#don't let me run free with hcs i can spiral
thatanimewriter · 4 months
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➳ request: Can i request hc for free! asahi, rin, sousuke, natsuya, haru, where reader is actually their crush and suddenly confess to them but reader expect them to reject her anyway and just run away after confessing. What are they gonna do about the situation Thank you
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, matsuoka rin, yamazaki sousuke, shiina asahi, kirishima natsuya
➳ warnings: confessions, various states of confusion
➳ notes: this just sounds like something i would do and yet, i haven't somehow
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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he would actually die on the hill of not telling you he likes you
but at least you reciprocate and you told him instead
he didn't get to respond though, cause you ran away as soon as you were done telling him
and you left him standing there like ._. and then made him nervous because now he has to find you to tell you (nod at you)
he mopes in the bath that night because he doesn't wanna tell you but he also really likes you
makoto has to be a wingman for a bit and guide him to you to tell you he likes you too
"i like you, too..." he mumbled, averting his gaze to look anywhere but at your face. you blinked owlishly at him before breaking out into a large grin. "oh, that's a relief, i was scared you'd reject me so i just ran." haru cracked a small smile in return, sending you into a spiral because it was such a rare sight and it's directed at you. he nodded his head to the school gates and held a pinky out for you to link your own with as you head home. "thanks for telling me. i wouldn't have said anything otherwise," he said flatly. "typical," you joked, opting to hold his hand properly instead of holding pinkies.
bright red shark man after you confess your love and make a run for it
probably chases after you but gives you a solid 30 second head start cause he's in shock
will eventually find you and hug you to stop you but probably ends up pushing both of you to the ground
he'll yell his confession to you and not get off the floor just to make sure you won't run away again
sousuke probably has this on film and will play it if you ever marry because he thinks its hysterical
rin wants him to delete it and will be asking until the end of the world
"wait!" he yelled breathlessly, sprinting after you as fast as his legs could take him. "you didn't let me respond!" you turned around with a frown. you thought you'd managed to escape in time... "what- AGH!" his body slammed into yours and knocked you to the ground. your book bag spilled your school supplies all over the path and you secretly prayed no one would step on them. "i like you, too!" "don't yell at me, i can hear you when you're in my face," you pouted.
that audio with the loud ass "huh??" over and over again is what's goin on in this man's head
he will stand there like a minecraft man waiting for everything to load properly
you're long gone by the time he registers what happened and he'll lay awake at night thinking about it
will come find you in secret because he doesn't want samezuka swim team to bully him
also he wants to gatekeep you-
he wants you all to himself when he finally finds you again to tell you he likes you as well
"hey." you turned from your locker to see sousuke standing beside you, leaning on the wall. "hi," you responded, about to sling your bag over your shoulder until he offered his hand to take it for you. "you don't have to." "i want to." "if you insist..." you mumbled, letting him take your bag and walk you out of school. "i like you, too, by the way," he added nonchalantly. "start with that next time," you said, nudging him in the side with your elbow.
screams after you've run away and chases after you relatively fast
the whole school thinks you guys are insane because why is he chasing you like you're in primary school??
will also scream his feelings for you in front of everyone which is probably part of why you ran in the first place-
he's so hype, he's gonna take you on a date RIGHT NOW
and his family are happy that y'all are finally together because he wouldn't shut up about you
but also he might talk about you even more ._.
"stop, come back!" he cries, ditching his bag to lessen the weight as he sprints after you. you don't look back as you keep running, hoping to avoid public embarrassment. "i like you back!" he yells. "don't yell it for everyone to hear!" you whined, slowly coming to a stop and sitting on a bench to catch your breath. "but it got you to stop," he reasoned, sitting beside you and putting his hands behind his head. "i thought you were gonna reject me, i wanted to escape that shame but now you've embarrassed both of us," you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. "oh."
he would catch your wrist before you could run away, man's got fast reflexes
cut to that boyish ass grin he had in the high speed movie because dude is so happy
but a little bit mad cause he wanted to say it first
will tease you a bit for trying to run though, so you should stay far away from him after he's said his piece
he won't let you forget that you tried to run before he could say anything
has this day documented to remind you of your mistakes
"oi, where do you think you're going, huh?" his hand encased your wrist as you turned to run. "didn't even let me respond, damn." you sheepishly turned around and your gaze fixed onto his hand that refused to release your wrist. "just reject me and get it over with," you sighed. "what? nah, i like you, too. why would i reject you?" he wondered, ruffling his fluffy hair. "i don't know, i thought you didn't like me," you mumbled. "was gonna avoid the embarrassment." "you were gonna avoid a boyfriend," he teased, turning you around so he could sling an arm over your shoulders.
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Screw it. Decided to come up with my own personal general Cayde-6 Reverse Forsaken HCs -The divergence is simple: Cayde goes after the inmates while The Guardian stays with the control center, and ends up pulling a Cayde and bringing it down-Cayde's a bad influence after all. -Things go as you'd expect-the YW does well, then they don't. They make the fateful mistake of taking Ghost out. And they get shot with their own gun. -I kind of imagine they are far less accepting of their final moments than Cayde was. Cayde had been a Guardian for several centuries. The Wolf? Only four years. Might not have put on a brave face like Cayde did, and instead were scared of their impending death. -And so, The Young Wolf, the godslayer, and possibly the greatest and most powerful Guardian in history-dies on the floor of that prison, barley 4 years after they were rezzed. -And Cayde? Let's just say this whole thing breaks him. -Now, how 'well' Cayde takes it depends on your Guardian's relationship with your Guardian-be it mentor-student, friends, or even lovers. I'm gonna say for the sake of this their friends, but note that the closer Cayde was with the YW, the worse he spirals. -It was what happened to Andal all over again.
-Now, Cayde blames himself big time. Not least of all because he brought the barons into custody in the first place. He had been merciful. And it had gotten his friend killed. Well not this time. -At the funeral, Cayde tells Zavala to shove his 'no revenge' talk up his ass. He was coming back with Uldren's head on a silver platter, with or without the rest of the Vanguard's support. He wanted to do nothing after their hero was murdered? Fine. but Cayde wasn't gonna sit this one out. Not this time. -Speaking of, part of me thinks Cayde might have a heated argument with Zavala before he leaves. And it gets ugly. Like, real ugly. Cayde's grieving and pissed at Zavala for being such a coward in his eyes. And he's gonna pull every cruel insult and jab in the book at him. He comes to regret it later of course. And he does eventually apologize and try to make it up to Zavala. But for now, their friendship is in the gutter. -Anyways Cayde heads to the Shore -He has far less patience for Spider's little 'quid pro quo' deal. He makes it clear either Spider can give him the information he wants, or Cayde can squeeze it out of him. -Cayde during Forsaken is almost an entirely different person. Sure he might crack a quiet, half-hearted joke here or there, but those are just fleeting moments. For the most part though? He acts like a ruthlessly efficient yet brutal killing machine. When Cayde catches the Barons one by one, he shows not a shred of mercy. Petra and Sundance see this...and it freaking unerves them to see Cayde shift so drastically. -Eventually Cayde catches up with Uldren. -And let's just say Uldren doesn't get an easy death and leave it at that. -Cayde returns to the Tower. -Given the whole storming the reef without orders thing, and given how brutally he dispatched Uldren and the Barons, there's a good chance he ends up getting removed from the Vanguard-In a cruel twist of fate, Cayde finally gets to be free of the Tower...at the cost of the Wolf. -Following all of that, Cayde heads back to the Shore, hunting the remaining Scorn as part of some unhealthy coping mechanism. -It's there where he runs into Crow
-Cayde's pretty bitter about the whole thing. He knows it's not Uldren and he logically shouldn't be mad at him for that but...it just isn't fair. -That being said, while he may or may not be Vanguard anymore, Crow's still a fellow Hunter. -So when learns of Crow's 'employment' to Spider...it takes every fiber of his being not to just go up and shoot the kingpin. -He does however make it clear that if Spider doesn't take the bomb off Glint and let Crow go he wouldn't hesitate to slaughter him and his gang off the face of the Reef. Given that Cayde would've likely developed a fearsome reputation due to his actions with the Scorn Barons, Spider would damn well know he wasn't bluffing. You don't fuck with Cayde's Hunters on his watch. -Eventually, Cayde warms up to Crow. And slowly but surely, he starts to come out of the shell he'd been hiding in since Forsaken. -I kinda think Cayde would take up the YW's mantle of Godslayer alongside Crow. Two Hunters kicking ass and taking names. That's all I have for this. If you like any of ideas and want to use them for your own AU, feel free.
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