and falling to the ground, and after a brief moment to pout, got right back up to try again, attempting to flap his little, tiny wings to help him along in any way.... Not that they were any use to him with their small size.
"... Other children can be ruthless. You... Know how it is.."
"... Yea. I know."
Unfortunately, he did. He let out a deep sigh, thinking through what to say for a moment as she then continued to speak.
"... I... I want to be there for him, but... I know I won't always be... I worry he won't be able to protect himself... That he will catch on how... He is a...."
She could only mumble that last part under her breath, she didn't have the heart to say it out loud. The other demon blinks a little, coming out with a response right away.
"Bein' a runt ain't somethin' to be ashamed of. I'm sure if we show him he'll be able to learn to stand up for himself- I know he can."
Seeing the distress and worry on his little sister, he pulled her closer into a one-arm side hug, putting her head on his shoulder and giving her a gentle, comforting pat.
"... The kid's got a good heart. And even if he's behind on things, he just needs to be taught to make use of what he *can* do instead. And... If it helps ya worry less, I could help."
".... I think I would appreciate that. Thank... Thank you."
"It's nothin'."
It was quiet for a brief moment between them... Before they realized it was a little *too* quiet now.
Looking back to the tree... The kid had managed to get up to a branch it seems, now clinging to it with all his strength while shaking.
"... Ah rats, he's got your fear of heights shortcake."
"Oh stop it, Harold."
The two laugh a little for a moment, before getting up to approach the tree.
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"Well hey there lil' guy. You doin' okay?"
".... High.... S.. Scary...."
The kid was shaking, with his tail curled around the branch he was clinging to. He couldn't even be proud of how he managed to climb up, he was a little too fearful to do so right now.
"Alright- Let's get ya down there."
The demon then reached up to grab the kid and lift him off the brnch, upon which the tiny demon quickly clung to him, still shaking a tad.
"Oof- There there lil' guy, it's all good."
It took the young demon a while to calm down, now simply sitting in his arms as the second demon came over, giving him a smile and a head ruffle.
"You ready to go home, sunshine?"
"I'll leave ya to it. Got somethin' goin on later."
He lifts the child up again then and hands him to the other demon, though not before giving him a small boop on the nose.
"I'll be seein' ya, lil' guy. Be good, alright?"
The kid let out a laugh before nodding, which got a chuckle out of the man too.
"That's a good kid."
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
A Wonderous Christmas Ch 11
The snowmobile led the magic train through the snow covered town, helping it see its way through the blinding flurries. Each inhabitant and their families were dropped off at their homes. The last stop being Hawthorne Apartments. Alice and Harold gave Balan one last goodbye before retreating into the apartments. Leo smiled at Balan before he followed after his parents.
When the three of them walked inside, they spotted the 3 dolls that looked like them. Leo gave a weirded look at them as his doll had a cheerful smile. "They must have appeared when Balan used his first mode of "transport"." Harold told him. Leo shrugged his shoulders before letting out another yawn. "Well, on the bright side, the snow should let up tomorrow, just in time for the Christmas Tree lighting!" Alice told him.
Leo gave a smile. One of Timeville's grand Christmas traditions was to light the skyscraper tall, tree in the middle of town, and usually one lucky person got to light it with the mayor of Timeville. Just then, the phone rang and Alice picked it up "Hello?" She asked "Hello there! Is Leo there?" Asked Kaylo's voice "Leo, It's for you." Alice said, handing the phone to her son.
"Hello?" He asked "Hey Leo! Guess what! I'm gonna be helping the Mayor light the tree!!" Kaylo's voice squealed excitedly over the phone. Leo's eyes widened "Wow! That's great! Congratulations Kaylo!" He said. "I know!! I was so surprised too!" She squealed "I wanna be ready to light it up, so I'll see you tomorrow!" She said before the line went dead.
Leo chuckled at her enthusiasm before he went up to bed, retiring for the night.
The Next Day...
The entire town crowded around the fully decorated Timeville Chistmas tree, ready to see the grand lighting. "Welcome Welcome everyone!! And Happy Holidays!" Mayor Cynthia Glenn yelled out to the cheering crowds "Thank You! Thank you!" She said excitedly, Bowing in front of everyone. The crowds began to quiet down as she continued
"As you all know, We've celebrated the holidays for many many years now. We all have our different traditions, our ways of celebrating the holidays, but one thing remains certain, Even if we're all different, we all are together, one voice, and one heart. And with that said, It's Time to light our own beating of love, hope, and merriment!" She said. The crowds cheered again as the mayor got excited "And now, pleas welcome to the stage, this years lucky light lumineer, Miss Kalliope Bruno!" She said.
Kaylo walked onto the stage, humbly nodding as her family cheered loudly for her "THATS MY NIECE!!" Cherry Bruno cheered out. Kaylo let out a giggle out the cheer before she stood next to the mayor. "Thank you! It is an honor to be standing here today for this joyous occasion! But...I must admit, I feel that there are some that deserve to be up here too." She said.
The crowd whispered at the remark, what did the Bruno child mean? "Mrs Mayor? Can my friends help me set on the lights?" She asked. "Well...I don't see why not!" The mayor said cheerfully at the question. "Thank you! Leo! Emma! Mei! Rebecca! Trisha Jane! C'mon you guys!" She squealed. The crowd cheered at the new guest making their way up onto the stage, all excited to light up the holidays.
"Thank you all for joining us today on this most joyous holiday season! Are ya ready to light up the night? She asked. The kids nodded as Cynthia brought out a large, red and white striped lever. "OK, On 3, we flip this switch!" She said. The 6 kids placed their hands on the lever as the entire town counted down:"
The Children pulled on the lever and the tree began to light up like a beacon, with the star on top shining the brightest of all. The entire town looked on in awe before bursting into cheers again. Mayor Cynthia shook the hands of the kids "Oh thank you all for joining us today! And happy holidays to everyone!!" She cheered to the citizens. The children smiled as they looked up at the glimmering tree as a small band played "Oh Christmas Tree". It almost seemed like this holiday couldn't get to be any-
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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So, how did that horror movie night go? XD
Location: Intern Dormitory - Halloween Movie Night Time: somewhere in the evening, after the Halloween party.
(Everyone is sitting on the couch; except for Morris, who is in his wheelchair; and Sam, sitting in her beanbag. They are watching the movie 'It', the 2017 version. They are currently watching a very tense part of the movie.)
[Gisu] So, D-Dion ....how's it going? Scared yet?
[Dion] (Sitting very close to Gisu, unknowingly having a tight grip on her cape.) N-no, I'm f-fine. How's everyone else doing?
[Lizzie] (Has her arm tightly around Millie, who has her face half-buried in Lizzie's chest, one eye on the screen) Pfff, this is nothing. Just all special effects and make-up. It's not that scary, right Millie?
[Millie] (softly hums an agreement, followed by a soft whimper.)
[Morris] (Has such a tight grip on the bowl of popcorn that his knuckles have turned white.) Yeah, EaSy.)
[Adam] (fidgeting with his hat, scrunching it up a bit) Yeah, this is actually Quite - (small yelp) - quite entertaining.
[Frazie] You doing okay, Norma?
[Norma] Just fine. You?
[Frazie] Fine.
[Norma] Good.
(Both Norma and Frazie have their hands clasped together, their eyes fixed on the screen)
[Sam] (Not saying a word. Seems relaxed, but she sit rather stiff in her beanbag, not moving a single muscle)
(As they are watching, they don't realize that the door slowly creaks open. A figure, hidden in the darkness of the unlit room slowly creeps in, pulling the clown mask over their head. they turn invisible as they walk in. )
(Not a sound is made)
(The movie just reaches a Jumpscare moment. Just at that moment, the figure turns visible again, right in front of them.)
[????] BOOH!
(E-ve-ry-one screams. The bowl with popcorn goes flying. Adam rolls of his chair. Millie gets thrown of the couch as Lizzie jumps up. Dion backflips of the couch, almost pulling Gisu with him. Sam completely submerges into her beanbag. Frazie and Norma fly into each others arms.)
(The person giggles, pulls of their mask and revealing themselves to be Milla, still wearing her Morticia Addams costume)
[Milla] (Giggles) Got you, darlings.
(As everyone is catching up with what happened, some of them start chuckling, with more joining them in. Soon, they are all laughing.)
[Lizzie] (Pauses the movie) Jeez Milla, that was a good one.
[Gisu] (Her hand pressed against her chest, giggling) Milla, you took the mask?
[Milla] I passed the Intern Dorms one day, just as I saw that your lights were malfunctioning - seems that Harold had been chewing the wiring again. And as I came in to give it a look, I saw the mask. (Giggle) And then I remembered that Raz had told me about this. So I thought: "Why not? They're asking for a scare, I'll give them a scare." I hope everyone is okay?
(Everyone answers in similar ways. "we're okay." "You got us good" "I think I need to check my pants." ect.)
[Sam] (muffled answer from deep inside the beanbag.) we're fine.
[Raz, from outside] I take that everything went according to plan?
[Milla] It did! Anyway, I'm just here to tuck Raz into bed, so I'll ask you, if you can try to keep it down a bit?
[Adam] No problem, Milla. We're almost done watching anyway.
[Milla] Very good. Raz, you can come in now. Straight to your room, young man!
[Raz] (Runs past everyone) Good night, everyone!
(Everyone tells Raz good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.)
[Milla] Enjoy your movie and ....have sweet dreams, my spooky little darlings. (Walks away with a giggle)
[Dion] This doens't happen every Halloween, I hope?
[Lizzie] Jeez, I wish! Anyway, let's finish the movie. We're just at the good part.
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A Princess. A Queen. A Wife. A Mother.
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Part 24
<Part 23<
Warnings: swearing, attempted sexual assault on reader, violence, ⚠️John Walker is a dick⚠️, blood, broken nose
"You look beautiful," Steve wore a loving smile as he gazed at you.
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You smiled bashfully and turned around to face him, "Thank you..." You blushed before your brow suddenly furrowed, "Why aren't you downstairs?" You asked him as you began to walk towards him.
Steve smiled as he walked into the room. "I figured you might be feeling a little nervous, so I wanted to come to you. I thought we could walk down together." He held his hand out of for you to take. "Plus, I get to have you all to myself for a short moment," He whispered as he pulled you into his arms making you giggle.
"I like the sound of that... Honey." You smiled.
"Honey?" Steve asked with a raised eyebrow and a playful smile.
You rolled your eyes, "I'm trying something, okay? You have all these loving names for me and I have none for you. I don't want you to think I don't love you."
Steve let out a soft chuckle, "My love, it doesn't matter to me what you call me. I know you love me by the little things you do. Like the way you kiss me, or hold my hand. It's the way you look me in the eyes when you say those three wonderful words." He rested his forehead against yours as he held your hands." I know you love me, Y/N."
"I do love you, with all my heart..." You whispered.
Steve placed his hands on your hips and pressed his lips against yours softly. "I love you too." He whispered.
A soft knock on the open door and the clearing of a throat pulled you apart.
"Sorry to intrude, Your Majesty." Happy stood at the door.
Steve let out a heavy breath before turning to face your guard. "No need to apologise, Sir Harold. What is it?"
"It's time for the two of you to join the festivities, Your Majesty." Happy gave you the tiniest of smiles. "Are you ready, Your Highness?" He asked.
You nodded, drawing in a deep breath as you took hold of Steve's hand and turned to smile at him. "Ready."
You sat between your brother and Steve, trying to hold in your yawn as another lord stood to give a speech. You'd stopped paying attention after the first one and that was so long ago.
"How can a party be so boring?" Tony whispered from beside you making you grin.
"It's you're party, brother." You whispered back.
Actually, sister, it's your party. I'm just the host." Tony answered back.
You shook your head, "Maybe so but as host, isn't it your job to make the evening enjoyable?" You asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
Steve let out small chuckle, "She has a point, Tony."
Tony huffed dramatically, "No one asked you."
You raised your hand to cover your mouth as you snickered at Tony's unamused pout.
"Uhm, Your Majesty?" Lord Coulson looked at the three of you with an irritated glare. "Is there a problem, Sire?"
You let out another snicker behind your hand as Tony sat up straight before clearing his throat.
"The Princess was just asking if it was possible for you to stop talking." Tony blurted out.
Your eyes widened, "Anthony!" You scolded him before turning to Lord Coulson trying not to appear embarrassed as Tony smirked to himself. "Forgive my brother, Lord Coulson, his brain tends to not understand what his mouth should say." You sent Tony a glare as Steve chuckled beside you. "I was merely asking, if we could end your speech and the others there. You see... your kind words are making me teary eyed," You pretended to wipe a tear away.
A simple trick Wanda had taught you years ago. 'Playing on the innocent little princess appearance will fool the men into doing as you pleased.'
"And as this is an evening of joyous celebration, we should be drinking and dancing, not crying." You smiled as you stood up from your chair and made your way towards Lord Coulson. "And I'd be honored, Lord Coulson, if you'd be my first dance partner of the evening." You smiled sweetly at him as you stood in front of him.
He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to blush, "It would be my honor, Your Highness." He bowed to you.
As you took your position in front of Lord Coulson the music began to play and the two of you began to dance.
"It was, His Majesty, complaining about my speech, wasn't it?" Lord Coulson asked you quietly so only you could hear.
You let out a small laugh, "How many years have you been in his court, Lord Coulson?"
"Many, many, many long years, Your Highness." Lord Coulson let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes.
You knew he was joking. Philip Coulson had been a close ally and trusted friend of the court since you could remember. He was one of the very few Lords that didn't want you to be married to King Brock, nor did he agree with the way your father had treated you.
Your smile widened. "Then you have your answer."
"I assumed so."
"I apologize for my brother, Lord Coulson." You offered him a polite smile.
"No need, Your Highness. I've grown used to, His Majesty's, humour shall we say." He smiled. "I hope you know how much you will be missed when you move to Brook." He smiled. "I know you haven't had it easy, Your Highness, but your people do care about you... As does the Queen."
You nodded, "Thank you, Philip. I'll certainly miss you when I'm gone."
As the music came to an end Lord Coulson bowed to you once more before taking his leave.
"May I dance with my wife?" Steve smirked.
You turned around to face him with a playful smile, "We're not married yet, Steven."
He shrugged, "As good as." He smiled holding his hand out to you.
You took his hand and let him pull you closer to him. "I can't wait until we really are."
Steve nodded, "Me neither." He whispered. The two of you slowly began to move along to the music as you gazed at one another. "Have you guessed yet?" He asked with a playful smile.
You frowned, "No. Are you going to tell me?" You asked.
"Nope." Steve grinned at you.
Since Steve's return, you had been playing a game that you'd sometimes play when you'd visit Brook. You'd tell eachother riddles and the other had to try and work them out. So far Steve had four and you had two (and Bucky had one after blurting the answer out before you).
"Fine... Could you tell me it again, please?" You asked.
Steve grinned at you, "Okay, but listen carefully... What is mine, but only you have?"
Your brow furrowed as you pouted softly, thinking over the riddle. You were concentrating so much you stopped dancing and started repeating the words as you stayed in Steve's hold. His grin never left his face as he watched you.
"I... Only have of yours... Is, your love?" You looked up at him. "I hope." You smiled at him.
Steve nodded with soft chuckle, "It's true, yes, but that's not the answer." He smiled. "But you're close with love."
"Hmm," Your brow pinched together as you thought, "Is this a well known riddle or have you come up with it?" You asked.
"It's one of my own, but I have said the answer to you many times before." He smiled.
"I'm close with love, and you've said the answer before..." You frowned to yourself.
"Do you give up?" He asked teasingly. Steve knew you wouldn't give up, he just wanted to tease you.
"No!" You placed your hands on his chest, "I certainly do not give up!" You glared at him. "I can work it out."
Steve nodded, "You can always ask, Buck, for help. He worked out the one you struggled with last time." He looked over his shoulder to where Bucky was dancing with Natasha.
Your eyes widened, "No he didn't!" You slapped his chest playfully, "He just shouted it out before me." You pouted. "And besides, I know the answer." You closed your eyes and turned away from him.
Steve rolled his eyes playfully as he followed after you towards the balcony doors. "Oh, so what's the answer then, my love." He smirked.
You cursed yourself internally as you walked out into the fresh air, trying to figure out what Steve's riddle was. What has Steve said to you many times before that could be the answer?
"Have you spoken to, Pepper?" He asked as the two of you laid under a tree for shade in the garden.
You shook your head. "She still refuses." You frowned. "I stood at her door, talking, apologizing but I'm not sure she was even listening." You turned to him. "Tony, says I no longer need to apologize to her. That I've done nothing wrong..."
Steve rolled onto his side and rested his head on his hand, "He's right, my love. You haven't done anything wrong. Nothing that's happened is down to you and if, Pepper, can not understand that then perhaps she never truly loved you like family, like she should." He frowned.
You lowered your gaze, "Sometimes I think I'm never meant to be loved. My father didn't love me, I never knew my mother, and the one woman I thought loved me like a parent, doesn't."
Steve frowned, "Oh, sweetheart..." He sat up against the tree, pulling you with him. "Tony, loves you. And, Peter, loves you as if you were brother and sister. And, Morgana, certainly loves you. She thinks you hung the moon." He smiled at you as he cupped your cheek. "And I love you, Y/N. My heart is full of so much love for you... You, have my heart and have done for so long." He whispered before pressing a loving kiss to your lips.
Your eyes widened with excitement as you spun around to face Steve. "YOUR HEART!" You shouted, quickly covering your mouth as Steve's head fell back with laughter. Your face burned with embarrassment as guests looked out onto the balcony.
"Well done, Princess." Steve circled his arms around your waist. "I believe that's, four to me, three to you... And one to loud mouth." He chuckled making you smile. "Your turn."
"Oh, this is a good one..." You began grinning with excitement. You'd been saving this one, "What has a thousand eyes, but can not see?" You asked with a pleased grin.
Steve's brow furrowed as he looked off in to thin air thinking. "Hmm... You've been holding onto this one, haven't you?" He asked knowingly making you laugh.
"I don't know what you mean." You smiled and skipped off back inside leaving Steve to ponder over your riddle.
Bucky's brow creased with confusion as he watched Steve some time later as they stood together sharing a drink and laughs. "Is everything okay, Your Majesty?" He asked. "You look constipated." He joked making Sam laugh and almost choke on his drink.
Steve frowned at him, "You're not funny, Buck." He grumbled.
Sam nodded, "I dunno, Your Majesty, it was quite funny." He chuckled.
Bucky grinned, "Are you gonna tell us what's on your mind?"
He shook his head, "It's nothing." He smiled, glancing over to where you were dancing with King Thor.
Sam rolled his eyes and looked over at Bucky. "They're still playing that stupid game."
Bucky chuckled, "She guessed the answer to yours then?" He asked Steve.
He nodded with a smile. "And hers is rather more difficult than I expected." He chuckled, smiling to himself.
"Care to share?" Bucky asked with a smirk.
Steve frowned, "Not quite yet."
Bucky's head fell back with laughter, "Don't want me to guess it before you, Your Majesty?"
Steve glared at him. "Shut up." He grumbled making the two men laugh.
"Ugh," Wanda and Natasha joined the three men scowling. "Have you seen whom the princess is dancing with?" Natasha asked.
"Isn't the princess dancing with, King Thor?" Sam asked as the three of them turned to look.
Wanda shook her head, "Not anymore."
Bucky glared, "Prince John." He grumbled.
Steve's brow furrowed. "Buck, move closer and keep an eye on the princess, please. That boy is trouble."
Bucky nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty." He bowed to him before turning and making his way over to where you were dancing.
You tried not to show your relief as you saw Bucky making his way towards you.
"Everything okay, Princess?" Prince John asked with frown.
You hummed. "I wondered if you'd excuse me, Your Highness? I just need a moment to myself." You bowed to him as he let go of your hand before making your escape. You sneaked over to the main door and slipped out into hall, letting out a relieved sigh as the music was muffled by the closing door.
"Everything okay, Your Highness?" Happy asked as he stood guard opposite the door.
You nodded, "Just needed a moment to myself, that's all, Hap... Prince John, muscled his way in for a dance when I was enjoying myself with King Thor." You frowned.
Happy hummed, "I'm not sure why, His Majesty, invited that boy." He frowned, "Nothing but trouble."
You nodded. "I know." You shook your head to rid your mind of the thoughts of Prince John and smiled. "Did, Lady Wanda, leave it where I asked?"
Happy nodded, "She did, Your Highness."
"Wonderful. Perhaps, Sir Harold, you could fetch, King Steven, for me?" You asked sweetly as you batted your eyelashes at him.
Happy began smiling one of his very rare and genuine smiles. "I am going to miss you, Your Highness."
You began grinning at him. "As am I, Harold." You stepped forwards and wrapped your arms around him, smiling as he briefly hugged you back.
He cleared his once you stepped back. "I'll fetch, His Majesty, right away, Your Highness." He bowed to you before disappeared back into the ballroom.
You let out an excited giggle and made your way over to the large pillar down the hall where Wanda had hidden the gift you had gotten for Steve. You wanted it to be a secret, a special moment between the two of you, that no one would witness... So why she had to put the damn thing in such a hard place so even you couldn't get it was beyond you.
"Doesn't this remind you of that time we snuck off together on your sixteenth birthday?"
You jumped at the sound of Prince John's voice, turning to face him with the small box in hid behind your back as you turned to face him. "We didn't. You followed me, much like you have now." You tried to move past him. "John, let me past."
He slowly moved closer to you, "I think, you have a lot to learn before your big day tomorrow- or shall I say, night." He chuckled as he pushed you back until your back pressed against the wall.
"Stop it, John." You pushed on him.
"Why don't you let me take you for a once over? Make sure that cunt is nice and warm for, King Steven." He pressed his lips against your skin.
"No! Stop it!" You cried out and pushed him away from you.
John began smirking, his eyes almost turning black as he wrapped his hand around your throat tightly. "Now be a good girl."
You gasped for air. He pushed you back until your head hit the wall making you cry out in pain as you reached up to claw at his hand, letting the velvet box fall to the floor.
"Princess!" Bucky called out as he marched towards you. He grabbed Prince John by the shoulders and yanked him off you, throwing him against the opposite wall with a snarl. "Keep your fucking hands off her!"
"Have you forgotten who I am?" Prince John spat at him as he stood up. "I'll have your head for this." He moved towards Bucky.
Bucky put his hands up to defend himself but before John could go for him, you stood in their way.
"That's enough!" You growled at him. You put your arms out almost as if you were protecting Bucky. "Leave, John, before you make things worse for yourself." You warned him as the doors to the ballroom opened.
"How dare you protect that vermin? He attacked me!" John barked at you.
"Sir James, was protecting me, his future Queen, from your attack, John. Now, like I said, leave before this gets any worse for you." You glared at him.
John scoffed, "And who do you think, King Steven, is going to believe? Me, a prince, or the son of a murderer and you, whose just another whore like Queen Mar-"
Prince John didn't expect your fist to collide with his nose and break it with an audible cracking of bone that echoed off the walls, because neither did you or Bucky. Bucky's mouth hung open as he watched what happened before him, unable to move or speak from shock.
"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" You snarled at him. "Don't forget, Prince John, where you're tenth in line for your grandfather's thrown, I am weeks away from being crowded Queen of Brook."
You drew in a deep breath as you raised your head and looked up to meet the proud gaze of your beloved. You cleared your throat as you looked at the rest of the audience you had enchanted with your performance.
"Anyone else have anything to say about the past? Anyone else wish to accuse me of being a whore after they try to force themselves on to me? Anyone else want to blame myself or, Sir James, for things that are out of our control?" You moved your glare from one set of eyes to the next as your chest heaved. "No? Good... Now, if you'd excuse me, I'm no longer in the mood for a party." You quickly turned around and walked away after sharing a soft smile ad thank you with Bucky.
Bucky stood dumbfounded as he watched you disappear with Natasha and Wanda quickly following and Happy soon after.
"Is one of you going to tell me, what the blazes is going on?" Tony demanded as he and Steve approached Bucky as someone helped Prince John.
"They attacked me!" John cried.
Bucky turned to glare at him, "He was trying to force himself onto the princess. He attacked her, Your Majesty." He said to Steve. 
"It's not my fault she's a whore." John spat making Bucky growl and go for him.
Steve stopped him and sent the prince a glare. "To answer your question, I believe the man that's fought by my side since we were children and the woman that I love. Not the man that clearly attacked her." Steve puffed his chest out as he towered over the prince. "What about you, King Anthony?"
Tony narrowed his eyes as he gave the prince a once over and a dark smirk curled at his lips before he grabbed at the prince's bloody collar and slammed him into the wall. "I warned you after last time, if you tried to hurt her again, I'd hurt you."
John's bottom lip trembled. "Ar-are y-you insane? My grandfather will start a war if-"
Tony's head fell backwards laughter. "Look around you boy. How many kings, how many friends, allied kingdoms do you see that are ready to fight by my side?" Tony asked. "If your grandfather was to start a war, your kingdom would be nothing in a matter of hours. Isn't that right gentlemen?"
Steve nodded, "He'd be stupid to even think about it."
"We'd destroy you like an ant under our boot." King Thor smiled.
"We all stand together." King T'Challa nodded at Steve with a smile.
"And like the soon-to-be Queen said, Prince John, there are nine more before you..." Bucky smirked at him over Tony's shoulder. "You wouldn't be missed."
Taglist: @fckdeusername @vxidnik @coffeebooksandfandom @flowery-mess @inumorph @heavenhatesme @andineversawyoucoming @jayhargrove @luckyladycreator2 @dontbescaredtosingalong @alexakeyloveloki @gh0stgurl
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hiraethenthusiast · 3 years
"I love you most."| t.h.
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pairing: actor!tom x reader
warnings: floof attack.
synopsis: tom gives you the best wedding you could've gotten. he's in love with you madly, that's what he says.
a/n: guess who wants this? i do. i absolutely adore a loving husband no matter what, and i adore heartfelt gifts even more! i hope you all like this fic, this one's really close to me! tpwk everyone!
listen to clinton kane's i guess i'm in love
“So do you, Y/N Y/L/N take Tom as your lawfully wedded husband?” The priest asks you while you and Tom look at him with impatience in your eyes.
“I do.” You say, making everyone cheer and making Tom smile.
“And do you Tom Ho-” “I do!” He shouts before the priest could even complete his sentence, making everyone at the altar erupt into laughs.
“Let him finish bubba” You laugh along, signalling the priest to go on when Tom mutters a small ‘sorry’ to him.
“Do you, Tom Holland, take Y/N Y/L/N as your lawfully wedded wife?” He asks again, while Tom looks at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes.
“I do.” And everyone cheers once again, and you gently squeeze his hand.
“So I shall now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The priest says lastly before getting off the stage and as if on queue, Tom sweeps you under his arms and holds your waist before pressing his lips to yours. The moment was wholeheartedly content, his and your parents, both with tears in their eyes, even Paddy and Harry shed a few, because the moment was so pure to just not cry at. Tom kisses you as if he was the luckiest man on Earth, like he had achieved something which he thought he could never. He pulls back to look at you beaming with the biggest smile he’s seen on you in years, and smiles to himself once again.
This was the best day of both of your lives till now, and there was no doubt about it.
After 4 years of being together, Tom finally proposed to you, and then forgot where he kept the ring, but you couldn’t care less because the man you were in love with was now, going to be a forever favourite in your lives. And today, he was now your husband from your fiance, and you couldn’t be anymore happier.
You both settle down after roaming from one place to another greeting every guest that had attended your wedding, finally for a drink and some food. Harrison sits right behind you, completing the duties of best man with all his will, and you smile at him. The twins and Paddy come in a bit later, but your eyes are looking for someone else. Where’s Tom? Your question was answered when you hear the clinking of a glass, just to find your handsome husband there.
“May I have your attention please?” He looks directly at you and you blow him a kiss, him pretending to catch it making everyone laugh. Actors.
“Thank you all for attending and being a part of our very wonderful day, I swear you guys are our favourite people” He says while chuckling.
“Today is the day I married my wonderful and stunning lover, Y/N and in recognition of that, I decided to give you the best gift of this evening.” He says, making you wonder what he got for you.
“I remember when Y/N once told me that she always loves heartfelt and handmade gifts filled with love more than people buying her the gift of her choice. She likes the element of surprise, as she likes to say. So Y/N my darling, I thought you might notice and scold me for it but you didn’t, not even once in this 4 year old relationship, and trust me this is going to shock you. I’ve managed to record every important and goofy moment of our lives, from falling on a staircase to the time I proposed to you, I have it all. I’ve compiled them into one sweet video for you, while your favourite singer of them all, Mr. Clinton Kane sings a song for us! Please give him a huge round of applause!” You jerk your head to the place where Clinton enters from, and he waves at you making you wave instinctively as well.
You look back again towards Tom, who was smiling sweetly at your little fangirl moment and continues.
“I’d also like to thank Harrison and Harry for helping me edit this video, because I’m literally so dumb without anyone of these four with me.”
“Can you put the lights out and start the video please?” He asks one of the workers there at the venue, and jogs up to sit down beside you, giving you a small peck while you take a hold of his hand.
And on queue, the lights are dimmed and the video starts to play. You can hear the faint strumming of the guitar that Clinton is currently playing, but you aren’t able to identify the song just yet. You look ahead towards the screen, and your eyes light up when you see Tom dressed up in his wedding tuxedo, you finally realising that this bit was filmed just a few hours ago.
“Hello my lovely wife! Well, I’m filming this part before the ceremony starts but I think I’m pretty certain on showing you this video after we’re married. This was...boring. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the video my love, and don’t hit me when we get home! I love you so so so much, enjoy!” He says before shutting off his camera, while everyone laughs at his goofiness and you glare at him playfully. The video rolls again and you look forward, but suddenly realise the song. It’s ‘I Guess I’m In Love’, you say to yourself. Tom had proposed to you after a few days when the song came out, and somehow on the night of him proposing, this song was played. You labelled it ‘our song’ and he happily obliged. 
“Haz hold the camera correctly for god's sake...” You hear your husband’s voice and move your head towards the screen, smiling brightly.
“Oh I’m obsessed. With the way your head is laying on my chest.” Clinton starts, immediately soothed by the presence of your lover and the melody in your ears.
“I am holding the camera nicely mate bugger off! Nikki taught me well!” Harrison says in the background making everyone giggle.
“She’s coming shut up” 
“What’s this Tom?” You ask him, as he looks at you like a kid in love.
“Tom” You say in the same manner, feeling anxious by the second.
“So we’ve been dating for 4 years and trust me those have been the most beautiful four years of my life. I know this is so out of the blue, but Y/N Y/L/N, will you do the favour of marrying the person who loves you immensely? A.k.a. Tom?" He says and you laugh. You hold on for a few seconds, looking in his eyes which were filled with desperation.
"Yes" You say and his face lights up like a Christmas tree. He can't stop beaming and searches for the ring in his pocket, only to find out that he didn't have it.
"Oh I'm a mess. When I overthink the little things in my head."
"I have the ring I promise." He says, moving frantically.
"I swear I kept the ring in my pocket-"
"How can I be this stupid you probably don't want to marry me anymore-"
"TOM!" He jerks his head towards you as you shout his name.
"It's okay. I just want you right now." You say and he immediately hugs you, the tightest of them all.
The clip ends and you knew the tears were coming very soon, Tom senses the action and rubs your knuckles., giving you a hearty smile.
The second clip rolls in soon, your eyes brightening almost instantly.
"You seem to always help me catch my breath. But then I lose it again, when I look at you, that's the end."
"Why the hell are we on the top of the Eiffel Tower? And why do you want your phone to crash?" You ask him, while he struggles to make a video with his phone while the winds roar at the top of the monument.
"Because I want to remember this moment!" He shouts, making you smile even more.
"My goof"
"Your goof"
"You're lucky I love you"
"I wouldn't have it any other way darling" He says and gives you a quick peck on the lips, this moment too pure to realise.
"Why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes? And butterflies can't stop me falling for you."
"Now we may invite, a very handsome young lad, who happens to be Spiderman, Mr. Tom Holland!" Harry shouts in the video, while you all pretended to have a grand gala when you couldn't attend Tom's premiere.
He walks in wearing a black tuxedo, his shirt buttons open from the top, looking dashing.
"Thank you for inviting Harold, but please, call the star of today's night." Tom says, making everyone groan about how in love he was with you.
"Patience Thomas. Now may I present, the queen of today's night, Ms. Y/N Y/L/N!" Everyone applauds as you walk down the stairs as you hear your name. You reach the door wearing a red and black dress, the clothing complementing your body more than ever. Everyone seems to keep clapping but your attention is towards that one dummy, who's standing like he's seen a ghost.
"..Oh wow." He's speechless, and everyone knows it. You blush at your boyfriend's gesture and nudge him in the shoulder, as a signal to stop staring.
"I hope you all understand that I scored a jackpot, thank you" He sees and everybody laughs.
You laugh along with the other guests, remembering the faint memory from over two years back. This was one of the most fun nights you've had with Tom. While you laugh at the clip, all Tom can do is stare at you in awe. How did he get so lucky, he thinks. He watches how your face glows when you see someone happy on the screen. He truly was blessed.
"And darling this is more than anything I've felt before. You're everything that I want, but I didn't think I'd find. Someone who was worth the wait of all the years of my heartbreak. But I know now I've found the one I love."
"Please don't go" You sniffle on Tom's shoulder, asking him to stay one last time before his flight leaves for Atlanta.
"If it was in my hands darling I'd never leave your side." He says, trying to hold back tears.
"It's okay, I understand." You say, pulling back and clearing your throat.
"Awh Y/N please don't cry." Tom tries to persuade his emotions by telling you to stop, but a tear falls down his cheeks in an instant.
"I'm sorry." You say, chuckling lightly, making Tom chuckle too.
"I'll be back before you know it."
"I know you will be"
"Please board the flight for Atlanta which leaves at 1330 hours" The flight attendant announces, and you know it's time to let him go.
"Come back home to me soon okay?" You say, wiping your tears.
"As soon as possible"
"I love you" He says.
"I love you more."
"I love you most." You can't argue with that now.
"Bye bubba" You say, giving him one last kiss, a very long one indeed, that left you both searching for oxygen.
"Bye darling" And he leaves to board his flight. You look in the same direction until he disappears and you turn around.
"Harrison, are you crying?"
"No-" He sniffles and you laugh.
You knew you were going to cry as soon as you saw the location. This was one of the hardest moments of your life, letting your lover go away from you for so long, and you weren't ready for that. You wiped your tears while Tom rubbed your hand with one of his, the other cleaning his tear stained face. You look back to see Harrison crying once again, and you laugh a bit at him before giving him your hand for comfort. He really was the best man. You blow a kiss to your family and Tom's, who were currently high on emotions. Even the brothers had tears in their eyes. You really did get the best family.
"And I love the way. You can never find the right things to say. And you can't sit still an hour in the day. I'm so in love, let's run away because us is enough."
The rest of the video were some clips of you and Tom being goofy and so in love, which were a delight to watch. The song played in the background, adding its own special touch, which was necessary to bind this moment together. All these moments which Tom managed to shoot secretly were a lifelong reminder of how much your person loved you. He loved you.
And that is all you need.
The video gets over and Tom looks at you with puppy eyes.
"So, how was it?"
"You're the reason my makeup is ruined and I have mascara stains" You say, laughing while crying.
"That good, huh?"
"That good." You say and he pulls you in for a hug and kisses your forehead.
"I love you bubba"
"I love you more" He says, kissing your cheek.
"I love you most." 
He couldn't argue with that.
"But I know now I've found the one I love."
tagging some friends who'd like to read!
@evanssimpybaby @hollandsmushroom @tomsoxytocin @scarletspideyy @leafy-holland @t-lostinworlds
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harrysgloves · 3 years
Three to tango
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story summary: You, Harry, and Florence have a good time in your makeup trailer.
warnings: Language // THIS IS P*RN WITH LIKE ZERO PLOT // Threesome // w|w // spitting // oral (female receiving) // i have no idea what a production company is so don't come for me.
a/n: Brushing off the metaphorical cobwebs and finally getting back into writing! Woo-hoo! Ending could have been better but... meh. Also, I'm posting from mobile. If it looks weird, blame Tumblr ✌😍
REQUESTED: by @iwannaholdyoutight- and @hazgoldenstyles
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And also by all these people... sorry it took so long.. 😁
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"Stop movin'." You grumbled for the millionth time that morning. Your focus on covering up all these damn tattoos that you loved had become one of the worst things you had to do almost every morning.
"It tickles." He whined as the makeup brush ran over the inside of his arm. He instantly flinched away from the brush the moment it glided against a particularly sensitive spot.
"Harry!" You groaned, your eyes closed in frustration when he shot you the most adorable puppy eyes.
"'M sorry, kitten." He cooed, his lower lip pouted out when you sighed loudly, grabby hands tried to enclose around your waist before you smacked them away.
"H, I gotta get this done or you're gonna miss set time." 
"Wanna kiss." Those big green eyes flashed up to you from his spot in your makeup chair and you knew there was no way you could say no.
"One kiss." You clarified, knowing damn well he'd use kissing you as a distraction from being tickled again. 
He nodded eagerly before leaning slightly up to your level. Your eyes narrowed, still not sure you could trust that he wasn't going to divert your attention but his lips. 
God, his fucking lips.
They looked so memorizing. The light sheen of chapstick he'd applied earlier was still lingering across the plush pink cushions. His tongue wetting them, taunting you to come closer, and it worked.
You were so naive to think he wouldn't do this.
You squeaked as his hands gripped the fleshy curve of your hips. His lips twitched up into a smile against your own when he pulled you forward onto his lap as quickly as he could. 
You knew you should have tried to protest a bit more. You should have attempted to keep him on track but when his thigh pressed against your clothed core, you knew you were done for. His tongue licked into your mouth as his hand got a firm grip on the round flesh of your ass.
"I see what you two do in here." That sweet voice floated through the thickening air in your makeup trailer as she opened the door. Your eyes lazily blinked open to see your smug boyfriend smile wide across his face. 
Whatever snarky come back that was sitting on the tip of your tongue was quickly choked down to the back of your throat when you looked up to see her wearing that. 
Who knew a robe could turn you on so much?
"Damn." Harry finally commented after your not so subtle shifting of your hips against his thigh. Now he completely understood why you'd suddenly gone silent. 
"Shut up." She mumbled under her breath. Her cheeks flamed red from your shameless stares. 
"You look great, baby." You smiled brightly, your hand extended out for her to take. "Mhm." Harry's quick agreement had both you and Flor rolling your eyes, but a small smile formed at the corner of her lips.
"Wait til you see what he's got to wear." She smiled brightly, her silky soft hand wrapped tightly in yours as she walked towards the both of you. 
"Better hurry up then," you practically jumped off Harry's lap, his lust filled eyes quickly turned fearfully as your eager hands reached for your set of brushes. "Hold him down for me."
"Gonna pay for this later, sweetheart." Harry grumbled as Florence's hand held down his arm. 
"Sort of counting on that, Harold. Now, be a good boy and hold still."
The rest of your day had been absolute torture. Your core ached, your underwear were beyond ruined, and you couldn't wait another minute for the both of them to finally be off set. 
Instead, the both of them casually took their time, leisurely hanging around to talk to other cast and crew while you were basically jumping out of your skin to get them back into the privacy of your trailer. 
After 30 minutes of them both shooting you sweet smiles and well disguised sultry eyes, you'd had enough. Your feet carried you as quickly across the lot to your haven, your fist clenched in your hand almost as tightly as your core.
You were dripping and the both of them knew you were having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself.
It started out innocent enough, Harry's tattoos needed to be touched-up about a million times with the edge of his suit rubbing away the makeup there. You had been practically drooling over the both of them all day but when he saw your legs tighten together, he could help but lay it on thick. His hand rested on the small of your back as he circled around you, nose pressed almost completely against your ear as he whispered a raspy thank you. 
Florence was just as bad and she wasn't ever the instigator out of the three of you. She couldn't help it when she heard a soft whimper leave your lips when she brushed a few hairs off your forehead when you were redoing her makeup after lunch. 
She smiled sweetly, too sweetly, before those plush lips pressed tightly against your own. Her hand laced around your jaw to pull you tighter into her kiss. 
She pulled away from you before you were even close to being done. "Only fair that I get to makeout with you in this chair if Harry gets to do it all the time." 
You felt like you could combust from how turned on you were and you were done waiting for them to do something about it.
You practically slammed the door to your trailer behind you, making sure to lock it before laying yourself out across your couch that sat in the corner of your room.
If they weren't going to do something about it, you would. Your hands fumbled around with the pesky pants that covered your legs, until you were finally free enough to touch where you needed.
The sigh of relief, shuddering feeling that ran through your body from the contact you were craving only lasted a moment before you heard a metal key fumbling around with the locks on your door. 
"Couldn't wait for us?" Harry chuckled, his keys to your trailer thrown on your table top.
"You two were taking forever!" You glared at him through your open legs. 
"Told you she couldn't wait any longer." Florence giggled as she pushed her way past Harry. Her hands on her hips but a smile danced on the corner of her lips.
"Are you two going to help me here or?" You were cocky, impatient, and your fingers weren't anywhere near as good as theirs was.
"Might just watch." Harry shrugged with a smug smile as he plopped down on the end of the couch. The furniture was barely big enough for the three of you to sit normally. His hands moved your legs to lay over top of his own. Your eyes could have shot daggers through him as he loosened his tie, his legs spread wide enough that your hand bumped his thigh with every slow circle around your clit.
"Baby." You whined, your pleading eyes flashing towards Flor. Who was already wearing nothing but a smile, her robe abandoned on the floor, and if you weren't so insanely turned on you would have turned to stick your tongue out to Harry. Gloating that at least one of them was nice enough to help you.
Having sex with them always seemed to be frenzied, blurs of quick paced moments that seemed to fly by.
Her thighs rested on either side of you as Harry peeled away the drenched lacy fabric between your legs. 
Her tongue dominating your own as she pulled down your top enough to free your breast. Her hands pinching and kneading across them as your back arched further off the couch.
You could hear Harry mumbling out a slur of curses, followed by the sound of his zipper. Your legs were bumped up and down in time with his strokes along his swollen cock.
"Soaking my leg, kitten." He groaned at the sight of your cunt soaking the thin material of his brown suit.
"Thought you were just gonna watch." Florence chuckled, her perfectly pouty lips swollen from how hard she'd been kissing you. The edges of them barely touching your own as she talked to Harry.
"Was gonna but she's so fuckin' wet, Flor." His voice was deeper than usual, gravelly, slow, "Bet I could jus'...." 
Your jaw fell open, your back arched off the couch when his fingers filled you. A wild moan ripped from your lungs when he curled them just right.
You could already feel the cord tightening in your lower stomach. You had been so wound up all day long from looking at them you were practically ready to snap within seconds. 
"Awe, poor thing's already about to cum." Florence cooed, her hand around the back of your neck, teasing your jaw with the edge of her nose. 
You always loved hated how well they could read you. How their teasing words made your face burn and your pussy flood with need. 
When she was harshly shifted down further into your chest, her own sweet sounding moan falling from her lips, you couldn't help your own snide remark, "who's the one going to cum too quickly now?"
She probably would have snapped right back at you but she couldn't utter out anything more than whimpers. You knew the feeling, Harry's tongue had a way of doing that, making you both shut up and he had proudly used it on more than one occasion to get you two to stop bickering about dumb stuff. 
Your hand laced through her blonde locks, her lips attached to your neck whenever she could control her mouth long enough to kiss your sweet spots. Your nipples peaked at the contact of her breast against your own, Harry's hand still pumped lazily against your sweet spot, his thumb running tight circles around your clit, and while it wasn't enough, you weren't complaining. You weren't ever sure how he managed to focus on eating one of you out while fingering the other when you knew damn well he was about to combust himself.
You knew she was close when her breathing became erratic, her chest heaving against yours. Her whole body shaking as her orgasm washed across her, her panting barely broke when you felt his warm tongue slipping through your folds.
You moaned at the feeling, your hips instantly shifted downwards, craving every bit of contact you could get from him. 
You could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers with every thick swipe of his tongue across your clit. Your eyes barely staying open when soft kisses were pressed lazily against your neck. 
Such a contrast to the harsh grasp of Harry's free hand digging into your one thigh. His gruts and groans were only muffled by the deafening sound of your soaking core.
Florence perked up her head from your chest, carefully turning herself completely around. Her legs on either side of your head as she draped herself across you to watch Harry at work.
Her sweet honey only inches from your face and fuck did you want a taste. You wet your lips, hands pushing her thighs down but she wouldn't budge.
Your huff of protest was quickly choked down when Harry's tongue ran tight circles around your clit.
"Gonna share?" That sweet voice asking that innocent question about broke you. Your walls clenched tightly trying to not get Harry to stop his fingers from slipping out of you, almost crying when they did anyway.
"Course, baby." 
You squeaked, your legs pushed backwards by your thighs, your body almost folded in half.
"Fuck, you got her soaking the couch." 
You were suddenly very appreciative about the fact neither one of them could see the embarrassment burning through your face. Your forehead pressed to Florence's leg as you whined, not wanting them to point how just how turned on you were.
You heard two simultaneous shushing sounds before your lower lips were pulled apart, the cool air licked across your slick, only making you whine louder.
When you heard and felt Harry's spilt against your core you thought you were done for. Lip tucked so tightly between your teeth you could taste the faintest hint of metallic against your tongue.
Then the softest kitten lick had you losing your mind, her tongue collecting all of his saliva on your clit before swirling around your entrance.
"Fuck," you cried, your nails digging crest moons into the flesh of Florence's thighs. "please, just fuck me already!"
"Don't think she can take anymore teasing Flor." Harry chuckled, yeah, chuckled, from between your thighs. 
"But I was having fun." She pouted, her tongue stopping its mesmerizing movements.
"Can 'ave fun with her after." Harry said as he started to shed the layers of his suit. 
"I'm literally right here!" You complained, your huff of annoyance jammed down your throat when Harry pulled up by your legs. Your face now exposed to his smirking, mischief filled eyes. 
"We know, baby," he cooed, almost too sweetly, something about the look behind his eyes made your pussy flutter but your mind anxious about how sore you'd be tomorrow. "Ass up for me."
You eagerly nodded your head, trying to roll over in your place before the tsking clicks of his tongue stopped your movements. 
"Like this." He said, pulling you off the couch. Your knees on the hard linoleum floor, your elbows resting on the seat of cushion in front of you. Giving Flor just enough space to sit pretty right in front of you.
Your arms instinctively circling around her thighs, pulling her core down to mouth. Her moans filled the small space around you. Vibrating off the walls with an echo. 
"Should 'ave done this in 'ere before." Harry mumbled more to himself than to either one of you as his tip teased your entrance. Your hips swayed instantly at the contact, slowly backing up the little bit you could to feel him slip inside of you.
He hissed, his fingers gripped the round flesh of your ass tightly before he surged forward, stuffing you to the brim with his cock.
"I ruin this pussy 'most everyday and you're still so fuckin' tight." He gritted out through his teeth, your walls clenched down around him at his words.
"Guess you're not fucking her good enough then." 
Your eyes widened in disbelief belief, disconnecting from her core so your mouth could gape in shock.
Did she hate you being able to walk?
"That so?" 
"'S what I said."
"Kitten," You squeaked when you were lifted by your shoulder, your back against Harry's chest. His hands snaked under your shirt just long enough to rip it off. "you can thank Flor tomorrow for why you won't be able to sit." 
"She'll probably be thanking me." The blonde rolled her eyes playfully teasing but enjoying the fact she was getting under his skin.
"Need me to stop, just tap my leg," his deep voice husked into your ear. Your hand tapping his leg, showing him you understood,  before you were hurled back in front of Florence's core by the back of your head. "good girl, now lick." 
You had Harry go hard on you before but when he sheathed himself fully inside of you in one go, you knew you were really going to be in for it. 
Your tongue tried to desperately get Flor off as fast as you could, your fingers slamming into her sweet spot, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You had a hard time knowing where to focus. Her addictive taste or his marksman worthy precision thrusts into your g-spot.
Your body felt like warm liquid was being pumped through your veins. Both of them gripping onto you at different ends, his hips grinding against your ass as he sat balls deep in your pussy. Her hips dragging against your mouth, fucking herself against your face. 
The sound of their collective moans slicked through the sticky, sex filled, air around you. Your mind lost in that space of non-thinking as your body moved back and forth between the two of them.
"Gonna cum all over my cock, sweetheart?" Your walls tightened around him as her fingers dug deeper into the back of your head. Her own cord snapping only moments before your own.
The white burning light washing through your body followed by the familiar gush of fullness in your lower tummy. 
"Holy shit," Florence breathed out, her arm dropped across her forehead. 
"Why haven't we done that here before?" Harry asked through short breaths.
"'S company property." You mumbled against the couch, your head buried into the soft material as your legs gave out to lay on the heaven-like cold floor below you. "We literally just said fuck you to New Line Cinema." 
You heard chuckling from either side of you, both of them still slightly out of breath.
"Hope we don't work with them again then." 
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☆.。.:*touch me till midnight .。.:*☆
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Reader and harry on their honeymoon and they get a little freaky.. well a lot
Genre: smutty, NSFW(read at your own risk)
Warning: oral, blow job intercourse, dirty talking, sweet talking
Pairing: harry styles x reader
Word count: 3k
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission
Comment and reblogs welcome
Only press Read more if you're ready
Birds chipped outside your window, a cool breeze blew through making the curtain move, you laid in the king size bed waking up from your sleep. You and Harry had just gotten to Greece last night from your wedding. Of course your wedding was the most magical thing ever. You and Harry had tied knot and now you were Mr and Mrs Styles.
You both didn't waste anytime getting to Greece for your honeymoon. Harry had been holding off on intercourse, he thought he was going to make it far, but when he saw you in your killer wedding dress he was set on edge. Last night when you got to Greece you both went at it a couple of times even though it was the middle of the night. It was worth it and you both couldn't wait to make so many more moments worth it your whole honeymoon week.
"good morning darlin'." You turned around to the door to see harry walking in shirtless with a tray of food in his hand. "Good morning." You laughed sitting up against the headboard. Harry sat the tray over your lap, it was filled with orange juice, pancakes, waffles, eggs, and bacon. "I made it myself." Harry announced happily as sat down beside you.
"this is very nice harry." You leaned over kissing his check. "Thank you." "You're welcome. Well eat up because there's a lot we're going to do today. Going to go down to the water, take a deep 'n and then go Out shopping and for lunch. Maybe we'll go back to the water, but we'll see." Harry took a piece of bacon, popping it into his mouth. He got up right after he kissed your cheek. "I'm going to take a shower now."
He walked away to the bathroom sitting off of the room. An muffled okay came from your mouth due to the food that was currently in it.
You finished up Breakfast in less than 10 minutes. Harry was still in the bathroom when you finished, You decided to go and Join him.
You walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Harry wiped his hands over the foggy glass to see you. "What you doin wifey?" You snickered at his nickname for you. "I came to join you."
You pulled off His your shirt and panties. You tossed them on the floor, you climbed into the shower with Harry. The warm water ran down your body making you moan. Harry smirked as he watched you throw your head. Your wet breast came into his view, harry felt his dick rise a little at the sight.
You opened your eyes seeing Harry's on your chest. You smirked. "My eyes are up here Mr styles." Harry tore his eyes away from your chest, he was blushing like a teenager boy. "Sorry."
"don't apologize." You leaned in kissing him seducingly. Harry hand came to your back side, he grabbed your ass harshly pulling you against his hard. His tongue slipped into your mouth making you moan.
You pulled away from him panting. With a second to spare you got down on your knees. You took his member in your hand gently, you placed feather light kisses on it as you looked up at Harry. His mouth fell open and his hand went to the back of your head.
With your eyes still connected to Harry's you licked his tip tasting his precum. Harry let out a moan that was long and deep. You felt yourself get wet and it wasn't from the shower.
You took his length into your mouth, your tongue felt the salty, vainy feeling of his shaft. You moaned when he reached the back of your mouth. Harry watched as you let out a gag. He felt like he was on cloud 9 with that pretty mouth of yours.
You took your left hand as you emptied him out of your mouth. You stroked him looking up into his eyes. "You like that huh?" You spit on him before stroking him some more.
"yes love. Ya'mouth feels so good." He pushed the stray wet hair out of your face. You took him into your mouth again, you bobbled your head up and down him going extra deep. Harry moaned, sucking in his breath sharply. He felt himself twitch in your mouth. "Fuck, 'm going to come baby." Harry grunted out. You looked up at him, you watched his face change as you sticked out your tongue and touched his balls. That was enough to send harry over the edge. His warm seed filled your throat. You moaned at the salty taste but didn't stop your bobbing until harry was pushing you off.
You stood up and kissed harry. He could taste himself on your lips. "You're so good to me baby doll." He mumbled as he pulled away from your mouth briefly. "Yeah well be ready because I'm going to be good to you all week." You kissed him again and chuckled lowly with Harry.
After yours and Harry's "shower" you both got ready and went down to the beach. Lucky for you both it was quite empty. You were the first to get into the water, It was pretty cool but not to cold.
Despite what you thought harry was a drama queen and thought it was cold. He kept snuggling into you and whining about the temperature. Eventually you got out with harry and decided to sunbath.
Your eyes were shut as the sun beamed down at you. You didn't notice harry looking at you with a smile as you did what you did. He was so in love with you and he was so happy you were his wife forever and always.
"harry you're staring.. again." You opened one eye and peered over at harry. He sighed shutting his book. "I know baby, ya' just beautiful."
"well thank you." You snickered before shutting your eyes again. That didn't last long because you opened your eyes to ask him a question. "You aren't hard again are you?" You looked down to his swimming trunks, sure enough the hot bastard had a tint in his pants. "Harry!" You whispered yelled. "Come on baby, we're on our honeymoon. And besides you look so fucking hot right now." He smirked as he leaned closer to you. You rolled your eyes and kissed him. Before harry can let it get heated you pulled away.
"we're going to enjoy our time at the beach. No sexy time." You shut your eyes going back to sunbathing, Harry's little pout didn't go unnoticed by you either.
Staying at the beach ended up lasting longer than you expected. Harry behaved, you got lunch, and also got in the water again. You were surprised he last another hour at the beach, but when you got back to your suite he wasn't no time.
His hands held your thigh up as he pressed you against the door. You felt him press against your wet swim wear. Harry pulled away "Let's take this off."
You pulled off your wet bikini, tossing them to the hardwood floors. Harry did the same with his swim trunks. taking your hand harry pulled you into the bedroom. He pushed you down on the bed making you giggle. Harry laughed as well as he climbed over you. He kissed you, his slight moans making an appearance. His hands made their way from your waist to in between your thighs. He ran two of his finger through your slick fold making you moan. "Harry please fuck me." You mumbled against his lips as he pulled away. "Be patient doll."
Harry sat up and took his cock in his hand. He was long and no matter how many times you took him it always made you nervous.
Harry pressed his tip into your fold, he went up and down for a few seconds before he he pressed into you. As he sinked further and further you let out a moan, toes curling in the process.
Once harry was further enough in your dripping cunt he began to thrust into you. It picked up in no time as you both adjusted. The room filled with both of your moans.
Harry hammered into you as he held your legs apart. You fluttered around him as you felt him hit your g spot over and over again. "Fuck harry, I'm going to come." "Come for me baby."
Harry leaned down and kissed you to drown out your moans as you came. Harry wasn't far behind, he came deeply in you.
He kept kissing you until you both were down from your high. Harry pulled out of you and plopped down beside you. His chest rose and fell just like yours.
"that was amazing." Harry turned to his side looking at you with a grin. "Yeah it was." You turned over kissing him. "Now let's take a nap until dinner time. What do you say?"
Harry hummed yes, he pressed a kiss against your head, shutting his eyes letting sleep take over his body.
The 5 store dining place harry had picked out for the night was lovely. You got a room in the back where no one was, it had a nice view of the glowing city in the background, pretty lovely. You and Harry chatted of course, harry about his upcoming music and you chatted about your business and how you couldn't wait to put out more ideas. The night went smoothly all the way through dinner.
After dinner you and harry walked back to your room. Harry couldn't help but put his hands on you; even after so much sex this man couldn't get enough.
"harry I have to open the door, stop kissing my neck."
You groaned as you pushed the key into the door. Harry chuckled as kissed your neck one more time and then pulled away. You finally opened the door letting yourself in.
Before you can even get a word out your back was up against the door with Harry's arms caging you. You looked up at the green eyed man who now had a grin on his face. "Why are you always Horny Harold?"
"I don't know, but I think it's because you're extremely hot today." "We had sex twice today."
Harry sighed, "I know but I still haven't got a chance to eat that sweet pussy." Harry voice came to a whisper when his sentence finished.
You growled at his words before you kissed him hungrily ready to give him what he wanted.
It was only the first day of your honeymoon, but you both have had a really decent amount of sex already. That week was going to be crazy and you both were ready for it.
I didnt read any of this so if there's any mistakes let me know
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
KISMETS (Part 2)
Harry Styles x fem!reader.
Slow burn, platonic love and bunch of affection.
Fluff! Smut! Smut!
Frenemies to lovers, dad!Harry, Bestfriend!Harry.
Author's Note: The concept's kinda weird but if you've watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Phoebe Buffay carrying child for someone. You've got it my pal!
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"Oh pet . . you're jealous innit?" He swipes the tip of his finger over the waffle picking the puff of cream and swallowing it whole, "'M not! Why'd I be?" She squeals kicking at his boots.
"Always told me y'had a candy crush at Harold." He smirks mischievously. Spitting truth. She smacks his bicep with a wide open mouth.
Y/N's carrying Harry's babies and is trying not be angry at him for pulling her into all of this with him.
Red's everywhere. It makes her pout. Everyone have someone to celebrate the day but she's the only one giving careless ears to Niall who's sitting opposite from her in the crispy lilac heart booth, "Mean ye' fought again with him?" He stirs the mango bobas in his drink wiggling his brows at her to fill him with some tea. She gasps full of drama and surprises, "What d'ya mean 'again? D'ya think 'm this crackhead that rips people in two for no-reason?" She whispers the last part when a waitress passed by them.
"No. Pet what 'm sayin' is --- you're too, feisty with Harry." He chuckles leaning to meet her betrayed gaze, "Did he bribe you with new golf stick? You've switched sides." She juts her bottom lip wet from pink marmalade drink and startles in her spot when Niall cackled ever so loud at her silliness.
"I just tol' him to go through Chessie marathon somewhere else than my home." Harry was at her flat as always. She was making red velvet strawberry flavoured muffins for the moment ( promised not to give it to Harry — "even if he'll beg") and then she fulfilled her promise when she saw him going through his pictures together with Chessie. The jealous little Y/N jumped out from her polite skin and she just tinsy bit mocked him, "I'd never look back at the person who'd have left me and my children. . ." That broke a mighty bit argument between the two idiots. How they're gonna take care of two babies when they themselves need a person to put them away from eachother?
"Oh pet . . you're jealous innit?" He swipes the tip of his finger over the waffle picking the puff of cream and swallowing it whole, "'M not! Why'd I be?" She squeals kicking at his boots.
"Always told me y'had a candy crush at Harold." He smirks mischievously. Spitting truth. She smacks his bicep with a wide open mouth. Sighing he grabs Y/N's hand knocking some sense into mama bear gently and making her nod with the each advice, "'s valentine's day 'course he misses her. His wounds are fresh they need ointment babe -- You've always been so good with him, what's the matter now?"
She circles her fingers round eachother. Sucking her lip harshly and not meeting Niall's intense stare, "Turns me mad that 'cos of one person we're here now." She mumbles caressing the belly button protruding from the flimsy fabric of her oversized hoodie.
"It's the fate, pet. Always tol' me how much you liked kids." She shakes her head in denial. "Not in this situation where 'm lost and doesn't know how it'll work out — " He cuts her off with concern.
"Talked to Harry bout it?" When she again denies he asks, "What you're gonna do about it then?"
"Dunno. Share?" She's new to all of this. What did she actually mean was that they could do it like how divorce parents do it, maybe? Doesn't know how Harry wants to handle the situation just leading a blind eye with him. Hasn't even considered getting ready for the life that'll come along with them.
"They're babies not a packet of crisps, Y/N!." He burst into giggles and she huffs slumping against the foggy window, "Pain in arse you're." She scoffs that pout still intact the whole time while Niall keeps on giggling finding it too funny.
. . .
Walking from the elevator to her flat's door seems like hiking a mountain for her and cherry ontop that the stares she gets from her neighbours is full of judgments. It makes her want to hide underneath her blankets and never pop her head out. Her brows coming together in wonder at the sight of small wood basket at her doorsteps.
"Oh my god don't tell me someone left a baby at my doorsteps, Hello!!!??" She spins here and there but finds no-one but empty hallways when a feeble sound coming from inside it almost made her tumble on her bum. The last thing she wants is not another baby. With a grunty noise she ducks down to lift the basket supporting it at her belly and unlocking the door while trying to squint inside it.
When she throws the lid away a fuzzy little grey creature with big mossy eyes was pawing in air needy for attention, a red choker with heart in centre around her lil neck. It almost brought her to tears. Blame her being extremely emotional these days.
"Awww. Hi!" She fawns picking it up from armpits inspecting the miracle kitten that's here outta no where. A crumpled note laying in the basket with a bunch of colourful disoriented flowers.
"'M sorry fo' throwin' a tantrum and leavin' all fussy. This's oreo. I want her to grow along my kids! Also forgive mee plssssss?"
She giggles throwing her head back snuggling oreo against her throat as she meowed adorably sweet, "Daddy's such a daft ehh?" She says in between breaths petting the new addition to her loved ones.
The first thing she does is call him and he picks on the very ring as if anticipating for it, "Come back home you fool." His smile was infectious as he taps his feet in his car a lil over joyed at the thought.
"So generous." Running upstairs as he used to in oast with anticipation to spill the tea of his day to her in any hour of the day. The door was already open, them standing at the either boundary line of flat. His first priority's always to shower his babies in evermost affection. Falls to his knees smushing his face to her belly quenching outta a ribs aching laugh from her as he caress his cheeks against the soft side of her womb murmuring things that's a secret between him and his babies.
"Hey Angels!" He greets them patching a loving tight kiss atop her belly button that tickles her softly, stands up and meets her teary gaze from laughing with much serenity it knocks breath from her, "Hi mama angel." His whisper fuses against her skin while kissing her cheek.
"Hi. ." She inhales in his woodish vanilla scent. Preventing from melting into his arms she pulls him back from shoulders grinning at him, "Let's ruin valentines watchin' Anne Hathaway's romcom." He tuts instead leading her with him to the sofa.
"Can't be better than that –— let me pop in some popcorns real quick."
. . .
The yellow carpeted floor's littered with candy wrappers, packets of half folded crisps, peach sodas and an empty bowl of popcorns. Oreo snoozing in her basket. They're on their fourth romcom. Her legs in his lap. His's on coffee table. He chuckles everytime she takes almost three minutes to be in a comfortable position, ushering her to sit up so he could put cushions under her.
"Are you craving nama chocolates?" She eyes him nipping at her blanket trying to snuggle closer to him. He runs his thumb at her shoulder blade in soothing circles peering down at her, "'m not pregnant. ye're moppet. havin' a sweet tooth?" When she nods sheepishly he shakes his head quickly hoping on his feet.
"Don't be shy --- dunno where ye' got this giddiness from, 'm your bestie. Gotta tell me yeah? Lemme grab me jacket." He grabs her from wrists helping her up and goes to her wardrobe to get her fist gloves, beanie and warm slippers.
When hears her huffing and puffing grunty-ly his head perks up with brows furrowed, "What's it babe?" He pads towards her and when she turns for him to have a look the zip of her jacket bursts open all the way to end revealing her bump.
She pouts sadly, "Nothin' fits me anymore." He just smiles adorning the same puppy look in his eyes as her's to light up the tension.
"I'll buy ye' new. Those cute maternity clothes, ehh?" Shimmies down the clothing from her shoulders, "oi you don't have to!" She retorts and he bobs his head taking his own puffer jacket off to wrap it round her small body.
"Yes I do." He mumbles zipping her all the way up warm and squishy in his jacket three sizes larger than her. Pulls her hair out and cups the nape of her neck with his calloused soft palm bringing her closer to feather a delicate kiss to her temple, ". . .deserves more than just clothes — deserves the world always gonna be thankful to ye, pet." She gulps the cobweb of silence down her throat fiddling with the hem of his sweater.
"What you'll wear? 'S cold." He gives her an elfin grin flaring a baby pink knitted cardigan he sneaked from her wardrobe, "Harry!" She squeals with a giggle, "You're gonna look like grann Matlinda."
"Ehm. 'etter not forget to send her a picture when 'm matchin' with her." He quips snapping his fingers.
. . .
They walk over the glittery layer of slushie snow and Harry walks infront of her two steps at a time capturing pictures of her as she prowls carefully trying to move the hood away from blocking her vision, "Ye'r walkin' like a penguin -- cutie!" He giggles with each echo of flash.
"Look who's saying an otter himself!" She mimics him and he blushes under the mellowness of street lamp. They're champs at pulling eachother's legs.
"It's soooooo slippery." She complains wiggling her fingers from under the sleeve, "Grab me hand 'n don't leave it kay?" He smiles like advising a three year old who's afraid of crowds in a market. His grip warm and safe for her.
. . .
"Aish. gimme gimme!" She gets all jumpy on her toes when Harry comes out of the shop with a box of chocolates and two sticks. "'Ey greedy pup." He chuckles booping her button nose opening the silky lid of box revealing the velvety delcious chocolates. He picks the stick up taking a piece of chocolate with it and hovering it over her little mouth. Scrunching his nose at how adorable she gets the moment she chews it.
"Hmm. 'S so soft!" She gulps wetting her cold lip getting all butterfly feeling when she catches him gazing down at her as if she hung the moon and saturns. Raises her brow for an inquiry if he's okay tugging him closer with a gentle clutch to his cardigan.
Their surroundings turning into ice crystals of blur carelessness, the noises of glimmering lights into lulls of whisper and their bodies cocooning into snuggly blanket when Harry's fingertips fluttered tenderly against her cheeks glueing her at the spot. Leans in to press his lips softly to her plush sweet ones in a heartwarming caring kiss that flooded her veins with warmth and made her brain mushy unable to think.
"Yours are softer lil penguin." He murmurs stroking the corner of her mouth and smirks when she squeaks a thank you in return.
"Such a cutie." He cooes squishing her blushed cheeks and kissing each of them with loud wet noise till she pushed him away wiping his wetness with a pout. "'M highly offended pet ya never used to wipe me kisses away."
She shuts him up by stuffing a chocolate in his mouth. Walking back home with his arms wrapped around her protectively as he comes up with silly jokes whole way.
. . .
Everything reminds her of him. That fuzz of kitten. The empty box of chocolate. Couldn't even focus on the work she's doing on her laptop. It's just that gooey feeling never left ---- now it has gotten stronger with it's mushk when Harry kissed her under that beautiful sky of wintery lilacs. If he's playing with her feelings he better not cause she'll break him in two in that case.
He was out shopping clothes for her when she texted him if he'll like to eat roasted chicken she made for lunch. The mere thought of him caring for her brings her to tears because before him nobody was there except only him that knew her from the depths of her heart.
"You look pretty. . ." She finds typing hard while laughing this loud as Harry sent her mirror pictures of him trying the maternity clothes himself that he's supposed to buy for her, "Thought a visual representation will be good idea ;)" He shrugs typing back with a grin standing bottom naked in the changing room getting a rolling eye emoji in return.
She yawns putting her phone aside when Harry got busy into his hunt for nice warm clothes for her. Something wasn't fine today. She's been changing sides for an hour now and she couldn't sleep. Her shoulders twitching with each blink of eye and when she finally slips into a light conscious sleep a bone rattling pain shoots through her whole damn body. She jolts from the state of haze and tries to sit up when another zap of pain makes her feel limbless. A feeble grunt of helping cry fizzes out of her when she feels a cramp at the bottom of her spine.
In her panicked state she fumbles for her phone dialing the first emergency number doesn't give him a chance to speak before she's yelling into receiver out of anxiousness, "Harry somethin' not right! — 'm m havin' these contractions —--" He's been out dining with Niall and shoots from his seat the minute her worried voice reached his ear.
"It's okay, lovie. yeah? 'M comin' take deep breaths how we practiced —-- I'll be there in a mo'." He assures her in his softest most pacific rasp but she shakes her head vigorously tears brimming in her sleepy eyes. Oreo tries to comfort her by sitting in her lap and rubbing her crown against her tummy.
"They aren't supposed to come this early . . . fo' fucks sake haven't even started my third trimester!" Harry doesn't know what to do except of consoling her and fidgeting around as Niall drives the car with same expressions of anxiousness and panic as Harry.
"Oh . . It's gone." She frowns in confusion able to sit now and it takes a little of burden away from Harry. He listens to the rustling going on her side jumping on his bum almost screaming into phone, "Stay where you're don' move!"
"Oh my god. They're back I'm not ready for this . . I'm not ready for this Harry." She cries and Harry even leaves Niall behind squeezing into the elevator fingers crossed at his back.
"'M here. Call our midwife can ye' do that fo' me, puppy?" She sniffs nodding to herself. Calling their assisted midwife with shaky fingers and tries to breath looking up at the ceiling.
In the meantime Harry's barging through the door pacing towards her in hurries steps. His face pale that if he has seen a ghost. She tries to saturate the distance between them knowing at this moment how much she wants him in her life.
He sits her back carefully crouches down and wipes her tears away, "'m so scared . ." She whispers squeezing his biceps and her phone's still ringing atop the sheets, "Don't be baby. Ye' have me — 'm not leavin' yer side."
He massages the dimples of her spine and runs warm hands at her sides to calm her down when their midwife picks up their call, "Hi. Is everything okay?"
"No Y/N's havin' these light contractions 'n 's not even the time of her labour." There's a pause from her side and Y/N bolts a worried glance at Harry in return he cradles her cheek to assure her.
"Oh . . that's nothin' to worry bout Mr. Styles. Those're some mild braxton hicks she might have mistaken with labour contractions." They both takes a sigh of relief but the little tick of pain keeps on coming and subsiding.
"They start at the beginning of third trimester, Y/N are you still getting 'em?" She asks her and Y/N clears her throat tugging the sheet beside her.
"Yes but less painful. Is that okay though?"
"Completely okay. Harry rest her against the headboard and push her knees upto her chest they'll be gone in a snap." He nods at her instructions helping Y/N lean against the headboard of bed gently and scooting between her thighs to do as she told.
"Better?" He whispers glancing up at her while wrapping his hands around her bended calves and pushing it slowly against her front, the move relaxing her pelvic muscles. Her head lulls at her shoulders from the effect and she hums from throat making Harry choke on his own spit.
He dares not to drift his gaze from her rigid features which are loosing it's tightness seconds after. Their breaths erratic from the humidity of sexual tension in the room when Y/N gets back to normal diverting her all attention to Harry who has his head tucked between her fleshy thighs. A blush creeping at her flushed cheeks and Harry gives her a flustered chuckle kissing the top of her knee to answer back Miss. Dori who's been asking how's Y/N.
"Stay hydrated and don't forget to take your vitamins." Saying this she ends the call. Y/N takes a huge sigh of relief spreading her legs back and Harry squeezes her ankles, "When was the last time you had a glass water?"
"Two hours ago." He rolls his eyes. "Supposed to be drinkin' every hour . . dehydration's s' unhealthy fo' you pet." He leaves the bed meandering through her wardrobe taking out a bag with Oreo in his armpit.
"What're you doing?" She gasps with wide eyes looking back at Niall who's still standing at the doorframe. God. It's so embarrassing he had to watch all of that. Now, he'll never not stop teasing her about it.
"Packin' 'cos ye're stayin' with me. No protests." Like she was going to. She loves to stay at his house. His guest room's mattress is such a royalty to sleep at.
. . .
When he tucks her under the layers of blanket she decides it's still not warm enough and grabs at his wrist when he was about to leave, "Can we cuddle please?" His lips quirks up with happiness and he crawls to the empty side of bed still letting her hold onto him. Slipping beside her to canoodle her cosily against his front nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck with "mhmpm." sounds of exhaustion.
"Anytime." Her eyelids slip shutting from the comfort he brings along with him, "ye' okay now?" His lips leaves it's sparkle at her skin as he mumbles spooning her from behind and spreads his palm wide atop her belly protectively. She nods cuddling into his bicep kissing the inside of his elbow and slips into darkness just with the song of his breath.
"Good night Angel."
. . .
She wakes up to the ruckus going outside and gurgling stomach from hunger. Pinches the blanket around her head and waddles outside yawning her way. Harry making brekkie in the kitchen, a grinder running, and waffles sizzling as he himself is moving around like Remy the Rat in ratatouille. His muscles stretching out with each haste motion and it made her tummy stir. She's been trying not be horny but it proves to be the hardest task when he's always around being that charming and alluring.
"Pet!" He grins spinning with a VR camera in his hand that makes her giggle, "What you're doing?" She giggles trying to hike up the stool.
"Recording the days with our babies until it's labour." Immediately he's at her side helping her sit up putting the camera at the counter and Y/N waves at it adorably voice low and sleepy, "Hi babies it's me your mommy." It catches Harry off guard. His heart shaped mouth baubles into awed expression as he blinks the shock away from his vision looking down at her.
"What happened?" She asks him in concern but he shakes his head pecking her hair and handing her the camera to go back to prepare brekkie — moreso to recover from the happy surprise of her acceptance or he might scream into these four walls.
He's got a heart of gold. Pure from the selfish intentions and full of love. He thinks he's an utter dimwit for neglecting his feelings for his own fucking bestfriend and finding love into places that were never meant for him. Now, he can't think of someone else as the mother of his children except her.
He smiles wet-ly to himself. Waterline stinging from the sweet epiphany that they're really gonna be parents. Together. That she's his person. Who never left his side. Fulfilled his dream of becoming of a dad when his own girlfriend backed out cowardly. What did he do to get her written in his fate?
"Would we get to eat in this hour of day Chef?" She quips elbow perched on the counter and chin resting in her palm. We. It makes his insides melt into squish of adoration and love for her, "Sorry! I know ye're hungry." He pouts apologetically putting the plates and a glass of smoothie infront of her tucking a napkin into her crew neck.
"I don't need that, pet!!" She laughs squeezing his thigh to refrain from falling -- for the fact she's the most clumsy person Harry knows, "look cute 's just all." He giggles back pulling his bottom lip that she has done a great job of flustering him this early in the morning — gonna be like that the whole darn day with the her words swimming in his mind hi babies it's me your mommy ——
"Hmm. It's so yummy!" She gives him a thumbs up leaning down to sponge a kiss to his cheek and his dimple milks against her lips from the shyness. He scrunches his nose as a cover up from blushieness else he might burst into lil confetti, "yeah?" His irirses twinkles impishly as he gave her an eskimo kiss.
They're so domestically in love. It's cute. Does thingies without knowing they've rocketed past the intense levels of intimacy.
When she whines at the end refusing to drink the green smoothie it's where he went all stern and daddy-ish with her. Pulling her into his lap, holding her wrists with his nimble finger and placing the rim of the glass at her lips encouraging her to drink, "I might puke." She tells him in a warning.
"Okay after drinking this." He declares not caring if she wrenches at him quiping with a pinch of brows petting her back.
"You're sucha meanie bro!" Bestfriend shit. More like lovers shit.
. . .
Blank staring is useless as fuck and mind tiring even if it's done sitting in the comfiest corner of sofa to get a watch of some piece of furniture, toys and clothes that litreally just belongs to little humans that are resting in her womb. There's this nice lady that Harry gave away all of this things to because she's having her third child and couldn't be able to afford this stuff for her baby, at the moment she's here to shift it.
"You don't have to --- I don't care. It's just some stuff you guys bought together." She had told him before he sat on the decision and once he makes up his mind nobody can make him act otherwise.
"Nope. Bought things fo' me babies by the choice of a person who wasn't even their mother in the first place, never deserved to be —-- would never be. We'll do everything from scratch . . ." His words held venom and hatred for her unlike the usual sadness and betrayal they carried weeks ago as he wrapped his forearm around her collarbones flushing her closer to his chest swaying in the living lounge, ". . . remember the plushies nan Matlinda gave ye' on ya eighteenth? Thinking it was yer thirteenth birthday? Found them from under me bed last night. Will throw 'em in the laundry and the descion will be on yours if ye' want them fo' yourself or your babies." She nods giggling and he joins her.
"'Course that'd be s' cute. My kids playin' with plushies that were once mine!" She clapped her hands atop her chest in sheer excitement.
At the moment, he flops onto sofa beside her with a dramatic huff after bidding the lady a warm good bye. Squeezing Y/N ankles as she's laying on her side. A pillow under her thigh for the ease purpose head on the other cushion, "Watching's the hardest work innit toots?" He grins impishly and she bobs her head with hooded eyes.
Rolling her shoulder to pop some joints to show her tiredness she's good at acting made him scoot closer to her immediately, "Actually yes — " Gets cut off with Harry getting really caring about her in instant.
"Lemme give ya good rub." His calloused palms starts it gentle pressure from the heels of her feet tricking up her calves and she hums sweetly with her face smushed into cushion. He does it for a minute, thumbing at her soles and popping her toes making her giggle lazily.
Her breaths turns warmer against the fabric when he glides his touch up her soft thighs running a trembling shiver into her blood and the coaxation from the daily tiredness plus the effect of him on her almost made her whine. Their breaths hitches at the same time his pinky brushes at the curve of her bossom peeking from underneath her pyjama shorts.
It makes her clench her thighs from the burn coiling in her tummy and it's embarrassing because he's doing nothing but giving her a rub. When the second time the pads of his supple fingers paints imaginaries at her skin she wiggles her cute ass and moans with an alluring stretch of throat when Harry slapped her arse playfully.
"'S good?" He rasps palming balmily her bossom ass hands gliding dangerously low to where she's pulsating with desire, "don't tease . ." She gives out a kitten-ish whine griping the corner of cushion to exhert the tension in her muscles. With a single glance to her deshilved state he slides his hand between her fleshy thighs pressing his lanky fingers against the wet splotch of her arousal from the only approximty of him.
"Jeez pet. ye'r absolute soakin'." He whispers circling her clit in tight circles from over her pyjamas and she ruts her hips in his hand for more. He hovers his fingers round the hem of her shorts testing the waters and if she really wants it ---- although she proves it with a groan indicating him to get rid of the material.
"Such a pretty bum 's a shame I got to touch it now." He traces the imprint of his redness on her skin making her hiss into her elbow and he pulls her over his lap; slowly feathering his touch between her pink slick folds down to her hole making her clinch around his digits trying to swallow them.
"S' tight babe. How long someone's been between these beautiful legs?" His words don't carry any taunt. It's just a genuine question. She gulps trying to escape the haze — couldn't when he's gliding his fingers non-stop in her wetness with dirty noises, "dunno . . don't remember!" She squeaks when he slides them inside her with ease from slickness caging a grunty moan that's threatening to slip from his lungs.
"It's been that long then . . ." He drawls out and Y/N's shook that she hasn't heard him in that tone ever before or maybe she's too floaty. This Harry intimidates her in a sweet way, makes her want to be blanketed under his warm weight always, to depend on him and be with him always. Makes her want to kiss him till the colours fade out and blossom back again with the witnesses of their love.
"Harry . ." She moans fogy-ly when he adds two more letting her stickiness drip down his thighs, "Yes baby." He giggles bashfully sneaking his arm under her shoulders to kiss her cheek.
"Gonna cum." She cries out softly nipping at his skin and he pushes his fingers deep till knuckles in her cunt pounding inside her with a pleasuring pressure, "Didn't stop ya." His little bubble kisses trails to the crook of her neck biting down to glitter hues of his affection for her.
"Oh my!" Her eyes popshut and thighs smack crampies his hand cumming on his fingers. Making a mess down his wrists, his trousers and the hem of his shirt. She purrs cheeks smashed near his thick thigh into velvet when he rubs her back to soothe her heated body down as that of a kitten, "Ye purrs are puttin' oreo to shame, moppet." He pushes her up. Straddling her each leg around his torso letting her melt onto him.
"S' warm." He mumbles against her throat pecking where the paths of her veins leads him to. Grabs her chin and nuzzles his nose to the underbelly of her jaw saturating her closer to his chest. She hiccups a breath when his swelling bulge nudges her already sensitive pussy making her wet again; she blames her hormones.
"Can you fuck me, please?" She gives him pleading eyes swiveling her hips back and forth against his thick length, "Don't 've to ask pretty girl." He kisses her mouth. It's not like their first kiss. Their first held innocence and sccachirness. This one's rather filthy, full of sucking, bites and spit. He splits his thumb in her hair cupping her cheeks kissing her passionately and winding his arm around her waist to caress her belly.
When she throws her shirt away he puffs out unbelievably taking in her to memorize each velvteen of her skin, "Fuck you're so beautiful moppet." It splashes blush at her features and his eyes litreally twinkles at the sight of her being like this. When his eyes halt at the swell of her titts he exhales through his nostrils a grin worming up at the little rainbow patterned bra she's wearing.
"Cutie." He kisses her again. It's like he can never stop kissing her ever. Her plump candy lips make it impossible. She skids his trousers down wrapping her hand around his girth squeezing him to quench out a throaty grunt from him. Stroking his cock with his pre-come and arches her back when his weepy head brushes against her cunt.
He helps her to take his cock being ever so carefull with her since she's pregnant but Y/N wants otherwise. She's insatiable. Could bite him whole at the time.
"Use me baby ---- make yourself cum with my cock. Wanted it yeah? C'mon now fuck me pretty girl. Take it all in. Yeah . . . Jus' like that." He grits stretching her to max and brings her neck to snuggle in to his chest when she was about to fall back because of her limbs giving out due to the ecastasy. She spurts out a giggle putting her hands between them to recoup herself and moves with his assistance on her ass.
"It's hard." She whines walls fluttering around his dick making him moan, "what me prick?" He smirks batting his eyelashes to get through the haze.
"Such a rotten joke." She rolls her eyes riding him with faster pace now and it's turning them all sweaty and hot, "mhmp. good girl takin' me cock s' well." His hands wanders above her tummy fondling with her nipples and takes it in his mouth while giving the same attention to other one with his thumb pulling it and tweaking it gently not to harm her, "don't like my jokes but you love my prick --- want to make ye' feel amazin' with it."
His balls thwacking against her bum and she leverages herself with his shoulders crying out in his ear when he hit a spot inside her she could never with her own fingers — she narrows her knees for more closeness and he tucks loose errands of her hair away kissing her temple with closed eyes.
"Tired?" His wet lips teases her earlobe and when she nods he gropes her ass thrusting up inside her, "It feels more good when daddy does it . . doesn't it?" He pounds roughly with a sharp angle of his pelvis and keeps on fucking her till she's crying his name.
She's a puddling. His words only made her float into her own head space where it's golden streaks in the amidst of violet clouds.
His own groans getting hoarse when she pulses around his cock milking and pushing his head fat out it makes him choke onto his spit, "cum for me --- inside me want it s' bad." She whispers woving fingers with his's and pressing it into sofa still grinding down at him whole body jolting from the sensitivity.
He does cum inside her. Filling her to brim with his seed it oozes out making soppy sounds when he pumps it back with lazy strokes to extinguish the last sparkle of fire that was crackling in their insides.
Remains like that. Tangled and dishelved. Listening to eachother's silence. He didn't even got a chance to pull out of her when his phone startled them beside her making her cramp hard around him and his head falls on the headboard with a grunt.
"Fuck." He squints back and pretends to eat the apple of her cheeks with roar like noises tickling her side making her stomach squeeze with laughs when his phone rings for another time and she ushers him to pick it.
His expressions remains stoic. Lips thinned into a hardline as he listens to the person on the other side. She's familiar with it. The feminine seductive voice she can never unhear --- it pangs her heart with an unbearable amount of pain and clogs her windpipes.
Dunno from where she found the need to ask this she did with a second thought from the anxiousness whirling in her mind the second he ends the call, "Are you gonna leave me now?" Tears of hurt without her knowing are already spilling down the valley of her chest.
Harry stares her. But, she could see nothing in them due to blurness from the pulversive of a single call.
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bathtub truth or dare
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harry and y/n play a game of truth or dare in a bathtub, bestfriend!harry, smut, fluff
tw: detailed smut
word count: 3,075
Y/n had been staying at her best friend Harry's house for a couple weeks before they were forced to stay inside due to the COVID-19 outbreak and had no other choice but to stay until it was over. They had both decided it'd be best if they stayed together, that way it'd be less boring and they'd be able to make sure each other was safe.
Harry and y/n sit in his bathtub in swimsuits on about their third glasses of rosé, playing a fun game of dirty truth or dare. Harry had Mitch and Sarah, who were also staying with them, write down truths and dares onto slips of papers and put them in separate bowls to spice things up.
It was all Mitch and Sarah's idea. When Harry told them to write things down for a normal game of truth or dare, Sarah called Harry and y/n boring and said a dirty version would make it much more fun. But again, Mitch and Sarah had always been firm believers that Harry and y/n would date someday.
Y/n had been in love with Harry from the moment she met him, but had pushed it so far into her subconscious she'd nearly forgot about it. Except, she'd remember every time he called her sweet pet names- which he did all the time. Or when he would hold her and kiss her forehead when she felt down. Or when he would always pay attention to the little things she did and told him, because no one else did and it made her heart swell.
This wasn't your usual game of truth or dare, no, other than the fact that it was dirty, the rules were a little different too.
The rules were, you would take turns asking each other really juicy truths and if one decided to not answer it, they'd have to do a dare.
"Alright, y/n," Harry starts.
y/n’s heart drops and she take a deep breath, "ahh i'm scared!" she laughs.
Harry chuckles.
He takes a slip of paper from a green bowl sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi. "Who, out of our friend group, would you sleep with?" he reads, raising an eyebrow.
Her face goes red and my ears grow hot. It's Harry. Of course, it's Harry, but she can't tell him that.
"Oh no, give me the dare," y/n laughs.
"Oh, come on, pet. Thought yeh were m' best friend," he frowns, placing his hand over his heart.
He takes a slip of paper from the red bowl next to the green one.
"Alright, let the other player kiss you wherever they choose." he reads, his smirk growing.
Y/n’s breath hitches in her throat and she feels Harry reposition himself. She looks up at him and he's already staring at her. He bites his lip, attempting to suppress his smirk.
He scoots forward and takes her chin between his thumb and forefinger gently as he leans into her. Her breath falters as he gets closer. Her eyes flutter shut as his lips almost touch her own before he lowers his head and peppers kisses just beneath her jaw, suckling lightly at the soft skin. Tease.
Y/n shudders, her cheeks as hot as ever and she’s sure he can feel her pulse as he continues to kiss and suck softly. She wants to moan but refrains from it, acting unphased by Harry's lips on her soft skin.
He pulls away, biting at his lip. "How was tha'?" he chuckles. Y/n looks down and shake her head, laughing softly, "you're an idiot."
He has a smug look on his face and y/n’s sure she looks like a tomato right now. No one has an effect on her like Harry does.
"You love it," he shrugs, the smirk evident on his face. She hums, "yeah, yeah, whatever." She grab her glass from the corner of the tub and takes a big gulp, already feeling the effects of it.
"Alright, Harold," She giggles, taking a slip of paper from the green bowl. "What do you think of when you-" She stops abruptly at the next words, her eyes widen. Masturbate. "Pleasure yourself?" y/n finishes.
He laughs and shakes his head, looking down at the bubbles in his hands.
"Dare." He says simply.
"Are you sure?" She asks him, kind of curious to know what his answer would have been.
He clenches his jaw and nods. When he clenches his jaw, she bite her lip subconsciously.
Y/n leans forward to grab a slip, the smooth, wet skin of her back more exposed now. Harry places his hand over her mid back and lightly scratches. She twitches at the sensation, giggling softly. He knows y/n’s ticklish. "Make out with the other player for one minute. Put a timer," She reads it, she thinks her heart might burst out of her chest
Harry licks his bottom lip and searches her eyes. She’s blushing again, obviously. She get on her knees and scoots towards him. Immediately, he hooks his hands behind her thighs and brings her to straddle him. She yelps at the sudden movement and bites her lip to stifle her laugh. He takes her chin in bewteen his thumb and forefinger and leans her face into his, their noses touching.
Y/n can’t believe it. It's happening. He grabs his phone from the edge of the tub and sets the timer. As soon as he does so, he sets his phone down and his lips are on hers. They're so soft, she never wants to stop kissing him. Their lips move together in a perfect motion. He bites her bottom lip softly and it's hard for her not to moan. They almost forget there's a timer. It's just y/n and Harry, nothing else matters. He reaches his other hand up into her damp hair, scratching lightly at her scalp, pulling softly. This motherfucker really wants her to cave in.
Her lips curve into a smirk. Two can play at that game. She starts grinding onto his lap and realizes he's hard. Really fucking hard. Harry begins to breathe heavily and y/n can feel him harden under her even more. It's now her turn to bite his lip softly and his grip in her hair tightens. She thinks she’s about to whimper before his phone rings loudly.
They pull away breathing heavily and Harry has a big smile on his face as he stares at y/n. "Wow," he whispers huskily.
Y/n pulls away, still breathless. No one had ever made her feel the way he did just now. She lifts herself off his lap and she can swear she feels his hand hold onto her thigh as if he wanted her to stay there. He lets go and y/n sits in her original spot.
"That was," she begins, looking up at him. "So fucking hot," he smirks, finishing her sentence. She nods.
"Your heart was beating so fast," he laughs. She rolls her eyes, "Stop," she mumbles, her cheeks heating up.
"It was cute, lovie," he smiles. Her belly fills with butterflies.
"I'm not gonna lie, i've had a crush on you for a while, y/n." he admits, his eyes searching hers deeply.
"Oh yeah?" she asks him, smiling lightly. "Mhm. And i know you feel the same about me," he says, leaning in closer to her.
"How so?" She tilts her head. "Because," He places a hand on the side of her face, his thumb circling her cheek gently. "Yeh're always blushing when I'm near you."
She looks down and smiles, blushing. Fuck. He grins, "And I think it's so fucking cute," he murmurs before cupping the backs of her thighs and placing her over his lap, like he did before.
She giggles and cups his face in her gentle hands, looking at all the features on his face. His lips are red and swollen and his breath heavy. He smiles up at her, cupping her cheek with one hand, the other getting lost in her hair. Y/n wonders if he knew how much she loved that.
"Did you like when i did this?" he asks before pulling her hair lightly, causing y/n’s head to fall back, exposing her neck. She closes her eyes, her lips parting as she gasps sofly. He peppers kisses to the spot from before, right under her jaw. He then begins to suck at the skin, this time harder and sloppier.
Y/n whimpers softly as he bites at the spot, his hand still massaging at her roots. He lifts his head to look back up at her. "'S this okay?" he asks. She nods desperately, a light mhm leaving her lips. He then places his lips on hers and the kiss starts out soft and sweet, before becoming passionate and rough.
She rolls her hips onto his as he does the same from under her. He now has his hand on her thigh and the other still in her hair. Y/n breaks the kiss for a second, "you okay, pet?" he asks.
She nods, catching her breath. "You think they'll walk in?" She asks softly. He laughs and shakes his head, "nah."
With that, she kisses him again and he pulls at her hair a bit more roughly. He trails his hand lightly from her thigh up her side and y/n giggles a little. "Sorry," she mumbles, "ticklish."
He cups her boob with his hand, massaging it softly before thumbing at her hardening nipple. She moans a little louder this time, but not loud enough for it to echo against the walls of his bathroom. She can't believe this is happening.
"Tell me if you wanna stop, alright? Don't wanna rush yeh into anythin' yeh're not comfortable with," he breaks the kiss and looks into her eyes. She nods and leans back into kiss him, but he speaks again.
"Use your words, pet," he grabs at her chin and her heart drops. Fuck, that's hot.
"Yeah-yeah i'll let you know," she smiles and he returns it before kissing her again. He pulls at one of the strings of the bow at the back of her bikini top, undoing it. He then undoes the one at her neck and the top falls in between them, sinking into the bubbly water.
He looks down at her breasts, making her even more nervous than she was to begin with. She subconsciously crosses her arms over her chest in an attempt to hide but he stops her, grabbing her arms and putting them at her sides.
"Yeh're so gorgeous," he smiles. "Absolutely stunning." He cups both her breasts in his hands, massaging them expertly. She drops her head back, breathing heavily.
It's when he pinches at her nipples and rolls them between his fingers that she begins to moan quietly. "So beautiful, all fo' me," he whispers before leaning his head down and popping one of her nipples into his mouth, continuing his assault with his fingers on the other.
She begins to grind harder into his crotch as he sucks harshly. He then bites at the nub softly and she shudders. "You like when i do that, huh?" He smirks up at her.
I nod. "Words, petal," he warns, sending a warmth to her lower region. "Yes, H."
He then switches from her left to her right nipple and begins suckling at it as he plays with the other one. He bites at it and she arches her back suddenly. She hums, the pleasure sending signals to her clit.
"Wanna make yeh feel good, love," Harry murmurs. "You already are," She tells him. "No, baby. I wanna make you cum fo' me."
Y/n bites her lip, "Please," she whimpers. He smirks at her, "good girl."
Harry trails his hand back down her side as she twitches again, laughing silently. "Yeh're so fuckin' cute," he laughs, shaking his head. He kisses her once again, squeezing at her butt, pressing her down harder against him- causing him to hiss.
He rubs at her inner thighs, teasing her. "H, please," she cries. "Please what, pet?"
"Please do something. Touch me," She whispers, lips grazing his ear. "Your wish is my command," he laughs before pulling at the strings at her sides, undoing the bows. The bikini bottom falling under her.
Y/n is now completely nude and vulnerable as he watches her. He grins stupidly as if she was a goddess before him. "Why didn't I do this sooner? Love, yeh're so perfect and yeh don't even know it," he says.
He then brings his fingers there. He begins to thumb at her clit softly, causing her to roll her hips against it. He inserts a finger, immediately curving it upward, finding her spot. She moans, arching her back. "Found it," he snickers evilly, talking about the g-spot.
He continues flexing his finger upwards, finding a nice rhythm. He brings his thumb onto her clit and she’s now a moaning mess. "Fuck, H," she cries breathlessly.
"You're so beautiful. All nice an' wet fo' me, pet," he groans in her ear. He then begins to scatter kisses around her neck, suckling lightly at the hot skin.
Unexpectedly, he adds another finger into her and she drops her head onto his shoulder, hissing lightly. "yeh're so tight, feel like yeh're a proper virgin, love," he laughs lightly.
She remains quiet, too embarrassed to say anything, her head still lying on his shoulder. "Wait, yeh're not a virgin, are you?" he asks after a moment, realizing despite knowing nearly everything about each other, y/n was never one to talk about her sex life. He stops the movement of his fingers and it causes her to wince at the sudden stop. She keeps her head on his shoulder, heat creeping up her cheeks.
He grips her chin and brings her face up to his, "I asked you a question, love."
She looks down, clearly embarrassed. "Hey, no need to be embarrassed, pet. Jus' tell me the truth. Talk to me," he coos.
Her eyes meet his green ones. "I am," she mumbles quietly. "But you've surely done other things, right?"
Her heart pounds against her ribcage and she shakes her head hesitantly, "no."
"Not even," she cuts him off. "Nothing, not even by myself, H."
He bites his lip, "So I'm the first-"
"You're the first guy to touch me. Ever." Y/n admits, frowning.
He grins after a moment and she furrows her brows. "Tha's alright, love. 'M glad to be the first. Don't be afraid to tell me what you like an' don't like, alright? Want yeh to be as comfortable as possible, and if yeh wanna stop, let me know. Really," he reassures her and her heart swells.
She smiles and nods, "Thank you, H."
He kisses her sweetly once more before pulling away. "Now, is it alright if i taste yeh? Wanna make yeh feel real good, darling,"
She laughs breathlessly, "Okay," she mumbles softly. He brings her up and out of the water effortlessly, sitting her on the edge of the tub.
He grabs her knees, spreading her legs. He looks at her there, and spreads her open with his fingers. Her face burns in embarrassment. "So pretty," he grins widely. He blows cool air onto her and her legs twitch, wanting to close, but he keeps them open with his hands.
He licks into her hole, humming softly. He then licks a stripe up to her clit. He begins to lick lightly at the underside of her clit and her legs feel like jelly. "Oh my, H," she murmurs.
She brings her hand down onto his wet, loose, ringlets. She plays with his hair as he continues to lick at her softly. He then brings her bundle of nerves into his mouth and sucks harshly.
Her legs begin to shake and she has to grab the edge of the tub to keep herself from falling. He tightens his grip on her soft, plushy thighs, "I've got yeh, darling. Yeh're not gonna fall. Promise," he says.
He goes back to licking and sucking at her swelling clit and her legs shake uncontrollably. She almost laugs at the sight. He takes a hand off her thigh and eases a finger into her softly, curving it upwards and instantly finding her spot. "Wow," she moans.
She begins to feel a warmth building up in the pit of her tummy and thinks she's close. It feels too good. "Harry, it feels so good. Please don- please don't stop," she whimper, breathing heavily. Her grip in his hair tightens and all she can feel is pleasure. He adds another finger into her and she drops her head back.
"I think I'm- think 'm close," she moans. He licks harder and faster, and his fingers speed up as well. "Cum fo' me, pet," He says, his voice deep and demanding. He then brings her clit into his mouth sucking and licking at the same time, bringing her to the edge.
"Harry, ah!" She moans loudly, his name bouncing off the white tiles of the large bathroom. She's feeling too much pleasure to care that Mitch and Sarah are just outside. Her legs shake uncontrollably and Harry doesn't stop. She tries and pushes his head away from her area but he continues his assault.
"H-Harry, please, ah!" She moans as her second orgasm hits. He pulls away, his chin glistening with her juices. He pulls her back down into the now lukewarm bubbly water and kisses her. She can taste herself, but that's the least of her concerns right now.
"Yeh did so good fo' me, pretty girl. Such a good girl," he smiles. She smiles shyly, still coming down from her orgasms. "How was it?" he asks.
"So, so good," she whispers, kissing him again. They continue to kiss for a while before he pulls away and admires her face. "How're yeh feelin', pet? Tired, loopy?"
Y/n nods. "Words, lovie."
"Both," she mumbles, hiding her face in the crook of his neck as he holds her naked body against his. "C'mon let's get yeh out. We can eat a snack an' take a nap after if yeh want," he coos and she smiles.
"Sounds good, H."
He gets out of the water and grabs a white fluffy towel and dries himself off quickly before wrapping it around his waist. He takes the other one and opens it up.
"Up yeh get, darling," he helps her up and out of the water before wrapping the white fluffy towel around her shivering body. He holds her for a moment, her arms still wrapped by the towel before letting her go.
She grabs at the towel and dries herself off a bit before wrapping it around her chest. Her mind fills with thoughts of her and Harry and what had just happened. She hoped they wouldn't be just friends after this.
this was my first smut piece ever oh lord
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Though he didn't know it yet Chris Mclean was in for a shocking revelation. One of the campers is not exactly just some rando kid. This camper is his kid and she is out to expose it.
Name : Iris  Escalona
Age 16
Eye color green
Caramel skin
Black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. A Cherokee rose on the left side of the hair tie.
Iris is 5ft 8",135lb
Out fit-White tanktop with the alchemists symbol blue acid washed jean shorts black converses
Iris has a dark sense of humor. She loves horror,pranks,is resourceful. Iris is not above smashing some skulls together. She is not quick to anger but Heather pushes a lot of her buttons.
All her life she just wanted Chris to know she was alive. Her mother never gave the reason why she left. She is the oldest of seven children.
________chapter 3_________
• Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island, twenty-three campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at the crusty old summer camp. The campers we're faced with their first challenge, jumping off a cliff into the shark-infested waters. While most campers took the plunge, a few were forced to wear the dreaded chicken hat. At the campfire ceremony, it all came down to two campers, Courtney has experience as a CIT in summer camp, but refused to jump, and Ezekiel managed to tick off every female at the camp with his sexist comments about women, in the end, the first camper voted off Total Drama Island was Ezekiel, proving that homeschooling and reality TV don't mix, who will be voted off this week in this dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total... Drama...Island.
Iris woke up early and snuck into the kitchen.
It looked a mess it was four in the morning so she needed something to do.
Iris looked into the camra
"Ok so ever since I was ten I wake up at four in the morning. Some nights I don't even sleep. Doctors can't figure out why but hey at least I can do something before the challenge starts."
(End of Confessionals)
Iris was almost done cleaning when Chef walked in. "And what are you doing up?" Chef said crossing his arms. "Sorry Chef woke up at four and couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to clean the kitchen to help you out. If you need help cooking I can do that too." She said still scrubbing. "Awe thats real nice of you sweetpea. But I can take it from here go get washed up. The mess hall looks great. " Iris stood up saluting him. He did the same to her and she went to the showers.
That girl is a sweetheart. I haven't met a kid who would just clean without being asked. Her parents raised her right she will make a man happy one day.
*static *
(End of Confessionals)
Iris walked into the mess hall. Chef had a cup of coffe ready for her. "Here you go sweetie thanks again for cleaning the place up." He said making her bluch. "No problem if you need any help you can always ask."  She said sitting down. "Why did you clean this dump?! You never do anything nice." Courtney came over before Iris could take on sip of her ainti murder juice. Holding up one finger Iris took a drink. "Ok child now that I had a caffeine shot I can speak. I wake up a four am every day. Why I do not know I just do. Some nights I don't even sleep. As for doing something nice goes. Unlike you I was raised to help someone when I physically can. You were shelter from the world thats why your a spoild brat.  Do you want me to spill what it was you did to my brother, or are you going to sit back down like a good girl?" Iris was now glaring at the pampered princess. Courtney like any other teenage girl that doesn't get her way, stomped away with a "Ahh!"  I waved her finger at the child.
Chris walked in "alright campers time for your challenge. Both teams will complete one lap around the Island. The team that completes the race first wins. "  Trent asked about breakfast. "Oh you will eat after the race. Ready set go!" He laughed as everyone ran.
Iris pov
It was a nice warm up but ,I doubt that this is the actual challenge.  When we made it back to the mess hall a buffet was waiting for us. It was so beautiful I wanted to cry. Though something sinister is happening here. This is a set up so I'm not going to eat to much. I saw cranberries the kind you get on Thanksgiving and chowd down. It was refreshing everyone else asked why I wasn't eating anything but Cranberries. "Think about it why would they give us this food. It's a plot for the challenge. Trust me I want to chow down with all of you." I said making them shrug and go back to eating. Courtney was glaring at me. I think about it the guy that asked me the question was Duncan.
Iris started laughing.
"Oh she is a treat I will thoroughly enjoy this."
(End of Confessionals)
"Hey Duncan can you step outside with me? This won't take long." I said standing up. He shrugged and followed me outside. Once we were out of ear shot I turned to him.
Meanwhile in the mess hall.
Courtney pov
"They have been gone for awhile. I'll go check on them." I said having campers telimg me to leave them be. Iris is a conveying snake you can't ever trust her.
"Hey guys what are yo-Ah!" I walked out to find them making out. I march up to them and pull him away getting in her face. She smirks at me. "Hello Courtney how can I help you?" She chuckles "You can help me by not macking on my teammate you snake." I growled
(Confessionals Duncan, Iris)
"If she is a snake and thats her bite. Please bite me some more."
"*laughs* oh wow I was right she likes him. This is going to be a fun day for Duncan and me. He is on board with the plan. Obviously he is enjoying this too. *smirks* bey bey second place Courtney"
Iris pov
Duncan stood between myself and Courtney crossing his arms. "I think you should run inside. You don't own me there four have no say in my actions." He said wrapping one arm around me. I place my hand on his chest the top of my head under his chin. I was side glancing at her. She growled stomping away. Once she was gone we bust out laughing.  He picked me up bridal style carrying me inside. "This is mine no one else can have her." He said sitting me down at my seat we started to feed each other. "Can you two get a room?" Heather complained. "Can you get a new attitude." I said making her gasp.
Once the buffet was cleared Chris came back in. "Everyone ready for the awake athon!" I knew it and they say I'm a snake. "Wait so you had us eat all this food so you can see who will fall asleep first?" Gwen asked "Yes Gwen Yes I did" I laughed "oh that so evil its good."  I said "Glad your finding this amusing lose lips" Courtney said  "Hey they are open for you too." I wink at her. "Your disgusting " she said following Chris to the pit fire. I sat in Duncan's lap during the challenge to get on princess sunshine's nerves. Its almost night fall I'm about to fall asleep. Duncan puts his hand on my cheek "got to stay awake gorgeous. How can I look into those beautiful eyes if they are closed?" I giggle at the sickeningly sweetness. "Let her fall asleep at least I won't be second place. " Courtney said  laughing "oh your second place in everything so shut up. " I said before glares at her.
Its now been twent-four hour mark. Come on stupid bass fall asleep. I thought to myself. It was now Myself, Trent,and Gwen for the Gophers and the Bass only had Courtney and Duncan.  Once Chris started to read the history of Canada Courtney, and Trent fell asleep.  Leaving Gwen, Duncan and me. "I have to hit the can" Duncan said as the camra crew followed him. Gwen fell asleep I was about to when Chris announced that the Gophers won. I smile before falling flat on my face.
• [The Killer Bass are standing outside of the cabins, stuff are outside due to Eva throwing them because she can't find her MP3 because Heather stole it.]
• Eva: [screaming angrily] Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back! [She angrily throws a book, which almost hits Harold]
• Courtney: Okay, whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp.
• Heather: Hey, guys, wow, this place is a real mess.
• Courtney: Someone stole Eva's MP3 player.
• Heather: [holds Eva's MP3 player] Who don't mean this to you? [Eva is surprised that Heather found her MP3 player, which Heather actually stole it] I was wondering who it belonged to, I found it by the campfire pit. You must have dropped it.
• Eva: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
• Heather: Sure thing. [Leaves. Static buzzing, in the confessional] Turn a team against their own members, easiest trick in the book. (Static buzzing)
• Eva: [smiles sheepishly] So, sorry about the that little misunderstanding. [The Killer Bass glare at Eva] Guess no one stole it after all. Okay, maybe I overreacted a little. [Laughs sheepishly]
Iris and the Gophers watch the marshmallow ceremony of the Killer Bass. It was down to Alpha geek Harold and wack Job Eva. Both looked nervous until Chris gave it to Harold. Wow did not see that one coming. They threw away their strongest team mate. Welp looks like the Gophers have it even easier now.
Chris "you All can get some sleep tonight you all are safe for now. Find out what happens next time on Total Drama Island."
(Have I mention how much I don't like Courtney yet. Well I don't have a great day/evening)
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life: Chapter 3
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Winslow left the hospital two weeks later and quickly realized that he had nothing to wear and nowhere to go.
"You can stay at my place," Phoenix suggested.
Getting out of the room without the mask was a challenge for Winslow, but the mask had been stolen and he knew he had to get used to the shocked looks he got from strangers. And Phoenix was holding his hand so firmly and smiling so gladly that he quickly stopped caring about the disturbed glances. Or at least, stopped caring as much as he had before.
Three days after Winslow got out they were sitting in Phoenix' kitchen. Winslow was wearing some clothes that had belonged to Phoenix' ex. He'd forgotten them when she'd thrown him out.
"What you need are some new clothes," Phoenix decided. "You can't run around in black leather forever, although, admittedly, it looks neat."
"You want me to go shopping?!"
"Sure, where's the problem?"
"Excuse me, but have you seen my face?!"
"Yes. So?"
She was serious. Winslow groaned. "Okay."
That afternoon Winslow went shopping. He returned with a bag of black clothes and Phoenix sighed. "You're an all new person then I guess?"
"Nope." Winslow giggled a little. "I just never had money for the clothes I liked before." He'd fixed his glasses as well and they were tinted now. Phoenix knew the new look was overly dramatic but so was Winslow, so she let it slip.
In the following weeks life became normal again. At night Winslow slept on the sofa. In the afternoon he and Phoenix took walks in Central Park. At some point Phoenix painted Winslow's nails black because she insisted it would "complete the look". The amount of money they'd earned with Faust was enormous and after a month they sat down together to discuss what to do with it.
"We could just quietly live here for the rest of our lives," Phoenix suggested. "Live in a flat, take walks in the afternoon." She hesitated. "But I think we both don't want that."
"You're right," Winslow replied. "What do you have in mind?"
"I want to block the negative wave Death Records sent into this generation. Like, positive vibes, man! That's what we need!"
"Positive vibes?"
"Hell yeah."
"You mean...?"
"I mean new music."
Winslow froze.
"Are you okay?", Phoenix asked.
"Uhm...ahum...yeah...I just..." Winslow swallowed hard. "I have an idea."
Half an hour later they made the first recording of a song called The Hell of it. It was a message to Swan.
Winslow called Harold, Archie and Jeffrey and gave them the shock of their lives due to the fact that he was still plugged in for singing. When he had plugged the voice box out he quickly realized the garbled voice was not the slightest bit understandable over the phone and finally it was Phoenix who had to explain the plan to the Fruits. She laughed the entire time.
The Fruits came running over to the small flat near Central Park.
"Jesus fucking Christ," Harold said when Winslow opened the door. "Please, for the love of God, don't ever scare me like that again."
"A call from my dead boss asking me whether I want to do the backing vocals for a new song was not what I expected," Jeffrey agreed.
Winslow laughed. "Okay, from now on I'll make sure to say This is not Swan whenever I call you."
"Do that," Archie said and everyone laughed.
They sat down at the piano to work at the song. It was dark when they were finished, but when the recording stopped they knew right away that this was going to be a hit.
"Awright then," Harold said when he noticed a soft pitter-patter against the window. "I gotta get home. Radio said it's gonna be stormy tonight."
"Aw hell, really? I didn't take an umbrella with me!"
"Don't worry, I've got loads of umbrellas, I can lend you one." Phoenix dived into her closet and reappeared with a red umbrella which she handed to Jeffrey. "Just make sure to give it back."
"Remind me of that next time, I'll probably forget it."
Phoenix laughed and the Fruits left.
The storm was worsening.
Late at night Phoenix heard a bloodcurdling scream. She jumped up in bed. It took her a few moments to realize that the inhuman sound had come from her living room.
She got up and hastily ran to the living room. "Winslow, are you okay?"
He was sitting in bed, wide-eyed. He made a sound that reminded her of a beaten dog. Then he nodded. Phoenix sighed in relief and sat down next to him. "What happened?"
He made a sound, realized he wasn't wearing the voice box, put it on and started talking.
"Sorry, I just...had a nightmare... something."
"Was it because of the storm?"
He hesitated, then he groaned. "Probably. There's no denying it. I'm scared of thunder because of Swan now."
Phoenix cuddled up to him. "We all have our weaknesses. And guess what?"
Winslow turned his head a little. "What?"
A loud crash rolled over the night sky and the couple shrieked.
"I'm scared of thunder too," Phoenix whispered and laughed shakily. "Different topic, so we don't pay attention to our greatest fear: Seriously, I'm so happy you survived. I guess I do owe you an apology. I should've listened to you earlier."
"Honestly, I don't blame you. I may have freaked out a little too much anyway." Winslow chuckled.
"You had a reason to, but, yeah, that may have been the reason I didn't recognize you. That and the make-up. I mean, I have trouble recognizing people with a haircut, let alone with that many changes. And I barely knew you anyway.
Winslow laughed. "Yeah, I should've thought about that." He paused. "But somehow Swan ended up dead and we ended up alive...wow, happy end."
"Happy end."
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chloe-spade · 5 years
iZombie Au: Sander Sides
You think your life would harder when you become an adult or get a job you hated the most?
The day my life went...south..for me and for everyone around me.
The day of a The Lake Washington Massacre...
I was a very known surgeon, doctor and nurse. I was very known for it.
Oh my name? My name is Virgil Dusk, a former loved doctor and a loving boyfriend to fiance to....
A brain-eating zombie....
Virgil looked up at the saleswomen.
"Oh...sorry."Virgil muttered taking the purple die from the women's hand and quickly zoomed away, eyes avoiding every person who walked past him.
Virgil Dusk
28 years old
Has been a Zombie for 4 years straight
He still remembered that day like it was yesterday.
*4 years ago*
"Seeya Virge!"Some co-workers shouted as they aproched their cars.
"Hello, my dear chemically imbalance romance~!"A voice came in front of Virgil.
His fiance, Roman Delightful, his high school sweetheart to the end.
Virgil jumped and laughs."Roman!"
Roman held Virgil in his arms and gave him a tender kiss.
Virgil giggles and pushes him away."Ok,Ok! Are you ready for our date night."
"You bet."
"Hey, Virge! Wanna go to this sweet boat party?" Said Harold Johnson, Virge's co-worker, and a total party animal.
"Seriously? Uh...I'm not much of a party person let alone be being a extrovert in general..that's Roman."
"I think it's a great idea to celebrate your promotion of this amazing job."
Virgil sigh in defeat and kisses Roman's cheek."Wait for me when I get back?"
"Of course."
Virgil Smiles and follows Harold to the car and went off to the boat party.
But it wasn't what Virgil expected.
Virgil stared down at his cup of tea as he look at guys chugging on a weird drink and their eyes turns a deep red and growls left their mouths.
Virgil gasp and trembled as he saw the horrifying imagery as people's skulls opens ans brains were eaten.
Virgil ran off the boat ignoring his badly scratched arm and jumped into the ocean like it was no tomorrow for him.
As Virgil's eyes open, he could only see yellow and he burst his open his bag he was surprisingly in and coughs up the water he gulped.
He looked around and see a scared ambulance men running as fast as he could.
Once I woke up...I suddenly felt the urge to eat... brains....
It was an unexpected urge...but I felt like I needed it...more then anything..
Virgil gets up from his bed and groans as the his night was another sleepless one.
He gets up to change to a nice black buttoned shirt and his normal black and purple knitted jacket, grabbing his headphones and phone and trotted to the kitchen, greetings by an unexpected hug.
"Oh, Virgil, why you look...oddly cute as ever." Mrs. Dusk cooed."And I like the purple aesthetic you did with your hair. It's worked."
Virgil cracked info a small smile.
"Hey, kiddo!" greeted his roommate and bestie since high school, Patton.
31 years old
Virgil's bestest friend/roommate
"Hey, Pat."He said with a smile.
Patton is unaware of Virgil's newly zombie habits, and Virgil prefers to keep it that way cause how fragile Patton is.
"Oh, got to get to work. Also, make sure to pick up my costume for fhd Halloween expo tonight, I'd hate to be there without a costume.
"I'm just happy that you're participating."Thomas, Virgil's younger brother, said with his usual goofy smiles that Virge loved.
"I'm glad to be with the-!?"
"There for the family?"
Virgil Blushes and looks up to see Roman."Come on, it'll at least help us to get what we lost?"
Virgil chuckles."Sure thing."
Roman Delightful
30 years old
Virgil's ex-fiance to current boyfriend.
It's weird to reunite a spark with Roman after I broke things off our of fear but he was to determined to get me back so I let him have a second chance so he won't stop nagging me..
"But seriously, I need to get to work.", Virgil said, leaving the house and walks to the Police Department at the 6th floor at the city's morgue.
"You're lucky to be on time, Virgil."Said a harsh gone, placing the body on the table.
"Nice to see you too, Logan."
Logan Smith
Age 37
Virgil's boss and an extremely smart man
Virgil chuckles and puts in his labcoat and walks down.
"I am sorry for that tone but I am going to be a little more softer."
Virgil worked in Medical PhD for the last 2 years so he can the brains to eat.
"Hey, we just got a body!"Said the cops.
"Duty calls." Virgil shrugs and walks, along with Logan to the park where a women was taken to the hospital.
"Ohh...my god, she's smells..." Virgil gagged and looks away.
"Melissa Margolis, age 55, married with two kids, one's moved away to Canada for college and one is a high school student, known for her smart personality. She's a so called soccer mom.."
"According to her completion, she has been dead for at least 10 hours before someone discovering her inside that Roseburg bush."
"It's a rare bush."
"She loves roses and planted this specific one here."Said Mr. Margolis."This women found her."
Virgil and Logan starred at the women and gasp.
"Juliet Farin...no thank you."
"We have a no-such-luck relationship.."
Virgil scoffed."The thing is that she tried to ruin me and my boyfriend's relationship..when we got back together, and she went crazy on me."
Urusla sighs."Hope your physic powers help you."
*back in the morgue*
"I'm not staying she had the right idea...she just showed a bit craziness."
"Why is she specifically after you?"Urusla asked
29 years old
Homicide officer for 5 years.
When I broke things off with Roman, she hooked up with him and used him for money basically. The reason she broke things off with him was because the stuff Roman bought were my standard of favorite things. She didn't like it. And broke up with him and now he's back with me and she hates it.
"Cheers for a trying soccer mom..and may the odds of losing my voice in my favor.." Virgil prayed and took a bit of his brain egg omulet.
"Didn't think you pray of being a mom.."
"That's Patton's job."
As soon as I gulped it down i felt an urge to run to Roman and give him a big hug and kiss for missing him to much. She's a perfect wife too.
*Next day*
"So, where were you around 2:30 to 3:00."Urusla asked Keith Margolis, hef husband who was sitting next to the table in front of them.
"At work, I usually work at 6am to 7:45pm."
"Poor thing...you must be very exhausted."Virgil whines, his hands trembling.
She has major anxiety... I can go with this
"That's what Melissa would say, always feel bad for me at every turn. Her anxiety was pretty bad, it wasn't like a disorder or anything it just...it can lead to a certain paranoia phase she would have..it would annoy a few, like Hailey, our daughter before she left fof college, but soon we got used to it cause we love her."
Urusla groans."So she was very heighted?"
"Yes, very so."
The conversation was interuppted by a huge bang by a accidental coffee spillage to the wall.
That's when Virgil's first vision in this brain started.
*The Vision*
Keith angry banged the table pointing his finger at Melissa.
"If this doesn't end, I can and I will go back to my mistress to get away from you!!"
*vision ends*
Virgil gasp as he looks around.
"You had a mistress?"
Kieth stopped his talking immediately.
"Did you or did you not?" Virgil ordered angrily.
"Yes! I did have a mistress, it was because I got so tired of her worry I left the house. And met Isabel."
"Can we call her in?"Urusla asked, her arms folding."You got your alibi."
A few minutes, Isabel walked in to the room, and sat down, glaring at Virgil."I heard about you, boyfriend kisser."
"You accidentally kiss a guy in school and you're new name is "Boyfriend Kisser"..."Virgil sighed.
"Where were you at the time at the murder."
"Talking to Hailey, she was visiting my place since we had a... special bond...Hailey never got along with Melissa, she would tell me, Melissa was a very strict mom, and never did things that she didn't approve of Hailey of doing. That was unfair cause when Jennifer was born, she let her do anything she wanted. Because Jennifer was a sporty type like her, adventurous, snarky too. So Hailey was glad to get out of state to college."
"So you and Hailey both can prove it."
Virgil looked to see Logan mentioning him to leave the room.
Virgil got up and went to Logan.
"I found something... Intriguing in her jacket. Divorce papers, 2 weeks delivered before the murder."
"So Keith was planning to divorce her anyway."
"Yes, and I also found out that they got married in October 29, somewhere in the 1998s, And look is born after."
"Hailey Margolis, born November 5th, 1998."
"In your terms, you might say, she 'baby-trapped' him."
"And probably did it again when it came to Jennifer. She was processive of him.."
"He had motive." Urusla said behind them."If she did those things, that means..."
"There's more."Logan added."Melissa was granted 1,500,000 grand from him. Keith is wealthy, from a wealthy background so it's no surprise that..."
"A gold-digger?"Patton interuppted."You forgot your lunch, Logan."
"I told you, you don't have to, Pat."
"Well I wanted to."
*In a vision*
Hailey looked up from her book in an angry matter."What if you wanted to!? You realized you out dad in a lot of misery! He had to drop everything cause of us!"
*Vision ends*
"She wanted to do that. She wanted to baby trap Keith...and that causes him to go angry and find a witness."
"Isabel mentioned that her and Keith met on January, little more than 5 month ago. And according to her apparence, she's pregnancy. Turns out he was planning to raise the baby with her and leave the family."
"So she sent the divorce papers but got him back."
*Hailey's interrogation*
"Isabel said you were with her for the last few hours of your mother's murder."
"I was. I was overly excited to be her new daughter since Dad found the divorce papers. That's when we got a call from Jennifer saying that we both rot in hell."
"So Jennifer hated Isabel."
"Dearly with all her heart. She always says that Isabel ruined the family, but in reality, it was mom. She baby trapped him with me and his life was screwed."
"And when was this phone call?"
"Around 2:54 to 3:00, she kept ranting."
"The murder weapon wasn't present. She was poisoned." Logan said, from behind Virgil.
"We couldn't identity it. But we knew it was dangerous and the name is so Russian I can't even say it. But it was used for tea and other liquids."
"Isabel did used to work at a factory, for poisoning goods. She stopped once she became Pregnant..."
"It was a gift. So I accepted it and then one day I found it missing. Both Jennifer and Hailey were with me but Keith payed a visit and ..."
"Hs stole it and he used it on her coffee...she drinks it around 3:00, her coffee break.."
*The final interrogation*
"So, it wasn't easy to crack."
"It's was so."Virgil said, standing up."You stole Isabel's poison from her place and used it on her coffee, and then you gave it to her and took her to the park and saw her faint down as she drink her whole coffee, organs and brain stopped working and she was dead. This was so you didn't have to pay her for child support and the funds you owe her after the divorce."
"Exactly. She baby trapped me twice and you think I was gonna let that slide?! She ruined my life and my family's reputation as a whole cause she wanted me all to herself."
"Keith Margolis, you have the right to remain silent, anything you or say will be against you in court."
Something sparked inside me when I was said those words. It reminded me of me...when I was with Roman. I did kiss him accidentally but it wasn't a regret, like how Melissa fooled her husband. It was a need, but needs can be poisoning and some lead to unsatisfactory in a person. But there's was one thing I didn't regret? Going to that boat party. If I haven't gone, I would never learn anything about myself with the help of the brains I have eaten, I would never face myself to tell Logan about me being a zombie. And now I'm back to be with Roman again....so... somethings you may regret could be things you'd never regret cause who knows what impact it has on your life. Good or bad....
Virgil came home to find Roman.
"Welcome back."Roman greeted.
"Hey, can we talk...I've been thinking about...us, we've drifted since that boat party and now we're back together...so I don't regret being with you again cause it opens my eyes for the past year of us being together...it made me miss out on the things we...loved .. about each other and..."Virgil's voice started to break and Roman pulled him into a tight hug.
"I know you do...but since we dated... And now we're back to were we are..and now I've decided...to.."Roman picked out Virgil's old wedding ring out of his pocket."Thank we try again...for marriage?"
Virgil's tears couldn't stop rolling down and nods."Of course...I'd regret it if I did say no,.... I love you so much."
Roman pulls Virgil into a warm embrace and kisses his forehead and said,"No matter who you are, Zombie or human..I will love you no matter what..."
This took 5 hours....but I'm glad I did it!...but ouch..
But enjoy this little segment to my favorite show ever.
(if you wanna watch it, it's on Netflix)
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butterfrogmantis · 6 years
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Oh there's a lot of things I never told you Skiffer" Captain smiled, his ocean blue eyes twinkling mysteriously in the flames of the dying sun. "So I think now would be as good a time as any, since we're all alone out here"
"Oh?" The younger sailor giggled "Are they big secrets?~"
"Yes" the other replied, but not in the tone Skiff had been expecting. He sounded rather more .. solemn.
"G-go on" The sailor blinked, curious now.
"Ok …" Captain cleared his throat, and took his partner's hands gently in his own. A cool breeze whistled across their shoulders, and the coast guard began his tale.
"When I was 18, I decided to join the navy, and worked for my first few years under charge of Captain Callesdale - we spent a few years in other countries, I never liked the sight the sight of war. Upon returning, I was transferred to Captain Solberg for a promotion, and before I had a chance to see him, a furious looking man came out of the office - he was being fired from the nay for illegal activity abroad, and I heard him mutter something about making a boy sail for nights straight. I inquired the matter to Solberg, but we later assumed that it was a contracted employment - aka someone 18 at least. We never could have guessed …. well, not too long after, I decided I'd had my fill of canons, and I handed in early resignation and took a coast guarding course. I was transferred to Sodor on private hire - although they hadn't quite finished the rescue center at that time. Anyway, most days involve patrolling the coast lines and the occasional stormy rescue. One day I get a call that some pirate has been found and I need to escort the police out to sea. I think that's been the pinnacle of my career so far. We found an old man and a young teenager afloat on the back of an overturned skiff. Both were weak, and whilst the pirate was being arrested, the teenager began to slip under the water. Well, that's my job. He didn't get far, I pulled him back to the boat, got everyone to shore and went to help flip the sailboat back over. Once I'd done I returned to shore to end up speaking to the boy and finding out that the pirate was the man that had been kicked out of the navy … and the employee was the teenage boy"
Skiff gasped. It was horribly familiar.
"You, Skiff" Captain nodded gravely. "If me and Solberg had pestered John's case … perhaps we could have rescued you sooner"
"S-So what did you do?" Skiff shivered, wrapping his arms around himself.
"I made a promise to myself. What you went through … wasn't fair. So I made a promise to myself to … to protect you. I wouldn't interfere with your life, you needed the space and I didn't intend anything creepy" Captain coughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck "But I vowed that if I ever heard anything against you, I'd sort it out privately, if you hadn't already done so. But you seemed to get on fine, and I didn't see much of you for a while, we both had lives to live. And then, one night, you made a mistake. A kind mistake, but reckless none the less. You were travelling on a sailboat in the midst of a heavy storm - not exactly good news. I got my lifeboat ready - that's suited to such conditions, and followed you in case you went overboard. You ended up stranded in that little cabin bar on the cliff, but at least you were safe. I .. made a decision then. I wanted to apologise for everything you'd been through, but it would have seemed … odd considering we didn't know each other. The only way to do that was to make us friends. So I went up to the cabin bar myself, and asked you to join the coast guard recruits. I knew we'd get close then, and eventually I'd tell you all I knew, and perhaps we could be friends" He paused for breath, sighing "I never expected to fall in love with you"
Skiff blinked, his turquoise eyes large and bright. The tale interested him, but he wondered why his partner had taken so long to tell him.
"I don't know what it was Skiffer, between your unbreakable optimism, your courage and compassion, I fell pretty hard. I'd dated Harold for almost ayear and never even considered the fact I might have loved him, and never said it. But you … we were friends, and yet I was fairly sure I'd never feel the same way about a-anyone else. So … I decided to leave you alone. It wasn't right, I told myself. There were far too many problems. I still wanted to protect you, but if I was the one who hurt you I'd never live with myself. And yet everyday you found a new way to make me fall for you. And then that night on the boat when you told me you felt the same well … I couldn't have predicted that. And now we're here Skiffer"
The coast guard took the sailors hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of them gently.
"Well, I needed to tell you that, today's as good a day as any" Captain chuckled, a little awkwardly, awaiting his partner's reaction.
Skiff studied his face for a few moments, then embraced him tightly.
"I'm not sure what I'd have done without you Cap … umm" the sailor giggled "I had a crush on you when I was 17"
"You what?" Captain laughed "You never told me that"
"Oh uhh, well I'd seen you around and you were obviously very handsome and uhh, yeah it fizzled off after a while but uhh, came back pretty strongly when, well~"
"That's adorable" The coat guard chuckled, his cheeks darkening a bit. "Well, we've come this far. I wanted to ask you something"
"Oh? What?"
Captain cleared his throat.
"I gave you a promise ring with an anchor on it a while ago, yes?"
"And later, well, you gave me Anchor"
"You helped" Skiff laughed. "Parenting requires two"
"You know what I mean" The life guard rolled his eyes playfully. "Well later you went on to give me Mermaid"
"Mm? And?~"
Captain crouched down now, so that his left leg was sitting in the waves. A small navy blue box was produced from his back pocket, and when he opened it, Skiff saw a golden ring upon which there was a mermaid. She was carved in such a way that her arms supported a large pink pearl, and she sat upon a red velvet cushion.
"It was the sea that brought us together, I hoped it would seal us like that too … Skiff Eastport-Pram"
The coastguard had the sailor's full attention.
"Will you marry me?"
Skiff hadn't heard the gasp escape his own lips, but he knew his palm was upon them. Luckily it took less than 4.21 seconds to answer the question.
Well, it’s official ;)
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addythelarrie · 2 years
Once In A Lifetime
Intro // Part 78
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Louis chuckles when he locks his phone. He can just imagine the way Harry rolled his eyes just now- maybe even scrunched his nose a little. God, his little nose scrunches really are the cutest, Louis thinks to himself as he sits at the Emergency Room's reception with his feet resting on the desk in front of him.
"Hey doc!" And all too familiar voice pulls him from his world of thought.
"Oh, hey Niall." The doctor replies, shaking the Irishman's hand. "Where's Em?"
"Around here somewhere." Niall shrugs and picks up a few files. "Well let me get to work. We'll catch up a little later. I hope you brought some of that food Harold can't shut up about." The nurse teases, letting out an airy laugh when Louis only rolls his eyes and makes his way to the back. "I'll tell Em to come and say hi." He adds before finally disappearing behind a door.
Another few minutes later the door swings open again and a voice Louis didn't expect to hear chimes up an excited "Evening Doctor."
Louis looks to where the voice is coming from. He manages a tight lipped smile and a stiff nod before replying. "Lu."
It's quiet for a moment as the nurse settles herself in the chair next to Louis.
"I didn't know you're working the ER now." Louis says, his eyebrows slightly raised.
"I don't normally." The nurse replies with a shrug. "I volunteered for tonight though."
"Oh. Any reason for that?"
"Nope. Just wanted to work some extra hours."
Louis is not stupid. He knows she must have heard about him working his on call tonight- that information can easily be obtained when you ask the right people, so he finds it interesting that she decided to 'work an extra shift' the exact same night.
"Right." Louis says while getting up. "I'll be in Zayn's office if anyone needs me." He adds before turning on his heels.
"Is that an invitation?" Lu asks just as he's about to leave.
"I-" Louis starts but cuts himself off. "No!" He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. "It's not." He adds for good measure.
"Oh." The nurse deadpans and Louis turns around again. "Guess what they're saying is true then." She says when Louis starts walking. "You really are dating Harry." She adds, and the words causes the doctor to immediately turn back around.
"I don't date."
"Harry's car at your house every night says otherwise."
"Are you-" Louis swallows hard. "Are you watching us?" He asks, hoping the disgusted tone in his voice is evident.
"Oh please doctor." The nurse giggles. "I need to drive past your house to get to my own." She explains. "Can't help but notice his car outside everytime I do." She adds with a shrug.
"Yeah well, we're not dating."
"Good." The nurse replies and takes a step closer to Louis. "Then you won't have to feel bad about what we're gonna do a little later then." She adds in a low voice sending the doctor a wink.
"I don't have to feel bad, because we're not going to do anything." Louis states.
"But you just said you're not dating anyone." Lu chimes up, dragging her finger down Louis' chest.
"I'm not." Louis replies adamantly.
"Well doctor, someone like you would only deny an offer like that when their in a committed relationship." She tries again.
"I'm not."
"Good. I see no problem then." Lu chimes up, hooking her finger behind Louis' belt pulling him closer to herself while seductively licking over her bottom lip, enjoying the way the doctor can't tear his eyes away.
Louis only stares at her for a few moments. "Not that I need to prove anything to you, but give me ten minutes then meet me in the linen room." He says and finally makes his way out of the reception area, leaving the nurse with a smug smile when she realizes that her plan worked.
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